Illustrations from the first edition of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland are by John Tenniel. London: Macmillan, 1865. Found on pages 1.1, 1.11, 2.1, 2.5 (bottom right), 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 6.15, 7.1, 7.3, 7.24–8.2, 9.1, 10.1, 11.1, 11.6, 12.1, 12.8.
*xii. Garratt, Arthur. Tom Tower, illustration from Christ Church, Oxford: An Anthology in Prose & Verse, by Arthur Hassall. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1911.
fm1.1. Lewis Carroll. c.1870. Photomechanical print. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
fm1.2. Carroll, Lewis. What I Look Like When I’m Lecturing. 1868. Drawing. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
itr.3. Carroll, Lewis. Carroll with MacDonald Children. c.1862. Photograph. In Lewis Carroll: A Biography, by Morton N. Cohen. New York: Knopf, 1995.
itr.4. Garratt, Arthur. The Library (Interior), illustration from Christ Church, Oxford: An Anthology in Prose & Verse, by Arthur Hassall. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1911.
itr.5. Garratt, Arthur. Great Quadrangle II, illustration from Christ Church, Oxford: An Anthology in Prose & Verse, by Arthur Hassall. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1911.
itr.6. Garratt, Arthur. Christ Church from Lady Montagu’s Meadow, illustration from Christ Church, Oxford: An Anthology in Prose & Verse, by Arthur Hassall. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1911.
Part One: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
P1.2. Carroll, Lewis. Alice Liddell. 1858. Wet collodion glass-plate negative. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
P1.3. Turner, Joseph Mallord William. Christ Church Cathedral and Deanery, Oxford. c.1795. Watercolour on paper. Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Courtesy of © Corpus Christi College, Oxford and The Bridgeman Art Library.
P1.4. Haslehust, Ernest William. Folly Bridge, Oxford, illustration from The Thames, by G.E. Mitton. London: Blackie & Son, 1910. Courtesy of Saint Michael’s College Library, Toronto, and the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
P1.5. Carroll, Lewis. Alice Liddell; Ina Liddell; Harry Liddell; Edith Mary Liddell. 1860. Albumen print. National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
P1.6. Carroll, Lewis. Three Liddell Sisters Playing Ukulele. c.1860. Photograph. Reprinted with the permission of AP Watt Limited on behalf of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America and the Executors of the C.L. Dodgson Estate.
P1.6. The Three Fates. Date unknown. Illustration.
P1.7. Thumann, Friedrich Paul. The Morae (or Three Fates). c.19th century. Porcelain plaque.
1.2. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Proserpine (Persephone). 1874. Oil on canvas. Tate Britain, London. Provenance © Tate, London, 2014.
1.3. Carroll, Lewis. Alice Liddell as Queen of the May. c.1860. Photograph. Reprinted with the permission of AP Watt Limited on behalf of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America and the Executors of the C.L. Dodgson Estate.
1.4. Gehrts, Johannes. Ostara, illustration from Walhall, by Felix Dahn and Therese Dahn. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1885.
16 (bottom). Woodward, Alice B. Alice and Sister with White Rabbit, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: George Bell & Sons, 1913. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
1.5. Maull, Henry, George Henry Polyblank, and D.J. Pound. Sir Henry Wentworth Acland. c.1859. Stipple engraved print. Wellcome Library, London. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library, London.
1.6. Landseer, Edwin Henry. Scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Titania and Bottom. c.1850. Oil on canvas. National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Courtesy of the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne; Felton Bequest, 1932.
1.7. Michelspacher, Steffan, and Raphael Custos. Mittel: Coniunction. 1615. Engraved plates. In The Golden Game: Alchemical Engravings of the Seventeenth Century, by Stanislas Klossowski De Rola. London: Thames and Hudson, 1988.
1.10. Jackson, A.E, and C.A. Federer. “The rabbit started violently and scurried away”, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. New York: Garden City Publishing, n.d.
