
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Active asteroids  219
Aeolian process  19, 20f
Age of rock sample 
cosmic ray exposure age  56–57, 57f
fission track dating  55
maturity indices  57–59
radiometric dating 
40Ar/39Ar dating  53–55, 54f
choosing  49–50
derivation  48–49
diffusion  50
isochrons  50–51, 51f
K-Ar  53–55
Rb-Sr dating  51–52, 52f
Sm-Nd system  55
U, Th-Pb system  55, 56f
Age of rocky surfaces, impact craters  59–67
crater counting  61–62
production function  59–61
programs  66–67
secondary craters  63–66
Ahuna Mons  237–239, 238f
AIDA  See Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment (AIDA)
Air  9
Airless bodies  1, 2f, 5
aeolian process  19, 20f
electromagnetic process  19
fluvial process  19–20
history of exploration 
asteroids  31
Mercury  30–31, 31f
Moon  28–29, 29f
Phobos and Deimos  30
ice and volatiles  22–25
impact craters  10
instruments  91t
asteroids  42–44
Mercury  37–40
Moon  33–37
Phobos and Deimos  40–41
solar system  32–33
regolith  18 See also Regolith
resurfacing  21–22
solar wind interactions  180, 181f
space weathering process  15–17, 17f, 19
techniques  See Spectral techniques
temperature  10–14
volatile  See Volatile
volcanism  20–21, 21f
Airless body process 
Ahuna Mons  237–239, 238f
asteroid families  229–230
faculae on Ceres  238–239, 239–240f
grooves  247–250, 248f
irregular mare patches  235–237
lunar swirls  239–242
Phobos and Deimos, dust from  230–231
pits  242–243
chains  245–247
craters  244–245
tides and temperatures  232–234
transient lunar phenomena  231–232
Vesta  234–235
Albedo  73
Almahatta Sitta  43–44
Alpha-Proton X-ray Spectrometer (APXS)  260–261
Angle of repose, regolith  171–172
Angrites  103
Apollo mission  104
Apollo program  33
Apollo samples  122
Archimedes crater  122
Argon-argon (40Ar/39Ar) dating  53–55, 54f
Asteroid  7–8
boulder population on  153, 154f
Ceres and  5
effects on  16, 17f
exploration of  31
families  229–230
levitation on  183
paradigms  42–44
robotic mission 
AIDA  265
DESTINY+ mission  265
funding  264–265
MARS  265–266
operation  263–264
taxonomy  112, 113t
vis-viva equation  189–191
volatiles  205–206, 219–221
Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment (AIDA)  265
Asteroid radar  88
Asteroid regolith ponds  177–179
Asteroid spectral survey  110–115, 111f
Astronomical Unit (AU)  188
Atmospheres  5
substantial  9
Aubrites  103


Band centers  78
Barycenter  187–188
Basalts and brecciated basalts  105
Basins  147
Bennu  263
BepiColombo mission  3, 260, 261f
Black chondrites  132
Bond albedo  73
Boulders  67–69
abundance  67
block size-frequency distribution  67, 69f
defined  67
measurements and techniques  67–69
properties  68t
regolith  152–153
size-frequency distribution  67, 69
Brazil Nut Effect (BNE)  176–177
Brecciated anorthosites  105
Bulk density  99–100
Bus-DeMeo taxonomy  110–112, 131–132
Bus taxonomy  110


Camera modes  109–110
Carbon dioxide snow line  202
Cataclysm  36
Cat Mountain meteorite  105, 106t
C chondrites  102–103
C-complex asteroids  111, 129, 219
Central pit craters  245
Cerealia  238
and asteroids  5
densities of  100
density  24
faculae on  238–239, 239–240f
regolith  174
and Vesta  149
volatile on  217–218
orbiter  1
spacecraft  33–35
Chandrayaan-2  258
Chang’E series  1, 33–34, 257–258
Charge-coupled devices (CCDs)  74–75
Chelyabinsk, dark portion of  131–132
Chinese asteroid mission  265–266
Chinese space agency  259–260
Chips off of Vesta  114–115
Chondrites  102
Chondritic interplanetary dust particles  107
Christiansen features  77, 130
Citizen science projects  271
Citizen scientists  270–271
Clementine  34
Cliffs, regolith  172
Closure temperature  50
Cohesion  43–44
regolith and dust  166–167
Cold trapping  24, 199–200, 206–208
Collapse craters  242–243
Color index  86
Comets lunar swirls  242
Comets, volatile  205–206
Complex craters  149, 150f
Compositional analyses, rocky surfaces  See Rocky surfaces
Continuous ejecta blanket  147
Copernicus  116
Cosmic Ray Exposure (CRE) age  56–57, 57f
Cosmic Vision  256
Cracks  159–160
Crater counting  61–62
formation  145–147, 146f
impact  See Impact craters
interpreting  97–98
Crater statistics programs  66–67
Creep, regolith  169–171
Crossover region  77
Cumulative plot  62, 63f


DART  See Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART)
Data collection  47–48
Data mining  270
Data processing  270–271
Data storage  270
Dating surfaces, space weathering  134–136
Dawn (Vesta/Ceres)  1–2
Dawn GRaND instrument  217–218
Dawn spacecraft  264
D-class asteroid spectra  112
Debris curtain  168
Decadal survey process  256
Deep Space Gateway  266
Deimos  3
asteroid taxonomies  112
dust from  230–231
exploration of  30
paradigms  40–41
robotic mission  261–262
volatile  221–222
Delay-Doppler space  88
Delta-v  190–191
Depth and retention, regolith  160–162
DESTINY+ mission  265
Detection, volatile  206
Didymos system  265
Diffusion  50
Diogenites  103
Discontinuous ejecta blanket  147
Discovery missions  256
Doppler shift  88
Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART)  265
Downslope movement, regolith 
angle of repose  171–172
creep  169–171
seismic shaking and regolith convection  174–177
slumping and landslides  172–174
Dust  See also Regolith and dust
levitation  180–182
Phobos and Deimos  230–231


remote sensing data from  96
volatile  205
E asteroids  111
E chondrites  102–103
Ejecta, regolith and dust  167–168
Electromagnetic process  19
Electrostatic effects and levitation, regolith  180–183
Emission spectra  77
Emitted light  74
Endogenic volatile  201–205
Enstatite achondrites  103
Eros  2f
pit chains  246, 247f
ponds on  177–179, 178f, 183
Eucrites  103
European space agency  259, 262
Exogenic volatile  205–206
Exploration  See also specific types
asteroids  31
Mercury  30–31, 31f
Moon  28–29, 29f
Phobos and Deimos  30


Faculae on Ceres  238–239, 239–240f
Fatigue  157, 158f
Fischer Tropsch–type reactions  129
Flagship missions  256
Flood basalts  96–97
Floor pits  245
Framing cameras  109–110


Gamma-ray spectrometers (GRS)  81f, 82
Gamma-ray spectroscopy  81
Ganymede  4f
Gardening, regolith  154–155
Gaspra  31, 32f, 42
Genesis mission  109
Giant Impact theory  33
Grains and space weathering  127–129
The Grand Tack  32–33
Granular convection  177
Greenhouse effect  10–12
Grooves  247–250, 248f


Hapke modeling  79
Hartmann plot (H-plot)  62, 64f
Hayabusa mission  44, 108–109
Hayabusa 2 mission  2, 263
Hayabusa X-ray measurements  130
Howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites  100–101, 103, 114–115
Vesta and  124–125
Howardites  103
Human exploration  257, 266, 267f
data storage and processing  269–271
in situ resource utilization  266–268
and regolith  268–269
Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD)  259–260
Hydrated interplanetary dust particles  107


Ice and volatiles  22–25
Ida  42
IDPs  See Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs)
Impact craters  10, 59–67, 145, 146f
crater counting  61–62
production function  59–61
programs  66–67
secondary craters  63–66
Impact ejecta blankets  147
Impact-melt breccia  105
size  10, 11t
speed of  10, 11t
Inclination  188
India, lunar program  258
Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC)  270
In situ resource utilization (ISRU)  266–268
Instruments, airless bodies  91t
International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG)  266
Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs)  106–107
Iron meteorites  103
Irregular mare patches (IMP)  235–237
Isochrons  50–51, 51f
Itokawa  42–43, 42f


