Page numbers in italics refer to tables and charts.
acanthosis nigricans, 220
acetylcholine, 136
acne, 47, 140, 205, 206, 210, 211, 223–24, 229, 230
ACTH (adrenocorticotropin), 92, 320, 329
acting “as if,” 297
and low estrogen, 190
for PCOS, 227–28
and PMS, 147
adaptogens, 109–10
Addison’s disease (primary adrenal insufficiency), 91, 118, 320
adenocarcenoma, 249
adiponectin, 42
function of, 329
adopokines, 214
adrenal cortex, 94
adrenal dysregulation, 50, 268, 320
downward spiral from adrenal health to, 93–94
as overlooked in mainstream medicine, 33, 71, 82
stress and, 277
see also dysregulated (high/low) cortisol
adrenal glands, 12, 61, 81, 91, 92, 272, 320
function of, 42, 44, 90–91, 128–29, 208, 247, 272
stress and, 5, 6, 61, 71, 76, 77, 114
tumors of, 206
adrenaline, see epinephrine (adrenaline)
agency, sense of, 206
accelerated, 6, 8, 20, 79–80, 84, 213, 253, 276, 290
biological vs. chronological, 84, 86
cortisol and, 78–82
decelerated, xi, xiii, xviii, 119, 260
degenerative, 14
estrogen dominance in, 153
hormonal arc in, 274–75
hormone imbalance and, xix, 35, 49, 240, 250, 264
and low progesterone, 133
misconceptions about, xii
and multiple imbalances, 270–75
organ reserve in, 5–6
ovaries in, 61, 127–28, 142, 150, 156–57, 163, 272–73, 283
as thyroid misdiagnosis, 234–36, 243
alcohol consumption, xvi, xviii, 52, 62, 87, 156, 194
limiting of, 1, 101, 135, 139, 165–66, 168, 171, 202, 219, 288, 292
Alice in Wonderland, 255
allergies, allergens, in supplements, 38
allopregnanolone, 122, 125, 132
allostatic load index, 96
alternate-nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana), 109
Alzheimer’s disease, 48, 80, 86–87, 212, 231, 244
amenorrhea, 92, 184–86, 187, 268
American Association for Clinical Chemistry, 242
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, 242
American Institute of Stress, 76
American Psychological Association, 76
amino acids, 3, 8, 17, 39, 93, 99, 104, 166
Amish, low obesity rate in, 168–69
AM/PM Perimenopausal Formula, 175, 195
Amy (patient), low cortisol in, 95–96
amygdala, 53, 62, 76, 83, 102, 263–64, 278, 320
anabolic hormones, 320
Androgen Excess and PCOS Society, 214, 225
balanced, 230
and cortisol, 276
and estrogen, 210
excess, see high androgens
and health problems, 205
in infertility, 34
levels of, 207
and viralization, 205–6
anemia, 222
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 266
anomia, 47
anovulation, 127, 139, 161, 213, 215, 272, 320
PCOS and, 216
antecedents, 268
antidepressants, 7, 8, 58, 62, 112, 148, 197, 232, 234
as overprescribed, 65–66
antiestrogen medications, controversy over, 169–71
anti-mullerian hormone (AMH), 183
antinuclear antibodies, 222
antipsychotics, 148
antitransglutaminase antibodies, 186
antral-follicle count, 183
anxiety, xv, 9, 23, 39, 47, 48, 65, 89, 90, 95, 101, 104, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 119, 129, 147, 215, 259
estrogen levels and, 191–94
menstruation and, 138–39
progesterone levels and, 132, 135
U.S. rate for, 4
apathy, 78
appetite, low estrogen and, 179–80
Aristotle, 74
Arizona, University of, Center for Integrative Medicine, xix, 112
armour (dessicated thyroid hormone), 321
aromatization, 164
arrhythmia, 250
artificial light, 81
Ashramas, four developmental stages in, 64
ashwagandha (Withania somnifera; Indian ginseng), 110, 111–12, 314, 321
Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng), 110–11, 193, 313, 317
Asparagus racemosus, 193
atrial fibrillation, 250
autoimmune conditions, 114, 222
autoimmune thyroiditis, see Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (autoimmune thyroiditis)
avoidance coping, 74
Ayurveda, 17, 110, 111, 138, 193, 202, 256, 287, 321
Ball, Lucille, 232
basal temperature, 245
behavioral disengagement coping (BDC), 103
Benson, Herbert, 106
bi-est, 202
binding protiens, 239
biohacking, xx
bioidentical hormones, 10, 194, 202, 321
controversy over, 196–199, 201–2
for high cortisol, 114–15
for low cortisol, 118
low dosage and short duration recommended for, 17, 100, 256, 291
media distortion of, 198
progesterone, 142–46
in three-step strategy, 17
vs. synthetic, 202–3
see also specific hormone imbalances
biomarkers, 321
BioResponse Nutrients, 173
bipolar disorder, 248
birth control pill (BCP):
advantages, 139–40
disadvantages of, 140–41
for hormone balance, 8, 65, 128, 139, 225, 273, 275
bisphenol-A (BPA), 160–61, 171, 228, 245, 247, 268
Blackburn, Elizabeth, 84
bladder infections, 199
bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosis), 138, 256, 315
Bland, Jeffrey, xix
bloating, 6, 138–39, 144, 147, 153, 178, 185, 248, 250
blog, author’s, 14
blood clots, 113, 140, 141, 145, 152, 170, 197, 198
blood pressure, 72, 93, 94, 109, 110, 116, 118, 227
diastolic, 227
high, xix, 15, 20, 77, 82, 86, 102–3, 173–74, 219, 221, 228, 255, 266
in men vs. women, 75
blood sugar, 72, 77, 79, 85, 93, 108, 110, 118, 163, 212, 223
blood tests, for hair loss, 222
blunted response, 78
body fat, 214–15
body mass index, 164, 171, 184, 191, 225
bones, 158
weakening of, 82, 87, 95, 180, 185, 192, 249, 250, 281
botanicals (herbal therapies), 100, 321–22
appropriate subjects for, 40
cautions about adverse effects of, 40, 110, 111, 117
guidelines for, 39–40
for hormone balance, 3, 83, 109–13
inconclusive evidence for, 110–12
ineffective or unproven, 195–96, 256
procedure for adding, 40
in three-step strategy, 17
see also specific hormone imbalances
cognitive function of, 20, 47, 63, 80, 86, 96, 108, 110, 114, 185, 203, 231
hemispheres of, 109
hormonal effect on, xx, 43, 50, 57
as hormone control center, 16, 45, 127, 182, 184, 237, 241, 263–64
injury, 92
middle-aged, 59
overactivated, 282
in perimenopause, 62–63
in puberty, 150
response to perceived danger by, 78
vigilance centers of, 52–54
brain chemicals (neurotransmitters):
“feel-good,” 8, 51, 59, 78, 81, 93, 112, 129, 136, 147, 150, 151, 180, 197, 270
in hormone balance, xx, 3, 8, 42, 43, 74–75, 90–91, 263–64
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), 62, 63, 280
brain fog, xv, 4, 20, 47, 85, 152, 153, 166, 203, 236, 254, 266, 274
BRCA 1 and 2 genes, 169
breast density, 169
breastfeeding, see lactation
breast tenderness, 47, 127, 129, 149, 152, 153, 200
alternate-nostril, 109
diaphragmatic (abdominal), 106
paced, 181
broccoli, 173
bruxism, 101
Buddha’s Brain (Hanson), 106
burnout, 88, 95, 173, 246, 286, 322
diagnosis of, 96–97
B vitamins, 3, 93, 100–101, 117, 141, 227, 266, 321
caffeine, 73, 86, 100, 115, 166, 265, 280, 296
and PMS, 147
weaning from, 101, 105, 119, 135, 147, 171, 188, 200, 288
California, University of:
at Berkeley, 198
at Los Angeles, 74
at San Francisco, xviii, 64, 84, 168