1.12. Garratt, Arthur. The Hall, illustration from Christ Church, Oxford: An Anthology in Prose & Verse, by Arthur Hassall. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1911.
1.13. Tarrant, Margaret Winifred. Tiny Alice at Glass Table, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: Ward, Lock & Co., 1916. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
1.14. Gandy, Joseph. Temple of Ceres at Eleusis. 1818. Watercolour. Sir John Soane’s Museum, London. Courtesy of the Trustees of Sir John Soane’s Museum, London.
1.15. Bowring, Josiah. First Degree Tracing Board. 1819. Oil on wood. The Library and Museum of Freemasonry, London. In Alchemy & Mysticism: The Hermetic Museum, by Alexander Roob. Los Angeles: Taschen, 1997.
2.2. Nash, A.A. Nine Foot Alice, illustration from Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: Juvenile Productions Ltd., 1945.
2.3. Tarrant, Margaret Winifred. Alice Peering Through the Curtain Door, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: Ward, Lock & Co., 1916. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
2.4. Batey, Mavis. Brass Firedog, photograph from Alice’s Adventures in Oxford, by Mavis Batey. Andover: Pitkin Pictorials, 1980. Courtesy of Brasenose College, Oxford.
2.6. de Champaigne, Philippe. Saint Augustine. c.1650. Oil on canvas. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles. Courtesy of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles.
44. Soper, George. “The Mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water”, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: Headley, 1911. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
2.7. Moreelse, Johannes. Heraclitus. c.1630. Oil on oak. Centraal Museum, Utrecht. Courtesy of the Centraal Museum, Utrecht.
2.8. Dürer, Albrecht. Melencolia I (Die Melancholie). 1514. Engraving. Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie, Frankfurt. Courtesy of the Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie, Frankfurt.
2.9. Mary Prickett. c.1860s. Photograph. Courtesy of the BBC, Oxford.
2.10. Rackham, Arthur. The Pool of Tears, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: William Heinemann, 1907.
3.2. Nash, A.A. Alice Emerging from the Pool, illustration from Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: Juvenile Productions Ltd., 1945.
3.3. Carroll, Lewis. Edith Mary Liddell. 1860. Albumen print. Emma Butterfield Collection, National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
3.4. Carroll, Lewis. Ina Liddell. 1858. Albumen print. Emma Butterfield Collection, National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
3.5. Pellegrini, Carlo. “A Court parson” (Reverend Canon Robinson Duckworth), illustration from Vanity Fair, January 2, 1886.
3.6. Savery, Jan. Dodo. 1651. Painting. Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford. Courtesy of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford.
3.7. Zeno of Citium. 1692. Engraving. In Galerie der alten Griechen und Römer, by Georg Wilhelm Zapf and Gottlieb Friedrich Riedel. Augsburg: Bürglen, 1801.
3.8. Turner, William (Turner of Oxford). Nuneham Courtenay rustic bridge and cottage, near Abingdon. c.19th century. Watercolour and bodycolour on paper. © Chris Beetles Ltd, London and The Bridgeman Art Library.
3.9. Rackham, Arthur. Dodo and Alice, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: William Heinemann, 1907.
3.10. Doré, Gustave. Council of Mice, illustration from Les fables de la Fontaine, by Jean de La Fontaine. Paris: Éditions Hachette, 1867.
3.11. Nash, A.A. Caucus-Race. c.1930s. Illustration. In Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: A Classic Illustrated Edition, by Lewis Carroll, and compiled by Cooper Edens. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2010.