The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)  108


Kaguya  33–34
K-Ar dating  See Potassium-Argon (K-Ar) dating
K chondrites  102–103
Keck/NASA Reflectance Experiment Laboratory (RELAB)  270
Keplerian orbital elements  188, 189f
Kirchhoff’s law  74
Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO)  258, 259f


Lag deposits, regolith  160
Landslides, regolith  172–174
Large-scale impacts  145–151
Laser altimetry  89–90, 90f, 263
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)  80
Layer silicate chondritic particles  107
LCROSS  See Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS)
Leonardo sketch  28f
Levitation of dust on asteroids  183
LIBS  See Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)
Lightcurves  86–87
Loss, volatile  209–211
Low-albedo surfaces, space weathering on  129
Low-reflectance material (LRM)  213
LRO  See Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)
Lucy mission  264
LunaH-Map  259–260
Luna program  33
compositions  126–127
impact, Moon  35–37
meteorites  104–105
observations  182
regolith  268–269, 269f
Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS)  213–214
impactor  34
Lunar exploration  29, 29f
robotic mission 
asteroids  262–266
Mercury  260–261
Moon  257–260
Phobos and Deimos  261–262
science goals  255–257
Lunar Flashlight mission  259–260
Lunar IceCube  259–260
Lunar Prospector  34
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)  1, 34–35
LRO NAC  110
Lunar swirls  239–242


Magnitudes, brightness in  84–86
Main belt comets (MBCs)  219
Mariner 10  269
Mars Express (MEx) mission  41
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) mission  41, 221–222
Martian Moons Exploration (MMX) mission  261–262
M asteroids  111
Maturation  57
Maturity indices  57–59
Megaregolith  156–157, 156f See also Regolith
Mercury  3, 37–38
exploration of  30–31, 31f
ice deposits  24, 25f
lunar swirls  242
pit Craters  244–245, 245f
robotic mission  260–261
sulfur on  130–131
surface composition  39–40
volatile on  211–213
volatiles on  38–39
Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS)  83–84, 84f
Mercury lander mission  260–261
Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA)  89
Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO)  260
Mercury orbit  14, 15f
Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO)  260
Mesosiderites  103
MESSENGER mission  3, 30–31, 37–39, 161–162, 260, 269
Meteorites  100–106
effects on  16, 17f
history of  105–106
types  101–105, 102f
Microgravity, cohesion in  166–167
Micrometeorites (MMs)  106–107
impacts  152
Microphase  127–128
MINERVA-II-1A, -1B, -II  263
Mini-SAR instrument  34, 35f
MMX (Japanese mission)  3
Mohr-Coulomb failure  166
Monte Carlo model  208
Moon  33–34
exploration of  28–29, 29f
and Ganymede  4, 4f
hydroxyl (OH)  24
lunar impact  35–37
and Mercury  5
pit chains  245–246
pits  243, 244f
remote sensing data from  96
resonance  16
robotic mission  257–260
space-weathering process  126
volatile on  213–215
water on  34–35
Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M334–35
Morphological imaging  109–110
Multiple Asteroids Rendezvous and in situ Survey Mission (MARS)  265–266


Nanophase  127–128
Narrow-angle camera (NAC)  110
Near-Infrared Spectrometer  263
NEAR Shoemaker mission  42–43
Nectaris  37
Neutron spectrometers (NS)  81f, 82
Neutron spectroscopy, volatile  206
New Frontiers missions  256
The Nice Model Phase  32–33, 36–37
Nitrogen snow line  202
Nonchondritic interplanetary dust particles  107


Obliquity  10–12
OC  See Ordinary chondrites (OC)
OCAMS  263–264
Occator Crater  238, 239f
O chondrites  102–103
Olivine chondritic particles  107
OMAT (optical maturity) technique  70–72, 70–72f, 115–117, 117f
lunar swirls  240
Regolith creep  169–171
space weathering  134–136
Optical Navigation Camera  263
Orbital considerations 
elements  187–188
Poynting-Robertson drag  195–196
Roche limit  195
solar radiation pressure  195–196
vis-viva equation  189–191
Yarkovsky effect  191–192, 192f
YORP torque  193–195
Ordinary chondrites (OC)  122–123
asteroids  123–125
meteorites  103, 122–123
Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx)  2, 263–264, 264f
Oumuamua orbit  188


