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Absenteeism, 8
Accountability, 177
Accountemps, 7
Adams, Andrea, 3
Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967), 176
Agreeableness, 238
Ally, 163–164
Ambivert, 38, 67, 114–115, 131
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), 176
Anger management, 135–136, 156–157, 160
Antiteam behavior, 148, 198–199
of The Brute, 139
team development regarding, 190
Attorney, 167–168
Authenticating your rights, 50–51
Authority figure, 158, 163–164, 173
Barbara Anne (pseudonym), 148–156
Behavior pattern, 162
bully origins from, 193–194, 196
bully repetition of, 225
CIT clarification of, 55–56
CIT residual message for, 57
coaching for, 197
for courage, 209–210
for integrity, 208–209
The Belier, 90–91
CIT use on, 74–76
fairness incomprehension of, 73
guilt absence of, 72
isolation infliction by, 74
as manager, 73
perception corruption of, 69
script example for, 76–78
script worksheet for, 82–85
target career destruction by, 70–71
The Blocker, 110–111
character deficits of, 22
creativity suppression of, 107
idea suppression of, 94
perfection obsession of, 16–17
script worksheet for, 104–107
team comprehension by, 107–108
team negativity from, 95
voice feedback for, 109
Board of directors, 166–167
Body language intimidation, 139, 140
Boeing executive, 226–227
Boss, 171
crossroads for, 203
employee disengagement by, 202–203
feedback from, 163
loyalty assurance to, 162, 163
Boundaries, 67
The Braggart violation of, 117–118, 123
The Brute disregard for, 137, 158
CIT establishment of, 58
target communication of, 37
The Braggart, 132–134
ambivert towards, 114–115, 131
boundary violation of, 117–118, 123
character deficits of, 22
creativity suppression by, 18
credit appropriation by, 117
discrimination by, 116
discussion suppression by, 115, 116–117
as extroverted bully, 20–21
fairness incomprehension of, 117
feedback for, 131
legal recourse against, 177
meeting privately for, 131
narcissism of, 17–18, 113, 114
opinion intolerance by, 118
redirection of, 115, 121, 122–123
script worksheet for, 128–131
women unwanted physical contact from, 117–118
worthiness need of, 115–116
Brand building, 246–247
Brenda (pseudonym), 168–173
Brooke, Jill, 1
The Brute, 159–160
anger management for, 135–136
anger management script for, 156–157
antiteam behavior of, 139
authority management of, 158
body language intimidation by, 139, 140
boundary disregard by, 137
Burt example of, 27–28
character deficits of, 22
communication problem of, 146
depersonalization against, 136–137
DISC identification of, 147
discrimination by, 138
as extroverted bully, 20–21
feedback immediacy needed for, 136, 157
guilt absence of, 138
incivility of, 18
legal recourse against, 177
as manager, 147
meeting privately for, 157
rule enforcement by, 138
script worksheet for, 143–146
slander by, 139
target switching of, 158
trigger for, 136
Bullying at Work (Adams), 3
Burlington Industries v. Ellerth, 175
Burroughs, 214–215
Burt (pseudonym), 24–28
Career planning, 245–246
Children, 227
CIT. See Critical Incident Technique
Civil Rights Act (1964), 176
Communication, 148
The Belier confrontation style of, 89
The Brute problem with, 146
of expectations, 206
of observed behavior, 56–57
reflection tools for, 88
seminar on, 244–245
of target boundaries, 37
Communication stage, 191–192
Company structure transition, 203
Compliance, 65–66
avoidance of, 29–33
The Belier foment of, 72
bully instigation of, 30–31
confrontation compared to, 33–35
in norm convergence stage, 191
team control of, 202
Conflict resolution
confrontation plan for, 32–33
norm convergence process of, 191
seminar on, 251–252
social capital assessment for, 31–32
team development from, 30, 66–67
conflict compared to, 33–35
conflict resolution plan for, 32–33
help needed after, 161
