Have you ever wished upon a star, reached for the tars, or thanked your lucky stars? Those twinkling lights in the dark heavens have mystified and bedazzled people since time immemorial, and they still fascinate us today. Although the stars may seem remote, their familiar patterns have provided comfort and guidance when the world was lit only by firelight. Many ancient people observed the night sky and documented the constellations in one form or another; some through myth and others using complex mathematics. People of the past used the stars to reckon time, navigate the seas, and coordinate the planting and harvesting of crops. Even today, in our well-lit techno world, the stars remain a source of wonder, drawing enormous attention whenever a spacecraft sends images home to Earth.
I have fond childhood memories of summer nights lying in the grass, looking at the sky, and trying to fathom the distances. My father was a Boy Scout Scoutmaster and loved spending time outside teaching young people about the wonders of nature. Of course, that included my sister and me. On nights of meteor showers, he would point out the areas of the sky to watch. I would secretly cross my fingers and hope to see a shooting star upon which to wish. The enthusiasm that I inherited from my father was passed on to my son. During his childhood, he and I spent many Saturdays uptown at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The dinosaur room always topped our agenda, but the day wouldn’t be complete without visiting the Hayden Planetarium where we both marveled at the spectacle even though it was only a show. My son’s interest continues to this day, and as a professional photographer he takes every opportunity to capture the stars.
The most well-known and impressive testament to ancient peoples’ observations of the sky is Stonehenge on the Salisbury Plain in England. Not only does it speak of the importance in marking celestial events, but also the cumulative knowledge necessary to embark on such a project. However, while the ancients were quite familiar with the patterns in the night sky, we, sadly, are not. We are drawn by the glamour of the moon as we celebrate its shining fullness with our esbats. And although we may follow the turning wheel of the zodiac, how many of us can identify these constellations when we look up at the night sky?
Beyond recognizing the Big or Little Dippers and maybe Orion’s Belt, what star patterns do most of us know? Perhaps part of the problem is that few of us experience the true darkness of night as our ancestors did. Their world wasn’t as bright as ours with its artificial light 24-7. Light itself is a form of pollution that takes away the dark cover of night and diminishes or obscures the twinkling grandeur above. As a result, the most inspiring sight to behold in the night sky is the moon. While Earth’s satellite is enchanting, we unfortunately miss almost everything else, or when we do see the stars we may not know what we are looking at. Because of this, we are missing out on some very powerful magic.
The idea of using constellations for magic and ritual isn’t new. Medieval texts included details about stars and how to determine the optimal time to draw their influence into talismans as well as other uses. A small remnant of this remains in our use of birthstone jewelry. If we believe that the constellations of the zodiac hold a great deal of power and influence, then why not the others? While each of the zodiac signs have their time on the solar stage of day, have you wondered what goes on opposite them in the night sky? When Pisces and Aries are casting their birth influences as backdrops to the sun, Libra and Virgo are bringing balance and welcoming spring during the night. In addition, just as a cloudy night does not block the energy of a full moon, so too does the power of stars reach us even if we cannot see them.
The stars have always had a profound influence on us. Many of the goddesses we acknowledge, worship, and honor today have been known as star goddesses. Known by many names in numerous cultures, Astarte was ultimately known as the Queen of Heaven. Ishtar’s symbol was the eight-pointed star, and Inanna was known as the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Legends of the Egyptian goddess Nut, who is depicted as the span of heaven arching over her earth husband Geb, predate sacred texts. Isis, first-born daughter of Nut and Geb, became the mistress of the cosmos when her parents “retired to heaven.” 1 The Romans depicted Vesta as a star goddess whose pure flame was a beacon in the darkness of the night sky.
According to Sumerian texts, the stars were home to the gods of creation. The Egyptians equated terrestrial geography with celestial fields and cities. To the people of India, earthly cities had heavenly counterparts, too. All royal cities in India were based on a mythical celestial city. In many cultures, temples were regarded as sacred mountains and the meeting point of heaven and earth. Mesopotamian ziggurat temples represented cosmic mountains upon which the heavenly gods could descend to Earth.
Although there have been many permutations over the years, the widely used Charge of the Goddess refers to the Star Goddess. The original version has been attributed to Charles Leland, Gerald Gardner, and Doreen Valiente, and it contains: “Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess, she in the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven, and whose body encircles the universe.” 2
Another reason that Wiccans and Pagans may want to take more of an interest in the constellations is the simple fact that our basic and most-recognizable symbol, the pentagram, is a star. We follow an earth-centered spirituality, yet we look to the heavens. Being outside under a limitless canopy of stars invites us to open our souls and connect with something far, far greater than ourselves. Just as we can draw down the energy of the moon, so too can we tap into the celestial energy beyond.
