




Aboriginal Post, 424

aborigines, 9, 11

ancestors of, 86

Austronesian origin theories on, 3741

under Cheng regime, 99

under Ch’ing dynasty, 110112, 117118, 119120

and Chinese, 13, 14, 86, 8788

and class structure, 386387

dwellings of, 21

effects of economic growth on, 391393

and Japanese assimilation, 228

land rights of, 120124

and landlord class, 137

northern origin theories on, 3237

population of, 9, 389

religion of, 347348

revolts by, 113115, 117119

self government of, 420422

phases of, 422429

and self strengthening program, 186, 190191

and social conflicts, 179180

southern origin theories on, 2932

and Taiwanese identity, 4142

See also half mountain people

Academia Sinica, 384, 390, 445

Academy for Political Officers, 323

Ackerman, Gary, 472

adoption, 66

Africa, 463

Agency for International Development, 328

agriculture, 11

and Chinese settlement, 1314

and economic development, 367368

employment in, 378, 382

See also rice; sugar industry; tea trade

Ah-Hai, 286, 287

Ahern, Emily Martin, x

Akashi Motojirō 220

AKATS/SEF talks, 468470

Allee, Mark, 145, 179

Alliance of Taiwan Aborigines (ATA), 3839, 392, 422

Amis myths, 30, 31, 32, 33

Amoy harbor, 73, 90, 95

and Cheng regime, 100101

ancestor worship, 341342, 359

Anderson, Benedict, 42

Andō Rikichi, 236

Andō Sadayoshi, 220, 239

Anhai harbor, 73

Anli tribe, 152155

An-p’ing, 12

Anti-Secession Act, 528

aquaculture, 368369

Arafat, Yassar, 463

Arima Harunobu, 87

Arnold, Matthew, 408

Arrigo, Linda Gail, x

Arrow War, 85

Assembly of First Nations, 428

Australia, 465


relations with aborigines, 3940


Bank of China, 332

Bank of Communications, 332

Bank of Taiwan, 228


reform in, 376

and tea trade, 174

Belarus, 463

Bellochi, Natale, 471

Bernardi, Roy, 472

Bellwood, Peter, 38, 43

blood pleading, 244, 259

Blust, Robert, 34

Bourdieu, Pierre, 420, 422, 430431, 433

British East India Company, 99

brotherhoods, 346

Buddhism, 345346, 356358, 537

in Fukien, 62

during Ming Dynasty, 56

sects of, 352353

Bulgaria, 463

Bush, George H.W., 465

Bush, George W., 526527

buraku system, 228, 239


Cairo Declaration, 245246, 247

Campbell, William, 180

camphor trade, 167, 168, 172173

Camphor War, 168, 172173

Candidius, George, 11

Carter, Jimmy, 441

Casteel Provintia, 89

Casteel Zeelandia, 89, 92, 95, 98

Catholicism, xixii, 169; See also Christianity censorship, 456

Central African Republic, 463

Central America, 463

Central Bank of China, 332

Central Standing Committee, 447, 460

Ch’ang Han, 70

Chang Chun-hung, 442

Chang family, 149, 149151, 158159, 159160

Chang Fang-kao, 149, 150

Chang fang-shui, 474

Chang Fang-ta, 149

Chang Hsiu-ya, 406

Chang Ming-hsiung, 179

Chang, Parris, 449

Chang-pi-jung company, 149

Chang Ta-ching, 152, 153

Chang Wen-huan, 263, 270, 272, 274

Chang Wo-chun, 265, 265266

Chang-wu-wen, 149

Chang Yuen-jen, 150

Chang Yung-fa, 524, 526

Ch’en Chao-ju, 3536

Ch’en Ch’eng, 300, 324

Ch’en Chien-nien, 424

Ch’en Ch’i-t’ien, 330

Ch’en Chu, 442

Ch’en family, 147148

Ch’en Feng-ch’iu, 147

Ch’en Huo-ch’uan, 270, 272

Ch’en Jo-hsi, 409

Ch’en Nung, 144

Ch’en Sheng-shao, 139

Ch’en Yi, 280, 282, 283, 297

and February 28 uprising, 294, 295

Ch’en Ying-chen, 409, 414, 415, 416

Ch’en Yung-hua, 96, 101

Ch’en Ti, 87

Chen Chi-lu, 36’37

Chen Fang-ming, 476477

Chen Hsu-ku, 262

Chen Li-an, 472, 474, 480, 482

Chen Shen-yi, 464

Chen Shui-bian (Shui-Pien), 445, 462

and constitutional reform, 514

and Hsieh, 503

as mayor of Tapei, 508, 510

on national identity, 510, 512513, 514, 515, 525, 529

policy changes under, 211212

PRC relations under, 515, 525529

referendum proposal of, 513514

and Taiwan Independence, 510, 514, 525

in 2000 election, 497, 501, 502, 505, 509, 510, 525526

in 2004 election, 502, 514515, 527

U.S. relations under, 526527

visits to U.S., 527

Cheng, Robert L., 390

Cheng Ch’eng-kung, xiii, 13, 344

and trade, 8990, 94

rule of Taiwan by, 9596, 98

Cheng Chih-lung, 66, 8889

and Dutch settlement, 8990

Cheng Ching, 96, 100

defeat of, 101

and trade, 97, 99

Cheng-ching-pao, 290

Cheng Ho, 63

Cheng K’o-shuang, 101, 102

Cheng regime, 12, 95102

Cheng T’ai, 96

Cheng-yen, 357

Ch’i Chi-kuang, 71

Ch’ien-lung, 119

Chi’i Chia-kuang, General, 68

Ch’ing dynasty, x, 13, 165166

abuse of aborigines under, 117118

corruption in, 136

defeats Cheng regime, 9697, 100102

economy under, 170171

government role during, 140142

and Japanese occupation, 206

land use under, 134, 137140

policy on Taiwan, 102103, 108110

and relations with Japan, 183184

self strengthening program under, 184194

social change during, 177181, 183

social disorder during, 143145

taxation under, 110112

trade under, 171177

See also landlord class

Ch’ing empire, x

Ch’i-teng Sheng, 410, 414

Ch’iu Nien-t’ai, 291

Ch’u Hai-yuan, 445, 451

Ch’uan-chou, 7172

Chiang Ching-kuo, 323, 330, 391, 448, 466

oppression under, 443446

presidency, 437, 438439

reform under, 373, 446448

Chiang Kai-shek, 282, 302, 326, 515, 516

reform under, 321, 322, 323, 327

and UN membership, 519520

Chiang Pin-kung, 515

Chiang Wei-shui, 231232

Chiao-min Hsieh, 11

Chieh-shan Huang, 177178

Chin Shi-huang, 36

Chin Heng-wei, 515

China, 166

defeat Japan, 246247

Japanese acquisition of Taiwan by, 203

migration from, 911, 94, 98, 135136

political unrest in, 293

refugees from, 299

and settlement of Taiwan, 1314, 17

and Taiwanese identity, 208

Taiwanese settlements in, 228230, 244245

See also Chinese, Fukien; Han Chinese; People’s Republic of China; Republic of China China Aid Act, 325

China Democratic Party, 330331

China Merchants Steam Navigation Company, 192

China Steel Corporation, 465

China Tide, 414

China Times, 416

China Youth Party, 301


aborigines are not, 3132

massacre of, 75

and overseas trade, 77

relation to aborigines, 3437

See also Han Chinese

Chinese-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction, 22

Chinese Anticommunist National Salvation Youth Corps, 323

Chinese Ethnohistory, 34

Chinese massacre of 1603, 87

Chinese New Literature, 406

Chou Chin-po, 272, 273

Chou Chung-hsuen, 152

Chou lien-hua, 445

Chou Pi-erh, 385

Christianity, xixii, 11

through Dutch occupation, 9192

in Fukien, 62, 63

in late Ch–ing dynasty, 169170

Chu Hsi-ning, 407

Chu Li-min, 411

Chu T’ien-wen, 417

Chu Tzu-ch’ing, 406

Chu Wan, 7071

Chu Yi-kuei rebellion of 1721, 113115, 143

Chu Yun-han, 476, 477

Ch’uan-chou, 538

Chue Lo-man-pao, 152

Chung Chao-cheng, 274, 407

Chung Li-ho, 274

Chung Mei-yin, 406

Chung-yung Yin, 327

churches, 444445, 472n.32

class structure, 386389

Clinton administration, 481, 522, 524

Cloud Gate Dance Series, 417

Co Su Kong, 343, 344

colonization policy, 115116, 120, 123

Common Customs Society, 227

communications, 192

Communism, 298

and U.S. foreign policy, 326

See also People’s Republic of China

Compassion Merit Society, 357358, 359

computer industry, 374375

Confucianism, 180181

and education, 6263

Control Yuan, 456

constitutional reform, 503, 508, 514

Cordillera People’s Alliance (CPA), 423

Cornell University, 448, 471

corruption, 504505

corvée, 5859, 110, 111

Costa Rica, 463

Council for United States Aid, 331

Council of Grand Justices, 461

Coyet, Fredrik, 9495

Crescent Moon Society, 408

cults, 63, 91, 351, 537

cultural arbitrary, 420421

Cultural Revolution, 334, 537538

currency, 447


D’Amato, Alphonse, 471472

Davidson, James W., 193

debates, television, 461

DeKlerk, Willem, 463

DeLay, Tom, 527

De Lisle, Jacques, 212

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), 391, 416, 446447, 454, 459460, 476