inhibition towards, 33–35
meeting purpose for, 44–47
model behaviors for, 45–47
power rebalance through, 61
self-concept improvement by, 66
self-esteem improvement by, 66
target tactics against, 48
Consensus, 192
The Blocker obsession for, 93, 101, 110
for script preparation, 63–64
of team conflict, 202
of voice emotion, 65
The Cost of Bad Behavior (Pearson and Porath), 43
Critical Incident Technique (CIT), 32
behavior pattern clarification through, 55–56
on The Belier, 74–76
boundary establishment through, 58
expected, observed behaviors and, 56–57
human resources need for, 165–166
against individual, 80–81, 120, 125–126, 141–142, 151–154
for individual, 75–76, 80–81, 97–98, 102, 120, 125–126, 141–142, 151–154
paraphrase skill for, 57–58
residual message of, 57
respect skill for, 58
Cyberbullying, 14
Cynthia (pseudonym), 226–227
Daniel (pseudonym), 135–136
Darla (pseudonym), 78–82
Decency, 210–212
The Blocker difficulty with, 94
for growth, 197–198
by Supreme Court, 175–176
Depersonalization, 136–137
Depression era, 12
Diana (pseudonym), 118–122
Dignity: Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflict (Hicks), 198
DISC Style Analysis, 42
The Brute identification through, 147
four voices insight from, 230–231
by The Brute, 138
laws against, 176
Discussion, 67, 115, 116–117, 131
Ego management, 215–217
EI. See Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EI), 248
Empathy, 67
The Braggart deficit of, 114, 116, 132
The Brute deficit of, 137, 157
ego management regarding, 216
interpersonal skill of, 49–50
as tenet, 215
Engagement mode, 38
Eric (pseudonym), 100–104
Ethan (pseudonym), 118–122
Evaluator, 108
Exclusion fear, 36–37
communication of, 206
management skills questionnaire for, 182
manager responsibility for, 180–181
for script preparation, 64
Expected behavior
CIT communication of, 56–57
meeting preparation for, 53–54
observed behavior compared to, 53–54
Extroversion, 236–237
Extroverted bullies, 19, 20–21, 22
attorney need for, 167
The Belier incomprehension of, 73
The Braggart incomprehension of, 117
Faragher v. City of Boca Raton, 175
for The Blocker voice, 109
from boss, 163
for The Braggart, 131
The Brute immediate need for, 136, 157
decency with, 210–211
management skills questionnaire for, 182–183
manager responsibility of, 180–181
meeting reflection through, 87
seminar on, 247
from target, 36
Flanagan, J. C., 55
Follett, Mary Parker, 52
Freud, Sigmund, 195
Fromm, Eric, 195
The Future of Work (Morgan), 203
Gallup report, 202–203
Gilbert, Thomas, 181
Gilbreth, Frank and Lillian, 11–12
Globalization, 13
Greta (pseudonym), 24–28
Group formation stage, 190, 192
bully suppression of, 196
coach facilitation of, 225
decision for, 197–198
human tendency towards, 195, 203–204
legal recourse for, 176–177
Guilt absence, 149
of The Belier, 72
of The Brute, 138
HDS. See Hogan Development Survey
Healthcare, 9
Healthy Workplace Bill (2013), 5–6
Help, 161–164
Henry (pseudonym), 173–175
Hicks, Donna, 198
Hogan Assessments, 42
of HDS, 232
of HPI, 231
of MVPI, 232
Hogan Development Survey (HDS), 232
Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), 231
Horney, Karen, 195
HPI. See Hogan Personality Inventory
Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance (Gilbert), 181
Human relations model, 221–222
Human resources, 175
CIT needed for, 165–166
office placement issue for, 172
as stakeholder, 165–166
Hypersensitivity, 95
Idea suppression, 94, 96–97, 98–99
Inclusiveness, 254
Incognito, Richie, xi–xii, 205–206
regarding conflict and confrontation, 33–35
conflict avoidance as, 29–33
of exclusion fear, 36–37
of reception mode, 38
bully masking of, 196
of introverted bullies, 21
Insensitivity, 21
Interpersonal skills
of authentication, 47–53
bully lack of, 226
of empathy, 49–50
of nondefensive listening, 49
