{ Table of Contents }

Foreword—Johnny Hunt
Preface—James Leo Garrett Jr.
Introduction—David L. Allen and Steve W. Lemke

Part One
Chapter 1: Sermon on John 3:16
Jerry Vines
Chapter 2: Total Depravity
Paige Patterson
Chapter 3: Congruent Election: Understanding Salvation from an “Eternal Now” Perspective
Richard Land
Chapter 4: The Atonement: Limited or Universal?
David L. Allen
Chapter 5: A Biblical and Theological Critique of Irresistible Grace
Steve W. Lemke
Chapter 6: Perseverance and Assurance of the Saints
Kenneth D. Keathley

Part Two
Chapter 7: Was Calvin a “Calvinist”? John Calvin on the Extent of the Atonement
Kevin Kennedy
Chapter 8: The Potential Impact of Calvinist Tendencies upon Local Baptist Churches
Malcolm B. Yarnell III
Chapter 9: The Public Invitation and Calvinism
R. Alan Streett
Chapter 10: Reflections on Determinism and Human Freedom
Jeremy A. Evans
Chapter 11: Evil and God’s Sovereignty
Bruce A. Little

Name Index
Subject Index
Scripture Index