3.12. Carroll, Lewis. Thomas Jones Prout. 1857. Albumen print. Emma Butterfield Collection, National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
3.13. Carroll, Lewis. Mouse’s Tale, illustration from Alice’s Adventures Under Ground, by Lewis Carroll. London: Macmillan, 1886. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
3.14. Mouse’s Tale, text design from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: Macmillan, 1865.
3.15. Carroll, Lewis. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. c.1852–1860. Albumen print. Emma Butterfield Collection, National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
4.2. Newell, Peter. “Why, Mary Ann, what are you doing here?”, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1901. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
4.3. Barth, Ferdinand. Der Zauberlehrling (The Sorcerer’s Apprentice), illustration from Goethe’s Werke, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1882.
4.4. Reeve, Michael. Oxford University Museum of Natural History. 2004. Photograph. Courtesy of Michael Reeve and the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford.
4.5. Winter, Milo. Rabbit’s House with Lizard on Ladder, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. Chicago: Rand McNally & Company, 1916. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
4.6. Neve, Cornelius. Elias Ashmole Portrait as Royal Herald. 1664. Painting. Courtesy of the private collection of Sir William Dugdale, Blyth Hall, Warwickshire.
4.7. Elias Ashmole’s Coat of Arms. 1925. Stained glass. Museum of the History of Science, Oxford. Photograph courtesy of Andrew Gray, 2007, and the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.
4.8. Hermes, or Mercury, illustration from Manual of Mythology, by Alexander S. Murray. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1895.
4.9. Acland, Henry (attributed). James O’Shea at work on carvings for the Oxford Museum of Natural History. 1858. Photograph. Courtesy of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford.
4.11. Pellegrini, Carlo. Statesmen, No. 2 (W.E. Gladstone), illustration from Vanity Fair, February 6, 1869.
4.10. Pellegrini, Carlo. Right Hon: B. Disraeli, illustration from Vanity Fair, January 30, 1869.
4.12. Holiday, Henry. “The beaver brought paper, portfolio, pens”, illustration from The Hunting of the Snark, by Lewis Carroll. London: Macmillan, 1876. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
4.13. Tissot, James. Men of the Day, No. 33 (Charles Darwin), illustration from Vanity Fair, September 30, 1871.
87. Walker, W.H. Rabbit Throwing Pebbles, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: John Lane, 1907. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
4.14. Pellegrini, Carlo. Men of the Day, No. 19 (Thomas Henry Huxley), illustration from Vanity Fair, January 28, 1871.
5.2. Kay, Gertrude. “You!” said the Caterpillar contemptuously. “Who are you?”, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1923. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
5.3. Watson-Gordon, Sir John. Thomas De Quincey. c.1845. Oil on canvas. Emma Butterfield Collection, National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
5.4. Pythagoras. Copy of c.5th century BC original. Marble sculpture. Albani Collection, Musei Capitolini, Rome. Courtesy of the Musei Capitolini, Rome.
5.5. Bronnikov, Fedor Andreevich. Pythagoreans’ Hymn to the Rising Sun. 1869. Oil on canvas. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Courtesy of the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia and The Bridgeman Art Library.
5.6. Pellegrini, Carlo. “The science of Language” (Max Müller), illustration from Vanity Fair, February 26, 1875.
5.7. Disdéri, André-Adolphe-Eugène (attributed). Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Date unknown. Photograph. Wellcome Library, London. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library, London.
5.8. Carroll, Lewis. Alice and the Caterpillar, illustration from Alice’s Adventures Under Ground, by Lewis Carroll. London: Macmillan, 1886. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
5.10. Carroll, Lewis. Benjamin Jowett. Date unknown. Photograph. Reprinted with the permission of AP Watt Limited on behalf of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America and the Executors of the C.L. Dodgson Estate.
5.11. Soper, George. ‘ “Serpent!’ screamed the Pigeon”, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: Headley, 1911. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
5.12. Jupiter Dodoneus, illustration from Historia Deorum Fatidicorum, Vatum, Sibyllarum, Phoebadum, by Pierre Mussard. Geneva: Sumptibus Petri Chovet, 1675. Courtesy of the Mary Evans Picture Library, London.
