Under alchemical collections, when cross reference is made to “individual treatises in Bibl. A,” see above pp. 353ff, where names of these and their authors are listed.
Aaron, 130
aberrations, mental, 323
ablutio, 68
ablution, 292
abortifacient, 135n
above and below, 104n, 140, 233, 264, 336
growth from, 272
Abraham le Juif, 213, 220; see also Eleazar
Abu’l Qāsim al-‘Irāqī, 139n, 226n, 305, 308, 309n, 310n
acacia tree, 305
action and non-action, 16n, 25
Adam, 81n, 94, 113n, 131&n, 137n, 139, 143, 146, fig. B4, 166, 169, 219, 220, 318
earthly, 169n
first wife of, 303
genitals of, 143
heavenly, 169n
man of light imprisoned in, 130
mystic, 139
Old, 80
parable, 83n
second, 80
—, Christ as, 304
—, Mercurius as, 235
sin of, 304
tree of paradise of, 138
true hermaphroditic, 219
with Venus in bath, 226n
Adam von Bodenstein, see Bodenstein
adaptation, lack of, 12
adaptedness, 18
Adebar (stork), 317
Adech, 131&n, 164, 165&n, 166, 169, 172
difficult, 170, 171, 173, 174, 179
homo maior, 182
adept(s), 126, 139, 151, 171f, 172n, 179f, 231, 275, 299, 302f, 309, 327, 331
individuation of, 326
moon-plant of, 308
Adhvaryu, 267
Adityas, 267
Adler, Gerhard, xiv
Admont, Godfrey Abbot of, see Godfrey
adulatio, 329n
“Aenigma VI,” 68n, 93n, 105n; see also “Visio Arislei”
“Aenigma Bononiense,” 199n
“Aenigma philosophorum,” 227n
Aeons, 162
aer elementalis, 136n
aerial life, 163
aesthetic experiment, 45
aestphara, 134n
soul rooted in, 312n
affect(s), 12, 15, 34, 35, 41, 45, 82, 334, 343
autonomous character of, 39
outbursts of, 289
personal, 346
uncontrollable, 50
affective: nature of man, Mars characterizes, 141n
states, 39
Agathodaimon (good spirit), 62, 67n, 74n, 104, 333
age, old, 272
aggregation, gaseous, 212
agnata fides, 167
Agni, 267
agnoia, 336
agnosticism, 54
Agricola, Georg, 93n
Agrippa von Nettesheim, 114&n, 115n, 117, 128, 130f, 131n, 155n, 156n, 181n, 184, 187
Ahuramazda, 89
air, 164, 165n, 213 217, 226n, 232, 236n, 265, 311n, 324
demons spirits of, 161
god, 279
in motion, 212
synonym for spirit, 197
-world, fig. A4
aircraft, rocket-propelled, 343, 345
Akhmim manuscript, 71
Al-Irāqī, see Abu’l Qāsim
alabaster, 64
albedo, 68, 214; see also spirituality
Albertus Magnus, 123n, 138n, 288, 331, 333
“Scriptum,” 310n, 315, 317, 338, 339
alchemical: and astrological tradition, 125
authorities, slaying of, 321
confession of faith, 129
dream language, 301
fantasies, 285
and Freudian reduction of symbols, 301
language, 104
maturation, 124
Mercurius, 269
metaphors, 102
philosophy, 206n
physician, 124
process, 303
quaternity, 278
redeemer, 295
retort, 197
speculation, fraudulence of, 204
stork, 317
tree, 285
alchemist(s), 59, 66-69, 71, 74, 83, 92, 96, 102, 107, 178
Arabic, 150n
Chinese, 126n
German, 126
goal of, 161
pagan, 299
water of, 76
alchemy, 67f, 72f, 78n, 84, 89, 91, 116, 119, 121f
absurd fantasies of, 205
aim of, 125
ancient, 79
arcane teaching of, 124
chemistry of, 204
Chinese, 1ff
—, golden flower of, 269
connections between Greek/Arabic and India, 231
doctrine of redemption in, 205
gigantic aberration, 204
goal of, 161
golden age of, 203
—, tetrasomia of, 277
literature of, 204
matter in, 140
metallic tree of, 89
mystical side of, 105
mythological and gnostic ideas in, 204
Paracelsan, 129
philosophical, 111, 122, 126f, 147
philosophical aim of, 135n
projections of, 239
psychic danger of, 128
psychic factor in, 137
psychological secrets of, 69
psychology of, 93
secret content of, 129
a secret doctrine, 122
spiritual trends of, 144n
thought and language of, 87
true nature of, 123
Western, 324f
—, sapphirine flower of, 269
“alchemystical” process, 91
alcheringa time, 98n
“Alchymistisches MS,” see Codices and Manuscripts
Aldrovandus, Ulysses, 338n
aleph and tau, 222
Alexander, Romance of, 306n, 339
Alexander à Suchten, 129
alexipharmakon, see Mercurius
alexipharmic, 101, 135, 274n, 296
alga, gelatinous, 153n
“Allegoriae sapientum supra librum Turbae” (Theatr. chem.), 85, 314, 318-21, 329n; see also “Dicta Belini”
“Allegoriae super librum Turbae” (Art. aurif.), 75, 85n, 105n, 223, 226n, 304n, 308n
allegory(-ies), 66
of Christ, stork as, 317
conscious, 91
ecclesiastical, 259
euhemeristic, 301
of Mary, the rose is, 294
of piety, stork as, 317
Alma Mater, 112
almond-tree, 87n
bowl-shaped, 59, 60, 63, 65, 70, 73
alternation of day and night, 25
alum, 287
amber, 176
ambergris, 155n
ambiguity, of Mercurius, 245
ambivalence, of spirit archetype, 240
Ambrose, Saint, 292n, 296n, 309n, 333
ambrosia, fount of, 308n
American (Indian) legends, 99
Amfortas wound, 47
Amor, 187
Amset, 280
Amygdalos (almond-tree), 87n
analogy(-ies), 55
primitive, 28
analysis, 189
reductive, 348; see also psychotherapy
analyst as hairdresser, 347
comparative, 273n
ancestor(s): shaman, 340
soul of, 97
world of, 98n
Ancient of Days, 281n
Andalusian prince, lapis as, 320, 321, 327
angel(s): 35, 73, 75, 81&n, 83&n, 115, 130n, 169n, 182f, 183n, 195n, 215, 315n, 316, 318, 332
Baruch, 339
definition of, 82
dubious morality of, 81
fallen, 96
—, wives of, 143n
four, of God, 282
—, guardian, 282
motherly, 318
of revelation, 339
angelic qualities of man, 130n
angelology, Judaeo-Hellenistic, 81
Angelus Silesius, 117f
anhāta-chakra, 265
Aniada/Aniadus, 131n, 153-56, 163-66, 168&n, 174, 175, 188
Aniadin, year, 174, 175, 183, 186, 188
anima, 38, 41, 95, 177f, 211, 335f, 338
assimilation of, 180n
caricature of feminine Eros, 41
as Chinese p’o soul, 39
connection with ghost, 40
consciousness as effect of, 42
contains secret of precious stone, 99
definition of, 40
emotionality of, 337
figure, 99
—, tree a projection of, 338
function of, 180n
inferior Eros of, 41
as link with eternal images, 337
— with world beyond, 337
personification of unconscious, 42
possession, 180n
projection, 340
psychic, personal autonomous system, 42
shamanistic, 303
as soul, 132n
subjugating, 42
union with, 326
anima: aquina, 68
iliastri, 164
mundi, 67, 77, 128n, 129, 139, 197, 214, 307
animal(s), 12, 45, 114, 159, 166, 196, 248, 297, 341
body, 103n
fertility of, 97
—, sacrificial, 280
heat, 151
helpful, 195n
or human blood, 290
kingdom, 77
principle, 257
riding, of the Church, 283
sacred, 63n
sacrifices, 45
snake, most spiritual, 333
tearing of living, 70
three, 183
triad of, 141n; see also ape; baboon; bat; bear; birds; bitch; bull; cat; chick; cock; cockatoo; crocodile; crow; dog; dolphin; dove; dragon; eagle; fish; fox; grasshopper; hawk; hen; horse; ibis; jackal; kingfisher; leopard; lion; ox; peacock; phoenix; pig; puppy; ram; raven; salamander; scorpion; serpent; snake; spider; squirrel; stag; stork; swan; tiger; tortoise; whale; wolf
animate stone, 291
animation of body, 257
animism, primitive, 199
animosity, 41
as Chinese hun soul, 38
figure, 269
inferior Logos, 41
opinions, 41
possession, 267
Anthera, 125
anthroparion / anthroparia, 60&n, 62
transmutation of, 91
anthropomorphism(s), 276
Anthropos, 101, 132, 139, 169, 171, 179, 225, 284, 338
invisible, 176
secret doctrine of, 171
or self, tree as, 338
stork a symbol of the, 317
Antichrist, 242
dragon’s tail identical with, 316
as fallen angel, 242
as Satan, 242
antidote, 135
Antimimos, 105n
antimony, as transformative substance, 146
pagan, 157
anus, 220
anxiety, in dream, 345
Anyadei, 154n; see also spring, eternal; Paradise
Apastamba, 267n
ape, 280
day of, 226n
Urania, 187
Apocalypse, 188
Apocalyptic Marriage of Lamb, 182
apocatastasis, 284
Apocrypha, 244
Apollonius, 78
Apollonius of Tyana (pseudo-), 126, 219; see also “Dicta Belini”
apostle, 113n
apothecary, 205
apotropaic, 24
charms, 45
euphemism, 326
significance of quaternity, 281
apparatus, distilling, 88, 317; see also Pelican
forbidden, 241
of the Hesperides, 307
of the Holy Spirit, 309n
Apuleius, Lucius, 63n, 183n, 335
aqua(e): alba, 207
aurea, 208
divina/permanens, 67f, 76, 78n, 85, 132n, 150n, fig. B4, 284, 329n
—, connection of tree with, 309
fortes, 331
pura, 150n
septies distillata, 207
sicca, 207
vitae, 207
—, perennis, 79n
“Aquarium sapientum,” 186, 207n, 209n, 214n, 217n, 222, 235n, 292f, 293n
close to concept of the unconscious, 140
great, 164
—, vision of, 166
aqueum subtile, 207
Arab(s), 206
Arabic alchemy, 231
inversa, 340
philosophica, 89, 131, 240; see also tree(s)
Arcadia, 230; see also Monakris
arcane: doctrine, 129
name, 131
philosophy of Paracelsus, 110: remedy (-ies), 135, 156n
substance(s), 72, 74f, 82, 83n, 85, 142, 145, 203, 207f, 211, 213, 216, 226n, 230, 242, 274, 278, 283, 291, 315, 320, 329f
—, lead as, 331
—, as res simplex and God, 215
teachings of alchemy, 124
arcanum(-a), 73, 76, 81f, 102, 104n, 123, 135n, 153n, 185, 187n, 309
identical with artifex, 309
Mercurius as, 235
Archa, 169
archai, Gnostic, 22
archaic: God-image, 345
residues in dreams, 347
Archelaus, 123n
archetypal: and collective symbols, 301 (see also symbols);
concept of perfect being, 26
configurations of the unconscious, 253
dreams, 69n
explanatory principles, 288f
ideas, 346
image, 272
patterns, unconscious, 12
projections, 300
archetype(s), 84, 139n, 171, 177, 178, 246, 266, 277, 283, 289, 292, 302, 333
anima as, 40
of consciousness, Christ as, 247
a fascinosum, 168
of incest, 301
of self, 87
of tree, 339
of tree-birth, 307
of unconscious, Mercurius as, 247
dispenser of nature, 140
Archimedean point, 108
archon(s): and aeons, Gnostic doctrine of, 225
in Athens, 98n
Saturn, the highest, 228
Ardvī Sūra Anāhita, fountain of, 308
a formative principle, 141
as Mars, 141n
as principle of individuation, 140
argent vive/argentum vivum, 207, 239
argentum putum (unalloyed silver), 290n, 295
month of, 154
Arisleus, 306; see also “Visio Arislei”
Aristotelian philosophy, 115
Aristotle, pseudo-, 125, 146n, 220n, 307, 321
army with banners (acies castrorum), 295
Arnaldus de Villanova, 78, 116, 123n, 294
arrow, 231
phallic, 263
Ars chemica, 82n, 83n, 85n, 88n, 94n, 103n, 128n, 138n, 147n, 152n, 217n, 236n, 310n, 320n, 331n; see also individual treatises in Bibl. A
Art, the, 61, 64, 124, 135, 292, 300
dangers of, 322ff
and deus absconditus, 105
rules of, 218
art(s): forbidden, 119
kabbalistic, 113n
magic, 122
of metals, 63
sacred, 74
Artefius, 225
artifex, 67n, 88, 137f, 142, 314, 322, 326, 328f
attitude towards the work, 172
identical with arcanum, 309
Mercurius, reflection of mystical experience of, 237
mystic transformation of, 229
Artis auriferae, 60n, 66n, 68nf, 73n, 75n, 78nf, 85n, 93nf, 103n, 105n, 123n, 126n, 139n, 147n, 207n, 209n, 212n, 215n, 217n, 223n, 226nf, 232n, 235nf, 240n 276n, 278n, 286nf, 290n, 291n, 304n, 308n, 310n, 314n, 327n, 329n, 331n; see also individual treatises in Bibl. A
arunquiltha, 97
asat (non-existing), 218n
of Mercurius, 233
ash, 147
Ashvaghosha, 338n
ashvattha (Ficus religiosa), 312f, 313n
Ask, 337n
asparagus plant, 313
assimilation, 38
of anima, 180n
of unfamiliar, 12
Assumption of Blessed Virgin, 96
Astarte, see Ishtar
Astrampsychos, 279f
astrology, 35, 116, 118f, 225, 237
earthly, 276
relation of Mercurius to, 225
doctrine/theory, 114n, 125; see also star
athanor, fig. B4
Atharva-Veda, 268
Hymns of the, 313n
Athens, 70
archons in, 98n
Atlantida, see Benoit
personal, of tree, 239
supra-personal, 239
atrophy, instinctual, 12f
Attic fertility and rebirth ceremonies, 70
Attis, 70
pine tree of, 305n
attitude, change of, 345
auguries, 114
“Aurelia occulta,” 72, 80, 83n, 196, 217n, 218, 222, 225, 226n, 233n, 331
aureole of sun, 80f
Aureum vellus, 68n, 92n, 219n; see also individual treatises in Bibl. A
Aurora, 176
Aurora consurgens, 77, 85, 95, 123, 149, 208n, 209n, 212n, 219n, 220n, 276n, 279n, 310, 322, 331
ed von Franz, 69n, 78n, 123n, 306&n, 322n
philosophicum seu potabile, 274n
potabile, 172
vitreum, 198
Australians (aborigines), 97, 98n
“Authoris ignoti opusculum,” 94n
alchemical, slaying of, 321
of lumen naturae, 116
of tradition, 115
autochthonous image, 273
auto-erotic isolation, 254
Autogenes, the, 318
autonomous: character of effects, 39
images, 247
psychic, complex, 50
of complexes, 34
of matter, 238
of unconscious, 328
Avalon, Arthur (Sir John Woodroffe), 24n, 265n
avarice, 275
Avicenna, 116, 206, 214, 288, 330; see also “Tractatulus Avicennae”
axiom of Maria, 151n, fig. B2, 166, 224, 278; see also Maria Prophetissa
ayami (familiar, protective spirit), 340
baboon, dog-headed, 279
Badenweiler, 133
Baldzamen, 135n
Balgus, 314n
Balinus, see Belinus
ball, black, 266
in the heart, 152
sidereal, 151
baobab, fig. 2
by fire, 95
by water and spirit, 78
Barbelo = “God is four,” 131n
Bardesanes, 337
Bardo, the, 265
Bardo Thödol, see Tibetan Book of the Dead
Baring-Gould, Sabine, 178n
Barnabas, Epistle of, 87
Baruch, angel, 339
Basel, 98
basilisk, infernal, 143
Basilius Valentinus, 212n
Basuto legend, 101
bat, wings of, fig. B2
Bata, Egyptian tale of, 305, 337n
Baynes, Cary F., 1
Baynes, Charlotte Augusta, 172n
Baynes, H. G., 340n
bear, 282
Bear, Great, 141n
Beatrice, 176; see also Dante
Beelzebub, 143
Saturn as, 228
Beeson, Charles Henry, 318n
beginning, 23
of work, Mercurius as, 235
being, unity of, 28
unfathomable, 210n
universal, 40
belief in Jesus Christ, 168
Belinus/Balinus, 126, 219; see also “Dicta Belini”
Bellator ignis, 148n
Belletête, 231n
beloved, lover and, 219
below, see above and below
benedicta viriditas, 247
rite of, 78
Benoit, Pierre, 99
benzol ring, 108
Berissa, 310
Bernard, Saint, 294n
Bernardus Trevisanus, 217n, 228n, 235n, 308n, 332n
Berthelot, Marcellin, 59n, 60n, 63n, 206
La Chimie au moyen âge, 60n, 66n, 68n, 79n, 82nf, 88n, 95n, 215nf, 226n, 286n, 309n, 314n, 320n, 331n
Collection des anciens alchemistes grecs, 59nf, 68n, 73nf, 76n, 78n, 82n, 93n 95n 98nf, 101n, 105n, 128n, 131n, 138n, 139n 149n 151n 154n 161n 203n, 208n, 215n 221n, 226n, 274n 279n 284nf, 290n, 314n, 321n, 323n
Les Origines de l’alchimie, 277n
Bethlehem, 70n
Beya, and Gabricus, 93
bezoar, 155n
Bezold, Carl, 332n
Bhagavadgītā, 265, 267n, 268, 312f
Bible, 315, 321; see also Apocrypha; New Testament; Old Testament; Sainte Bible
Bibliotheca chemica curiosa (ed. Manget), 67n, 85n, 126n, 141n, 219n, 224n, 236n, 298n; see also individual treatises in Bibl. A
Binah, 312
biology, human, 243
bird(s), fig. A4, 114, 258f, 268, 341, figs. 3, 22, 25, 26, 30, 32
green, 286
of heaven, 314
mythical, 344f
relation to the tree, 315
representing winged thoughts, 266; see also List under animals
Birs (river), 98
birth, 46
of Buddha, 318
germination and, of stone, 298
of Redeemer, 298
tree-, 266, 307; see also rebirth; twice-born
birthplace of gods: lotus as, 269
stone as, 97
bitch, 93
black: ball, 266
crow, 229
dog, 311
earth, 265f
fish, 265
raven, 92n
spider, 333
spirit, old, 329
substances, 242
Sun, 266
blackness, see melanosis/nigredo
Bland, C. C. S., and Scott, H. von E., 86n, 198n
blasphemy, 127
blessedness, eternal, 182
blindness, psychological, 336
blood, 84n, 116, 143, 244, 262, 279n, 287f, 290, 292, 295n, 305, fig. 23
animal or human, 290
black, burnt out, 153
bodies into, 63
bondage of, 52
eyes, became as, 60
fire-coloured, 77n
of Gāyōmart, 288
of lion, 295n
magic, 83n
redeeming, 296
rose-coloured, 290, 292, 295, 325
spiritual, 77n
symbol of soul, 143
symbolic, 296
vein, swollen with, 247
—, tree as system of, 287
bloody sweat, of arcane substance, 290, 295
heart-shaped, 259
lotus, 266
white, fig. 1; see also flower(s)
blue woman, 232
Bodenstein, Adam von, 113, 115n, 119, 133&n, 140, 153n, 157, 173, 187n
(ed.) De vita longa, 113n, 141n, 156n, 163n
Bodhi tree, 318
body(-ies), 63, 77f, 92, 94, 97, 99, 107, 122, 138, 141n, 142, 153, 163, 165, 195, 197, 236n, 257, 278&n, 285, 329, 346
Adam’s, 131n
animal, 103n
animation of, 257
breath-, see breath
calcined, 165n
centre in the, 266
chemical elements of, 195
clarified, 130
consumed by fire, 62
dense, 160n
escape from, 61
of flint, 100
glorified, 297
human, 11
imperfect, 293
invisible, 114n
—, of nature, 114
Jesahach, 167
light of, 106
living, 52
of Mary, 139f
microcosmic, 135
mortal, 134
mortified, 103
mystic, 107n
physical, 51n
pneumatic, 52
round, 139
sensations of, 28
soul and spirit contained in stone, 290f
and soul, separation of, 239
—, dilemma of, 216
spirit of, 103n
and spirit, 214
—, link between, 95
stone-, motif of, 99
or substance, 132n
transformation of, 60
visible and natural, 114n
wholeness of, 280; see also corpus
bones, 60
Bonus, Petrus, 297f, 298n, 299, 330f; see also Lacinius
Book of the Dead, 280; see also Tibetan Book of the Dead
Book of El-Habib, 68n, 82n, 88
“Book of the Holy Trinity . . .,” see Codices and Manuscripts, “Das Buch der heiligen Dreifaltigkeit . . .”