in 1989 elections, 449450

in 1992 elections, 456457, 500

in 2000 elections, 497, 510

and aborigines, 428, 431432

under Chen, 510515

coalition with New Party, 477

and constitutional reform, 455456, 514

and corruption, 505

and election restrictions, 470

electoral support for, 501

and national identity, 506, 509

party platform of, 473, 475476

and PFP, 515

presidential candidates of, 473

scandal of, 461462

and social welfare policy, 505

on Taiwanese independence, 452453, 507

on UN membership, 522

in Washington DC, 465

Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 464

democratization, 499500, 504

demonstrations, 427, 438

effectiveness of, 440

of tang wai, 441443, 446

Den Kenjirō, 220, 221222, 227, 233

Deng Xiaoping, 516

DeWar, Robert, 29

discrimination, 211, 215, 217, 218

Djilas, Milovan, 387

Dodd, John, 168169, 173

Dupont, 443

Dutch East India Company, xi, 88, 9293, 97

Dutch occupation, xii, 9798

Chinese reclaim Taiwan from, 9495

cultural changes under, 9192

and settlement, 1113, 1718

shifts in population under, 910

and trade, 8891, 9294 dwellings, 1921

Dyen, Isidore, 3738, 43


economic development, 331333, 367370

and changes in education, 377382

and changes in employment, 382384

and changes in land use, 393395

and changing gender roles, 384385

and class structure, 387389

and ethnic conflicts, 391

and family structure, 385387

and foreign investments, 370372

under Japanese colonization, 210

under Nationalist rule, 283284, 310n.51, 324, 328329

and presidential elections, 477

projects for, 373375

recession of 2001–2, 497, 529

and reform, 375377

western influence on, 327328

Economic Development Plan, 328329

economic integration, 520521, 523

Economic Stabilization Board, 328329, 331

education, 398n.45

of aborigines, 119

alternative, 399n.59

and class structure, 387388

effect of economic growth on, 377382

under Japanese colonization, 210211, 218, 220221, 228229, 243, 278

under Nationalists rule, 329330, 333

of Taiwanese residents in Japan, 230231

Eight Diagrams Society, 158

Eight National People’s Congress, 469

El Salvador, 463


1969, 334335

1989, 392, 449450

1992, 456457, 500

1996, 497

2000, 497, 501502, 509, 510, 525526

2004, 502, 514515, 527

demonstrations from 440

and ethnic issues, 536537

to Legislative Yuan, 473476, 500, 502, 511, 528

under Nationalists rule, 326327

and political institutionalization, 499

presidential, 476, 478482, 494495

party candidates for, 472473

and PRC military threats, 480481

requirements for, 470474

referendum, 513514

electric power, 373

electronics industry, 370371

elites, 278, 306n.16

under Ch’ing dynasty, 140145, 180181, 183

control over religious rituals, 343

economic, 327328

schools for, 378

See also landlord class


during Wartime period, 237238, 258n.180

effect of economic growth on, 382384

entrance examinations, 378379, 380

ethnic conflict, 388, 389393, 499, 536537

Eva Air, 464

exchange rate, 328, 375

export processing zones, 333, 369

exports, 372, 375376, 520521



and economic development, 385387

under Ming dynasty, 6466

farming, 22, 331

taxes and, 111

tenant, 5557, 135, 137140, 150151, 156, 324325

See also agriculture

farmers, political activism by, 443444

February 28 uprising, 277, 292296, 316n.137, 470, 536

monument for, 470

Federation for Local Autonomy, 234

feminism, 232233, 384385, 386

Feng Hsi-fan, 96, 101, 102

fishing industry, 4749

flower industry, 368


and farming, 55

and shipping industry, 49, 50

Foochow Navy Yard, 184

footbinding, 218

Formosan Youth, 231, 232

Fort Provintia, 12, 89

Fort Zeelandia, 12, 89, 92, 95, 98

forts, 6162

Foundation for Exchanges Across the Straits, 466

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange, 380

Four-Hundred-Year History of the Taiwanese People, 32

Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, 511

France, 187

Free China Fortnightly, 330331

Free China Journal, 474, 476, 476, 477

Free China Review, 390, 392393

Fu Cheng, 330

Fu K’ang-an, 144

Fu Yiling, 55

fu-kan, 405406

Fujen Catholic University, 379

Fukien, 46, 538

and Chinese fishery, 86

economic development in, 7880

family/women in, 6466

farmland in, 5457

fishery in, 4749

forts in, 6162

and investments, 7677

irrigation in, 5254

and Japanese colonization, 223

under Liu Ming-ch–uan, 188, 189

migration from, 6667

military in, 6768

and overseas trade, 46, 6971, 7374, 75

population, 6364

religion in, 6263

and rice imports, 127

salt production in, 5152

shipping harbors in, 7173

shipping industry in, 4951

