Ab exercises/training

Arm exercises and, 229, 233

Back exercises and, 157–158

Crunches, 82

Curls and, 229

Janda situps, 82, 158

Training planning for, 114

Abajiev, I., 30

Abdominal exercises/training. See Ab


Active negatives, 63–64

Allstadt, John, 206

Anderson, Paul, 8–12, 44, 59, 94, 201–204

Arm exercises/training, 219–249

Ab muscles and, 229, 233

Barbell finger rolls, 226–227, 228

Bench presses, 248

Biceps, 88, 146, 225–226, 229, 233–235, 247, 248

Close-grip bench presses, 89, 221–224, 236

Curl-grip bench presses, 238–242

Curls, 229–232

Dips, 232

Fatigue cycling and, 21

Fingers, 226–227, 228, 290–292

Forearms, 89–91, 246–248, 290–292

Glute muscles and, 233

Hands, 290–292

Indian clubs, 247–248

Injury prevention, 228–229, 232, 238, 245

Power rack barbell curls, 225–226

Pullups, 146

Reverse grip presses, 240, 242

Squats, 249

Straight arm wrist extensions, 228–229

Straight bar curls, 239, 242, 245

Stretching and, 234

Towel hammer curl/Elbow extension superset, 226

Tricep kickbacks, 241, 242

Triceps, 89, 221–224, 226, 232, 235–244

Triceps blasters, 243–244

Wrists, 228–229, 292

Arnold press, 88

Ashman, David, 206

Atlas, Charles, 18, 286

Avanesov, V. S., 104


Baccari, Steve, 212, 304

Back bridges, 199

Back deadlifts, 120–121

Back exercises/training, 123–158

Ab strength and, 157–158

Arching back and, 137, 265

Back bridges, 199

Bench pressing and, 265

Bending and, 156–157

Bent-over rows, 148

Deadlifts, 125–128, 131–133, 146, 148, 149–150

Deltoid development and, 212–213

Dimel deadlifts, 131–133

Hise shrugs, 130–131, 168

Injury prevention, 149–150, 156–157, 217–218, 265

Lat exercises. See Lat exercises/training

Military presses and, 217–218

One-arm suitcase deadlifts, 125–128

Pullups, 129, 137, 138–145, 146–147, 148

Stretching and, 134–136, 151–155

Baker, Aaron, 108

Barbell bench press, 88. See also Barbell


Barbell curls, 225–226

Barbell finger rolls, 226–227, 228

Barbell shrugs, 87

Barbells, 87, 88, 92. See also Bench press

techniques/methods; Squat techniques/methods

Bartram, Clark, 266

Behind-the-back deadlifts, 178, 188

Belt squats, 178

Bench dips, 232

Bench press techniques/methods

Arm exercises/training and, 89, 248

Board presses, 10–12, 50, 118–119

Chest exercises/training and, 88, 253–260, 265, 276

Close-grip bench press, 89, 221–224, 236

Bench press techniques/methods

Curl-grip bench press, 238–242

Cycling and, 43–44

DeLorme method and, 15, 17–18

Deadlifting and, 15. See also Deadlifting


Decline bench presses, 265, 270

Diamond technique, 221, 222

Dumbbells and, 69–70

Injury prevention and, 265

Maximum for, 62

Moiseev approach to, 49–50

Powerlifting and, 30–37

Proper form for, 88, 253–260, 265, 276

Pyramid workouts and, 48

Russian National Powerlifting Team approach to, 30–37, 48, 114

Shrugs and, 67–69

Singles routines, 44–45

Bent press, 77–80

Bent-over rows, 148

Biasiotto, Judd, 26

Bicep exercises/training, 88, 146, 225–226, 229, 233–235, 246, 248. See also Arm exercises/training

Blaikie, William, 77

Blakley, J. M., 10

Blocked practice, 51

Board press, 10–12, 50, 118–119

Bodybuilding vs. strength training, 39, 40

Bogdasarov, Suren, 31, 290

Bondarchuk, Anatoly, 280

Brice, Jason, 48–49

Brookfield, John, 246, 266, 267

Butenko, Andrey, 24


C&Ps. See Clean-and-presses

Cable cross-over, 87–88

Calf exercises/training, 86, 168, 177, 178. See also

Leg exercises/training

Capillarization, 282

Casey, Pat, 94

Cassidy, Hugh, 106

Chest exercises/training, 251–276

Bench pressing and, 88, 253–260, 265, 276

Cable cross-overs, 87–88

Decline bench presses, 265, 270

Dumbbells and, 271–274

Floor flies, 262–264

Floor presses, 272–275

Hand clap pushups, 260–261

Incline dumbbell press, 261

Injury prevention and, 265

Overhead presses, 270

Pecs, 265, 266–270

Chinups. See Pullups

Circuit training, 51–52

Cirque Du Soleil, 62

Clary, Fred, 8, 10, 27

Clean-and-presses (C&Ps), 204–205, 206–208

Close-grip bench press, 89, 221–224, 236

Clubbels, 247

Coan, Ed, 157

Coleman, Ronnie, 146

Colgan, Michael, 176

Columbo, Franco, 1

Complex training, 94

Concentrated loading, 107–108

Constant practice, 51

Crane, Rickey Dale, 42

Crawford, Linda, 52

Crunches, 82

Curl-grip bench press, 238–242


For arms, 229–232

For legs, 86, 164

Cybernetic programming, 102

Cycling, 102–104, 117–118. See also Periodization; Power cycling


Davies, John, 148, 169, 171, 172, 226

Dead hang (pushups from), 318

Dead squatting, 73–74

Deadlift lockout, 85

Deadlifting (DL) techniques/methods

Back deadlifts, 120–121

Back development and, 125–128, 131–133, 146

Behind-the-back deadlifts, 178, 188

Bench pressing and, 15

Breathing and, 75

Deadlift lockouts, 85

DeLorme method and, 15, 17

Explosive lifting and, 54–55

Jefferson squats, 178, 185

Leg development and, 56–58, 164, 178, 181–183

One-legged deadlifts, 56–58, 164, 178

Pausing between lifts, 55–56

Progressive Movement Training and, 10

Pyramid deadlifts, 165–167

Saddle deadlifts, 178, 185

Deadlifting (DL) techniques/methods

Sissy deadlifts, 85

Stance variations for, 178, 181–183

Sumo deadlifts, 184

Trap bar deadlifts, 158

Value of, 134, 139

Dearth, David, 108

Deck squats, 300–302

Decline bench presses, 265, 270

Delayed adaptation, 107–108

Delayed training effect, 107

DeLorme method, 13–18

Deltoid exercises/training, 212–213, 215–216. See also Neck and shoulder exercises/training

