Exercise 1: Cells, Tissues, and Organs
1. Correct answer: B. According to the cell theory, cells are the smallest unit of life. That means that anything that is made of cells (even a single cell) is a living thing.
2. Correct answer: specialized. Each different cell type is specialized to carry out specific functions in the body.
Exercise 2: Cell Functions and Components
1. Correct answer: B. All cells need to extract energy from food, but they do not all produce food. Only the cells of producers (like plants) produce food. All other organisms extract energy from the food they consume.
2. Correct answer: energy. Without mitochondria, the cell would not be able to convert food into energy. This lack of energy would prevent the cell from carrying out necessary processes.
Exercise 3: Cell Division
1. Correct answer is shown in the following diagram. In mitosis, chromosomes line up during metaphase and split apart during anaphase. In this particular cell, the chromosomes appear to have lined up and may be starting to separate. This indicates that the cell is transitioning from metaphase to anaphase.
2. Correct answers: a) mitosis and meiosis, b) mitosis, c) meiosis, d) mitosis and meiosis, and e) meiosis. Body cells reproduce themselves by separating into two identical cells during mitosis. Meiosis produces four reproductive cells, each with half the DNA of a normal body cell. Crossing over occurs during Prophase I of meiosis. Both mitosis and meiosis begin with the copying of the cell’s DNA. Because mitosis produces new body cells and meiosis produces reproductive cells, both processes are required in humans.
Exercise 1: Energy for Life Functions
1. Correct answer: D. Leaves release oxygen into the environment as a product of the photosynthesis reaction. Because the bubbles are coming from the leaves, they are most likely oxygen gas being released.
2. Correct answers: a) Respiration, b) Respiration, c) Fermentation, d) Fermentation. Respiration converts a lot of energy, but it can only do so when oxygen is available. Fermentation converts a little energy when oxygen is not available. Human cells use respiration most of the time, but will use fermentation temporarily when the oxygen supply is low.
Exercise 1: DNA and Chromosomes
1. Correct answers: RNA and protein. The central dogma of molecular biology states that the instructions in DNA are converted to RNA, which is then used by a ribosome to build a protein. This process occurs in the same way in all cells.
2. Correct answer: C. Egg and sperm are reproductive cells that each contain half the normal number of chromosomes (23 in humans). When these reproductive cells unite, their chromosomes combine to produce a new cell with a complete set of chromosomes (46 in humans).
3. Correct answer: B. The two chromatids that make up a chromosome are exact copies of each other. Every gene present on one chromatid is also present on the other.
Exercise 2: Alleles and Traits
1. Correct answer: C. The addition of an extra base results in a mutation in a gene. A mutation produces a new allele of the gene.
2. Correct answer: D. Before crossing over, the two chromatids of the same chromosome are identical. During crossing over, the inside chromatids of the chromosomes trade segments. The inside chromatid is no longer identical to its partner.
3. Correct answer: C. All lizards lack the genes necessary for the ability to produce body heat. In this case, the environment is not turning any genes on or off.
Exercise 3: Simple Inheritance
1. Correct answer: D. A recessive gene must be inherited from both parents in order to be expressed.
2. Correct answer: B. In a pedigree chart, a square represents a male and a solid shape represents a person with the disease being studied.
3. Correct answer: the 6 empty circles and squares. A person with the genotype CC is healthy because cystic fibrosis is caused only by the recessive genotype cc. In a pedigree chart, an empty shape represents a person who is healthy, or does not have the disease being studied, and is not a carrier of the disease.
4. The correct response contains:
• A clear explanation of the pedigree chart, including what the symbols mean
• A clear and well-developed explanation of how dominant and recessive genes are expressed
• The percent probability of the couple having a child with cystic fibrosis
This is a pedigree chart. It shows how the allele for cystic fibrosis is passed down through your family. An allele is a version of a gene. The circles on the chart represent females and the squares represent males. The black halves show the cystic fibrosis gene and the white halves show a healthy gene. On the far right, under the asterisk, you can see your own genes with the diamond question mark representing your potential child. The female circle shows two healthy alleles, which she inherited from her parents. The male square shows one healthy allele and one cystic fibrosis allele, which he inherited from his parents.
The cystic fibrosis allele is what is called a recessive allele. That means that the healthy gene is dominant and if a person has a healthy allele, that is what will be expressed. In order for a recessive allele to be expressed, a person would have to have two of that recessive allele. Since your child will inherit one gene from each of you, we can draw a chart called a Punnett square to predict how the child’s genes will be expressed. If the child inherits a healthy allele from each of you, he or she will not have cystic fibrosis. If the child inherits the father’s cystic fibrosis allele, he or she will still inherit a healthy allele from the mother, and since the healthy allele is dominant, the child will not have cystic fibrosis. Therefore, there is a 0% chance that your child will have cystic fibrosis. However, it is possible that your child may inherit one cystic fibrosis allele and would then be a carrier for the disease. If your child later has a child with a person who also carries the allele for cystic fibrosis, their offspring would have a chance of having the disease, so genetic testing is advised.
