General Index


abundance 44, 64, 134, 151

action 18, 70

aligning intentions 36

altars 42

amethyst 22, 44, 93, 94

amulets 56

angelite 44

animals 30

anxiety 88, 99

aquamarine 44, 99

Artemis 11, 143

aventurine 99


bad habits 22, 88, 93, 148

balance 9, 23, 44, 64, 66, 71, 100

barefoot walking 100

bathing in the moonlight 48, 139


candles 46

carnelian 44, 81

celebration 21

Celtic mythology 9

Chinese mythology 9

chocolate 67

cleansing 17, 22, 48, 139

clear quartz 18, 44, 45, 73, 82, 103, 139

comfort 82, 142, 148, 154

communication 78, 116

concentration 6, 47

connecting 17, 21, 22

creativity 6, 21, 116

crown chakra 132

crystals 44

charging your crystals 45

green crystals 99

moon circles 78, 82


days of the week, significance of 38

deities 10, 143, 144, 147

divine principle 10

feminine and masculine principles 11

Triple Goddess 11

desire 21, 26

detoxing 17, 142, 153

dream catchers 158

dreaming 17, 29, 94, 158


Earth 9

Egyptian mythology 9

empowerment 18, 59

energy 6, 18, 106, 107, 115, 128

essential oils 47

exercise 18

expression 21


feng shui 64

fertility cycles 30, 70

focus 18

days of the week 38

food 66, 93, 104, 148

forgiveness 21, 131

fuchsite 103

full moon 21, 139

energy 21

essential oils 47

names of 39

work 21


garnet 18, 44

goal setting 17, 18, 36, 40, 60, 108, 125, 143

goddess meditations 11, 143, 144, 147

gratitude 21, 28, 85

gravitational pull 9, 30, 112

Greek mythology 9, 143, 144, 147

growing plants 64, 112


happiness 53, 66

harmony 23, 56, 64, 71, 157

healing 9, 22, 56

health 47, 88, 103, 104

Hecate 11, 147

herbs 47


incense 47, 90

inspiration 106

intentions 17, 18, 60, 134, 139

aligning with the moon 36, 38

crystals 44, 45

setting 27, 42, 125, 143

intuition 6, 122


jade 44

jet 82

journals 39

joy 52


labradorite 44

lapis lazuli 17, 44

lavender 47, 82, 85, 154

living with the moon 12, 14

moon power 30

moon signs 24

phases of the moon 16

love 6, 47, 70, 71, 77, 131


malachite 44, 99

Mani 11

mantras 63, 126

meditations 6, 17

menstrual cycles 11

mood 6, 134

moon bathing 48, 139

moon signs 24

Aquarius 29, 78, 116

Aries 26, 81, 100, 115

Cancer 27, 77, 122

Capricorn 29, 82, 121

Gemini 26, 78, 116

Leo 27, 81, 115

Libra 28, 78, 100, 116

Pisces 29, 77, 122

Sagittarius 28, 81, 115

Scorpio 28, 77, 99, 122

Taurus 26, 82, 121

Virgo 27, 82, 93, 99, 121

moon water 89, 103, 122, 141

moonstone 44, 56, 59, 78, 82, 104, 125, 139, 141

motivation 18, 60

music 106, 134


Native American mythology 9

new moon 17

energy 17

essential oils 47

work 17

Norse mythology 9, 11

northern hemisphere 39


opal 44


pausing 17

peridot 44

perseverance 22

phases of the moon 16, 35

full moon 21

new moon 17

waning moon 22

waxing moon 18

power of the moon 30

healing power 9

preparations 40

productivity 6, 121

protection 17, 56, 142, 154, 158


recharging 22

recipes 66

Almond Cake 151

Butternut Squash and Sage Soup 150

Full Moon Hot Chocolate 67

Lunar Tea Recipe 85

New Moon Salad 105

reflection 6, 17, 18, 21, 22, 147

rejuvenation 124, 139

relationships 6, 47, 70, 82

releasing 21, 22, 131, 153

renewal 22

rest 17, 124, 126, 128

revelling 21

rituals 6, 53, 60, 89, 131

candles, incense, herbs and oils 46

Roman mythology 9

rose quartz 44, 45, 71, 77, 81, 90


Selene 11, 144

selenite 44

self-confidence 47, 88, 90, 111

sleep 30, 94, 158

southern hemisphere 39

spells 6, 59

spirituality 47, 132

success 6, 47, 52, 66

Sumerian mythology 9

sun sign 24, 126, 140


tides 9, 30, 78

trees 121

Triple Goddess 11

trust 55, 74, 77, 93

turquoise 44


unwinding 17, 21


violet lotus 132

volunteering 22


waning moon 22

energy 22

essential oils 47

work 22

waxing moon 18

energy 18

essential oils 47

work 18

wellness 88

working with the moon 12, 31

aligning the moon to your intentions 36

bathing in the moonlight 48

candles, incense, herbs and oils 46

following the moon 35

lunar crystals 44

lunar preparations 40

moon altar 42

moon journals 39

when and how to work with the moon 38


zodiac 12, 13

moon signs 24, 140

sun signs 24, 126, 140