I am very much the amateur astronomer. I have not had formal training, but I love jumping in and learning as much as I can about the things that interest me. In addition to my father’s enthusiasm, growing up at the beginning of the space age sparked the stargazer in me. While I never wanted to go into space, I wanted to know what was beyond this planet. There’s something comforting about looking at the night sky and having a pretty good idea of what is where no matter where I am. It’s like being in a familiar neighborhood. In my teen years, as I found my way onto a Pagan path, my perspective on the natural world evolved into a reverence that was highlighted by awe. To me, the term “natural world” wasn’t limited to the earth; it always included the dome of the sky. Celebrating the esbats is about more than just the moon for me; it is also about that mysterious, endlessness beyond. Despite the enormity of the universe, I have a sense of place because I can find the markers of the seasons. This sense of place also provides a connection with my ancestors because they would have seen what I see. This stellar continuity is a spiral that connects us. The stars also connect us with the magic of the universe. Truly as above, so below. Over the years I accumulated quite a few notes on my thoughts, ideas, and experiences, which I have decided to share.
This book explores the night sky, examines the mythology of the constellations, and presents a new interpretation that is relevant for twenty-first-century Pagans and Wiccans. The stars connect us with the past, and Chapter One begins with a historical view on how people of ancient times regarded the constellations. In addition, we will see how modern astrology is based on the zodiac as it was observed several thousand years ago and we will learn how these constellations are different today. After introducing celestial coordinates, Chapter Two will get you started reading star maps. It also includes information on planispheres and a few online resources and smartphone apps. We will also learn about official star designations and how “a” star is sometimes more than one.
This book is also about magic and magic is about moving and using energy. If you are familiar with drawing down the moon for ritual or magic, you are well on your way to working with the stars. Chapter Three provides an introduction to general energy work and methods for drawing on and using energy from the stars to enhance rituals and boost magic.
Because the Wheel of the Year turns the earth and heavens, this book is designed to allow you to start with the chapter that coincides with the current season. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that the visible constellations do not suddenly change. In early spring, we will still see some of the late winter constellations and some of the late spring constellations will not be visible. Like the changing seasons on Earth, it is a gradual process. Chapter Four through Chapter Seven cover the seasonal constellations visible from the Northern Hemisphere.
While Chapter Eight is entitled The Southern Hemisphere, readers in the Northern Hemisphere should not immediately assume it is not for them. In fact, a number of constellations included in Chapter Four through Chapter Seven are actually southern. The additional southern constellations presented in Chapter Eight are also visible in many parts of the north. Because what we are able to see is based on where we are located on Earth, I have included the latitudes between which the constellations can be seen. For reference, Appendix A provides latitude information for a number of cities around the world.
These chapters include star maps to help familiarize you with the night sky according to season. I am not a cartographer, so these maps are approximations that just show the basic position of the constellations and how they relate to each other. Each individual entry includes a depiction of some of the stars in that constellation and where they fit within the imagined figure. Rather than reproduce entire star patterns, these individual maps are intended to suggest the constellations. Keeping these simple makes it easier to re-create a star pattern for ritual and magic work. The many star charts that you may find in other books and online often provide different renderings of constellations, and you may be inspired to create your own. For this reason, I have included the official designation of each star in the drawings to aid you in orienting it to a more complete map of its constellation. The drawings also serve as a map for coordinating each star’s color, should you choose to combine color magic with your star work.
Information on each constellation includes its history, associated myths, and the particulars on notable stars. Each entry includes the constellation’s official name and its common English name. Also included is information on the pronunciation of constellation and star names and the constellation abbreviations that you will find on star maps. Of course, each constellation entry includes an interpretation for Pagan and Wiccan magic and ritual. These sections provide ideas and details on how to apply the energy of a constellation to your life. My hope is that this will spark your creativity and you will find ways to make star magic uniquely yours.
As mentioned, this book works with the constellations and actual seasons rather than the time frames used in modern astrology. Despite this difference, star magic and astrology are not incompatible. While star magic is based on the current position and movement of constellations, astrology uses a historical system that holds a great deal of meaning. Although I am not an astrologer, I believe that practitioners can draw energy from the constellations that appear in the night sky to enhance and support their work.
For astrologers, I have included information on the planets associated with particular constellations and individual stars. For nonastrologers, Appendix C provides a table of planet energies and qualities. In addition, Appendix C contains details about the “fixed stars” that were considered powerful guides during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
This book can be used in a number of ways. It can bring awareness of the night sky beyond the powers of the moon to enhance your esbat rituals. It can serve as an introduction to stargazing with a magical twist, and it may even propel you further into studying astronomy. More simply, it will bring you that neighborhood feeling when you step outside at night and see familiar star patterns. Most of all, you will learn which stars are overhead throughout the seasons and how to use their energy in your life.
No matter how you want to engage in star magic, spending a little time outside at night provides a different and refreshing perspective. Night softens the world—bringing rest as well as incubation for magic and creativity. Stargazing requires us to stop and look. This simple act allows us to reach inside our souls and experience the wonder that echoes down through the eons from people in the far distant past. The energy of the stars envelops our planet and holds us in the web of the cosmos. In the scheme of the universe we are so tiny, yet we are a part of something so vast and wondrous.
Like gazing at clouds, we may each perceive something different in the constellations. This book is my interpretation, but I encourage you to follow your feelings and intuition. Trust what you see in the stars, and let them guide you to a new level of magic and wonder.