
Abutilon 224

Acacia 81, 157, 160

acinacea Fig. 58

floribunda Fig. 59

genistifolia Pl. 14h

implexa Pl. 14f, g

iteaphylla Fig. 60, rear cover

melanoxylon 157

myrtifolia Pl. 14i

paradoxa 160

pycnantha Fig. 61

sophorae Pl. 14j

terminalis Fig. 62

Acaena 79, 175, 176

echinata 175, Fig. 70

novae-zelandiae 175

Acca sellowiana 87, 196, Pl. 19f, g

Aconitum 133

Acrotriche serrulata 84, Pl. 28f

actinomorphy 12

Adansonia 224

Adenanthos terminalis 78, Fig. 43

Aeonium 151

Aestivation 13

Agapanthus Figs. 32, 33

Agapanthus 116

Agapanthus praecox 77, Figs. 34, 35

stamen attachment 15

Agave 120

septal nectaries 23

Agonis 196

Alcea 224

Aldrovanda vesiculosa 233

Alfalfa Pl. 16g–i

Alligator Weed 239

Allium 116

triquetrum 116

vineale 116

Allocasuarina 73, 185

perianth 12

verticillata Pl. 17d–g

allspice 196

Almond 175

Aloe 113

arborescens 113

Alternanthera philoxeroides 239

Alternanthera denticulata 80, Pl. 27k–m

Alyogyne 224

Amaranth 239

Amaranthaceae 236, 239


caudatus 239

powellii 80, Pl. 27h–j

tricolor 239

Amaryllidaceae 116

Amaryllis 76, 116

Amaryllis belladonna 116, Pl. 11a–c

septal nectaries 23

stamen attachment 15

Amborellales 62

Amborella trichopoda 62

Amperea xiphoclada 74, 191, Pl. 18c–g

Amsinckia 251

Amyema 232

pendula 74, Pl. 24f, g

Amygdalaceae 175


placentation 20

ANA grade 62, Fig. 19

androecium 8, 13, Figs. 1, 3

Anemone 133

Anethum 287

Angel’s Trumpet 252, Pl. 29g–i

Angiospermopsida 59

Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 55, 56

Angophora 196, 199

anther 8, 13; Figs. 1, 3

anthers Fig. 3

appendages 13

attachment of 13

dehiscence 13

tailed, in Daisies 268

Anthophyta 59

Anthurium 97

Antirrhinum 254

APG 55, 56

Apium 287

Apple 175

fruit structure 176

Apple-berry 282

Apple Box 196

Aquilegia 133

Araceae 97

Arachis hypogea 166

Arbutus 240

Arctotheca calendula 265

Arenaria bryophylla 234

Arisaema 97

Arisarum 74

vulgare 98, Pl. 8f, g

Aristotelia 188

Armoracia rusticana 230

Artemisia dracunculus 265

Arthropodium 120

strictum 77, 81, Fig. 36

Artichoke 265, Pl. 33m


of grass spikelets 123, Fig. 37

Artocarpus 184

Arum 97

Arum Lily 97, 98, Pl. 8c–e

Asparagaceae 120

Asparagus 120

aethiopicus 78, Pl. 11d–f

asparagoides 120

officinalis 120

Asphodelaceae 113

Asphodelus fistulosus 77, 113, Pl. 10f, g

Aspidistra 120

Aster 265

Asteraceae 265

union of stamens 15

Atriplex 236

cinerea 74, 80, Pl. 27e–g

nummularia 236

Austral Grass-tree 113, Pl. 10i, j

Austral Seablite Pl. 27c, d

Austral Tobacco Pl. 30j

Austrobaileyales 62

authority, in nomenclature 63

Autumn Crocus 99

Avocado 93; Pl. 7j–l

Babiana 110

Baby’s Breath 234

Backhousia, essential oils 196

Balsa Trees 224

Banks, Sir Joseph 63

Banksia 135

marginata 79, Figs. 44, 45

Baobab 224

bark types, in Eucalyptus 202

Basil 256

Bastard Alkanet 251

Bauhinia 154

variegata 155

Bay Laurel 93, Pl. 7f–i

Beaded Glasswort Fig. 102

Beard-heath 241

Beetroot 236

Belladonna Lily 116, Pl. 11a–c

septal nectaries 23

Bentham, George 56

Beta 236

Bidgee-widgee 175


scandens 83, 86, 282, Fig. 128

Bitter Cryptandra Fig. 73

stamens 15

Bittersweet 186

Black Bean Pl. 15f–i

Blackberry 175

fruit structure 176

Black Nightshade 253, Pl. 30n

Black Wattle Pl. 14c–e

Blackwood 157

Bleeding Heart 131

Bloodwood 199

Bluebell Creeper 282

Blueberries 240

Bluebush 236, Pl. 27a

Blue Gum Fig. 84

Blue Lily 113

Blue Pincushion 262

Blue Potato Bush 252, Pl. 30e, f

Blue Squill Fig. 32

Blue Stars Fig. 32

Bombacaceae 224

Bombax 224

Boneseed 265, Pl. 33f–h

Bontia 254

Boobialla 254

Borage 251

Boraginaceae 251

Borago 251

officinalis 251

Boronias 215

oils 215

Boronia 82

mollis Fig. 91a–d

muelleri Pl. 4h, i

Bottlebrush 196

Bottle Trees 224

Boxthorn 253

Box Holly 121


acerifolius 79, 224, Pl. 22a–e

rupestris 224

Brachyloma daphnoides 85, Pl. 28g

bract 35

bracteole 35, 46

bracts 46

Brassica 82

fruticulosa Pl. 23d–g

oleracea 230

rapa 230, Pl. 23a–c

Brassicaceae 230

Breadfruit 184

Breadnut 184

Bridal creeper 120

Brisbane Lily 116

Broad Bean 166

Broccoli 230

