
Cover    1

Title Page    3

Copyright Page    4

Endorsements    5

Dedication    7

Introduction: A Noble Pursuit    11

1. My Aha! Moment: Understanding My Personality Type    23

2. Communication Breakdown: Introverts and Extroverts    35

3. Too Hot to Handle: Highly Sensitive People    57

4. Love and Other Acts of Blindness: The Five Love Languages    73

5. You’re Not Crazy, You’re Just Not Me: Keirsey’s Temperaments    93

6. Type Talk: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator    115

7. The Deck Is Stacked: The MBTI Cognitive Functions    139

8. Play to Your Strengths: The Clifton StrengthsFinder    155

9. Confront Your Junk: The Enneagram    171

10. Your Personality Is Not Your Destiny: How Much Can People Change?    193

Acknowledgments    205

Recommended Resources    207

Notes    211

About the Author    219

Back Ads    221

Back Cover    223