Aaron, Hank, 176
Abernathy, Albert, 75
Abernathy, Ralph, 169
Abolition, 122
Abyssinian Baptist Church, 133
Acadians, 216–17
Accra, Ghana, 250
Acuff, Roy, 276
Affirmative action, 172
Affrilacian Poets, 180
African Americans, 1, 3, 38, 164, 188, 189–91, 220–21, 272–74;
stereotypes of in advertising, 11–15;
landowners, 15–18;
language and, 19;
convict lease system and, 50–51;
peonage and, 52–53;
criminal justice and, 53–57;
race relations, 58–61;
southern economy and, 62–73;
Jews and, 74–76;
medical care, 92–97;
racial uplift, 127–30;
emancipation, 157–61;
Native Americans and, 162;
politics, 166–73;
sports and, 173–78;
Appalachian, 179–80;
Birth of a Nation and, 189–90;
soldiers in Cuba and Puerto Rico, 191–93;
Mississippi Delta, 206–7;
Mardi Gras Indians and, 235–37;
Martin Luther King Jr. Day and, 238–39;
Memphis Sanitation Workers’ Strike and, 240–41;
migrant workers and, 241–43;
Muscle Shoals and, 244–45;
soul music, 249–51;
Southern Regional Council and, 251–52;
state sovereignty commissions and, 252–55;
Stax Records and, 255–57;
Tuskegee Syphilis Study and, 260–62;
Voting Rights Act of 1965 and, 265–68
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 132
Afro-Cubans, 181–82
Afro-Seminole Creole (ASC), 182–84
Agassiz, Louis, 67
Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 206
Agriculture, race, and transnational labor, 20–25
Alabama Department of Corrections, 51
Alabama Legislative Commission to Preserve the Peace, 254
Alabama State Health Department, 261
Albany: A Study in National Responsibility (Zinn), 252
Alexander, Arthur, 244
All-American Football Conference, 176
Allen, Rance, 258
Allen v. Board of Elections, 266
Alonzo Bailey v. Alabama, 53
Altschul, Adolph, 74–75
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 141
American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 155
American Federationist, 78
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 77–79
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, 80, 240
American Hunger (Wright), 279
American Indians. See Native Americans
American Jewish Congress, 76
American Medical Association, 96
American Missionary Association, 132
American Sound Studio, 255–58
American Stuff (Wright), 278
Anderson, Sherwood, 213
Anka, Paul, 245
Anniston, Ala., 42
Appalachian African American Cultural Center, 180
Appleton, Clyde, 260
Arizona, 32–33
Arkansas, 17, 24, 25, 27–28, 89–90, 99–102, 123–24, 221–23, 275
Arkansas Faith, 153
Arkansas Gazette, 153
Arkansas River Valley Emigration Company, 22
Armstrong, Lillian Hardin, 187
Armstrong, Samuel Chapman, 118
Ashmore, Harry, 154
Asian Anthropologist in the South (Kim), 26
Asians, 3–4, 5–6, 12, 30–34, 73, 120–21, 148, 262–65, 266;
narratives, 25–29
As I Lay Dying (Faulkner), 214
Atlanta Black Crackers, 174
Atlanta Constitution, 154
Atlantic City, N.J., 190
Atlantic Coast Conference, 176
Atlantic World, 35–39
At the River I Stand, 240
Augusta, Alexander, 94
Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, The (Johnson), 84
Axton, Estelle, 256–57
Ayers, Edward, 57
Baez, Joan, 260
Bailey, DeFord, 205
Bailey, Pearl, 196
Baker, Ella Jo, 188–89
Ballad of the Free, The (M. Walker), 270
Baltimore, Md., 36
Banks, Ernie, 176
Banneker, Benjamin, 239
Baptists, 128–30, 131, 132, 133, 136, 137, 141, 200, 208, 276
Bar, David, III, 260
Baraka, Amiri, 195
Bar-Kays, 257–58
Bartley, Numan, 153
Baseball, 174–76
Basie, Count, 225
Bauza, Mario, 181
Baylor, Johnny, 258
Bayou La Batre, Ala., 263–64
Beard, Fred, 156
Beauchamp, Keith A., 260
Bechet, Sidney, 225
Beckett, Barry, 244
Beer v. U.S., 266
Bell, Al, 257–58
Bell, Cool Papa, 174
Bell, Madison Smart, 85
Bell, William, 257
Beloved (Morrison), 85
Benjamin, Judah, 74
Bennett, Tony, 278
Berquin, Madame, 37
Bethune, Mary McCleod, 271
Beverly Hillbillies, The, 110
Billboard, 250
Biloxi, Miss., 215
