Illustration Credits

itr.1, 31.1: © Eve and Matthew Levine

itr.2: Public Domain

itr.3: Public Domain

itr.4: Public Domain

itr.5: Public Domain

fm1.1: © Kostas Bostantzoglou

fm1.2: © Brad Holland

fm1.3: © Edward Sorel

fm1.4: © Solo Syndication / Associated Newspapers Ltd.

fm1.5: Reprinted with permission from The Nation magazine. For subscription information, call 1–800–333–8536. Portions of each week’s Nation magazine can be accessed at

fm1.6: Cover artwork for the July 21, 2008 issue of The New Yorker by Barry Blitt. Copyright © 2008 by Barry Blitt.

fm2.1fm2.2: © Monocle

fm4.1: Public Domain

fm4.2: Public Domain

fm4.3: © Robert Edwards

fm4.4: Public Domain

fm4.5: A 1954 Herblock Cartoon © The Herb Block Foundation

fm4.6: Public Domain

fm4.7: © Solo Syndication / Associated Newspapers Ltd.

fm4.8: © Eve and Matthew Levine

fm4.9: © The Saul Steinberg Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

fm4.10: Courtesy of Randall Bytwerk

1.1: Public Domain

1.2: Public Domain

1.3: Public Domain

2.1: Public Domain

2.2: Public Domain

3.1: Public Domain

4.1: Public Domain

5.1: Public Domain

6.1: Public Domain

6.2: Public Domain

6.4 (both): Public Domain

6.5: Public Domain

6.6: Public Domain

7.1: © 2012 Estate of Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

8.1: Public Domain

8.2: Public Domain

8.3: Public Domain

8.4: Public Domain

8.5: Public Domain

9.1: © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

9.2: © Frances Jetter

10.1: Art © Estate of George Grosz / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY

10.2: Art © Estate of George Grosz / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY

11.1: © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

11.2: © 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

12.1: Courtesy of Randall Bytwerk

12.2 (both): Courtesy of Randall Bytwerk

12.4: Akhbar al Khaleej

12.5: © Dave Brown 2003

13.1: © Solo Syndication / Associated Newspapers Ltd.

13.2: © Solo Syndication / Associated Newspapers Ltd.

13.3: © Solo Syndication / Associated Newspapers Ltd.

13.4: © Solo Syndication / Associated Newspapers Ltd.

14.1: © Mirrorpix

15.1: Solo Syndication / Associated Newspapers Ltd.

16.1: © Estate of Bill Mauldin LLC

17.1: A 1954 Herblock Cartoon © The Herb Block Foundation

17.2: A 1954 Herblock Cartoon © The Herb Block Foundation

18.1: © The Al Hirschfeld Foundation. Al Hirschfeld is represented by the Margo Feiden Galleries Ltd., New York

19.1: © Solo Syndication / Associated Newspapers Ltd.

19.2: © Solo Syndication / Associated Newspapers Ltd.

20.1: © Ralph STEADman

21.1: © Robert Edwards

22.1 (both): © Khalid El-Ali (on behalf of the estate of Naji El-Ali)

23.1: © Edward Sorel

23.2: © Bill Charmatz. Reprinted with permission from The Nation magazine. For subscription information, call 1–800–333–8536. Portions of each week’s Nation magazine can be accessed at

24.1 (both): © Robert Grossman

24.3: © Robert Grossman

25.1: Public Domain

26.1: Cover artwork for the February 15, 1993, issue of The New Yorker by Art Spiegelman. Copyright © 1993 by Art Spiegelman.

26.2: Cover artwork for the March 8, 1999, issue of The New Yorker by Art Spiegelman. Copyright © 1999 by Art Spiegelman.

27.1: © Doug Marlette

28.1: © Plantu

29.1 (both): Novinar

29.3: Novinar

30.1: © Zapiro


bm3.1 (both): Public Domain

bm3.2 (top): © Ralph STEADman

bm3.3 (bottom): © Edward Sorel

bm3.4 (top): Public Domain

bm3.5 (bottom): Novinar

bm3.6 (top): Cover artwork for the February 15, 1993, issue of The New Yorker by Art Spiegelman. Copyright © 1993 by Art Spiegelman.

bm3.7(bottom): Cover artwork for the March 8, 1999, issue of The New Yorker by Art Spiegelman. Copyright © 1999 by Art Spiegelman.