In this index film titles are given in English translation. To assist identification, each title is followed by the name of the director and the year of production and/or release.
Accordion, The (Savchenko, 1934) 210 acting in cinema 30–49, 102, 117, 141–144, 178, 204–206, 211;
the model actor (naturshchik) 30–49, 204, 211;
Protazanov and stage actors 110
Adorno, Theodor 176
Aelita (Protazanov, 1924) 70, 80–102, 102, 108, 110–112, 112, 121, 125
Aerograd (Dovzhenko, 1935) 211
Agadzhanova-Shutko, Nina 191
Age of Majority, The (Schreiber, 1935) 144
agitation and cinema 50, 53, 85, 189
Agonising Adventure, The (Protazanov, 1923) 91
Aleichem see Sholom Aleichem
Aleinikov, Moisei 4, 9–10, 85–86, 91, 102, 107–109, 121
Alexander Nevsky (Eisenstein, 1938) 211
Alexandrov, Grigori 121, 147, 154, 175, 178, 203, 208
Alone (Kozintsev and Trauberg, 1931) 180, 183, 185, 197, 211
Alyonka (Barnet, 1961) 159–152
American cinema, and Soviet cinema 138, 143, 148, 156–160, 171–174, 176, 180–183, 213–215;
and popular Soviet cinema 71, 103, 116;
see also Hollywood; Russian endings
Andrei Kozhukhov (Protazanov, 1917) 107
Anka see The Ice Breaks Annensky, Innokenti 93
Annushka (Barnet, 1959) 148, 159 anti-religious films 108–110 anti-Semitism 97–98, 135, 146, 211
Appia, Adolphe 93
ARK/ARRK 166, 195, 204, 243 n.2
Ars cinema 83
Arsenal, The (Dovzhenko, 1929) 189, 195
Artist i stsena (newspaper) 26
Avenger, The (Shpis, 1931) 137
Babel, Isaak 122, 126, 128–125
Babochkin, Boris 142
Bakhtin, Mikhail 82, 99, 100–101, 190
Ballet mécanique, Le (Léger and Murphy, 1924) 47
Baltic Deputy, The (Zarkhi and Kheifits, 1936) 211
Barnet, Boris 2–2, 49, 137, 148–164, 211
Batalov, Nikolai 95, 100, 110, 144
Battle of Tsaritsyn, The (Vertov, 1919–20) 51
Battleship Potemkin, The (Eisenstein, 1925) 82, 128, 174, 191, 194–196, 204, 211–212
Bauer, Yevgeni 15–17, 105, 110
Bazin, André 174
Bear’s Wedding, The (Eggert, 1925) 70–71, 83, 194
Bed and Sofa (Room, 1927) 120
Bedny, Demyan 53
Bek-Nazarov, Amo 127
Belenson, Alexander 47
Ben-Ari, Raikin 127
Ben-Salim, Kador 138
Benya Krik (Vilner, 1927) 128–121, 133
Berlin 65, 69, 70, 79, 85, 88, 102, 108, 130, 213
Bezhin Meadow (Eisenstein project, 1935–7) 205–207, 210–211
Birman, Serafima 154
Black and White (project 1932) 138
Black Skin (Kolomoytsev, 1931) 138
Bleiman, Mikhail 191
Blumenthal-Tamarina, Mariya 112–114, 147
Bolshakov, Ivan 216
Border, The (Dubson, 1935) 144–148
Boris and Gleb (Bauer, 1915) 17
Boris Godunov (Drankov, 1907) 8–13;
and the Moscow Art Theatre 10, 26
Bounteous Summer (Barnet, 1951) 148
Bowlt, John 94
Brik, Lily 128
Brik, Osip 137
Brothers Karamazov, The
and the Moscow Art Theatre 26–29 Brusilovsky, Yevgeni 141
Bryher (Winifred Ellerman) 84
Bryusov, Valeri 10
Burch, Noël 157, 180, 184 By the Bluest of Seas (Barnet, 1936) 148–142, 153, 156–159, 161–164
By Her Mother’s Hand (Protazanov, 1913) 8
By the Law (Kuleshov, 1926) 120
By Water and Smoke (Kavaleridze, 1933) 144