Bromus catharticus 88, Fig. 38, Pl. 13a, b

Broom 166

Broom Rush Pl. 12j–l

Broom Spurge Pl. 18c–g

Brosimum 184

Brownbeards Fig. 26

Brown, Robert 63

Brugmansia 252

hybrid 85, Pl. 29g–i

stamen attachment 15

Brunonia australis 262

Brunoniaceae 262

Brush Box 196, Pl. 20a–d

Brussels 230

Buckthorn 181

Buckthorn Family 181

Buddleja 254

Buglossoides 251

Bulbine 113

bulbs 45

Burchardia 99

umbellata 77, Pl. 8l

Burgan Pl. 20e–g

Bursaria spinosa 282

Bush-pea 166

Bushy Needlewood Figs. 52, 53

Butcher’s Broom 121

Buttercup 133

nectaries 23

Buttercup Family 133

Butterfly Bush 194, Pl. 19a–c

Butterfly Flag 110

Buxton Gum 201

Cabbage 230

Cabbage Family 230

Cabbage Tree 120

Caesalpinia 156

Caesalpiniaceae 153

Caesalpinioideae 153, 154, 156

Caesia 113

Caladenia 87

parva Fig. 25

tentaculata Pl. 9f

Caleana minor 86, Pl. 9i

Calendula 265

Californian Poppy 131

Calliandra 157

Callistemon 196

citrinus 87, Figs. 81, 82

Calocephalus citreus 75, Figs. 126, 127

Calochilus robertsonii 87, Pl. 24a–c

Calodendrum capense 215

Calostemma 116

Caltha 133

Calytrix tetragona 87, Fig. 83

calyx 8, 10; Fig. 1

calyx tube 25

Camphor Laurel 93, Pl. 7a–e

Campion 234

Candlebark 201

Candytuft 230

canola 230

Capeweed 265

Cape Chestnut 215

Cape Gooseberry, calyx 10

Cape Tulip 110

Cape Wattle 157, Pl. 14a, b

capitulum, of Daisies 266

Capsella bursa-pastoris 82, Pl. 24a–e

Capsicum 252

Caraway 287

Cardwellia sublimis 135

Carnation 234

Carob Bean 156

carpel 8, 15; Figs. 1, 4

carpophore 287

Carrot 287, Pl. 34

Carthamus 265

Carum 287

cassava 191

Cassia 156

fistula 156

Cassias 153, 154

Cassytha 73, 93

glabella 93

melantha 93

pubescens 93, Pl. 6e–i

Castanospermum australe 81, Pl. f–i

Castor Oil Plant, seed structure 39

Casuarina 185

Casuarinaceae 185

Catchfly 234

Cat Mint 256

Cat’s Ear Pl. 32f–k

caudicle, in orchids 103

Cauliflower 230

Ceanothus 181

Ceiba 224

Celastraceae 186

Celery 287

cells 44

cellulose 44

Celosia cristata 239

Cerastium 83, 234

glomeratum Pl. 25f–i

Ceratonia 156

Cercidoideae 154, 155

Cercis 154, 155

Cercis siliquastrum 155

Cestrum 252

parqui 86, Pl. 30g

Chaenomeles 175

speciosa 87, Fig. 71

Chamaecytisus palmensis 166

Chamaescilla 77, 113

corymbosa Fig. 32

Chamelaucium 196

Chasmanthe 110

Chenopodiaceae 236, 239

seed structure 39


album 80, 236, Pl. 26a, b

quinoa 236

Cherry, flower type 25

Cherry Laurel Pl. 3c–g

cherry tomato cultivar Pl. 30k

Chickweed 31, Pl. 25j, k

Chickweed Family 234

Chicory 265

chillies 252

Chiloglottis valida 87, Fig. 24

Chinese Cabbage 230

chlorophyll 44

Chlorophytum 120

chloroplast 44

Chocolate Lily Fig. 36

Choisya 215

chromosomes 44


monolifera 76, 265, Pl. 33f–h

Chrysanthemum 265

Cichorium endivia 265

intybus 265

Cinnamomum 77

camphora 93, Pl. 7a–e

Citrus 215

australasica 215

glauca 215

Citrus Family 215

clade 62

cladodes 45, 120

Clarkia 194

classification 3, 55

phylogenetic 55

claw, of petal 12

Clematis 133

microphylla 78, Fig. 42

perianth 12

Climbing Guinea-flower 148

Clivia 115

Clover 166

cloves 196

Clusiaceae 190

Coarse Dodder-laurel 94

Coast Pomaderris Fig. 74

Coast Saltbush Pl. 27e–g

Coast Sword-sedge Pl. 12a–c

Coast Wattle Pl. 14j

Cockscomb 239

Colchicaceae 99

colchicine 99

Colchicum 99

Coleonema 215

Coleus 256

Colobanthus 234

Colocasia 97

Colocasia esculenta 98

Columbine 133

column, in orchids 103

Comfrey 251

Common Apple-berry Fig. 129

Common Beard-heath Fig. 106

Common Bird-orchid Fig. 24

Common Boobialla 254, Pl. 31g–i

Common Correa Fig. 93

Common Dipogon 166

Common Emubush Pl. 31l, m

Common Flat-pea Fig. 69

Common Fringe-myrtle Fig. 83

Common Groundsel Figs. 120, 121

Common Heath 240, Figs. 103, 104; Pl. 28h

corolla colour 12

stamen attachment 15

Common Heliotrope Pl. 29d–f

Common Stock 230

Compositae 64, 265


of grass spikelets 123, Fig. 37

Conium 287

connective 13


anthers 15, 135

mitchellii 79, Figs. 46, 47

Convallaria 120

Coral-pea 166

Corchorus 224

Cord-rushes 126

Cordyline 120

Coriander 287

Coriandrum 287

Corms 45

corolla 8, 10, Figs. 1, 2