cancer, xix, 113, 132, 145, 191, 205, 212
bowel, 249
breast, xxi, 6, 12, 20, 47, 97, 107, 135, 141, 145, 155, 156, 158–59, 162–64, 165, 167–70, 171, 175, 184, 188, 191, 192–93, 195, 196, 197, 201, 219
celiac disease and, 249
cervical, 155
endometrial, 122, 131–32, 155, 159, 170, 171, 175, 197, 219
environmental toxins in, 158–61
genetics in, 16, 141, 169, 195
low thyroid and treatment of, 248
obesity and, 162–63
ovarian, 97, 112, 140, 141, 167–68, 175, 196, 197, 216
PCOS and, 219
prostate, 155
telomeres and, 84
canned food, 160, 161, 171, 228, 247
Cannon, Walter, 74
cardiomyopathy, 250
case studies, 19
see also specific cases
Casey (case study), high androgens and PCOS in, 225–26
catabolic dominance, 322
catabolic hormones, 322
cataracts, 236
catecholamines, 63
catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), 62–63
Catherine (patient), 180–81
celiac disease, 185–86
and low thyroid, 248–50
cells, 173
binding proteins in, 237
breakdown and repair in, 6, 81
cortisol absorption by, 79
death of, see apoptosis
glucose in, 211
hormone levels inside of, 55, 129, 240
hormones and, 45
insulin resistance as serious problem for, 212–14
intestinal, 249
islet, 212
nerve, 63
red blood, 207
sensitive vs. numb, 270
stress and, 77
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 165, 251, 255
cerebellum, 52
ceruloplasmin, 253
being proactive in, xxi
stability through, 77
stages of, 297–98
strength-based approach to, 300–301
sustaining, xxi
Charlie’s Angels, xvii
analogy for estrogen, thyroid, and cortisol team, 44, 51–52, 130, 272, 290, 306, 307
Charlotte (case study):
on aging, 274–75
high cortisol in, 85–86
chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus), 36, 50, 139, 195, 287, 314, 322
author’s experience with, 141–42
choice of, 137–38
for low progesterone, 136–38, 142
for PMS, 148
Cheryl (case study), high testosterone in, 209–10
bleeding in, 92
gender rate in, 159
postpartum response to, 179
avoidance of herbal remedies for, 40
couples with, 75
and energy, 63
environmental toxins and, 161
iodine in, 174
mercury and learning disabilities in, 166–67
stress in, 103
stress in coping with, 58, 115, 119, 173, 281
trauma in, 93–94
vigilance and, 83
cholesterol, 90, 98, 133, 193, 200, 225, 231, 232
HDL (good), 86, 145, 192, 210, 229
LDL (bad), 192
vitamin D and, 44
chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), 95, 322
chronic stress response, 322
circadian rhythms, 54, 80–81, 247, 322
circulation, 53
Climara, 197
clomiphene citrate (Clomid), 226, 227, 228, 322
coldness, xvi
coleus, 256
collagen, 152
computerized axial tomography (CAT; CT), 322
conception, 123, 151, 229, 274
delayed, 140
hormone testing for, 7
congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), 91, 215–16, 322
congestive heart failure, 250
Conley, Chip, 277
copper IUD, 140
corpse pose (Savasana), 88
cortex (thinking brain), 52–53, 76
corticosteroids, 114
cortisol, 19, 63, 98, 133, 156, 171, 215, 229, 231, 322
and aging, 78–82
bioidentical, 314
and DHEA, 193
in estrogen, thyroid, and cortisol team, 44, 51–52, 130, 272, 290, 306, 307
in estrogen dominance, 158
excess, see high cortisol
ideal levels for, 32–33, 78–79
lack of, see low cortisol (hypocortisolism)
ligh/low, see dysregulated (high/low) cortisol
as a major hormone for women, 42, 271
