THE PROBLEM: Flying Blind

There is no question that innovation is important. Everywhere you turn, people are lauding its benefits. It’s hard to open any popular business magazine and not find an article on innovation. This preoccupation with innovation comes from the belief that it is the key to growth. As Strategy& reported in its 2015 Global Innovation Study, “The results of our survey of 1,757 executives couldn’t be clearer: innovation today is a key driver of organic growth for all companies—regardless of sector or geography.”1 Indeed, the company reports its Innovation 1000 companies (top 1000 R&D spenders) invested $680 billion in R&D last year—up 5 percent from the prior year.

The benefits of innovation don’t stop with companies. Historically R&D has been viewed as the engine of economic growth as well. This assumption was the foundation for President George W. Bush’s America COMPETES (Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science) Act of 2007, whose goal was to invest in research and development to improve the competitiveness of the United States. Demonstrating that support for innovation is nonpartisan, President Barack Obama signed into law the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 three years later.

Yet despite the importance of innovation to companies as well as to the broader economy, despite the growth in real R&D by both the government and companies, and despite all the experts dedicated to helping companies innovate, companies have become worse at it! The money companies spend on research and development is producing fewer and fewer results. In fact, the returns to companies’ R&D spending have declined 65 percent over the past three decades. Not coincidentally, this decline coincides closely with the decline in U.S. GDP growth over the past 30 years (see Figure 1-1).

FIGURE 1-1.  Decline in R&D productivity coincides with decline in GDP growth


Given the tremendous importance of innovation, all the attention paid to it, and all the experts dedicated to advising companies on it, how is it possible that R&D has suffered such a severe decline in productivity?

I believe it is because everyone is flying blind with respect to innovation, because there has been no good way to measure its quality or productivity. Indeed, Industrial Research Institute (IRI) members report that the lack of good R&D measures is one of the top problems they face.2 They view measurement as important (a) to justify R&D investment to CEOs, the board, and investors, (b) to improve the efficiency of R&D, and (c) to estimate the value of R&D investment for future growth.


This measurement problem isn’t about a dearth of measures. In fact, it’s the opposite problem—overabundance of measures. According to one study by the European Industrial Research Management Association, there are over 250 R&D metrics! Certainly one reason for the plethora of measures is that capturing project-level performance is quite different from capturing company-level performance. However, the more compelling reason appears to be that the measures are unsatisfactory: the data is difficult to collect, there aren’t uniform standards across business units, the measures can be gamed to make sure a given group looks good, the measures focus on inputs and outputs (rather than the conversion of inputs to outputs), and perhaps most important, the measures aren’t meaningful to shareholders.3

Until now, academics have been unable to help companies solve the measurement problem. That’s because their primary measure (patent counts) wasn’t much better. Patents have a number of shortcomings that are acknowledged by academics and practitioners alike. In particular, patents are not universal, uniform, or reliable.

The first problem, universality, is that not all companies patent their inventions. In fact, less than 40 percent of companies who conduct R&D have any patents. Relatedly, even among the companies that do patent, few of them patent all their innovations. This is because patents are costly both financially (the cost to file and defend) as well as competitively (they require disclosure of the fundamental knowledge underpinning the innovation). Accordingly, companies file patents only under certain circumstances, such as to prevent copying when their innovations are easy to invent around. However, they also patent for strategic reasons, such as to block other companies’ patents, to prevent lawsuits, to use in negotiations with companies who hold patents to necessary technology, or to enhance their reputation.4 Without universality (all companies patenting all innovations), it is difficult to use patents to compare companies on their innovativeness, or even to track any given company’s innovativeness over time.

Patents also suffer the uniformity problem that they aren’t all created equal. Compare for example the $2 billion in royalties for Kary Mullis’s patent for the process to clone DNA5 to the value of the 97 percent of patents that are never commercialized. On average, less than 10 percent of patents account for 80 to 85 percent of the economic value of all patents.6 Without uniformity, the number of patents is not a meaningful measure of the value of innovations. While there are efforts to control for the uniformity problem through counting patent citations, these efforts are only partially effective, and they are only meaningful after adequate time has elapsed since the patent has been granted.

The final problem, reliability, is that patents don’t predict the big outcomes that companies care about, such as revenues, profits, and market value. This is not surprising given the prior two problems. However, the most insightful answer to the question of why patents aren’t reliable came from Dan Stern, a former vice president and chief scientist at Olin Corporation, who I run into periodically at the local happy hour. When I mentioned I was examining patents as a measure of innovativeness, Dan became very animated and said, “Patents don’t measure anything! I know exactly how to increase patents—I merely tell my engineers they’re going to get paid per patent.”

Without universal, uniform, and reliable measures of innovation, it is almost impossible to identify best practices or establish top-level R&D strategy. In short, companies confront the classic problem “you can’t manage what you can’t measure,” a quote that has been attributed to a number of people, dating back as far as 1883 to Lord Kelvin, and more recently to Peter Drucker, Fred Smith (FedEx founder), and Andy Grove (former Intel CEO). To make the “you can’t manage what you can’t measure” problem more concrete, let’s review one example of how the problem manifests itself in the context of R&D.

In the summer of 2010, Mark Hurd was ousted as the CEO of Hewlett-Packard because there had been “violations of H.P.’s standards of business conduct.” Joe Nocera, in his August 13 column in the New York Times that year, suggested the business conduct rationale was a ruse. Nocera cited Charles House, a former H.P. engineering manager, as saying, “the sexual harassment charge (against Mark Hurd) was a total red herring.” Nocera goes on to report, “as many H.P. old-timers saw it . . . Mr. Hurd was systematically destroying what had always made H.P. great. The way H.P. made its numbers, Mr. House said, was not just by cutting any old costs, but by ‘chopping R&D,’ which had always been sacred at H.P. The research and development budget used to be 9 percent of revenue, Mr. House told me; now it was closer to 2 percent.”

Is Mr. House right? Did Mark Hurd destroy what made HP great? The problem with existing measures is that we have no way of knowing. We don’t know (1) whether R&D capability has deteriorated at all, or if so by how much, and (2) whether the correct R&D investment is 9 percent or 2 percent. Without such basic knowledge it’s almost impossible to manage R&D.


I confronted this measurement problem firsthand during a prior career managing missile guidance projects at Hughes Aircraft Company. Toward the end of my time there, I could see that changes in government acquisition policies were changing companies’ incentives to conduct R&D. I could further see that Hughes’s responses to these policies, as well as the company’s response to being acquired by General Motors, were dramatically changing the way we organized R&D. I was concerned these changes would permanently degrade Hughes’s R&D capability. Moreover, I suspected this was true not only for Hughes, but for all companies in the defense industry, and possibly other industries as well. The challenge at the time was that I couldn’t convey the need for alarm. Without a good measure of R&D capability, there was no way to demonstrate there was a problem.

I became an academic in part to solve the R&D measurement problem. While the original insight for the solution occurred to me as a first-year PhD student, the hard work to implement and validate it has taken 20 years. The result of that work is a measure called RQTM (short for research quotient)—a name intentionally similar to individual IQ, to reflect the fact that both measure problem-solving capability. In fact, I originally called the measure IQ (innovation quotient).7 For individuals, IQ is measured as the speed and accuracy of solving problems of increasing difficulty. Within any given time constraint, individuals with a higher IQ solve more problems correctly than those with a lower IQ. For companies, RQ is efficiency solving new problems. For any given level of R&D spending, high RQ companies will generate more innovations, or for any given innovation, high RQ companies will invest less developing it. Accordingly, RQ is mapped onto the IQ scale (mean = 100, standard deviation = 15) to reinforce that intuition.