appendages 12

bilabiate 12

corolla tube 10

corona 12

coronal scales 12

Correa 215

corolla tube 12

reflexa 86, Fig. 93

Corydalis 131

corymb 34

Corymbia 199–200

citriodora 199

essential oils 196

ficifolia 199

gummifera 199

maculata 199, 202

Cotoneaster 175

cotton 224

Cotula coronopifolia 75, Pl. 33i

Cotyledon 151

cotyledonary node 41

Couch Grass Fig. 41; Pl. 13d, e

Crassula Family 151

Crassula ovata 81, Pl. 1

Crassulaceae 151

gynoecium 16

Crataegus 175

monogyna 175

oxyacanthoides 175

thorns 177

Creamy Stackhousia Fig. 75

Creeping Boobialla 254

Creeping Buttercup Pl. 2a–c

Crimson Bottlebrush Figs. 81, 82

Crinodendron 188

Crinum 115

Crocosmia 110

Crocus 110

sativus 110


anthers 215, Fig. 94

exalata rear cover photo

Crown-of-thorns 191

Cruciferae 230

Cryptandra, petals 181

Cryptandra amara 79, 82, Fig. 73

stamens 15

culms, of grasses 123

of sedges 125

cultivars 65

Cumin 287

Cuminum 287

Cunningham, Allan 63

cushion plants 228

cyathium 191

Cydonia 175

cymes 31

Cynara scolymus 75, 265, Pl. 33m

Cynodon dactylon 88, Fig. 41; Pl. 13d, e

Cyperaceae 125

Cyperus eragrostis 88, Pl. 12h, i

cypsela 268

Cytisus 166

scoparius 166

Daffodil 116

corona 12

Dahlia 265

Daisy Family 265

Dalmatian Spurge 191, Pl. 18a, b

Dandelion Figs. 124, 125

Daphne 228

Daphne Family 228

Daphne Heath Pl. 28g

Dargan Hill Monarch Fig. 119

Datura 253

Daucus 287

carota 76, 87, Pl. 34

Daylily 113

Delphinium 133

Detarioideae 154, 155

Detarium 154, 155

Dialioideae 154, 155

Dialium 154, 155

Dianella 113

Dianthus 234

Dicentra 131

Dicots 58

Dicotyledons 58

Dietes 110

Digitalis 254

Dill 287

Dillenia 148

Dilleniaceae 148

Dillwynia 84, 166

glaberrima Fig. 63

sericea Pl. 15j

Dionaea muscipula 233

Diosma 215

Diplarrena 110

Dipogon lignosus 166

discs 21, Fig. 7

dissection 67–69

Dodder-laurel 93

Downy Dodder-laurel 94, Pl. 6e–i

Dracaena 120


leaves 242

stamens 241

Drain Flat-sedge Pl. 12h, i

Drapetes tasmanica 228

Drooping Mistletoe Pl. 24f, g

Drooping Sheoak Pl. 17d–g

Drosera 233

hookeri 83, Pl. 24h

Droseraceae 233

Drumsticks Pl. 33k, l

Duboisia hopwoodii 85, 252, Pl. 30h

Duparquetia 154

orchidacea 155

Duparquetioideae 154, 155

Dusty Miller, stamens 15

Dwarf Greenhood Fig. 29

Early Nancy Fig. 23

Echeveria 151

Echium 251

plantagineum 84, 251, Pl. 29a–c

Eggplant 252

Elaeocarpaceae 188

Elaeocarpus 188

embryo 38, 39

sac 38

Emerald Fern Pl. 11d–f

Emubush 254

Enchylaena 236

tomentosa 80, Pl. 26f

Endive 265

endosperm 39

English Broom 166

English Marigold 265

Epacridaceae 240

Epacridoideae 240

Epacris 240

corolla colour 12

impressa 85, 240, Figs. 103, 104; Pl. 28h

stamen attachment 15

epicalyx 10, 226

epicotyl 41, 43

Epilobium 194

Equisetopsida 59

Eremocitrus 215

Eremophila 84, 254

glabra var. tomentosa Pl. 31l, m

microtheca Pl. 31j, k

Erica 86, 240

lusitanica Pl. 28a–e

stamens 241

Ericaceae 240

Eriobotrya 175

Eriostemon 215, see Fig. 96

Eruca vesicaria ssp. sativa 230

Erysimum cheiri 230

Eschscholzia californica 131

Eucalyptus 74, 196, 198–203

botryoides 202

camaldulensis Figs. 85, 86

citriodora 199

crenulata 201

ficifolia 199

globulus 59, Fig. 84

leucoxylon 201, Figs. 87, 88

obliqua 198, 201

pauciflora 202

radiata 201

rubida 201

viminalis 201

Eudicots 58, 131

Eudicotyledons 58, 131

Eukaryota 59

Euonymus 186

Euphorbia 73, 190

characias 191, Pl. 18a, b

inflorescence structure 191

milii 191

paralias 191

peplus 191, Fig. 78

pulcherrima 191

Euphorbiaceae 190

Evening Primrose 194

Faba 166

Fabaceae 153

Fabales 153

Faboideae 153, 166

False Sandlewood 254

Fanflower 262, Pl. 5d–f

Fat Hen 236, Pl. 26a, b

Feijowa 196, Pl. 19f, g

Fennel 287, Fig. 132

perianth 12

Fertilization 38

Ficinia nodosa 88, Pl. 12d–g

Ficus 73, 184

macrophylla 184, Pl. 17a–c

Fiddle-neck 251

Figwort Family 254

filament 8, 13; Figs. 1, 3

Finger Lime 215

Firewheel Tree 135

Flame Lily 99, Pl. 8j, k

Flame Tree 224, Pl. 22a–e

Flatweed Pl. 32f–k

Flaxlily 113

Flinders Range Wattle Fig. 60

floral formula 28

floral tube 25; Fig. 9

in fruit 40

nectar production 23