Book of Krates, see Krates
Book of Ostanes, see Ostanes
Borgnet. A. and E., 138n
Bororos, 205
Bostra, Titus of, 334
bottle, spirit in (tale), 193, 194n, 195, 197, 199, 202, 239f 258
Bousset, Wilhelm, 132n, 228n, 232n, 334n
crowned, fig. 32
Braceschus, Johannes, 141n
brain: cutting out and eating, 71
identity of structure, 11
-pan, 88
structure of, 152
branches: four, 332
seven, 315
brass: eagle, 93
serpent, 333
bread of life, 306
—, as carrier of life, 51n
—, incorruptible, 51
of God, 139
-soul, 213
—, higher, 39
subtle, 78
“Brevis manuductio,” 217n, 228n
bridal bed, cross as, 337
tree and the heavenly, 340
bridegroom, 292n
Brihadāranyaka Upanishad, 248n
bronchi, 289
brooding of Holy Spirit, 78
brothers, motif of two hostile, 246n
“Buch der heiligen Dreifaltigkeit . . .,” see Codices and Manuscripts
“Buch des Weisen Magus,” 240n
Buddha (Shakyamuni): birth of, 318
maieutic method of, 243
named tree of paradise, 338n
in Persia, 231
yoga in, 36
Budge, E. A. Wallis, 22n, 73n, 79n, 155n, 279n
(tr.) The Book of the Dead, 280
strength of, 268
Burckhardt, Jacob, 118
Burgaeschi, Lake, 98
Burma, 97
businessman, neurosis of, 13
Bythos, 87n
Cabala, 117, 130f, 137n, 304, 311, 318, 340
Cabalistic: interpretation of Adam, 169n
Paracelsan philosophy not, 123
Caesarius of Heisterbach, 86, 197, 198n
cagastric: Aquaster, 139
magic, 125&n
soul, 164f
“Cagastrum,” 125&n
calx, 138n
candelabrum, 255
Canopic jars, four, 280
capsule, of heart, 164
capulsa cordis, 165
caput corvi, 266n
caput draconis, 316; see also dragon
carboniferous era, 266
carbuncle, 147
Mercurius as, 235
Carmel, 312
Carnitolus, Josephus, 311
Carter, J. B., 187n
Cassiodorus, Marcus Aurelius, 305
castle: dragon, 23
yellow, 23
castration complex, 304n
casuistry, 184
cat, fig. 32
cataract, of Nile, 279n
Cathars, 229&n; see also Bogomils
Catholic: Monad, 151n
tribe, lion of, 228
cauda pavonis (peacock’s tail), 152n, 154n, 290n
cedar tree, 337n
Cedurini, 171
celestial: Aquaster, 139
—, soul as, 140
family reunion, 242
spirit, 292f
cell degeneration, 34
Celts, 119
censor, 343
centre, 21, 24f, fig. 33, 138f, 139n, 148f, 149n, 164f, 233, 264f, 271n, 337n
in the body, 266
command of, 25
of emptiness, 38
fiery, 152
of heart, 139
heart as, 271
heavenly, 150
“an infinite abyss of mysteries,” 149
midpoint of, 151
of natural wisdom, 151
psychic, 152
of tree, 196
of universal system, 26
ceremonies, religious, 22
cervus fugitivus, see servus fugitivus
cesspits, of medieval magic, 245
chakras, 265&n
“Ch’ang Sheng Shu; The Art of Prolonging Life,” 1
change(s): of attitude, 345
cycle of, 13
chaos, 78, 84, 122, 136n, 141n, 325
Mercurius, child of, 228
—, as primeval, 235
son of, 136n
of Tiamat, 239
character, 39
affective, of man, 40
astrological constituents of, 238
fiery, 167
stone, 281n
charity, Christian, 296
Charles, R. H., 149n, 219n, 306n, 308n, 318n; see also Enoch, Book of
charm (s), apotropaic, 45
chastity, 259
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 93
Cheiri Paracelsicum, 135n; see also Cheyri
chemical: elements, 159
—, of body, 195
medicine, 124
processes, 67
substances, see substances
chemist, 204f
chemistry, 108, 119, 189, 238, 274n, 349
of alchemy, 204
chên-yên, 324f
chermes, 148&n
cherubim, 281
four, of Ezekiel, fig. 32
Cheyri, 135&n, 153f, 187&n; see also Cheiri
Chhāndogya Upanishad, 218n, 313n
ch’i, 324f
chick, 152
child, 52
Christ, 100
of God, 52
Mercurius as, see Mercurius
-stone, 97
Sunday’s, 202
children of light, 247
chimaera, 141n
China, 340n
cultural life of, 8
soul of, 11
alchemists, 126n
alchemy, v
conduct, 324
consciousness, 39
culture, 8
doctrine of p’o soul, 40
thought, 8
wisdom, 6
chlamys, 192
Chrétien de Troyes, 223n
Christ, 22, 52, 70, 80, 84n, 103n, 104n, 106, 113n, 115, 126, 131n 139n 188, 196&n, 223, 233, 236, 241, 246f, 281, 283, 285, 295, 298, 328, 334
as archetype of consciousness, 247
child, 100
compared with earthly stone, 292n
crucified, 263
defects in image of, 95
dragon’s head identified with, 316
Enoch prefiguration of, 137n
figure, 246
as filius microcosmi, 294
future, 296
genealogical tree of, 307
genealogy of, 304
Gnostic, 336
humanity of, 104n
image, 245
—, one-sidedness of, 96
incarnation of, 292n
—, Mercurius as image of, 235
Jesus, Saviour of Microcosm, 127
-lapis parallel, 95f
and lapis philosophorum, identity of, 294
as lion, 228n
the Logos, 83, 222, 244, 332, 333
masculine spirituality of, 335f
— as brother to, 222
— in compensatory relation to, 245
named tree of paradise, 338n
omnipresence of, 95
as ordinary man, 129
passion of, 105n
the Pelican, 87
personality and historicity of, 53
as personification of the unconscious, 333
Primordial Man, 336
purissimus homo, 295f
reflection of inner Anthropos, 171
rock, 102
second Adam, 304
Sol Novus, 242
as “son of man,” 52
sorrow-laden hero, 53
spirituality of, 96
stork as allegory of, 317
as sword, 333
— of inner, 96
—, Pauline, 53
symbolized by mountain tree, 309
throne of, 283
tree, 196
— or vine, 338
work of redemption, 96; see also Jesus
Christendom, ills of, 112
Christensen, Arthur, 220n, 337n
ascetic morality, 46
character of Goethe’s consciousness, 245
charity, 296
— and forbearance, 48
church, medievalism of, 18 (see also Church)
consciousness, 128
convinced, 49
cross, inverted, 264
culture, 9
development, 48
devil, 247n
—, a diabolization of Lucifer, 247f
faith, four main articles of, 168
—, mysteries of, 188
ideology, 283
imagery, 183
knowledge, 113n
love of one’s neighbour, 185, 187
mandalas, 22
mentality, 245
motifs, early, fig. B1
mystery, 103n
Paracelsus as, 160
Redeemer, 233
Sacraments, 154
story of salvation, 299
values, 48
Christianity, 122, 161, 184, 196, 198, 241, 296
early, 51n
founder of, 229
history of, 242
medieval, 303
spirit of, 129
tension of opposites in, 243
Christianos, 149
chrysopoea (gold-making), 172
tree symbol of, 314
chthonic: half of godhead, Mercurius as, 222
numen of tree as snake, dragon, 317
serpent, 333
Church, 116, 120, 158, 161, 171, 321
censorship of, 88
eternal verities of, 160
Fathers, 292n
language of, 102
protection of, 90
riding animal of, 283
sacraments of, 186
Chwolsohn, Daniel, 60n, 224n, 312n
chymical marriage / wedding, 123, 126, 136, 257
Chymical Wedding, see Rosencreutz
Cibinensis, see Szebeny
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 221
ciconia vel storca, 316n
cinnabar, meridian of, 63n
Circe, 99
circle, 151, 161, 224, 233, 336, 337n
charmed, 24
movement in, 25
—, around oneself, 25
One midpoint of, 151
simplest and most perfect form, 151
symbol of wholeness, 337
circular: movement, 21, 25, 149f
temple, 84
thinking, 84
uroboros, 233
circulus simplex, 233
circumambulatio, 25
circumrotation, 151n
city, 295
eternal, 172
fortified, fig. A10
of Nekhen, 280
of Pe, 280
civilization: Chinese, 18
Western, 8
civilized: consciousness, 184
peoples, 55
cloud-demon, 39
cockatoo, red, 205
code: moral, 184
penal, 184
Codices and Manuscripts:
Basel: “Alchymistisches MS.”: 144n
“De arbore contemplationis,” AX. 128b: 315n
Berlin: Cod. Berol. Lat. 532: 152n
Cod. Berol. Lat. Q.584: 67n, 305n, 306
Leiden: Cod. Voss. Chem. 520 (29): 83n, 231n
London: “Le Livre des Ansienes Estoires”: BM MS. Add. 15268: fig. B1
Ripley Scrowle, BM MS. Sloane 5025: fig. B5, 199n, 212, 286n, 303, 306n, 317
Munich: Cod. Germ. 598 (“Buch der hlg. Dreifaltigkeit”): 144n, fig. B3
New Haven: German alch. ms. (Mellon Coll.): frontisp.
Paris: BN MS. gr. 2250: 154n
BN MS. gr. 2252: 64n
BN MS. gr. 2419: 228n
Ste. Gen. MS. 2263-64: 166n
St. Gall: Cod. Germ. Alch. Vad.: 144n
Cod. Vad. 390: 76n
Vatican: Cod. Vat. Lat. 7286: 83n
Zurich: Cod. Rhenov. 172: 144n, 220n, 231n
Other: MS Akhmim: 71
Cod. Bezae: 243
coelum (heaven), 136n
as Mercurius, 219
as quinta essentia, 219
coffin, as tree of death, 304
cognitio: matutina, 247-49
sui ipsius, 248
cognitive process, 289
cohabitation of Sol and Luna, 123
coincidentia oppositorum, God as, 209f
cold/warm, 278
Coleridge, S. T., 153n
collective: and archetypal symbols, 301
consciousness, 341
delusions, 36
nature of self, 240
psyche, 347
psychic phenomena, 36
soul, 240n
unconscious, see unconscious
collyrium, 75
Colonna, Francesco: Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, 141n, 157, 176, 183, 304
colour(s), 23, 59, 106, 152&n, 154, 218, 238, 290, 339
four, 305
three, 76; see also black; blue; green; purple; red; white; yellow
Colson, T. H., and G. H. Whitaker, 266n
combustible liquid, 320
Communion, 157
substances, 154
comparative: anatomy, 273n
research into symbols/symbolism, 273, 341
compassion, 112
compensation: biological, by dreams, 69
law/principle of, 245
compensatory: Logos, 297
powers of the unconscious, 335
primordial images, 301
relation to Christ symbolized by Mercurius, 245
tendencies from unconscious, 245
complex(es): autonomous, 50f (see also systems)
autonomy of, 34
castration, 304n
numinous, 328
psychology, 326
split-off, 34
complexio oppositorum, 241
composition: of the liquids, 62
of the waters, 59f, 66, 91, 102, 105, 108
concentration, 25
concentration camp, 342f
condensing apparatus, 88
conduct: Chinese, 324
principles of, 325
configurations, archetypal, of the unconscious, 253
confirmamentum, 137
conflict(s), 13, 15, 116, 120, 127, 189, 244
between knowledge and faith, 115
of duty, 184f
in Paracelsus, 112
of opposites, 348
with the unconscious, 336
coniunctio, 123, 135n, 152f, 153n, fig. B4, 181f, 187&n, 337
animae cum corpore, fig. B5
fourfold, 278n
noblest, 278n
obscene pictures of, 231
relation of suffering to the, 334
supracelestial, 153
threefold, 278n
triptativa, 277
conjunction, 137
cross as medium of, 337
of sun and moon, 79n
tree as medium of, 337
conscious: attitude, aberrations of, 185
—, one-sidedness of, 181
differentiation, 301
discrimination, 239
expectations, 16
judgment, 17
mind, see mind
morality, 325
psyche, 347
realization, 244
and unconscious, dissociation between, 34
union with unconscious, 180
way, 20
willing, 16
consciousness, 11-14, 16, 20, 37, 42, 89, 94, 150, 197, 260, 301
acute state of, 27
broadening or heightening of, 243
Chinese, 39
Christ as archetype of, 247
Christian, 128
— character of Goethe’s, 245
circumferential, 26
civilized, 184
clarification of, 243
collective, 341
cramp of, 17
creative, 40
cult of, 36
daylight of, 242
detachment of, 27, 44f, 46, 52
development of, 69
differentiation of, 200, 243, 335
disintegration of, 29
divided, 260
as effect of anima, 42
evolution of higher, 54
extinction of, 336
finite, 171
fire as, 151n
four functions of, 84
free of contents, 38
functions of, 176
head is seat of, 81
higher, 15, 18, 48, 73, 189, 200, 297
illumination of, 255
— and expansion of, fig. 3
illusion of supremacy of, 52
individual, 29
inner and central, 26
intensification of, 21
language of, see language
—, union of, 21–25;
—, and reason, 40
localizations of, 265
masculine, 335
modern, 327
monotheism of, 36
moral, 196
narrowness of, 37
natural, 247
ordering principles of, 325
orienting system of, 167
is partisan, 28
possession by, 36
primitive, 268
Protestant cult of, 48
quaternary structure of, 169
relation of lapis to, 240
separation of, and life, 21
strengthening of, 243
supra-, 184
symbols compensate unadapted attitude of, 302
twilight state of, 92
unconscious not derivative of, 42
and unconscious, split between, 246
unity of, 29
Western, 55
Consecration in Mass, 84
conservatism, psychic, 12
consideratio, 165n
“Consilium coniugii,” 82n, 83, 88, 94, 103n, 107n, 128n, 152&n, 217n 310n 319, 331
constancy, 259
Constantine, Emperor, 122
contemplatio, 165n
contemplation, 29n, 44, fig. A5
of life of Jesus, 165n
sage in, 29
tree of, 315
content(s): repressed, 36
unconscious, see unconscious
contradictions, logical and moral, 245
conviction, inward, 54
Coomaraswamy, A. K., 310n, 313n, 337n
coral, tree of, 308&n
cor altum, 249n
corn: seed of, 259
corners, four, of the heavens, 279
corporalia and spiritualia, 103
corporeal/incorporeal, 75
language of, 76
corporeality, 257
corpus: astrale, 125, 152, 167, 168n
coeleste sive supracoeleste, 137
Jesahach, 167
nostrum, 213
Corpus Hermeticum, 73, 78, 206, 225
corruption, 134&n
cortical centres, 185
cosmic principles, fig. A6
projection, 335
tree, see tree
cosmos, materiality of, 239
Crato von Crafftheim, 119
Crawley, Alfred Ernest, 143n
creatio ex nihilo, 201
denial of, 236
creation, 132
of man, 86
myth, 99
of souls, 86
Creator: knowledge of the, 247n
love and praise of the, 247n
renamed Conglomeratio, 201
crocodile(s), 79n, 257, fig. 10
as bridal bed, 337
connection of tree with, 332
of light, 265
medium of conjunction, 337
motifs, 268
serpent on the, 333
cross-cousin marriage, 278
crow, black, 229
crowd, 41
crowfoot, 155n
King’s, 80n
mural, 303n
of stars, 80
crowned: boy, fig. 32
dragon, fig. 14
serpent, fig. 32
crucifix, 334; see also cross
crystal(s), 101
terrible, 281
cube, 271&n
cult, 37
of consciousness, 36
of the dead, 280
instrument, churinga as, 97
stone-, 100
culture, 11
Chinese, 8
Christian, 9
hero, 100
megalithic, 100
Cumont, Franz, 307n
Cupid, 247
arrow of, 83
Mercurius as, 231
cupiditas, 38
cutting off of hands and feet, 329
cycle: birth and death, 79, 102
death and rebirth, 105
Cyphanta, 175
Cyprian, the, 183
Daemogorgon, Mars called, 141n
daemon(s), 36, 203, 231, 268f, 285n
conquered, 327
as a familiar, 328
is an illusion, 37
masculine, 267
Mercurius as storm, 202
of revelation, 178
of scientific spirit, 128
serpent-, female, 240
tree, 200
daemonic: agencies, 323
forces of life, 38
daemonization of man, 282
Daimorgon, 141n
Damascene earth, 318
dance: mandala, 23
round, of stars, 226n
danger(s): of the Art, 322, 327, 329
psychic nature of, 170
Daniel: Book of, 13, 132, 281n, 282n, 283
vision of, 282
Dante Alighieri, 141n, 176, 236, 295, 311n
dark: abyss of not-knowing, 178
background of soul, 147
Mercurius, see Mercurius
powers of psyche, 42
darkness(es), 24, 162, 170, 177, 242, 245, 247, 249, 325, 335f
creatures of, 162
horrible, of our mind, 250
of human nature, 244
light of, 160ff
of nature, 160
of night, 236n
poles of light and, 25
world of, 265
daughters: of men, 81
four, 98f
Davis, T. L., and Lu-ch’iang Wu, 126n, 226n, 324n
day(s): of judgment, 297
and night, rhythm of, 248
of week, pagan names of, 249
day-dreaming, subjective, 43
awakened, 290n
cult of the, 280
God, 128
resurrection of, 297
tree, see tree; see also death; Egyptian Book of the Dead; Tibetan Book of the Dead
De alchemia, 126n, 140n, 147n, 210n, 297n; see also individual treatises in Bibl. A
Dea Natura, 98
“De arbore contemplationis,” see Codices and Manuscripts
“De arte chymica,” see “Liber de arte chymica”
death, 38ff 46, 105, 164&n, 166, 218, 228, 322, 326
-dealing poison, 323
of dragon, 316
not end but goal, 46
figurative, 63n
and life, 51n
-ray, red, 304
—, of philosophical tree, 287
survival after, 51n
tree of, 304
—, life and, 271
decapitation, 72
De chemia, see Zadith Senior
“Declarado et Explicatio Adolphi,” 80
decomposition, 134n
Dee, John, 155n, 220n, 322n, 332n
deep heart (cor altum), 249n
Déesse Raison, 244
defecation, 220n
de Goeje, M. J., see Dozy
collective, 36
of insane, 246
Mercurius a god of, 247
social and political, 8
powers of, 87
principle of, 232
Democritus, 67, 76, 103, 161, 225, 286, 321
demon(s), 39, 89, 117, 119, 128, 161
of air, 161
of forest, 198
lead possessed of a, 323
personal, 41
demonology, primitive, 42
“Demorgon,” 141n
dependence, free, 52
depersonalizing of unconscious figures, 42
ascent and, 59, 103&n, 104n, 218, 304
of Mercurius, 233
detachment, 41
inner, 38
Deucalion, 99
Deursen, Arie van, 100n
deus: absconditus, 95, 104f, 241
terrenus, 166
terrestris, Mercurius as, 235, 241; see also god(s)
Deussen, Paul, 206n
development: Christian, 48
of meaning, 272
psychic, 11f, 15, 21, 162, 245
regressive, 260f
devil(s), 7, 83, 90, 105n, 113n, 114f, 128n, 143, 170, 183n, 223, 241, 245f, 328
deceptions of the, 323
dragon’s tail identical with, 316
Mercurius as, 237
Saturn dwelling place of, 228
seven, 128&n
tricked, 198
within, 244
reanimating, 103
Dharmakaya, 35
diabolization, of Lucifer and Mercurius, 248
diabolus, sulphur as, 228
diadema cordis tui, 269
dialectic, philosophical, 238
“Dialogus Mercurii, Alchymistae et Naturae.” see Sendivogius
Diana (goddess), 303
dice, game of, 267f
“Dicta Belini”: (1) Distinctio XXVIII, in Theatr. chem. V, 197n
(2) Theatr. chem. I, 227
(3) Bibl. chem. curiosa, 219, 236n
(4) Rosarium, in Art. aurif., 126, 227
“Dictionary of Goldmaking,” 74
Dieterich, Albrecht, 70n
difference(s), racial, 11
differentiation, 336
conscious, 301
of consciousness, see consciousness
of Western intellect, 9; see also non-differentiation
Dionysius, 70
Dioskoros, 138n
discrimination, 41, 200, 243, 336
conscious, 239
disease(s): “ens spirituale” of, 113n
gods have become, 37
obscurity as darkness of, 331
disembowelling, 329
dismemberment/dismembering, 60, 67f, 70&n, 71, 73, 84, 87n, 91, 304n
disorder, infernal, 122
disorientation, 13
philosophical, 8
displacement: downwards, 266f
upwards, 265
dispositions: individual, 342
instinctive, 275
dissociation, 35, 37, 82, 342, 345
between conscious and unconscious, 34
of personality, 264
circulatory, 148
thousandfold, 148
vessel of, fig. B7, 88, 317; see also Pelican; retorta distillatio
distilling apparatus, 317
disturbance(s), mental/psychic, 34, 324, 342; see also aberration; disease
divided: consciousness, 260
into four, totality image, 283
divine: attributes of stone, 328
dynamism of self, 285
fire, 209
magic, 139
mother, 333
mysteries, 188
myth, 263
numen, 268
office of physician, 116
secrets, Mercurius as revealer of, 230
spark, 160
spirit, 26
water, see water; will, see will
Divine Comedy, see Dante
divinity/Divinity, 149
itself, Mercurius as, 235
triune, Mercurius as, 222
divinus ternarius, Mercurius as, 230
division, 93
by sex, 139
Djābir ibn Hayyān, 215n, 286, 314
doctrinairism, Freudian, 342
doctrine(s): arcane, 129
Buddhist yoga, 36
Gnostic, of Anthropos, 171, 205, 220
of redemption, in alchemy, 205
black, 311
-like woman, 232
as logos, 232n
as psychopomp, 232n
dolphin, 265
domus: ignis, 210n
sapientiae, 172
domus thesaurorum or gazophylacium (treasure-house), 85
Dorn, Gerard, 86f, 115n, 124n, 134n, 149ff, 154, 157, 165n, 166n 169, 171, 176, 187, 215, 217, 236, 287ff, 291&n, 292, 295, 330f, 334
“quid” of, 300
veritas of, 324
WORKS: “Congeries Paracelsicae,” 86n, 209n, 227n, 230n, 235n, 289, 310n, 331n
“De tenebris contra naturam et vita brevi,” 217n, 311n
“Duellum animi cum corpore,” 151n
“De genealogia mineralium,” 287n, 311n
“Philosophia chemica,” 86f, 235n
“Physica genesis.” 139n, 149n, 150
“Physica Trismegisti,” 150n, 330f
“Physica Trithemii,” 150n, 151n
“Speculativa philosophia,” 72, 83, 332
ed., De vita longa (Paracelsus), 131n, 144, 164n, 168n, 172n, 173ff, 187n
double: contrary nature of Mercurius, 319
dyads, unification of, 278
dove, 339
downwards, displacement, see displacement
Dozy, R., and M. J. de Goeje, 225&n
draco viridis, 258; see also serpent, dragon
dragon(s), 64, 79n, 87, 89f, 132n, 198, 228, 257, 330, 340
belly of, 210
chained in the underworld, 242
chthonic numen of tree, 317
divine water, 82n
egg synonym for, 82
ever-waking, 217
green, crowned, fig. 14
—, and tail of, 79n
killing of, 83n
little green, 258
many-eyed, 86
old, 218
poison-dripping, 218
poisonous, 321
self-devouring, 259
tail, identified with Antichrist/devil, 316
uroboros, 223
winged and wingless, 217; see also serpent, mercurial