of nonpunishing attitude, 48–49
preparation of, 47–48
seminar on, 249–250
target lack of, 226
Introverted bullies, 19–22
Irritable bowel syndrome, 173–175
The Belier infliction of, 74
of individual, 153, 154, 169–171
Jake (pseudonym), 140–143
Joan (pseudonym), 73–78
Joseph (pseudonym), 123–128
Jung, Carl, 195
Labor turnover, 8–9
employee relationship with, 206
Henry confrontation of, 175
model behaviors for, 68
as stakeholder, 165
standards for, 168
vision of, 185
Leadership skills questionnaire, 185–189
Legal recourse
antibullying laws for, 175–177
anti-discrimination laws for, 176
from growth suppression, 176–177
from libel, 176
from slander, 176
Supreme Court decisions for, 175–176
Lewin, Kurt, 195
Libel, 176
Life Styles Inventory (LSI), 42
stress free styles of, 232–233
stress inducing styles of, 233–235
Litigation fees, 8–9
LSI. See Life Styles Inventory
Management skills questionnaire
for expectations, 182
for feedback, 182–183
for incentives, 184
for task support, 183–184
Manager responsibilities, 180–181
Managers, 15
The Belier as, 73
The Brute as, 147
bully prevention training for, 176
maturity necessary for, 40
model behavior for, 179–180
power accumulation of, 10–12
self-other relationships with, 40
trigger from, 181
work culture influence of, 179–180
Mark (pseudonym), 54
Martin, Jonathan, xi–xiii, 205–206
The Braggart private space for, 131
The Brute private space for, 157
compliance resolution of, 65–66
feedback reflection through, 87
for help solicitation, 161–164
private space for, 62
script preparation for, 62–64
Meeting preparation
confrontation purpose for, 44–47
dialogue for, 51–53
expected, observed behavior and, 53–54
self-other relationship comprehension for, 40–44
Michelle (pseudonym), 140–143
Micromanagement, 152
Minorities, 12–13
Mobbing, 173–175
Model behaviors
for children, 227
for confrontation, 45–47
for dialogue, 51–52
for leader, 68
for managers, 179–180
work culture change from, 47
Morgan, Jacob, 203
Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI), 232
Nadine (pseudonym), 96–100
Narcissism, 118–120
of The Braggart, 17–18, 113, 114, 132–134
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 1–2, 14
The Need to Say No (Brooke), 1
NEO Personality Inventory (PI-R), 42
agreeableness dimension of, 238
conscientiousness domain of, 238–239
extroversion domain of, 236–237
neuroticism domain of, 236
openness domain of, 237
Neuroticism, 236
NGT. See Nominal group technique
NIOSH. See National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Nominal group technique (NGT), 253–254
Nondefensive listening
dialoguing result of, 212
interpersonal skill of, 49
learning result of, 213
as tenet, 212–215
for understanding comprehensively, 213–214
Norm convergence stage, 191, 193
Observed behavior, 53–54, 56–57
Openness, 237
Organization structures, 13, 14
Pachter, Barbara, 36
for The Blocker, 94
for CIT, 57–58
for decency, 211
Pearson, Christine, 43
People skills, 201
Personal power, 218–220
Perspective recognition, 217–218
Philip (pseudonym), 123–128
Piaget, J.P., 195
PI-R. See NEO Personality Inventory
Policy statement, 207
Political power, 59–60, 250–251
Porath, Christine, 43
Positivity, 220–221
Power imbalance, xiii
between bully and target, 30–31
bullying abuse of, 225–226
confrontation correction of, 61
between managers and workers, 10–12
Power management, 218–220
The Power of Positive Confrontation (Pachter), 36
Presence, 248–249
The Principles of Scientific Management (Taylor), 11
for work culture, xiv
workplace bullying cost of, 8–9
Profits reports, 10
Reception mode, 38
Reflection tools, 87–88
Relationship, 17, 70, 85. See also Self-other relationships
Reputation management, 86–87, 87–88
The Belier lack of, 70
CIT skill of, 58
invocation of, 154–156
policy statement for, 207
team lack of, 149–150, 153–154