in multiple hormone imbalances, 276
in Pregnenolone Steal, 128–29
production in adrenals of, 5, 42, 76, 90, 128–29, 247
in reaction to threat and danger, 45, 51, 75–76, 94
release of, 5
signs of balance in, 119–20
as stress hormone, 7, 42–43, 45–46, 49, 53, 71, 72–75, 129, 147, 215, 264, 269–70, 273
synthetic, 114
tests for, 32–33
cortisol awakening response (CAR), 80, 83, 323
cortisol resistance, 45, 50, 55, 62, 269–71
cotton, organic, 162
Council for Responsible Nutrition, 37
hormonal issues dismissed as, 231, 234
sense of, xvi, 57, 59, 89–90, 119, 180, 278, 289
cues, for habit-forming, 296
CurcumaSorb, 175
Curcumax Pro, 175
Cushing’s syndrome, 82, 93, 325
ovarian, 206, 213; see also polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
string-of-pearls pattern (Pearl Sign) in, 213, 216, 225
cytokines, 214
dairy, 139, 164, 171, 224, 226, 227, 256
allergy to, 38
Dalton, Katharina, 141
Dandy Blend, 188
d-chiro-inositol (DCI), 227, 319
deafness, 246
DEHP, 161
dental fillings, 255
depression, xii, xxi, 9, 23, 47, 48, 51, 86, 88, 95, 108, 111, 112, 114, 125, 138, 145, 148
estrogen and, 153, 180, 191, 192, 193, 196, 197
genetics in, 16
multiple imbalances in, 266
after stress, 62
U.S. rate for, 4
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), 19, 90, 94, 111, 193, 210, 215, 274, 276, 323
high cortisol and low, 114–15
and low energy, 229
DHEAS (sulfated dehydroepiandrosterone), 111, 114, 165
androgens and, 34, 212–13, 220, 227
environmental toxins and, 160–61
type 2 (adult onset), 162–63, 213, 226
Diagnosis: Mercury (Hightower), 166
diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing, 106
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), 162
for estrogen control, 164–66, 184–85
Gottfried Protocol for, xvi, 8, 139, 337–38
for hair loss, 254
healthy, 87, 119, 260, 305, 306
for high androgens, 223–25, 226, 227
in hormone balance, xx, xxii, 8, 45, 112, 118, 216, 290
for iron, 254–55
for low estrogen, 188–89
no-white-stuff, xviii, 165, 293
spiritual and psychological aspects of, 287
and weight maintenance, 286–88, 292, 293, 295
diet soda, 171
Dietz, Lillian Teubner “Mud,” as author’s inspiration, xi, xvii–xxi, 170, 305, 306, 307
digestion, 53, 72, 77, 93, 223, 231
dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 211, 221, 227, 252
function of, 330
Di-indolemethane (DIM), 172–74, 315, 323
diminished ovarian reserve (DOR; premature menopause), 156–57, 181, 182, 183, 186, 187, 188, 200, 269
diosgenin, 142
dioxin, 245
as focus of mainstream medicine, 13
prevention of, 11
thiazide, 255
diurnal cortisol measurement, 80, 85, 115
diurnal cortisol panel, 32–33
diurnal cycle, 32, 49–50, 54, 80–82, 323
DNA, 168
intercellular interaction between hormones and, 55
menopause and, 128
telomeres in, 84
doctors, practitioners:
as dismissive of women’s hormonal issues, xv, xvi, 6, 11, 31, 34, 67, 82, 89–90, 93–94, 96–97, 178, 183–84, 211, 231, 233–35, 241, 243, 261, 306, 334–35
duration of appointment with, 11
finding the right, 97, 235, 267, 306, 333–35
partnering with, xiii, xvi, xx–xxi, 16, 31, 97, 261, 265, 267, 304–5
perimenopause not understood by, 56
visionary, xix–xx
websites for, 335
when to consult, 19, 31, 32, 33, 39–40, 82, 99, 100, 112, 116, 118, 126, 130, 148, 166, 170, 179, 185, 196, 197, 200, 205–6, 214, 216, 219, 222, 229, 260, 261, 279