Diamond technique, 221, 222

Dikul, Valentin, 77, 151

Dimel, Matt, 131, 301

Dimel deadlifts, 131–133

Dips, 232

Distributed loading, 107

DL. See Deadlifting (DL) techniques/methods

Dolgov, Andrey, 81

Dragon Walk, 293–295

Dreschler, Arthur, 168

Du Cane, Andrea, 165–167

Du Cane, John, 293, 295

Dubrovsky, Vladimir, 63

Dumbbell exercises/training

For back, 125–128

Bench pressing and, 69–70, 213. See also Bench

press techniques/methods

For biceps, 88, 233, 234

For calves, 168

For chest, 271–275

Clean-and-presses, 206–208

Curls, 18, 21, 88

Deadlifts, 83, 125–128, 178

Exercise bench and, 271–275

Flexibility and, 213

Floor flies, 262–263

Floor presses, 272–275

For forearms, 228, 247

Home gym and, 92, 271–275

Incline dumbbell press, 261, 271

Injury prevention and, 209–211, 215, 213–214

For lats, 67, 137, 144

For neck and shoulders, 88, 205–211, 209–211, 213–214, 215

Programs using, 2, 4, 5, 11, 18, 21, 49, 67, 77

See-saw presses, 209–211

Sots presses, 205

For triceps, 234, 235

For wrists, 228

Duval, Henry, 206


Elastic rebound, 65

Escalating Density Training, 116

Exercise benches, 92, 271

Explosive lifting, 54–55

Extensor reflex training, 27–29


Fahey, Thomas, 39

Fat (strength and), 65

Fatigue cycling technique, 18–21

Fetisov, Oleg, 149

Finger exercises/training, 226–227, 228, 290–292

Finger rolls, 226–227, 228

54321 system, 45–46

Floor flies, 262–264

Floor presses, 272–275

Forearm exercises/training, 89–91, 246–248, 290–292

Frantz, Ernie, 1

Free weights, 81

Freestyle training, 108–109, 111. See also

Periodization; Training planning

Front squats, 168, 178, 180, 191

Full-body workouts, 99

Fundamentalist approach (to training), 75–76


Galenchik, N. V., 105

Gallagher, Marty, 24, 42, 86, 92, 117

Gerard bars, 158

Gloves (workout), 235

Glute exercises/training, 83–84, 233

Good, Harry L., 56–58, 164

Good mornings, 86

Grimek, John, 45, 59, 271

Grip-ups, 290

Gymastic rings, 93, 307–308


Hack squats, 178, 190, 195–196

Hackenschmidt, George, 242

Halbert, George, 276

Hamstring exercises/training, 86, 164, 192. See also

Leg exercises/training

Hand exercises/training, 290–292

Haney, Lee, 100, 112

Hanging knee raises, 142

Hatfield, Fred, 27, 55, 101, 261

Head casts, 247

Head positioning, 62–63

Heenan, John, 247

Henry, Mark, 55

Hettinger, T., 107

Hibbard, Jack, 1

High-intensity/Low-volume (HIT) routine, 110

High-tension techniques (HTTs), 59–61

Hip pull-throughs, 83–85

Hise, Joseph C., 130

Hise shrugs, 130–131, 168

HIT. See High-intensity/Low-volume (HIT) routine

Hoffman, Bob, 77

Home gyms, 92–93

Hot Wheels in Four Weeks workout, 169–176

HTTs. See High-tension techniques

Hutchins, Ken, 61

Hypertrophy cycle, 13–18


IAP. See Intra-abdominal pressure

IMTs. See Individual movement techniques

Incline dumbbell press, 261

Indian clubs, 247–248

Individual movement techniques (IMTs), 298

Injury prevention

For arms/wrists/elbows, 192–193, 228–229, 232, 245

For back, 149–150, 156–157, 190, 265

For chest, 265

Dumbbells and, 209–211, 215, 213–214

For knees, 195

For legs, 168–169, 190, 195

For neck and shoulders, 192–193, 209–211, 213, 229, 238

Squats and, 190, 192–193

Intensity/Volume relationship, 104–105

Inter-/Intra-muscular coordination, 41

Internalization, 61–62

Interval circuit training, 51–52

Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP), 157

Inward pendulums, 248

Inzer, John, 106

Isolation exercises/training, 93–95


Janda situps, 82, 158

Jefferson squats, 178, 185

Jeffries, Bud, 10, 73, 74, 205

John, Dan, 118

Johnson, Brad, 267, 290, 291, 292

Johnson, Keith, 61

Jones, Brett, 88, 266

Jowett, George, 59

Justa, Steve, 2, 45


K-bells. See Kettlebells

Kalashnikov, Mikhail, 8, 118

Karapetyan, Sarkis, 52

Karwoski, Kirk, 42

Kelso, Paul, 67

Kettlebell exercises/training

For arms, 116

For back, 137–138, 144

For beginners, 91

Bent presses, 77

Bottom-up presses, 65

For calves, 168, 178

For chest, 267, 268, 271–274

Clean-and-presses, 206–208

Competition using, 76, 309

Courses in, 81, 147, 195, 205, 267

Curls, 226

Deadlifts, 58, 149, 164, 165

For delts, 206

Flexibility and, 213

Floor presses, 272–275

Home gyms and, 92, 93

Ladder technique, 54

For lats, 137–138, 144

Layoffs (from training), 110–111

For legs, 178

Lunges, 172

Military presses, 14, 63

For neck and shoulders, 54, 77, 205–211