floras 56

Flora Australiensis 56

florets, of Daisies 266

of Grasses 123

Flowering Quince 175, Fig. 71

flowers, epigynous 25

hypogynous 25

perigynous 25

unisexual 27

flower parts, freedom / union 10

Foeniculum 287

perianth 12

vulgare 76, Fig. 132

Forest Boronia Pl. 4h, i

Forest Phebalium Fig. 95

Forget-me-not 251

form (rank in classification) 62

Formosan Lily Pl. 9a–e

fossils 1

Foxglove 254

Fragaria 175

Freesia 110

French Bean 166

Friar’s Cowl Pl. 8f, g

Fritillaria 101

Fritillary 101

fruit 40

aggregate 40

development 40

multiple 40

simple 40

structure 40

Fruit Salad Plant 97

Fuchsia 87, 194

floral tube 26

magellanica 194, Fig. 80

‘Thalia’ Pl. 19d, e

Fumaria 131, 132

Fumariaceae 131

Fumarioideae 131, 132

Fumitory 131

funicle 16

Galanthus 116

galea, in orchids 103

Gallant Soldier Pl. 33a–e

Galinsoga parviflora 76, Pl. 33a–e

Garden Pea 166

Garland Lily 116

garlic 116

Gasteria 113

Gaultheria 241

Geissorhiza 110

Geitonoplesium cymosum 113

Genista 166

Germination 41

Giant Honey-myrtle Pl. 19j

Ginger Grass Pl. 13f–i

Gladiolus 76, 110

undulatus Pl. 10a–e

Gland Flower Fig. 43

Gleditsia 156

Gloriosa 99

superba 78, Pl. 8j, k

glumes, of grasses 123

Glycine max 166


celosioides 239

globosa 239

Gomphrena Weed 239

Gold-dust Wattle Fig. 58

Golden Bush-pea Figs. 67, 68

Golden Wattle Fig. 61

Goodenia 262

ovata 88, Fig. 115

Goodeniaceae 262

corolla 12

Goosefoot Pl. 26a, b

Gorse 166

union of stamens 15

Gossypium sturtianum 224

grade 62

Gramineae 122

grapefruit 215

Grape Hyacinth 120

Grass-flag 110

Grass-tree 113

Grass Family 122

Green-comb Spider-orchid Fig. 25

Green Poisonberry Pl. 30g

Grey Parrot-pea Pl. 15j Grevillea 135

aquifolium 79, Pl. 3b

perianth 12

robusta 78, 135, Figs. 48, 49

rosmarinifolia 79, Fig. 50; Pl. 3a

stamens 15

style-end 21

Guava 196

Guinea-flower 148

gynoecium 8, 15, Figs. 1, 4

apocarpous 16

syncarpous 16

Gypsophila 234

Hakea 135

decurrens 79, Figs. 52, 53

style-end 21

Hardenbergia 166

haustoria 232

Haworthia 113

Hawthorn 175

Heath 240

Heath Pinkbells Pl. 4l

Heather 240

Heath Family 240

Hebe 254

Hedge Wattle 160

Helichrysum 265

Heliotrope 251

Heliotropiaceae 251

Heliotropium 251

europaeum 85, 251, Pl. 29d–f

Hellebore 133

Helleborus 133

Hemerocallis 113

Hemlock 287

Henbit Dead-nettle 256

Hevia brasiliensis 191

Hibbertia 81, 148

empetrifolia Pl. 2d, e

riparia Fig. 54

scandens 148

Hibiscus 83, 224

epicalyx 10

rosa-sinensis Pl. 21h

union of stamens 13

hilum 39

Hippeastrum 116

Hippocrateaceae 186

Holly Grevillea Pl. 3b

Hollyhock 224

Homeria 110

Honesty 230

Honey Locust 156

Honeypots Pl. 28f

Hooker’s Sundew Pl. 24h

Hop Goodenia Fig. 115

Horehound 256

Horse-radish 230

Hosta 120

Hyacinth 120

Hyacinthus 120

Hymenosporum flavum 282

hypanthium 25

Hypericaceae 190

Hypericum 83, 190

androsaemum Pl. 4j, k

Hypochoeris radicata 75, Pl. 32f–k

hypocotyl 43

Iberis sempervirens 230

Iceland Poppy 131, Pl. 4f, g

Ice Plant Fig. 55

indusium, in Goodeniaceae 262

inflorescences 30

cymose branching 31

determinate 30

indeterminate 30

monopodial 31

multi-flowered 30

racemose branching 31

sympodial 31

Intsia 154, 155

Involucral bracts, in Daisies 266, 268

involucre, of Daisies 266

Ipheion 116

Iris 110

Iris Family 110

Iron Grass 120

Isatis tinctoria 230

Isophysis tasmanica 110

Isopogon fruit 136

Italian Buckthorn 181

Ixia 110

Jack-in-the-pulpit 97

Jackfruit 184

Jacobaea vulgaris 265

Jade Plant Pl. 1

Japanese Flowering Cherry Fig. 72

Japonica Fig. 71

Jonquil 116

corona 12

Joseph’s Coat 239

Judas Tree 155

Juncaceae 126

Juncus 126

sarophorus 78, Pl. 12j–l

jute 224

Kalanchoe 151

Kale 230

Kangaroo Apple 252

kapok 224

Kelleria dieffenbachii 228

Kennedia 166

key to illustrated species 73


bracketed 70

description of 69

indented 70

multiple access 72

using 69–72

Kniphofia 113

Knobby Clubrush Pl. 12d–g

Knotgrass Pl. 13f–i

Kohlrabi 230

kumquat 215

Kurrajongs 224

Kunzea 88

ambigua Fig. 89

ericoides Pl. 20e–g

Kwila 155

labellum, of orchids 103

Labiatae 64, 256