Bykov, Anatoli 113
Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The (Wiene, 1919) 82, 85, 87, 92, 154
Cabiria (Pastrone, 1914) 52
Cain and Artyom (Petrov-Bytov, 1929) 135–138
Carter, Huntley 92
Cement (Vilner, 1927) 130
Chagall, Marc 123
Chapayev (Vasilievs, 1934) 142, 184, 194, 211–213
Chaplin, Charles 30, 126, 170–175
Chardynin, Pyotr 15, 20, 21, 23, 105
Chekhov, Anton 9, 17, 21, 26, 118, 159
Cherkasov, Nikolai 134, 145, 194
Chess Fever (Pudovkin and Shpikovsky, 1925) 101
Chiaureli, Mikhail 158
Christie, Ian ix, xi, xii, xviii–4, 80–100, 174–192
Chukhrai, Grigori 158
Circus, The (Alexandrov, 1936) 147, 194
Civil War, as theme 130, 211–213;
Clair, René 25
Clark, Katerina 142
comedy, as genre 115, 121, 194, 207–210; as weapon 164–167, 167–170, 175–178
Commissariat for Internal Affairs see NKVD
Commissariat for Light Industry 199
Commissariat for Popular Enlightenment
see Narkompros
Commissariat of Foreign Trade 71–75, 79
Communist, The (Raizman, 1958) 158
Compilation Sound Programmes 185
Constructivism 34, 48, 53, 82–82, 85, 94–97, 110, 183
Conveyor Belt of Death, The (Pyriev, 1933) 211
Convict’s Song, A (Protazanov, 1911) 105
Cosmic Flight (Zhelyabuzhsky, 1935) 210
Counterplan (Ermler and Yutkevich, 1932) 137, 197, 210
Cranes Are Flying, The (Chukhrai, 1957) 158
Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky) 28–29
Cultural Revolution 117–119, 119, 143, 182–187
Dead Souls (Chardynin, 1909) 23
Delluc, Louis 92
Deluge, The (Ivanov-Barkov, 1926) 127, 129, 133
Deserter, The (Pudovkin, 1933) 138, 180, 187, 191, 211
Dickinson, Thorold 84
Doctor Mabuse (Lang, 1922) 154
Don Diego and Pelageya (Protazanov, 1928) 108, 112–116, 119, 121–123
Donbass Symphony, The (Vertov, 1930) 181–185, 185
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 26–29, 98–99, 100
Dovzhenko, Alexander 102, 128, 137, 152, 154, 183, 189, 206, 211, 213
Drama by Telephone (Protazanov, 1914) 5, 51
Drankov, Alexander 8–13, 15, 21–23
Dubson, Mikhail 145
D’Udine, Jean 31
Dukelsky, Semyon 216
Dunayevsky, Isaak 147
Duncan, Isadora 35
Dura Lex see By the Law
Dzigan, Yefim 211
Earth, The (Dovzhenko, 1930) 154
Earth Thirsts, The (Raizman, 1930) 136, 183, 185
Eccentrism 97;
see also FEKS
Efros, Nikolai 85
Eggert, Konstantin 71, 78, 110, 194
Ehrenburg, Ilya 134
Eikhenbaum, Boris 177
Eisenschitz, Bernard x, xi, 148–164
Eisenstein, Sergei 3, 25, 41, 50, 56–58, 59, 79, 87, 101, 102–104, 111, 116, 123, 128–122, 140, 153, 161, 173–184, 189, 191, 195, 200–207, 210–211, 216
Ekk, Nikolai 183, 197, 211 emes, Der (newspaper) 129–123, 141
End of St Petersburg, The (Pudovkin, 1927) 195
Engineer Kochin’s Mistake (Macheret, 1939) 154
Engineer Prite’s Project (Kuleshov, 1918) 48
Enough Simplicity for Every Wise Man (Eisenstein stage production, 1923) 25, 123
Enthusiasm see The Donbass Symphony
Ermler, Fridrikh 101, 103, 121, 137, 197, 210, 213
Ermolieff see Yermoliev
Exploits of a Scout, The (Barnet, 1947) 153, 157