dream(s), 66, 89, 91, 96, 114n, 176f, 194, 246, 283, 293, 300f, 341, 343
alchemical language of, 301
anxiety in, 345
apparent disguise in, 347
archaic residues in, 347
archetypal, 69n
Freud’s interpretation of, 301
helpful, 179
images, 273
interpretation, subjective, 66
language, 69
means what it says, 347
of Poliphilo, see Poliphilo
sent by God, 105
-vision, 80
women’s, 347
world of, 98n
of Zarathustra, 89
of Zosimos, 102; see also day-dreaming
EXAMPLE: An eagle circles over Y’s concentration camp; he thinks of shooting it from a rocket-propelled aircraft, 342-47
Dreifaltigkeitsbuch, see Codices and Manuscripts: Munich
drink, of immortality, 313
drive, power, 260
Druids, 119
dualism: of ancient Persia, 243; see also Cathars
duality, 182, 214, 237, 246, 257, 336
of God, 26
of Mercurius, see Mercurius; of sonship, 223n
of soul, 214
in world and soul, 116
Du Cange, C. du F., 148n, 322n
Durdales, 158
dynamism, divine, of self, 285n
eagle, 183, 280, 303, 317, 339, 343ff, 347
black, 198
brazen, 93
“eye,” 344
earth(s), 39, 49, 92, 217, 219, 233, 236n, 248, 256, 278, fig. 8
black, 265n
glorified, 311
goddess, fig. 8
Mary as, 256
Mercurius, of paradise, 235
metallic. 310
philosophic, 290
purified. 218
reality of, 54
red Damascene, 318
salt of, 233
-spirit, 297
two, 278n
-world, fig. A4
Earth: Mother, 98
Spirit, 79n
earthly: Adam, 169n
astrology, 276
firmament of Paracelsus, 276n
paradise, 196
stone, Christ compared with, 292n
European invasion of, 55
mind of, 56
philosophers of, 50
practices of, 24
psychology of, 8
religious experiences of, 53
spirit of, 49
and West, 55
—, difference between, 53
Easter Eve, 78
Eastern: enlightenment, 54
mandalas, 56
occultism, 7
religions, 6
wisdom, 11
Ebionites, 223n
ecclesiastical: allegory, 259
Sacrament, 185ff
terminology, 157
Echidna: symbol of Mercurius, 144n
Eckhart, Meister, 16, 50, 114n, 284
eclipse, 79n
ecstatic: experience, 40
states, 34
journey, 341
Edda, 337n
Edem, 321
Eden, river of, 319n
Edfu, 73
effect: numinous, of archetypal symbols, 302
therapeutic, of detachment, 45
efficacity, of things, 154, 157, 175
efflorescence, of metallic salts, 146n
division of, 82
germ of, 152&n
identity of, with uroboros, 82n
of nature, 218
nomenclature of, 82n
Olympiodorus on, 82n
philosophical, 82
shining, fig. 32
synonym, for dragon, 82
—, for vessel, 82
—, for water, 82
-white, 82
ego, 34, 45, 51f, 90, 180&n, 239, 246, 248, 254, 263, 285n
affinity with God, 117
centre of consciousness, 45
-centricity, 285n
entanglement in the, 302
godlike, 118
-mania, 38
mortal, 171
personality, 254
relation of to self, 172
Egypt, 81
ancient, 73
Egyptian(s): Book of the Dead, 279
Hellenism, 279
mummies, 134
mythology, 142
quaternity, 280
young, 320
Eisler, Robert, 307n
Eleazar, Abraham, 213n, 220n, 333n
element(s), 150
ascent of, 150
body’s chemical, 195
chemical, 159
creation of, 150
Eucharistic, 159
four, 65, 68, 82, 92ff, 115, 129, 131, 135&n, 141, 152, 166ff, 168n, 176, 195, 219, 227, 266, 269, 278n, 293, 305, 332
head-, 291n
heavenly, 155
masculine, 74
of Mercurius, 217
ogdoad of, 278
omega, see omega
physical, 155
quaternity of, 278
of the stone, 314n
“supermonic,” 180
Eliade, Mircea, 70n, 101n, 305n, 307n, 309n, 340n, 341n
Elias, see Elijah
Eliezer ben Hyrcanus, Rabbi, 318, 337n
human, 94
natural, 134
Embla, 337n
embryo, 52
Emmerich, Count of Poitiers, 177
emotion, 15
emotional: intensity, 268
value, 268
empathy, 163
Empedoclean rhizomata, 195
empirical nominalist, 289
emptiness: centre of, 38
great, 39
enantiodromia, 245
enclosure, 25
end of work, Mercurius as, 235
energy: life, 25
of bodily sensations, 28
English “rescue circles,” 51n
“Enigma of Bologna,” 338n
Enkidu, 321
shadow of Gilgamesh, 320
enlightenment, 85, 186, 200, 280n
Eastern, 54
tree symbolizes, 313f
Enoch, 132, 136n, 137&n, 149, 166, 176n, 210n, 283
Book of, 143n, 149n, 282, 306, 308, 318
Ethiopic Book of, 306
prefiguration of Christ, 137n
“son of man,” 149n
Enochdianus(-um, -i), 137, 142, 153, 165n, 166, 168
Enos, 138n
ens spirituale, of diseases, 113n
entanglement(s): in the ego, 302
emotional and intellectual, 28
entelechy, of Aristotle, 27
epidemic(s), psychic, 37
“Epigramma Mercurio philosophico dicatum,” 230
Epimetheus, 94
Epimetheus, Franciscus, 144n; see also Reusner
Epiphanius, 88n, 146&n, 186, 223n, 228n, 309n
Epistle of Barnabas, 87
“Epistola ad Hermannum,” 226n, 259n
equilibrium, psychic, 46
left/right, 269
Eranos Jahrbuch: (1936, 1937), 4n
(1937), 58
(1942), 191
(1945), 310n
anima as caricature of feminine, 41
feminine, 295
Erythraean Sibyl, 230
Esdras, 147n
essence/Essence: ethereal, 324
fifth, 130
mercurial, 196
triune, 293
Estsánatlehi, 98
eternal: blessedness, 182
ideas, 289
man, 306n
principle(s), 169
water, 227
eternity, 141n
feeling of, 181
hieroglyph of, uroboros as, 259
Ethiopic Book of Enoch, see Enoch
Eucharistic: elements, 159
significance of fish, 266
Eucherius. Bishop of Lyons, 104n
euhemeristic allegories, 301
Eulogius of Alexandria, 196
euphemism, apotropaic, 326
Euphorion, 176
Euripides, 70
Europäische Revue, 1
Europe, 97
European: consciousness, 45
enlightened, 37
invasion of the East, 55
mandalas, 2, 22n, 24, 56; see also Western
Euthymios Zigabenos, 223n
Eutychius, Patriarch of Alexandria, 60n
evangelists: four, 22
three, 183n
Eve, 83n, 95, 143, fig. B4, 219, 262, 304
Adam and, 303
Adamic Mercurius in, 235n
genitals of, 143
evening knowledge, 248&n; see also cognitio
everlasting hills, 306
evil, 47, 165n, 183n, 187, 197, 200, 223
counterpart of good, 210
good and, see good and evil
hell-fire, substance of good and, 210
individuation, source of all, 196
exaltation, 153ff
of spring, 182
excoction, 152n
excretory acts, 231
exercises, spiritual, 244
“Exercitationes in Turbam philosophorum,” 60n, 68n, 83n, 217n, 235n, 236n
expansion, of consciousness, fig. 3; see also consciousness
experience(s): inner, 16
extensity, 25
“eagle,” 344
fleshly, 288
philosophical, 22
spiritual, 288
eyewash, 75
Ezekiel: Book of, 136n, 258, 281
four cherubim of, fig. 32
vision of, 280
Fourth Book of, 219n
fables, didactic, 66
face(s), 25; four, see four
faith, 7, 34, 46, 54, 187, 241
alchemical confession of, 129
charisma of, 49
in God, 111
grace of, 160
inborn, 167f
and knowledge, conflict between, 115
—, split between, 189
mysteries of Christian, 188
familiar(s), fig. B5, 179, 203, 225, 341
daemon as, 328
familiaris, 245
family reunion, celestial, 242
fantasy(-ies), 16, 22, 24, 43, 276, 283, 285, 339, 342
activity, spontaneous, 17
ideas born of, 277
images, 179
modern, of tree, 341
mythlike, 258
personal, 344
primitive, 98
secondary, 260
fascination, 171
fate(s), 15f, 41, 171, 184n, 264
aesthetic flirtations with, 18
of psyche, 349
father(s)/Father, 52, 112, 166
Church, 292n
four, 150
-God, 339
God is Mother and, 27
of lies, Lucifer as, 250
of all metals, 235
-mother, 220n
and Son, 116
for the drama, see Goethe
“fedeli d’amore,” 294
consolidation of, 180
of eternity, 181
tone, 268
feet, cutting off of, 329
female: genies, winged, 281
male and, powers of, 218
serpent-daemon, 240
feminine, 13
anima is, 39
aspect of Mercurius, see Mercurius
character of unconscious, 325
Eros, 295
figure in unconscious, 40
nature of tree, see tree
principle, fourth, 96
significance of Yggdrasil, 340; see also masculine
femininity: of man, 338
unconscious, 99
Fergusson, James, 340n
fertility: ceremonies, Attic, 70
of land, 71
of men and animals, 97
significance of churingas, 100n
symbol, fish as, fig. A2
Ficino, Marsilio, 131, 134n, 223n
Ficus religiosa, see ashvattha
fides, 176
treasure in the, 259
fiery: and gaseous poison, 278n
pillar, 310n
Fierz-David, Linda, 176n
fifth essence, 130
spirit of, 130
fig tree, 313
figments, “supermonic,” 173f
Figulus, Benedictus, 149, 210, 307
Fihrist, 240n
filii Sapientiae, 308
filius, 142, 150&n, 168n, figs. B2, B4
canis coelici coloris, 232n, and see puppy
ignis, 127n
macrocosmi, 96, 166, 233, 240, 292, 293n
—, lapis philosophorum as, 294
Mercurius as, 222
—, Christ as, 294
noster rex genitus, 148
philosophorum, 123, 125ff, 129, 130, 140, 150, 284
—, son of macrocosm, 126
regis, fig. B6
regius, 145ff
sapientiae, 123
unicus, 172
unigenitus, 172n
“unius diei,” lapis as, 248n; see also son(s)
fire, 24, 63f, 74, 77n, 78, 79n, 85f, 107, 113n 138n 141n, 142, 146f, 150, 153n 162, 216, 218, 244, 268, 279n, 298, 307, 309n, fig, 5
of the art, 60
baptism by, 95
in centre, 149
coal, 138
as consciousness, 151n
divine, 209
ever-living, 310
fighter of, 148
of heart, 164
of hell, see hell
house of, 149
invisible, 209
mercurial, 210
midpoint of centre, 151
our, 148
pillar of, 62
secret, infernal, 210
sphere of, 74
spirits of, 142
spiritual, 150n
struck from stones in Persia, 320
in sun, 150
supracelestial, 310
symbolical, 148
system of higher and lower powers, 210
tongues of, 29
unnatural, 330
warrior, 148
and water, see water,
—, union of, 255
firmament, fig. A6, 137, 248, 281
earthly, of Paracelsus, 276n
in man, 152
firmamentum, 219
Firmicus Maternus, Julius, 70n
firm-rootedness, 272
First Cause, 232n
first parents, 257
First Thomas, 132n
fish(es), 51, 69, 75, 76n, 143, 177, 194, fig. 32
black, 265
as fertility symbols, fig. A2
half-man, half-, motif of, 178
meal, fig. B1
pot-, 155n
round, 75f
symbol, 265
fishing rod, God’s, 336
fitness, in biology, 342
five mountains, 256
flame(s), 155
Flamel, Nicolas, 213, 217n, 306n, 309&n, 333n
flattery, 329
flatus vocis, 289
flesh, 60f, 63f, 84, 92, 94, 96, 101, 103n, 104n, 114n, 116, 228, 310
fleshly eyes, 288
body, 100
man, 100
flores, alchemical, 125
Flos cheiri, 135n
flower(s), 22, fig. A4, 154, 253, 255, 268, 271n, 290n, 314, 320
discoloured, 286n
golden/Golden, 23f, 51, 53, figs. A1, A2, B2
—, of Chinese alchemy, 269
—, origin of, 23
of light, fig. 32
luminous, fig. A3
red, fig. 5
flowerlike centre, 269, fig. 31
Fludd, Robert, 288f
foam-born, 182
foemina alba, 182
foetus: of longevity, 166
novenary, 151
spagyric, 150&n
folk: beliefs, 122
customs, 24
magic, 122
“Fons chymicae veritatis,” 209n
fontina, 255
food of immortality, 306
force(s): life-, 214
—, daemonic, 38
of nature, 128
demon of, 198
of mares’-tails, fig. 27
forethought, 221n
form, psychoid, 272
fortress, 294
fount(ain), 255
of ambrosia, 308n
of Ardvī Sūra Anāhita, 308
of gold and silver, 103n
of Hulda, 317
of living water, 104n
of renewal, 332n
salty, 308
arms, 281
branches, 332
Canopic jars, 280
cherubim, 280
— of Ezekiel, fig. 32
corners of the heavens, 279
daughters, 98f
directions, 168
division into, see division; elements, see elements
evangelists, 22
fathers and mothers, 150
functions, 167
gates, 172
gospels, 283
guardian angels, 282
kings, 282
main articles of Christian faith, 168
— of heaven, 167
— of the world, 281
quaternions, 280n
roots, 68
sacrificial animals, 280
Scaiolae, 167
seasons, 167f
three and, dilemma, 224
totality image, divided into, 283
wings of the cherubim, 281; see also quaternity
fourfold: coniunctio, 278n
Mercurius, 279
fourth, the, 167
fox, 195n
Foxcroft, T., see Rosencreutz
Franz. Marie-Louise von, 63n, 99n
(ed.) Aurora consurgens, 69n, 78n, 95n, 123n, 149n, 306n, 322n, 323n
“Die Passio Perpetuae,” 316n
Frazer, James G., 70n, 71n, 97n, 98n, 194n
freedom, Promethean, 12
Freud, Sigmund, 34, 82, 244, 302, 347
interpretation of dreams, 301
Freudian: and alchemical reduction of symbols, 301
orthodoxy, doctrinairism of, 342
repression theory, 42
Friday, day of Venus, 249
Friedlander, Gerald, 318&n, 337n
Frobenius, Leo, 101
fruit(s), 52
forbidden, 304
and herbs of paradise, 306n
holy, 46
nourishing, 272
frumentum nostrum, 310
fulmination, metallic, 152n
function(s): of anima, 180n
of consciousness, see consciousness
four, 167 (see also under individual functions);
higher mental, 139n
of persona, 180n
furnace, fig. B4
future Christ, 296
Gabal, the, 130
Gabricus and Beya, 93
Galatea, 179
Galen, Claudius, 116, 135n, 287n
game of dice, 267f
gamonymus, 136, 161; see also hierosgamos
Gaokerena, Persian tree, 340
Garden/garden: ascetic, 309n
of Gethsemane, 295
of philosophers, 309
of spices, see hortus aromatum
garment, purple, 62
Garotman, anus of, 220
fiery poison of, 278n
gates, four, 172
Gaudentius, Saint, 104n
Gaul, 221
Gayomart/gayō-maretan 132, 220n, 337n
blood of, 288
Geley, Gustave, 51n
Genesis, 78, 81, 137n, 248, 309, 318
genies: protective, 281
winged female, 281
genitals of Adam and Eve, 143
Gentiles, gods of, 141n
geomancy, 119
geometric pattern, 23
Germanic man. Faustian split in, 47
germinal vesicle, 23f, figs. A8, A9
germination and birth of stone, 298
Gethsemane, garden of, 295
ghost, 45
connection with anima, 40
white, 39
giant of twofold substance, 217, 292f&n
Gilbert Islands, 337n
Gilgamesh: epic, 320f
glass, 197
gold, 198
“Gloria mundi,” 92n, 207n, 210n, 219n, 226n, 286n, 307, 310n, 311
glorified: body, 297
“earth,” 311
Glory, King of, 146
Glover, A. S. B., vi, 59n, 293n, 296n
gnome(s), fig. B5
Gnostic(ism), 4, 59, 131n, 132, 195n, 228, 310, 319, 321, 334f
analogical thinking of, 147
archaï, 22
Christ, 336
doctrine of, Anthropos, 205, 220
—, archons and aeons, 225
ideas, 147
and mythological ideas in alchemy, 204
pneumatic man of, 310
Redeemers, 233
speculation, 283
systems, 3
thinking, circular, 84
of alchemist, 179:
of alchemy, 161
of first half of life, 46
highest, 23
of individuation process, 195
Mercurius is, of his own transformation, 235
of opus, 152, 180, 275f, 279, 299, 305, 307
of psyche, 25
of spiritual existence, 46
goblins, 93
God, 20, 26, 37, 50f, 54, 77f, 81n, 86, 88n, 102, 106f, 116f, 126, 128, 132, 164n, 169n, 182, 197, 209, 236, 268, 284, 292, 300, 317, 324f
affinity of ego with, 117
arcane substance as res simplex and, 215
attribute of quaternity of, 281
attributes of, 82n
— transferred to the stone, 294
breath of, 139
child of, 52
as coincidentia oppositorum, 209
dead, 128
dream sent by, 105
duality of, 26
face of, 88
faith in, 111
Father-, 339
is Feminine and Masculine, 27
first son of, 223
fish-eating brings participation with, 266
fishing rod of, 336
“is four,” 131n
four angels of, 282
— faces of, 176n
“higher and good,” 200
is hypothesis, 36
illusion of personal, 35
-image, stone as, 97
image of, 125
of Jews, 222
kingdom of, 106
knowledge of, 94
light of, 288
is Love, and Will, 26
-man, 297
in man, 96
man’s idea of, 344
Mercurius, second son of, 222
Mother of, 183
is — and Father, 27
as product of the opus, 307
Satan is counterpart of, 236
science of, 96
second son of, 223
sign of, 281
spirit of, 136n
is Spirit, 104
is Substance and Force, 26
terrifying vision of, 346
transformation of, 334
is two in one, 27
wrath of, 83
union with, 249n
unity of, 116
god(s), 36, 38f, 45, 70, 98, 267n, 268
acknowledgment of, 38
air, 279
birth of, 37
have become diseases, 37
dismembered, 73
earlier, 35
-eating (teoqualo), 81n
favourable and unfavourable, 29
with four faces, 279
of Gentiles, 141n
Hermes, of revelation, 209, 233
—, of thieves and cheats, 233
hidden, 241 (see also deus absconditus)
of illusion and delusion, Mercurius as, 247
of Indians, 337
lotus as birthplace of, 269
of magicians, Mercurius as, 202
masters of, 50n
nature, 150
origin and seed of, 76
phantasmal, 37
become physical, 104
rain-, 268n
of revelation, 179
sacrifice of, 80n
sky-, 268n
solar, 267n
stone as birthplace of, 97
sun-, 8n
two-faced, 250
of the underworld, triadic character of, 221
“of utmost emptiness and life,” 38
wind-, 221
world of, 155; see also deity; deus
goddess: earth, fig. 8
of love, see love
matriarchal, 99
moon, Diana, 303
mother, 183n
turquoise, 99; see also Dea Natura; Déesse Raison
Godfrey, Abbot of Admont, 295n
archaic, 345
self as indistinguishable from, 241
Goethe, J. W. von, 69, 136n, 296
consciousness of, has Christian character, 245
Faust, 7, 90, 111, 124, 128, 170, 179, 245
(trans. L. MacNeice), 79n
Faust II (trans. P. Wayne), 120n, 176, 183n
“Die Geheimnisse,” 296
gold, 24, 72, 75, 77, 89, 101, 122f, 135, 155, 160, 172, 255, 277n, 284, 296, 307, 332
branch of tree, 89
common, 275
essence of, 135n
glass, 198
making of, 51n, 91, 204, 237, 314
of Mercurius, 202
perishable, 218
personification of, 314
potable, 135n
and silver, fountain of, 103n
sun, 226
—, in the earth, 225
symbol of eternity, 149
golden: Age, 167
apple of the Hesperides, 307
flower, see flower
germ, 240
man, 64
oil, 227
star, fig. A4
temple, fig. A10
tincture, 208
tree, see tree
trident, 334
goldsmith, 204
evil as counterpart of, 210
Mercurius as, 218
Gordian knot, 185
Gospel(s), 68n
four, 283
language of, 73
John, 87n, 102, 103n, 104, 182, 283, 306, 333, 338n
Luke, 106, 136n, fig. B6, 295n
Matthew, 106, 217, 242, 292n, 316, 319
Götterdämmerung, 250
Gourmont, Rémy de, 333n
goyim, 113
grain: of mustard seed, 259
sowing of, 73n
of wheat, 306
as granum frumenti, 306
grasshopper, fig. 25
Gratianus, 331
graves, 97
Graves, Robert, 63n
Gray, Ronald D., 69n
Great Magic Papyrus of Paris, 161; see also Preisendanz
—, and Arabic, connections between, and India, 231
—, tetrasomia of, 277
Magic Papyri, 126, 148, 179, 192, 226n, 329
mythology, 142
Satan, 288
green: bird, 286
crowned dragon, fig. 14
and red lion, see lion
greenness: blessed, 77
glorious greenness (viriditas gloriosa), 315
Gregory XIV, Pope, 233
Gregory the Great, Saint, 228n, 309n, 338n
Gretchen, 179; see also Faust
Greverus, Jodocus, 274f, 275n, 277, 285, 306n, 310n
greybeard, 228
griffins, Hyperborean, 63n
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, 178n, 194n
fairy tale of spirit in bottle, 193, 194n, 258; see also bottle, spirit in
group, Imperator, 41
grove of transformation, 262
growth, 24
from above/below, 272
inturned, 260
process of self depicted as, 253
regressive, 261
Grünbaum, Max, 317n
guardian: angels, four, 282
Guarini, 163
Gudākesha, 267
guilt, 196
Promethean, 189
gumma (= aqua permanens), 329n; see also aqua divina
gunas, 313
gypsum, 287n
Haggadic tradition, 317
Haggard, Henry Rider, 99n
hair, 92, 279, 287n, 290, 312, 340
women’s, 81
hallucination(s), 34, 200, 286
Halm, Karl, 70n
halo, fig. 12
Haly, King of Arabia, 126, 223n, 322
hand(s), 17
and feet, cutting off of, 329
hapax legomenon, 121
Hapi, 279
Happelius, Nicolaus Niger, 214n, 219n
happening, outer, 16
hare, 195n
Harforetus (Harpokrates), 306
harlequin motif, 261
harmony(-ies), 65
Harpokrates, see Harforetus
Harran, priests of, 81n
Harranite school, 81n, 147n, 206, 215
Hastings, James, 97n
hawk, 280
head(s), 29, 72, 80, 86, 88, 280, 312, 341, 347, figs. 27-29
of dragon, see dragon
-element, 291n
entrance into, 89
mystery, Harranite, 81n
skinning of, 71f
of snake, 291n
sons of the Golden, 72
symbolism, 88
temple in, 89
psychic systems of, 347
snake of Moses, 104
heart(s), 70, 73, 139, 152, 160, 164, 192, 248, 259, 267, 294
bodily, fleshly, 39
capsule, 164,
centre of, 139
as centre, 271
cutting out and eating, 71
of the dead, 271n
deep, 249n
fire of, 164
high, 249n
of Mercurius, at North Pole, 209n
of the microcosm, 219
region, 165
-shaped, 271n
—, blossoms, 259; see also cor altum
heathen, 18
heating, 21
heaven(s), 219n
ascent to, one way, 233
birds of, 314
four corners of, 279
heart of, 44
invisible rays of, 72
light of, see light
philosophic, 222
“space of former,” 23
spirits of, 176
starry, Mercurius as, 222
waters above and below, 151; see also coelum
heavenly: Adam, 169n
bodies, 125
elements, 155
heart, 23
image, 176
Jerusalem, 198
journey of the shaman, 303, 309
marriage, 163
physician of soul, 293
rose, 295
spirit, 209
spouse, 337
waters, 151
Hebrews, 95
Hebrews, Epistle to the, 83
Hecate, triple, 221
Hegemonius, 318n
Helia Artista, 123n
Hellenistic: Hermes, 279
nature philosophy, 79
hen, 231
henosis, 277
Hera, 70
Heraclitus, 310
Heraclius, 314n
Herakleon, 87&n
Herakles, 99
Gnostic, 188
hermaphrodite, 123, 136n, figs. B1-4, 166
Mercurius as, 319
— parental, 236
hermaphroditic: monster, 139, 219
true, Adam, 219
union, 136
Venus, 187n
hermeneut, 230
Hermes, 60n, 122, 123n, 125n, 126n, 147, fig. B6, 192f, 193n, 197f, 217, 220, 226n, 230, 283, 309, 331
All and Thrice One, 221
Chthonios, 247
— thieves and cheats, 233
Hellenistic, 279
ithyphallic, 230
Kyllenios, 230
-Mercurius-Wotan, 202
Psychopompos, 80
tetracephalus, 224
tree of, 309n
underworldly, 231
vine of the wise, 314
wind god, 212
Hermes Trismegistus, 76, 103n, 178, 258, 279, 291n, 298, 303
Mercurius symbolized by, 319; see also “Tractatus aureus”
Hermetic: literature, 123
philosopher, 289
quaternity, 283
symbols, 241
vessel, see vas Hermetis
Hermolaus Barbarus, 76n
hero, 98, 101, 117, 128, 183n, 194, 258, 292, 305, 320, 337, fig. 15
culture, 100
dangerous fate of, 99
Kyllenian, 230
of peace, 229
struggle of, with dragon, 89
Hesperides: golden apple of, 307
hexagrams, 56
hieroglyph of eternity, uroboros as, 259
hierosgamos, 123, 155, 180ff, 183, 257
of light and darkness, 161
high heart (cor altum), 249n
Hildegard of Bingen, 27f
hills, everlasting, 306
Himalayas, 312
Hindu polytheism, 243
Hinkle, Beatrice, 26n
Hippolytus, 76n, 87n, 146f, 195n, 227n, 232, 283n, 285, 310n, 319n, 339n
hiranyagarbha (golden germ), 240
history, 43
of religion, 204
of symbols, 344
Hobgin, S., and Corrigan, F., 249n
Hölderlin, Friedrich, 248
Hoghelande, Theobald de, 85n, 105n, 138n, 139n, 207n, 212, 215n, 314, 322, 323n, 324
Holl, Karl, 146n
Holmyard, Eric John, 139n, 226n, 305n, 309n, 310n
holy: dread, 171
sacraments, 157
Scripture, 286n
trees of India, 340
dove of, 89
inspiration of, 130
Sapientia and, Mercurius identified with, 229
Holy Spirit, see Spirit, Holy
Holy Trinity, see Trinity
Homeric , 310n
homo: altus, 166
maximus, 13&n, 166, 168, 179, 284, 291n
—, inner, 165
—, quaternity of, 167
—, union with, 167
purissimus, Christ the, 295f
putissimus, 295
synonym for microcosm, 219
homunculus(-i), 60n, 84, 89, 90, 102, 123, 140, 158f, 179, 198
leaden, 71
honeydew, 153n
Honorius of Autun, 87n
Horace, 184n
Horapollo, 259
Horfoltus, 67n
Hormanuthi, 74
horoscopes, 118
horoscopum, 130n
horse, Odin’s, 340n
Horstmann, Carl, 304n
hortus aromatum/conclusus, 294
and four sons, 22
older, 281
as rising sun, 280n
Host, 306
house: “of the Creative,” 39
of fire, 149
hsing (human nature), 21n, 25, 29, 40f
-ming (human nature and life), 23
Hui Ming Ching (Book of Consciousness and Life), 1, 2, 20f, 21n, 23, 29, 30, 37, 44, 53
Hulda, fountain of, 317
or animal blood, stone consists of, 290
biology, 243
incarnation, 53
mind, 54
nature, see nature
humanists, 338
humanity, cultural achievements of, 13
leader of, 53
Hume, Robert Ernest, 248n
humiditas, 207
hun soul, 41
as “cloud-demon,” 39
as Logos, 40
hundred pulses, 325
Hunt, Margaret, 194n
husband and wife, Mercurius as, 219
Huser, Johann, 112n, 114n, 115n, 117, 122n, 125n, 129, 130n, 131n, 139n, 143, 164n, 172n
Mercurius as, 207
hydrolith, 64
hylic into pneumatic man, Christian transformation of, 233
Hymns of the Atharva-veda, 313n
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, see Colonna; Poliphilo
hypostases, 142
hypothesis of God, 36
Hyslop, James H., 41n
hysteria, 34
hysterical self-deceivers, 107
laldabaoth, 222n
lion-headed, 228
ibis, 279
Ibn Sina, 288n; see also Avicenna
I Ching, 8, 10, 13, 56, fig. A4
idea(s), 26
abstract, 35
archetypal, 346
born of fantasy, 277
Eastern, 10
eternal, 289
Gnostic, 147
man’s, of God, 344
—, in alchemy, 204
personified, 35
religious, 301
world of, 132n
ideation, conscious, and action, 12
Idechtrum, 132
identification of psyche with consciousness, 42
with self, 263
identity, of Christ and lapis, 294
mystical, 225
psychic, 92
stone’s with man, 300
of uroboros and egg, 82n
ideology, Christian, 283
Ignatius Loyola, Saint, 86, 165n, 217n, 244&n
ignis: coelestis, 77n
elementaris, 209
fatuus, 250
mercurialis, 209
ignition, 138n
Iliaster/Iliastrum/Iliadus/Iliastes/Yliastrun/Yliedes/Yliedus, 125&n, 131&n, 132&n, 134f, 136n, 140, 142
extrinsic, 166
great, 152
hypostasis of being, 140
as principle of individuation, 137
sanctitus, 136
spiritual, 165
— principle, 140
transformation of, 148
watery aspect of, 138
iliastric: Aquaster, 139
spirit, 139
illumination, 81, 85, 89, 115, 317
of consciousness, see consciousness
revelation or, 179
two sources of, 214
daemon is, 37
Mercurius a god of, 247
of personal God, 35
transcendental, 34
Iloch, 153
archetypal, 272
—, tree as, 272
autochthonous, 273
autonomous, 247
Christ, see Christ
compensating, primordial, 301
dream, 273
eschatological, 244
eternal, 337
fantasy, 179
God-, 97
of God, 125
heavenly, 176
—, of the mother, 112
is psyche, 50
regulating, and unconscious, 301
totality, 284
—, divided into four, 283
two different, of self, see self
of wholeness, 283
imagery, 52
Christian, 183
per sensus, 165n
imagination, 154, 159, 164ff, 168, 175, 179, 299
corporeal, 140
mother-, 112
imitation, 181n
Western, 8
Immaculate Conception, 96
immortality, 46, 51n, 136n, 186
connection of lapis with, 101
drink of, 313
food of, 306: fragrance of, 337
odour of, 334
Imperator group, 41
imps, 93
impulses, vital, 44
impure metals, 290n
incarnation(s), 29n
of Christ, see Christ
incest, 280
archetype, 301
mother-son, 232
primal, 302
incineratio, 128n
incorporeal, see corporeal/incorporeal
incorruptibility, 134, 136n, 142
of Mercurius, 245f
increatum, 236
India(n), 14, 23, 24, 97, 132, 142, 178, 281n
connections between Greek/Arabic alchemy and, 231
god of the, 337
holy trees of, 340
“Quicksilver System,” 206
Aztec, 100
Hopi, 221
Iroquois, 99
Natchez, 100
Navaho, 22
Peruvian, 100
Sioux, 100
Thompson and Shuswap, 71n
Wichita, 100
individuality, spiritual, 27
individuation, 28, 105, 179, 325, 327
of the adept, 326
principle of, 137, 142, 199, 239
—, Ares as, 140
process, 176, 194, 240, 254, 269, 325, 328, 339, 341
—, goal of, 195
—, Mercurius represents, 237
—, projection of, 229
—, symbolism of, 299
source of all evil, 196
symbol of, fig. 24
indolence, 15
infantile memories/wishes, repressed, 341
inferior Logos, animus as, 41
inferiority, feelings of, 128f, 335
initiation, 91
inner: experience, 16
homo maximus, 165
light, 106
man, 87n, 89f, 106, 157, 179, 249n
—, imaginary, 165n
—, law of future, 180
—, secret of, 163
—, spiritual, 148
things, 43
world, 180n
innovations, 53
inorganic, 239
realm, 195
stone, symbol of the, 238
insane, delusions of the, 246
destructive, 117
secret, 37
superior, 343f
atrophy of, 12f
concept of, 5
deeply rooted, 16
of ideation and action, 12
psychosomatic, 346
repression of, 47
instinctive: demands, 8
dispositions, 275
instinctuality, 9, 12, 196, 333
“Instructio de arbore solari,” 308n
“Instruction of Cleopatra by the Archpriest Komarios,” 154
integration: new, 48
intellect, 6, 9, 50, 201, 238, 246f, 269, 314, 328
Eastern, 9
externalistic, 10
rationalist(ic), 336,
Western, 48
intensity, 25
emotional, 268
interpretation, 67
of unconscious, 341
“Introitus apertus,” see Philalethes
introspection, 40
intuitive, 169
lack of, 335
introversion, 315
mystical, 7
of the self, 24
of the spirit, 28
introspection, 169
invisibilis homo maximus, 169
invulnerability of Mercurius, 245
Ionians, 60n
Iranian tradition, 337n
Irenaeus, 318, 334&n, 338, 339n
mixed, branch of tree, 89
ironsmith, 204
Iroquois, 99
irritation, 82
Isaiah, 146
Isherwood, Christopher, see Prabhavananda
Ishtar/Istar/Astarte, 182, 232, 320
Semitic, 308n
attributes of, 318
has form of Melusina, 318
vision of, 81
island, 253, 271, 308, figs. 1, 23
isles, blessed, 309
isolation, 301
auto-erotic, 254
Israel, 146
Istar, see Ishtar
Istria, 298n
ithyphallic old man, winged, 232
jackal, 280
Jacob, 146
Jacobi, Jolande, vi
Jaffé, Aniela, 315n
James, William, 41n
jars, four Canopic, 280
Jehova, Mercurius as, 222
Jeremiah, 317
Jerusalem, heavenly, 198
Jesuits, 20
belief in, 168
contemplation of the life of, 165n
a cornerstone, 102
sayings of, 243
tree is, 318; see also Christ
jewel, 53
Jewish tradition, 339; see also Israel; Hebrews; Judaism
Jews, God of, 222
Job, 242
Johannes de Rupescissa, 88, 219&n
John, Gospel of St., see Gospel(s)
Jonah, 143
Jordan, 74n
Joshua ben Nun, Moses’ relation to, 321
journalists, 37
journey: ecstatic, 341
heavenly, of the shaman, 303, 309
Judah, lion of the tribe of, 228, 295n
Judaism, 243; see also Israel; Hebrews; Jewish tradition
judgment/Judgment: conscious, 17
day of, 297
Last, 298
rational, 12
Jûnân ben Merqûlius, son of Mercury, 60n
Jung, Carl Gustav:
CASES IN SUMMARY (in order of presentation, numbered for reference):
[1] Woman patient wrote him letter. —47f
[2] Somnambulist girl, aged 15½, drew mandala (not illus. here).— 23n, 25
[3] University-trained woman, drew mandala, fig. A4.—56
[4] Patient, drew figs. 2, 30, 31.—254f, 268f, 338
[5] Patient, drew figs. 26, 28, 29.—264-68, 338
WORKS: Aion, 75n, 76n, 94n, 241n, 254n, 266n, 280n, 283n, 284n, 295n, 300n 322n, 324n, 325n
Answer to Job, 342
“The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious,” 22n, 178n
“Concerning the Archetypes, with special reference to the Anima Concept,” 178n
“Concerning Mandala Symbolism,” 2, 22n, 56n, 253, 282n
“Concerning Rebirth,” 321n,
Memories, Dreams, Reflections, v
Mysterium Coniunctionis, v, 83n, 199n, 220n, 226n, 230n, 232n, 248n, 290n, 310n, 332n, 337n, 338n
“On the Nature of the Psyche,” 86n, 217n, 222
“Paracelsus the Physician,” 119n, 178n
“Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairytales, The,” 240n, 337n
Phychiatric Studies, 23n
“A Psychological Approach to the Dogma of the Trinity,” 84n, 151n, 167n
Psychological Types, 21n, 40n, 91n, 340n
Psychology and Alchemy, v, 4n, 60n, 66n, 68n, 69n, 76n, 80n, 83n, 89n, 95n, 104n, 123n, 131n, 144n 151n, 153n, 158n, 168n, 172n, 186n, 195n, 220n, 236n, 241n, 253, 258n, 262n 276n, 278n, 284n, 286n, 295n, 302n 303n, 304n, 306n, 308n, 313n, 314n, 315n, 316n, 317n, 321n, 333n, 336n,’
“The Psychology of Dementia Praecox,” 121n
“Psychology and Religion,” 92n, 151n, 166n, 187n
“The Psychology of the Transference,” v, 86n, 157n, 195n, 225n, 278n, 294
“Richard Wilhelm: In Memoriam,” 1
“A Study in the Process of Individuation,” 22n, 56n, 253, 269, 317n, 336n
Symbols of Transformation, 231n, 340n
“Transformation Symbolism in the Mass,” v, 61n, 70n, 71, 72n, 81n, 83n, 86, 226n
Two Essays on Analytical Psychology, 39n
(with W. Pauli) The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche, 228n
brightness of, 152n
justice, light of, 249n
Justin Martyr, 104n
ka of king, 101
Kabbalist, Satan is, 114n
kabbalistic arts, 113n
Kagarow, Eugen, 340
Kalid, see Calid
Kalighat (Calcutta), 97n
Kant, Immanuel, 54
Kaufmann, Walter, 128n
Kékulé von Stradnitz, F. A., 108
Kenset, 279n
kermes, 148n
Kern, Otto, 312n
Khidr, 321
Khunrath, Heinrich, 96, 126f, 219, 221, 227f, 292, 308, 320n
Amphitheatrum, 127n
Von hylealischen Chaos, 151n, 207n, 218n, 219n, 221n, 223n, 226n, 227n, 228n, 230n, 236n, 292n, 308n, 320n
of dragon, 83n
king(s), 83, 146f, 166, 228, 272n, 312n, 317
crown of, 80n
divine, 101
four, 282
of Glory, 146
ka, 101
Mercurius, 235
purple of, 312
Sol, 303
son, fig. B6; see also filius
king and queen, 294
kingfisher, fig. 32
Kingsford, Anna, 26
Kircher, Athanasius, 93n
kiss of the Lord, 295n
“Kitâb el Foçul,” 309
knife, sacrificial, 84
Knorr von Rosenroth, Christian, 312&n.
acquisition of, 92
Christian, 113n
of Creator, 247n
deliverance through, 313
differentiating, 41
and faith, conflict between, 115
—, split between, 189
of God, 94
of man, 248f
natural, 113n
paradise tree of, see tree
two forms of, 247
true, 288
Knuchel, E. F., 24n
Kopp, Hermann, 298n
Korybas, 232
krater, 73
“Krates, Book of,” 66n, 83n, 99, 216, 226n, 278n
Krickeberg, W., 100n
Krueger, C., 196n
kuei (demon), 39
sanctuary of, 230
laboratorium, 349
labor Sophiae, 170f
labyrinths, 324
Lacinius, Janus, 68n, 288n, 298n, 313, 330n,” see also Bonus
Laconia, 97
lac virginis, 207n
ladder, 26
Ladislaus II, 158
“Lady Soul,” 340
Lake, Kirsopp, 87n
lamb/Lamb, fig. 22
Apocalyptic Marriage of, 182f
language: alchemical, 104
—, dream, 301
allegorical, 94
of conscious mind/consciousness, 28, 301
dream, 69
esoteric, 157
secret, 162
“Lapidis philosophorum nomina,” see Codices and Manuscripts
lapis, 67, 84, 87, 92f, 96, 101f, 140, 142, fig. B4, 168n, 170, 174n, 180, 224, 241f, 247, 259, 269, 278n, 279, 284, 310, 329
aethereus, 104
as Andalusian prince, 320, 327
–Christ parallel, 95f, 102, 294, 300
connection with immortality, 101
consists of body, soul and spirit, 102
elevatus cum vento, 212
as “filius unius diei,” 248n
Lydius, 72
Mercurius as, see Mercurius; names of, 95
philosophorum, 72, 123f, 166, 195, 241f
—and Christ, identity of, 294
—as filius macrocosmi, 294
as prima materia, 319
as quintessence of elements, 168n
relation to consciousness, 240
as self, 101
signifies inner man, 95
as spiritus humidus et aereus, 104n
as symbol of God in man, 96
tree as, 319
Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de, 36
Latinists, 206
of compensation, 245
of the earth, 8
of inner, future man, 180
of life, 18
mathematical, 159
of matter, 239
outward, 54
of reason, 245
transgression of, 243
unconscious, of our being, 8, 21
of unconscious, 239
Lazarello, Ludovicus, 188
lead, 60n, 74&n, 89, 105n, 128n, 203, 218, 226, 277, 325
as arcane substance, 331
philosophic, 227
possessed of a demon, 323
as prima materia, 305n
Saturnine, 331
is water, 74
of the water region, 24
white, 64
leaden: homunculus, 71
man, 62
leafless tree, see tree
equilibrium of, 269
or masculine/feminine, 341
legal practice, 34
legend(s): American, 99
Aztec, 100
Basuto, 101
Khidr, 321
Peruvian and Colombian, 100
sacred, 299
Legge, Francis, 76n, 87n, 145, 285n, 310n
Legge, James, 56
leopard, 282
leprous metals, 290&n
Leto, 318
letting things happen, 16f
Leukadia, 97
Leviticus, 317
Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien, 45, 91, 347
liberation, 52
“Liber de arte chymica,” 103n, 220n
Liber mutus, see Altus
“Liber Platonis quartorum,” 85n, 86, 88, 139n, 215, 225, 227n, 323
aerial, 163
aesthetic flirtations with, 18
biological, 52
bread of, 306
consciousness and, see consciousness; continuation of, 51n, 52
and death, 51n
—, tree of, 271
devotion, 24
elixir of, see elixir
energy, 25
everlasting, 154
-force, 214
human nature and, see nature
law of, 18
length of, 135
middle, 46
middle of, 14
as ming, 25
mystery of, 239
definition of, 134
— of tree, 196
problems of, 15
-soul, mercurial, 214
source of, 272
stream of, 17
tree of, see tree
urge, 15
wood of, 339
light, 20f, 24, 59, 77, 85, 94, 107, 125ff, 147, 162, 166, 236, 236n, 242, 245, 262, 268, 299, 341
from above, 160f
of the body, 106
—, Lucifer the, 247
—, primordial, 248
central mystery of philosophical alchemy, 126
central white, 25
children of, 247
circulation of, 16
clarifying, 41
coming of, 226
— and reason, 40
cross of, 265
of darkness, 160ff
figure(s) of, 264f
flower of, fig. 32
gathering the, 30
globes of, fig. 25
of God, 288
of heaven, 20
— is Tao, 23
heavenly, between the eyes, 22n
of Holy Spirit, 116
of human nature, 29
inaccessible, 74n
inner, 106
of innermost region, 44
of man’s own intellect, 250
of justice, 249n
of lights, Mercurius as, 235
in man, 106
Mercurius, of nature, 209f
of moon and stars, 248
natural, 239
—, of man, 127
nature of, 151
of nature, 111, 113-16, 160, 184f, 209, 218, 248, 288
new, 126
— morning, 248
pneumatic realm of, 334
poles of, and darkness, 25
pure white, 35
rays of, 63n
realm of, 264
seat of heavenly, 20n
of self, 248
that shines in darkness, 297
simulacrum Dei, 151
supernatural, 115
surpassing all lights, 247
symbolism, 25
tree of, 255
vision of, 27
white, fig. A6
world of, 336
yellow, 126n
light and darkness: daemons of, 243
struggle between, 244
lightning, 152&n, 162, 221, 317
physical, 152
Lilius, 147n
Lille, Alan of, see Alan
limus profundi, 146
linea media (middle line), 312
lion(s), 73n, 145n, 183, 280, 282, 292, 303, figs. 22, 25
allegory of Christ, 228
associated with Saturn, 227
blood of, 295n
of Catholic tribe, 228
fiery, 198
green and red, 218, 226n, 227f
-headed Ialdabaoth, 228
Mercurius as green and red, 227
Lippmann, Edmund O. von, 146n, 287n
liquid, combustible, 320
liquor Sophiae, 180
Litigius, 141n
liver, 39
“Livre des ansienes estoires,” see Codices and Manuscripts
Livre d’Heures du Duc de Berry, 308n
Llewellyn, R. T., 106, 111n, 130n
loathsome sponge, 290
lūcustae, 287n
logical contradictions, 245
animus as inferior, 41
Christ as, see Christ; compensatory, 297
dog as, 232n
Johan-nine, 222
Mercurius, become world, 222
principle, 41
spermatikos, 40
Lolium temulentum, 288n
longevity, 134, 137, 148, 152, 153n, 154, 156, 166, 174, 326
Longinus, fig. B4
Lord: kiss of the, 295n
of Spirits, 244
of trees, 337n
Loreto, Litany of, 294n
loss of soul, 34
as birthplace of the gods, 269
blossom, 266
Christian, of one’s neighbour, 168, 185
-magic, 280
-play of royal marriage, 329n
and praise of Creator, 247n
shield and buckler of, 175, 187
lover(s): and beloved, 219
of wisdom, 168, 171; see also Scaioli
lower, 341
world, 256
Lu-ch’iang Wu, and T. L. Davis, 126n, 226n, 324n
father of lies, 250
lūcusta, 287n
Ludwig II of Bavaria, 194
Ludwig Wolfgang von Hapsberg, 133
Luke, Gospel of St., see Gospel(s)
Lully, Raymond, 123n, 141n, 186, 227, 235n, 298n, 324
lumen de lumine, 244
lumen naturae, 113n, 114n, 160, 162f, 169, 179, 184, 187, 209, 250
authority of, 116
Mercurius as, 209f; see also light s.v. of nature
luminositas sensus naturae, 114
Luna, 86, 136n, 150, fig. B4, 310
cohabitation with Sol, 123
as silver, 122; see also moon
Lunatica, 310
lung-breathing, 243
Lusignan, counts of, 143
lust, flames of, 155
Lü-tsu, Master, 16f
lutum, 287n
lux moderna, 247
MacNeice, Louis, see Goethe
macrocosm, 94, 127, 152, 165, 236, 259, 284, 291
hermaphroditic seed of, 219
Preserver of, 127
son of, 126
Caesarean, 13
Magi, 113n
Magia, 114
magic(al), 45, 90, 113, 116, 118, 120f, 179, 189, 282
arts, 122
blood, 83n
cagastric, 125&n
divine, 139
folk, 122
furrow, 24
love-, 280
medieval cesspits of, 245: practices, 24, 46
psychic dangers of, for adept, 119
rag, 203
spells, 10
of symbol, 28
texts, 327
word, 121
Magic Papyrus(-i), 126, 148, 179, 192, 226n, 329
aquastric, 139
Mercurius, god of, 202
magistery, 69n, 290, 291n, 298, 314
Magnalia, 163
magnet, 308
Mahayana Buddhism, 29
Maheshvarapurana, 206n
Mahrya, 337n
Maier, Michael, 69n, 72, 76n, 79n, 82n, 85, 145-48, 160n, 227n, 230, 275n 277, 303, 306n, 310
maior homo, 148
Maitland, Edward, 26
Maitrayana-Brahmana Upanishad, 240n
Makara, 265
maladaptation, 12
Malchuth, 312
male and female, powers of, 218
“Malus Philosophus,” 240
man (men)/Man, 40
accursed, 139
angelic qualities of, 130n
animal, go; astral, 131, 165, 168n
basis of real understanding, 55
begetting of, 73n
celestial, 132
civilized, 45
contemporary, 54
creation of, 86
daemonization of, 282
earthly, fleshly, 94
eternal, 306n
everlasting, 180ff
Faustian spirit in, 47
femininity of, 338
fertility of, 97
firmament in, 152
flint, 100
form of, 166
God-, 297
God in, 96
golden, 64
half-/half-fish, motif of, 178
high, Mercurius as, 235
higher, 54
himself, knowledge of, 248
idea of God, 344
incarnate, Primordial, fig. B4
inner see inner
— or astral, 153
—, eternal, 150