5.13. Serpent and Egg, illustration from A New System or Analysis of Ancient Mythology, by Jacob Bryant. London: T. Payne, 1774. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
5.14. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Mnemosyne. c.1875. Oil on canvas. Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington. Courtesy of the Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington.
6.2. Collier, John. Priestess of Delphi. 1891. Oil on canvas. Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide. Courtesy of the Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide; Gift of the Rt. Honourable, the Earl of Kintore, 1893.
6.3. Nash, A.A. Duchess and Cook in the Kitchen, illustration from Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: Juvenile Productions Ltd., 1945.
6.4. Pugin, Augustus Charles, and F.C. Lewis. Kitchen at Christ Church, illustration from A History of the University of Oxford, by William Combe. London: R. Ackermann, 1814. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
6.5. Pellegrini, Carlo. Statesmen, No. 25 (Oxford Bishop Wilberforce), illustration from Vanity Fair, July 4, 1869.
6.6. Ward, Sir L. Men of the Day, No. 57 (Sir Richard Owen), illustration from Vanity Fair, March 1, 1873.
6.7. Sir Richard Owen. c.1861. Line engraving. Wellcome Library, London. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library, London.
125 (top). Rackham, Arthur. The Baby Pig, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: William Heinemann, 1907.
6.8. Sambourne, Linley. Water-Babies Cartoon, illustration from The Water-Babies, by Charles Kinsley. London: Macmillan, 1885. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
6.9. Waterhouse, John William. Consulting the Oracle. 1884. Oil on canvas. Tate, London. Provenance ©Tate, London, 2014.
6.10. Matsys, Quentin. Paracelsus. c.17th century copy of the lost original by Matsys. Oil on wood. Louvre Museum, Paris. Courtesy of the Louvre, Paris. Museum
6.11. Matsys, Quentin. An Old Woman. c.1513. Oil on oak. National Gallery, London. Courtesy of the National Gallery, London.
6.12. Nash, A.A. Fish-Footman at Door, illustration from Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: Juvenile Productions Ltd., 1945.
6.14. Garratt, Arthur. Edward Bouverie Pusey, illustration from Christ Church, Oxford: An Anthology in Prose & Verse, by Arthur Hassall. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1911.
6.13. Christ Church Coat of Arms. Reprinted with permission of the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford.
6.17. The Naxian Sphinx. c.560 BC. Marble sculpture. Delphi Archaeological Museum, Greece. Courtesy of the Delphi Archaeological Museum, Greece and the Hellenic Ministry of Culture.
6.18. Rubens, Peter Paul, and P. Pontius. Socrates. 1638. Line engraving. Wellcome Library, London. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library, London.
7.2. Rackham, Arthur. Mad Tea Party, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: William Heinemann, 1907.
7.4. Cundall & Downes. Charles Kingsley. Date unknown. Photograph. Wellcome Library, London. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library, London.
7.5. Westall, William, and John Bluck. Quadrangle of Trinity College, illustration from A History of the University of Cambridge, by William Combe. London: R. Ackermann, 1815. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
7.6. Robinson, John Henry. Julius Charles Hare. 1852. Stipple engraving. Emma Butterfield Collection, National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
7.7. Kilburn, William Edward, and Samuel E. Poulton. (John) Frederick Denison Maurice. c.1860s. Albumen carte-de-visite. National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
7.8. Merian, Matthäus, and T. de Bry. Robert Fludd. 1645. Line engraving. Wellcome Library, London. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library, London.
7.2. Michael Maier, illustration from Symbola avreae mensae dvodecim nationvm, by Michael Maier. Frankfurt: Typis Antonij Hummij, 1617.
7.10. Houbraken, Jacobus. Francis Bacon, Viscount St Albans. c.18th century. Line engraving. Wellcome Library, London. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library, London.
7.11. Vouët, Simon, and Michel Dorigny. Bacchus [Dionysus]. 1645. Intaglio print. Wellcome Library, London. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library, London.