Birmingham Black Barons, 174
Bishop, Josiah, 133
Black Flame, The (Du Bois), 212
Black Monday (Brady), 154
Black Power (Wright), 279
Black Reconstruction in America (Du Bois), 212
Blacks. See African Americans
Blacks in Appalachia (Cabbell), 180
Blease, Cole, 91
Blood Done Sign My Name (Tyson), 57
Bloody Sunday, 43
Blues Brothers, The, 255
Blues Brothers 2000, 255
Boaz, Franz, 220
Boggs, Dock, 205
Bolivar County, Miss., 23
Bond, Julian, 260
Bonner, Sherwood, 83
Bontemps, Arna, 195–96
Booker T. & the MG’s, 255–57
Boston, Mass., 108–10
Bourbon Democrats, 167
Boutwell, George S., 122
Bow, Leslie, 5
Boxing, 174
Boynton v. Virginia, 42
Brackettville, Tex., 183
Brady, Tom P., 154
Breyer, Stephen, 152
Briggs, David, 244
Briggs v. Elliot, 150
British West Indies Labor Program, 24
Brooklyn Dodgers, 174–75
Brooks, Gwendolyn, 260
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 77–78
Browder v. Gayle, 41
Brown, James, 249–51
Brown, John, 68–69
Brown, Larry, 85
Brown, Morris, 133
Brown, Shirley, 258
Brown, Sterling Allen, 196–98
Brown, William Wells, 82
Brown America Speaks, 274
Brown II, 40
Brown v. Board of Education, 40, 76, 145, 150–52, 170, 176, 253
Brunswick, Tenn., 256
Bryant, Carolyn, 258–59
Bryant, Ray, 259
Buchanan v. Warley, 150
Buddhists, 222
Buena Vista Social Club, 181
Buffalo Soldiers, 191–92
Burgess, Ernest W., 58–59
Burns, Tommy, 174
Burroughs, Nannie, 129
Bush, George W., 263
Bush v. Vera, 267
Butler, Benjamin, 158
Butler, Robert Olen, 86
Byrd, William, 82
Byrnes, James F. “Jimmy,” 154
Cabbell, Edward J., 180
Cain, Richard H., 132
Cajuns, 217–19
Caldwell, Jim, 177
Calles, Plutarco Elías, 32
Calvert family, 239
Campanella, Roy, 176
Campbell, Bebe, 260
Camp Chafee, Ark., 124
Camp Pendleton, Calif., 262
Camp Shelby, Miss., 222
Candomblé, 131
Cane (Toomer), 84
Cannibals All! Or Slaves without Masters (Fitzhugh), 67
Can’t Quit You Baby (E. Douglass), 85
Cao, Lan, 29
Cárdenas, Antonio, 47
Carey, Lott, 132
Carlisle, Cliff, 205
Carnegie Foundation, 95
Carrigan, Jerry, 244
Carson, Fiddlin’ John, 205
Carson, Maggie, 74–75
Carter, Clarence, 244
Carter, Hodding, II, 207
Case for the South, The (Workman), 154
Cash, Johnny, 194
Cavallo, John “Horse,” 118
Celestial Jukebox, The (Shearer), 86
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 261
Century Magazine, 248
Chain gangs, 55–56
Charles, Ray, 111
Charleston, Oscar, 174
Chattanooga, Tenn., 228
Chattanooga Black Lookouts, 174
Chavez, Cesar, 45
Chicanos, 48–49
Chicot County, Ark., 222
Children’s Campaign, 42
Childress, Mark, 85
Chitimachas, 164
Chopin, Kate, 83
Christero Rebellion, 135
Christian Identity Movement, 143
Citizens Committee for Better Government (CCBG), 47
Citizens’ Council (newspaper), 153–54
Citizens’ Council Forum, 155–56
Citizenship and racial terror, 125–27
Civil rights, 145, 147, 152–53, 226–28, 238, 240, 248, 251–52;
Civil rights movement, 39–44, 76, 85, 106, 133, 151, 169–71, 176, 245, 258–60
Cleaver, Eldridge, 260
Clemson University, 176
Cleveland, Grover, 185
Cleveland Browns, 176
Cleveland Buckeyes, 174
Clotel: Or the President’s Daughter (Brown), 82
Coalition of Immokalee Workers, 24
Coker, Daniel, 132
Coleman, James P., 253
Collected Poems of Sterling Brown, The (S. Brown), 198
Collected Stories (Faulkner), 214
Colonel’s Dream, The (Chesnutt), 199
Colorado, 108
Color Curtain, The (Wright), 280
Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, 132
Color line, 23–25, 28–29, 106, 111–12, 117, 123, 164, 199, 224
Color Purple, The (film), 269
Comment, 156
Compromise of 1850, 134
Compromise of 1877, 167
Cone, James, 133
Congressional Committee Report on What Happened When Schools Were Integrated in Washington D.C. (Brady), 154
Congress of Industrial Organizations, 77–79
Conley, Arthur, 244
Conley, Jim, 75
Connally, John, 47
Connor, Eugene “Bull,” 170
Conroy, Jack, 196