interior, 131n
as inverted tree, 312
knowledge of, 249
lapis signifies inner, 95, 102
leaden, 62
Mars characterizes affective nature of, 141n
metallic, 198
most pure, 290
—, purification of, 142
Original, 166
outer, mortal, 150
philosophic, Mercurius as, 235
— ambisexual, Mercurius as, 219
philosophical, 94
planets in, 125&n
Primordial, 87n, 129, 131&n, 132, 139, 165n, 220n, 334, 337&n
—, (Christ), 336
—, unitary, 334
—, is world soul, 334
quadripartite, 168
quaternity of Original, 172
rebirth of, 27
regenerated spiritual, 157
rooted in paradise by hair, 312
and his shadow, 246
silver, 64
—, historical personality of, 165n
and his soul, 160
stone’s identity with, 300
totality of, 139
tree as, 337
— of paradise as, 337
true or complete, 324
true spirit in, 136n
true, is star, 131
uncharacterized, 145
Western, 55
white, 93
whole, 325
— and complete, 296
Wise Old, 178
Yellow, 92; see also homo
of dead, 97
Mandaean influences, 232
mandala(s), 22f, 28, 96, 249n, 253, 269, fig. 31
Christian, 22
divided into four, 264
Eastern, 56
Lamaic, fig. A2
nrithya, dance, 23
rose as, 295
of somnambulist (Jung’s case), 23n, 25
symbol, 23
Manget/Mangetus, Johannes Jacobus, see Bibliotheca chemica
Mani, 70
mania, 38
manifest, occultation of the, 151n
manipūra-chakra, 266
manna, 306
fat or oil of, 153n
manticism, 118
Manu, 265
manuscripts, see Codices and Manuscripts
marble, Proconnesian, 64
Marcasita, 287&n
mares, -tails, forest of, fig. 27
Maria (the Jewess) Prophetissa, 85, 286n, 308
axiom of, 151n, fig. B2, 166, 224, 278
Marjoram, 311
Marmara, 64n
marriage: Apocalyptic, of Lamb, 182f
chymical, see chymical marriage cross-cousin, 278
heavenly, 163
pair, 83
problems, 8
—, love-play of the, 329n
see also hierosgamos
Mars, 93, 135n, 141n, 154, 187, 275, 278, 310
characterizes affective nature of man, 14n
Marsyas, 70
Martial, 221&n
martyrdom, spiritual, 330
allegories of, 294
coronation of, 144
as earth, 256
Immaculate Conception, 96
obumbratio of, 214
aspect of Mercurius, 319
consciousness, 334
daemon, 267
differentiated mind, 41
-feminine, 341
— division of tree-soul, 319
mind, 336
neuroses, 336
principle, 268
soul, fig. A6
sulphur, principle of Mercurius, 228
thinking, 267
Trinity, 96
masculinity, woman’s, 338
mass psychoses, 36
opus alchymicum in form of, 158
Mater: ecclesia, 112
Gloriosa, 183n
materia: medica, 123
torturing of, 105n; see also prima materia
materiality of cosmos, 239
materialization of soul, 257
maternal: feminine, nature of tree, 317f
significance of tree, 261
matriarchal society, 99
matter, 67, 89, 95, 97, 104, 125, 127, 129, 138, 146, 161, 171, 184, 238f, 284, 300
in alchemy, 140
autonomy of, 238
hermaphroditic, 219
inert, 68
laws of, 239
mystery of cosmic, 96
philosophic, 290
projection into, 300
secrets of, 299
and spirit, contamination of, 212
—, identical, 214
unknown, 237
Matthew, Gospel of St., see Gospel(s)
Matthews, Washington, 22n
maturation: alchemical, 124
of physician, 124
May, 176
exaltation in, 161
—, true, 163
month of, 155
the true, 153
maydew, 153n
Mayryana, 337n
Mead, G. R. S., 104n
development of, 272
one’s own, 53
of psyche’s existence, 346
Mechthild of Magdeburg, 294f
media substantia, 213
Mercurius as, 235
medical: psychology, 273
schools, 115
medicina catholica, 274n
Mercurius as, 235
medicine, 111
bags, 45
chemical, 124
fiery, 78n
Germanization of, 144n
medieval: Christianity, 18, 303
magic, cesspits of, 245
meditatio, 165n
interminable, 239
mediumistic: “controls,” 40
phenomena, 35
megalithic: culture, 100f
Meister Eckhart, see Eckhart melancholia, 153, 170, 331
melancholy, 101
Saturnine, 153
Melanesians, 97
melanosis (blackness), 331, 341
Melchior of Brixen, 92n
Melchior Cibinensis, see Szebeny
Melchisedek, 137n
Mellon, Paul, Alchemical Collection, vi
melothesiae, 92n
Melusina, 138, 142ff, 145, fig. B5, 163, 173-80, 182, 183, 199, 240, 303, 315, 317, 321
Isis has form of, 318
psychic reality of, 176
transformation of, 179
as tree-numen, 315
vision appearing in mind, 144, 174
Melusines, 158
Melyssina, see Melusina
membranes, in mandalas, 24
memories, repressed infantile, 341
Mendes, ram of, 279
menhirs, 100
mental: aberrations, 323
diseases, 35
processes, 56
Mephistopheles, 136n, 203, 245
coldness of, 90; see also Goethe, Faust
mercurial: essence, 196
fire, 210
life-soul, 214
pneuma, 215
poisoning, 323
serpent, see serpent; spirit, see spirit
Mercurius, 67n, 75, 78n, 79n, 83, 85, 96, 122f, 125f, 132n, 136n, 178, 187n, 193n, 196f, 202f, 207ff, 275, 277, 284, 291, 309ff, 329
Adamic, in Eve, 235n
aerial, 212
is akin to godhead, 220
alchemical, 269
as alexipharmakon, 235
ambiguity of, 249
as anima, 213
as analogue of Christ, 235
antinomian nature of, 216
as arcane substance/arcanum, 216, 235ff
as archetype of unconscious, 247
ascent of, 233
has attributes of Venus, 226n
is begetter of his parents, 226
as beginning, middle and end of work, 235
as carbuncle, 235
changed into wind, 212
as child of chaos, 228
and Christ, as brothers, 222
—, in compensatory relationship, 245
as chthonic half of Godhead, 222
coelum as, 219
common, 275
—, and philosophic, 217
consists of opposites, 220, 237
continuous cohabitation of, 231
contrary nature of, 319
corporeal aspect of, 212
as Cupid, 231
dark, 232
— and dubious quality of, 241
descent of, 233
is devil, 237
diabolization of, 248
is divinity itself, 235
as divinus ternarius, 230
duality of, 144, 217ff, 221, 232n, 237, 319
duplex, 79n, 269, 292, 309, 319
as earth of paradise, 235
Echidna symbol of, 144n
elements of, 217
endowed with attributes of Trinity, 236
evasive, 195n
as father of all metals, 235
as Father-Mother, 220n
feminine aspect of, 321
—, role of wisdom, 319
as fiery and perfect, 235n
as filius, 222
as foemina, 213
found in dung-heaps, sewers, 220, 232
fourfold, 279
or Giant, 292
as glue, 213f
as goal of his own transformation, 235
God, of illusion and delusion, 247
—, of magicians, 202
gold of, 202
as good and evil, 218
as green and red lion, 227
heart of, at North Pole, 209&n
is hell-fire, 210
as hermaphrodite, 319
Hermes-Wotan, 202
as “high man,” 219
as husband and wife, 219
as hydrargyrum, 207
identified with anima mundi, 214
— collective unconscious, 222, 237
— Moon and Venus, 226
— Sapientia and Holy Ghost, 229
— tree, 338
is ignis elementaris, 209
as image of Christ’s incarnation, 235
incorruptibility of, 245f
invulnerability of, 245
as Jehova, 222
juvenis, 250
as king, 235
as Kyllenian hero, 230
lasciviousness, 231
as life principle of tree, 319
as light of lights, 235
— of nature, 209f
as Logos become world, 222
has many-sided associations, 202
masculine aspect of, 319
as Mediator, 235
as medicina catholica, 235
is most chaste virgin, 226
multiple aspects of, 237
as mystagogue, 225
noster, 213
—, naturalis ignis certissimus, 209
nostra anima, 213
Paracelsan, 136n
paradoxical nature of, 241
as parental hermaphrodite, 236
persecuted with torments, 331
as personification of unconscious, 333
philosophicus/philosophorum, 136n, 207, 211
— ambisexual Man, 219
— gold, 235
— man, 235
positive aspect of, 241
as primeval chaos, 235
psychic nature of, 216
psychologem of, 216
as puer, 220
— leprosus, 226n
quadratus, 278
as quicksilver, 207ff
as redeeming psychopomp, 237
as reflection of mystical experience of artifex, 237
relation to astrology, 225
— to Venus, 250
represents individuation process, 237
— the self, 237
as revealer of divine secrets, 230
as salt of Saturn, 227
as Salvator, 235
as second Adam, 235
— son of God, 222
self-destruction/transformation of, 236
as Servator, 235
as son of Tiamat, 236
as soul of metals, 198
as source of all opposites, 348
as spirit, see spirit
as spirit and soul of the bodies, 213
as spiritus vegetativas, 202, 310
as starry heaven, 222
as stone, 235
as storm daemon, 202
sulphur, is fire hidden in, 228n
—, is masculine principle of, 228
as supracelestial spirit, 214
symbols of, 257
symbolized by Hermes Trismegistus, 319
synthesis of, 257
as system of higher and lower powers, 222
as terminus ani, 220
three-headed, 221
— snake, 222
as tincture, 235
transformation of, 333
as tree of metals, 309
as tree-numen, 239
triad of sulphur, salt and, 277
— of sun, moon and, 277
triadic nature of, 221
as trinity and quaternity, 222
trinity and unity of, 221ff
as trinus et unus, 196
as triune divinity, 222
as triunus and ternarius, 221
turns into goddess of love, 226
two substances of, 217
as ultima materia, 235
undividedness of, 245
as unigenitus, 235
unites opposites, 309f
as unity, 237
utriusque capax, 348
vapour-like nature of, 212
and Venus, 226n
as virgo, 213
mercury, 277n; see also quicksilver
Mercury: external, 135n
planet, 225
son of, 60n
mère Lusine, 143
meridian, 46
of the Sun, 63, 72, 80ff; see also life, middle
Merkabah, 281
Mesopotamia, 231
“Messiah of the Lie,” 232
Mestha, 280
metal(s), 72, 89, 218, 227n, 287, 290, 331
base, 101
impure, 290n
leprositas of, 291n
leprous, 290
Mercurius, father of all, 235
—, connection of tree with, 310
-spirit, 297
spirits of, 91
transmutation of, 124
tree of, 315, 332; see also antimony; brass; copper; gold; iron; lead; mercury; quicksilver; silver; steel; tin
metallic: earth, 310
tree, see tree
metamorphosis, 261
metaphysical: assertions, 51
mountains, 262
presumption, 51
split, 243
world, 244
metaphysicians(s), 276f
metasomatosis, 75
Metatron, 132
method, 7, 16, 21, 63, 65, 327
“false,” 324
Metropolis, 172
Mexico, ancient, 81n
world-tree, fig. 8
Michelspacher, Steffan, 195n
Micreris, 323
microcosm, 82, 127, 135, 137n, 138n, 152, 165, 218f 220, 284, 285n, 291
heart of, 164
homo as synonym for, 219
man as, 92
Saviour of, 127
stone as, 328
wandering, 153
Late, 103
midpoint, universal, 271
Migne, Jacques Paul (ed. P.G. and P.L.,), 60n, 248n, 249n, 281n, 294n, 295n, 333n
milk, virgin’s, 290
—, impatience of, 17
—, language of, 28
—, one-sidedness of, 348
differentiated masculine, 41
Eastern, 55f,
—, polytheistic attitude of, 35
—, shadowland of, 11
horrible darkness of, 250
human, 54
masculine, 336
Melusina, vision appearing in, 144, 174
primitive, 51n
tranquillity of, 152
Walpurgisnacht of, 90
mineral(s), see metal
mire of the deep, 146f
mirror of Wisdom, 22
Mithras, 97
relief from Osterburken, 307
Moguls, 231
moist/dry, 278
moisture, 86n
monad, 82
Catholic, 151n
Monakris (Arcadia), 221
monolith, 85
monotheism of consciousness, 36
monster(s): hermaphroditic, 139, 219
primordial, 98
with vulture’s wings, 79n
bad, 82
personal, 41
moon, 44, 72, 76n, 86, 98f, 161, 226&n, 265, 275&n, 277, 308, 311, 339, fig. 32
bowl of, 231
goddess Diana, 303
horns of, 155n
mother and wife of sun, 150n
-plant, of the adepts, 308
related to water, 139
sickle, 155n
and stars, light of, 248
and sun, 79n
—, Mercurius, child of, 76n, 225
— and Mercurius, triad of, 277
tree of, 303n
and Venus, Mercurius identified with, 226
water of, and of Saturn, 227; see also Luna
moral: code, 184
consciousness, 196
contradictions, 245
qualities, 326
unmasking, 54
values, 185
brutal, 47
Christian ascetic, 46
conscious, 325
Morgana, 182
morning, knowledge, 249; see also cognitio
mortificatio, 60n, 68n, 80, 83n, 87n
Moses, 113n, 130, 291n, 298, 321
healing snake of, 104
relation of, to self/shadow, 321
Mother/mother(s), 87f, 100, 184n
Aniadic, 166
Church a, 117
-complexes, masculine, 99
divine, 333
four, 150
-Father, Mercurius as, 220n
God is, and Father, 27
goddess, 183n
image of, 112
-imago, 112
Nature, 117
of Quetzalcoatl, 100
-son, incest, 232
of twin gods, 98
two, 112, 117, 189; see also Mater; matriarchal society; mère Lusine
Motherhood, Queen of, 184n
motherly angels, 318
motif(s): of ascent/descent, see ascent
cross, 268
dismemberment, 304n
double quaternity, 305
early Christian, fig. B1
harlequin, 261
mutilation, 304n
spellbound spirit, 198
torture, 328
treasure, 258
two hostile brothers, 246n
motion, circular, 77
mountain(s), 15, fig. B6, 195n, 227, 256, 261, 291n, 298, 312
boundary region of snow, 23
five, 256
metaphysical, 262
relation of tree to, 309
Saturnine, 292
symbol of personality/self, 309
tree’s habitation, 308
world, 291n
Moyses, 323
mudrā, 265
Müller, Martin, 168n
Muirhead, James Fullerton, 340n
multi flores, 247
mummy(-ies), Egyptian, 134
Mundus/mundus, 329
intelligibilis, 215
rationalis, 236
mural crown, 303n
Musa, 291n
Musaeum hermeticum, 82n, 83n, 92n, 105n, fig. B6, 186n, 207n, 208n, 209n, 212n, 214n, 215n, 217n, 219n, 220n, 222n, 226n, 228n, 230n, 231n, 235n, 286n, 292n, 303, 306n, 307n, 309n, 310n, 311n; see also names of individual treatises in Bibl. A
Musaios, 291n
musicality, 108
mustard seed, 259
mutilation, motif of, 304n; see also dismemberment
Mutus liber, 195n
Mylius, Johann Daniel, 72, 85f, 126n, 127n, 138n, 152&n, 207n, 209n, 213, 214, 217n, 219&n, 221, 222n, 226n, 227n, 228&n, 235n, 266n, 303n, 306n, 308&n, 309n, 319&n
myrtle, 286
mystic, 314
mystagogue, 80
Mercurius as, 225
mysterium: alchemical, 334
et magnale Dei, 120
mystery(-ies), 63
divine, 188
of Harranite head, 81n
of life, 239
of Naassenes, 145
natural transformation, 157
nature, 158
rebirth —, opus a, 338
of religion, 276
-tradition, Dionysian, 70
Adam, 139
body, 107n
Mercurius a reflection of, experience of artifex, 237
peregrination, 230
transformation, 136n
mysticism, 87
nebulous, 349
rose, 295
true, 210
mystification, 162
spurious, 276
mystique of the Rose, 294
creation, 99
divine, 263
motifs, universal, 347
sacred, 298
mythical bird, 344f
mythlike fantasies, 258
mythologem(s), 162, 273f, 292, 300, 348
mythology, 41, 69n, 159, 274, 293, 348
Greek and Egyptian, 142
Teutonic, 317
mysteries of, 145; see also Naas
Nabu, 232
al-Nadim, Ibn, 240n
naga stones, 340
Nagel, Hildegard, 191
Nakassä, 340
naked(ness), 53
snake, 304
name(s): pagan, of days of week, 249
secret, 327
spellbinding, 328
Natchez Indians, 100
natura abscondita, 95
natural: consciousness, 247
elixir, 134
light, 239
man, purification of, 142
philosophy, 102, 159, 274, 348
psyche, 238
science, see science
secrets, 301
spirit, 184
transformation mystery, 157
—, centre of, 151
naturalness, 185
nature(s), 197
collective, of self, 240
contrary, of Mercurius, 319
double/dual/triodic, of Mercurius, see Mercurius
feminine-maternal of tree. 317f
four, 76, 94 (see also elements, four)
human, darkness of, 244
—, essence of, 40
—, light of, 29
—, light and dark forces of, 25
—, true, 39
of light, 151
of man, see man
nymphididic, 173f
one’s own, 48
Platonic, 292
reversal of one’s, 18
separation of, 161
true, of alchemy, 123
two, 284
union of, 161
converges in man, 94
darkness of, 160
deity, 200
—, dark, 247
egg of, 218
forces of, 128
gods, 150
invisible body of, 114
monarchy of, 163
Mother, 117
mystery, 158
philosophy, Hellenistic, 79
wisdom of, 120
worship, 161
Nazari, G. Battista, 67n
Neale, J. M., Collected Hymns, Sequences and Carols, 293n, 296n
necrocomica, 139n
necrolica, 172n
necromancy, 119
Negro, 52
Nekhen, city of, 280
Nelken, Jan, 339&n
neologism(s), 113, 121&n, 124, 137, 186
Neoplatonic(-ist): ideas, 131, 215
Ides, 132n
Neptune, 303n
Neumann, Erich, 335
neurosis(-es), 8, 12ff, 36, 45, 341, 343, 345
masculine, 336
treatment of, 69
neurotic(s), 302
states, 50
symptoms, 37
new: enemy of the old, 48
thing, 15f
Hebrews, 83
Thessalonians, 247; see also Gospels; Revelation
Newton, Sir Isaac, 69
Nicodemus, 102f
Nietzsche, F. W., 52, 99, 118, 128&n, 332; see also Zarathustra
nightmare, 143
nigredo, 68, 79n, 165n, 232, 266, 325, 331, 341
Niklaus von der Flüe, 346
Nikotheos, 76
Nile, 215
stone, 101
valley, civilization of, 101
water of, 73
Ninck, Martin, 340n
nine: number, 157
sirens, 178
nirdvandva, 14
nivis, 207n
Noah, 314
nome, 279n
nomenclature: antinomian, 216
of egg, 82n
symbolic, 275
nominalism, 288f
non-differentiation, 45
non-existing (asat), 218n
northern lights, 209
not-knowing, dark abyss of, 178
Notre Dame, as Déesse Raison, 244
nourishing fruits, 272
female, 321
opposition with sex, 269
serpent of, 333
number: basic, 22
one, two, three, four, 151
symbolism, 151n; see also one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; nine; hundred; ten thousand
numen: chthonic, of tree, dragon/snake as, 317
divine, 268
—, as animus, 338
—, feminine, 338
—, Mercurius as, 239
vegetation, 220n
numinous: complexes, 328
effect, 302
Nyagrodha, 313n
nycticorax, 198
tree-, witchlike, 260
water-, 143
Nymphidida, 143
nymphididic realm, 173f
oak, 193f, 197, 199, 203, 286, 308, 332n
Oannes, 219
object, 15
and subject, 45
objectivity, scientific, 6, 289
obscurantist(s), 198
obscurity as the darkness of disease, 331
obsessional neurosis, 34
obumbratio of Mary, 214
occult, manifestation of, 151n
occultism, Eastern, 7
Odin, 333
horse of, 340n
odour of immortality, 334
of elements, 278
as symbol of the transformation process, 316
oil, 287
golden, 227
Okeanos, 76
old: age, 272
Old Testament, 333; see also Apocrypha; Daniel; Deuteronomy; Ezekiel; Ezra; Genesis; Jeremiah; Job; Psalms
older Horus, 281
olive, 279&n
Olympian(s), 37
Olympiodorus, 74, 82n, 105n, 128n, 139n, 203n, 284f, 323
Olympus, 37
omniscience, drink of, 89
Omphale, 99
and All, 232
Father and Son are, 116
and Many, 233
and the root of itself, 139
impure/pure, 151n
midpoint of circle, 151
substance, 284
one-sidedness, 9, 13, 262, 336
of conscious mind, 348
Onians, R. B., 265n
Onkelos, 169n
Only-Begotten, 145
onomastica, 121
Ophites, 333
Ophiuchos demon, 323
opinion(s), animus, 41
opium, 156n
opposite(s), 9, 14, 51n, 99, 216, 237, 242, 245, 256, 293, 332
differentiation of, 243
free of (nirdvandva), 14
Mercurius consists of, 220, 237
— source of, 318
— unites, 309f
pairs of, 336
play of, 238
problem of, 326
psychological, 25
quaternio of, 278
reduction/synthesis of, 278
—, in Christianity, 243
union of, 21, 151n, 162, 210, 232, 254, 255, 257, 336, 341
EXAMPLES: action/non-action, 16n
active/passive, 79
corporeal/incorporeal, 75
life/death, 51n
masculine/feminine, 79
Nous/sex, 269
physical/spiritual, 51n
Sol/Luna, 161
water/spirit, 74
yang/yin, 9
yea/nay, 14
opposition: absolute, 210
between Nous and sex, 269
opus, 66, 67n, 88n, 104, 127, 141n, 148, 170, 179, 202f, 239, 275, 297ff 322n
alchemical, alchymicum, 123, 154, 160, 185ff, 186, 237; 166, 172
—, two parts of, 348
completion of, 152n
contra naturam, 314f
in form of a Mass, 158
goal of, see goal
God as product of, 307
microcosmic, 197
mistakes during, 324
a rebirth mystery, 338
relation to zodiac, 314n
as tree, 313
—, symbolizes whole, 311
oratorium, 349
order, divine, 122
Orestes, madness of, 97
orgy, Dionysian, 70
Oriental, 53
religion, 47
Sages, 37
wisdom, 7; see also Eastern
orientation, quaternary systems of, 167
Original: Man, 166
sin, 196
Orpheus, 291n
Orthelius, 94n
orthodoxy, Freudian, 342
principle of all moisture, 74n
sealed tomb of, 74
Ostanes, 79n, 99, 101, 154, 215, 247n, 279n, 309, 314n, 320, 321, 327f, 331
Osterburken, 307
other: shore, 206n
side, 101
ourselves, split in, 246
outer happening, 16
outgrowing of problem, 14f
Pacific culture, 101
Gilbert Islands, 337n
Padmanaba, 231
Padmanabhapura, temple of, 231
alchemists, 299
antiquity, 157
lore, 122
paganum, 113
pagodas, 281n
painting(s), sand, 22
pair, royal, 332
transformation and unity of, 326
palaeolithic: cult of soul-stones, 100
sun-wheel, 28
palm, 318
tree, 315
Pan, 231
panacea, 104, 150, 166, 178, 274n, 296, 306
Pandora, 94
Pandora, see Reusner
pansy, mountain, 135n
Pantheus, Ars transmutationis metallicae, 227n
Pantophthalmos, 217
papyri: magic, see Magic Papyri; Greek Magic, see Greek s.v.