dong quai, 195
Donna (case study), progesterone cream use for, 143–44
dopamine, 62, 63, 78, 81, 93, 108, 112, 136, 147, 150, 291, 298, 323
double-blind trials, 323
downstream chemicals, 50
DQ2 gene, 249
DQ8 gene, 249
drosperinone, 140
Duhigg, Charles, 296
dwarfism, 246
Dweck, Carol, 293
dysregulated (high/low) cortisol, 32, 47, 48–49, 71–120, 269–70, 271, 275–76, 278–84
and low estrogen, 281–82
science of, 278–79, 280–81, 283–84
and sex hormones, 280–84
and thyroid, 278–79
dysthymia, 47
eczema (atopic dermatitis), 14, 323
egg donors, 183
depletion of, 128, 133, 153, 156–57, 182–83, 188
maturation sequence of, 216
in PCOS, 216
production and release of, 59–61, 123, 124, 127, 157
electrolyte imbalance, 94
eleutherosides, 110
elimination, 53, 155, 164, 231, 243
Emotional Equations (Conley), 276
mathematical formulas for, 277
and stress, 264
emWave HeartMath, 102
endocrine disruptors, 11, 99, 104, 128, 158–59, 244–45, 247, 253
in multiple imbalances, 268
see also environmental toxins
endocrine glands:
hormones released by, 5, 186–87
see also glandulars, glandular therapy (natural dessicated thyroid); specific glands
endogenous, 323
endometriosis, 47, 122, 131, 145, 152, 187, 323
energy, xxii, 15, 19, 21, 43, 51, 77, 105–6, 174, 191
adrenal function in, 61
DHEA and, 229
glucose and, 72
thyroid function in, 43, 232, 237, 239, 262
environmental toxins, 11, 37–38, 49, 99, 158–62, 234, 237, 244–45, 268
effect on animals of, 159
everyday sources of, 159–62, 247
reducing exposure to, 161–62, 171, 245
Environmental Working Group, 160, 162
epidemiologists, 323
epigenetic effect, 168
epinephrine (adrenaline), 62, 81, 91, 101, 112, 128, 298, 324
for fertilty, 284
for hormone combinations, 277
for PMS, 282
erectile dysfunction, 111
Erikson, Erik, 64
Estrace, 202
estradiol, 60, 154–55, 156, 177, 179, 199, 208, 282, 324
and cancer risk, 167
levels of, 130, 152, 171, 183, 184–85, 189, 200
in perimenopause, 127–28
estradiol cream, 177, 180, 199–200, 202
estriol, 154, 156, 179, 199, 202
function of, 330
estriol cream, 199
estrogen, 19, 59, 63, 113, 231, 236, 264, 269, 276, 280, 298, 324
and androgens, 210
application of, 199–200
artificial, 153
in balance, 203–4
bioidentical vs. synthetic, 202–3
in conception, 7
in endometriosis, 131
in estrogen, thyroid, and cortisol team, 44, 51–52, 130, 272, 290, 306, 307
excess, see high estrogen
feminizing effects of, 121, 150–52, 178, 203
food and, 184
function of, 42–43, 65, 121, 151–52, 330
ideal balance of, 177–78
lack of, see low estrogen
local application of, 199–200
as a major hormone for women, 42–43
mimicking of, see xenoestrogens
neurhormonal benefits of, 197
production and release of, 5, 42, 90, 121, 163–64, 215
-progesterone balance, 121–22, 123, 127–28, 130, 151–53, 178, 199, 203, 219; see also estrogen dominance
reasons not to take, 197
and testosterone, 208–9
types of, 154
estrogen, thyroid, and cortisol team, 44, 51–52, 130, 272
estrogen dominance (dysestrogenism), 122, 145, 213
background on, 152–54
cortisol-linked, 158
science of, 154–71
seven root causes of, 156–58
estrogen family, 46
estrogen metabolites, 154, 156
estrogen (estradiol) patch, 176, 179, 197, 200, 201, 290
estrogen receptors, 152, 158, 167, 174, 191, 192, 199, 244–45
estrogen withdrawal, 197
function of, 330
evening primrose oil, 252
