For the benefit of digital users, indexed terms that span two pages (e.g., 52–53) may, on occasion, appear on only one of those pages.
Aaron, 55
Abel, Elijah, 10–12, 44–48, 61–62, 144, 183–84
African Humane Society, 25–26
Aikau, Hokulani, 14–15, 115–16
Andy Williams Show, The, 87–88
Applebaum, Barbara, 6–7
Baldwin, James, 3–4, 85, 105–6
Barnes, Mark, 145
“Battle Hymn of the Republic, The,” 87–88, 90, 91–92
Beecher, Maureen Ursenbach, 36
Benson, Ezra Taft, 79–80, 95, 148, 151, 166–67, 201–3
Bergevin, Heather Harris, 199
Birth, of, a, Nation (1915), 57
“Black abstraction,” 55–56, 59
The, Black, Hammer (book), 166–67
Book, of, Mormon (musical), 105
Book, of, Mormon (scripture), 66–67, 76, 122, 146–48, 149–52, 166, 181–82, 201–2
Bott, Randy, 177–80
Boy Scouts of America, 143–44
Bridgeforth, Ruffin, 103–4, 203–4
Brigham Young University, 10, 40–41, 43–44, 48, 80–81, 95–96, 99–100, 117, 128, 142–44, 146–48, 163, 165–66, 171–72, 174–75, 177–79, 202–3
Bringhurst, Newell, 10–12, 29–31, 203–4
Brodie, Fawn, 118–19
Bryan, William Jennings, 70–72
Burch, Alice Faulkner, 199
Bush, Lester, 10–12, 132–33, 141–43, 203–4
Cain, 10, 12, 31, 32, 33f, 36–39, 49–50, 67, 73–74, 75–78, 81, 85, 163, 168, 178, 183
Canaan, 31–32
“Caroline,” 41–42
Christian, Century (magazine), 88–89, 99–101
Christian fundamentalism, 57–59
Christian Identity movement, 166–67
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
anti-LGBT activism, 165–66, 171–72, 183, 187–89, 191, 204
“Be One” broadcast (2018), 186
Black priesthood and temple ban, 10–12, 36, 48–49, 65–66, 75–78, 79–81, 91, 98, 99–100, 101, 103–5, 106, 128–29, 132–34, 135, 141–42, 143–44, 145, 146, 161–62, 163, 166–67, 174, 175, 177–80, 182–83, 184, 185, 186–87, 191–92
in Brazil, 10–12, 80–81, 161–62, 183–84
and civil rights movement, 79–80, 112, 142–43, 166–67, 174, 188, 202–3
“Correlation Committee” 75–76, 121
and dissent, 111–55
“Gospel Topics” essays, 180–81, 182–83
“ideology of faithfulness,” 115–16, 153–55
“Indian Placement Program,” 146–48
insider / outsider dynamics, 165–66, 172–73, 177–78, 181, 184–85, 191–92
and “Lamanites,” 146–48, 149–53
Proposition 8 (California) campaign, 188
Public Affairs and public relations, 87–88, 100–2, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172–73, 174–75, 184–85
“Race and the Priesthood” essay, 10–12, 180–81, 182–83, 188–89, 202–3
and “Racing for innocence,” 191–92
Statement on “symposia,” 171–72
Civil Rights Act, 91–93
Clark, J. Reuben, 79–80, 121, 122, 123, 201–3
Coleman, Ronald, 10–12
Coleman, Thomas, 48–49
Coltrin, Zebedee, 44–45, 46, 47–48, 61–62
Colvin, Gina, 14–15, 114–15, 185, 199
Common Consent, Law of, 113–14
Contributor, The (LDS magazine), 67, 73–74
Covington, Robert Dockery, 48–49
Deseret Book, 163, 165–67, 169, 181
Deseret, Evening, News, 62
Deseret, News, 29–30, 32, 33f, 35, 60, 128–29, 186
Dialogue: A, Journal, of, Mormon, Thought, 123–25, 133–34, 135, 141–42, 144
Dixon, A.C., 57–58
Dixon, Thomas, 57–58
Doctrine and Covenants, The, 76, 113–14