7.12. Rubens, Peter Paul, and Frans van den Wyngaerde. A bacchanalian scene with Pan sleeping and many drinking vessels left on a table. c.1650. Etching. Wellcome Library, London. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library, London.
7.13. Faucci, Carlo, after Peter Paul Rubens. Bacchanalian Group. 1768. Print. Courtesy of Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, San Francisco; Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts.
7.14. Old Father Time. Date unknown. Illustration.
7.15. Siemiradzki, Henryk. Bacchanalia. 1890. Oil on canvas. Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum, Russia. Courtesy of SuperStock.
7.17. Carroll, Lewis. Edith Mary Liddell; Ina Liddell; Alice Liddell. 1860. Wet collodion glass plate negative. National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
7.18. Burne-Jones, Edward. St. Frideswide Window. 1859. Stained glass. Latin Chapel, Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford. Courtesy of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford.
7.19. de Rooy, Lenny. Deanery Garden Door. c.2008. Photograph from <> Used with the photographer’s permission.
7.20. van Gent, Justus. John Duns Scotus. c.15th century. Painting. Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino. Courtesy of the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino, Italy.
7.21. William of Occam. Date unknown. Stained glass. Church of All Saints, Ockham Parish, Guildford, Surrey. Photograph courtesy of Moscarlop, 2007.
7.22. Board, Ernest. Roger Bacon in his Observatory at Merton College, Oxford. c.late 19th century. Oil on canvas. Wellcome Library, London. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library, London.
7.23. Tarrant, Margaret Winifred. Alice and Hare with Mad Hatter’s Watch, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: Ward, Lock & Co., 1916. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
8.3. Carroll, Lewis. Sisters in Deanery Croquette Garden. c.1860. Photograph. Reprinted with the permission of AP Watt Limited on behalf of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America and the Executors of the C.L. Dodgson Estate.
8.4. Maier, Michael, and Johann Theodor. Dem Mann ohne Füße bleibt der Philosophische Rosengarten verschlossen. 1618. Engraving. In Alchemy & Mysticism: The Hermetic Museum, by Alexander Roob. Los Angeles: Taschen, 1997.
8.5. Michelspacher, Steffan, and Raphael Custos. Endt. Multiplication. 1615. Engraved plates. In Alchemy & Mysticism: The Hermetic Museum, by Alexander Roob. Los Angeles: Taschen, 1997.
8.6. Knapp, J. Augustus. Drawing of Pythagoras, illustration from The Secret Teachings of All Ages, by Manly P. Hall. San Francisco: H.S. Crocker Company, 1928.
8.7. Saenredam, Jan. Antrum Platonicum. 1604. Engraving. British Museum, London. Courtesy of the British Museum, London.
8.8. Royal Visit of Tom Quad 1863 with Alice Liddell. 1863. Photograph. In Alice’s Adventures in Oxford, by Mavis Batey. Andover: Pitkin Pictorials, 1980. Courtesy of Brasenose College, Oxford.
8.9. Carroll, Lewis (attributed). Dean Henry George Liddell. c.1870. Photograph.
8.10. Bouguereau, Adolphe William. Orestes Pursued by the Furies. 1862. Oil on canvas. Chrysler Museum of Art, Virginia. Courtesy of the Chrysler Museum of Art, Virginia; Gift of Walter P. Chrysler, Jr.
8.11. Carroll, Lewis. Dean Liddell’s wife, Lorina, mother of Alice. c.1860s. Photograph. In Karoline Leach, Shadow of the Dreamchild: A New Understanding of Lewis Carroll. London: Peter Owen, 1999.
8.12. Christ Church Coat of Arms. Reprinted with permission of the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford.
8.13. Soper, George. Cheshire Cat, King and Executioner, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: Headley, 1911. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
CHAPTER 9: THE mock turtle’S STORY
9.2. Kay, Gertrude. “Tut, tut, child!” said the Duchess, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: J.B. Lippincott, 1923. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
9.3. Rackham, Arthur. The Mock Turtle, Alice and Gryphon Seated, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: William Heinemann, 1907.