I argue that RQ is the most intuitive measure you could construct for R&D effectiveness. It captures a company’s ability to generate value from its R&D investment in a very precise way. In particular, RQ is the percentage increase in revenue a company obtains from a 1 percent increase in R&D, while keeping everything else the same (the mathematical details are in Chapter 10).

Because RQ relates R&D to revenues, a company can have high RQ either by generating a large number of innovations and being reasonably effective exploiting them, or by generating a smaller number of innovations and being extremely effective exploiting them. One thing to note with this definition is that a company with a large number of patents or new products may not have a high RQ if it operates in small markets.

Accordingly, RQ doesn’t fit everyone’s definition of innovation. Some people prefer to think of innovation as the number of new things a company introduces. While this is important for some purposes, this isn’t what RQ measures. Instead, RQ measures how much economic benefit the company derives from its R&D. The benefit can come from new products or services. However, it can also come from process innovation. In the case of product/service innovation, the economic benefit is reflected in higher revenue; in the case of process innovation, the economic benefit is reflected in lower costs.

What makes RQ so powerful as a measure of R&D is that it’s derived from the “production function” in classic economics that relates a company’s inputs to its output. This means that once a company knows its RQ, it can use economic relationships to forecast not only additional revenues from its R&D, but also profits, market value, and growth as well. Moreover, it can determine the optimal level of R&D investment. For all companies, there is a point at which the additional gross profit from R&D falls below the investment required to generate those gross profits. RQ allows companies to identify that optimal point precisely.

In addition to having a solid economic foundation, RQ solves the three problems with the patent measures. Because it is estimated entirely from standard financial data, RQ is universal. It can be computed for any company engaged in R&D. Second, because it is essentially a sophisticated ratio of output dollars to input dollars, RQ is unitless. Thus its interpretation is uniform across companies within an industry as well as across industries. Perhaps most important, RQ is a reliable measure of R&D productivity. The theoretical predictions relating RQ to company R&D investment, market value, and growth held up when tested with 47 years of financial data for all publicly traded companies in the United States.

Finally, RQ solves the main problems discussed earlier for the 250-plus measures currently in use: (1) the data to derive RQ are easy to collect (in fact, for public companies, it is data they are required to collect and report in their 10K), (2) there are uniform standards across business units that are imposed by FASB, (3) RQ can’t be gamed to make sure a group looks good—the only way to look good is to have higher output or lower input costs, (4) RQ defines the relationship between inputs and outputs (rather than focusing on one or the other), and perhaps most important, (5) RQ is meaningful to shareholders, because now they, too, can predict how R&D spending will affect stock price. Moreover, as we will learn in Chapter 8, RQ can be used by investors to outperform the market.

Can’t We Just Use Intuition?

In principle, measures aren’t necessary if managers have good intuition about what bets to place and how to execute them. Certainly, none of the most famous entrepreneurial innovators needed measures of their R&D productivity: Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, or more recently Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos. Each of them had a clear vision of what new product or service was needed, how valuable it would be, and what was necessary to execute that vision.

But what about the rest of us? How good are non-unicorns at gauging what drives innovation? Let’s see. Test your own intuition by answering 12 questions about factors that are often associated with innovativeness (Figure 1-2).

FIGURE 1-2.  Survey of R&D practice effectiveness



Now check how you did. Give yourself one point for each answer that matches the answers in Table 1.1, column C. Column C provides the “truth”—what the data tell us about factors enhancing innovation. I will provide details on how I arrived at the truth in the remaining chapters.

TABLE 1-1.  Answers to Survey of R&D Practice Effectiveness


Be generous—mark either 4 or 5 correct if the correct answer is 5, and mark either 1 or 2 correct if the correct answer is 1. If you scored a 9 or 10 you have exceptional intuition and may not need this book other than to provide deeper understanding of why your intuition is correct. If you scored 7 to 8, your intuition is better than the average manager’s, but you can still benefit from understanding where your intuition is misleading you. If you scored 6 or below, you fall into the majority of managers and financial professionals who need a reliable measure to help make R&D decisions and gauge their effectiveness.