Continental Congress, 117
Conyers, John, 238
Corn, 139–40
Cornejo, Juan, 47
Cornish, Sam, 260
Corso, Lee, 176
Cotton Belt, 53
Country Music Hall of Fame, 247
Coushattas, 164
Cowley, Malcolm, 214
Crazy in Alabama (Childress), 85
Creef, Elena Tajima, 29
Criminal justice, 53–57
Croom, Sylvester, 177
Crossing Blood (Kinkaid), 85
Cruz, Celia, 181
Crystal City, Tex., 47–48
Cullen, Countee, 196
Dabbs, James McBridde, 252
Daemonic Genius (M. Walker), 271
Dailey, Jane, 60
Dakuzaku, Julia, 223
Dandridge, Ray, 174
Davis, Gary, 193
Davis, Jimmie, 205
Davis, Mac, 245
Davis, Ossie, 198
Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County, 150
Dawdy, Shannon, 2
Dawson, R. H., 51–52
Death penalty, 56–57
De Bow, J. D. B., 121
DeCell, Hal C., 155–56
Deep Water Horizon oil spill, 264–65
Dees, Morris, 229
Defenders’ News and Views, 153
Delaware, 150
Delgado v. Bastrop Independent School District, 46
Delmore Brothers, 205
Democratic socialism, 227
Demopolis, Ala., 217
Dennison, Martin, 238
Denton, Bobby, 244
Desha County, Ark., 222
De Soto, Hernando, 114
Dillard University, 132
Dirty Work (Brown), 85
Dixon, Jeremiah, 239
Dobbs-Maynard Advertising Company, 155
Doby, Larry, 176
Dodson, Owen, 271
Donald, Michael, 228
Douglas, Mary, 59
Douglass, Ellen, 85
Douglass’ Monthly, 210
Dowdy, Clifford, 154
Doyle, Bertram Wilbur, 58
Dramatics, 258
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 167
Du Bois, W. E. B., 51, 130, 133, 195, 197, 211–13, 226, 249, 270
Dunbar, Leslie, 251
Dunbar, Paul Lawrence, 271
Duncan, Patti, 29
Dunn, Donald “Duck,” 257
Dust Bowl, 109
Dust Tracks on a Road (Hurston), 220
Dyer Antilynching Bill, 169
Dylan, Bob, 260
Eagle Pass, Tex., 187
East, John, 238
Ebony, 105
Economy, evolution of southern, 61–73
Edison, Thomas, 111
Eight Men (Wright), 279
El Círculo Cubano, 181
El Congreso del Pueblo de Habla Española (Congress of Spanish-Speaking Peoples), 45
Eliot, T. S., 213
Ellicot, Andrew, 239
Ellington, Duke, 187
Ellis, William, 185–86
Ellison, Ralph, 195
Emotions, 258
Encyclopedia Africana (Du Bois), 213
Episcopalians, 137
Espy, Mike, 207
Esquire, 154
Etiquette of Race Relations in the South, The (Doyle), 58
Euchees, 244
Fable, A (Faulkner), 214
Face of Emmitt Till, The (Till), 260
Fang, Alfonso Wong, 33
Farmer, James, 169
Farm Labor Organizing Committee, 243
Father of the Blues (Handy), 196
Faubus, Orval, 170
Fauset, Jessie Redmon, 197
Felton, Rebecca, 51
Fishing industry, 264–65
Fisk Jubilee Singers, 128
Fitzhugh, George, 67
Flags in the Dust (Faulkner), 213
Flaming Sword, The (Dixon), 209
Flexner, Abraham, 95–96
Flint, Mich., 109
Florence, Ala., 243–44
Florence Alabama Muscle Shoals Enterprises (FAME), 244–45, 250, 256
Florida, 4–5, 17, 24, 89–90, 103–4, 117, 135–36, 234, 241–43
Floyd, Eddie, 257
Folktales, 19
Follis, Charles, 176
Fool’s Errand, A (Tourgée), 232
Foote, Shelby, 20
Ford, Richard, 208
For My People (M. Walker), 270
Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 230
Foster, Andrew “Rube,” 174
Fourplay, 257
Fowler, J. Bonard, 42–43
Frank, Leo, 75
Frankfurt, Ky., 50
Free at Last: The Life of Frederick Douglass (Bontemps), 196
Freedom colonies, 17
Freedom Summer, 170
Frémont, John C., 158
French, 215–19
Fritts, Donnie, 244
Fuller, Blind Boy, 193
Fuller, Thomas, 130
Fundi: The Story of Ella Baker, 189
Gabbien, Joanne, 197
Galang, M. Evelina, 29
Galloway, Matthew, 230
Garland, Phil, 250
Garvey, Marcus, 72
Gathering of Old Men, A (Gaines), 85
Gebhart v. Belton, 150
Gentry, Bobbie, 250
George, David, 132
Germans, 23
Gerrymandering, 266–67
Gibson, Josh, 174
Gillespie, Dizzy, 181
Glancy, Diane, 86
God Sends Sunday (Bontemps), 196
Golden Rule, 225
Goldwater, Barry, 171–72
Good Scent from a Strange Mountain, A (Butler), 86
Gordon, John B., 230
Grady, Henry W., 199
Graham, Maryemma, 271
Grandfather clause, 169
Grant, Joanne, 189
