James Roberts battles to the end of the low girders
Railway routes in the east coast of Scotland
Diagram of Bouch’s ‘floating railway’
The floating railway at Broughty Ferry Harbour
Bouch’s design for the Forth Bridge
The Tay Bridge as originally designed
One of the pontoons used to carry bridge supports
A vacuum pump used in excavation
Grothe’s signature on a window-pane
The high girders being lifted into position
The Directors make the first crossing
Looking along the high girders from inside
The Piper o’ Dundee celebrates the opening of the bridge
Divers at work on the river bed
Wreckage being salvaged at Broughty Ferry
One of the high girders at low tide
No. 224 engine after being recovered from the river bed
A carriage found inside the girder
The roof of one of the carriages on Taybridge Station
Diagram of the engine and carriages
Diagram of no. 4 girder showing score marks
The remains of one of the cast-iron columns
The ties used on the Belah Viaduct
One of William Arrol’s ‘quadrupeds’
Transferring girders from the old bridge to the new