parable: of house built on sand, 319
of the unjust steward, 243f
parabolic figure, 80
alchemy, 129
arcane philosophy, 110
Christian, 160
definition of life, 134
earthly firmament, 276n
substances, 277
triad, 277
WORKS: “Apokalypsis Hermetis,” 129
“Archidoxis magicae,” 122n
Astronomia magna, 114n, 115n, 131n
“Das Buch Meteorum,” 143n
“Caput de morbis somnii,” 113n, 114n
“De morbis amentium,” 122n
“De natura rerum,” 123n
“De nymphis,” 115n
“De pestilitate,” 114n, 122n, 164n
De philosophia occulta, 181n
“De podagricis,” 114n, 115n, 130n
“De pygmaeis,” 143
“De religione perpetua,” 130n
“De sanguine ultra mortem,” 143
“De tartaro: fragmenta anatomiae,” 132n
De vita longa, 113n, 124n, 131n, 133ff, 135n, 136n, 144, 160, 172n 173ff, 187n
“Fragmenta medica,” 114n, 135n, 153n
“Labyrinthus medicorum errantium,” 113n, 114n, 115n
“Liber Azoth,” 125n, 139n, 143n, 164n, 172n
Das Buch Paragranum, 111, 124, 131&n, 178n, 187n
Paramirum de quinque entibus morborum, 113, 115n, 122n
Paramirum primum, 113n
“Philosophia ad Athenienses,” 143n
“Philosophia sagax,” 116
“Von der Astronomey,” 131n
“Von den dreyen ersten essentiis,” 131n
“Von Erkantnus des Gestirns,” 113n
Paraclete, 229
Pāra-da, 206n
paradise, 83, 131n, 143, 154&n, 230, 241, 298, 308n, 311n
Adam’s tree of, 138
earthly, 196
four rivers of, 149, 172, fig. 24
fruits and herbs of, 306n
Mercurius, earth of, 235
serpent of, 303
tree in, 318
tree of, see tree
paradoxicality of life, 9
parallelism(s), psychological, 12
paraphysiological theory, Geley’s, 51n
parapsychology, 40f
paredros, 126n, fig. 5, 179, 225
identification with, 45
Paris MS., see Codices and Manuscripts
Parjanya, 268
Parmenides, 77
participation mystique, 52, 91, 205, 266
primordial, 44
Patagonians, 71
pater mirabilis, 166
Patrizzi, Francesco, 233
pattern, geometric, 23
Paul, St., 52
inner Christ of, 27
Paul, of Constantinople, 309n
Pauli, W., 288n
Paulicians, 229
Paulinus of Nola, 281&n
Pausanias, 97n
paws, cut-off, lion with, 304, 321
Pe, city of, 280
peace, hero of, 229
peacock(s), 114
tail, 290n
of great price, 259
Pelagios, 274
Pelican, 148, figs. B2, B7, 316
philosophical, 87
penal code, 184
Penotus, 212&n, 223n, 231, 232&n, 233
Peratics, 76
peregrinus microcosmus, 153
perfection, symbol of, 269
Pernety, A. J., 141n, 166n, 187n
Persia(n), 132
ancient, dualism of, 243
Buddhist monasteries in, 231
fire struck from stones in, 320
tree, 340
personal: affects, 346
fantasies, 344
problems, 301f,
psyche/psychology, 347
resentments, 345f
unconscious, 348
personality, 25, 35, 39, 194, 272, 341
all sides of, 25
dissociation of, 264
double, 35
ego, 254
enlargement of, 18
ephemeral/greater, 90
higher level of, 15
marks of, 195
phenomenal, 27
psychogenic splitting of, 35
superior, 46
symbol of, 194
symbolized by mountain and tree, 309
trees animated by souls, have, 199
wholeness of, 240
personification, 38f, 41, 92, 112
anima as, of unconscious, 42
of lifeless things, 91
of metals, 93
of sun or gold, 80
of trees, 194n
Petri, Henric, 144n
Petrie, W. F., 305n
petrifaction, 100
phallic: arrow, 263
symbol, fig. 30
phallus, 232
Pharaoh, 305
pharmaceutics, 122
pharmacology, 122
, 154
phases, seven, of the alchemical process, 303
Phelan, Gladys, 191
phenomena: collective psychic, 36
telepathic, 139n
Pherekydes, fig. 2
phial, spherical, 82n
Philaletha/Philalethes, Eirenaeus, 208n, 209n, 210n, 212n, 217n, 219n, 220n, 228n, 231n, 286n
Eastern, 50
Hermetic, 289
garden of, 309
metal of, 219n
modern, 121
secrets of, 76n
son of, 129
vinegar/water of, 85
philosophic(al): alchemists, 124n, 161
alchemy, aim of, 135n
“common and, Mercurius,” 217
dialectic, 238
earth, 290
Eye, 22
heaven, 222
lead, 227
matter, 290
speculation, 124n
waters, 279n
philosophic ambisexual man, Mercurius as, 219
philosophy(-ies), 111
alchemical, 206n
Aristotelian, 116
Hellenistic nature, 79
Indian, 142
of life, 50
—, medieval, 274
Paracelsan, not Cabalistic, 123
true, 288
Phrygian(s), 87n
physical: elements, 155
lightning, 152
and spiritual, 51n
symptoms, 335
physician(s): academic, 120
alchemical, 124
divine office of, 116
heavenly, of the soul, 293
maturation of, 124
physics: modern, 289
true, 288
physika and mystika, 103
physiochemists, 149
physiological continuum, 9
Picasso, Pablo, 261
Picinellus, Philippus, 155n, 317n
Pico della Mirandola, Joannes, 130, 131, 137n 169n
Pierre, Noël, 270f
piety, stork as allegory of, 317
pig, fig. 22
pillar(s): fiery/pneumatic/solar, 310n
pine tree of Attis, 305n
pinguedo mannae, 153n; see also manna
Piper, Leonora, 41&n
Pirkê de Rabbi Eliezer, see Eliezer
piscina, 73
Pitra, Jean-Baptiste, 74n, 309n
plague balls, 155n
planetary spirits, fig. B5, 225, 227
in man, 125n
—, trees of, 309
asparagus, 313
kingdom, 77
moon-, of the adepts, 308
reivas, 337n
seed, 24
symbolism, 194
wonder-working, 253
Plato, 77, 139, 214, 298, 312&n
Platonic: man, 26
nature, 292
“Platonis liber quartorum,” see “Liber Platonis quartorum”
Plutarch, 74n
mercurial, 215
pneumatic: body, 52
pillar, 310n
Poimandres, 73
cardinal, fig. 25
creative, visualization of, 25
indivisible, 148
sun-, 152&n
death-dealing, 323
-dripping dragon, 218
fiery and gaseous, 278n
poisoning, 322
mercurial, 323
tincture, 284n
Pola (Istria), 298n
polarity, 26
of life, 9
in self-regulating systems, 15
pole(s): of light and darkness, 25
star, 141n
pole-dwellings, 98
hierosgamos of, 155; see also Francesco Colonna
political Utopias, 300
politician(s), 37
polytheism, 47
Hindu, 243
pomander, 155&n
Pomponius Mela, 178&n
ponderatio, 165n
pornographica, 231
possession: of animus, 267
by consciousness, 36
state of, 34
“poures hommes evangelisans,” 229n
power(s): compensating, of the unconscious, 335
drive, 260
to fly, 101
of light, 243
material, 244
through words, 49
trust in higher, 54
-words, 121
Prabhavananda, Swami, and Isherwood, C., 313n
“Practica Mariae Prophetissae,” see Maria Prophetissa
praise of the Creator, 247n
Prajāpati, 132
precinct, sacred (temenos), 24f, 244
precipitations, 331
Preisendanz, Karl, 126n, 148, 161n, 179, 192, 226n, 279n, 329n
premises, psychic, 289
“Pretiosa margarita novella correctissima” see Bonus; Lacinius
Preuschen, Erwin, 104n
in white robe, 63
prima compositio, 136n
prima materia, 60n, 67, 73, 77n, 86f, 92, 105n, 122, 136n, 138f, 140, 147, fig. B6, 170, 205, 219, 227, 236, 319&n, 325, 330f
lapis as, 319
lead as, 305n
primal incest, 302
Primary Force, 25
primeval time, 98n
analogies, 28
animism, 199
beliefs/paradoxes of, 6
consciousness, 268
demonology, 42
instincts, 47
life, 8
psychology, 268
primordial/Primordial: image, see image
light-bringer, 248
Man, see man
monsters, 98
participation mystique, 44
pass, 23
tree, 337n
unity, 265
world, 243
principium individuationis, 196
principle(s), 22
animal, 257
animating, 239
archetypal explanatory, 288f
of compensation, 245
of conduct, 325
cosmic, fig. A6
demiurgic, 232
eternal, 169
feminine, tao of the, 324
fourth, feminine, 96
of individuation, see individuation
—, of tree, Mercurius as, 319
masculine, 268
ordering, of consciousness, 325
psychic, 140
spiritual, 138ff
—, of stork, tree as, 317
of sufficient reason, 84
vegetative, 257
Priscillian, 102&n
Pritchard, J. B., 338n
problem(s): insoluble, of life, 15
of opposites, 326
outgrowing of, 14
personal, 301f
procedure, reductive, 348
process(es): alchemical, seven phases of, 303
chemical, 67
cognitive, 289
of growth, self depicted as, 253
of individuation, see individuation
of realization, 348
spagyric, 150
of transformation, see transformation; unconscious mental, 56
Prodromus Rhodostauroticus, 312n; see also Verus Hermes
products: spontaneous, of unconscious, 273, 299, 339, 346
projection, 36, 67, 88, 91, 106, 138, 159, 170, 176, 211, 238, 286, 297, 330f
of alchemy, 239
anima, 340
of — figure, tree a, 338
archetypal, 300
-carrier, 238
of collective unconscious, 229
cosmic, 335
of dissociated tendencies, 37
of individuation process, 229
into matter, 300
on outside world, 35
of psychic actuality, 237
— events, 24
into tree, 200
— contents into an object, 91
of torture, 329
withdrawal of, 89
Prokonnesos, 64n
guilt, 189
προόμιον, 90
propaganda, 250
protective genies, 281
cult of consciousness, 48
schism, 112
Proteus, 178
Protothoma, 132
Psellus, Michael, 223&n
psyche/Psyche, 9, 11, 16, 24, 35, 40, 42f, 51, 55, 92, 128, 159, 162, 239, 235, 288f, 346
abolishment of, 300
archetypal world of, 171
border regions of, 96
collective/conscious, 347
conscious image is, 50
dark powers of, 42
dimmer elements of, 243
existence/meaning of, 346
fate of, 349
feminine, 40
goal of, see goal
interior world of, 297
living, 328
natural, 238
personal, 347
Primordial Man named, 334
reality of, 201
woman’s, split in, 269
psychiatrists, 34
psychic: actuality, projection of, 237
autonomous system, see system
centre, 152
collective, phenomena, 36
complex, autonomous, 50
complications, solution of, 28
controls, 41n
danger of alchemy, 128
development, see development
definition of, 51n
disturbances, 342
epidemics, 37
equilibrium, 46
events, projection of, 24
factor in alchemy, 137
facts, 37
happenings, 28
identity, 92
nature of Mercurius, 216
— Scaiolae, 169
operation, 86
premises, 289
principle, 140
processes, see processes
reality, see reality
—, of man, 244
—, abnormal, 43
suffering, 336
systems, of healing, 347
—, split in the, 243
truth, 171
vision, 177
psychogenic disturbances, 34, 157
psychoid form, 272
psychologem, 336
Mercurius, 216
psychological: blindness, 336
rules, reversibility of, 347
symptoms, 335
psychologist(s), 34, 39, 46, 69
symbolical, 50
Western, 40
psychology, 4, 43, 50f, 51n, 159
academic, 3
of alchemy, 93
complex, 326
of the East, 8
modern, 91
personal, 347
personalistic, 107
primitive, 268
— and archaic, 91
of religion, 332
shamanistic, 70n
of the unconscious, 90, 189, 268
without soul, 238; see also typology, psychological
psychopomp, 80, 136n, 221, 250
dog as, 232n
Mercurius as redeeming, 237
psychosis(-es), 322
mass, 36
psychosomatic instincts, 346
psychotherapy, 189, 205, 244, 327; see also analysis
mythology of, 263
puer aeternus, 179
puer leprosus, Mercurius as, 226n
puff-ball(s), 290
pulses, hundred, 325
punishment(s), 60n, 61, 71, 105, 281, 330
place of, 62f
puppy of celestial hue, 232n
pure man, 290
purification, 138
of natural man, 142
Pururavas, 178
Pyramid Text(s), 279&n
pyrites, 287n
Pyrrha, 99
Pythagoras, 306
tetraktys of, 22
Python, 213
Qebhsennuf, 280
quadratus, Mercurius as, 278
quality(-ies): moral, 326
of wisdom, 338
Quaternarius, 151n
quaternary: principle, 28
symbols, 336
system, 167
quaternio(s): four, 280n
of opposites, 278
quaternity(-ies), 151, 166f, 262, 269, 282, 305, fig. 24
alchemical, 278
apotropaic significance of, 281
cross as, 282
double motif of, 305
Egyptian, 280
of the elements, 278
God’s attribute of, 281
of God’s sons, 283
Hermetic, 283
of Original Man, 172
symbolized by cross/tree, 332
as unity, 151
Queen of Motherhood, 184n
quest for the stone, 300
Quetzalcoatl, mother of, 100
quicklime, 307
quicksilver, 72, 77n, 79n, 89, 107n, 122, 131n, 135n, 141n, 206n, 207f, 210f, 216, 225ff, 269, 284
fixation of, 73n
spirit of, 225
system, Indian, 206
as water, 207; see also mercury
“quid,” of Dorn, 300
quinta essentia, 87, 115, 135, 176, 219
as coelum, 219
quintessence, 76, 88, 135n, 151, 166, 168n, 169, 196, 239, 265, 292, 325
of individual and collective, 182
Rabanus, Maurus, 295&n
Rabbi, son of Josephus Carnitolus, 311
Rabbi Eliezer, see Eliezer
racial differences, 11
radical moisture, 67, 75, 77n, 86, 138, 151
radices, 195
Rahner, Hugo, 310n
-god, 268n
ram, of Mendes, 279
ranunculus, 155n
Rasis, see Rhazes
rationalism(-ality), 18, 40, 45
of consciousness, 345
ray(s): death-, red, 304
of Surya, 267
Raymond (in Melusina legend), 177
Raziel, 137n
Re, 280
reality, 51
differential, 37
of earth, 54
living, 54
of psyche, 201
psychic, 42
—, concept of, 51n
—, of man, 244
—, of Melusina, 176
relative, 38
—, paradoxical, 202
realization, 90
conscious, 244
imaginative, 177
of the opposite, 21
process of, 348
of the self, 264
of Tao, 21
realm: of light, 264
of spirit, 300
reason, 13, 184, 238, 244, 250, 328, 335, 344
laws of, 245
rebirth, 332
ceremonies, 70
—, cycle of, 105
—, of philosophical tree, 287
mystery, opus a, 338
—, tree a, 338
spiritual, 73; see also twice-born
Rebis, fig. B3
red/Red, 339
cockatoo(s), 205
Damascene earth, 318
flowers, fig. 5
and green lion, see lion
slave, 93
stone, 297
tincture, see tincture
redeemer(s), 307
alchemical, 295
Christian, 233
generation, birth and resurrection of, 298
Gnostic, 233
origin of, lowliness of, 146n
redemption, 53, 132, 145, 147, 159, 183n
alchemical, doctrine of, 205
by blood, 299
Christ’s work of, 96
goal of, 183
man’s longing for, 107
reduction: of opposites to unity, 278
of symbols, alchemical/Freudian, 301
refining, 24
reflection, 334
rational, 169
torment of unlimited, 330
twilight of, 265
regeneration, 184n
unconscious, 260
Reinach, Salomon, 221n
Reitzenstein, Richard, 73n, 188n, 204, 228n, 231&n
and H. Schaeder, 89n, 220n, 332n
reivas plant, 337n
relatedness, 41
inferior, 41
relationship, function of, 42
religio medica, 129
religion(s), 54
comparative, 6
Eastern, 6
facts of, 36
history of, 204
mysteries of, 276
Oriental, 47
phenomenology of, 35
philosophical, 47
as psychic systems of healing, 347
psychology of, 332; see also Christianity; Protestant
religious: ceremonies, 22
experiences of West and East, 53
ideas, 301
language, 52
practice, 47
problems of the present, 53
segregation of — from natural transformation mystery, 157
spirit, evolution of, 53
therapies for disorders of soul, 48
thought, 46
remedy(-ies), arcane, 135, 156n
remission of sins, 276
Renaissance, 189
spirit of, 117
renewal: fount of, 332n
spiritual, 73
and transformation, tree as seat of, 317
word of, 222
repercussion, alchemical, 138n
représentations collectives, 347
of contents, 36
Freudian, theory, 42
of infantile memories and wishes, 341
theory, 34
unconscious, of sexuality, 34
violent, of instincts, 47
reproduction, goal of first half of life, 46
res, 329
quaerenda, 286
“rescue circles,” English, 51n
research: comparative, 345
resentments, personal, 345f
inner, 121
non-, 327
respiration, internal, 27
responsibility, 297
diminished, 34
of the dead, 297
resuscitation, water has power of, 74
alchemical, 197
tree in the, 315
retorta distillatio, 138, 148, 152
reunion with unconscious laws, 21
Reusner, Hieronymus, 144n, fig. B4, 258, 304, 317, 319, 321&n, 338
angel of, 339
daemons of, 178
god of, 179
Revelation, Book of, 71, 182, 187, 197n, 200, 223, 242, 332
revenant, 39
reverberatio, 165n
reverberation, alchemical, 138n
reverberatorium, 138n
reversal: motif of, 314
of one’s nature, 18
process of, 21
revolution(s), 36
rex: fig. B2
antiquissimus, 221
coronatus, 148
marinus, 146
Rhazes/Rasis, 116, 141n, 288&n, 297
Rhenanus, Joannes, fig. B7, 316n
rhizomata, 195
rhizome, 90
Rhodesia, 28
riddles, 255
rift in metaphysical world, 244
Rimas, 240n; see also Zosimos
Ripley, George, 212n, 227, 230, 231n, 235n, 286n, 309n, 311, 314&n, 330, 332&n
“Axiomata philosophica,” 215n, 309n, 330n
“Cantilena,” 83n
“Verses belonging to an Emblematicall Scrowle,” fig. B5, 212, 286n, 303, 306n, 317
tree in, 199n
rite(s): of benedictio fontis, 78
ecclesiastical, 68
pre-Christian, 68n
ritual action, 25
river(s): of Eden, 319n
rocket-propelled aircraft, 343, 345
Romanus, St., 74n
Rome, imperial, 317
root(s), 87n, 195ff, 239, 257ff, 264, 268, 275n, 286, 311n, 313, 315, 320, 340, figs. 12, 15
of All, 195n
four, 68
secret in, of tree, 195
of self, 199
Roquetaillade, Jean de, 229n; see also Rupescissa
rosa mystica, 294
“Rosarium philosophorum,” 68n, 69n, 73n, 77n, 78, 79n, 85, 103n, 126n, 139n, 144n, 147&n, 153n, figs. B2, B3, 207n, 212&n, 215n, 219&n, 220n, 221n, 222n 223, 226n, 232n, 235n, 336n, 294, 331, 327n
“Rosarius” (rose-gardener), 294
Roscher, W. H.: Lexicon, 141n, 221n
rose(s), 294
flowers of Venus, 183n
heavenly, 295
as mandala, 295
mysticism, 295
mystique of the, 294
sign of the, 296
rose-coloured blood, see blood
Rosencreutz, Christian, go, 183, 187, 216, 330, 315, 326
Rosicrucian movement, 296
Rosinus, 220, 240n; see also Zosimos
“Rosinus ad Sarratantam,” 94n, 226n, 240, 322n
rotation, spiral, 271
Roth-Scholtz, Friedrich, 157n
rotundum, 76
round: body, 139
Ruelle, C. E., 59n
Ruland, Martin, 137, 138n, 140, 154, 157, 167f, 168n, 169, 219n, 220n
Lexicon alchemiae, 76n, 78n, 134n, 135n, 136n, 139n, 140n, 144n, 152n, 153n, 154n, 259n, 279n, 287n
Rumpelstiltskin, 327
Rupescissa, Johannes de, 123n, 138n, 148n, 229n
Ruska, Julius, ed.: Turba philosophorum, 67n, 76&n, 77&n, 78n, 82n, 105n, 138n, 152&n, 227, 240n, 305&n, 306n, 314n, 322n, 329&n
Sabaean(s), 60n
Sabbath, 249
sacraments: Christian, 154
of the Church, 186
ecclesiastical, 185ff
Holy, 157
sacred: legend, 299
myth, 298
precinct, 24f
Sacred Books of the East, 56, 218n, 240n, 267n, 178n
sacrifice(s), 72
of god, 80n
snake, 333; see also knife, sacrificial
sacrificer, 80
is sacrificed, 84
sage(s): ancient, 21
oriental, 37
body of, becomes stone, 101
Sainte Bible traduit . . . sous la direction de l’Ecole Biblique de Jérusalem, 281n
St. Exupéry, Antoine de, fig. 2
St. Vitus’s Dance, 122n
Salamanca, 119
Salamandrine Essence, 138, 142
salt(s), 136n, 277, 286&n, 287, 290&n, 308
connection of tree with, 309
efflorescence of metallic, 146n
interior, 135n
salty: fountain, 308
spring, 287
Christian story of, 299, man’s, 127
of universe, 127
Mercurius as, 235
microcosmi, 296
Mundi, 242
Samaria, woman of, 104
sand paintings, 22
and Holy Ghost, Mercurius identified with, 229
tree’s relation to, 318
sapphire, 187&n, 258f, figs. 16, 17
stone, 258
Antichrist as, 242
counterpart of God, 236
Greek, 288
a Kabbalist, 114n
Satanaël, 223
Saturday, see days of the week
Saturn, 67n, 76n, 83, 126, 128n, 141n, 170, 220, 226ff, 278, 305n, 310f, 331
as Beelzebub, 228
highest archon, 228
lightning of, 152
lion associated with, 227
Mercurius, relation to, 226, 250
and Sol, separation of, 153
spirit of, 227
“Saturn’s Chyld,” 227n
Saturnia, plant, 227
Saturnine: darkness, 130
form, 128n
lead, 331
melancholy, 153
mountain, 292
saviour, 100
serpent-, 104
symbol of, 101; see also Salvator
Saxo Grammaticus, 98
Scaiolae, 133n, 139n, 155n, 168&n, 171-174, 176, 179
four, 167
psychic nature of, 169
“Scala philosophorum,” 278n
Scaliger, J. J., 137n
scalping, 71
scayolic, Aquaster, 139
Scayolus, 168n
Schaeder, H., see Reitzenstein
Schevill, Margaret E., 98n
process of, 29
states of, 106
Schmieder, K. C., 204
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 84, 167n, 196
Schreber, D. P., 37
Schröttli, 143
Schweitzer, Bernard, 221n, 224n
science, 6, 7, 34, 43, 55, 106, 128, 244
of God, 96
Western, 6
scientia/Scientia, 126
creaturae, 247
hominis, 249
Scott, H. von E., see Bland, C. C. S.