Grant, Ulysses S., 232
Gratz v. Bollinger, 172
Gray, Fred D., 261
Greeley, Horace, 232
Green, Nancy, 11
Greensboro Four, 169
Greensboro Massacre, 228
Green v. County School Board, 151
Greenville, Miss., 207
Gregory, James N., 109
Gressette, L. Marion, 252
Griffin, Rex, 277
Guangdong Province, China, 30
Guatemala, 137
Guinn v. United States, 169
Gutiérrez, José Angel, 48
Guy, James Harris, 86
Hahamovitch, Cindy, 24
Hahn, Steven, 158
Haley, Alex, 271
Hall, Rick, 244
Hall, Stuart, 62
Hamlet, The (Faulkner), 214
Hampton Indian Program, 118–20
Hampton Institute, 118–20
Hanan, Philip, 263
Handman, Max, 25–27
Harkins, George Washington, 113
Harlan County, Ky., 179
Harlem, N.Y., 196
Harlem Shadows (Bontemps), 196
Harper’s Magazine, 154
Harris, J. William, 59–60
Hate Crime that Changed America, The (Till-Mobley), 260
Havana, Cuba, 37
Hawkins, Benjamin, 117
Hawkins, Roger, 244
Haxton, Kenneth, 207
Helena, Ark., 275
Heller, Jean, 261
Hemenway, Robert E., 221
Hemmings, Sally, 64
Henry, John, 72–73
Henson, Jim, 207
Hernández, Mario, 47
Herskovits, Melville J., 18
Hill, Darryl, 176–77
Hill-Burton Act, 96
HIV, 28
Holiness Church, 133
Holway, John, 175
Homestead Grays, 174
Homosexuals, 229
Hood, David, 244
Hood, James, 151
Hooker, John Lee, 193
Hoover, J. Edgar, 269
Hopewell Plantation, 117
Hose, Sam, 90
Houma Indians, 219
House, Son, 205
Howard, Elston, 176
Howard University, 197
Howe, LeAnne, 86
Howells, William Dean, 199
How I Wrote “Jubilee” and Other Essays on Life and Literature (M. Walker), 271
Hucksters, 64–65
Hughes, Jimmy, 244
Huguenots, 215
Huie, William Bradford, 259
Hulbert, Maurice, 274
Hurston, Kelso, 244
Hurt, Mississippi John, 204
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (Bontemps), 56
I Am a Man: From Memphis, a Lesson in Life (Bontemps), 240
Iglesia de Cristo Ministerios Elim, 137
Illinois, 108
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 33
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Jacobs), 82
Indianapolis ABCs, 175
Indianola, Miss., 170
Indian Reorganization Act, 165
Indiantown, Fla., 164
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 77–78
In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens: Womanist Prose (A. Walker), 268
International Association of Machinists (IAM), 78
Interracialism, 30–34
Interstate Commerce Commission, 42
Interstate Sovereignty Association, 254
Intruder in the Dust (Faulkner), 84
Irene Morgan v. Virginia, 150
Irvin, Monte, 176
Isaac, David, 74
Islam, 249
Ivy, Quin, 244
Jackson, Al, Jr., 257
Jackson, Andrew, 113
Jackson, Jimmy Lee, 42–43
Jackson, John, 205
Jackson, Maynard, 80
Jackson, Wayne, 257
Jackson State University, 271
Jacobs, Harriet, 82
Jamaica, 132
James, Etta, 244
Japanese Americans, 123–24;
incarceration during World War II, 221–23
Jaudon, Valerie, 207
Jaworski, Gary D., 58–59
Jefferies, Jim, 174
Jefferson, Blind Lemon, 205
Jefferson Parish, La., 200
Jesup, Thomas, 118
Jet, 259–60
Jew a Negro (Abernathy), 75
Jim Crow laws, 4–5, 15, 25, 39–41, 45, 58–61, 71, 81, 85, 87–88, 101, 111–12, 123–24, 128, 132, 147–48, 150, 163–65, 167–70, 181, 203, 224
Jin, Ha, 29
Johnson, Bunk, 225
Johnson, Dexter, 244
Johnson, Jack, 174
Johnson, Jimmy, 244
Johnson, Judy, 174
Johnson, Paul B., 155
Johnson, Robert, 193
Johnson, William “Bunk,” 187
Johnson, Zada, 2
Joiner, James, 244
Jonah’s Gourd Vine (Hurston), 220
Jones, Booker T., 257
Jones, LeRoi, 250
Jones, Thomas Goode, 52–53
Jones, Tom, 250
Jubilee (M. Walker), 271
Jung, Moon-Ho, 3
Kadohata, Cynthia, 29
Kanawha County, W.Va., 179
Kansas City Monarchs, 175
Kantrowitz, Stephen, 72
Kenan, Randall, 85–86
Kennedy, John Pendleton, 82–83
Kidd, Colin, 143
Kilpatrick, James “Jack,” 154–56
King, Albert, 257
King, Ben E., 255
King, Grace, 83
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 53–54, 80, 124, 156, 169, 226–28, 240;