Labichea 156

Lactuca sativa 265

Lagunaria patersonia 82, Pl. 21a–d

Lamb’s Ears 256

Lamiaceae 256

Lamium 256

amplexicaule 256

Lantana family 256

Lantern Flower 224

Large-fruited Yellow-gum Figs. 87, 88

Large Greencomb Pl. 9f

Large Kangaroo-apple Pl. 30m

Larkspur 133

Lasiopetalum behrii 79, 82, Pl. 22f, g

Lathyrus odoratus 84, 166, Figs. 64–66

Lauraceae 93

anther dehiscence 13

Laurel 93

Laurel Family, anther dehiscence 13

Laurus 93

nobilis 77, 93, Pl. 7f–i


dentata 256

stoechas 256

Lavatera 224

Lavender 256

Spanish 256

Topped 256


arrangement 46, Fig. 15

axil 46

blade 45

blade, of grasses 123

division 46, Fig. 14

lamina 45

petiole (stalk) 45

leaf sheath, of grasses 123

leaves 45, Figs. 15–18

ericoid 242

modified 46

Lechenaultia 262

leek 115

Legumes 153

Legume Family 153

gynoecium 16

Legume Phylogeny Working Group 154

Leguminales 153

Leguminosae 153

gynoecium 16

lemma 123

lemon 215

Lemon Beauty-heads Figs. 126, 127

Lemon-scented Gum 199

Leonotis 256

Lepidosperma 88

gladiatum Pl. 12a–c

Leptorhynchos squamatus 75, Figs. 122, 123

Leptospermoideae 59, 196

Leptospermum 88

essential oils 196

myrsinoides Fig. 90

ovary position 25

scoparium ‘Lambethii’ Pl. 20h, i

Lesser Joyweed Pl. 27k–m

Lettuce 265

Leucaena 157

Leucodendron 135

Leucojum 116

aestivum 76, Fig. 33

Leucopogon 85, 241

ericoides Fig. 105

virgatus Fig. 106

Leucospermum 135

Libertia 76, 110

pulchella Fig. 30

Lightwood Pl. 14f, g

ligule, of grasses 123

Liliaceae 101

Lilium 78, 101

formosanum Pl. 9a–e

Lilly Pilly 196, Pl. 19h, i Lily 101

Lily-of-the-valley 120

Lily Family 101

limb, of corolla 10

of petal 10

lime 215

Linaria 254

Linden 224

Linnaeus 2, 62

Lion’s Ear 256

Liriodendron 10, 91

tulipifera 81, Pl. 6a–d

Liriope 120

Lissanthe strigosa 85, Fig. 107

Lobularia maritima 230

loculus 15

lodicules 123

Loganberry 175

Lolium perenne 88 Figs. 39, 40; Pl. 13c

Lomandra 120

confertifolia 74, Pl. 11g–k


Poppy Pl. 4a–e Long-leaf

Waxflower Fig. 96

Lophostemon 196

confertus 87, Pl. 20a–d

stamens 197

union of stamens 15

Loquat 175

Loranthaceae 232

Loranthus 232

Lowland Richea Fig. 108

LPWG 154

Lucerne 166, Pl. 16g–i

fruits 167

Lunaria annua 230

Luzula 126

Lychnis 234

Lycianthes rantonnei 85, 252, Pl. 30e, f

Lycium ferocissimum 253

Lycopersicon esculentum 252

Macadamia 135

Maclura pomifera 184

magnifications, of illustrations 6

Magnolia Fig. 22

Magnolia 10, 81, 91

× soulangeana Fig. 22

Magnoliaceae 91

gynoecium 16

Magnoliidae 59

Magnoliids 91

Magnoliophyta 59

Magnoliopsida 59

Maireana 236

sedifolia Pl. 27a

triptera 80, Pl. 27a

Malaceae 175

Mallow 224

Mallow Family 224

Mallow of Nice 224, Pl. 21f, g

Malococera 238

Malus 175

Malva 82, 224

nicaeensis 224, Pl. 21f, g

parviflora 224, Pl. 21e

Malvaceae 224

Malvaviscus 224

arboreus 83, Fig. 99; Pl. 21i

mandarin 215

Manihot esculenta 191

Manna Gum 201

Manuka Pl. 20h, i

Marianthus 83, 86

bignoniaceus 282, Fig. 129

Marigold Figs. 116, 117

Marjoram 256

Marrubium vulgare 256

Marsh Marigold 133

Matrush 120

Matthiola incana 230

Meadow Rue 133

Medic 166

fruits 167

Medicago 166

fruits 167

polymorpha (fruits) Pl. rear cover

sativa 84, Pl. 16g–i

Melaleuca 87

armillaris Pl. 19j

essential oils 196

linariifolia Fig. 91

stamens 197

union of stamens 15

Mentha 256

Merbau 155

mericarp 287

meristems 53

Mesquite 156, 157

Messmate 198, 201

Mexican Orange 215

Microcitrus 215

Milkmaids Pl. 8l

Mimosa 157

pudica 157

Mimosaceae 153, 154, 157

Mimosas 153, 154

Mimosas and Wattles group 156, 157

Mimosoideae 153, 154, 157

Mint 256

Mintbush 256

Mint Family 256

Mistletoes 232

Mistletoe Bird 232

Modiola caroliniana 224

Moenchia 234

Monkshood 133

Monocots 58, 95

seed structure 39

Monocotyledons 58, 95

classification 95, 96

perianth 95

Monstera 97

Monstera deliciosa 98

Montbretia 110

Moraceae 184

Moraea 110

Moreton Bay Fig Pl. 17a–c

Morus 184

Mouse-ear Chickweed 234

Mulberry 184

Mullein 254

Murraya 215

Murray Lily 115

Muscari 120

Musk Daisybush Fig. 118

Mustard 230

Myoporaeae 254

Myoporum 85, 254