Scott, Walter, 73n, 78n; see also Corpus Hermeticum
“Scriptum Alberti,” see Albertus Magnus
Scripture(s), 209, 286n; see also New and Old Testament
Scylla and Charybdis, 145
Scythian(s), 71
juice, 76
sea, 44, 51, 92, 139, 146, fig. B5, 178, 194, 209n, 248, 253, 291, fig. 1
-born, 182
bottom of, 23
depths of, 87n
kingly substance, hidden in, 145
tree planted in the, 308
water, 308
—, connection of tree with, 309
seat of heavenly light, 20n
second: Adam, Christ the, 304
tetrad, 283
secret(s), 199
artificial, 301
content of alchemy, 129
doctrines, see doctrines
—, of Anthropos, 171
infernal fire, 210
of inner man, 163
language, 162
of matter, 299
Mercurius, revealer of divine, 230
name, 327
natural, 301
of philosophers, 76n
power, 49
in roots of tree, 195
stone, 291
treasure, fig. 14
seducer, diabolical, 250
seed(s): of corn, 259
divine, 86
of gods, 76
Seele, 40
Sefiroth, 312
self, 45, 99, 101, 139, 142, 152, 182, 194f, 220, 240f, 249, 263, 267ff, 282, 284, 300, 325, 338
Anthropos or, tree as, 338
archetype of, 87
birth of, 266
centre of total personality, 45
collective nature of, 240
deus absconditus as element of, 24
divine dynamism of, 285n
identification with, 263
immortal, 171
indistinguishable from God-image, 241
light of the, 248
Mercurius represents, 237
Moses’ relation to, 321
as process of growth, 253
realization of the, 264
roots of, 199
sacrifice of, 263
supra-personal, 240
symbolized by mountain/tree, 309
symbol(ism) of, 241, 246, 253, 280n
tree, visible sign of realization of, 196
union with, 263
self-awareness, psychological, 90
self-brooding, 26
self-conquest, heroic, 47
self-destruction/devouring, 79
dragon, 259
of Mercurius, 236
self-development, 179
self-fertilization, 79
self-generation / reproduction / transformation of Mercurius, 236
self-knowledge, 25, 94&n, 248f, 249n, 284
self-realization, 53
self-regulating systems, 15
self-sacrifice, 325
Sena/Senae, 178
senarius, 266
Sendivogius, Michael, 67n, 203n, 207n, 231
senex: draco, 220n
ithyphallicus, 231
Senior, Zadith, see Zadith
Senn, Gustav, 251
sensation(s), 167
bodily, 28
sense: organs, 152
-perception, 167
separatio, 68
separation: of body and soul, 239
from world of thought, 267
“Septem tractatus hermetis,” see “Tractatus aureus”
serenitus aerea, 212
Seringapatam, 340n
serpens mercurialis, 198; see also serpent, mercurial
serpent(s), fig. A4, 79n, 89, 103, 141n, 143, 146n, 199, 279, 304, 319n, 321
brazen, 333
chthonic, 333
on the cross, 333
crowned, fig. 32
-daemon, female/daemonic, 240
Delphic, 213
Indian, 63n
mercurial, 68, 77, 82, 144f, 152, 258, 315 (see also dragon)
of the Nous, 333
old, 83
of paradise, 303
-saviour, 104
three-headed, fig. B2; see also snake
servator, 166
cosmi, 296
servus (cervus) fugitivus, 178, 211
seven: branches, 315
devils, 128&n
-fold star, 225
trees of, 309
division by, 139
excitement of, 82
opposition with Nous, 269
theory of, 343
unconscious repression of, 34
shadow, 47, 244, 265f, 268, 348
of Gilgamesh, 320
man and his, 246
union with, 326
East Siberian, 340
heavenly journey of the, 303, 309
true personality of, 341
anima, 303
psychology, primitive, 70n
symbolism, 341
shape(s), 37
Shatapatha Brāhmana, 178, 267, 313n
Sheed, F. J., 249n
sheli, 21
Shiva, 206n
-Shakti, 231
Shu, four pillars of, 279, 281
Siberian shamans, 340
Sidgwick, Mrs. Henry, 41n
sign: of God, 281
of the rose, 296
signa Thau, 281n
silver, 75, 89, 122, 194, 226, 277n, 296, 332
branch of tree, 89
common, 275
gold and, fountain of, 103n
man, 64
waters, 284
white elixir of, 135n
Simon (Magus), 137n
sin(s): Adam’s, 304
original, 196
remission of, 276
wages of all, 229
Sinn, 20
Sioux, 100
sirens, 143n
nine, 178
six (number), 266
of head, 60
stuffing of, 70
skinning, 71f
sky-god, 268n
Sky Father, 98
slave, fugitive, 211
slaying, of alchemical authorities, 321; see also killing
sleep, 114&n; of incubation, 105
snake(s), 83, 134, fig. B2, 177; 221; 256f, 263, 271n, 314, 340f, figs. 11, 12
as chthonic numen of tree, 317
connected with tree, 315
crucified, 333
head of, 291n
healing of Moses, 104
as most spiritual animal, 333
naked, 304
as symbol of unconscious, 333
three-headed, fig. 32
—, Mercurius as, 222
tree-, 241
tree and, union of, fig. 12
as tree-numen, 315
vision, 86
—, of Ignatius Loyola, 217n
-woman, 144; see also serpent
snow, 214
society, matriarchal, 99
Socrates, 77
Sol, 136n, 150, fig. B4, 303, 310
cohabitation with Luna, 123
as gold, 122
lightning of, 152
Novus, Christ the, 242
and Saturn, separation of, 153; see also sun
solar: gods, 267n
pillar, 310n
point, 152
solidity, 272
Solomon, 130
Solothurn (canton), 98
solutio, 330
solution, saline, 134
soma, 313
somata and asomata, 103
somatic: disturbances, 342
sphere, 262
somnambulistic states, 34
son(s), 116
existence of, 52
of the Golden Head, 72
King’s, fig. B6
mother-, incest, 232
only begotten, 169n
of philosophers, 129
-ship, duality of, 223n; see also filius
Son, 26
Father and, 116
of God, see God
—, first and second, 223
of Macrocosm, 126
Song of God, 313n; see also Bhagavadgītā
Song of Songs, 312
-Achamoth, 334
perverted into Philosophia, 288
sufferings of, 335
sorcerer (Magus), 119
soror mystica, 73
soul(s), 9, 41, 50, 51n, 71, 78, 83, 88n, 94f, 97, 122, 141n, 145n, 161, 164f, 180, 211, 213, 216, 236n, 238, 257, 278n, 330
of ancestor, 97
animation of, 257
ascent of, 103
body and, see body and soul
body and spirit contained in stone, 290f
breath-, 213
cagastric, 164f
as celestial Aquaster, 140
children’s, 97
collective, 240n
creation of, 86
damp, 171
dark background of, 147
darkness of, 79n
of the dead, 317
descent of, 86n
duality of, 214
— in world and, 116
earth-bound bodily, 39
heavenly, and earthly, fig. A6
—, physician of the, 293
Iliastric, 136n
impulse of, 54
as intermediate nature, 213
“Lady Soul,” 340
loss of, 34
masculine and feminine, fig. A6
master of, 197
mercurial life-, 214
Mercurius, of metals, 198
moist, 77n
“nothing but,” 50
psychology without, 238
Primordial Man as world-, 334
reasoning, 249n
rooted in the aether, 312n
ruler of, 196
of the sick, 101
simple, 88n
skin is, 72
as spherical glass vessel, 197
spirit and, see spirit
of stone, 68
stones, 98
-substance, 325
of the substance(s), 138, 150n
suffering of the, 335
tranquillity of, 165
tree-, 319
trees animated by, have personality, 199
true, 139
union with, 155
of world, 77, 130; see also anima mundi
source of life, 272
spagirica foetura, 150
spagyric/Spagyric, 113, 135n, 150&n, 180n
spark, divine, 160
spatial principle, 25
specialism, 6
spectres, verbal, 37
speculation(s): alchemical, fraudulence of, 204
Gnostic, 283
philosophical, 124n
theological, 96
“Speculum veritatis,” 83
speech, colloquial, 34
magic, 10
spellbinding names, 328
Spencer, W. R., and F. J. Gillen, 97n
sperma mundi, 138
sphere(s), 26
movement of, 74f
somatic, 262
spider, black, 333
Spielrein, Sabina, 70n
spiral rotation, 271&n
spirit(s), 8, 36, 51n, 60f, 64, 75, 77f, 89, 96-99, 102, 113n, 140, 141n, 148, 149n, 154, 161f, 165n, 180n, 181n, 184, 193, 196, 211, 213, 216, 236n, 238, 259, 278&n, 284, 323f
in abstract sense, 215
aerial, 212
aetherial, 162
of the age/epoch, 116ff
of the air, 161
in/of alchemy, 75, 103, 104n, 128
archetype, ambivalence of, 240
astral, 114
and body, see body
in bottle, see bottle
celestial, 292f
of Christianity, 129
chthonic, 118
daemon of the scientific, 128
diabolical, 139
of discretion, 228n
divine, 26
earth-, 297
Earth, 79n
of the East, 49
evolution of religious, 53
expanding and self-revealing, 39
fiery, 63
of the fifth essence, 130
of fire, 142
ghostly, 139
God is, 104
of God, 136n
of heaven, 176
heavenly, 209
iliastric, 139
intuitions of, 28
kabbalistic, 114n
of life, 213
link between body and, 95
Lord of, 244
man’s, 40
and matter, contamination of, 212
matter and, identical, 214
Mercurius, 258
metal-, 297
natural, 184
objective, 239
— existence of, 200
old black, 329
poor in, 202
of quicksilver, 225
reality, 201
realm of, 300
red, 77
of Renaissance, 117
of Saturn, 227
scientific, 91
soul, body and, contained in stone, 290f
spellbound, motif of the, 198
of stars, 181n
of stone, 247n
sufferings of, 9
supracelestial, Mercurius as, 214
—, of the waters, 77
in tree, 200
true, in man, 136n
undivided and divided, 70
victory of the, 335
a volatile body, 51n
of the world, 212, see also anima mundi
Spirit, Holy, 78, 214, 240f, 334
apples of, 309n
grace of, 160
inflatio or inspiratio of, 214
light of, 116
“Spirit in the Bottle, The,” see bottle s.v.; Grimm s.v.
spiritual: being, 52
blood, 77n
exercises, 244
eyes, 288
—, inner, 148
—, growth of, 89
martyrdom, 330
and physical, 51n
power, 29
principle, 138ff
symbols, 54
trends of alchemy, 144n
truth, turning into something material, 250
understanding, 322
Spiritual Exercises, see Ignatius Loyola
spirituality, 47, 118, 185, 214, 335
of Christ, 96
masculine, Christ’s, 335f
spiritus, 211f
aquae, 138
humidus et aereus, lapis as, 104n
mundi, 213
Phytonis, 213
prae cunctis valde purus, 212
seminalis, 213
vegetativus, 195, 213, 240n, 338
—, chthonic, 315
visibilis, tamen impalpabilis, 212
spittle, 97
Splendor solis, 68n, 72, 219&n
split: between consciousness and the unconscious, 246
between knowledge and faith, 189
in human psyche, 244
metaphysical, 243
loathsome, 290
spouse, heavenly, 337
spring, 154, 247, 253, 255, 290n, 314
exaltation of, 182
salty, 287
zodion, 311n
square, 224
inch, 25
squaring of circle, see circle
squirrel, 340n
stag(s), 200
fugitive, 211
star(s), fig. A3, 114, 125, 137, 141n, 184n, 222, 237, 247f, fig. 13
evening, 247
in flesh and blood, 116, golden, fig. A4
jelly, 153n
male seeds of, 150
moon and, light of, 248
Pole, 141n
round dance of, 226n
sevenfold, 225
in south, 100
spirits of, 181n
true man is, 131
water, 138n see also stella
state: paradisal, 265
of suspension, 267
status iustitiae originalis/naturae integrae, 197n
Steeb, Johann Christoph, 77&n, 82n, 151n, 214n, 215n, 318n
branch of tree, 89
Steinen, Karl von den, 205&n
stella: maris. 256
matutina, 247
Stern, James, 194n
Stevenson, James, 22n
Stobaeus, John, 337n
stoics, 85n
stone(s), 85, 92f, 100, 103n, 107, 119n, 141n, 146n, 236n, 240, 278, 293, 314, 317, 322, 331
Adamic, 235n
of Arran, green, 98
attributes of, 95
as birthplace of gods, 97
-body, motif of, 99
chariots, 281n
child-, 97
consists of animal or human blood, 290
contains body, soul, spirit, 290f
-cult, megalithic, 100
divine attributes of, 328
earthly, Christ compared with, 292n
element of the, 314n
an enemy, 321
germination and birth of, 298
God’s attributes transferred to, 294
as God-image, 97
green, 100
healing, 95
heated, 329
hostile, 320
identity with man, 300
incorruptibility of, 72
Mercurius as, 235
as a microcosm, 328
mother of, 86
naga, 340
Nile, 101
ochrepainted, 97n
as outcropping of the unconscious, 242
in Persia, fire struck from, 320
precious, 258
—, faker of, 204
preserver of macrocosm, 127
quest for the, 300
red, 297
round white, 76
sapphire, 258
secret, 291
that has a spirit, 247n
statues, 101
symbol, 97
— of the inorganic, 238
symbolism, 94
of the wise, 320; see also lapis
Adebar, 317
an allegory of Christ, 317
demon of, 198
of life, 17
of time, 16
strength of bull, 268
structure: quaternary, 22
of unconscious, 36
Strunz, Franz, 111n, 124n, 131n
stupidity, mother of the wise, 180
subconscious, 185
subject and object, 45
sublimation(s), 104n, 153n, 165n, 331
substance(s): arcane, see arcane
antimony, transformative, 146
black, 242
chemical, 204f, 275f, 299, 301, 310
Communion, 154
intermediate, 213
kingly, hidden in sea, 145
living, 239
moist, 319n
noble, 331
one, 284
Paracelsan, 277
soul-, 325
symbolic, 302
tormenting of the, 330
transformative, 211
two of Mercurius, 217
—fold, 292
vulgar, 302
succus lunariae, 226n
Sudhoff, Karl (ed. of Paracelsus): 113n, 114n, 117n, 123n, 130, 131n, 132n, 133n, 153n, 180n
psychic, 336
relation of to the coniunctio, 334
of Sophia, 335
of the soul, 335
suggestion, 24
sulcus primigenius, 24
sulphur, 74, 136n, 141n, 187n, 219, 277
diabolus, 228
fire hidden in Mercurius, 228n
incombustible, 142
masculine principle of Mercurius, 228
summa of secret knowledge, 22
Summum Bonum, natural, 116
sun/Sun, 25, 27, 47, 63n, 64, 72, 80n, 98ff, 141n, 147, 152, 161, 176, 225, 226n, 232, 249n, 255, 257f, 262, 268, 275&n, 277f, 307f, 324, 339, figs. 12, 13, 23, 32
aureole of, 80f
Bearer, 99
birthplace of spiritual fire, 150n
black, 266
called after God, 150n
carbuncle of, 218
child of, 76n
circulatory work of, 72
dark counter-, 76n (see also Saturn)
-day, 250
heart as, in Microcosm, 164
Mercurius, child of moon and, 76n, 225
—, and moon, triad of, 277
personification of, 80
-point, 152&n
rays of, 218
rises, 89
rising, Horus as, 280n
-symbol, 262
synonymous with gold, 72
tree of, 303n
wheel, 25
—, paleolithic, 28; see also Sol; solar
Sunday’s child, 202
superiority, mental, 8
superman, 128
supermonic: elements, 180
figments, 173f
folk, 122
rationalistic fear of, 159
supracelestial fire, 310
survival after death, 51n; see also immortality
Surya, 267&n
suspension, state of, 267
svādhisthāna-chakra, 265
Svāhā, 267
swan, fig. 32
sweat, bloody, of arcane substance, 290, 295
swine-herd, 240
Switzerland, patron saint of, 346
sword, 60, 63f, 68, 80, 82&n, 83f, 177, 185
Christ as, 333
hanging on a tree, 333
Sylvester II, Pope, 81n
symbol(s), 12, 19, 21f, 27, 46-49, 162f
— and Freudian reduction of, 301
of the Anthropos, stork a, 317
Christ, 54
— as “son of man,” 52
of chrysopoea, tree as, 314
collective and archetypal, 301
compensate unadapted attitude of conscious, 302
contrasexual, 338
cross as, of quaternity, 332
dream, reductive interpretation of, 347
ethnological, 101
formation, 274
Hermetic, 241
history of, 344
of individuation, fig. 24
“jewel” the central, 53
light, see light
magic of, 28
mandala, 23
meaning of, 302
of Mercurius, see Mercurius
of perfection, 269
of personality, 194
phallic, fig. 30
is primitive exponent of unconscious, 28
production, 301
quaternary, 336
research into, 273
of saviour, 101
snake-, 333
of soul, 143
spiritual, 54
stone, see stone
sun, 262
theriomorphic, 183n
of totality, 96
transformation, 71
process of —, ogdoad as, 316
tree, see tree
of the unconscious, snake as, 333
symbolic: blood, 296
nomenclature, 275
substances, 302
comparative research into, 341
of dreams, 69
head, 88
of individuation process, 299
light, 25
number, 151n
plant, 194
of self, 280n
shamanistic, 341
spontaneous tree symbolism, 270
— of the unconscious, 282
of starry heaven, 86
stone, 94
water, 101
“Symbolum Saturni,” 303n, 309n
symptom(s): neurotic, 37, 260, 327
physical or psychological, 335
syncretism, Hellenistic, 102, 104
Synesios, 138n
of Mercurius, 257
of opposites to unity, 278; see also henosis
Syrena, 178
Syriktes, 87n
syzygy, 232
Szebeny, Nicholas Melchior (Cibinensis), 123&n, 158&n
Tabernaemontanus, Jacobus Theodorus, 135n, 153n, 156n
“Tabula smaragdina,” 103n, 104n, 140, 226n, 233, 297n, 331n
T’ai I Chin Hua Tsung Chih, 1
Talbot, Amaury, 199n
talismans, 119
tao/Tao (Way), 20f, 25, 40, 54
of feminine principle, 324
grows out of the individual, 53
is light of heaven, 23
realization of, 21
Taos Pueblos, 100
tapas, 26
tares, 288
tau, aleph and, 222
Taurus, 155n
Tav, 281n
Tehom, 236
teleological aspect of fitness, 342
telepathic phenomena, 139n
telum passionis (cupid’s arrow), 83, 231
temenos (sacred precinct), 24, 244
temperaments, astrological, 275
built of a single stone, 91
circular, 84
golden, fig. A10
of Zosimos, 85
Temptation, the, fig. B6
Ten Commandments, 185
“ten thousand things,” 249
tenebriones, 198
teoqualo (god-eating), 81n
terminology: arcane, 122, 133, 186
ecclesiastical, 157
terminus ani, Mercurius as, 220
ternarius, 15n
Mercurius, 221
terra alba foliata, 207n
tertium, 162
Tertullian, 54
tetrad, second, 283
Pythagorean, 22
tetramorph, 282f
tetrasomia, 82n, 275n, 277, 283
of Greek alchemy, 277
Teutonic: barbarians, 47
mythology, 317
texts, magic, 327
Tezcatlipoca, 81n
Thales, 319n
, 127
Theatrum chemicum, 72n, 80n, 83n, 85n, 88n, 94n, 105n, 123n, 125n 138n, 139n, 146n, 149n, 150n, 151n, 155n, 158n, 196n, 197n, 203n, 209n, 212n, 214n, 215n, 217n, 218n, 219n, 222n, 223n, 226n, 227n, 228n, 229n, 230n, 231n, 232n, 235n, 259n, 275n, 279n, 286n, 287n, 288n, 289n, 305n, 306n, 307n, 309n, 310n, 311n 312n, 314n, 315n, 319n, 321n 322n, 323n, 324n 326n, 330n, 332n; see also names of individual treatises in Bibl. A
Theatrum chemicum Britannnicum. 197n, 203n, 227n; see also names of individual treatises in Bibl. A
Theodore the Studite, 309n
Theologia, 113n
theologian(s), 277
theophany, 74n
