The plus side of Mercury retrograde is definitely that old loves can come back into your life, if that’s what you’re pining for. This can be for reconciliation… or for closure. By the same token, if you really want to revive an old love affair, don’t wait for a chance meeting. If Mercury is retrograde in Libra, the skies totally support you in getting back in touch. That said, there are no guarantees!
Libra is the sign most associated with fairness and justice. When Mercury is retrograde here, you may get a chance to right wrongs or perhaps get things done equitably to start with.
Also, old grievances and general relationship issues can come to the surface at this time, too. This can be positive, however, as it allows you to address problems you’ve been refusing to acknowledge and sort them out.
It’s very likely going to be easier and more productive to have that difficult discussion, rather than avoid it. In fact, the discussion might not be necessary if you listen to what your loved one has to say. By resolving differences and mending ties, you can strengthen your relationships.
A general sense that the world is out of balance leads to misunderstandings and communication going wrong – especially in close relationships. It might be a misinterpretation of a few words or a disagreement about a larger issue, but somehow you don’t see eye to eye. A little patience can make all the difference.
Don’t become heavily invested in decision-making. If you feel your input isn’t being heard or valued, remember that the scales will likely dip in your favour before all the weighing is done.
Trying to keep the peace can push you into going along with whoever is around you – whether you think they are right or not – which can lead others to mistrust your judgement. Try to see things from their perspective and you’ll find it much easier to make the right decisions.
People are likely to dither more than usual, including you, but perhaps some decisions don’t need to be made immediately. If a relationship needs an overhaul, this is a great time for it. Tempting though it may be to go it alone, you’ll feel much more fulfilled if you join forces with another.