King Curtis, 244
Kinkaid, Nanci, 85
Knight, Lucien Lamar, 75
Knights of Labor (KOL), 77–78
Kochiyama, Yuri, 124
Korea, 27
Koury, Leon, 207
Kramer, Aaron, 260
Ladies Home Journal, 13
Lady of Cofitachequi, 114–15
Lady of the Lake (Scott), 210
La Luz del Mondo, 137
La Raza Unida Party (RUP, United People’s Party), 48
Laredo, Tex., 45
LaRocca, Nick, 225
LaRue, Etienne, 36
La Salle, Robert Cavalier de, 216
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), 45
Lee, Robert E., 238
Lee County (Va.) Colored Elementary School, 180
Leile, George, 132
Leonard, Buck, 174
Leonard Medical School, 96
Let the Dead Bury the Dead (Kenan), 86
Leventhal, Mel, 269
Levias, Jerry, 177
Lewis, Furry, 205
Lipan Apaches, 183
Literature, 81–87
Little Milton, 258
Little Rock Nine, 169
Long Dream, The (Wright), 279
Lorde, Audre, 260
Los Angeles Rams, 176
Los Cinco Candidatos, 47–48
Louisiana Hayride, 277–78
Louisville, Ky., 152
Love, Andrew, 257
Loved Today (Wright), 279
Loving v. Virginia, 151
Lowry, Beverly, 207
Lum, Martha, 123
Lumber, 22
Lutherans, 137
Lynch, Charles, 87
Lynching, 40, 54, 56, 60, 84, 87–92, 101, 132, 147, 160, 169, 174, 228, 230, 273, 275–76
Maceo, Antonio, 193
Macon, Uncle Dave, 205
Maldonado, Manuel, 47
Malnutrition, 92
Malone, Bill, 203
Malone, Vivian, 151
Mann Act, 174
Mansart at a School (Du Bois), 212
Mansion, The (Faulkner), 214
Many Thousands Gone (Berlin), 62
“March against Fear” (1966), 44
March on Washington (1963), 226
Marie Françoise (dite Rosalie), 36–37
Mariel boatlift, 136
Mar-Keys, 257
Marshall, Thurgood, 169
Martin, George M., 155
Martínez, Francisco, 32–33
Mason, Charles, 239
Mason-Dixon Line, 239
Maultsby, Portia, 250
Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 108
Mays, Willie, 176
McAllister, Deuce, 174
McDowell County, W.Va., 179
McGill, Ralph, 154
McKay, Claude, 196
McKinley, William, 192
McKinney, Starr, 274
McMillan, George, 252
McMillen, Neil, 60
Medical care, 92–97
Medical science, 97–99
Meharry Medical College, 96
Mel and Tim, 258
Memphis, Tenn., 44, 80, 121–22, 126, 228, 238, 255–58, 273–74, 275–76
Memphis Commercial Appeal, 186
Memphis Horns, 257
Memphis Red Sox, 174
Mendoza, Reynaldo, 47
Meridian, Miss., 247
Message from Mississippi, The, 155
Mestizos, 134
Mexican Americans, 241;
civil rights, 45–49
Mexican American Youth Association (MAYO), 48
Mexican War (1846), 5
Mexico, 3, 21–24, 30–34, 118, 120, 134–37, 140, 182, 241;
Alabama blacks to, 184–86
MFSB (Mothers Fathers Sisters Brothers), 257
Migrant workers, 241–43
Milam, J. W., 259
Militia Act, 94
Miller v. Johnson, 268
Minimum Wage March (1966), 47
Minoso, Minnie, 176
Mississippian Society, 139–40
Mississippi Delta, 22–23, 72, 101, 108, 200–201, 206–8, 224, 252, 259
Mississippi House Indian Committee, 114
Mississippi Masala (Nair), 27
Mississippi Sheiks, 205
Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission (MSSC), 155–56, 253–55
Mississippi State University, 177
Mississippi Valley Immigration Labor Company, 121
Missouri Compromise, 239
Missouri ex rel Gaines v. Canada, 150
Mobile, Ala., 215
Mobile v. Bolden, 267
Moman, Chips, 255–58
Money, Miss., 258
Monroe, Willa, 274
Montgomery, Earl “Peanut,” 244
Moody, Dwight, 275
Moravian Church, 141
Morehouse College, 132
Morgan, Edmund, 159
Morgan, Perry, 154
Morgan v. Commonwealth of Virginia, 42
Moritz, Charles, 74–75
Mormons, 141
Morphew, Richard “Dick,” 156
Morris, Elias Camp, 130
Morton, Jelly Roll, 225
Moses, Man of the Mountain (Hurston), 220
Mosquitoes (Faulkner), 213
Motley, Marion, 176
Mound building, Native American, 139–40
Moundville, Ala., 139
Mt. Olive Pickles, 243
M Street School (Washington, D.C.), 202
Muddy Waters, 193
Mules and Men (Hurston), 220
Muniz, Ramsey, 48
Mura, David, 28
Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section (MSRS), 244–45
Muscle Shoals Sound, 244–45
Muskogees. See Creeks
