
16 things 180

Absurd Person Singular (play) 90

acupressure 128

adultery, as conspiracy 89

alternative therapy treatments 148

Anderson, Jean 98

angels 5, 204–5

animals 134–5, 192–4

applied kinesiology 148

arrogance, and humility 185–6

Ascended Masters see MAP asking, not being afraid of 145–6, 154, 17

attitude 177, 194

au pair, working as 38

An Audience Called Edouard (play) 91

audiences 44, 46, 48–9, 51–2, 189–90

Azim, Prince of Brunei 190

Bacharach, Burt 158

Bad Girls (TV series) 196

Baldwin, Stephen 103

Barkworth, Peter 91, 92

Barnet 5, 8, 9, 203

letter to Council 169

Barrie, Amanda 196

The Basement (play) 47

beauty, consciousness of 30, 31, 59, 191–2

Bell, Ann 99

Benmussa, Simone 63

Berenson, Berry 155, 156

Bernie (boyfriend) 50, 166

Bible readings 103

bikini, costume change 48

Birmingham Repertory Theatre 65

birth, giving 71–2, 83–4

blacklisting, from Hollywood 92, 143, 145

Blessed, Brian 90

Brando, Marlon 76, 92, 150–2

British Council tour 42–4

British negativity 154, 180–1

Brook, Peter 40

Buddhism 147, 150

Buffini, Moira 99

Burge, Stuart 63

A Busy Day (play) 64–5, 66

California 139, 144, 145–8, 161, 202

see also Hollywood

Callas, Maria 47, 51–2, 65–6, 119–20

Can You Hear Me at the Back? (play) 91, 94

Catholicism, attraction to 8, 40

Cazenove, Christopher 65, 159

Celebrity Big Brother (TV series) 101–4

A Change of Place (TV movie) 117

channelling Maria Callas 66, 119–20

characters, toxic energy of 196

Charisse, Cyd 159

Chasen, Heather 186

chauffeur, psychic 132–3

childhood 5–8, 203, 207–8

children see also Chloe (daughter); Phoebe (daughter) closeness to the creative self 83

making spirit puppets for 204–5

reason to be brave 94–5, 96

as teachers 192, 211

Chitty, Alison 189

Chloe (daughter)

boarding school 145, 146

on Colbys set 153

difficult birth 61, 83–4

eyes appear in hospital 125–6

feeding problems 87–8

helping wallpaper 96

keenness on Colin’s horses 22

meets ‘Sid’ Charisse 159

melting nuns 90–1

pink petticoats from California 144

pneumonia scare 80–1

chocolate 178–9

Chopra, Deepak 62

Christina see Hart, Christina

Church, Jonathan v, 65–6, 164

Church of England 5

clay jigsaw puzzles 202

cleansing rituals 46, 196–7

Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance

Programme, The (MAP) 181–3

The Colbys (TV series) 51, 135, 140–1, 144–5, 152–3

Coldham Hall 108–10

Cole, Steph 99, 126

Colin (friend) 22, 162

Collins, Jackie 159

Collins, Joan 149

communal living 57–9, 102–3

The Confessional (film) 79

Connie (TV series) 129–35

animal imagery for characters 134–5, 192

Dynasty’s influence on 131, 139

consciousness 60, 179, 191–2

contract, twists 206, 212

convent school 6–8, 209

posy presentation 35–6

similarity to Big Brother 102

Coronation Street (TV series) i–ii, 195

costumes 48, 189

A Course in Miracles (ACIM) 155, 156

Coward, Noel 49

Cranham, Kenneth 36–7, 48, 53, 91

creativity 51, 83, 172–7, 202

crow, as guide 193

curiosity 9

Cusack, Cyril 148

Cusack, Sinead 148

daily routine 164

dancing 8–9, 46, 94, 175

Dartmoor, pull of 110–5, 175


covering up 143, 209–10

hearing Mary 7–8

interlife experience 207

mother’s attitude to 207–8, 209, 211

practical challenges 208, 210

and pride in success 4, 212–3

supporting charities 210–1, 212

working around 144–5, 208

death dare 95, 183

Decroux, Etienne 38

Dench, Judi 67

determination 169

Didi (sister)

