
The Upside of Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

On the one hand, this is a positive because Mercury is the planet of the mind and where Mercury goes, our minds follow. Under Mercury retrograde in the dreamy and spiritual sign of Pisces, we have a longer time to focus on the mystical. That said, Pisces is already a potentially foggy sign, so Mercury retrograde can up the confusion!

Spending your time on hobbies that don’t involve your rational mind – such as gardening, painting or music – will bring the mental space you need now to allow you to bring clarity to your feelings. Artistic skills are heightened under this cycle, and it’s a very good time to revisit any projects you’ve left incomplete.

If you had a dream that you abandoned, allow yourself some time with it again – especially any creative projects with a mystical or musical bent.

Five things to do

Watch out for…

With your brain being so fuddled, it’s easy for smooth talkers to persuade you into buying whatever they’re selling. Just accept you’re likely to be gullible and delay purchase until later, when you can think more clearly.

When your thoughts are redirected to Piscean realms, it may be difficult to tell fact from fiction. Believing our judgement is infallible makes us vulnerable to delusion, so remember that things are not always as they seem, then try to relax and enjoy the show.

Pisces has an association with unhealthy, even addictive, behaviours as a way of escaping the pressures or boredom of daily life. Consider making positive changes that will feed your imagination and soul.

Feeling so dreamy means you may stare into space for hours on end. Conversations drift into strange territory and your memory is completely unreliable. You might be tempted to run away and hide from the world – it’s worth obeying that feeling, just temporarily.

How Mercury retrograde affects you