Muslims, 133
My Bondage and My Freedom (F. Douglass), 210
My Own Country: A Doctor’s Story of a Town and Its People in the Age of AIDS (Verghese), 28
Nagin, C. Ray, 124
Naipaul, V. S., 29
Nair, Mira, 27
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (F. Douglass), 210
Nashville Elite Giants, 174
Natchez, Miss., 74–75
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 91, 188, 199, 212, 228, 273, 276;
National Baptist Convention, 130, 132;
National Training School for Women and Girls of, 129
National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 156
National Farm Workers of America, 45
National Football League (NFL), 176
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), 80
National Medical Association, 96
National Prison Association, 51
Nation’s Future, The, 156
Negro in American Fiction, The (S. Brown), 197
Negro Leagues, 174–76
Negro National News, 188
Nelson, George, 251
Nelson, Scott Reynolds, 72–73
Nelson, Shirley, 260
Nelson, Willie, 246
Neshoba County, Miss., 228
Neville, Aaron, 205
Newark, N.J., 190
Newark Eagles, 175
Newman, Ga., 90
New Mexico, 108
New National Era, 211
New Orleans, 21–22, 35–39, 111, 120–21, 124, 126, 187, 215, 224–25, 235–37
New Orleans Times Picayune, 154
New Orleans Tribune, 37
New Republic, 18
New York Herald Tribune, 155
New York Times, 261
Nonviolent Resistance to Segregation Leadership Conference, 189
Nordan, Lewis, 260
North American Free Trade Agreement, 105
North Carolina, 17, 52, 99–101, 108, 136, 151, 156, 163–66, 243
North Carolina A&T College for Negroes, 41
North Carolina Growers’ Association, 243
North Carolina State University, 176
Northington, Nat, 177
North Star, 210
Nott, Josiah, 67
Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 134
O’Connor, Flannery, 269
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 172
October Journey (M. Walker), 270
O’Day, Molly, 277
O’Donovan, Susan, 2
Office of Indian Affairs (OIA), 165–66
Ogeechee, 65
Oklahoma State University, 177
Oldham, Spooner, 244
Old South, The: “A Summer Tragedy” and Other Stories of the Thirties (Bontemps), 196
Ole Miss. See University of Mississippi
On Being Female, Black, and Free (M. Walker), 271
Once (A. Walker), 269
One Woman, The (Dixon), 209
Original Dixieland Jazz Band, 225
Ortiz, Fernando, 181
Oslo, Norway, 261
Osmonds, 245
Our Lady of Charity, 136
Outsider, The (Wright), 279
Oxford, Miss., 213–14
Oxford USA, 155
Pacific worlds and the South, 120–25
Page, Greg, 177
Page, Thomas Nelson, 83
Pan-Africanism, 72
Panic of 1893, 52
Paper industry, 80
Parchman Farm, Miss., 51
Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 et al., 152
Park, Robert E., 58–59
Partido Revolucionario Cubano, 135
Paternalism, 67
Payne, Daniel Alexander, 133
Payne, Rufus, 276
Peck, James, 42
Peer, Ralph, 247
Penn, Dan, 244
Penn Family, 239
Pennington Gap, Va., 180
Pennsylvania, 239
Percy, Walker, 207
Percy, William, 207
Perez, Manuel, 225
Pete Hernandez v. State of Texas, 46–47
Phagan, Mary, 75
Philadelphia, Pa., 108
Philadelphia Stars, 175
Pickens, Andrew, 117
Pigford v. Glickkman, 17–18
Pike, Albert, 230
Pine Bluff, Ark., 74–75
Pittman, Robert, 156
Pittsburgh Crawfords, 175
Plantation fiction, 81–82
Plaquemines Parish, La., 219
Plessy, Homer Adolph, 247–48
Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, 270
Point Coupee Parish, La., 217
Political Association of Spanish-Speaking Organizations (PASO), 47
Politics, southern, and race, 166–73
Pollard, Charlie, 261
Populist Movement, 75
Portable Faulkner (Cowley, ed.), 214
Porter, David, 257–58
Portsmouth, Va., 71
Possessing the Secret of Joy (A. Walker), 269
Pratt, Richard Henry, 118
Presbyterians, 137
Prisons, 55–56
Prophets for a New Day (M. Walker), 270
Protestants, 73–74, 110, 130, 131, 135, 137, 140–41, 222, 233
Pryor, Richard, 258
Public health, 92–97