DuBois, W. E. B., 7
Duffy, John-Charles, 146–48
Egyptus, 10, 67, 73–74, 76–78, 178
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 166
England, Eugene, 10–12, 178–79
Equal Rights Amendment, 143–44, 166
Evening, and, Morning, Star, 27, 28–29
Feminist Mormon Housewives, 204
Fisher, Vardis, 118–19
Fitzgerald, John W., 132–33
Flake, Kathleen, 14–15
Flournoy, Rev. Roy, 96, 97f, 98
Fluhman, Spencer, 14–15
Freedman’s Bank, 170–71
Geary, Edward, 118–19
Genesis (LDS Church fellowship for African-Americans), 174, 186, 199, 203–4
Gladwell, Dennis, 170
Gotanda, Neil, 5–6
Graham, Billy, 93
Grover, Mark, 10–12
Hague, Dyson, 57–58
Ham, 10, 33, 58, 67, 70–72, 73–74, 75–78, 163, 178, 183
Hargis, Billy James, 166–67
Harrill, J. Albert, 57
Harris, Matthew, 29–30
Harvey, Jennifer, 2–3, 16–17, 199–200
Harvey, Sam Joe, 60
Haws, J. B., 95–96
Hendrix-Komoto, Amanda, 14–15
Hewlett, Lester, 89–90
Hinckley, Gordon B., 167–71
Holland, Jeffrey, 174–78
Hooper, William, 30–31
Howe, Julia Ward, 93
Ignatiev, Noel, 23
imperialism, 32
Improvement, Era, The, 76–78, 77f
infallibility, 78–79, 81, 111, 116–17, 164–65, 176–77, 180–82, 186–87, 204–5
innocence (racial), 3–9, 85–87, 88–89, 92–93, 94, 95–96, 98, 101–2, 103–6, 114–15, 116–17, 133–34, 139–41, 145–48, 150, 153–55, 163, 185, 187–88, 192, 201
Ivins, Grant, 132–33
Jackson, David, 170
Jackson, Jesse, 188
James, Jane Manning, 26, 62–65, 183–84
Jensen, Marlin, 170
Jerry, 41–43
Jim Crow laws, 57
Jones, Absalom, 24
Jordan, Winthrop, 7–8
Journal, of, Discourses, 60
Journal, of, Mormon, History, 184–85
Kennedy, John F., 90–91, 134–35, 138
Kimball, Edward, 10–12, 161–62, 178–79
Kimball, Spencer L., 138
Kimball, Spencer W., 10–12, 138, 143–44, 146–48, 149, 161–63, 166
King, Jr., Rev. Dr. Martin Luther, 2–3, 7–8, 91–94, 112, 190–91
Ku Klux Klan, 57
Larsen, Gustav, 128
Launius, Roger, 113–14
Lee, George P., 146–23
Lee, Harold B., 202–3
Lewis, Duritha Trail, 41
Lewis, Kwaku Walker, 10–12
Liahona:, The, Elders, Journal, 75–76
Liberia, 25–26
Linnaeus, 56–57
Lipsitz, George, 23
Logan, Rayford, 57
Los Angeles African Methodist Episcopal Church, 170–71
Lythgoe, Dennis, 10–12
Madsen, Brigham, 132–33
Manning, Isaac, 64
Marchant, Beatrice Peterson, 143–44
Marchant, Byron, 143–46
Martin, Wynetta, 98
Mason, Patrick, 14–15
Massachusetts General Colored Association, 25–26
Mauss, Armand, 10–12, 132–33, 163, 164–65, 170–71, 203–5
McConkie, Bruce R., 80–81, 170–71, 174
McKay, David O., 98, 119–20, 121, 123–25, 135, 183–84, 200
McMurrin, Sterling, 132–33
Meeks, Herbert, 117–20
Millennial, Star, 29–30
Morgan, John, 60
Mormon Tabernacle Choir, 87–98
Mormons Building Bridges, 204
The, Mormons (documentary) 174–77
Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 24
Mueller, Max, 10–12, 14–15, 24–25, 184–85
Mumma, William P., 188–89
Murray, Cecil, 170–71
Nation, The (magazine) 117, 128–29, 130f, 141–42
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) 91, 112, 134, 142–44, 170–71
Neibuhr, Reinhold, 8–9