importance of, 8–11
providing doctors with, 35
evidence-based integration, xx
exemestane (Aromasin), 169–70
exercise, xviii, xx, 45, 56, 57, 63, 66, 87, 99, 113, 168, 172, 174, 265, 295–96, 303, 305, 306
calming effect of, 54
and LPD, 126–27
moderate or recreational, 8, 84–85, 147, 190, 224
and PMS, 147
strenuous or extreme, 103–4, 185, 187, 224
youthfulness through, 84
fasting glucose level, 70, 86, 212, 214, 216, 222
fatigue, xv, 3, 4, 15, 23, 47, 48, 51, 52, 58, 78, 85, 89, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 105, 110, 111, 112
mercury and, 166
multiple imbalances in, 265–66, 276, 278, 279
thyroid hormone and, 232, 237, 244, 248, 254, 279
Faulkner, William, 113
feedback loops:
between brain and hormones, 45, 237, 264, 291
in hormone interactions, 49–50, 77, 90, 157, 239, 241
negative, 124
Femal, 181
female androgenic alopecia (FAGA), 211, 228
Female Brain, The (Brizendine), 122
ferrous fumerate, 255
ferrous sulfate, 255
BCPs in, 140
equation for, 284
sex hormones and, 42, 157, 179, 182, 199, 205, 264
Fertility Blend, 137
fetus, 123
fiber, 155, 156, 171, 184, 189
content in foods, 223
fibroglandular volume, percent of, 169
fibroids, 47, 131, 144, 176, 178, 197
fight-or-flight response, 53, 76, 88, 227
in men, 74–75
vs. relaxation, 107
mercury in, 166–67, 171, 224, 255
wild vs. farm-raised, 224–25
fish oil, vii, xvi, 8, 36, 37, 39, 104, 105, 115, 224, 290, 313
flushing, 152
lack of, xv, 61, 170, 173, 179
yoga for, 107–8
follicles, 123
hair, 221
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 182, 187, 189, 200, 324
function of, 330
as test for egg supply, 183
Food Addicts, 299
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 36, 37, 38, 144, 170, 197, 202, 257n, 258, 259
forest dwellers (middle-age), 64
Forest Pharmaceuticals, 257
forgiveness, 304
training, 102–3
formaldehyde, 162
4P Medicine: Predictive, Participatory, Preventive, and Personalized, xx
Free Androgen Index (FAI), 34
free radicals, 100
free-testosterone level, tests for, 34
FTO gene, 168
Fukushima, Japan, nuclear plant meltdown in, 251
Gail (case study), high cortisol in, 105–6
gallstones, gallbladder disease, xix, 197, 198
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 50, 122, 125, 132
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 324
gender identity, 205
alteration of, 16
in breast cancer, 167–69
in high androgens, 214–15
hormone imbalance and, 49, 50, 71, 91, 98
in menopause, 128
in miscarriage, 126
PCOS and, 218
in perimenopause, 62–63
in PMS, 282
see also DNA
genetic testing, 248
genome, 324
Georgia (case study), sex drive boot for, 201–2
Germany, integrative medicine in, 39, 136, 137–38, 192, 193
ghee (clarified butter), 193, 202
gingko, 112
for high cortisol, 110–13
for low estrogen, 193
ginsenosides, 110
glandulars, glandular therapy (natural dessicated thyroid), 257–59, 324–25
insufficient evidence for, 114–15, 118, 229
gliadin, 186
glucocorticoid receptor resistance (GCR), 270, 276
glucocorticoids, 46, 71, 72, 267–68, 276, 324
stress and, 75, 93–94, 99, 270, 279
glucola, 214
high, 211–12
glucose-to-insulin (G:I)ratio, 214, 226
glucuronic acid, 155
and low thyroid, 248–50
gluten intolerance, 185–87
gluten sensitivity, 248–50
glycemic index (GI), 223
glycogen, 72
goiters, 246–47
goitrogens, 248
gonadotropins, 215
