
Aberdeen, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Aberdeen Railway Junction Company, ref1, ref2, ref3

Airy, Sir George, ref1, ref2

Albert Institute, ref1

Alma, ref1

Anderson, G., ref1

Anderson, Joseph, ref1

Anderson, Mr, ref1

Arbroath, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Arrol, William, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Auld Reekie, ref1

Austin, Mr, ref1

Bain, Archie, ref1, ref2, ref3

Bain, Jessie, ref1, ref2, ref3

Balfour, J.B., ref1

Balgay Cemetery, ref1

Balmoral, ref1

Banshee, ref1

Barclay, John, ref1

Barclay, shoemaker, ref1

Barclay, Thomas, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

Barlow, Clifford, ref1

Barlow W.H., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

Barnard Castle, ref1

Barnard Castle and Kirkby Stephen Railway, ref1

Barron, Peter, ref1

Baxter, Lady, ref1, ref2

Beattie, Frank, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Beaufort scale, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

‘beaumont egg’, ref1, ref2

Beaumont, John, ref1

Beeching, Dr, ref1, ref2

Belah Viaduct, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

Bell, Mr, ref1

Berwick-on-Tweed, ref1

Bessemer, Henry, ref1

Beynon, William, ref1, ref2

Blackness Point, ref1

Bo’ness, ref1

Board of Trade, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16

Board of Works, ref1

Bouch, Mrs, ref1, ref2

Bouch, Sir Thomas, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17

Belah Viaduct, ref1, ref2

blamed for bridge collapse, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

career, ref1, ref2, ref3

causes of bridge collapse, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

contractors, ref1

Court of Inquiry, ref1, ref2

death, ref1, ref2

designs Tay Bridge, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

‘floating railway’, ref1, ref2

freedom of Dundee, ref1

knighted, ref1

plans Dundee tramways, ref1

plans Forth Bridge, ref1, ref2

plans Tay Bridge, ref1, ref2, ref3

resignation, ref1

salvage operation, ref1

St Andrews line, ref1

Tay Bridge maintenance, ref1, ref2

visitors, ref1

wind pressure, ref1, ref2, ref3

Bouch, William, ref1

Boyd, Dr, ref1

Brand, John, ref1, ref2

Brazil, Emperor of, ref1

Brooklyn Bridge, ref1

Broughty Ferry, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

Brownlie, Provost, ref1, ref2, ref3

Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, ref1

Brunlees, James, ref1, ref2

Buckingham Point, ref1

Buick, John, ref1

Burntisland, ref1, ref2, ref3 ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

Butler and Pitts, ref1

caissons, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Caithness, ref1

Caledon shipyard, ref1

Caledonian Railway, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Camphuis, Gerard, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Cardiff, ref1

Carlisle, ref1

Carr, David, ref1

Carrier, ref1

Central Station, ref1

Chamberlain, Joseph, ref1, ref2

Charleston, ref1

Chepstow, ref1

Clark, Charles, ref1

Clark, George, ref1

Clark, William, ref1

Cochrane, John, ref1, ref2

Court of Inquiry, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

Reports, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Cowlairs, ref1

Cox, James, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Craig Pier, ref1

Crichton, James, ref1, ref2, ref3

Crichton, Mrs, ref1

Crieff Junction, ref1

Cruickshank, Ann, ref1, ref2

Cunningham, David, ref1

Darlington and Blackhill Railway, ref1

Davidson, Laura, ref1

Davidson, Thomas, ref1

Day, St John Vincent, ref1

de Bergue, Charles, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Dean, Elisabeth, ref1

Deepdale Viaduct, ref1, ref2, ref3

Dewar, Ann, ref1

Dickson, A.J., ref1

Discovery Point, ref1

divers, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Dock Street, ref1, ref2

Dodds, Joseph, ref1

Dougall, Admiral, ref1, ref2

Dow, W.M., ref1, ref2

Drummond tank engine, ref1

Drummond, Dugald, ref1, ref2, ref3

Duncan, Miss M., ref1

Dundee, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22, ref23, ref24, ref25, ref26, ref27, ref28