Expressionism 91, 92, 141, 157, 174
Exter, Alexandra 82, 85, 92–95, 110
Extraordinary Adventures of Mr West in the Land of the Bolsheviks, The (Kuleshov, 1924) 82, 153, 200
Eyes That Saw (Vilner, 1928) 135
Fadeyev, Alexander 144
Faiko, Alexei 83, 91–91, 98–99
Fainzimmer, Alexander 186
Fantômas (Feuillade, 1913–14) 97
Father Sergius (Protazanov, 1918) 107
Feast of St Jorgen, The (Protazanov, 1930) 102, 112, 118–121
FEKS 3, 30, 123, 137, 143, 151, 178;
see also Eccentrism Ferdinandov, Boris 36, 45–47, 49
film school (including GIK, GTK, VGIK) 36–39, 41, 43, 48, 50, 84, 113
First Platoon, The (Korsh-Sablin, 1933) 144
Five Year Plan 137, 141–145, 146, 165, 168–161, 182–188, 197, 201
Formalism 110, 118, 154, 175, 177, 180, 186–189, 189, 195, 200, 205
Forty-First, The (Protazanov, 1927) 108, 112–114, 119, 122;
(Chukhrai, 1956) 158
Forward, Soviet! (Vertov, 1926) 181
Four and Five (Gardin, 1924) 85
Fragment of Empire, A (Ermler, 1929) 101
fremde Mädchen, Das (Hofmannsthal script, 1913) 18
Fuchs, Georg 93
Fyodorov, Nikolai 97
Gabo, Naum 96
Gabrilovich, Yevgeni 175–178, 198
Gan, Alexei 48
Gardin, Vladimir 16, 28, 35–41, 43, 46, 48–49, 106, 121
Gaumont 24
Gay Canary, The see The Happy Canary
General Line, The (Eisenstein, 1929) 177, 180, 204
Gerasimov, Sergei 137, 151, 154
Girl with a Hatbox, The (Barnet, 1927) 148–142, 152, 154, 162
Gladkov, Fyodor 130
Glavpolitprosvet 109
Glebov-Putilovsky, Nikolai 53
Godard, Jean-Luc 148
Gogol, Nikolai 23
Gold Rush, The (Chaplin, 1925) 171
Golden Mountains, The (Yutkevich, 1931) 184–187, 197, 211
Golovnya, Anatoli 180
Goncharova, Nataliya 93
Gorizont (Kuleshov, 1932) 144, 150, 211
GOSET (State Yiddish Theatre) 123–127, 128, 136, 145
Goskino 68–70, 73–75, 128, 194
Goslavskaya, Sofiya 8
Grandma’s Boy (Lloyd, 1922) 171–174
Granovsky, Alexander 123–129, 145
Great Citizen, A (Ermler, 1937–9) 194
Great Consoler, The (Kuleshov, 1933) 82, 180
Great Man Passes On, The (Protazanov, 1912) 91
Greater Promise, A see Seekers of Happiness
Gricher-Cherikover, Grigori 125, 129–124, 135
Grierson, John 174
Gusman, Boris 126
Gutman, David 137, 141, 142, 144
Hansen, Kai 8
Happiness (Medvedkin, 1935) 169–165, 208–210
Happy Canary, The (Kuleshov, 1929) 200
Happy Guys, The (Alexandrov, 1934) 194, 208
His Call (Protazanov, 1925) 108, 112–115, 119
His Excellency (Roshal, 1927) 133–138
His Eyes (Viskovsky and Volkov, 1916) 13, 18
Hollywood 69, 178–171, 191, 202, 213–215;
see also American cinema
Homeland, The (Dovzhenko project) 128
Honour (Bek-Nazarov, 1926) 127
Horizon, the Wandering Jew see Gorizont
House on Trubnaya, The (Barnet, 1928) 150–153, 154, 162
I Am Cuba (Chukhrai, 1963) 158
Ice Breaks, The (Barnet, 1931) 154
Ilf, Ilya and Petrov, Yevgeni 152, 240 n.4
Ilyinsky, Igor 95, 97, 100, 110, 112, 114–117, 118, 150, 191
intellectual cinema 180
Interplanetary Revolution (1924) 101
intertitles, role in early Russian cinema 18–19
Intolerance (Griffith, 1916) 49–49;