Taiwan as prefecture of, 109, 110

taxes in, 5961

tourism/businesses in, 466, 479n. 156

Fulbright scholarships, 380


Garrison Command, 440

Gates, Hill, 384, 388

gender roles, 384385

General Agreement on Trade and Tariff, 465

Germany, 464

ghosts, 343344, 351, 353356

Gibson, John, 168

Giyutai law, 239

gods, 342343

Gorbachev, Michail, 464

Gore, Albert, 463

Goto Shimpei, 209212

Great Britain, 247

and overseas trade, 99100

in Taiwan, 167168

Gu Yanwu, 67


Hainan island, 247

Hakka aborigines, 17, 114, 128, 129, 205, 207

Halbwachs, Maurice, 28

half-mountain people, 280, 286, 308n.33

Hall, Stuart, 28

Han Wu Ti, 36

Han Chinese, 46, 389390, 536537

and aborigine land use, 121123, 134135, 151153

conflict with aborigines, 179180

ethnic conflicts among, 179, 390391

migration of, 911, 6667, 94, 112

population, 210

rebellions by, 117118

religion of, 347348

settlement of, 109, 124125, 127129

Han Shih-ch’uan, 281

Hao Yu-lin, 119, 124

Hara Kei, 220, 221, 222

harbors, 7173

Harrell, Stevan, 140, 177178

Hau Pei-tsun, 457, 458, 476477, 480

health care, 460, 461

Helmes, Jesse, 471

Heaven and Earth Society, 143, 155, 158, 346

high technology. See computer industry; electronics industry

Ho, Samuel, 171

Hokkien aborigines, 114, 128, 205

hokō system, 212215, 234

and buraku system, 228

and government reform, 225

during wartime period, 239

homesteading, 134

Hong, Elijah, 445

Horn, James, 167

Hou Ch’iao-yuan, 59

Hsia Chi’an, 408

Hsiao Sa, 417

Hsieh, Frank, 503

Hsieh Nan-kuang, 291

Hsieh Ts’ung-min, 335

Hsin-chu Science-Based Industrial Park (SBIP), 374375, 432

Hsin-K’ang, 90, 91

Hsin Tai-wan, 289290, 314n.97

Hsu Chih-mo, 406

Hsu Chung-p’ei, 406

Hsu Chun-ya, 270

Hsu Fu-kuan, 414

Hsu Hsin-liang, 473, 508

Hsu Shou-t’ang, 284285

Hsu Shu-teh, 459

Hsu Tsung-kan, 144145

Hu Ch’iu-yuan, 414

Hu Feng, 271

Hu Shih, 330

Hua Pei-tsun, 450

Hua Chia-chih, 425426, 423, 427

Huang Ch’ao-ch’in, 294, 301, 309

Huang Chun-chieh, 368

Huang Ch’un-ming, 414, 415, 416

Huang Fan, 417

Huang Fusan, 155, 156

Huang Hsin-chieh, 438, 459

Huang Shih-chang, 36

Huang Shih-hui, 266, 267

Huang Wu-hsiung, 380

human rights, 39


I-chiang-shan island, 326

Imagined Communities, 42


conflicts among, 128129, 136137

organizations formed among, 145

See also Han-Chinese

immigration. See migration

independence issue, 507, 510, 512, 513, 514

India, 94

indoctrination, 239, 243, 323

Indonesia, 464

industrialization, 236238

industrial parks, 374, 383


and economic development, 236238

foreign investments in, 370372

impact on rural areas, 22

inflation, 284

Institute of Ethnology, 445

intellectuals, 231

and Chinese identity, 267268, 269

and cultural reform, 264265

leftist, 267

as writers, 263, 264

investments, 466, 468469, 521, 523, 525


under Anli aborigines, 153

and Cheng landlord family, 150151

Islam, 62

Israel, 464

Itagaki Taisuke, 219

Itō Hirobumi, 203, 204



annexation of Taiwan by, 203208

colonization of Taiwan by, 202203, 536

and overseas trade, 78

relations with Ch’ing government, 183184

relations with Dutch, 9091

and Tiao Yu Tai islands, 438

Taiwanese residency in, 230231

and Tiao Yu Tai islands, 438

trade with Dutch, 9394

wartime period of, 235246

See also Japanese colonization

Japanese colonization, 277281

assimilation movement under, 218219, 227228, 240242, 263

governance under, 219227

pacification strategies during, 211216

political and cultural movements during, 231234, 264265; See also New Literature movement

reforms under, 209211

Jardine Matheson & Co., 192

Jen-min tao-pao, 289, 290

Ji Gong, 343

Jiang Zemin, 473, 522

Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction, 448

Joseph, Michael, 474


Kabayama Sukenori, 203, 204, 205, 206

Kafka, Franz, 410

Kaizhang Shengwang, 344

K’ang-hsi, 112

Kang-li, 538

Kang Ning-hsiang, 438

Kao Ching-yuan, 524

Kao-hsiung Export Processing Zone, 333

Kaohsiung scandal, 503, 505

Kao-shan-tzu, 35, 3536

Kao Shih-shu, 429430

Kao-ts’ai, 74

Katsura Tarŋ, 257n.160

Kau Chih-min, 444

Keelung, 91, 97, 178, 209

Keng Ching-chung, 100

Kern, Henrik, 29

Kissenger, Henry, 437, 527

Koan Im (Bodhisattva), 343, 356

Koan Kong, 343

Kobayashi Seizŋ, 234, 235, 241, 241242

Kodamo Gentaro, 223

pacification strategies of, 215, 216

reform under, 209211

Kŋmin hŋkŋkai, 238239

kominka movement, 238, 240242

Koo Chen-fu, 471

Korean War, 321, 326

Koxinga. See Cheng Ch’eng-kung

Kuan-hua market, 374

Kung-lun-pao, 301

Kuo Ch’iu-sheng, 267

Kuo Huai-yi, 94

Kuo Kuo-chi, 301

Kuo, Shirley, 449

Kuomintang (KMT)

