Names, 42–45, 49, 95–97, 207–208, 221–224, 232–238, 310–312, 320, 520–522
constants, 95–97, 221–224
data types, 44–45
external file, 312
files, 310–312, 320
formal parameters, 207–208
functions and, 221–224, 232–238
global constants, 221–224
identifiers, 42–44
overloading functions, 232–238
pointer types, 520–522
procedural abstractions, 207–208
streams, 310–312, 320
function, 520–522
variables, 42–45, 49, 310
Namespaces, 52–53, 186, 227–229, 337–338, 722–734
classes and, 722–734
creating, 723–725
file I/O and, 337–338
global, 734
local variables and, 227–229
names for, 726–728, 733
output and, 52–53
qualifying names, 726–728
stream I/O and, 337–338
unnamed, 728–734
directives for, 52–53, 186, 228–229, 337–338, 722–723, 726–728
Naming convention, 45
Nesting, 120–123, 137, 154, 160–161, 208–211, 918
blocks, 137, 918
braces { }
used for, 121–123, 137–138
statement in, 154
dangling else
problem, 121–122
function calls and, 208
statements, 120–123
indenting statements, 120–121
loops, 154, 160–161, 208–211
multiway branches, 120–123, 137
procedural abstraction and, 208–211
scope of the block for, 137
statements, 120–123
blocks, 918
Network computer systems, 2
operator, 515–517, 526–529
dynamic arrays and, 526–529
pointers using, 515–517
( ) function, 345–347, 349–350
New-line instruction (\n
), 23, 53, 54–55, 58, 340–362, 347–348
C++ programming and, 23
used in place of, 54–55
input and, 347–348
member functions and, 340–362
output and, 54–55
class, 764–767
Nodes, 742–744, 749–752, 757–767
arrow (->
) operator used with, 744, 746
binary trees and, 763–764
doubly linked lists, 762–763
head (front) of lists, inserting at, 749–751
inserting to lists, 749–751, 757–759
leaf, 764
linked lists and, 742–744, 749–752, 757–759
lost, 752–753
middle of lists, inserting and removing, 757–759
NULL constant used in, 744–746
pointer variables and, 743–744
removing from lists, 757–759
root, 764
searching linked lists using, 753–756
structures, 742–744
trees and, 763–764
Nonmember functions, 626–630
Nonmodifying sequence algorithms, 999–1003
Not equal to comparison operator (!=
), 78–79
Not operator (!
), 79, 113, 118
Null (/0
) character, 455–456, 458
NULL constant, 744–746
Null statements, 150
, in C++ 11 programming, 747
Number formatting, decimal points for, 55–56
Number-to-C string conversions, 468–472
Numeric calculations, 143–146, 155–157. See also Arithmetic operators
loop statements for, 143–146
loop design for, 155–157
products, 156–157
sums, 155–156
Numeric data values, 44, 60–64