floribundum 254

insulare 254, Pl. 31g–i

parvifolium 254

petiolatum Pl. 31f

platycarpum 254

Myosotis 251

Myrtaceae 59, 196

Myrtales 59

Myrtle 196

Myrtle Family 196

Myrtle Wattle Pl. 14i

Myrtoideae 196

Myrtus 196

Narcissus 116

corona 12


Peppermint 201

Native Frangipani 282

Native Hibiscus 224

Native Raspberry 175

Native Willow 282

nectar 23

nectaries 21

extra-floral 160

septal 23

Nemesia 254

Nepeta 256

Nerine 116

Nicotiana 252, 253

suaveolens 85, Pl. 30j

tabaccum 252

Nightshade Family 252

Nodding Blue Lily Pl. 10h

nomenclature 2, 3, 62

Nomenclature Code 64

Norfolk Island Hibiscus Pl. 21a–d

Nothoscordum borbonicum 116

Nuytsia 232

Nymphaeales 62

NZ Flax 113

NZ Flax Lily 113

Ochroma pyramidale 224

Ocimum 256

Octopus Plant 113

Oenothera 87, 194

lindheimeri 194, Pl. 19a–c

Old Man Saltbush 236

Olearia argophylla 76, Fig. 118

Oliveberry 188

Onagraceae 194

onion 116

Onion Grass 110

Onion Weed 113, 116, Pl. 10f, g

Opium Poppy 131

orange 215

Orange Bell-climber 282, Fig. 129

Orchidaceae 102

Orchid Family 102

Orchid Tree 155

Oregano 256

Origanum 256

Ornithogalum 120

Osage Orange 184

ovary 8, 15; Figs. 1, 4

ovary position

inferior 25

superior 25

ovules 8

Paddy’s Lucerne 224

Painted Nettle 256

palea 123

Pampas Lily of the Valley 253, Pl. 30a–d

Papaver 82

dubium Pl. a–d

nudicaule 131, Pl. 4f, g

placentation 20

sepals 10

somniferum 131

Papaveraceae 131

Papaveroideae 131, 132

Paperflower Fig. 100

Paperflowers 224

Papilionaceae 153, 166

Papilionoideae 153, 154, 166

pappus, in Daisies 268


lophantha 80, 157, Pl. 14a, b

Parkinsonia aculeata 156

Parrot-pea 166

Parsley 287, Pl. 5a–c

Parsnip 287

Paspalum distichum 88, Pl. 13e–h

Passiflora, gynoecium 16

placentation 20

Passion Flower, gynoecium 16

placentation 20

Pastinaca 287

Patersonia 110

Paterson’s Curse Pl. 29a–c

Peach Heath Fig. 107

Peanut 166

Pear 175

fruit structure 176

Pearl Bluebush Pl. 27a

Peas 153

pedicel 8

peduncle 35

Penstemon 254

peppers 252

Perennial Ryegrass Figs. 39, 40, Pl. 13c

perianth 8, 12; Fig. 1

pericarp 40

perigon 12, 95

Persea 77

americana 93, Pl. 7j–l

Persoonia 135

juniperina 79, Fig. 51

Petalostylis 154, 156

petals 8

Petroselinum 287

crispum 76, Pl. 5a–c

Petty Spurge Fig. 78

Petunia 252

Phaseolus vulgaris 166

Phebalium squamulosum 83, Fig. 95

Philotheca 215

myoporoides 83, Fig. 96

phloem 52

Phormium 113

tenax 113

photosynthesis 52

phyllaries 266

phylloclades 120


of wattles 160

Physalis 252, 253

calyx 10

hederifolia 85, Pl. 30i

Pimelea 228

axiflora 228

glauca 78, Fig. 101

Pimenta dioica 196

Pimpernel, placentation 20

Pineapple Guava 196, Pl. 19f, g

Pink 234

Pinkbells 188, Figs. 76, 77

Pink Beard-heath Fig. 105

Pink Velvetbush Pl. 22f, g

pistil 18

Pisum sativum 166

Pittosporaceae 282

Pittosporum 83, 282

angustifolium 86, 282, Fig 130

undulatum 282, Fig 131

calyx 10

placenta 16

Pituri Pl. 30h

placentation 18, Fig. 5

types 18

Plantaginaceae 254

plant growth 53

Platylobium obtusangulum 83, Fig. 69

Plectranthus 256

Plum 175

Poa 122

Poaceae 122

Podolepis jaceoides 76, Pl. 33j

Poinsettia 191

pollen 8

pollen tube 38

pollination 37

pollinia, in orchids 103

Polycarpon 234

Pomaderris 76, 181

ovary position 25

paniculata Fig. 74


placentation 20

sepals 10

Poppy Family 131

Potato 252

Potato Vine 252

Powderpuff 157

Powell’s Amaranth Pl. 27h–j

Prairie Grass Fig. 38; Pl. 13a, b

Prasophyllum 86

litorale Pl. 9h

Pretty Grass-flag Fig. 30

Prickly Fanflower 262

Prickly Geebung Fig. 51

Primrose, placentation 20

Primula, placentation 20

Prionotes stamens 241

Proiphys 116

Prosopis 156, 157

Prostanthera 256

rotundifolia 84, Fig. 112

Protea 135

Proteaceae 135

gynoecium 16

Prunus 81, 175, 176

flower type 25

laurocerasus Pl. c–g

serrulata Fig. 72

thorns 177

Psidium guajava 196

Psiloxyloideae 197

Pterostylis 88

melagramma Fig. 28

parva Fig. 29

Ptilotus 239

Pultenaea 84, 166

gunnii Figs. 67, 68

pulvinus, of wattles 160

Purple-flag 110

Purple Groundsel Pl. 32b–e

Purplish Beard-orchid Fig. 26

Pycnosorus globosus 75, Pl. 33k, l