9.4. Ward, Leslie. High Church (Henry Parry Liddon), illustration from Vanity Fair, September 16, 1876.
9.5. Carroll, Lewis. Canon Liddon. 1867. Photograph. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
9.6. Raphael. Plato and Aristotle from The School of Athens. 1509. Fresco. Stanza della Segnatura, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican. Courtesy of Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican.
9.7. Blake, William. Beatrice Addressing Dante from the Car. c.1824–1827. Ink and watercolour on paper. Tate Britain, London. Provenance ©Tate, London, 2014.
9.8. Cecioni, Adriano. Men of the Day, No. 40 (John Ruskin), illustration from Vanity Fair, February 17, 1872.
10.2. Hudson, Gwynedd M. Alice, Mock Turtle, and Gryphon Dancing, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: Hodder, 1922. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
10.3. Carroll, Lewis. Sir John Millais. 1865. Photograph. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
10.4. Folkard, Charles. Salmon Come Up, illustration from Songs from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, by Lewis Carroll and Lucy E. Broadwood. London: A. and C. Black, 1921. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
10.5. Baxter, George. The Great Exhibition (Interior). 1851. Baxter Method oil print. E.J. Pratt Library, George Baxter Collection, Victoria University, Toronto. Courtesy of Victoria University, Toronto.
10.6. Frost, Arthur B. Hiawatha’s Photographing. In Phantasmagoria and Other Poems, by Lewis Carroll. London: Macmillan, 1869. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
10.7. Carroll, Lewis. The Late Duke of Albany. 1875. Photograph. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
10.8. Carroll, Lewis. Arthur Hughes and His Daughter Agnes. 1863. Photograph. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
10.9. Carroll, Lewis. Tom Taylor. 1863. Photograph. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
10.10. Carroll, Lewis. Professor Faraday. 1860. Photograph. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
10.11. Carroll, Lewis. Holman Hunt. 1860. Photograph. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
10.12. Carroll, Lewis. Ellen Terry. Date unknown. Photograph. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood.. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
10.13. Carroll, Lewis. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. c.1863. Photograph.
10.14. Pellegrini, Carlo. Men of the Day, No. 28 (Tennyson), illustration from Vanity Fair, July 27, 1871.
10.15. Carroll, Lewis. Alfred Tennyson. 1857. Photograph. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
11.2. Kay, Gertrude. King and Queen of Hearts at Trial, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: J.B. Lippincott, 1923. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
11.3. Pluto and Proserpina, illustration from Manual of Mythology, by Alexander S. Murray. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1895.
11.4. Restout, Jean II. Orpheus in the Underworld reclaiming Eurydice or The Music. 1763. Oil on canvas. Louvre Museum, Paris. Courtesy of the Louvre Museum, Paris and The Bridgeman Art Library.
11.5. Mackenzie, Frederick. Chapter House, illustration from A History of the University of Oxford, by William Combe. London: R. Ackermann, 1814. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
11.7. Carroll, Lewis. Knave of Hearts Kissing a Tart, illustration from Alice’s Adventures Under Ground. London: MacMillan, 1886. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
11.8. Weighing of the Heart. c.1275 BC. Paint on papyrus. British Museum, London. Courtesy of the British Museum, London.
11.10. Carroll, Lewis. Lewis Carroll, Aged 23. c.1855. Photograph. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
11.11. Carroll, Lewis. Lorina, Alice, and Edith Liddell. 1858. Wet collodion glass plate negative. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
12.2. Blake, William. Minos. c.1824–1827. Pen, ink, and watercolour over pencil and chalk. National Gallery of Victoria, Australia. Courtesy of the National Gallery of Victoria, Australia.
