

Map 1. Detail from the Survey of Western Palestine (Sheet VIII) by Conder and Kitchener

Map 2. Megiddo and surrounding area, drawn by Edward DeLoach


Fig. 1. Early view of Megiddo

Fig. 2. James Henry Breasted

Fig. 3. Cable from Guy to Breasted, 4 June 1928

Fig. 4. Clarence Fisher at work

Fig. 5. Megiddo team members with Egyptian workmen, fall 1926

Fig. 6. Chicago tents at Megiddo, first week of season in 1925

Fig. 7. Megiddo dig house

Fig. 8. (a) Breasted at Megiddo, with Sheshonq fragment against wall and DeLoach with a turkey; (b–c) Photograph and drawing of Sheshonq fragment

Fig. 9. Breasted visit to Megiddo, March 1926

Fig. 10. Sorting pottery in the Megiddo dig house

Fig. 11. Olof Lind, clad in local garb

Fig. 12. Lower end of a chute with railcar waiting to be filled

Fig. 13. (a) Clearing surface levels in Squares M13 and M14; (b) workers in late 1926

Fig. 14. Megiddo Stratum I

Fig. 15. P.L.O. Guy, undated photograph

Fig. 16. Megiddo excavation staff and spouses, 7 September 1928

Fig. 17. Memorial plaque for Rosamond Dale Owen Oliphant Templeton, in Maple Hill Cemetery, New Harmony, Indiana

Fig. 18. Megiddo excavations, during Guy’s directorship ca. 1931–34

Fig. 19. Portion of northern stables found by Chicago team, June 1928

Fig. 20. Model and detail of “Solomon’s Stables” by Olof E. Lind and Laurence Woolman

Fig. 21. “Great Royal Visit” by Rockefellers and Breasted, March 1929

Fig. 22. Megiddo excavation staff and spouses, 22 May 1929

Fig. 23. Engberg excavating skeletons

Fig. 24. Balloon photography in Solomon’s Stables

Fig. 25. The first aerial photo mosaic created at Megiddo

Fig. 26. Beginning of excavation of water system, with surface soil removed

Fig. 27. Water tunnel

Fig. 28. Skeleton/burial of “guard” in the water system at Megiddo

Fig. 29. Mending pottery at Megiddo, during Guy’s directorship ca. 1931–34

Fig. 30. Pottery room at Megiddo, during Guy’s directorship ca. 1931–34

Fig. 31. Ramses VI bronze statue-base

Fig. 32. Plan of Stratum III

Fig. 33. Plan of Stratum IV

Fig. 34. Reconstruction of Stratum IV structures in Area A from the northwest by Concannon

Fig. 35. Removal of bronze vessel hoard in Locus 1739 from Stratum VIA

Fig. 36. Crushed skeleton and pottery in Locus 1745 from Stratum VIA

Fig. 37. Gordon Loud ca. 1930 in the courtyard of the expedition house at Khorsabad

Fig. 38. Aerial view in 1937

Fig. 39. Canaanite bronze statuette, covered with gold foil

Fig. 40. Temple 2048 in Area BB

Fig. 41. (a) Northern Trench (Area AA); (b) Eastern Trench (Area BB); (c) Southern Trench (Area CC)

Fig. 42. Stratum IV gate, viewed from the north after clearing and before removal of right side

Fig. 43. Coded cable sent from Loud to Wilson on 11 May 1936

Fig. 44. Stratum VIII gold hoard under floor of Room 3100

Fig. 45. The Treasury (3073) viewed from the south

Fig. 46. Complete animal skeleton and ivories in the western half of the northern room of the Treasury, looking east

Fig. 47. Ivory pen case with cartouche of Ramses III

Fig. 48. City wall of Megiddo Stratum XVIII

Fig. 49. Stone Altar 4017 in Area BB

Fig. 50. Stratum XV plan showing round stone altar behind one of the megaron temples

Fig. 51. Megiddo car overturned and totaled in collision in Iraq