Pyrolaceae 240

Pyrorchis nigricans 87, Fig. 27

Pyrus 175

Queensland Bottle Tree 224

Quince 175

fruit structure 176

Quinoa 236

rachilla 123

rachis 35

radicle 43

Radish 230

Ragwort 265

rank, in classification 58, 59

Ranunculaceae 133

gynoecium 16

Ranunculus 133

nectaries 23

repens 81, Pl. 2a–c

Rapeseed Pl. a–c

Raphanus sativus 230

Raspberry 175

fruit structure 176

receptacle 8

of Daisies 266

receptacle tube 25

Red-beak Orchid Fig. 27

Red-flowered Mallow 224

Red Hot Poker 113

replum 231

Restionaceae 126

Restios 126

Rhagodia 236

candolleana 80, Pl. 26c–e

Rhamnaceae 181


alaternus 181

catharticus 181

Rhizomes 45

Rhododendron 74, 240, 241

lochiae 86, Pl. 28i–k

stamens 241

Riceflower 228


leaves 242

pandanifolia 242

procera 86, Fig. 108

stamens 241

Ricinocarpos pinifolius 82, Fig. 79

Ricinus communis 191

seed structure 39

River Red-gum Figs. 85, 86

Rocket 230

Romulea 110

rosea 110

roots 52

Rope-rushes 126

Rosa 175

flower type 25

prickles 177

rubiginosa 175

Rosaceae 175

perigynous flowers 25

Rosanae 59

Rose 175

flower type 25

Rose Campion Pl. 25a–e

coronal scales 12

Rose Family 175

Rosmarinus 256

Rosemary 256

Rosemary Grevillea Fig. 50; Pl. 3a

Rose of China Pl. 21h

rostellum, in orchids 103


Mintbush Fig. 112

rubber 191

Rubus 175

fruticosus 175

parvifolius 175

prickles 177

Ruby Saltbush Pl. 26f

Rue 215

Ruscus 120, 121

Rush 126

Rush Family 126

Ruta 215

graveolens 215

Rutaceae 215

gynoecium structure 16

Safflower oil 265

saffron 110

Sage 256

Sagina 234

Salicornia 73, 236

quinqueflora Fig. 102

Salmon Sun-orchid Pl. 9g


origanifolia 86, 253, Pl. 30a–d

Saltbush 236

Saltbush Family 236

seed structure 39

Salvia 256

verbenaca 84, Fig. 113

Samphire 236

Sallywood Pl. 21a–d

Sandalwoods 232

Santalaceae 232

Saponaria 234

Sarcocornia 236

Scaevola 88, 262

‘Fan Dancer’ Pl. 5d–f

spinescens 262

Scaly Buttons Figs. 122, 123

Schelhammera 99

Scilla 120

Sclerolaena 238

Scrambling Lily 113

Scrophularia 84

auriculata 254, Pl. 31a–e

Scrophulariaceae 254

Seaberry Saltbush Pl. 26c–e Sea

Spurge 191

sections, of flowers 6, Fig. 21

longitudinal 69

transverse 6, 69

Sedges 125

Sedge Family 125

Sedum 151

spectabile 81, Fig. 55


development 39

dormancy of 43

stratification 43

Selliera radicans 88, Pl. 5g–i


elegans 76, Pl. 32b–e

jacobaea 265

vulgaris 75, Figs. 120, 121

Senna 81, 156

aciphylla Pl. 15a–e

artemisioides Figs. 56, 57

Sennas 153, 154

Sensitive Plant 157

sepals 8

septum 16

She-oak Family 185

Sheep’s Burr 175, Fig. 70

Sheepweed 251

Shepherd’s Purse Pl. 24a–e

Shiny Swampmat Pl. 5g–i

Showy Podolepis Pl. 33i

Sida rhombifolia 224

Silene 234

coronaria 83, Pl. 25a–e

coronal scales 12

silicula 231

siliqua 231

Silky Oak 135, Figs. 48, 49

Silky Tea-tree Fig. 90

Silver Banksia Figs, 44, 45

Silver Cassia Figs. 56, 57

Sinapis alba 230

Sisyrinchium 110

Slender Dodder-laurel 94

Small Duck-orchid Pl. 9i

Small-flowered Mallow 224, Pl. 21e

Small-leaf Bramble 175

Small-leaved Clematis Fig. 42

Smoke Bush, anthers 15

Smooth Parrot-pea Fig. 63

Smooth Riceflower Fig. 101

Snapdragon 254

Snowdrop 116

Snowflake 116, Fig. 33

Snow Gum 202

Snow-in-summer Fig. 91

Snow Wreath Fig. 111

Soapwort 234

Soft Boronia Fig. 92

Solanaceae 252

Solandine 252

Solanum 85

aviculare 252

betaceum 252

ellipticum Pl. 30l

jasminoides 252

laciniatum 252, Pl. 30m

laxum 252

lycopersicum 252

melongena 252

‘Nemo’ Pl. 30k

nigrum 253, Pl. 30n

tuberosum 252

Sollya heterophylla 282

Southern Blue-gum Fig. 84

Southern Mahogany 202

Soybean 166

Spanish Heath Pl. 28a–e

Sparaxis 110

Spathe Plant 97

Spathiphyllum 97

species 62

Species Plantarum 2

Spergula 234

Spergularia 234


in grasses 123

in Restionaceae 126

in sedges 125

Spinach 236

Spinacia 236

Spindle-tree 186

Spiraea 175, 176

flower type 25

thunbergii 81, Pl. 2f, g

Spotted Gum 199, 202

Sprawling Cassia Pl. 15a–e

Spreading Wattle P. 14h


incarnata 86, Figs. 109, 110

leaves 242

petal union 12

stamens 241

Sprouts 230

Spurge Family 190

Spur Velleia

corolla spur 12, 262