asteroids  42–44
Mercury  37–40
Moon  33–37
Phobos and Deimos  40–41
solar system  32–33
P asteroids  111
Permanently shadowed regions (PSRs)  199–200, 210f
asteroids  221
Mercury  211–212
Moon  214–215
retention of volatiles  209
Phaethon perihelion  233–234, 234f
Phobos  2f, 3
asteroid taxonomies  112
dust from  230–231
exploration of  30
grooves  247–250
paradigms  40–41
robotic mission  261–262
volatile  221–222
Phobos Grunt spacecraft  262
Phootprint  262
Photoelectric effect  180
Photogeology  109
Photoionization  210
Photometry  82–83
Pits  242–243
chains  245–247
craters  244–245
Planetary Data System (PDS)  270
Plasma interactions  132–134
Polarization ratio  88–89
Ponds, regolith  177–179
Potassium-Argon (K-Ar) dating  53–55
Poynting-Robertson drag  195–196
Primitive achondrites  103
Production function  59–61
Projects, citizen science  271
PSRs  See Permanently shadowed regions (PSRs)
Psyche mission  4, 264–265
Pushbroom imagers  109–110
Pyroxene chondritic particles  107


Radar  87–89
asteroid  88
measurements  3
Radiometric dating 
40Ar/39Ar  53–55, 54f
choosing  49–50
derivation  48–49
diffusion  50
isochrons  50–51, 51f
K-Ar  53–55
Rb-Sr  51–52, 52f
Sm-Nd system  55
U, Th-Pb system  55, 56f
Raman shift  80
Raman spectroscopy  80
Rb-Sr dating  See Rubidium-87/strontium-87 (Rb-Sr) dating
R chondrites  102–103
Reflectance spectroscopy  74–79
crossover region  77
emission spectra  77
spectral measurements  78–79
transmission spectra  76–77
Regolith  18, 22, 23f, 57, 144–145
boulders  152–153
convection  174–177
depth and retention of  160–162
gardening  154–155
human exploration and  268–269
hydrogen in  133
lag deposits  160
large-scale impact  145–151
megaregolith  156–157, 156f
small-scale impact  152
thermal fracturing  157–160
Regolith and dust  165–166
cohesion  166–167
downslope movement 
angle of repose  171–172
creep  169–171
seismic shaking and regolith convection  174–177
slumping and landslides  172–174
ejecta  167–168
electrostatic effects and levitation  180–183
ponds  177–179
regime  165–166
Regolith creep  169–171
Relative plot (R-plot)  62, 64f
Remote elemental composition technique  81–82
Remote sensing  95–96
asteroid spectral survey  110–115, 111f
bulk density  99–100
craters, interpreting  97–98
from Earth  96
Genesis mission  109
Hayabusa mission  108–109
interplanetary dust particles  106–107
measurements  3
meteorites  See Meteorites
Moon  96
morphological imaging  109–110
optical maturity  115–117
Stardust mission  107–108
for volatiles  206
Resetting space weathering  136–139
Resonance, Mercury  14, 15f
Resurfacing  21–22
Retention of volatile  209
Robotic mission 
asteroids  262–266
Mercury  260–261
Moon  257–260
Phobos and Deimos  261–262
Roche limit  195
Rock sample, age of  See Age of rock sample
Rocky airless bodies  27 See also Airless bodies
Rocky surfaces 
age of  See Age of rocky surfaces
compositional analyses 
albedo  73
emitted light  74
Kirchhoff’s law  74
laser altimetry  89–90, 90f
LIBS  80
lightcurves  86–87
magnitudes, brightness in  84–86
photometry  82–83
radar  87–89
Raman spectroscopy  80
reflectance spectroscopy  See Reflectance spectroscopy
remote elemental composition technique  81–82
spectrophotometry  83–84
Rovers  263
Rubble pile internal structures  157
Rubidium-87/strontium-87 (Rb-Sr) dating  51–52, 52f
Russian Phobos-Grunt mission  30
Russian space agency  259