Iskusstvo kino (journal) 216
Ivan(Dovzhenko, 1932) 137, 183–187, 211
Ivan the Terrible (Protazanov project) 87;
Ivanov, Vsevolod 188
Ivanov-Barkov, Yevgeni 127
Ivanovksy, Alexander 121
Izvestiya (newspaper) 52–54, 84
Jenny the Maid (Protazanov, 1918) 16
Jew at War, A see A Man from the Shtetl
Jewish Luck (Granovsky, 1925) 123–130, 130, 132–136, 141, 142
Jews on the Land (Room, 1927) 128, 135
Jolly Fellows see The Happy Guys
Joyce, James 180
K.Sh. E. see Komsomol:
Patron of Electrification
Kachalov, V. 117
Karalli, Vera 105
Katayev, Valentin 141, 152, 158, 240 n.4
Kavaleridze, Ivan 144
Keaton, Buster 126, 153, 170–173
Keys to Happiness, The (Gardin and Protazanov, 1913) 16, 36, 102, 106, 108, 110
‘Khanzhonkovshchina’ 117
Khersonsky, Khrisanf 115
Kholodnaya, Vera 17
Kino (Kiev newspaper) 132, 135, 146
Kino (Moscow newspaper) 130, 216
Kino-Fot (journal) 48
Kino-gazeta (newspaper) 5, 39, 83–83, 111
Kinonedelya (newspaper) 111
Kirshon, Vladimir 213
Koliivshchina see By Water and Smoke
Komarov, Sergei 49
Kommissarzhevsky Theatre 116
Komsomol (organisation) 113, 136, 141
Patron of Electrification (Shub, 1932) 183
Komsomolsk (Gerasimov, 1938) 154
Korsh-Sablin, Vladimir 144
Koval-Samborsky, Ivan 113, 154
Kozintsev, Grigori 102, 137, 150–153, 180, 183, 197, 201, 211
Kozlovsky, Viktor 96
Krasnaya nov’(journal) 88
Kruchinin, Valentin 83
Kuindzhi, Valentina 110
Kuleshov, Lev 2, 30–49, 50–52, 80–81, 85, 97, 101, 102, 111, 140, 150, 174, 176–179, 189, 200–203, 204, 211;
‘Kuleshov effect’ 41, 51, 201;
Kurbas, Les 123
Kushnirov, Aron 135
Kuznetsov, Pavel 93
Lady Liza (Sanin project, 1918) 18
LakeLyul(Faiko play) 98
Lame Gentleman, The (Eggert, 1928) 78
Land Is Calling, The (Ballyuzek, 1928) 135
Last Laugh, The (Murnau, 1924) 116
Legend of the Maiden’s Tower, The (Ballyuzek, 1924) 127
Legoshin, Vladimir 146
Lejeune, C.A. 174
Lenfilm 144
Lenin, Vladimir 59, 62–63, 65–67, 69, 71–72, 79, 82, 96–97, 122, 130, 145, 169, 188, 194, 201, 204
Lenin in October (Romm, 1937) 194
Leonidov, Boris 125
Leonidov, Leonid 134
Leyda, Jay 2, 61, 101, 130, 141, 154, 173
L’Herbier, Marcel 92
Lieutenant Kizhe (Fainzimmer, 1934) 186
Linder, Max 25
Literaturnaya gazeta (newspaper) 140
Little Red Devils, The (Perestiani, 1923) 138
Lodder, Christina 94
Lone White Sail ( Legoshin, 1937) 158
Lonely Villa, The (Griffith, 1909) 5, 51
Lumière, Louis 20
Lunacharsky, Anatoli 3–4, 52, 59, 67–71, 75, 85–86, 109–111, 121, 134, 166–169, 194, 197
Lyana (Barnet, 1955) 162
MacDonald, Dwight 117
Macheret, Alexander 137, 154, 183, 186, 210
Maeterlinck, Maurice 19
Magnitogorsk 141, 143, 146, 148
Makarova, Tamara 194
Malinovskaya, Vera 116
Man from the Restaurant, The (Protazanov, 1927) 108, 112, 116–120
Man from the Shtetl, A (Roshal, 1930) 136
Maretskaya, Vera 115
Mass Struggle see By Water and Smoke
Maxim trilogy (Kozintsev and Trauberg, 1934–8) 194, 211
Mayakovsky, Vladimir 99, 111, 128, 152–155, 194, 202