12.3. George Boole. c.1850. Illustration. Computer History Museum, California. Courtesy of the Computer History Museum, California.
12.4. Carroll, Lewis. Venn Diagrams vs. Dodgson Diagrams, illustrations from Symbolic Logic, by Lewis Carroll. London: Macmillan, 1897.
12.5. Carroll, Lewis. The Game of Logic, illustration from Symbolic Logic, by Lewis Carroll. London: Macmillan, 1897.
12.6. Carroll, Lewis. A Syllogism Worked Out, illustration from Symbolic Logic, by Lewis Carroll. London: Macmillan, 1897.
12.7. Sawyer, John Robert. Augustus De Morgan. c.1860s–early 1870s. Albumen carte-de-visite. National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
12.9. Leighton, Frederic. The Return of Persephone. 1891. Oil on canvas. Leeds Art Gallery, Leeds. Courtesy of Leeds Museums and Galleries, City Art Gallery.
12.10. Soper, George. Alice and Flying Cards, illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. London: Headley, 1911. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
12.11. Holiday, Henry. Fit the Third: The Baker’s Tale, illustration from The Hunting of the Snark, by Lewis Carroll. London: MacMillan, 1876. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
12.12. Cameron, Julia Margaret. Ceres (Alice Liddell). 1872. Albumen print. Courtesy of Sotheby’s.
12.13. Cameron, Julia Margaret. Alice Liddell. c.1872. Albumen print. Emma Butterfield Collection, National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
12.14. Cameron, Julia Margaret. Alice Liddell as Pomona. 1872. Albumen silver print from glass negative. Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; David Hunter McAlpin Fund, 1963.
Part Two: After Wonderland
P2.1. Rackham, Arthur. Trial (Who Stole the Tarts), illustration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. London: William Heinemann, 1907.
P2.2. Carroll, Lewis. Three Sisters. 1862. Photograph. Reprinted with the permission of AP Watt Limited on behalf of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America and the Executors of the C.L. Dodgson Estate.
P2.3. Carroll, Lewis. Ina Liddell. 1870. Albumen print. Emma Butterfield Collection, National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
P2.4. Fluss, Robert. Rosy Cross Rose. 1633. Illustration. In Alchemy & Mysticism: The Hermetic Museum, by Alexander Roob. Los Angeles: Taschen, 1997.
P2.5. Schweighardt, Theophilus. Speculum sophicum Rhodostauroticum. 1618. Engraving. In Alchemy & Mysticism: The Hermetic Museum, by Alexander Roob. Los Angeles: Taschen, 1997.
P2.6. John Bowles & Son. Radcliffe Camera, Oxford: Panoramic View with All Soul’s College, Brasenose College and the Bodleian Library. Date unknown. Line engraving. Wellcome Library, London. Courtesy of Wellcome Library, London.
P2.7. da Bologna, Giovanni, and Edwin Lutyens. Fountain of Mercury. 1928. Lead copy of bronze original, in a stone basin. Photograph © Harshil Shah, 2006.
P2.8. Baxter, George. Houses of Parliament. 1851. Baxter Method oil print. E.J. Pratt Library, George Baxter Collection, Victoria University, Toronto. Courtesy of Victoria University, Toronto.
P2.9. Baxter, George. View of the Crystal Palace. 1851. Baxter Method oil print. E.J. Pratt Library, George Baxter Collection, Victoria University, Toronto. Courtesy of Victoria University, Toronto.
P2.10. Carroll, Lewis. Henry George Liddell, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. c.1860s. Photograph. In In the Shadow of the Dreamchild: A New Understanding of Lewis Carroll, by Karoline Leach. London: Peter Owen Publishers, 1999.
P2.11. Rowlandson, Thomas. Front View of Christ Church. c.1770s–1820s. Etching with aquatint. In Rowlandson’s Oxford, by A. Hamilton Gibbs. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd., 1911.