Now let’s dig deeper. Rather than looking at overall score, look at your answers to specific questions. If you’re like most managers inside operating companies, you provided the answers in column A. If you’re like most professionals in the investment community, you provided the answers in column B. So the first thing to notice from comparing the two columns is that managers and investment professionals have different views on what makes R&D productive. For example, managers believe competition leads to greater innovation, while finance professionals believe it has no effect. Managers believe outside CEOs drive greater innovation, while investment professionals believe internal CEOs drive greater innovation. Perhaps most notably, investment professionals strongly believe decentralized decisions lead to greater innovation, while managers are split on whether centralized or decentralized R&D is more effective. These differences between the two sets of intuition could lead to problems if companies want to go left, but investors pressure them to go right.

The second thing to notice is that managers have only slightly better intuition than investment professionals: managers better gauge the truth for 6 of the 10 factors, while investment professionals better gauge the truth for 4 of the 10 factors. That should come as a surprise. Managers operating inside companies are much closer to “the innovation phenomenon” than investors, so they have more opportunity to develop and refine their intuition. The fact that managers don’t have much better intuition suggests that being closer to the phenomenon doesn’t help much. There are very few domains in which expertise and experience are unhelpful. The most notable popular example comes from Michael Lewis’s book Moneyball,8 where experienced baseball scouts were poorer at choosing players than the sabermetrics employed by Billy Beane. Not surprisingly, the solution to poor R&D intuition is the same as the solution in Moneyball—replacing intuition with data and meaningful measures.

The third and most important point is that neither managers nor investors have great intuition. This explains why in the absence of a measure like RQ, it was easy for R&D productivity to decline so dramatically. While companies implemented practices they believed would improve innovation, they had no way to gauge whether those practices were making their innovation more or less effective.

A final problem is that even for the factors where R&D managers’ intuition is solid, without data and measures it’s difficult to defend against investor pressure to comply with factors where the intuition of the two groups differs.

This first test of innovative intuition is admittedly difficult, so I’m going to pose a second test. Rather than identifying specific practices that increase or decrease innovation, I’m going to ask you to identify innovative companies. The logic here is that it should be easier to identify a “black box” than to know what’s inside. For this second test, rank order the following companies in terms of their R&D productivity.







Tesla Motors


The average company conducting R&D

Now score yourself on this test by comparing your rankings against those in Table 1-2, which shows the true ranking of these companies’ innovativeness using their RQ.

TABLE 1-2.  RQ Ranking of “Strategy& Innovation 1000”


Give yourself a point for each company that you correctly identified as being above or below average (rather than worrying about the full ranking). If you scored five points you should feel pretty good about your intuition. But you shouldn’t be too disappointed with a score below this. All these companies were ranked within the world’s 10 most innovative companies by respondents to the 2015 Strategy& Global Innovation 1000 survey. As you can see, however, none of these companies are in the top 10 with respect to R&D productivity. Worse, three of them are actually below average. So even innovation experts have unreliable intuition.

Why is our intuition so poor at both recognizing innovative companies and identifying the factors that make them innovative? The answer to the second question is fairly easy. Unless we work inside a company, we know almost nothing about it other than what the company chooses to disclose. Given that we can’t identify who’s innovative, it would be almost impossible to identify what factors make them innovative. You can’t isolate best practices until you actually know who exemplifies them.

It’s fairly easy to understand why there is little hope for outsiders to gauge company innovativeness, but what about folks inside companies? We saw from Table 1 that managers don’t have much better intuition than investment professionals. How is that possible? The most obvious explanation is that the consequences of R&D practices often aren’t felt for a number of years. By then a number of other things have changed, both internally as well as in the market. Thus it is very difficult to identify how much an increase in sales is due to changes made three years ago to the R&D practices, versus to changes in marketing, in the number of competitors, in those competitors’ products or services, or in consumer tastes.