Medvedkin, Alexander x, xi, 2, 162–175, 208–210, 243 a 1
Meisel, Edmund 180
Men and Jobs (Macheret, 1932) 137–140, 183, 186, 188, 210 Metropolis (Lang, 1926) 92
Meyerhold, Vsevolod 19, 45, 53, 93, 97–98, 133, 141, 169, 178, 204
Meyerhold Theatre 113
Mezhrabpom, Mezhrabpom-Rus,
Mezhrabpomfilm 70, 83, 85–86, 91, 96–97, 101, 102, 110, 117, 152, 154, 194
Mikhoels, Solomon 123–128, 136–139, 140–142, 142, 147
Minkin, Alexander 211
Miracle Worker, The (Medvedkin, 1937) 173
Miss Mend (Otsep, 1926) 97, 151, 153, 156, 158
Mix, Tom 17
montage 30, 37, 40–45, 46–48, 49–41, 56, 157–160, 174–180, 200–205
Montagu, Ivor 183
Moscow Art Theatre 9–10, 13, 15, 26–29, 30, 83, 85, 116, 134, 153, 178
Mosjoukine, Ivan 15–16, 41, 43–46, 105, 107, 201
Moskvin, Ivan 118
Mother, The (Pudovkin, 1926) 195;
(Donskoi, 1956) 158
Mother’s Letter, A (1912) 23
Moving-Picture World (newspaper) 5
Mozzhukhin, Ivan see Mosjoukine, Ivan
Murnau, F.W. 116
Mystery Bouffe (Mayakovsky play) 99
Na literaturnom postu (journal) 111
Narkompros 35, 59, 64–66, 68, 74–75, 194
nationalisation of cinema 85 naturshchik see acting
Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vladimir 9, 27
New Economic Policy (NEP) 62, 67–79, 82–87, 91–91, 96, 98–99, 101, 123, 136–139, 152–155, 175, 227 n.6
New Babylon, The(Kozintsevand Trauberg, 1929) 137, 150, 195–197, 201 newsreel41, 167–170
Nilsen, Vladimir 213
NKVD 148;
see also OGPU
Notari, Umberto 108
Novgoroders, The (Barnet, 1942) 156
Novyi Lef (journal) 111
October (Eisenstein, 1927) 177, 180, 195–197, 201, 204, 212
OGPU 200;
see also NKVD
Okhlopkov, Nikolai 169, 171, 186, 243 n.5
Okraina see Outskirts
Old and the New, The see The General Line
Old Jockey, The (Barnet, 1940–59) 154–158
Olesha, Yuri 101, 211, 230 n.81
Once at Night (Barnet, 1948) 157
Once One Summer (Room project) 206, 211
One September Night (Barnet, 1939) 153–156
One-Sixth of the World see A Sixth Part of the World
Oppenheim Family, The (Roshal, 1938) 211
Ordzhonikidze, Sergo 154
Orlova, Lyubov 194
Orlova, Vera 110
Otsep, Fyodor 13, 83, 85, 98–99, 110, 153
Our Girls (Galai, 1930) 136
Out of Our Way (Chiaureli, 1931) 158
Outskirts (Barnet, 1933) 137–140, 148, 151–154, 154, 189, 211
Overcoat, The (Kozintsev and Trauberg, 1926) 137
Pages from a Life (Barnet, 1948) 158
Party 61, 87, 127, 130, 134, 196, 199, 205–209
Party Conference, March 1928 117, 182, 195;
Ukrainian anti-Semitism 135;
Path to Life, The (Ekk, 1931) 144, 183–187, 197, 211
Pavel Korchagin (Alov and Naumov, 1957) 158
Peasants (Ermler, 1934) 210
Perestiani, Ivan 138
Pervomaisky, Leonid 144
Petrov-Bytov, Pavel 127, 135, 195–198
Pilots, The (Raizman, 1935) 211
Piotrovsky, Adrian 4, 120, 191, 194–196
Piscator, Erwin 85
Plan for Great Works, The (Room, 1930) 183, 185
Poem of Liberation (Tarich, 1931) 137
Poet, The (Barnet, 1957) 158, 161
Polikushka (Sanin, 1918–19) 85
Popova, Lyubov 94
Popova, Vera 112
Poslednie novosti (émigré newspaper) 17–18