Pudd’nhead Wilson (Twain), 83–84
Puente, Tito, 181
Puerto Rico, 241
Pulaski, Tenn., 229–30
Purina Mills, 13
Purity and Danger (Douglas), 59
Putnam, Norbert, 244
Pyleon (Faulkner), 214
Racial ambiguities, 30–34
Racial ideology and medical science, 97–99
Racial Violence and Law Enforcement (McMillen), 252
Rainey, Ma, 183
Raleigh, N.C., 156
Randolph, A. Philip, 77–78
Reconstruction, 108
Redsticks, 140
Refugee Act of 1980, 264
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 172
Reivers, The (Faulkner), 214
Rekdal, Patsy, 29
Requiem for a Nun (Faulkner), 214
Resegregation, 146–52
Revolutionary Petunias (A. Walker), 270
Reynolds v. Sims, 267
Rice, 72
Rice v. Gong Lum, 148
Richmond News Leader, 154
Ricks, Willie, 44
Ridge, John Rollin, 83
Righteous Brothers, 250
Rittenhouse, David, 239
Ritterhouse, Jennifer, 60–61
Roach, Max, 225
Roberts, John, 152
Robinson, Jackie, 175–76
Roe, Tommy, 244
Rogers v. Lodge, 267
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 259
Roosevelt, Franklin, 221
Roosevelt, Theodore “Teddy,” 15
Roots (Haley), 271
Rose, Fred, 277
Rosenwald Health Fund, 260–61
Ruffin, Edmund, 68–69
Rukeyser, Muriel, 269
St. Bernard Parish, La., 120
St. Louis, Mo., 225
St. Louis Woman, 196
St. Martin Parish, La., 217
St. Peter Claver Catholic Church (Tampa, Fla.), 182
Sanctuary (Faulkner), 214
San Francisco, Calif., 102–3
San Miguel, Guadalupe, 6
Sartoris (Faulkner), 213
Sass, Herbert Ravenel, 154
Satellite Records, 255–56
Saturday Evening Post, 250
Saturday Review, 154
Saunders, Wallace, 205
Savage Holiday (Wright), 279
Schottenstein, Allison, 6
Scott, Rebecca, 36
Scott, Sir Walter, 210
Sea Island Creole, 183
Seattle, Wash., 152
Segregation in the South (Martin), 155
Selma, Ala., 252
Selma to Montgomery March (1965), 42–43
Selma Voting Rights Campaign, 42
Seminole Wars, 118
Senzaki, Miyo, 123
Seraph on the Sewanee (Hurston), 220
Service Employees International Union (SEIU), 80–81
Sewanee, Tenn., 26
Seymour, Horatio, 232
Shaft, 256
Shawnee, 244
Shaw v. Reno, 267
Shearer, Cynthia, 86
Sheffield, Ala., 243
Shelley v. Kraemer, 150
Shenandoah, 245
Shenandoah Valley, 108
Sherrill, Billy, 244
Shotgun house, 19–20
Shreveport, La., 157
Shrimping, 263
Shrine of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle, 135–36
Sierra Leone, 132
Simmons, Bob, 177
Simms, William Gilmore, 82–83
Simon, Paul, 245
Sims, J. Marion, 93
Sims, Patrick, 155
16th Street Baptist Church (Birmingham, Ala.), 42
Sledge, Percy, 244
Smith, Bessie, 193
Smith, Hoke, 52
Smith, John, 81
Smith v. Allwright, 169
Social Gospel Movement, 209
Sociedad La Unión Martí-Maceo, 181–82
Soldier’s Joy (Bell), 85
Soldier’s Pay (Faulkner), 213
Soul Children, 258
Soul music, 249–51
Souls of Black Folk, The (Du Bois), 212
Soul Stirrers, 249
Soul Train, 250
Sound-Shadows of the New World (Mehta), 27
South Carolina, 17, 21, 24, 99–101, 108, 140, 143, 164, 167, 238
South Carolina v. Katzenbach, 266
Southeastern Conference (SEC), 176–77
Southern, Eileen, 195
Southern Baptist Church, 146
Southern Baptist Convention, 137
Southern Case for School Segregation, The (Kilpatrick), 155
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 41–43, 124, 152, 188–89, 226
Southern Conference Educational Fund, 189
Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases (Wells-Barnett), 84
Southern Methodist University, 177
Southern Negro Youth Conference, 212
Southernness and race, 73–76
Southern Regional Council (SRC), 251–52
Southwest Conference (SWC), 176–77
Soviet Union, 151
Speer, Emory, 53
Spottswode Bolling v. C. Melvin Sharpe, 150
Springfield, Dusty, 250
Stafford, Tom, 244
State sovereignty commissions, 252–55
States’ Rights Advocate, 153
Staton, Candi, 245
Steel industry, 80
Stewart, Jim, 256–58
Stewart, Rod, 245
Stone, Phil, 213
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 11
Strode, Woody, 176