Contrast this with advertising. All the impact of advertising is typically felt within a few months—a time so short that little else has had a chance to change. Accordingly, companies’ intuition about how much to spend on advertising, how to allocate that expenditure, and how effective a given campaign was is fairly reliable. In fact, in the context of advertising, we can rely on “knowledge” rather than “intuition.”

HP Epilogue

Now that we have the RQ measure and understand why we need it, let’s return to the case of HP. Was Mr. House right? Did Mark Hurd destroy the innovation engine that made HP great? Let’s look first at R&D spending (Figure 1-3). Certainly HP’s R&D intensity (R&D/Sales) has decreased. Throughout the 1980s R&D spending averaged 10 percent of sales (even higher than Mr. House remembered), but by 2009 it had fallen to 2.9 percent of sales. This wasn’t a Mark Hurd effect, however. Figure 1-2a shows the 2009 level merely tracked a steady decline that began in 1993. Thus Mr. Hurd was sustaining an R&D strategy implemented by Lew Platt (appointed CEO in 1992) and perpetuated by Carly Fiorina (appointed CEO in 1999). Note the decline was in R&D intensity, not in absolute R&D investment. R&D spending continued to grow, but because the company undertook a “growth through acquisition” strategy, revenues grew more rapidly than R&D.

FIGURE 1-3.  HP’s R&D intensity decreased steadily since John Young’s tenure as CEO


We defer to Chapter 4 the question of whether 9 percent or 2 percent of sales was the correct level of R&D investment and turn to the question of whether the innovation engine deteriorated. To evaluate that we examine the trend in HP’s RQ over time. Figure 1-4 shows that HP’s RQ reached a peak of 137 in 1994 (one of the highest RQs in the economy), so Mr. House is likely correct that R&D was one of the things that made HP great. It then followed a steady decline to 107 in 2005, the year Mark Hurd became CEO. However, it actually increased to 114 under his tenure!

FIGURE 1-4.  HP’s RQ history


This means HP’s RQ went from being in the top 2 percent of companies to being in the top 33 percent (still very good, but certainly not as great). In Chapter 9, when we discuss how to change RQ, we will speculate what (besides the investment decline) might be responsible for the 30-point decline over 20 years.

So we see how RQ can be used retrospectively to diagnose problems. Of course that’s all we can do at this point, because companies haven’t had the measure until recently. For the sake of argument, let’s assume that RQ was available 30 years ago. How might that have changed company behavior? I believe it’s likely companies would have made very different strategic decisions—decisions that would not only have preserved their own innovative capability and growth, but as a by-product would have preserved economic growth. Let’s speculate what might have happened differently at GE.

What If Jack Welch Had Had the RQ Measure?

GE was a U.S. innovation treasure for a good part of the twentieth century. Indeed, its genesis was Thomas Edison’s lightbulb. It had one of the best central research labs in the country, reinvested 40 to 50 percent of profits in R&D each year, and had one of the highest returns on that investment in the entire economy—double the returns of the average company today.

However, that changed when Jack Welch adopted the market power strategy (be number one and number two in the market) advocated in Michael Porter’s popular book Competitive Strategy. R&D plays no role in that strategy because it is a strategy about maximizing current profits. To execute its strategy, GE divested many businesses that had been reliant on R&D (televisions, semiconductors, and aerospace) and expanded into businesses where R&D had no role: television broadcasting (NBC) and finance (Kidder, Peabody).

So GE began cutting R&D (as a percentage of profits) from a high of 52 percent to below 15 percent. It divested Sarnoff lab when it acquired RCA, and it began outsourcing what R&D remained. In the end, GE had gutted one of the country’s greatest innovation engines, to a point where its R&D productivity was one-third its peak.