Programs using, 4, 5, 21, 144

Pullovers, 302

Pullups, 318

For quads, 176

For rotator cuff, 217

Rows, 148

See-saw presses, 209–211

Snatches, 76, 217

Sots presses, 205

Soviet military and, 13–15, 21, 267

Squats, 77, 168, 176, 178, 180, 191, 195. See also Squat techniques/methods

For triceps, 226

Training planning and, 111, 116

Kicks/Kickboxing, 296–29

Klein, Sigmund, 199, 206, 270


Injury prevention and, 195

Machine exercises and, 85, 120

Squatting and, 70–72, 120, 194, 195–196

Kono, Tommy, 112, 149

Kubik, Brooks, 206

Kryloff, Pyotr, 81

Krylova, Irina, 265

Kurinov, Aleksander, 44

Kurz, Thomas, 102, 104


La Lanne, Jack, 308

Ladder techniques, 48–49, 54, 279–281

Lat exercises/training, 134–145

Arching back and, 137

Pulldowns, 87

Pullups, 137, 138–145, 146–147

Raises, 213–215

Stretching and, 134–136

Lateral raises, 213–215

Law of accommodation, 102

Lawrence, Rob, 76

Layoffs (from training), 110–111. See also Training planning

Lee, Bruce, 37

Leg curls, 86, 164

Leg exercises/training, 159–196

Calves, 86, 168, 177, 178

Curls, 86, 164

Deadlifts, 56–58, 164, 178, 181–183

Front squats, 168, 178, 180, 191

Hamstrings, 86, 164, 192

Injury prevention and, 168–169

Lunges, 169–176, 293

One-legged deadlifts, 56–58, 164, 178

One-legged dumbbell calf raises, 168

One-legged squats, 178, 179

Parallel squats, 161–163, 192

Pistol squats, 178, 179

Plyometrics and, 176

Presses, 85, 86, 169

Pyramid deadlifts, 165–167

Quads, 85, 120–121

Squats, 161–163, 178–190. See also Squats

Leg presses, 85, 86, 169

Leistner, Ken, 62, 77, 106

Liederman, Earle, 39

Little, John, 115

Lizard, 299

Lomakin, Trofim, 110

Low individual movement techniques, 298–300

Lower-back exercises/training, 85

Lunges, 169–176, 293


Machine exercises/training, 85, 86, 87, 91, 164, 169

MacMahon, Charles, 40

Martone, Jeff, 93, 199, 235, 310

Matveyev, Leonid, 31, 101, 103, 105

Maxwell, D. C., 57

Maxwell, Steve, 27, 190, 195–196, 302, 318

McKean, John, 45–46

McKenzie, Robin, 156–157

McRobert, Stuart, 19, 103

Medial heads, 236

Mental aspect (of strength training), 1–3, 40–41

Mentzer, Mike, 108, 146

Military presses and, 217–218

Mind Over Muscle program, 1–3

Minimal overlap principle, 100–101

Moiseev, Alexey, 49–50

Morehouse, Laurence, 287

Morrison, Nate, 60–61

Motor learning, 2

Motor units (MUs), 40–41

MUs. See Motor units

Mueller, Jake, 117–118

Mukhamatyanov, Fanil, 31

Mullets, 161, 192

Muscle-joint sense, 26

Muscle growth, 115–116, 282


Naked Warrior exercises/training, 277–318

Deck squats, 300-302

Dragon Walk, 293–295

Gymnastic rings, 307–308

Hand/finger strength exercises, 290–292

Individual movement techniques, 298–300

Ladder techniques, 48–49, 54, 279–281

Neck bridges, 307, 311–317

Parallel bar dips, 309–310

Pullups, 309, 317, 318

Pushups, 281–290, 305–306, 308

Russian laundry, 303–305

Slow kicks, 296–298

NASA pushup program, 287–290. See also Pushups, Programs for

NBLs. See Number of barbell lifts

Neck and shoulder exercises/training, 197–218

Back and, 212–213

Clean-and-presses, 204–205, 206–208

Deltoid development, 212–213, 215–216

Flexibility and, 213

Injury prevention, 192–193, 209–211, 213, 229

Lateral raises, 213–215

Military presses and, 217–218

Neck bridges/planks, 199–200, 307, 311–317

Neck extensions, 201–203

Neck rolls, 203–204, 311–317

Press behind the necks, 215–216

Rotator cuff work, 217, 238

Sots presses, 205–206

Twenty-rep squat routine, 204–205

Neck bridges/planks, 199–200, 307, 311–317

Neck extensions, 201–203

Neck rolls, 203–204, 311–317

Neurological carryover training, 8. See also Progressive Movement Training

Novak, Grigori, 204

Number of barbell lifts (NBLs), 31–37


O’Neal, Marty, 249

Oblique exercises/training, 82–83

One-arm floor presses, 274–275

One-arm suitcase deadlifts, 125–128

One-legged deadlifts, 56–58, 164, 178

One-legged dumbbell calf raises, 168

One-armed dumbbell curls, 88

One-legged squat, 178, 179

Overhead presses, 270

Overload (and training), 287

Overreaching, 114–115

Overtraining, 112, 114–115, 204, 213. See also Training planning


Parallel bar dips, 309–310

Parallel development, 106

Parallel squats, 161–163, 192

Park, Reg, 86

PBNs. See Press behind the necks

Pec exercises/training, 87–88, 265. See also Chest exercises/training

Peoples, Bob, 9

Periodization, 101–109

Peterson, Fred, 63