in 1992 elections, 456457

and aboriginal self-government, 423424, 432433, 428, 429

challenges to, 438, 440443

changes in, 439

conflict in, 477

and constitutional reform, 454455, 508

corruption under, 504505

democratization of, 458459, 497

electoral support for, 501

end of domination, 502

internal conflicts in, 451

under Lee Teng-hui, 448450, 506508

in Legislative Yuan, 474, 475, 500, 511

and National Assembly election, 482

and New Party, 461

“One China” principle of, 506

scandal of, 461462

and social welfare policy, 505

Taiwanization of, 506507

in Washington DC, 465

win presidential elections, 482

See also Nationalist Party

Kuo-ting Li, 327

Kuo Yi-tung, 335


migration from, 5, 10, 13, 67, 134


labor force, 370371; See also employment

Lady Tung, 96

Lai Ho, 262, 268, 269, 270, 271

Lampton, David, 520

Land Good Society, 158

landlord class, 137140, 158160

reform in, 324325, 377n.12, 329

and transformation to local leaders, 145149

See also Chang family; Lin family (Wu-feng); P’an family

Land-to-the-Tiller program, 324

land use

under Ch’ing dynasty, 120123, 134135, 137140

under Ming dynasty, 5558

and urban growth, 393395

See also landlord class; quarantining


Han-Chinese, 389, 390

Japanese acquisition of Taiwan by, 240

under Nationalists rule, 285

used in literature, 262, 267268, 269, 271

Lan Ting-yuan, 115116, 122

Lao She, 406407

Latvia, 463464

Lavakau Rakuraku, 424

Law 3, 222

Law 31, 222

Law 63, 204, 222, 233, 278

League for the Establishment of a Taiwan Parliament, 233234

Lee Teng-hui, 42, 376, 426, 447, 448, 457, 458, 459460, 538539

changes in KMT under, 448450, 506507

on constitutional reform, 514

on economic integration, 523

foreign policy under, 465

foreign relations under, 462466, 520

inauguration, 482483

on Legislative Yuan elections, 474

and National Affairs Council, 452

and National Development Conference, 507508

on national identity, 508510

and party system, 502

political position of, 470, 507

in presidential elections, 472473, 478479, 479480, 497, 506

reform under, 454

on relations with PRC, 466, 467, 497, 508, 519, 520, 521522, 524525

and sovereignty issue, 516, 520

on Taiwanese independence, 481

visit to US, 471472, 516, 522523

Lee Yuan-tsu, 450

legislation, 458459, 460461

Legislative Yuan, 439, 458, 478

coalitions in, 502, 513514, 515

elections, 473476, 500, 502, 511, 515, 528

referendum law in, 513514

reform of, 503

Lei Chen, 330331

Li Ang, 417

Li Ao, 335

Li Ch’iao, 416

li-chia system, 5859

Li Ching-fang, 203

Li Ch’un-ch’ing, 291

Li Ch’un-sheng, 168

Li Hung’chang, 203

Li Tan, 88

Li Tsung-jen, 321

Li Wan-chu, 297298, 301, 289

Li Yung-p’ing, 411

Liang Ch’i-ch’ao, 217

Liang Hsuan, 406

Liang Shih-ch’iu, 408

Liao Hui-ying, 417

Liao Wen-yi, 302

Lien Chan, 433, 479, 480, 501, 502, 512, 515, 528

Lien Wen-ch’ing, 266

Lin Cheng-Chieh, 446

Lin Chia-yin, 156

Lin Chi-shih, 461

Lin Dingshui, 52

Lin family (Lanchu), xi, 147148

Lin family (Pan ch’iao), 175, 181, 182, 183, 189

Lin family (Wu-feng), xi, 148149, 155158, 159, 180181, 183

Lin Feng, 75, 87

Lin Hung-hsuan, 442

Lin Hai-yin, 407

Lin Hsien-t’ang, 246

collaboration with Japan, 281282

and Japanese assimilation, 219

political activities, 231, 234, 286

on self-government, 292, 302

Lin Huai-min, 417

Lin Hui-hsiang, 3335, 42

Lin Jih-ch’eng, 144

Lin Man-houng, 179

Lin Ma-sheng, 156157, 157

Lin Pen-yuan, 140

Lin Shih, 155

Lin Shuang-wen, 129, 136, 143, 155

Lin Tao-ch’ien, 71, 87

Lin Yang-kang 470, 473, 474, 476, 478

presidential agenda of, 480

Lin Wen-ch’a, 156158, 157

Lin Wu-li, 117

Lin Yi-hsiung, 442, 473

lineages, 6566

Literary Quarterly, 414

Literary Taiwan, 272, 273

literature, 232

of the 1950s, 405407

of the 1980s, 416418

changing trends in, 404405

during Japanese colonization, 242, 262263, 274n.2

and language movement, 267268

during Sino-Japanese war, 272273

western influence on, 263264, 271

See also modernist literary movement; nativist literary movement

Liu Ao, 188

Liu-ch’iu, 183

Liu family, 150151

Liu Kuo-hsuan, 96, 100101, 102, 106n.48

Liu Ming-ch’uan, 166, 187194

Liu, Philip, 376

Liu Sung-pan, 478

Liu Ta-jen, 414

Liu Yung-fu, 206

Lo Fu-hsing uprising, 218

Lu, Annette, 510

Lu Ho-jo, 270, 271

Lu Hsiu-lien, 380, 385, 438, 442, 444

Lu Hsun, 271, 285, 406407

Lung Ying-tsung, 263, 270, 271

Luo Tai-ch’un, 184

Lynch, Daniel, 512


Ma Co cult, 343, 344, 348

Ma Ying-jeou, 503, 508, 512

Ma-tou, 90, 91, 92

Ma-tsu cult, xiixiii, 63, 144, 466, 538, 538

Ma-tsu island, 326

Ma-tsu Society, 158

Ma-yau Ku-mu, 424, 427

Mabuchi Toichi, 30

McGovern, Janet Montgomery, 30

MacInnes, Donald, 379

Mackay, George Leslie, 2930, 169170, 180

temples, 360

Mah Fong, 471

Mainland Affairs Commission, 466

Mainland Affairs Council, 459, 467, 468, 469

Malyasia, 464

Mandarinization, 390391

Mandela, Nelson, 463

Manila, 74, 75, 77, 87

Manpao, 121122