grieving for Bill 190

happy support 99, 115–7

healing in Mexico 186

school days 6, 35–7, 38

Dinner (play) 99

divination 166, 167–8

‘to do’ lists 164

‘do without doing’ 179–80

dogs 76, 211

The Doll’s House (play) 63

Dosser, Alan 107, 129–30, 130–1

dove, as messenger 194

Dracula AD 1972 (film) 141

drugs, psychedelic 55–6, 60

dying, and returning 20, 26, 124–6

Dynasty (TV series) 139–40, 149, 159

influence on Connie 131, 139

eagle spirit guide 193

Egypt, past life 18

‘elecs’ job 36

Electra (school play) 37

Elizabeth Rex (play) 65, 66

emergency money 178

Emily (assistant) 117–8

energetic imprints 202

Eshley, Norman 79

Evans, Linda 144–5

Everett, Rupert 49

experimental theatre 39–40

family life

commune alternative 57, 58

with John 78–82, 84

fans (prop), comfort with 10

fear 26, 94, 101, 143, 154, 193

Fell, Cliff 113

Fernald, John 39

Ferris, Pam 134, 192

Findley, Timothy 65

fire, intuition 107–8, 169

Flemming, Kate 208

Forum, The 162

Foster, Barry 47

Foulger, Amanda 174, 175

fourth wall 46–9


as animal spirit guide 175–6, 192, 193

Connie’s character 134–5

Free Arts for Abused Children 204–5

Fuller, Buckminster 61–2

The Games (film) 150

Gardner, Ava 68, 148–9, 149–50

Gaynor, Mitzi 158

Geeson, Judy 42, 173

gender inequality 91

generation, reflections on 56, 83

Geoff (boyfriend) 9, 10

Gill, Peter 123–4

Glenn, John 212


and creative self 51, 83

judgemental 7

nature versus animal nature 193

sensing presence viii, 31, 71, 125

gold, spiritual light 25–6, 32, 79, 125

Gordon, Hannah 91

‘government inspector’ arrested 90

grace 194–5

gratitude 177, 194

‘GREAT Day’ list 166

Great White Brotherhood see MAP greediness 66–7

Greenwood, Bernie see Bernie (boyfriend)

Grotowski, Jerzy 39

guardian angels 5, 17, 96, 205

Guides, The 21

Guilaroff, Sydney 149

Gully, Richard 157–8

‘Hail Mary,’ reciting 209

Hall, Sir Peter 63, 64

Hamlet (play) 77–8

Hampshire, Susan 91

Hands, Terry 38, 39

hang-gliding 94

Hardwicke, Edward 91

Hart, Christina 107–10, 169

Hauser, Frank 66–7

Hawkins, Dr David 167

healing 128, 133

Hearing Dogs for the Deaf 210, 211

Hendrix, Jimi 68

Henson, Nicky 63–4

Heston, Charlton 51, 53, 144, 152–3

Hollywood 20, 140–4, 157–9

blacklisting from 92, 143, 145

The Homecoming (play) 73

homoeopathic medicine 148

Hopkins, Anthony 159, 162, 186–8

Horowitz, Colin see Colin (friend)

hostage, survival advice 101–2

humility 185–6

hummingbirds 194

Hunt, Marsha 73, 141–2, 144

Hunter, Holly 188

husband see McEnery, John

Hutchinson, Ron 131

hypnosis 201–3

I Vecchi e i Giovani see The Old and the Young (TV series)