Pravda (Party newspaper) 83, 85, 91, 126, 216
Preobrazhenskaya, Olga 41, 106
Professor Mamlock (Minkin and Rappaport, 1938) 21
Prokofiev, Sergei 186
Proletarskoe kino (newspaper), on Aelita 111;
(journal) 197, 198 Proletkult 25, 97, 123
Prometheus (Kavaleridze, 1935) 144
Protazanov, Yakov 2, 15–16, 51–53, 70, 80–122, 125, 154, 188
Pudovkin, Vsevolod 39, 49–42, 79, 85, 102–104, 138–131, 150, 174–182, 187, 191, 197, 201–204, 206, 211
Pushkin, Alexander 9–11, 22, 87, 111
Queen of Spades, The (Protazanov, 1916) 85, 98, 106
Rabinovich, Isaak 82, 93–96, 110, 125
Radio-Cine-Pravda (Vertov, 1925) 181
Raizman, Yuli 136–139, 158, 183, 211
Ranks and People (Protazanov, 1929) 108, 112, 118
Rannee utro (newspaper) 27
Rappaport, Herbert 211
Remember Their Faces (Mutanov, 1930) 136
Renoir, Jean 151
Return of Nathan Becker, The (Shpis and Milman, 1932) 137–146, 147
rhythm and cinema 30–49, 200–202
Road to Life, The see The Path to Life
Rodchenko, Alexander 97
Rogozhin, Naum 205
Room, Abram 98, 102, 128, 135, 183, 206, 211
Rout, The (Beresnev, 1931) 144
Rus, Russfilm see Mezhrabpom
Sabinsky, Cheslav 121
Satan Triumphant (Protazanov, 1917) 91, 102, 106–109
Savchenko, Igor 210
Schneider, Evgeni 210
Schreiber, Boris 144
science-fiction 96–98, 108, 110, 210
script competition 85 script crises 201–203, 204
Seeds of Freedom see His Excellency
Seekers of Happiness (Korsh-Sablin and Shapiro, 1936) 147–150
Serapion Brotherhood 101, 230 n.81
Seven Chances (Keaton, 1925) 126
Severe Young Man, A (Room, 1934) 101, 211
Shaginyan, Marietta 97
Shchors (Dovzhenko, 1939) 194, 213
Shipulinsky, Fyodor 39
Shklovsky, Viktor 97, 120, 128, 151, 154, 202
Sholom Aleichem 123–126, 128, 130–134, 135, 146
Shtetl Ladeniu (Vilner project, 1933) 144
Shumyatsky, Boris 146, 182–186, 191–216;
Silent Witnesses (Bauer, 1914) 17
Simple Case, A (Pudovkin, 1932) 180
Simple Tailor, A see Eyes That Saw
Sixth Part of the World, A (Vertov, 1926) 121
Skotinins, The (Roshal, 1926) 134
Socialist Realism 119, 143, 185, 204
Sokolov, Ippolit 46, 48, 111, 141, 182
Sologub, Fyodor 18
Someone Else’s Jacket (Shpis, 1927) 137
Son of Mongolia, A (Ilya Trauberg, 1936) 147
Song of Happiness, A (Donskoi and Legoshin, 1934) 146
Sorochinski Fair (Gricher-Cherikover, 1927) 129
sound cinema 174–192, 198–199, 203–205;
shortage of sound projectors 198–199
Sovkino 75–77, 110, 117, 127, 194–195, 199
Soyuzkino 135, 144, 146, 182, 194, 197–200
Spengler, Oswald 98
Squaring of the Circle, The (Katayev play) 152;
(Katayev script) 158
Stakhanov, Alexei 154
Stalin, Joseph 53, 62, 79, 136, 158, 181–184, 184, 207, 213, 215–216
Stanislavsky, Konstantin 9–11, 27, 30, 177
Starewicz, Władysław 96
Starving Steppe Revives, The (Shcherbakov, 1925) 127
Stenka Razin (Drankov, 1908) 9, 12, 14
Stepanova, Varvara 94
Storm Over Asia (Pudovkin, 1929) 150, 153
Strelkova, Mariya 118
Strike, The (Eisenstein, 1924) 123, 195, 201, 204
Submarine Shipwreck (1911) 26–28