Spyridium 181

parvifolium stamens 15

Stachys 256

Stackhousia 186

corolla tube 12

monogyna Fig. 75

Stackhousiaceae 186


epipetalous 15

epitepalous 15

staminodes 15

Stellaria 83, 234

media Pl. 25j, k stem

internodes 45

nodes 45


modified 45

types 45

Stenocarpus 135

Sterculia 224

Sterculiaceae 224

Sticky Boobialla Pl. 31f

Sticky Groundcherry Pl. 30i

Sticky Mouse-ear Chickweed Pl. 25f–i

stigma 8, 15, 20; Figs. 1, 4a

Stinkwood Figs. 97, 98

stipules 46

St Johns Wort 190, Pl. 4j, k

stolons 45

stomata 52

Stonecrop Fig. 55

Strawberry 175

fruit structure 176

Strawberry Tree 240

Sturt’s Desert Rose 224

style 8, 15, 20; Figs. 1, 4a

gynobasic 20, Fig. 6

insertion Fig. 6

style-arms 20

in Daisies 268

style-branches 20

in Daisies 268

style-end 21

Stylewort 260

Stylidiaceae 260

Stylidium 88, 260

armeria Fig. 114, Pl. 32a

stylopodium 287

Stypandra 113

glauca 77, Pl. 10h

Suaeda australis 80, Pl. 27c, d

subspecies 62

Subterranean Clover Pl. a, b

fruits 167

Sugar Beet 236

Sundew 233

Sundew Family 233

sunflower oil 265

Sunshine Wattle Fig. 62

Swamp Heath Figs. 109, 110

Sweet Alyssum 230

Sweet Briar 175

Sweet Bursaria 282

Sweet Pea 166, Figs. 64–66

Sweet Pittosporum 282, Fig. 131

calyx 10

Sweet William 234

symmetry, of flowers 12

Symphytum officinale 251


aromaticum 196

smithii 87, 196, Pl. 19h, i

Tagetes ‘Cinnabar’ 76, Figs. 116, 117

Tall Greenhood Fig. 28

Tamarind 155

Tamarindus 154

indica 155

Tarbush Pl. 31l, m

Taro 97, 98

Taraxacum officinale 75, Figs. 124, 125

tarragon 265

Tasmanian Blue-gum Fig. 84

Tea-tree, essential oils 196

Tecticornia 73, 236

pluriflora Pl. 26h

verrucosa Pl. 26g

Telopea 135

tepals 12, 95

testa 39

Tetratheca 82, 188

bauerifolia Pl. 4l

ciliata Figs. 76, 77

thalamus tube 25

Thalictrum 133

Thelionema 113

caespitosum 77, Fig. 31

Thelymitra 76

rubra Pl. 9g

Thomasia petalocalyx 79, 82, Fig. 100

Thornapple 253

Three-cornered Garlic 116

Three-wing Bluebush Pl. 27b

throat, of corolla 10

Thryptomene 196

Thyme 256

Thymelaea 228

Thymelaeaceae 228

Thymus 256

thyrse 31

Tilia 224

Tiliaceae 224

Toadflax 254

Toadlily 101

Tomato 252

Torchlily 113

torus 25

Tree Lucerne 166

Tree Tomato 252

Tremandraceae 188

Tricoryne 113

Tricyrtis 101

Trifolium 84, 166

repens Pl. 16c–f

subterraneum Pl. 16. a, b

fruits 167

Triggerplant 260, Pl. 32a

Tripladenia 99

cunninghamii 78, Pl. 8h, i

Tufted Blue-lily Fig. 31

Tulip 101

Tulipa 101

Tulip Tree Pl. 6a–d

Turf Lily 120

Turk’s Cap Fig. 99

Turnip 230

Twiggy Turnip Pl. 23d–g

Ulex europaeus 166

union of stamens 13–15

Umbelliferae 287

Umbrella Sedge Pl. 12h, i

Vacciniaceae 240

Vanilla 102

variety 62

vascular system 52

Velleia paradoxa

corolla spur 12, 262

Velvet Potato Bush Pl. 30l

venation 46

Venus Flytrap 233

Verbascum 254

Verbena Family 256

Verbenaceae 256

Veronica 254

Vetch 166

Vicia 166

faba 166

Victorian Smokebush Fis. 46, 47

Vipers Bugloss 251, Pl. 29a–c

Viscum album 232

von Mueller, Ferdinand 63

Wallflower 230

Waratah 135

Water Buttons Pl. 33j

Water Couch Pl. 13f–i

Water Figwort 254, Pl. 31a–e

Waterwheel 233

Watsonia 110

Wattle 157

Wattles 153, 154

Wax-berry 241

Waxflower 196

Wax Mallow 224, Fig. 99; Pl. 21i

Wedding Bush Fig. 79

Weeping Pittosporum 282, Fig. 130

Western Australian Christmas Tree 232

Western Australian Flowering Gum 199

Westringia 256

White Clover Pl. 16c–f

White Iris 110

White Kunzea Fig. 89

White Mustard 230

White Sallow Wattle Fig. 59

whorls, of flower parts 8

Wild Garlic 115

Wild Sage Fig. 113

Willowherb 194

Willowmyrtle 196

Windflower 133

Winter Cherry, calyx 10

Wintergreens 240

Winter Wattle Fig. 60

Wisteria 166

woad 230

Wolffia 73, 97, 98

australiana 98, Pl. 8a, b

Woodrush 126


pungens 85, 86, Fig. 111

stamens 241

Wurmbea 99

dioica 78, Fig. 23

Xerochrysum bracteatum 75, Fig. 119

Xanthorrhoea 113

australis 76, 113, Pl. 10i, j

xylem 52

Yellow Gum 201

Yellow Poplar Pl. 6a–d

Yucca 120

Zantedeschia 74, 97

aethiopica 98, Pl. 8c–e

Zieria arborescens 82, Figs. 97, 98

Zinnia 265

zygomorphy 12

zygote 39