An Ideal Husband (play) 63–4, 117

Iliff, Miss 37

Iliff, Noel 37

incarnations see past lives

inevitabilities 15–8

Inner Bonding 162–3, 179

Inseminoid (film) 173

intention 179–80

interlife 205–7

intuition 107–8, 168

Irons, Jeremy 48, 91

jackdaw nature vii, 21, 161

Jaguar XK150, John’s 72, 78, 82

James, Peter 38, 39, 90

Jameson, Louise 99

jazz clubs 9–10

Jenny (sister) 6

Jones, Vinnie 103

Jude (grandson) 23–5, 46–7, 64

Jung, Carl 62

karma 165

Kathmandu, performing in 42–4

Keel, Howard 158

kindness 180, 186–90

kinesiology, applied 148

Kingsley Hall 56, 59

knowing, moment of 29–32

Knudsen, Bitten 173

Kwouk, Burt 101, 104

Lacey, Ron 185

Lady Sov 103–4

Laing, R D 55–6, 57, 59

lamb, caring for newborn 114

laughter 47, 48–9, 92, 115, 155, 173

Lawrence, Patty 98–9

‘let go, let God’ 45, 52–3, 98, 170

Levine, Joseph E. 142–3

listening to men 82

Litchfield, Patrick 143

Liverpool Everyman 38–9, 73, 186–8

The London Cuckolds (play) 37, 48, 53, 63, 91

Lottery tickets 173


conscious decision 88

essence of everything 26, 100, 201

falling in 73–5

Lucky Chances (TV series) 159

Lumley, Joanna 148

magic, vestige in theatre 50

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 61, 84

Malibu 202

Maloney, Michael 91, 94

mantras 84, 166

MAP 181–3

Map of Consciousness 168

Marceau, Marcel 38

Margolyes, Miriam 185

Marked Personal (TV series) 186

Martin, Tony 159

Mary, Virgin 6, 7–8, 91, 204

Master Class (play) 47, 51–2, 66, 119–20, 164

Maureen see Vincent, Maureen

McAlpine, Andrew 76

McCallum, John 64

McDowall, Roddy 148

McEnery, John

falling in love 73–5

family life 78–82, 84

hospital acts 71, 72, 128

marriage breakdown 88–90

talent and artistry 75, 82

wedding 75–6

McEwan, Geraldine 40

McKellen, Ian 123, 124, 189–90

McShane, Ian 68, 148

meditation 49–50, 61, 84, 114–5, 166

memory traces 5, 203, 205

men, break from 99–100

Mercury, Freddie 136

mescaline 56, 60

mime, studying 38

mindfulness 166–7

miners’ strike 133–4

miscarriage 77

Moore, Roger 67

motherhood, embracing 78–9, 81


angel helps 204

attitude to deafness 209, 211

bath prayer 96–7

grieving for 117, 171, 186

MAP message 182

and religion 5–6, 8

support from vii, 130

at wedding 75

Murchison, Rory 65

Napoleon and Josephine: A Love Story (film) 155–6

National Council for Communicative Disorders 212

National Youth Theatre 36

negativity, British 154, 180–1

Neil, Hildegarde 90

Neuro-Linguistic Programming 181

Neville, John 185–6

Newton, Dr Michael 206

Nichiren Daishonin temple, joining 147

Nicolella, Patti 99

The Nightcomers (film) 76, 92, 142, 150–1

Nisargadatta Maharaj, Sri 100

No Bananas (TV series) 107

North, Robyn 119

nuns 8, 90–1

Ogilvy, Ian 185

The Old and the Young (TV series) 80

pain 94, 100

Pammy (friend) 110, 113–4

panthers, Sable’s character 135

pantomime 46–7

parking tickets 177–8

partnering-up, advice 82, 89

past lives

17th century 15–6

Egyptian 18

First World War 16–7

Native American 23–5

Roman 21

South American Indian 60

Versailles 10, 12–5

Paul, Margie 162–3

Pegasus, appears 26

Pekinpah, Sam 143

Penhaligon, Susan 79

Penny, Jude see Jude (grandson)

performing, focus on stage 52–3

Perkins, Anthony 155–7

Philip (friend) 171, 186

Phoebe (daughter)