Mao Shao-wen, 149

Mao Tun, 406407

Mao Zedong, 515, 516, 519

Marett, R.R., 30

maritime trade, 8687, 88

under Ch’ing dynasty, 109

conflicts over, 7071

and pirates, 68, 6970

profits from, 7576

taxes on, 7374

See also trade marriage ritual, 341342

Marshall, George, 293

martial law, 295, 323, 326, 447

Marxism, 234

Maswati III, King of Swaziland, 463

May Fourth movement, 311n.62

and New Literature movement, 264265, 267, 269


and censorship, 456

on demonstrations, 440

KMT control of, 442

on Lee’s U.S. visit, 472

under Nationalist rule, 286287, 312n.76

medicine. See public health mediums (spiritual), 343

Mei-chou, 538

Mei-la-tao, 441, 442

Mei-la-tao struggle of 1978–79, 441

Meng Yao, 407

Mercredi, Ovide, 428

Meskill, Johanna, xi, 155, 180

middle class, 367, 387388, 395n.2

political activism of, 438, 44344


from China, 911, 6667, 112, 124125, 127129

to China, 75, 98, 135136

illegal, 124125

legalized, 118119

restrictions on, 109, 112113, 115116

from Taiwan to China, 208

Milisch, James, 167


and aborigine revolts, 118

and Ch’ing dynasty, 109110, 140141

and February 28 uprising, 295

in Fukien, 6768

under Japanese colonization, 221222, 279280

and landlord class, 148

under Nationalists reform, 323

People’s Republic of China, 475, 478, 479, 480481, 482

during wartime period, 235236, 239, 240, 243, 244

See also police force

Min-che, 188

Ming-chu, 97

Ming dynasty, 13

Buddhism during, 56

collapse of, 94

Confucian education during, 62

cults during, 63

and Dutch settlement, 8895

economy under, 5859 7778

farming under, 54, 55

and foreign silver, 77

forts built during, 6162

Fukien population under, 6364

local government under, 5859

and overseas trade, 76, 86

and privatization of land, 57

role of family/women during, 6466

and salt production, 51

shipping trade under, 46, 6970, 7173

taxes under, 6061

Ming Min Shu, 67

mining, 192

missile tests, 472

missionaries, 9192, 169

Miyamoto Nobuto, 3031

modernist literary movement, 404, 405, 408411

vs. nativists, 414415

Mu-tan massacre, 183

Murkowski, Frank, 472

Museum of History, 537

Mutsu Munemitsu, 203

Myers, Ramon, 170


name changing, 240

Nan-yin, 267

nanshin policy, 235, 236, 257

National Affairs Conference of 1990, 432, 451453, 506

National Assembly, 476

changes in, 439

constitutional reform in, 454455, 503

elections in, 481482

party factions in, 450, 452, 453

reform by, 460461

National Central University, 379

National Defense Council, 330

National Development Conference (NDC), 507508, 509

National Unification Council, 529


Chen on, 510, 512513, 514, 515, 525, 529

and Japanese colonization, 208

party positions on, 504, 505506, 508509

in PRC, 528

through literature, 262, 264

threat from China, 497

Nationalist Party

and elections, 326327

reform in, 321325, 335336

Nationalist rule, 281284

and cultural reconstruction, 284285

dissidence against, 331, 335

and February 28 uprising, 295296

political activism during, 286287, 301

and post-February 28 uprising, 296300

Taiwanese dissatisfaction with, 276277, 290291

U.S. support for, 326

National Security Bureau, 330

National Taiwan University, ix, 379

nativist literary movement, 266267, 404, 405, 412416

New KMT Alliance, 458, 459

New Party, 432, 459, 460, 461, 473, 507

coalition with DPP, 477, 502

and corruption, 505

electoral support for, 500, 501

and Legislative Yuan, 476

and National Assembly election, 482483

and national identity, 508, 509, 512

New People’s Society, 231, 233

New Poetry debate, 412

New Taiwan (NT) dollar, 324, 375

New Testament Church, 444445

Nieh Hua-ling, 407

Niger, 463

Nixon, Richard, 334, 437

Nogi Maresuke, 207

pacification strategies of, 215, 216

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) 462

nuclear power plant, 460461

Nuyts, Pieter, 90


oil crisis, 373374

opium trade, 171172

Osaka Exhibition of 1903, 230

Ou-yang Tzu, 409, 414


P’an Chin-wen, 154

P’an Chunwen, 154

P’an family, 148, 151155, 159

P’an Jen-mu, 407

P’an Shih-hsing, 154

P’an Shih-wan, 154

Pa Chin, 406407

Pa-yeh Ta-lu, 427

Pa-yen Ta-lu, 422

Pai Hsien-yung, 409

Palace Museum, 478, 537

PanBlue coalition, 501, 502, 511, 513’514, 528

PanGreen coalition, 501, 502, 511, 513, 514, 515

pao-chia system, 213

party system. See political parties

P’eng-hu islands, 101

Dutch occupation in, 86, 88, 90

Japanese occupation in, 202, 203

returned to China, 236247

P’eng Ko, 407

P’eng Ming-min, 335, 473, 482

presidential agenda of, 479

on Taiwan independence, 481

Pearson, Richard, 35

People’s Liberation Army (PLA), 469; see also People’s Republic of China, military action by

People’s Republic of China, 321, 326

competition with ROC, 334

military action by, 475, 478, 479, 480481, 482

opening of, 376

relations with U.S., 437438

People Youth Corps, 284

People’s First Party (PFP), 502, 503, 511, 512, 515

People’s Republic of China (PRC)