gonads, 186
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), 38
Gorney, Cynthia, 198–199
Gottfried, Sara:
case study of, 115–16
educational background and medical training of, xviii–xix, 3, 7, 89, 90, 107, 117, 150, 168, 184, 243, 257
epiphanies of, 308–10
hormonal imbalance of, 7–8, 17, 56, 63, 73–74, 89, 113, 130–31, 141–42, 253, 259, 286, 287, 299, 301–2, 306
integrative medical approach of, xii, xix–xxi, 3–4, 7, 12, 24, 93, 235, 239–40, 261, 265, 287–90; see also Gottfried Protocol
mother of, 260–61
vision and goals of, 306–7
Gottfried Protocol:
author’s development of, 7–8, 17
compliance vs. self-control in, 286–87
goals of, xvi, xvii, 286, 305–6, 310
by hormone imbalance, 313–18
integrative approach of, 3–4, 16–17
maintenance of, 289–90
making a plan for, 19
scientific basis of, 3–4, 10–11
three-step sequential strategy for, 17
see also specific hormones imbalances
grapefruit juice, 118
gratitude practices, 103
Graves’ disease, 244
Green Building Councils, 7
grieving, 113
Gross, Paul, 170
growth hormone, 19, 59, 81, 276
release of, 5
G-spot, 180
guided visualization, and PMS, 147
bacteria in, 164
leaky, 249–50
maintaining change through, 295–97
tips in forming, 296
cortisol checked in, 83
loss, xvi, 14, 114, 153, 183, 211, 220–22, 229, 241, 244, 251–52, 254, 260, 272
rogue, 206, 209, 211, 214, 215, 217, 218, 220, 225
Hanson, Rick, 106
Harvard Medical School, xi, xviii, 3, 8, 184, 186
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (autoimmune thyroiditis), 174, 237, 246, 250, 251
Hawthorne effect, 324
headache, xii, 14, 96, 122, 135, 152, 153, 162, 173–74
health dashboard, 294
heart disease, xix, 90, 108, 160, 165, 185, 191, 201
hormone replacement and, 9, 197
progestins and, 145
HeartMath methodology, 102
herbal therapies, see botanicals (herbal therapies)
herbology, 4
Hewlett-Packard, 102
high androgens, 205–30
bioidenticals of, 229
causes of, 214–16
Gottfried Protocol for, 207, 220, 222–29, 319
herbal therapies for, 228–29
and high estrogen, 208–9
and high insulin-high cortisol combination, 269
and insulin resistance, 211–14
lifestyle changes for, 222–29
and low progesterone, 48
questionnaire for, 29–30, 34, 82
science of, 207–9
symptoms of, 47, 87, 207, 225–26
and viralization of women, 205–6
high cortisol, xv–xvii, 6, 20, 261, 271, 302
bioidentical hormones and, 114–15, 282
five mind/body practices for regulation of, 106–8
Gottfried Protocol for, 100–116, 282, 290, 313–14
herbal therapies for, 109–13
-high insulin-high androgen combination, 269
and low DHEA, 114–15
and low estrogen, 63, 269, 280
as most common imbalance in women, 32, 90, 280
in multiple hormone imbalances, 276
and progesterone, 49, 135, 280
questionnaire for, 24–25, 32, 71, 73, 280
science of, 76–88
seven health risks linked to, 86–87
testing for, 82–83
and thyroid, 148
high estrogen, 150–78, 271, 284, 302
background on, 152–54
bioidentical hormones for, 175
and cancer risk, 167–69
causes of, 154–67
controversial medications for, 170–72
dangers of, 122
Gottfried Protocol for, 171–77, 315–16
herbal therapies for, 174–75
and high androgens, 208
and low progesterone, see estrogen dominance
and obesity, 162–63
questionnaire for, 27–28, 33, 160, 166, 171
rate of, 33
science of, 154–71
symptoms of, 47, 122, 152–53, 173
Hightower, Jane M., 166–67
Hinduism, 64