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 41, 43, 169, 189, 252
Stuff, 257
Swallow Barn (Kennedy), 82–83
Swango, Curtis, 259
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, 151
Swayne, Charles, 53
Sykes, Jem, 68–69
Taco Bell, 243
Tams, 244
Tarlton, Jimmy, 204
Taylor, Johnnie, 257
Taylor, Susie King, 161
Teamsters Union, 47
Tejanos, 134–35
Tell My Horse (Hurston), 220
Tennessee Coal and Iron Company (TCI), 50–52
Terrebonne Parish, La., 219
Tex, Joe, 244
Textile industry, 79–80
Their Eyes Were Watching God (Hurston), 220
Third Life of Grange Copeland (A. Walker), 269
This Is My Century: New and Collected Poems (M. Walker), 270
Thomas, Carla, 256–57
Thomas, James “Son,” 208
Thompson, Terry, 244
Thornell, John, 22
Thurmond, Strom, 170
Till, Mamie Bradley, 259–60
Tillman, Ben, 72
Time, 250
Tinchant, Edouard, 37
Tlahualilo, Mexico, 184–86
Tlahualilo Agricultural Company, 184–85
Topeka, Kans., 150
Town, The (Faulkner), 214
Traffic, 245
Traitor, The (Dixon), 209
Transnationalism, 29
Trethewey, Natasha, 85–86
Trieber, Jacob, 53
Tsiang, H. T., 29
Tsukamoto, Mary, 25
Tubman, Harriet, 271
Tule Lake, Calif., Japanese concentration camp in, 223
Turnball, Daisy, 197
Turner, Henry McNeal, 132
Turner, William H., 180
Tuscaloosa County, Ala., 185
Tuscumbia, Ala., 243
Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care, 261–62
Tutwiler, Julia, 51
Twain, Mark, 83–84
12 Million Black Voices (Wright), 279
Twitty, Conway, 207
Tyson, Tim, 57
Uncle Sam, 15
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 199
Uncle Tom’s Children (Wright), 278–79
Uncollected Stories (Faulkner), 214
Union County, S.C., 231
United Fruit Company, 38
United Mine Workers, 78–79
U.S. Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 125
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 261
U.S. Marine Hospital Service (USMHS), 185–86
U.S. Naval Academy, 176
U.S. News and World Report, 154
U.S. Public Health Service, 96;
Study of Untreated Syphilis (USPHSS), 260–61
United States v. Cruikshank et al., 127
Universal Negro Improvement Association, 72
University of Kentucky, 177
University of Maryland, 176
University of Missouri Law School, 150
University of North Carolina, 164
Untold Story of Emmett Till, 260
Up from Slavery (Washington), 273
Vaughan, Stevie Ray, 111
Veech, James, 239
Vengeance and Justice (Ayers), 57
Verghese, Abraham, 28–29
Vesey, Denmark, 36
Vietnamese, 262–65
Village de L’Est (New Orleans, La.), 124–25
Vincent, Michel, 36–37
Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government, 254
Virginia’s Defenders of State Sovereignty, 156–57
Voodoo, 131
Voter Education Project, 252
Wake Forest University, 177
Walker, David, 3
Walker, Dorcus, 74–75
Walker, Edwin A., 157
Walker, Margaret, 270–71
War, 257
Waring, Thomas R., 154
Washington, Booker T., 51, 53, 130, 148, 186, 199, 202, 211, 212, 271–73
Washington, Kenny, 176
Watts Riot, 44
WDIA, 273–74
Weiss, Julie, 22–23
West, Nancy, 74
Westover’s Secret Diary, 1709–1712 (Byrd), 82
West Virginia, 179
Wetumpka, Ala., 50
Wewoka, Okla., 183
White Man (Wright), 280
White supremacy, 147, 159–60, 248;
in religion, 142–46
Who Speaks for the South? (Dobbs), 252
Wife of His Youth and Other Stories of the Color Line, The (Chesnutt), 199
Wildcat, 118
Wild Palms, The (Faulkner), 214
Willard, Jess, 174
Williams, A. C., 274
Williams, Hank, Jr., 278
Williams, Hosea, 43
Williams, John Bell, 156
Williams, Mary Lou, 225
Williams, Nat D., 274
Williams, Ralph, 185
Williams v. Mississippi, 167
Willis, Bill, 176
Wilmington, N.C., 72
Wilson, Woodrow, 189
WLAY, 244
WLBT, 156
Wolf Whistle (Nordan), 260
Women’s Convention Movement, 128–29
Woodcraft (Simms), 83
Woodson, Carter, 161
Woodward, C. Vann, 1
Woody, R. H., 21
Words of Color (Du Bois), 212
Workman, William D., Jr., 155
WRAL, 156
Wright, Mose, 259
Wyatt-Brown, Bertram, 60