Chen’s policy toward, 515, 525529

relations with ROC, 497, 515529

sovereignty claims of, 497, 516, 517, 520

Taiwan Strait Crises, 497, 516, 518, 519

and unification issue, 509, 525

Pescadore islands, 202

Philippines, 31, 75, 464

Phillips, Stephen, 499

P’ing-p’u aborigines, 149, 150, 151

See also P’an family

pirates, 7071 89

and illegal trade, 68, 6970

take refuge in Taiwan, 87

Po Yang, 335

police force, 212, 215

Political Activities Committee, 323

political institutionalization, 498499

political parties

coalitions of, 502, 511, 513514, 515

electoral support for, 500502

on national identity, 512513

polarization and gridlock in, 503504, 509

positions on issues, 503505, 507509

on Taiwan independence, 507, 512

two-party vs multi-party systems, 500

See also elections; specific parties

pollution, 22

population, 910, 126

Chinese, after Cheng regime, 108, 109, 110

in Fukien, 6364

during Japanese colonization, 210

in late Ch’ing dynasty, 177178

See also migration

Preparatory Committee to Welcome the National Government, 282

Presbyterian Church on Taiwan, 391, 422, 423, 444, 446, 472n.32

Primitive Aborigines of Formosa, The, 33

privatization, 5758

professors, 438, 449

propaganda, 239, 243

Protestantism, 169

Provincial Assembly, 440, 441

Prusek, Jaroslav, 406

public health

under Japanese colonization, 210

under Nationalist rule, 284

and western medicine, 174

Putnam, Robert, 517


Qing dynasty. See Ch’ing dynasty

quarantining, 112113, 115116, 118119

Quemoy island, 326, 526


railways, 186, 192193

Rebellion of the Three Feudatories, 100

referendum, 513514

refugees. See immigrants

religion, 341

of aborigines and immigrants, 347348

in Fukien, 6263

and importance of geography, 348349

and Japanese assimilation, 241242, 349350

modern, 350356

and places of worship, 146147

professional, 344346

rituals, 341344

revival of, 537538

and Taiwanese identity, xiixiii, 358361

See also Buddhism; Christianity; Confucianism

Republic of China (ROC), 321, 326, 336, 447

economic reform under, 377

human rights abuses by, 39

international relations of, 334, 462466, 497, 498, 538

relations with PRC, 466470, 471, 537 497, 515529

relations with U.S., 526527, 538539

and travelling exhibit, 478

See also Nationalist Party; Taiwan

Republic of Korea, 465

research and development, 374375

Return Our Land movement, 39, 422

Rhodes, Frank, 472


production, 125, 127, 135

trade, 171

Rigger, Shelley, 499, 509, 510, 513

Robinson, James, 476, 482

Russia, 463

Ryukyu islands, 87, 183

and trade, 4950, 69


Sakuma Samata, 211, 220

pacification strategies of, 215, 216

salt production, 5152

Sangren, P. Steven, x, 177178

Saudi Arabia, 464

seafood industry, 368369

Seaman, Gary, 347

sects, 346347, 352, 364.n49

sekimin, 228230, 244245

Self Determination, 391

Shang Chih-hsin, 100

Shanghai Communique, 438

Shao Yu-lien, 192, 193194

Shaw Yu-ming, 453

Shen Pao-chen, 166, 184186

Shepherd, John, 185, 347

Shih Lang, 9697

and Ch’ing conquest, 9696, 101102

policy on Taiwan, 108109

Shih Ming-teh, 32, 391, 431432, 441, 442143, 458, 460, 478

Shih Ming-teh provision, 470

Shih Min-teh, 444

Shih Shu-ch’ing, 410, 414, 417

Shih, Stan, 526

Shintoism, 241242

destroyed, 350

shipping industry, 4951; See also maritime trade

shoe industry, 371, 466, 479n.156

shrines, 146147, 353, 355

Shuang-yu harbor, 72

Shui Ching, 409

silver, 7778, 87

Singapore, 464

Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction (JCRR), 325

Sino-French War of 1884–85, 186, 192

Sino-Japanese conflict, 235248

literature during, 272273

Sino-Japanese War of 1894–95, 202, 206

Siong-te Kong, 343

Six-Year National Development Plan, 376

Small Sword Society, 157

social welfare policy, party positions on, 504, 505

South Africa, 463

Soviet Union, 247, 326

Spanish, 1213, 66, 91

Ssu-ma Chung-yuan, 407

Statement of Principles of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples (WCIP), 423

Statute for Encouragement of Investment, 332, 333

Statute for the Establishment and Management of the Export Processing Zones, 333

stock market scandal, 461462

Straits Exchange Foundation, 459, 466

Soong, James, 501, 502, 505, 508, 509, 512, 515, 528

Su Wei-chen, 417

sugar industry

under Chi’ng dynasty, 176177

under Japanese colonization, 209210, 217, 250n.34