hip fracture, 95
hippocampus, 53, 76, 102, 324–25
Hippocrates, 194
holistic gynecology, xx
homeopathy, and PMS, 148
homeostasis, xvii, 5, 40, 283, 289, 324
in allostasis, 77
see also hormone balance
hops (Humulus lupulus), 175, 193–94, 195, 316, 317
hormonal cloud (hormonal veil), 64–65
hormonal dysfunction, hormonal dysregulation, 13
hormone balance:
continuous improvement project for, 298–299
cultivating new habits for, 295–97
four phases to continual health in, 299–300
goal setting for, 291–93
ideal of, 19–21, 93, 119–20, 286–307
identifying strengths and weaknesses for, 300–2
new paradigm for, 11–14
patient’s responsibility in, xx–xxi, 13, 110, 242, 287
principles of, 15–16
in quest for optimal health, xii, 7, 22–23
self-tracking for, 291, 294, 300, 302–3
sense of well-being from, 51–52, 122, 203
sustaining change in, xxi, 286–307
tips for, 291–97
Hormone Cure, The (Gottfried), 18–21
author’s experience with, 7–8, 17, 56, 63, 73–74, 89, 113, 115–16, 130–31, 141–42, 150, 286, 301–2, 306
common causes of, 49
common combinations of, see multiple hormone imbalances
as contemporary issue, 308–10
as dismissed by mainstream medicine, xv, 6, 31, 34, 82, 89–90, 93–94, 96–97
finding root causes for, xxi, 8, 306
gender differences in, 4–5
identifying root causes of, 15, 55
importance of early intervention in, 13
in more than one category, 34–35
most prevalent, 46–47
new approach to, 277
serious consequences of, 6
symptoms of, 3, 4, 14–15, 23, 24–31
testing for identification of, xii, 3, 99–100, 118, 236, 237, 238, 239, 242, 245, 246, 250, 267
in younger women, 271
hormone receptors, 211
lock and key metaphor for, 45, 49, 125, 270
hormone-replacement therapy, 9–11, 142–43
cancer risk in, 141
controversy over, 196–199
estrogen dominance in, 158
media distortion of, 198
progesterone as essential in, 199
smallest dose and shortest duration recommended for, 10, 17
see also bioidentical hormones
checking levels of, 54–55
as chemical messengers, 42
control systems of, 45–46
families of, 46
fluctuating levels of, 35, 45, 56, 65
importance of, 3–21
interaction among, 6, 34–35, 43, 45, 48–52, 57, 122–24, 263–83
inventory of, 302
job descriptions for, 42–44
in meat, 164
multitasking, 43–44
myths about, 19
precursors to, see precursor hormones (prehormones)
primer for, 42–55
hormone tree, 46
hot flashes, 9, 15, 20, 61, 102, 113, 142
low estrogen and, 180, 184, 187, 189–95, 200, 281
testosterone and, 218
tips for, 181
HOW (honest, open-minded, and willing) Program, 200
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), 325
for attempted weight loss, 8–9
Humulus Lupulus Flower Extract 66:1, 175
hypercortisolism, 82
as Cushings syndrome, 325
subclinical, 82
see also high cortisol
hypertension, 325
hyperthyroidism, 238, 248, 257
symptoms of, 250–51
hypervigilance, 325
hypocortisolism, see low cortisol (hypocortisolism)
hypogonadism, 186
hypopituitarism, 92, 186–87, 325
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, 76–78, 86–87, 90, 100, 101, 102, 268, 279, 325
hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, 268
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, 245, 247, 279
hypothalamus, 42, 53, 76–77, 127, 157, 187, 208, 237, 241, 264, 276, 325
hypothyroidism, 234, 238, 283, 325
overt vs. subclinical, 241, 243, 244
see also low thyroid hormone