Aaron, 182
ACCEPT, 177–78
Adams, Jay: 11, 18, 25, 89, 101, 109, 258; early life and background, 21; evaluation of counseling books, 6; on nouthetic counseling, 23; rediscovering biblical counseling, 22; seminal writings of, 23
Addiction, genetics and, 261
Administration, as a spiritual gift, 220
Alcohol addiction, 260
American Association of Christian Counselors, 35
American Psychological Association, 35
Analogia scriptura, 168
Auschwitz, 76
Baldessarini, Ross, 12
Baxter, Richard, 187
Beecher, Henry Ward, 163
Behavior modification, 9
Bettler, John, 24
Biblical counseling: academic standards for, 253; as an alien system, 19; the church and, 223; definition, 26–27; and epistemology, 27; the future of, 27; gathering information, *131–46; as God-centered, 27; its godward focus, *51–63; and the gospel, 28; inducement, *176–89; instilling hope, *114–30; interpreting data, *147–61; involvement, 102, 112–13; needs for association, 25; objectives, vii–ix; the pastor and, 223; as a pastoral activity, 29; pastoral responsibility, 7; and progressive sanctification, 28; providing instruction, *162–75; rediscovery of, 19; as simplistic, 249; and sin, 28; and sovereignty of God, 28; training for, 229, 244; to the unbeliever, 12, 86, 259
Biblical Counseling Foundation (BCF), 25
Biblical counselors: commitment to glorify God, 55; as confronters, 59; as church members, 90; dealing with criticism, 93–94; disciplers, 93; as evangelists, 92; physical well-being of, 96–97; testing interpretations, 159–61; as theologians, 92
Biblical Theological Seminary, 24
Biblical words, 166
Boston, Thomas, 198
Bridges, Jerry, 125
Broger, John, 25
Brooks, Thomas, 18
Bunyan, John, 18
Capitol Records, 74
Carson, D. A., 33
Christian Association of Psychological Studies, 35
Christian counseling, 244
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF), 24, 174
Christian media, 14
Christian psychologists, 3–4
Christian psychology: 3, 244; curriculum for, 253–54; an oxymoron, 9; as a profession, 246
Christian radio psychologists: advice on anger, 15; advice on compulsive fornication, 15
Christian sex addicts, 17
Church: place for counseling, 222; and spiritual growth, 228
Church discipline, 187
Clergy malpractice, 4
Cloud, Henry, 121
Confidentiality in counseling, 109
Counselees: appropriate questions of, 140–41, 144; biblical category of, 150; bizarre behavior, 154; concepts of, 137; emotions of, 135; fainthearted, 152; feelings as symptoms, 126; history of, 138–39; homework, 172; motivations, 178; overcoming resistance, *183–87; physical evaluation of, 132–34; practicing change, 198–99; resources of, 134; thought life of, 167; turning from sin, 192; unbiblical language used by, 128–29; unruly, 151; weak, 151
Counselors, personal problems of, 88
Darwin, Charles, 37
Dichotomy. See man.
Discipleship, 250
Drug addiction, 260
Drunkenness, 260–61
Edwards, Jonathan, 18; formal theology, 19
Ego strength, 149
Eisegesis, 245
Eli the priest, 131
Erikson, Erik, 20
Evolutionary biopsychology, 37–38
Exhortation, as a spiritual gift, 219
Faith Baptist Counseling Ministries (FBCM), 25
False hope, 115–17
First-amendment rights, 5
Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 19, 20
Freud, Sigmund: 7, 20, 32, 37; evaluation of religion, xi
Freudian psychology, basic tenets of, 7
Fromm, Erich, 40
Fuller Theological Seminary School of Psychology, 21
Gangsta-Rap, 74
Ganz, Richard, 258
General revelation, 41–44, 46. See also Natural revelation.
