Table of contents
Foreword by Christina Lauren
Being an author
1: Beginnings
2: Write naked
3: Writers are crazy
4: Green with envy
5: The write path
6: The “real” writer
7: Commit to marriage; avoid the affairs
8: Trademarks of best-selling authors
9: The social media storm
10: Networking
11: The power of a street team
12: The indie revolution
13: Your big pay day
The craft of writing
14: Writing is a muscle
15: Inspirations
16: The right to suck
17: The sewage and blockage of writing
18: The right hook and warm-up jabs
19: Building characters
20: Secondary characters that pop
21: Let’s talk about sex
22: Theme
23: The sagging middle
24: Emotion
25: You don’t have to love all your children equally
26: The hard stuff
27: Perfect endings