Phillips, Shawn, 101

Pike pushups, 308

Pinch-grip pushups, 292

Pistol squats, 178, 179

Platonov, V., 107

Platz, Tom, 28, 178

Plukfelder, Rudolph, 30, 112

Plyometrics, 176

Poddubny, Ivan, 233

Poliquin, Charles, 106, 146

Power breathing, 1, 157–158, 307

Power cycling, 42–43, 52–53

Power drill combinations, 4–5

Power index, 115–116

Power rack barbell curls, 225–226


Bench press training for, 30–37

Benefits of, 38

Cycling for, 42–43, 52–53

Explosive lifting, 53–55

Head positioning during, 62–63

Routines for, 38, 100

Split routine for, 100

Time for, 52–53

Powerlifting Team USA, 86, 92, 117

Practicing vs. working out, 38–39

Press behind the necks (PBNs), 215–216

Progressive Movement Training, 8–12

Progressive overload training, 42

Proprioceptive sensitivity training, 26

Pulldowns, 87

Pullovers, 307


Advanced-level program for, 144–145

Base-level program for, 138

Equipment for, 93

From dead hang, 318

Lat development and, 87, 129, 137, 138–145, 146–147

Proper form for, 142–144, 318

Pushups and, 284

Tactical style of, 141, 147–148

USMC test for, 309

Weighted pullups, 317


Hand clap pushups, 260–261

Hand strength and, 290–292

Pike pushups, 308

Programs for, 281–286, 287–290

Proper form for, 284–285

Pullups and, 284

Tiger bend pushups, 305–306

Pyramid deadlifts, 165–167

Pyramid workouts, 48, 106, 165–167


Quad exercises/training, 85, 120–121


Rader, Peary, 204

Radley, Alan, 246

Randall, Bruce, 70–72

Random practice, 51–52

Reading, Jim, 171

Reape, Jack, 64, 105, 111

Reeve, Ethan, 307

Remer, Jason, 249

Renegade lunges, 169–176

Reverse grip presses, 240, 242

Rigert, David, 87, 112, 212

RKC ladder program, 54

Rodionov, V. I., 46–47

Rolling neck bridges, 311–317

Roman, Robert, 25, 50, 217

Rotator cuff exercises/training, 217, 238. See also Neck and shoulder exercises/training

Rowing exercises, 148

Russian barbell calf raises, 177. See also Calf exercises

Russian bodybuilding programs

Bench press training, 30–37

Fatigue cycling, 18–21

Growth of, 18, 137–138

Intensity and, 13

Volume and, 13

Russian farmer walk (exercise), 178. See also Calf exercises

Russian laundry (exercise), 303–305

Russian military/special forces

Fatigue cycling by, 21

Kettlebell training by, 13–15, 21, 267. See also Kettlebell techniques/methods

Ladder technique, 48–49, 279–281

Training by, 106, 217, 260, 267, 279, 281, 284, 299, 304, 309

Russian National Powerlifting Team

Bench press training and, 30–37, 48, 114

Layoffs by, 110

Pyramid workouts and, 48, 165

Russian squat assault, 21–25


Saddle deadlifts, 178, 185

Sale, Digby, 93–94

Sandow, Eugene, 80, 242, 270

Saxon, Arthur, 2, 39, 77

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 86, 151, 295

Scialpi, Steve, 56

Scott, Larry, 307

Seated barbell military press, 88

Secondary exercise/drill combinations, 5, 6

See-saw presses, 209–211

Self-esteem (bodybuilding and), 3

Sequential development, 106–107

Sheyko, Boris, 30–37, 165

Shoes (weightlifting and), 27–29. See also Extensor reflex training

Shoulder exercises/training. See also Neck and

shoulder exercises/training

Arnold press, 88

Injury prevention, 192–193, 209–211, 213

Seated barbell military press, 88

See-saw presses, 209–211

Sots presses, 205–206

Twenty-rep squat routine, 204–205

Shrug techniques/methods, 67–69

Siff, Mel, 58–59, 91, 102, 104, 108, 149, 176

Simmons, Louie, 50, 55, 85, 131, 253, 301

Singles routines, 44–45. See also Bench pressing techniques/methods

Sisco, Peter, 115

Sissy deadlift, 85

Situps, 82

Sivokon, Alexey, 30, 31, 33, 114

60% Rule, 103

Skill strength, 1, 39

Skinner, Todd, 226

Slow kicks, 296–298

Smirnov, Victor, 63

Smith machines, 87, 253

Smith, Charles, 204

Smolov, S. Y., 21, 55, 117

Sommer, Chris, 99

Sonnon, Scott, 247

Sots, Victor, 205

Sots presses, 205–206

Soviet military. See Russian military

Spider-ups, 291

Split routines, 99, 100–101, 113

Squat techniques/methods

Active negatives and, 63–64

Arm development and, 249

Belt squats, 178

Breathing and, 75

Cycling and, 104

Dead squats, 73–74

Squat techniques/methods

Deck squats, 300–302

Extensor reflex and, 27

Front squats, 168, 178, 180

Hack squats, 178, 190, 195–196

Injury prevention and, 190, 192–193

Jefferson squats, 178, 185

Kettlebells and, 77, 168, 176, 178, 180, 191, 195. See also Kettlebell techniques/methods