acceptance lesson 192

boarding school 145, 146

and Charlton Heston 153

drinking Calpol 84

helping wallpaper 96

intuition about basement 168

and John’s ‘baby monkey’ experiment 79–80

nuns babysit 90–1

pink petticoats from California 144

pregnancy and birth 71–2, 78

on set 79, 153

trust in Emily 117–8

phoning friends 46, 171

Pinter, Harold 47–8, 73

Playboy (magazine) 142, 143–4


being paid to play 45, 50–3, 92, 172–3

of children 83

feeding the soul 172–4

in Sixties 61

spiritual 174–7

toys and John 72, 81

Pleasance, Donald 47

positivity 180–1

Powell, Robert 190

prayer 7, 97, 128, 161, 164, 204

pregnancies 77–8

premonition, surgery 123–4

preparation, performance 41, 44, 52–3

Presence, golden 26–7, 71

private/public personas vii, 143, 196

procrastination 177–8

producers, importance of 92, 140–1, 142–3

psychedelic trip 60

psychic readings 20–1, 132–3, 147–8

Psychic Society of Great Britain 132

RADA 37, 39, 57, 169, 208

rooftop epiphany 29–32, 50, 201

Restoration comedy 47

review, treasured 39

rib reserve breathing 208

Riddington, Ken 98

rituals 40, 45–6, 52, 196–7

Roache, Bill (William) i–iii, 195

Robbins, Tony 153–5

Roberts, Pennant 99

Roberts, Ronnie (Veronica) 65, 66, 99, 126–8

roller skating 46, 92–3

Ronci, Barbara 147

rooftop epiphany 29–32, 50, 201

rose wallpaper 96

Ross, Katharine 144

The Rover (play) 48, 136

Royal Shakespeare Company 48

Rupert (donkey) 110–2

‘Sable Colby’ vii, 135, 140, 144, 152

The Saint (TV series) 67

school performances 35–6, 37

Scolastico, Ron 20–1, 147

scripts, reading 45

Sea Quest (TV series) 154

Sedona (Arizona) 49–50

self-deprecation, British 180–1

self-responsibility 170–1

Sense (charity) 210–1

separation 88–9, 95

The Servant of Two Masters (play) 38

Shakespeare symposium 185–6

shamanism 174, 175

Shapiro, Esther 159

single parent vii, 88–9, 90–1, 144, 169

The Singular Life of Albert Nobbs (play) 63, 91

Sixties era 39–40, 55–6, 59, 68

smells, theatre 40–1

smoking 178

snoring 102–3

Snow White (play) 46–7

soul 25, 32, 202

soul memory research 205–7

soul retrieval work 174–5

South American Indian incarnation 60

Spelling, Aaron 140–1

Spielberg, Steven 154

spirit puppets 204–5

spirits, at Coldham Hall 109–10

spiritual journey 20–1, 32, 133, 172–3, 174–7

Stacey, Neil 36

Stanbridge, Martyn 128, 130

Standing, John 97–8

Stanwyck, Barbara 144

Steadman, Alison 107

Steel, Danielle 159

Steve (friend) 171, 186

Straker, Peter 135–6

Straw Dogs (film), blacklisting from 143

subconscious 156–7, 167–8

surgery, nearly dying 124–6

sweat lodges 176–7

synchronicity 61–2, 66

synergy 46, 50, 61–2, 63

talent 197

Tam Lin (film) 68, 148–9

Taylor-Bradford, Barbara 159

The Te a Party (play) 47

teenage years 8–10

The Tempest (play) 73

Tenko (TV series) 97–9, 101, 104, 118, 126

therapy 162–3, 179

thinking ahead 178–9

This Is Your Life (TV show) 157

thoughtfulness 172

To Be the Best (TV movie) 159, 162, 188

toolbag, spiritual 161

tours, theatrical 41–5

toxicity of characters 196

Transcendental Meditation 61, 84

Trevelyan, John 150

Troop Beverly Hills (film) 159

Trump, Ivana 104

Twelfth Night (play) 42–4

Venice Preserv’d (play) 123, 189–90

Versailles, recalling 10, 12–15

vibrational frequencies 167

Vincent, Maureen 76, 98, 129, 132, 139

Virgin Mary 6, 91, 204

Voice, Lisa 18

The Vortex (play) 49

Wagner, Dr 148

Wagner, Lindsay 159, 162

Walker, Pete 79

Wattis, Richard 148

Weaver, Sigourney 188

wedding 75–6

West Hampstead house 91, 145, 173

Williams, Esther 158

Williams, Simon vi

Winner, Michael vi, 76, 150

Withers, Googie 64, 65

York, Susannah 63, 91

Zeffirelli, Franco 65

Zen Buddhism 150, 170