P2.12. Tissot, James. Men of the Day, No. 36 (Matthew Arnold), illustration from Vanity Fair, November 11, 1871.
P2.13. Ward, Leslie. “Greek” (Benjamin Jowett), illustration from Vanity Fair, February 26, 1876.
P2.14. Pellegrini, Carlo. “Christchurch” (Henry George Liddell), illustration from Vanity Fair, January 30, 1875.
P2.15. Richmond, Sir William Blake. The Sisters (Edith Mary Liddell; Ina Liddell; Alice Liddell). 1867. Stipple engraving. Emma Butterfield Collection, National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
P2.17. Bassano, Alexander. Edith, Alice and Ina Liddell. c.1876. Albumen print. Courtesy of the Alexander Bassano Collection.
P2.16. Burne-Jones, Edward and William Morris. St. Catherine Window. 1878. Stained glass. Chapel of Remembrance, Christ Church, Oxford. Photograph from <>, courtesy of Cynthia Staples, 2013.
P2.18. Cameron, Julia Margaret. King Lear Allotting His Kingdom to His Three Daughters. 1872. Albumen silver print from glass negative. Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Washington, D.C; Bequest of Maurice B. Sendak, 2013.
P2.19. Holiday, Henry. The Hunting of the Snark, book cover illustration for The Hunting of the Snark, by Lewis Carroll. London: Macmillan, 1876. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
P2.20. Alice Liddell. c.1880. Albumen print. Emma Butterfield Collection, National Portrait Gallery, London. © National Portrait Gallery, London.
P2.21. Quarrington, Harland. Westminster Abbey Interior. 2008. Photograph. Courtesy of Harland Quarrington and the Ministry of Defence, London.
P2.22. The Chestnuts, Guildford. Date unknown. Photograph. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
P2.23. Thomson, E. Gertrude. The Nursery “Alice”, book cover illustration for The Nursery “Alice”, by Lewis Carroll. London: Macmillan, 1890. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
P2.24. Facsimile of Programme of “Alice in Wonderland” Produced at the Royal Globe Theatre. 1888. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
P2.25. Elliott, Joseph John, and Clarence Edmund Fry. Alice and the Dormouse. Date unknown. Photograph. In The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll, by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood. New York: The Century Co., 1898.
P2.26. Furniss, Harry. Sylvie and Bruno, book cover illustration for Sylvie and Bruno, by Lewis Carroll. London: Macmillan, 1889. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
P2.26. Furniss, Harry. Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, book cover illustration for Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, by Lewis Carroll. London: Macmillan, 1893. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
P2.27. von Herkomer, Sir Hubert. C.L. Dodgson. In Christ Church, Oxford: An Anthology in Prose & Verse, by Arthur Hassall. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1911.
P2.27. Watts, George Frederic. Dean Henry George Liddell. In Christ Church, Oxford: An Anthology in Prose & Verse, by Arthur Hassall. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1911.
P2.28. Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures Under Ground, book cover illustration for Alice’s Adventures Under Ground. London: Macmillan, 1886. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
P2.29. Alice Hargreaves Receiving Doctorate. 1932. Photograph. Photograph from <>, courtesy of C.M. Rubin.
P2.30. Peter Llewelyn Davies Portrait. 1917. Photograph. Courtesy of
P2.30. Peter Llewelyn Davies as a child. 1901. Photograph. Courtesy of
P2.30. Bedford, P.D. Peter Pan and Wendy, book cover illustration for Peter Pan and Wendy, by J.M. Barrie. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1915. Courtesy of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto.
P2.31. Mons Philosophorum, an illustration from Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer, aus dem 16ten und 17ten Jahrhundert, by J.D.A. Eckhardt. Hamburg: Altona, 1785. In Alchemy & Mysticism: The Hermetic Museum, by Alexander Roob. Los Angeles: Taschen, 1997.
*Where not otherwise stated, all illustrations from books are from the library of David Day.