Welcome to this book.

The number of people around the world who now take the IELTS exam is astounding. By working through this book, you’ll be closer to your IELTS goal and your post-IELTS dream.

McGraw-Hill Education 6 IELTS Practice Tests contains around 25 hours of material. Its six practice tests develop exam technique, and its advice focuses on the Listening and the Academic Reading tests. You’ll do best in IELTS if you use this book together with other materials, like McGraw-Hill Education IELTS, or with classes that improve your vocabulary, grammar, spoken fluency, pronunciation, academic writing style, and knowledge of the world.

Like many things in life, attitude counts with IELTS. By that I don’t mean preparing for a week, then imagining that if you try your best, think positive thoughts, or compliment your Speaking examiner, you’ll receive a high score. I mean realistically assessing where you are now, in relation to where you need to be, and putting in the effort to get there.

For those of you yet to sit IELTS, the exam is not easy, and the tests in this book are at the level of real exams.

For those of you who’ve already sat IELTS, it takes months and even years to go up IELTS bands. Teachers, tutors, classmates, people who comment on websites, friends, parents, loved ones, and writers of books like this will all offer you advice, but the responsibility for your IELTS score lies with you and you alone.

There are three parts to this book: (1) Introduction (pp vii-21): This appraises your general knowledge of IELTS with a Quiz (pp 1-9). It includes information on the four individual tests and the nine band scores. It gives an overall impression of what makes a strong candidate in speaking and writing (pp 6-8). It describes the different question types (pp 11-15) you’ll encounter, and has specific advice on the Listening and Reading tests (pp 18-21).

(2) Tests 1 and 2 (pp 22-114): are mainly printed on right-hand pages, while tips, called ‘How to get a Seven’, are on the left. By following these tips, you’ll be able to predict answers, find cues or signposts, listen or look for paraphrases, understand inference, avoid common errors, and, hopefully, get a Seven.

(3) Tests 3 to 6 (pp 115-227): have no tips. Questions for Tests 3 and 4 are at the level of real IELTS exams, but those for Tests 5 and 6 are slightly higher. This is to help people who have already scored a Six aim for a Seven.

For easy access, answers to activities and tests appear throughout the book. Pay particular attention to the highlighted answers in the recording scripts and reading passages. Go through all the writing and speaking models carefully, so you understand what examiners really expect.