Responsibility, 29–30, 33–34, 35
Richard (pseudonym), 78–82
Robber barons, 10
Rogers, Carl, 195
Schein, Edgar H., 195
Scientific management system, 10–11
The Belier worksheet for, 82–85
The Blocker worksheet for, 104–107
The Braggart worksheet for, 128–131
for The Brute anger management, 156–157
The Brute worksheet for, 143–146
by individual, 76–78, 81–82, 98–100, 102–104, 121–122, 126–127, 142–143
Joseph worst-case for, 127–128
Script preparation, 62–64
Self observation, 194
confrontation improvement of, 66
skills assessment for, 43
Self-other relationships
career interview for, 41–42
emotion preparation for, 44
manager maturity necessary with, 40
self-concept understanding for, 41
Self-promotion paragraph, 242–243
Seminars, 229–230
brand building, 246–247
career planning, 245–246
communication skills, 244–245
conflict resolution, 251–252
courage, 244
EI, 248
feedback, 247
inclusiveness, 254
integrity, 243–244
interpersonal skills, 249–250
political power, 250–251
presence, 248–249
social capital, 252–253
team development, 253–254
SHRM. See Society for Human Resource Management
Slander, 76–78
by The Belier, 16, 69–70, 72–73
The Belier abatement of, 89
by The Brute, 139
legal recourse from, 176
Social capital
assessment of, 31–32
seminar on, 252–253
Three-Meeting Rule bolstering of, 38
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 2, 6, 14
Sperry Corporation, 214–215
Stakeholders, 172
analysis chart of, 88
attorney as, 167–168
board of directors as, 166–167
CEO as, 166–167
colleagues as, 164–165
human resources as, 165–166
reflection tool identification of, 87
team leaders as, 165
Strengths, 241
Stress, 29
acquiescence of, 197
LSI styles with, 233–235
LSI styles without, 232–233
Supreme Court, 175–176
Target, xiii
The Belier career destruction of, 70–71
The Belier isolation of, 74
boundary communication by, 37
The Brute switching of, 158
civility exemplification by, 30
feedback from, 36
harm aversion of, 35
incivility consequences on, 6–7
interpersonal skill lack of, 226
power imbalance of, 30–31
tactics against, 48
women as, 1
workplace bullying cost to, 9
Targeting, 196–197
Task skills, 200
Task support, 180–181, 183–184
Taylor, Frederick W., 10–11
The Belier function improvement in, 71
The Blocker relationship with, 95, 107–108, 111
The Brute behavior against, 139
bully discussion with, 67
collaboration methods for, 108, 109
conflict controlled by, 202
disrespect by, 149–150, 153–154
evaluator for, 108
stakeholder leader of, 165
synergy fostering of, 201–202
Team development, 189
antiteam bullying regarding, 190
communication stage of, 191–192
from conflict resolution, 30, 66–67
goal clarity stage of, 190, 192
group formation stage of, 190, 192
norm convergence stage of, 191, 193
seminar on, 253–254
Team-building skills, 199–200, 221
Technical skills, 242
Ted (pseudonym), 96–100
10 tenets, 208–222
coaching assessments used in, 229
coaching instruments used in, 229
Three-Meeting Rule, 38–40
Time waste, 7
Tray (pseudonym), 148–156
Unisys Corporation, 214–215
Vanessa (pseudonym), 76–78
Violence, 14
The Blocker feedback on, 109
for dialogue, 52
in DISC Style Analysis, 230–231
emotion control through, 65
WBI. See Workplace Bullying Institute
White men, 12–13
Women, 1
The Braggart unwanted physical contact with, 117–118
women bully towards, 168–173
workforce entrance of, 12–13
Work culture
bully tactics influence on, 4
cyberbullying impacting, 14
globalization impact on, 13
manager behavior influence on, 179–180
model behaviors impact on, 47
organization matrix impact on, 13
productivity for, xiv
vision ideal of, 222–223
World War II impact on, 12–13
Worker exploitation, 12
Workplace bullies. See also specific topics
types of, 15–18
Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI), 1–2, 4–6, 8–9, 14, 29
Workplace skills, 214
World War II, 12–13