Harbour Board, ref1

Harbour Trust, ref1, ref2, ref3

Town Council, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

tramways, ref1

Water Commissioners, ref1

Dundee Advertiser, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Dundee Courier, ref1, ref2

Dundee Perth and Aberdeen Railway Junction Company, ref1

Dundee, steamer, ref1

Eastern cemetery, ref1

Eden Valley, ref1

Edinburgh, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17

Edinburgh and Northern Railway, ref1, ref2, ref3

Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee Railway, ref1, ref2

Edinburgh South Side and Suburban Railway, ref1

‘Edinburgh’ the, ref1, ref2, ref3

Edward, James, ref1, ref2,

Esplanade, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Evans, John, ref1

Excelsior, ref1

Fairweather, ref1

Falshaw, Sir John, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Farquar, A., ref1

Ferguson, Fergus, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

ferries, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16

Fife, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19

‘floating railway’, ref1, ref2

Forfarshire, ref1

Forfarshire Volunteers, ref1

Forth, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13

Forth Bridge, ref1, ref2, ref3

Fox, John, ref1, ref2

France, ref1, ref2

Gibb, Mr., ref1

Gilkes, Edgar, ref1, ref2, ref3

Gilkes, Wilson and Co., ref1

Glasgow, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Glasgow Evening Times, ref1

Glasgow Hamilton and Bothwell Railway, ref1

Glencarse Pottery, ref1

Gordon, Aeneas, ref1

Gothenburg, ref1

Grainger, Thomas, ref1

Grant, Ulysses S., ref1

Granton, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Greenhill, ref1

Greenwich, ref1

Grothe, Albert, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

Hannah, Joseph, ref1

Harley, Peter, ref1

Henderson, James, ref1

Henderson, Robert, ref1

‘high girders’, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22, ref23, ref24, ref25

Hodgson, Richard, ref1, ref2, ref3

Hopkins, Gilkes and Co., ref1, ref2, ref3

House of Commons, ref1

Special Committee, ref1

Hownes Gill Viaduct, ref1, ref2

Hutchinson, Major General, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Inchkeith, ref1

Institution of Civil Engineers, ref1, ref2

Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, ref1

Jack, William, ref1, ref2

John Stirling, ref1

Johnston, David, ref1

Johnston, George, ref1

Johnstone, Adam, ref1, ref2, ref3

Kennedy, Alexander, ref1

Kettle, ref1

‘kink in the rail’, ref1, ref2

Kirkaldy, David, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Lancaster and Carlisle Railway, ref1

Larmer, Mr., ref1

Law, Henry, ref1, ref2

Lawson, James, ref1

Leeds, ref1

Leith, ref1

Leng, John, ref1, ref2

Leopold, Prince, ref1

Leslie, ref1

Leslie, James, ref1

Leuchars, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

Leven line, the, ref1, ref2

Leviathan, ref1, ref2

Lewis, Peter, ref1

Lindsay, Charles, ref1

Linskill, Mr., ref1

Lochee, ref1, ref2

Lochee, ref1, ref2

London, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Macbeath, David, ref1

Macdonald, William, ref1, ref2

McKean, Prof. Charles, ref1, ref2

Macleod, Prof. I.A., ref1, ref2, ref3

Magdalen Green, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Magdalen Yard Point, ref1

Magdalen Yard Road, ref1

Malloch, John, ref1

Manchester, ref1

Marindin, Major, ref1

Mars, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

Marshall, John, ref1, ref2, ref3

Martin, T.J., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Matthew, Patrick, ref1, ref2

Maxwell, Alexander, ref1, ref2

McGonagall, William, ref1, ref2

McKelvie, William, ref1

Meik, Charles, ref1

Methven, Captain, ref1

Metropolitan Board, ref1

Middlesbrough, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Millar, William, ref1

Miller, James, ref1

Moffat, ref1

Montrose, ref1, ref2

Morris, Robert, ref1, ref2, ref3

Murray, James, ref1

Napiers of Glasgow, ref1

Neish, David, ref1

Ness, George, ref1

Ness, Walter, ref1

Nethergate, ref1

New Tay Bridge, ref1

design, ref1, ref2

inspections, ref1

opening, ref1

use of steam power

Newburgh, ref1, ref2

Newport, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

No. 224 (engine), ref1, ref2, ref3

Noble, Henry, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Norseman, ref1

North British Railway Company, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13

Pall Mall Gazette, ref1

Parliament, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12

Parliamentary Bills, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Paterson, William, ref1

Patullo and Thornton, ref1

Peebles, ref1

Peebles, William, ref1

Perth, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Town Council, ref1

Piper Alpha Disaster Appeal, ref1

Pole, William, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Ponsonby, Sir Henry, ref1

pontoons, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

precognitions, ref1

pressure, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

air, ref1

barometric, ref1

wind, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

quadrupeds, ref1

Queen Victoria, ref1, ref2, ref3

Quosbarth, Henry, ref1

Railway News, ref1

Redheugh Viaduct, ref1

Relief Fund, ref1, ref2

Reynolds, K., ref1

Riddesdale, Lord, ref1

Robert Napier, ref1

Roberts, James, ref1, ref2, ref3

Robertson, Alexander, ref1

Robertson, Provost, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Robertson, Thomas, ref1, ref2

Robertson, William, harbourmaster, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Rothery, Henry, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

Royal Charter, ref1

Royal George, ref1

Sandon, Lord, ref1, ref2

Scotsman, ref1, ref2

Scott, Captain, ref1, ref2

Scott, Eliza, ref1

Scott, Henry, ref1

Scott, John, ref1

Scottish Central Railway, ref1, ref2

Scottish North Eastern Railway, ref1, ref2

Shand, Robert, ref1, ref2

Sharp, John, ref1

Simpson, Edward, ref1, ref2

single track controversy, ref1

Smart, Mr., ref1,

Smith, Dr David, ref1

Smith, James, (stationmaster), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Smith, James, (victim), ref1

Somerville, Henry, ref1, ref2

South Durham and Lancashire Union Railway, ref1

South Esk Bridge, ref1, ref2

Spence, Annie, ref1

St Andrews, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

St Andrews Railway, ref1, ref2

St Fort, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

Stewart, Allan, D., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Stirling, John, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

Stockton and Darlington Railway, ref1

Stokes, Professor, ref1

Surtees, W.E., ref1

Talbot, E., ref1

Tate, Charles, ref1

Tay, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22, ref23, ref24

Tay Bridge, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10,

accidents, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

completion, ref1

construction, ref1, ref2

contractors, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

cost, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

design, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13

foundation stone, ref1

in operation, ref1

inspection, ref1, ref2

maintenance, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

official opening, ref1

opposition, ref1, ref2

plan, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

reconstruction, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

speed limit on, ref1, ref2, ref3

success, ref1, ref2, ref3

visitors, ref1, ref2

Tay Bridge and Union Railway, ref1

Tay Bridge Disaster, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

causes, ref1, ref2, ref3

victims, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

witnesses, ref1, ref2

Tay Bridge (steamer), ref1

Tay Bridge Undertaking, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

Taybridge station, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15

Tayport, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Thoms, William, ref1

Thomson, W.B., ref1, ref2

Thornton Junction, ref1

Thornton, Thomas, ref1, ref2, ref3

Threlfall, William, ref1, ref2

Thursby, ref1

Times, The, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Trayner, Mr., ref1, ref2

United States, ref1, ref2, ref3

Upton, Alice, ref1

Upton, Mrs., ref1

Valentine, Mr, ref1

Walker, John, ref1, ref2

Watson, David, ref1

Watson, Robert, ref1

Watt, John, ref1, ref2

Waverley station, ref1, ref2, ref3

Westinghouse brake, ref1, ref2

White, William, ref1

Whitehurst, Frank, ref1

Wieland, George, ref1, ref2, ref3

Woodhaven, ref1

Wormit, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

Wormit Foundry, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Wylie, Jesse, ref1, ref2

Yeaman, James, ref1

Yolland, Col. William, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

Young, David, ref1