Samarium-147/neodymium-143 system (Sm-Nd)  55
Sample return mission  257
S asteroids  123–124
Science goals  255–257
Scientist, roles  270–271
S-class asteroids  122–123
S-class spectra  122–123
S complex asteroids  111
S-complex NEA population  135–136
Secondary craters  63–66
SED  See Spectral energy distribution (SED)
Seismic shaking, regolith  174–177
SELENE-R mission  258
SETI@home project  271
Shielding lunar swirls  242
Shock darkening  131–132
Simple craters  147
Size-frequency distribution (SFD)  60–61
SKG  See Strategic knowledge gap (SKG)
SLIM  See Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM)
Sloan Digital Sky Survey data  270
SLS  See Space Launch System (SLS)
Slumping, regolith  172–174
Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM)  258
Sm-Nd  See Samarium-147/neodymium-143 system (Sm-Nd)
Snow line  202
Solar radiation pressure  195–196
Solar system paradigms  32–33
Solar wind implantation  132–134
Sorting lunar swirls  242
South Pole-Aitken (SPA) 
basin  37, 37f
sample return mission  257
Space Launch System (SLS)  259–260
Space weathering 
dating surfaces with  134–136
definition  121–122
grains and  127–129
implications of  121–122
on low-albedo surfaces  129
problem of  122–125
processes of  15–17, 17f, 19, 125–127
resetting  136–139
shock darkening  131–132
solar wind implantation and plasma interactions  132–134
sulfur and  130–131
wavelengths  130
Spectral energy distribution (SED)  77, 78f
Spectral measurements  78–79, 79f
Spectral techniques 
albedo  73
emitted light  74
Kirchhoff’s law  74
laser altimetry  89–90
LIBS  80
lightcurves  86–87
magnitudes, brightness in  84–86
photometry  82–83
radar  87–89
Raman spectroscopy  80
reflectance spectroscopy  See Reflectance spectroscopy
remote elemental composition technique  81–82
spectrophotometry  83–84
Spectrophotometry  83–84
Spectroscopic measurements, volatile  206, 207f
Spectroscopy  74–75 See also specific types
Spin barrier  193–195
Sputtering process  211
Stardust mission  107–108
Stickney crater  247–249
Strategic knowledge gap (SKG)  257
Subsidence craters  242–243
Sulfur and space weathering  130–131
Summit pits  245
Sun, volatile  205
Surface composition, Mercury  39–40
Swirls, lunar  239–242


extremes  10–14
resurfacing  232–234
Terminal Lunar Cataclysm (TLC)  36–37
Terrestrial analogs  96–98
Themis, volatile  219
Thermal fatigue  157–158, 158f
Thermal fracturing, regolith  157–160
Thermal inertia  12–13
Thermal Infrared Imager  263
Tholen taxonomy  110–111
Th-rich material  104
Tides, resurfacing  232–234
Time delay and integration (TDI) cameras  109–110
TLC  See Terminal Lunar Cataclysm (TLC)
Transient lunar phenomena (TLPs)  20–21, 231–232
Transmission spectra  76–77
Transparency features  77
Transportation, volatile  206–208, 208f
Tycho crater  116, 122, 123f


United States, planetary exploration  255–257
U-Pb ages  36
Uranium, thorium-lead (U, Th-Pb)  55, 56f


van der Waals forces  166–167
V class asteroid spectra  112, 114
Velocity, launch  168
Vesta  2, 2f, 24, 44
densities of  100
and HED meteorites  124–125
grooves  249
hydroxyl and hydrogen  234–235
regolith of  235
volatile on  216
Vesta-HED connection  114–115
Vinalia Faculae  238
Vis-viva equation  189–191
V magnitude  86
Voids  243
on asteroids  219–221
on Ceres  217–218
definition  200–201
detection  206
endogenic  201–205
exogenic  205–206
ice and  22–25
loss  209–211
on Mercury  38–39, 211–213
on Moon  213–215
Phobos and Deimos  221–222
retention of  209
temperature  199–200, 200f
transportation  206–208, 208f
on Vesta  216
Volcanism  20–21, 21f


Water on Moon  34–35
Wavelengths, space weathering  130
Weathering process  15–17, 17f, 19 See also Space weathering
Wentworth Scale  143–144, 144t
Wide-angle camera (WAC)  110
Wien’s displacement law  74


X complex asteroids  111
X-ray spectroscopy  81


Yarkovsky effect  191–192, 192f, 230, 230f
YORP force  43–44, 138–139, 160–161, 193–195


Zeami impact basin  214f