Theophrastus, 119
school, 129
theory: aetiological, 342
sexual, 343
theosophy, 7
Indian, 268f
Western, 265
therapeutic: effect, 45
method, Jung’s, 4
thesaurus thesaurum, 315
Thessalonians I, Epistle to, 247
Theutius (Thoth), 230; see also Thoth
thing(s): -in-itself, 54
inner, 43
magical claim of, 44
new, 15f
simple, 88
thinking, 167
alchemical, 288
alchemical way of, 293
analogical, of Gnostics, 147
Gnostic, circular, 84
masculine, 267
philosophical, 168n
third sonship, Basilidian concept of, 233
thistle, 155n
Thomas Aquinas, 123
Thompson and Shuswap Indians, 71n
cessation of, 324
Chinese, 8
-figures, 29
religious, 46
winged, birds representing, 266
world of, 266
—, separation from, 267
-bodied Hecate, 221
— Typhon, 221
-fold coniunctio, 278n
-headed, Mercurius, see Mercurius
—, Satan, 236
—, snake, see snake
number, 151
-in-one, Satan as, 236
Persons, 96
-pronged hook, 332, 334; see also triads; Trinity
throne, Christ’s, 283
thunderbolts, fig. A2
thunderstorms, 267n
Tiamat: chaos of, 239
maternal world of, 236
Tibetan: Buddhism, 22
Tantrism, 265
Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thödol), 25, 29, 35, 265
Tifereth, 312
tiger, 340&n
time: astronomical determination of, 238
our, 36
primeval alcheringa, 98n
stream of, 16
timelessness, 181
golden, 208
poisonous, 284n
Mercurius as, 235
self-renewing, 203
Titans, 70
Todd, Ruthven, 153n
torch, 318
fiery, 138
Mercurius persecuted with, 331
of unlimited reflection, 330
tormenting of substances, 330
Torquemada, 296
torture(-ing), 67, 71, 105n, 329
of materia, 105n
motif of, 328
projected, 329
totality, 167, 224, 241, 246, 268
image, see image
of man, 139
symbol of, 96
transcendent, 101; see also wholeness
totem ancestor, 97
touchstone, 72
Toxcatl, festival of, 81n
toxins, 34
“Tractatulus Avicennae,” 79n
“Tractatus Aristotelis,” see Aristotle, pseudo-
“Tractatus aureus,” 144n
in De alchimia and Bibl. chem., II, 125f
in Ars chem., 138n, 147n, 236n
in Theatr. chem., IV, 87, 222, 230, 233n, 235n
in Mus. herm., 207n, 209n, 212n, 215n, 217n, 235n
“Tractatus Micreris,” 219n, 329
tradition(s), 273
alchemical and astrological, 125
authority of, 115
Haggadic, 317
Sabaean, 60n
trance, 341
tranquillizer(s), 45
transcendental statements, 54
transfiguration, 105
transformation, 61, 67, 70n, 88, 146, 162, 323
Christian, of hylic into pneumatic man, 233
God’s, 334
grove of, 262
of Iliaster, 148
of Melusina, 179
of Mercurius, 333
Mercurius, goal of his own, 235
mystic, 136n
—, of artifex, 229
natural, mystery, 157
power of, 68
process of, 67n, 89, 105, 242, 274, 278
—, ogdoad as symbol of, 316
into spiritual being, 73
into stone, 100
symbol, 71
tree, as seat of, 317
— symbol of, 332
and unity of royal pair, 326
transformative: or arcane substance, 72, 74, 211
antimony as, 146
transitus, 101
of adept, 80
transmutation, 91
transubstantiation, 159
Travancore, 231
treasure, 163, 179, 199, 203, 218, 258, 259, 271
in field, 259
kingly, 145
motif, 258
secret, fig. 14
tree as guardian of, 314
tree(s), 183, 193ff, 201, 308, 320, 329
Adam’s, see Adam
animated by souls, 199
as Anthropos, or self, 338
archetypal, 289
as archetypal image, 272
archetype of, 339
birds’ relation to, 315
-birth, 266
—, archetype of, 307
-born, 262
in Bundahish, 308
centre, 196
Christ’s genealogical, 307
Christmas, 23, 253, 256, 303, 340, fig. 2
of contemplation, 315
cosmic, 305, 340, figs. 4, 18, 20
—, associations of, 339
and cross, 332
daemon, 200
of death, 304
dragon is chthonic numen of, 317
feminine-maternal nature of, 261, 317f
as fiery pillar, fig. 313, 310n
with four metallic/branches, 89, 332
as gnosis, 318
as guardian of treasure, 314
and heavenly bride, 340
of Hermes, 309n
of Hesperides, 256
holy, of India, 340
identity of, with Mercurius, 338
immortal, 67n
individuality of, 194
inverted (arbor inversa), 311, 314, 318, 340
—, man as, 312n
as Jesus, 318
of knowledge, 318, 339, fig. 11
as lapis, 319
leafless or dead, 256, 264, 268, 304
of life, 83, 196n, 274, 308, 312, 318, 339
— and death, 271
—, rooted in Binah, 312
life principle of, 196
of light, 255
Lord of, 337n
as man, 337
maternal significance of, 261
medium of conjunction, 337
Mercurius and, see Mercurius
metallic, 286, 310, 311, 315, 332
—, of alchemy, 89
modern fantasies of, 341
of moon, 303n
—, witchlike, 260
oji, 199
of paradise/paradisal, 143, 199, 257, 302, 304, 318, 332, 339f
—, Buddha/Christ named, 338n
—, of knowledge, 240
—, as man, 337
—, two, 306
personal atman of, 239
personification of, 194n
philosophical, 230, 240, 253, 287
planted in sea, 308
as pneumatic pillar, 310n
primordial, 337n
projection into, 200
—, of anima figure, 338
quaternity of, 332
rebirth mystery, 338
relation of, to mountain, 309
—, to Sapienta, 318
in the retort, 315
in Ripley Scrowle, 199n
rooted in air, 311
as seat of transformation and renewal, 317
secret in roots of, 195
of Sefiroth, 312
and seven metals, 310
of seven planets, 309
—, chthonic numen of, 317
and —, union of, fig. 12
as solar pillar, 310n
-soul, division of into masculine/feminine, 319
spirit in, see spirit
is spiritual principle of stork, 317
of sun, 303n
sword hanging on the, 333
symbol(s), 195n, 253, 270, 272
—, of chrysopoea (gold-making), 314
—, of enlightenment, 313f
—, of personality and self, 309
—, of transformation, 332
—, of whole opus, 311
as system of blood vessels, 287
truncated, 304f
or vine, Christ as, 338
visible sign of realization of self, 196
-voice, 199
and water, 309
in Western Land, 306
white, 305n
as woman, 338
world-, see world
Zarathustra’s vision of, 332; see also acacia; almond; ash; ashvattha; baobab; Bodhi; cedar; fig; forest; Gaokerena; myrtle; nettle; oak; olive; palm; persea; pine; plants
tremendum, 200
Trevisanus, Bernardus, see Bernardus
of animals, 141n
indivisible, 221n
Paracelsan, 277
sun/moon/Mercurius, 277
triadic: character of gods of underworld, 221
nature of Mercurius, 221
triangle, 224
trident, golden, 334
Trinity, 35, 103n, 151n, 166, 222, 241, 277, 334, 336
—, union of persons in, 277
masculine, 96
Mercurius as, see Mercurius
totality of, 96
union of, 278n
Trismegistos, 221n; see also Hermes Trismegistus
Trismosin, Salomon, 68n, 219; see also Splendor solis
triune essence, 293
triunus, Mercurius, see Mercurius
absolute, 300
divine body of, 35
living, 162
psychic, 171
revealed, 160
seekers after, 160
spiritual, turning into something material, 250
Tuamutef, 280
Turba philosophorum, see Ruska
twice-born, 73; see also rebirth
of reflection, 265
twins, 100
dyads, 280
earths, 278n
-faced god, 250
fold substance, giant of, see giant
natures, 284
number, 151
parts of alchemical opus, 348
sources of knowledge, 116
substances of Mercurius, 217
trees of paradise, 306
waters, 278n; see also duality
twofold substance, 217, 292f&n
Typhon, three-bodied, 221; see also Set
typology, psychological, 84
, 150n, 208, 284; see also water
Uitzilopochtli, 81n
ultima materia: lapis as, 319
Mercurius as, 235
unadaptedness, 18
unconscious, 12ff, 24, 47f, 52, 101, 106, 143, 146, fig. B5, 170, 179, 184, 201, 224, 242, 256, 265, 299
anima personification of, 42
Aquaster close to concept of, 140
archetypal configurations of, 253
autonomy of, 328
Caucasus of, 12
chaotic fragments of, 84
Christ as personification of, 333
compensating powers of, 335
compensatory tendencies from, 245
conflict with, 336
confrontation/encounter with, 322, 341, 348
and conscious, dissociation/split between, 34, 246
darkness of, 23
not derivative of consciousness, 42
disintegrating effect of, 29
feminine character of, 325
instinctuality of nature’s wisdom of, 333
interpretation of, 341
inundation by, 322
Mercurius as archetype of, 247
— personification of, 333
paradoxical reality of, 202
personal, 348
predominance of, 14
psychology of, 90, 189, 268, 302, 348
regression, 260
regulating images and, 301
snake as symbol of, 333
spontaneous products of, 273, 299, 339, 346
— statements of, 194
— symbolism of, 282
stone as outcropping of, 242
union with conscious, 180
— feminine personification of, 182
water as, 151n
unconscious, collective, 3, 28f, 177, 205, 240, 266n, 334, 348
definition of, 11
Mercurius identified with, 222, 237
processes of, in modern man, 4
projection of, 229
unconsciousness, 89, 127, 171, 180, 194, 196, 264, 280n, 299
bestial, 99
overcoming of, 333
primitive, 45
Sophia sunk in, 335
understanding, 89, 229, 296f, 320, 327, 346
bridge of psychological, 55
Eastern, 7
psychological, 49
spiritual, 322
underworld, dragons chained in, 242
unification, 277
of double dyads, 278; see also henosis
unigenitus, Mercurius as, 235
with anima, 326
conscious/unconscious, 180
with feminine personification of unconscious, 182
fire/water, 255
with God, 249n
hermaphroditic, 136
natural/spiritual man, 157
of opposites, see opposite(s)
of persons, 278
—, in Holy Trinity, 277
with self, 263
with shadow, 326
with soul, 159
tree/snake, fig. 12
of Trinity, 278n
unity, 26, 38, 169n, 182, 237, 305
of being, 28
original, 336
primordial, 265
quaternity as, 151
transformation and, of royal pair, 326
and trinity of Mercurius, 221ff
universal(s): being, 40
controversy about, 288
midpoint, 271
significance of dream symbols, 347
unjust steward, parable of, 243f
Upanishad(s), 239
Chhāndogya, 313n
Maitrayana-Brahmana, 240n
Upa-Puranas, 206n
upwards displacement, 265
uraeus, 303n
urine, 290
uroboros, fig. 17, 79, 82n, 84, 103f, 132n, 232
circular nature of, 233
dragon, 223
as hieroglyph of eternity, 259
motif, 90
urtica, 155n
Urvashi, 178
Usener, Hermann, 283n
Utopia(s): bloodless, 244
political, 300
utriusque capax, Mercurius as, 348
uvae Hermetis, 279n
uvula, 61
Valentinians, 283
Valentinus, Basilius, 208n, 215n, 217n, 220n, 226n
valley, 15
value(s), 18
conscious, 13
emotional, 268
moral, 185
— reversal of, 183n
vapor terrae, 138
vapour, 207
Varuna, 268&n
vas: cerebri (cranium), 86
circulatorium (vessel of circular distillation), 316 (see also distillation; Pelican)
Hermeticum, 197
pellicanicum, 87
Vecerius, Conrad, 78&n
Vedanta-Sutras, 240n
vegetative principle, 257
vein swollen with blood, 247
venom, 79n
Ventura, Laurentius, 85f, 215, 226n, 235n 307n 311&n 323n
Venus, 135n, 155, 156n, 181ff, 231, 275, 278, 310f
with Adam in bath, 226n
day of (Friday), 249
hermaphroditic, 187ff
house of, 155
Magistra, 187
and Mars, 93
Mercurius has attributes of, 226&n
ship of, 155n
sleeping, 216
Venus armata, 187
Verus Hermes, 83n, 214n, 220n, 228; see also Prodromus Rhodostauroticus
vesicant, 155n
vesicle, germinal, see germinal
Vespers, 296n
vessel(s), 73, 82, 87f, 92, figs. B4, B6, 290
of circular distillation, 316
distilling, 88, 175 (see also Pelican)
as fire, 85
as foemina alba, 86
glass, 105n
with god’s limbs, 73
as Luna, 86
“root and principle of our art,” 85
synonym for egg, 82
wonder-working, 73
Vettius Valens, 312n
“Via veritatis unicae,” 209n
victory of the spirit, 335
vif-argent, 207
de Vigenère, Blaise (Vigenerus, Blasius), 304&n, 305, 311, 312&n, 331
vindemia, 279n
Hermetis, 314n
tree or, Christ as, 338
of the wise, Hermes, 314
of philosophers, 85
quicksilver as, 77n
Viola petraea lutea (mountain pansy), 135n
violation, motif of, 74
foolish, 317
Mercurius, most chaste, 226
milk, 290
virgines velandae, 54
virgo, 178
viriditas, benedicta, 287n
gloriosa, 315
“Visio Arislei,” 60n, 66n, 67n, 93, 305, 329n
“Aenigma VI,” 68n, 93n, 105n; see also Arisleus
vision(s), 62, 64, 66, 68, 96, 176, 179, 197, 286
of Aquaster, 166
of Arisleus, 306
contemplative, 44
of Daniel, Ezra, Enoch, 132
of Ezekiel, 280
of Hildegard of Bingen, 27
of Isis, 81
of Krates, 83
of light, 27
Melusina, appearing in mind, 144, 174
psychic, 177
terrifying, of God, 346
of Zosimos, 225
vis Mercurii, 136n
visualization, 17
of creative point, 25
“vita cosmographica,” 167
vitam aeream, 163
vitis, 279n
arborea, 286n
sapientum, 286n
vitriol, 287
vitrum, 198
viziers, forty, 231
volatile substances, 148, fig. B6
vomiting, 231
Vouroukasha, 308
lake of, 340
Wachsmuth, K., and O. Hense, 337n
Walde, Alois, 288n
wallflower, yellow, 135n
Walpurgisnacht of mind, 90
wandering scholars, 119
war, 36
warmbloodedness, 243
washing, miraculous, 68
Wasserstein der Weysen, Der, 104n, 105n, 106
water(s), 24, 44, 63, 67, 68n, 72, 74ff, 78, 82n, 88, 138, 145f, 162, 163n, 182, 194, 214, 216-19, 256, 278, 286f, 309n, 320, 324, 341, figs. 5, 8, 10, 32
above and below heavens, 151
boiling, 60
bright, 227
composition of, see composition
divine, 64, 68, 102-105, 107, 208, 215, 284, 322n
—, of alchemists, 76
—, of the art, 73
—, dyophysite nature of, 79
dragon as divine, 82n
egg synonym for, 82
eternal, 227
ever-moving, 284
—, the union of, 255
fount of living, 104n
germinating, 149
of Grace, 83
heavenly, 151
lower, 150
as Mercurii caduceus, 208
miraculous, 67
moon related to, 139
of moon and Saturn, 227
nettle, 155
of Nile, 73
-nymph, 143
oily, 319
of philosophers, 85
power of resuscitation, 74
pure, 150
quicksilver as, 207
region, 265
sea, 308
seething of, 61
shining, 73
silver, 284
star, 138n
symbolism, 101ff
symbols of divine, 73n
synonym for spirit, 197
translucent, 75
tree and, 309
two, 278n
as unconscious, 151n
as wholeness, 284
wonderful, 308
wonderworking, 79, 102; see also aqua
watery: aspect of Iliaster, 138
Way (Tao), 20
conscious, 20
wedding, chymical, 136, 257; see also Rosencreutz
Wei Po-yang, 126n, 226&n, 324n, 325
Wells, H.G., 37
Wendland, Paul, 232n
West: difference between East and, 53
dogmatists of, 50n
and East, 55
reaction against intellect in, 9
religious experiences of, 53
Western: alchemy, sapphirine flower of, 269
attitude of mind, 42
civilization, 8
cult of consciousness, 48
imitation, 8
intellect, differentiation of, 9
— and will, 48
Land, 308
—, tree in the, 306
prejudice, 50
psychology, 40
science, 6
theosophy, 265; see also European
sperm-, 155n
wheat, grain of, 306
sun, 25
white, 339
blossom, fig. 1
dove, 92n
elixir of silver, 135n
ghost, 39
man, 93
tree, 305n
woman, 93
whole: and complete man, 296
conflicting, 189
man, 325
wholeness, 139, 168, 180, 182, 195, 263, 268, 281f, 305
of body, 280
image of, 283
of personality, 240
round, 85
of self, 263
water is, 284
Wichita, 100
Wilhelm, Richard, 1, 3, 4, 6, 11, 20, 38-41, 50n, 206
Wilhelm, Salome, 1
cult of, 45
divine, 188
moral value of, 13
-gods, 221
Mercurius changed into, 212
as pneuma, 87n
Windischmann, F., 308n
window, transparent, fig. A3
winged: female genies, 281
tiger, 340
wings, four, of the cherubim, 281
wisdom, 13, 77, 180, 314, 319, 334
of Cabala, 130
Chinese, 6
Eastern, 11
Mirror of, 22
—, centre of, 151
Oriental, 7
quality of, 338
tree of, 196
wise, stone of the, 320; see also lapis
witch, 261
-butter, 153n
-language, 121
blue, doglike, 232
dreams of, 347
masculinity of, 338
psyche of, 269
psychology of matriarchal, 40, 99
of Samaria, 104
snake-, 144
tree in form of, 338
white, 93
wonder-working plant, 253
wood of life, 339
woodcutter, 193
word/Word: creative, 222
of God, see God
magic, 121
of renewal, 222
work, dangers of the, 329; see also Art
world: air, fig. A4
of ancestors, 98n
—, tree as, 339
beyond, 337
chthonic, 337
-creating principle, 132
of darkness, 265
of dreams, 98n
duality in, and soul, 116
earth-, fig. A4
-egg, 82
empirical, 51
external, 43
four quarters of, 281
fullness of, 44
of gods, 155
of ideas, 132n
inner, 180n
interior, of the psyche, 297
intermediate, 51n
of light, 336
— and dark, fig. A5
lower, 256
macrocosmic, 214
Mercurius as Logos become, 222
metaphysical, rift in the, 244
microcosmic, 214
-mountain, 291n
order, divine, 127
physical, 91
primordial, 243
principle of, 77
soul of, see soul, anima mundi;
spirit of, 212
of thought, 266f
-tree, 240, 253, 256, 258, 291n, 305, 307f, 310f, figs. 2, 30
—, Mexican, fig. 8
—, mystical, 312
tree as, 339
unitary, 116
worm, 146
intestinal, 146n
Wotan, 198
Hermes-Mercurius-, 202
wrath of God, 83
Wünsche, August, 317n
wu wei, 16
Yajñavakya, 248
Yajur-Veda, 267
Yakuts, 340
principle, 39
Yellow: Man, 92
wallflower, 135n
Yggdrasil, 340&n
principle, 39
-reaction, 13
tiger a symbol of, 340n
Yliastrum, see Iliaster
Buddhist doctrines, 36
exercises, 51n
Indian Kundalini, 24
practices, 7
Tantric, 265
teaching, 43
Yolkaiestsan, 98
youth, nettle a symbol of, 155
Zadith Senior, 82n, 138n, 258n, 286n, 307n, 319f
dream of, 89
vision of, 337
—, the tree, 332
the king, 221
triops, 221n
zodiac, 155n
relation of opus to, 314n
zodion, spring, 311n
Zöckler, Otto, 332n
Zohar, 132
zone, seventh, 76
Zosimos of Panopolis (Rimas/Rosinus), 59, 66, 90, 130, 131n, 215, 220, 221, 240n, 274, 279n, 284, 292, 314n, 329n
conscious psychology of, 68
dream of, 102
temple of, 85