Knees and, 70–72

Leg development and, 161–163

Neck and shoulder development and, 204–205

One-legged squats, 178, 179

Parallel squats, 161–163, 192

Pistol squats, 178, 179

Power and, 25–30

Progressive Movement Training and, 10

Proper form for, 161–163, 168, 174–176, 190, 191, 194, 195–196

Quads and, 85, 120–121

Russian squat assaults, 21–25

Shoes and, 27–29

Trap bar deadlifts, 158

Twenty-rep squat routine, 204–205

Staley, Charles, 116

Standing calf raise, 86

Starr, Bill, 15, 217, 270

Straight arm wrist extensions, 228–229

Straight bar curls, 239, 242, 245


Fat and, 65

Physiology of, 40–41

Self-esteem and, 3

Skill and, 1, 39

Strength training

Bodybuilding vs., 39, 40

Focus of, 61–62

Mental aspects of, 1–3, 40–41

Training planning for, 106–107

Stretching exercises

For back, 134–136, 151–155

For biceps, 234

Strong as You Look series, 113, 125, 161, 221, 253

Strossen, Randall, 204

Suitcase barbell wrist flexions, 89–91

Sukhotsky, Igor, 7

Sumo deadlifts, 184

Surovetsky, Askold, 56

S.W.A.T. training, 4–7, 309–310


Tactical Strength Challenge, 147

Tartakovsky, Mark, 155

Tempo (of exercise), 116–117

Tendon training, 58–59

3 to 5 method, 4–7

Tiger bend pushups, 305–306

Towel hammer curl/Elbow extension superset, 226

Training max, 3

Training planning, 99–121

Ab exercises and, 114

Full-body workouts, 99

Kettlebells and, 111, 116

Layoffs, 110–111

Overtraining and, 112, 114–115, 204, 213

Periodization, 101–109

Split routines, 99, 100–101, 113

Training techniques/methods. See also specific muscles/body parts

Basic equipment needed for, 92–93

Beginners and, 92

Evolution of, 77–81

Fundamentalist approach to, 75–76

Injury prevention. See Injury prevention

Lifestyle and, 81

Minimalist approach to, 118

Overload and, 287

Scheduling of. See Training planning

Tempo and, 116–117

Variety in, 77, 118–121. See also Training


Working out vs. practicing, 38–39

Transient accumulation process, 104

Trap exercises/training, 87, 212. See also Neck and shoulder exercises/training

Triceps blasters, 243–244

Tricep exercises/training, 89, 221–224, 226, 232, 235–242, 243–244. See also Arm exercises/training

Tricep kickbacks, 89, 241, 242


Valentiner, David, 7

Variable practice, 51

Verkhoshansky, Y., 58–59, 91, 102, 104, 107–108

Virtual belt, 75

Virtual power breathing, 75

Virtual size/tissue leverage, 65–67

Viru, Atko, 102, 107

Vlasov, Yuri, 25, 31, 40

Volume/Intensity relationship, 104–105

Vorobyev, Arkady, 99, 103, 104, 105, 115, 177

Voropayev, Vladlen, 110


Walk-the-dog, 299–300

Wallace, Bill, 296

Walsh, George, 204–205

Waving weights, 50–51

Weight ladder, 15

Weis, Dennis, 305

Werner, David, 150

Westside Barbell Club, 10, 55, 194, 223

Whitley, David, 139

Wilson, Steve, 131

Working out vs. practicing, 38–39

Workout gloves, 235

Wrist exercises/training. See also Arm exercises/training

Wrist casts, 248

Wrist curls, 89

Wrist extensions, 228–229


Yates, Dorian, 25, 100, 104


Zane, Frank, 85, 152

Zatsiorsky, Vladimir, 101, 105, 107

Zavyalov, Igor, 243

Zaytsev, Sergey, 18

Zottman curls, 88