and tenant farming, 135

and trade, 127, 171

Sun Li-jen, 323, 330

Sun Yat-sen, 217218

Sun Yat-sen Institute on Policy Research and Development, 321, 322

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, ix

Sung dynasty

cults during, 63

and farming, 52, 54

Fukien under, 46

and lineages, 6566

Sung Fei-ju, 289

Sung Ming-kang, 93

Sung Tse-lai, 416

Sunshe Law, 458459

Symposium Conference on Indigenous People’s Rights, 431432


Tai Ch’ao-ch’un, 144

Tai Ch’ao-ch’un family, 158

Tai Wan-ch’un, 158

Taichung clique, 286

Tainan, 12

and Ch’ing empire, 134, 165, 188

Japanese occupation in, 207

urban growth in, 394

Tainan Presbyterian Seminary, 394

Tainan Theological Seminary, 444

Taipei, ixx

as capital, 166, 188189

as industrial center, 377

Japanese occupation of, 205, 207

Taipei Imperial University, 278

Taipei Museum of Modern Art, ix

Taipei Normal School, 278

Taipei Palace Museum, 537

Taipei Rapid Transit System, 393

Taishŋ Democracy, 279, 220


annexed by Japan, 203208

after Cheng regime, 102103, 108110

and Chinese culture, 537538

class structure in, 386389

decolonization and reintegration, 276277, 281282

democratic transition in, 499500

ethnic conflict in, 388, 389393, 499, 536537

and February 28 uprising, 292294, 536

foreign commerce, 170177

independence issue, 507, 510, 512, 513, 514

industrialization of, 236238

and Japanese assimilation, 220221, 222, 240242, 263

land use, 15, 16, 1719

and local self government, 279, 299, 300, 318n, 160

location, 45

party system in, 500506

physical description, 47

political and cultural reform in, 264265

postcolonialism in, 247248

quarantining of, 112113, 115116, 118119

and religious revival, 537538

role in world arena, 538539

and self government, 276, 288, 291293, 294295, 300301

self-strengthening program in, 184194

settlement of, 1014, 1719, 86

social disorder in, 128129, 136137, 143144, 146, 178180

and support of Japanese war efforts, 235236, 242246

transition to Nationalist rule, 283284

weather, 78

See also Ch’ing dynasty; Fukien; Japanese colonization; migration; Republic of China; Taiwanese

Taiwan Aboriginal Policy and Social Development Consultation, 425426

Taiwan Aboriginal Self-Government Conference, 424425, 427428, 428429

Taiwan Affairs Bureau, 204

Taiwan Cultural Association, 231232, 234

Taiwan Dŋkakai, 219

Taiwan Federation for Local Autonomy, 234

Taiwan Garrison, 282

Taiwan Independence Party, 432, 507, 512

Taiwan Indigenous People Alliance, 32

Taiwan Investigation Committee, 280

Taiwan League for Local Self-Government, 279

Taiwan miracle, 331335, 371

Taiwan New People’s Journal, 244

Taiwan Normal University, ix, 379

Taiwan Office of Translation and Compilation, 284

Taiwan People’s Journal, 231, 232, 244

Taiwan Political Affairs University, ix, 379

Taiwan Popular Party, 234

Taiwan Power Company, 465

Taiwan Provincial Local Self-government Association, 299

Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office, 282

Taiwan Relations Act, 465

Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU), 502, 511, 512, 514

Taiwan Strait Crises, 497, 516, 518, 519

Taiwan Sugar Corporation, 465

Taiwan t’u-chu min-tzu, 38, 43

Taiwan-U.S. Mutual Defense treaty, 326

Taiwan Youth Corps, 227


attitude towards colonial legacy, 288290

and cultural identity, 910, 4142, 389393

dissatisfaction with Nationalists, 276, 282284, 290291, 309n.41

dissidence by, 330331, 335; See also nativist literary movement

loyalty to Japan, 244245

political activism among, 286287, 301302, 443444

post-February 28 dissent, 297, 298299, 325

relations with ROC, 452453

Taiwanese Communist Party, 234

Taiwanese Cultural Association, 262, 264, 266

Taiwanese Language debate, 267268

Taiwanese Literature, 272, 273

Taiwanese Literature and Art, 272

Taiwanese New Culture movement, 264265, 266

Taiwanese New Literature, 262

debates within, 264268

two generations within, 268271

Taiwanese People’s Newspaper, 268

Taiwanese People’s Party, 266

Taiwanese Youth Association, 264, 265

Tam-kang University, 379

T’ang Ching-sung, 206

T’ang Wen piao, 414

T’ang Ying-shen, 422

Tang Fei, 511

tang wai

demonstrations of, 441443

internal conflicts of, 445446

oppose KMT, 441443

See also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)