There is no question shareholders enjoyed a tremendous ride. GE’s stock price increased from $1.30 in April 1981 when Jack Welch took office to a peak of $58.00. However, one of the costs of that ride was GE’s innovation engine, so by the time Jack Welch handed the baton to Jeffrey Immelt, the stock had fallen to $37.00. Worse, with no source of internal growth the stock continued to fall to a low of $10.00.

Had Jack Welch known GE’s RQ in 1986 when he began reducing R&D, he might have taken a different course. He would have known that maintaining R&D would have provided even greater growth and market value. Had he further known GE’s RQ in the 1990s, he might have recognized that outsourcing R&D was dramatically reducing its returns and might therefore have kept R&D in-house. Thus this inability to measure innovative capability may have contributed to GE’s decline.


HP and GE are just examples. While they offer some rich detail and accordingly clues as to how innovative capability declines, it is hard to generalize from them. Unfortunately, similar case studies are where most innovation prescriptions come from. This book takes a different approach. Rather than recommending insights from these cases as prescriptions for improving innovativeness, I treat these insights as hypotheses—educated guesses about what drives RQ. I obtained other hypotheses from my own experience in industry, from deep understanding of the economics and management literature on innovation, and from interviews with all levels of management in R&D organizations as part of an initial National Science Foundation (NSF) grant.9 This grant allowed me to generate rich case studies of high RQ versus low RQ companies from which to identify factors driving company innovativeness.

Accordingly, the first NSF study was very similar to other case studies that form the bases for innovation prescriptions. However, as I mentioned, I didn’t generate prescriptions from this study. I only generated hypotheses about what factors might be driving companies’ innovativeness. To understand how broadly applicable these factors were, I applied for and obtained a second NSF grant to test these hypotheses across the full spectrum of U.S. companies engaged in R&D.

This study not only allowed me to identify which companies were most and least productive with their R&D investment, it also allowed me to determine what R&D practices they follow. This is ordinarily extremely difficult for outsiders, because these practices are held pretty close to the vest. However, through the grant, I had access to confidential data on companies’ financial information as well as their R&D practices from the NSF Survey of Industrial R&D (SIRD) and the Business Innovation and R&D Survey (BRDIS). The financial data allowed me to characterize the RQ of all companies in the NSF datasets. Accordingly, I could identify companies that were highly productive as well as those that were less productive. By then matching the companies’ RQs to their R&D practices, I could isolate what high RQ companies did differently from their low RQ counterparts that might drive the differences in their innovativeness.

As a result of these two NSF studies, I have been able to identify which popular innovation recommendations actually work and which don’t. The results are startling. Many of the most popular recommendations don’t work. Not only do they fail to improve innovation, in many cases they actually make companies worse at innovation! Thus experts may actually be contributing to the decline in company innovativeness.

Because of these NSF studies, How Innovation Really Works is unlike any other innovation book. Rather than offering prescriptions I believe are correct, I offer prescriptions I know to be correct on average, because I have tested them against the entire spectrum of U.S. companies doing R&D. The book combines the results from those studies with other foundational work to help companies design the comprehensive innovation systems they need.

In this sense, How Innovation Really Works is like sabermetrics for R&D companies. Just as TQM reversed the decline in companies’ manufacturing productivity, the hope for RQ is that it can help reverse the decline in companies’ R&D productivity. This book shows companies how. It provides actionable information to increase companies’ market value in the short run through wiser R&D investment. In addition, it allows companies to benchmark their capability to see if there is opportunity for improvement in the long run. Furthermore, it tells companies how much improvement they can likely achieve, provides prescriptions on how to achieve that, and identifies how much that improvement should increase revenues, profits, and market value. While this prospect should be promising to managers and shareholders, it has even broader implications. Because R&D productivity drives economic growth, reversing the decline in company innovativeness has the potential to restore economic growth as well. If so, Robert Gordon’s dismal claim in The Rise and Fall of American Growth, that the rapid growth of the twentieth century won’t be repeated, may be proved wrong.