
1 The Forever Boy

2 His Private War

3 The Wound, the Bow, and the Minenwerfer M.14 shell

4 That Great Body of His

5 His #2 Pencil

6 The Women in His Life

7 It’s Not Only Men Who are Victims of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder—The Sun Also Rises

8 The Deserter—A Farewell to Arms

9 Marie, Hemingway’s Amazing Whore—To Have and Have Not

10 “No Pasaran”—They Will Not Pass—Hemingway’s Spain

11 But They Did Pass—World War II

12 The Father’s Sons

13 Across the River into a Storm of Flak and The Old Man and the Sea

14 His Suicidal Summer

15 The Hurts, the Air Crashes, and Castro

16 Downhill Racer—Flying to the Mountain Top and Death

17 The Short Stories

18 The Nasty Stuff

19 A Snake Named Catherine

20 Immortal Papa—After Death—A Moveable Feast and other Works

21 Copy Boy! This Just in From Ernie—the Nonfiction Books

22 He Never Dies

Appendix: A Time Line