Taoism, 62, 344345, 537

T’ao Po-ch’uan, 330

Tao-i chih-lueh, 86

taxes, 369

of aborigines, 119120

under Ch’ing dynasty, 110112

in Fukien, 48, 5961

under Japanese colonization, 210

and overseas trade, 7374

reform on, 189190

tea trade, 168, 173175

temples, xii, 146147, 342343, 348349

destruction of, 242, 349

in Fukien, 62

geographic factors of, 342343, 348349

and land ownership, 56

and Taiwanese identity, 360

Ten Major Projects, 373

tenant farming, 5557, 135, 137140, 150151, 156

reform, 324325

and tea industry, 174175

Terrell, John, 28

textile industry, 329, 338n, 24, 367

Thailand, 464

theater, 232

Thelin, Mark, 379

Thirty-two Demands, 294

Three Mountain King Sect, 146

Three Principals, 284

Thunder Alliance, 155

Tiao Yu Tai islands, 438

T’ien Hung-ma, 439

Tientsin treaty negotiations of 1858, 167

Ting Jih-ch’ang, 166, 185186

Ting-yuan, 116

Ti-te Chen, Edward, 234

To Au, 424

Tokyo, 231

tourism, 466

trade, 7173, 444, 464, 466

British, 99100

camphor, 172173

under Cheng regime, 9596, 98, 100

China-Taiwan, 520521

and Dutch settlement, 8991, 9294

illegal, 6971

under Japanese colonization, 209

in late Ch’ing dynasty, 167, 170177

opium, 171172

profits from, 7577

sugar, 176177

surplus, 375

taxes on, 7374

tea, 173175

See also maritime trade

transportation, 2223, 25

improvements in, 373, 376

under Japanese colonization, 209

and urban growth, 393394

Treaty of Peking, 167

Treaty of Shimonoseki, 203

Truman, Harry, 321

Ts’ai Ch’iu-t’ung, 262

Ts’ung Su, 410

Tsai Chung-han, 423, 427

Tse-min Lin, 505

Tsiang, Y.S., 445

Tu Chun-ying, 113114

Tuan Ts’ai-hua, 407

Tun-tzu, 153, 154

Tung-hai University, 379, 394

Tung-p’u Graves incident, 422

Twenty-one Demands, 219220


Uchida Kakichi, 211

UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations, 424

unemployment, 284, 328

United Daily News, 416

United Nations (UN), 334, 438, 465, 507, 519, 522, 538

United States, 247, 465, 538539

aid to Taiwan, 321, 325, 328, 335, 336

air strikes by, 236

Lee Teng-hui’s visit to, 47172, 516, 522523

on PRC military actions, 481

relations with ROC and PRC, 334, 437438, 519, 524, 526527, 538539

and role in Taiwan economic development, 331332, 370371

support for Nationalists government, 326

Taiwanese students in, 380

trade by, 375376, 464

Universal Salvation (Pho To), 353, 354

urban growth, 23, 393394

U.S. Agency for International Development (AID), 370

U.S. Military Assistance and Advisory Group in Taiwan, 325


Vietnam War, 334


Wai-lim Yip, 411

Walis Yugan, 38

Wallerstein, Immanuel, 166

Wang Ch’ang-hsiung, 270, 272

Wang Chen, 113

Wang Chen-ho, 414

Wang Ching-feng, 474, 480

Wang Chun, 117, 118

Wang Chi-hsien, 376

Wang Daohan, 471

Wang Lan, 407

Wang Pai-yuan, 290

Wang Shi-ch’ing, 139, 140

Wang Shih-ch’ing, 227

Wang Ta-yuan, 86

Wang T’ien-teng, 287, 290, 294, 296, 300301

Wang T’o, 415, 415416

Wang Wen-hsing, 409, 411

Wang, Y.C., 524

Wanli period, 55

Wan-yao Chou, 242

Way of Unity, 352

Weber, Max, 351

Wei Tao-ming, 297, 300

Wei T’ing-ch’ao, 335

Weller, Robert, x, 177

Wen Hsing, 335

Weng Nao, 270 “white terror,” 330

Wind and Moon, 272

Wolf, Arthur, 177178

World Health Organization (WHO), 513


and Buddhism, 356, 357358

changing roles of, 384385

under Dutch occupation, 92

role of in Fukien, 64

World United Formosans for Independence, 454

Wright, Julie, 471

Wu Chin-fa, 416

Wu-chi-sheng company, 149

Wu Cho-liu, 274

Wu Hsin-jung, 281

Wu Kuo-chen, 330

Wu Lo, 149

Wu Ming-yi, 32


Yan K’ui, 263

Yang Chao-chia, 286

Yang Ch’ing-ch’u, 415

Yang Hua, 271

Yang K’ui, 262, 263, 270, 271, 272, 273

Yang Liang-kung, 296

Yang Shou-yu, 268

Yao Chia-wen, 442

Yao Ch’i-sheng, 101

Yao Ying, 144

Yeh Jung-chung, 282

Yeh Shih-t’ao, 273, 274

Yen Yuan-shu, 408, 411

Yi-chiang Pa’lu-erh, 422, 423, 424, 427, 431

Yi-kuan Tao, 353, 445

Yin Hai-kuang, 330

Youth and Young Women’s Corps, 239, 241

Yuan Ch’iung-ch’iung, 417

Yuan-chu-min, 423

Yuan dynasty, 46

Yueh people, 35

Yue-kang harbor, 7172, 74

Yu Kuang-chung, 414

Yu Kuo-hua, 449

Yu Mou-ming, 528

Yu T’ien-ts’ung, 414

Yu Yung-ho, 111

Yun-lin massacre, 207

Yung-cheng, 116