Suburban Quarters (Griger-Cherikover, 1930) 135
Suprematism 82
SVD (Kozintsev and Trauberg, 1927) 137
Tailor from Torzhok, The (Protazanov, 1925) 108, 112, 114–120 Tairov, Alexander 45, 82, 93
Tanya Skvortsova the Student (Turkin, 1916) 18
Taras Bulba (Protazanov project) 87
Tarich, Yuri 137
Taylor, Richard ix, xii, xviii–4, 61, 182, 191–216
Tears (1914) 19
Teatral’naya gazeta (newspaper) 16
theatre and cinema xviii–49, 178, 200–202
Thiemann and Reinhardt 8, 105–107
Thompson, Kristin 180
Three Millions Trial, The (Protazanov, 1926) 70, 108, 112, 115–120
Three Songs of Lenin (Vertov, 1934) 18 Through Tears (Griger-Cherikover, 1928) 131–135, 135, 141
Tisse, Eduard 41
Tolstoi, Alexei 28, 82–83, 87–91, 97–100, 108
Tolstoy, Lev 19–20, 85, 88, 91, 107
Tommy (Protazanov, 1931) 91, 138, 188
Tractor Drivers, The (Pyriev, 1939) 194, 210–211
Trauberg, Leonid 30, 102, 137, 150–153, 180, 183, 197, 201, 211, 216
Tretyakov, Sergei 117
Tretyakova, Olga 110
Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich (1914) 28
Tsereteli, Nikolai 89, 94, 110
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin 97
Turkin, Valentin 36, 39–32, 46–48
Two Women (Roshal, 1929) 136
Tynyanov, Yuri 186
Ukraine 93, 104, 123, 125, 127–132, 133, 135–139, 141–143, 146, 157, 170, 213
Ukrainfilm 144;
see also VUFKU
Vakhtangov Theatre 112
VAPP 109
Vasiliev ‘brothers’ 211
velvet screens, Gardin’s use of 38
Verbitskaya, Anastasiya 106
Vershilov, Boris 127
Vertov, Dziga 79, 85, 87, 101, 102, 121, 153, 175, 181–184, 189, 191, 201–203
Vestnik kinematografii (newspaper) 40
Victory Over the Sun (1913 opera production) 94
Vilner, Vladimir 128–122, 135, 144
Vishnevsky, Venyamin 4
Viskovsky, Vyacheslav 15
Voitsik, Ada 113
Volga Rebels (Petrov-Bytov, 1925) 127
Volga-Volga (Alexandrov, 1938) 154, 194
Volkonsky, Prince Sergei 31–33, 34–37, 38–40, 42–45, 46, 48–49
Volkov, Alexander 36
Vostokkino 136, 146 VUFKU 123, 127–135, 135–138;
see also Ukrainfilm
Wandering Stars (Gricher-Cherikover, 1928) 128–125
War and Peace (Protazanov and Gardin, 1915) 106
Way of the Enthusiasts, The (Okhlopkov and Medvedkin, 1930) 169
We Don’t Need Blood (Protazanov, 1917) 107
We from Kronstadt (Dzigan, 1936) 147, 194, 211
Whistle-Stop (Barnet, 1963) 159–153
White Eagle, The (Protazanov, 1928) 108, 112, 116–120, 121
Wilde, Oscar 93
Willemen, Paul 180
Wings of a Serf, The (Tarich, 1926) 120, 127
Without a Dowry (Protazanov, 1937) 120–122
Woman in the Window (Lang, 1944) 91
Workers’ International Relief 70–71, 85–86
Wrestler and the Clown, The (Barnet, 1957) 148, 153, 159
Yampolsky, Mikhail ix, xi, 30–49
Yarmolinsky, Avram 123
Yermoliev (studio) 85, 92, 106–109
Yevsektsiya 123, 126, 134, 136, 146
Youngblood, Denise x, xi, 102–123
Yutkevich, Sergei 103, 137, 184, 197, 211
Zamyatin, Yevgeni 80, 89, 101, 230 n.81
Zhelyabuzhsky, Yuri 85, 110, 210
Zhizneva, Olga 116
Zorich, Bella 113
Zorkaya, Neya 122
Zuskin, Venyamin 124, 136, 145, 147
Zvenigora (Dovzhenko, 1929) 195