Nelson, Lowry, 117–33, 138, 141–42
Nelson, Russell M., 186
Nixon, Richard, 87–88, 95–96, 98
Noah, 57–58, 67, 68, 73–74, 178
Nuttall, John, 44–45
Oaks, Dallin H., 188
Ordain Women, 203–4
Originalism, 56–58
Orr, Eugene, 203–4
Osmonds, The, 87–89, 98–99, 101–2, 104–5
Osmond, Donny, 87–88, 98–99, 101–5
Pearl of Great Price, 67, 70, 76, 122, 201–2
Petersen, Mark E., 79–81
Phelps, W. W., 28–29
Pratt, Orson, 49–50
Prince Hall African Lodge of Freemasons, 25–26
Quinn, D. Michael, 60–61
Redd, Marina, 46–48
Reeve, Paul, 10–12, 14–15, 30–31, 45, 48, 61–62, 184–85
Rich, Charles, 30–31
Rich, Chris, 29–31
Ricks, Nathaniel, 29–30
Roberts, B. H., 66–75
Rockefeller, John D., 57–58
Rockwell, Porter, 41
Rolling, Stone (magazine) 101–2
Romney, George, 89–90, 91–92, 112, 113, 138–41, 153–55
Romney, Mitt, 177–78
Ross, Thomas, 55, 56–57, 103–4
Rove, Karl, 95
Russell, Janan Graham, 10–12, 203–4
Sacks, Karen Brodkin, 23
Seymour Institute (Princeton Theological Seminary) 188–89, 190–91
Seymour, William J., 188–89
Shipps, Jan, 88–89
sin, 2–3, 5–6, 7–8, 30, 152, 184
Smith, George Albert, 79–80, 120, 127f, 202–3
Smith, Gladys, 143–44
Smith, Joseph, Jr., 10–12, 25–27, 29, 36, 41, 44–45, 47–48, 49–50, 61–62, 63, 64–66, 76–78, 99–100, 112, 113–14, 118–19, 128–29, 136–37, 144, 181–83
Smith, Joseph, Sr., 45
Smith, Joseph F., 61–62, 65, 75–76, 122, 202–3
Smith, Joseph Fielding, 76–78, 77f, 103–4, 135
Smith, William Benjamin, 70, 72–73
Smoot, Abraham, 30–31, 40–41, 43–45, 46, 47–48, 61–62, 201–3
Smoot, Margaret, 41
Smoot, Reed, 60–61
Snow, Eliza R., 32, 33f, 36, 201–2
Sorenson, Virginia, 118–19
St. George’s United Methodist Church (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 24
Stapley, Delbert, 112
Stapley, Jonathan, 32
Stegner, Wallace, 118–19
Stephens, Alexander, 70–72
Stewart, Lymon, 57–58
Tanner, N. Eldon, 145
Taylor, John, 40–41, 44–45, 47–48
Thatcher, Linda, 113–14
Thiriot, Amy Tanner, 10–12, 41
“A Thoughtful Wife,” 12–13
Turner, Wallace, 99–100, 138–39
Uchtdorf, Peter, 181–82
Udall, Mo, 135
Udall, Stewart, 135–41
Underground Railroad, 25–26
undergrounding, 142–43, 165–66, 172–73, 187–88, 191–92
University of Deseret, 66–67
Urim and Thummim, 34
African-American population, 39, 60
lynchings in, 60
outmigration, 60–61, 78–79, 118–19
territorial legislature on slavery, 26, 36, 39, 143–44, 183
as theocracy, 32, 40–41, 165–66
Vranes, Zandra, 10–12, 186, 203–4
Walker, David, 25–26
Wallace, Douglas, 143–44
Wallace, George, 92–93, 95, 166–67
Wallace, Mike, 167–68
Wallis, Jim, 2–3
Walters, Barbara, 102–5
Warren, Earl, 5–6
Whipple, Maureen, 118–19
White, Kendall, 132–33
Whitney, Helen, 174–75
Widtsoe, John, 65–66, 68, 74–75
Wilberforce, William, 190–91
Wilkinson, Ernest, 80–81
Williams, LaShawn, 203–4
Witherspoon Institute, 189
Young, Brigham, 10–12, 26, 29–30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 39, 40–41, 43–45, 46, 47–50, 61–62, 64–65, 72–73, 75–76, 80–81, 104–5, 168, 183, 186–87, 202–3
Young, Brigham, Jr., 47–48
Yuille, Marilyn, 98
Zion’s Camp, 48