

On the day the deal was announced:


While the model scripts should not be used verbatim: To protect the privacy of my subjects, I have, in most cases, changed their names in the background stories, and in several cases have altered the facts of the story.


The offensive action has the power to affect its targets’ psychological mind-set: “Sexual Harassment: Myths and Realities,” Journal of the American Psychological Association (2010): n. pag. Print.

Your file should contain a written response:

“You need a written record of your dissent”: Ibid.

“Life is too precious to spend another minute of it with you.”: Cited in Stuart E. Weisberg, Barney Frank: The Story of America’s Only Left-handed, Gay, Jewish Congressman. N.p., University of Massachusetts Press, 2009.


The fiancé or fiancée should be informed: Jacqueline Newman, “Approaching Your Fiancé (or Fiancée) about a Prenuptial Agreement,” Berkman Bottger Newman & Rodd LLP,, 26 June 2012. Web.

This result would inhibit discussion: Kirby Rosplock, “7 Tips to Overcoming Prenup Paralysis,” GenSpring Family Offices LLC, Winter 2010. Web.

It can be helpful to begin the discussion: Ibid.

If one has accumulated, created, or inherited wealth: Ibid.

At the end of the initial delivery, the fiancé or fiancée should be given time: Ibid.

Often, a vague response can satisfy a young child’s prying questions: “Sex Education: Talking to Your Teen about Sex,” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 18 Nov. 2011. Web.

Discussing sex should be viewed as an ongoing conversation: “Sex Education—Tips for Parents,” Home, Better Health Channel, July 2011. Web.

Parents and teenagers may find the topic easier: Ibid.

In order to create a comfortable setting, parents should avoid disputing: Ibid.

As a parent, you’re left with the question”:

In the final analysis it is not what you do for your children”: Lin, “Boomerang Kids: How to Kick Grown Adult Children Out of the House,” Telling It Like It Is,, 29 Mar. 2010. Web.

32.9 percent of failed marriages are caused by financial problems: M. G. Cleek and A. T. Pearson, “Perceived Causes of Divorce: An Analysis of Interrelationships,” Journal of Marriage and the Family (Feb. 1985): 179, 181.

Research has revealed that divorce: Shendl Tuchman, “Five Considerations When Telling Your Children You Are Getting Divorced,” Good Therapy, 3 Mar. 2011. Web.

Communicating to children a separation or divorce decision: Larry Carlat, “How Not to Tell Your Kids You’re Getting Divorced,”, 8 Mar. 2011. Web.

If possible, wait for both parties’ outward emotions to cool: “Divorce: What to Tell Your Children,” Family Education, n.d. Web.

Because of the strong bond that children generally share with both parents: Ibid.

Initially, parents can prepare for this: Ziba Kashef, “How to Tell Your Child You’re Getting a Divorce.” The Baby Center. N.p., n.d. Web.

Planning a message that neither places blame nor dwells on many details may help: Tuchman, “Five Considerations When Telling Your Children.”

Parents might try to establish what their children already know: Jocelyn Block, Gina Kemp, Melinda Smith, and Jeanne Segal, “Children and Divorce,”, Nov. 2011. Web.

Deliver the message clearly: Kashef, “How to Tell Your Child.”

Keep the conversation simple to avoid confusion: Block et al., “Children and Divorce.”

Offering clarity as to when the official separation will take place: “Divorce: What to Tell Your Children.”

In addition, it’s critical to emphasize to children: “Children and Divorce,” American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, n.d., Mar. 2011. Web.

Inform them that the divorce is not the result of their actions: Kashef, “How to Tell Your Child.”

Weller’s vehicle went almost three hundred yards: “89-Year-Old Found Guilty of Manslaughter,”, 11 Feb. 2009. Web.

Drivers over eighty are more likely than others: “Taking the Keys Away from an Elderly Driver,” National Safety Commission Alerts, 18 Feb. 2009. Web.

While surrendering the keys might be a matter of basic logic and safety: David Solie, How to Say It to Seniors: Closing the Communication Gap with Our Elders. New York: Prentice Hall, 2004. Print.

Telling a respected adult that he or she has become inept: Connie Matthiessen, “Stop Driving: How to Talk to Elderly Adults about Giving Up the Keys,”, 17 Jan. 2013. Web.

You will want to convey that you understand what this sacrifice means: Harriet Vines, Age Smart: How to Age Well, Stay Fit, and Be Happy. N.p.: Aeon, 2008. Print.

Options such as creating a carpool schedule: Matthiessen, “Stop Driving.”

you can raise the possibility of completing an unsafe-driver report: Depending on one’s residing state, ParentCare Pro provides a useful resource to determine how best to complete a report with the DMV ( The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has a helpful guide that clearly explains each state’s laws concerning elderly drivers (

That may be the inevitable close to the conversation: “Taking the Keys Away from an Elderly Driver.”


“Making an apology is a very serious thing”: Beverly Engel, “How to Give a Meaningful Apology,” University of Massachusetts Amherst’s Family Business Center. N.d. Web.

The success rate for addict recovery: “Tough Love or Love First?” Counselor (31 Jan. 2003): n. pag. Web.

The most successful interventions come from detailed planning: Ibid.

expressing affection for the addict rather than anger: Ibid.

He continues to recover from his battle: Some of the facts in this story have been altered slightly to further protect the identity of the subject.


If questions arise or the policy is unclear:

The consumer should review the item’s warranty: Ibid.

Applicable consumer laws and the experiences of others:

the consumer must convey an authoritative tone: Ibid.

If coach is overbooked, but there are empty seats in first class”: