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Achiote (annatto) paste, 179, 180

Aluminum foil drip pans, 16, 35

Amok, 219–21


Camembert on a plank, 276–77

“caviar” on the coals, 246–48

clams, barbecued, 232–34

duck, Peking, 164–67

eggs, grilled, 282–84

garlic-rubbed “rabbit ears,” 248–49

mozzarella “s’mores,” 280–81

prosciutto-grilled prunes, 268

provolone, grilled, 272–73

rumaki, wacky, 266–67

saganaki, 274–75

Apricot-orange sauce, 161–63

Aquavit chicken, 68–71

Artichokes, grilled, 236–38

Asian flavors:

Beijing chicken, 64–67

Chinese barbecue sauce, 232–33

clams, barbecued, 232–34

ginger ale chicken, 97–100

ginger barbecue sauce, 100–101

lime “teriyaki” glaze, 89–90

Peking duck, 164–67

Peking duck sauce, 168

pineapple sauce, 139–40

sake chicken, 87–89

tandoori, beer-can, 59–63

see also Southeast Asian flavors


cardiologist’s nightmare, 206–7

chive sour cream butter, 255–56

wacky rumaki, 266–67

Baked Hawaii, 306–8

Banana leaves, in running amok, 219–21

Barbecue rubs. See Rubs

Barbecue sauces. See Sauces


butter, 242–43

mozzarella “s’mores,” 280–81

Basting, 26–27

Basting brushes, 17


brisket, in hash on the half shell, 258–59

brisket, Ruby’s, 201–3

burgers, “doughnut,” 204–5

steaks, dirty, 194–95

steaks, hay-smoked, 197–98

steaks, sugar-grilled, 199–200

Beer, 28

boosting flavor of, 20

choosing, 19

see also Dark beer

Beer-can chicken, basic, 34–36

“Beer-can” chicken roasters, 24–25

mail-order sources for, 311–12

Beer canning, 1–32

benefits of, 2

equipment for, 15–18

frequently asked questions about, 19–29

fuels for, 12–13

grills and grilling techniques for, 6, 7–10

ingredients for, 30–32

origins of, 3

other beverages and, 20

in oven, 6–7, 28

safety concerns and, 5

smoking in, 7, 11–12

Beer cans, 28

inserting, 26

preparing, 23

removing, 28

size of, 19–20

types of, 19

Beets, grilling in embers, 244–45

Beijing chicken, 64–67

Belgian flavors:

carbonnade sauce, 46–47

chicken carbonnade, 43–46

Berries, grilled pound cake with, 296–97


for beer canning, 20, 23

grilled fruit smoothie, 309–10

Biscuits, in grill master’s breakfast, 286–88

Black beans, fermented, in barbecued clams, 232–34

Black cherry:

barbecue sauce, 110–11

soda chicken, 107–10

Brad’s Roastin’ Post, 24, 312

Bratwurst, in cardiologist’s nightmare, 206–7


garlic rolls, rotisserie-grilled, 289–90

garlic-rubbed “rabbit ears,” 248–49

grilled, in mozzarella “s’mores,” 280–81

Breakfast, grill master’s, 286–88

Brewmeister’s chicken, 38–41

Brine, 48–49

Brined big boy, 48–51


hash on the half shell, 258–59

Ruby’s, 201–3

Brown sugar, 30, 32

Bruschetta, 248–49

Burgers, “doughnut,” 204–5

Buster’s Drunk Chicken Roost, 24–25, 312

Butter, 30

bacon-chive sour cream, 255–56

basil, 242–43

cranberry, glaze, 117–18

Cabbage, kielbasa-barbecued, 239–41


chicken, Cousin Rob’s, 55–58

seasoning, 58

Cambodian flavors, in running amok, 219–21

Camembert on a plank, 276–77, 278

Can openers, 18

Captain Steve’s Beer-Can Roaster, 25, 311


chicken, 43–46

sauce, 46–47

Cardiologist’s nightmare, 206–7

Caribbean flavors:

dry jerk seasoning, quick, 215

mahimahi on sugarcane, 213–15

“Caviar” on the coals, 246–48

Celery-olive relish, 105–6

Cel-Ray chicken, 102–5

Charcoal, 12–13

for grilling in the embers, 245

mail-order sources for, 312

Charcoal grills, 6, 7–8, 12–13

accessories for, 15–16

direct grilling on, 9

gauging heat on, 14

indirect grilling on, 10

mail-order sources for grills and accessories, 311–12

smoking on, 7, 12


Camembert on a plank, 276–77

cardiologist’s nightmare, 206–7

mozzarella “s’mores,” 280–81

provolone, grilled, 272–73

saganaki, 274–75

Cherry, black:

barbecue sauce, 110–11

soda chicken, 107–10

Chicken, 21

aquavit, 68–71

beer-can, basic, 34–36

Beijing, 64–67

black cherry soda, 107–10

brewmeister’s, 38–41

brined big boy, 48–51

Cajun, Cousin Rob’s, 55–58

can size for, 19–20

carbonnade, 43–46

Cel-Ray, 102–5

cola-can, 92–95

diabolical, 189–91

ginger ale, 97–100

iced tea, 130–32

internal temperature of, 26

lacquered Saigon, 72–75

lemonade, 121–23

oiling, 23–24

peach nectar, 112–15

Pilgrim, 117–20

prepping, 21

retsina, 81–85

root beer, 156

sake, 87–89

servings in, 21

smoked, stock, 52–54

spatchcocking, 184, 185

“stoned,” 178–80

tandoori, beer-can, 59–63

testing for doneness, 27–28

Thai coconut, 125–28

tipping, 26

toad-style, 184–87

truffled, 77–80

vertical roaster, 23, 24, 311–12

welder’s, 175–77


cranberry salsa, 120

lime dipping sauce, 284–85

salsa on the coals, 269–71

Chimney starters, 15

Chinese flavors:

Beijing chicken, 64–67

clams, barbecued, 232–34

Peking duck, 164–67

Peking duck sauce, 168

Chive-bacon sour cream butter, 255–56


Camembert on a plank, 276–77

peach, 278–79

Cinnamon-prune sauce, 143–44

Clams, barbecued, 232–34

Cleaning and maintenance, 13–14


chicken, Thai, 125–28

custard in coconut shells, 302–5

peanut sauce, 128–29

running amok, 219–21

spicy Thai swordfish sticks, 216–18


barbecue sauce, 95–96

-can chicken, 92–95

Conversion tables, 316–17


grilling in embers, 244–45

roasted in husk, 242–43


Pilgrim chicken, 117–20

salsa, 120


garlic-truffle, gravy, 80–81

see also Whipped cream

Cucumbers, in Greek “salsa,” 85–86

Curing, 24

Custard, coconut, 302–5

Dark beer:

BBQ sauce, 42

brewmeister’s chicken, 38–41

Desserts, 295–310

baked Hawaii, 306–8

coconut custard in coconut shells, 302–5

“glazed doughnuts,” 298–99

grilled fruit smoothie, 309–10

peaches ’n’ cream, 300–301

pound cake, grilled, 296–97

smoke-scented whipped cream for, 297

Diabolical chicken, 189–91

Dill-mustard sauce, creamy, 71


“caviar” on the coals, 246–48

garlic-rubbed “rabbit ears” for, 248–49

Direct grilling, 8–9

Dirty steaks, 194–95

Doneness tests, 27–28

“Doughnut” burgers, 204–5

Doughnut peaches, 298–99

Drip pans, 16

Duck(ling), 20

“à l’orange,” 158–61

maximizing crispness of skin, 158

Peking, 164–67


“caviar” on the coals, 246–48

grilling in embers, 244–45


grilled, 282–84

grill master’s breakfast, 286–88

Electric grills, 29

Electric starters, 15–16

Embers, grilling in, 244–45

meat, 194–95

salsa on the coals, 269–71

vegetables, 244–45, 246–48, 254, 255–57

Equipment, 15–18, 20–21

grills, 7–8

mail-order sources for, 311–12

Equivalents, 316

Ethnic ingredients, mail-order sources for, 314–15

Fish and shellfish, 209–34

clams, barbecued, 232–34

fish grilled on a board, 223–24

mahimahi on sugarcane, 213–15

mussels, grilling methods for, 230–31

mussels grilled with pine needles, 228–29

planked fish, 222

running amok, 219–21

swordfish sticks, spicy Thai, 216–18

tuna fish sticks, rosemary, 210–12

whole fish in salt crust, 225–26

Forks, barbecue, 17

French flavors:

apricot-orange sauce, 161–63

diabolical chicken, 189–91

duckling “à l’orange,” 158–61

mussels grilled with pine needles, 228–29

Fruit, grilled, smoothie, 309–10

Fruit juices, 30–31

Fuels, 12–13

Funnels, 17

Game hens, 20

beer-can, 149–52

under bricks, 181–83

in mustard crust, 191

root beer, 153–56

spatchcocking, 181, 182


ginger paste, 97–98

rolls, rotisserie-grilled, 289–90

-rubbed “rabbit ears,” 248–49

truffle cream gravy, 80–81

Gas grills, 6, 7, 8, 13

direct grilling on, 9

indirect grilling on, 10

mail-order sources for grills and accessories, 311

smoking on, 7, 12


barbecue sauce, 100–101

garlic paste, 97–98

Ginger ale chicken, 97–100

“Glazed doughnuts,” 298–99

Glazes, 20

cranberry butter, 117–18

lime “teriyaki,” 89–90

Gloves, 18, 28

Greek flavors:

chicken retsina, 81–85

saganaki, 274–75

“salsa,” 85–86

Green tea rub, 107–8

Grill brushes, 16

Grill grates, 8, 16

cleaning and oiling, 13–14, 16


direct, 8–9

in embers, 194–95, 244–45

indirect, 6, 9–10

Grill master’s breakfast, 286–88

Grills, 6, 7–8

electric, 29

mail-order sources for, 311

when to set up, 22–23

see also Charcoal grills; Gas grills

Hash on the half shell, 258–59

Hay-smoked steaks, 197–98

Heat, gauging, 14

Herb paste, 184–85

Hoisin sauce:

ginger barbecue sauce, 100–101

Peking duck sauce, 168

Horn peppers, grilled, 250–51

Hot dogs, in cardiologist’s nightmare, 206–7

Ice cream:

baked Hawaii, 306–8

grilled fruit smoothie, 309–10

Iced tea:

barbecue sauce, 133–34

chicken, 130–32

Indian flavors, in beer-can tandoori, 59–63

Indirect grilling, 6, 9–10

Ingredients, 30–32

mail-order sources for, 313–15

Italian flavors:

game hens under bricks, 181–83

garlic-rubbed “rabbit ears,” 248–49

garlic-truffle cream gravy, 80–81

salsa verde, 227

truffled chicken, 77–80

whole fish in salt crust, 225–26

Jamaican jerk seasoning, quick dry, 215

Japanese flavors:

lime “teriyaki” glaze, 89–90

sake chicken, 87–89

Jerk seasoning, quick dry, 215

Kasseri cheese, in saganaki, 274–75

Kielbasa-barbecued cabbage, 239–41

Knockwurst, in cardiologist’s nightmare, 206–7

Lacquered Saigon chicken, 72–75


chicken, 121–23

mustard sauce, 124


spicy Thai swordfish sticks, 216–18

Thai coconut chicken, 125–28


chile dipping sauce, 284–85

“teriyaki” glaze, 89–90

Liquid conversions, 316

Mahimahi on sugarcane, 213–15

Mail-order sources, 311–15

Marinades, 20, 22–23

Asian lacquer, 73

dark beer, 38–39

tandoori, 60–61

Thai, 216–17

Meat, 193–207

cardiologist’s nightmare, 206–7

smoked, in hash on the half shell, 258–59

see also Beef

Mediterranean flavors:

salsa, 187–88

toad-style chicken, 184–87

Meringue, in baked Hawaii, 306–8

Metric conversions, 316–17

Mexican flavors:

achiote (annatto) paste, 179, 180

salsa on the coals, 269–71

“stoned” chicken, 178–80

Mint, in salsa verde, 227

Misters, 17, 27

Mozzarella “s’mores,” 280–81

Mushroom-mustard sauce, 195–96

Mussels, 228–31

direct grilling method for, 231

grilled with pine needles, 228–29

pine needle method for, 230–31

Mustard, 31

brewmeister’s chicken, 38–41

diabolical chicken, 189–91

dill sauce, creamy, 71

lemonade sauce, 124

mushroom sauce, 195–96

sauce, 191–92

Natural gas, 13

Nectarines, in grilled fruit smoothie, 309–10

Nori, sesame-grilled, 264–65

Oil, 31


birds, 22

fruit juice can when cooking quail, 23

grill grates, 14


celery relish, 105–6

Mediterranean salsa, 187–88

Olive oil, 31


carbonnade sauce, 46–47

chicken carbonnade, 43–46


apricot sauce, 161–63

duckling “à l’orange,” 158–61

grill master’s breakfast, 286–88

Oven, cooking beer-can chicken in, 6–7, 28

Oven temperatures, 317

Papa Jeabert’s Chicken Up!, 25, 312

Paraffin starters, 15

Parsley, in salsa verde, 227

Partridge on a pear can, 145–47

Pastes, 22

achiote (annatto), 179, 180

ginger-garlic, 97–98

herb, 184–85

Thai, 126


barbecue sauce, 115–16

chutney, 278–79

’n’ cream, 300–301

“glazed doughnuts,” 298–99

nectar chicken, 112–15


coconut sauce, 128–29

sauce, spicy, 75–76


can, partridge on, 145–47

sauce, 147–48

Peking duck, 164–67

sauce, 168

Pepper (spice), 30, 31–32

Pepper(s) (bell):

“caviar” on the coals, 246–48

grilling in embers, 244–45

horn, grilled, 250–51

soup on the grill, 252–54

Pilgrim chicken, 117–20


baked Hawaii, 306–8

juice quail, 137–39

sauce, 139–40

Pine needle(s):

method, 230–31

mussels grilled with, 228–29

Planked foods, 222

Camembert, 276–77

fish, 223–24


in embers (recipe), 255–57

grilling in embers, 244–45

hash on the half shell, 258–59

salad, red, white, and blue, 260–62

Pound cake, grilled, 296–97

Propane, 13

Prosciutto-grilled prunes, 268

Provoleta, 272

Provolone, grilled, 272–73


cinnamon sauce, 143–44

juice, in quail on a throne, 141–43

prosciutto-grilled, 268

Quail, 23

can size for, 20

pineapple juice, 137–39

on a throne, 141–43

Rabbit ears,” garlic-rubbed, 248–49

Relish, celery-olive, 105–6

Retsina chicken, 81–85

Roasting chicken (roaster), 48–51

Root beer:

barbecue sauce, 156–57

game hens, 153–56

Rosemary-tuna fish sticks, 210–12

Rotisserie-grilled garlic rolls, 289–90

Rubs, 22

barbecue, all-purpose, 37

Cajun seasoning, 58

Chinese, 65

green tea, 107–8

iced tea, 130–31

Japanese, 87–88

jerk seasoning, quick dry, 215

lemonade, 121–22

wet. See Pastes

Rumaki, wacky, 266–67

Running amok, 219–21

Safety, 5

Saganaki, 274–75

Sake chicken, 87–89


potato, red, white, and blue, 260–62

see also Salsas Salmon grilled on a board, 223–24


on the coals, 269–71

cranberry, 120

Greek “salsa,” 85–86

Mediterranean, 187–88

Salsa verde (green sauce), 227

Salt, 30, 32

crust, whole fish in, 225–26

Sauces, 20, 23

apricot-orange, 161–63

barbecue, commercial, 30

black cherry barbecue, 110–11

carbonnade, 46–47

chile-lime dipping, 284–85

Chinese barbecue, 232–33

cinnamon-prune, 143–44

coconut-peanut, 128–29

cola barbecue, 95–96

cranberry butter glaze, 117–18

dark beer BBQ, 42

garlic-truffle cream gravy, 80–81

ginger barbecue, 100–101

iced tea barbecue, 133–34

lemonade-mustard, 124

lime “teriyaki” glaze, 89–90

mail-order sources for, 313–15

mushroom-mustard, 195–96

mustard, 191–92

mustard-dill, creamy, 71

peach barbecue, 115–16

peanut, spicy, 75–76

pear, 147–48

Peking duck, 168

pineapple, 139–40

root beer barbecue, 156–57

salsa verde, 227

Scandinavian flavors:

chicken aquavit, 68–71

creamy mustard-dill sauce, 71

Seafood. See Fish and shellfish

Seasonings. See Pastes; Rubs

Seaweed (nori), sesame-grilled, 264–65


-grilled nori, 264–65

sake chicken, 87–89

Sesame oil, 31

Shellfish. See Fish and shellfish

Side baskets, 16

Side dishes, 235–62

artichokes, grilled, 236–38

cabbage, kielbasa-barbecued, 239–41

“caviar” on the coals, 246–48

celery-olive relish, 105–6

corn roasted in husk, 242–43

garlic rolls, rotisserie-grilled, 289–90

garlic-rubbed “rabbit ears,” 248–49

hash on the half shell, 258–59

horn peppers, grilled, 250–51

pepper soup on the grill, 252–54

potatoes in embers, 255–57

potato salad, red, white, and blue, 260–62

Single-zone fires, 9

Smokers, 6

Smoking, 7, 11–12

Smoothie, grilled fruit, 309–10

Soup, pepper, on the grill, 252–54

Sour cream chive-bacon butter, 255–56

Southeast Asian flavors:

chile-lime dipping sauce, 284–85

coconut-peanut sauce, 128–29

eggs, grilled, 282–84

lacquered Saigon chicken, 72–75

running amok, 219–21

spicy peanut sauce, 75–76

spicy Thai swordfish sticks, 216–18

Thai coconut chicken, 125–28


chicken, 184, 185

game hens, 181, 182

Spices, mail-order sources for, 313–15

Spray bottles, 17, 27

Squab, 20


dirty, 194–95

hay-smoked, 197–98

sugar-grilled, 199–200

Stewing hen, in welder’s chicken, 175–77

Stock, smoked chicken, 52–54

“Stoned” chicken, 178–80

Sugar, 32

-grilled steaks, 199–200

Sugarcane, mahimahi on, 213–15

Sumac, in green tea rub, 107–8

Sweet potatoes, grilling in embers, 244–45

Swordfish sticks, spicy Thai, 216–18

Tandoori, beer-can, 59–63

Tea. See Iced tea Temperatures, 9, 317

“Teriyaki” glaze, lime, 89–90

Thai flavors:

coconut chicken, 125–28

coconut-peanut sauce, 128–29

spicy swordfish sticks, 216–18

Thermometers, instant-read, 17–18, 27

Three-zone fires, 9

Toad-style chicken, 184–87

Tofu, barbecued, 291–93


carbonnade sauce, 46–47

Greek “salsa,” 85–86

Mediterranean salsa, 187–88

peeling, 47

salsa on the coals, 269–71

seeding, 47

sun-dried, in mozzarella “s’mores,” 280–81

Tongs, 5, 16–17, 28


chicken, 77–80

garlic cream gravy, 80–81

Tuna fish sticks, rosemary, 210–12

Turkey, 22

beer-can, 169–72

Turnips, grilling in embers, 244–45


grilling in embers, 244–45

see also Side dishes

Vertical chicken roasters, 23, 24

mail-order sources for, 311–12

Vietnamese flavors:

lacquered Saigon chicken, 72–75

spicy peanut sauce, 75–76

Wasabi, in sake chicken, 87–89

Watermelon rind, in wacky rumaki, 266–67

Web site, 29

Weight conversions, 316

Welder’s chicken, 175–77

Whipped cream:

grilled pound cake, 296–97

peaches ’n’ cream, 300–301

smoke-scented, 297

Willie’s Chicken Sitter, 25, 311

Wood, 6

chips, soaking in beer, 2

for grilling in the embers, 245

grilling over, 13

mail-order sources for, 312

planking and, 222

smoking with, 7, 11–12

Yams, grilling in embers, 244–45


beer-can tandoori, 59–63

frozen, in baked Hawaii, 306–8

frozen, in grilled fruit smoothie, 309–10