God: attributes of, 245; the fear of, 75; the glory of, 42, 52
Goode, Bill, 25
Grace Community Church, 244
Guilt, as a result of sin, 69
Gulag, the, 76
Habits, 196–97
Halo data, 144–45
Hannah, 131
Helplessness, 122
Holy Spirit: as comforter, 80–81; as counselor, 83, 87; as guide to truth, 82; indwelling of, 83; as paraclete, 80–81; as sanctifier, 80
Horney, Karen, 40
Hort, F. J. A., 61
Hughes, Phillip E., 110
Integration, as a hindrance to the work of the Spirit, 221
International Psychoanalytical Association, 35
Jesus Christ: 122–23, 130, 148, 169; as counselor, 103; lordship of, 185, 204; as the source of hope, 119
Jonah, 56–59
Jonas, Lloyd, 228
Kaminer, Wendy, 78
Keil, C. F., 57
Kierkegaard, Soren, 32
Knowledge, as a spiritual gift, 219
Koch, Sigmund, 32
Ladd, G. T., 32
Laing, R. D., 12
Legalism, 261
Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn, 8, 68, 169
Logos, 33
Luther, Martin, 169
MacArthur, John, Jr., 33, 180, 250, 258
Mailman Research Center, 12
Man: dichotomous view of, 256–57; nature of, 65; trichotomous view of, 256–57
Marxism, xi
Maslow, Abraham, 40
Master’s College and Seminary, The, 25, 174, 244
Mental hygiene movement, 20
Mental illness, 254
Mercy, as a spiritual gift, 220
Mesmerism, 11
Minrith-Meier Clinic, 79
Moses, 181
Mowrer, O. Hobart, 22
Murray, John, 84
Narramore, Clyde, 22
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors (NANC), 24, 41, 174, 228
Natural revelation, 204. See also General revelation.
Nebuchadnezzar, 53
Need theory, 245
New birth, as the work of the Spirit, 87
Pastoral counseling, 32
Paul, the apostle: 3, 33, 43, 109–10, 119–20, 130; as counselor, 103; methods of motivation, 179–80; his hope, 119
Peale, Norman Vincent, 65
Perls, Fritz, 108
Person-orientation, 102
Personal Data Inventory Form (PDIF), 140
Phrenology, 10–11
Popper, Karl, 36
Powlison, David, 39, 246, 248, 252
Prayer: proper view of, 89; wrong view of, 89
Preaching, as biblical counseling, 225
Problem-orientation, 102
Problems, nature and cause of, 126–27
Progressive sanctification, 227
Prophecy, as a spiritual gift, 215–16
Psychiatrists, 262
Psychoanalysis, as a religion, 10
Psychologists, 262
Psychology: definition of, 7; as opposed to Christianity, xii; not a science, 14, 36, 37; as a threat to biblical exposition, 203, 250; usurping sanctification, 80
Psychotherapy: as a business, 13; and the decline of preaching, 203; replacing the church, 20, 80
Quinn, S. Lance, 249, 253, 259
Recovery industry, the, 260
Reiff, Philip, 19
Respect in counseling, 106
Reverse psychology, 111
Sanctification, 87
Sarles, Ken L., 258
Scripture: as a guide to truth, 206–10; inspiration of, 210; knowledge of, 173; memorization of, 89; power of, 205; sufficiency of, 203
Self-esteem: 40, 64; as faith, 65; as an expression of neo-orthodoxy, 66; as an expression of sin, 70–71; as a theological system, 66
Sermon on the Mount, 35
Sin: chief problem of man, 45; doctrine of, *69–76; its effects on conduct, 73; its effects on speech, 73; liberation from, 78; need for a proper view of, 78; noetic effects of, 229
Skinner, B. F., 20
Special revelation, *44–46, 205–06
Spiritual gifts, *215–20
Spurgeon, Charles, 169
Stead, John, 254
Strong, A. H., 55
Sundance case, 260
Tavris, Carol, 36
Teaching, as a spiritual gift, 217
Temptation: 191; preparing for, 195–96
Total depravity: *66–69, 75; definition of, 67; as demonstrated in the Scriptures, 67; effects of, 67
Tozer, A. W., 63
Trichotomy. See man.
True hope, 118
Welch, Ed, 38
Westminster Theological Seminary, 24
Wisdom, as a spiritual gift, 219
Worship, 91
Zeig, Jeffery, 13