Exercise 1: Evolutionary Relationships
1. Correct answer: B. The closer two organisms are on a cladogram, the more closely they can be assumed to be related. Ferns and conifers are listed directly next to each other on the cladogram. They share two of the characteristics being studied.
2. Correct answer: D. The cladogram compares structural characteristics of the different plant types. Similar, or homologous, structures in different organisms is evidence that the organisms share a common ancestor.
Exercise 2: Evolution by Natural Selection
1. Correct answer: A. A change in the dependent variable shows that natural selection is occurring. In the peppered moths example, the dependent variable is the proportion of dark- and light-winged moths observed. Because these proportions changed over time, natural selection was occurring.
2. Correct answer: C. If one version of a trait provides no advantage over the other, no change in the proportions will be observed. Because the proportion of dark to light fish remained about the same over time, the ecologists can assume that no selection occurred because there is no differential survivability.
Exercise 3: Evolutionary Change
1. Correct answers: a) suitable mates, b) clean water, c) living space or human activity. Frogs compete for suitable mates by singing to impress females. If clean water is limited, snakes can get all the moisture they need from their food instead of drinking water. When living space is limited, especially when humans destroy natural habitats, swallows can build nests on natural and man-made walls instead of in trees.
2. Correct answer: speciation. Speciation describes the evolutionary process of creating a new species. Accumulating different adaptations will eventually lead different groups of a species to become separate species altogether.
Exercise 1: Energy in Ecosystems
1. Correct answer depicts an arrow pointing toward “Respiration and heat loss.” This indicates that energy consumed is lost through respiration and heat.
2. Correct answer: C. The cow best fits the role of a primary consumer because it is an herbivore that feeds on plants. The cow obtains energy by consuming producers such as grass.
Exercise 2: Matter in Ecosystems
1. Correct answers: matter and energy. A food chain uses arrows to show the direction in which matter and energy are transferred from producer to primary consumer to secondary consumer, and so on.
2. Correct answer: A. Food webs are a more natural model than a food chain because they show all the possible feeding relationships at each trophic level in a community.
Exercise 3: Capacity for Change
1. Correct answer: in the lower left corner of the graph.
The slow growth phase of the graph is also referred to as the lag phase, denoted on the graph showing Population Growth over Time.
2. Correct answer: B. When resources are limited, a growing population will have to compete to acquire those resources.
Exercise 4: Relationships in Ecosystems
1. Correct answer: prey. The shrimp is in danger of being eaten by a competing organism. In this relationship, the shrimp takes on the role of prey and the competitor is the predator.
2. Correct answer: B. Both the goby fish and the shrimp benefit from their relationship. The goby fish gains shelter, and the shrimp receives protection from predation.
Exercise 5: Disruption of Ecosystems
1. Correct answer is shown in the table. The kudzu vine is an example of an invasive species. It is an introduced species that outcompetes a native species for resources. Polluted runoff impacting an environment is an example of flooding, and overgrazing in an arid area is an example of desertification.
2. Correct answer: extinction. Human activities, including hunting, urbanization, and the destruction of forests to create farmland are primarily responsible for the habitat destruction that eventually leads to extinction.
Exercise 1: Body Systems
1. Correct answer: D. The organs of the urinary system are responsible for elimination of wastes and regulating both the pH and volume of blood.
2. Correct answer: skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. The skeletal and muscular systems cooperate as muscles move bone and tendons connect muscle to bone, while the brain and nerves control movement and deliver messages to the specific parts of the body.
Exercise 2: Homeostasis
1. The receptor is the body’s temperature sensors and the effector is the response seen in the blood vessels and sweat glands in the skin. A sensory receptor is a structure that recognizes a stimulus, and an effector is the part of the body capable of responding to a stimulus.
2. Correct answer: A. Prolonged exposure to the sun increases the likelihood of a first- or second-degree sunburn that would injure the outer layer of skin cells.
Exercise 3: Nutrition
1. Correct answer: D. 1 gram of fat equals 9 calories; therefore 9 grams of fat would be equivalent to 81 calories (9 × 9).
2. Correct answer: B. Minerals, such as calcium, are essential for bone building.
3. Correct answer: C. Antibiotics can kill the symbiotic bacteria living in the intestinal tract. These bacteria produce vitamins K and B.
Exercise 4: Disease and Pathogens
1. Correct answer: D. Salmonella can be found in raw foods such as chicken or eggs. Thoroughly cooking these foods can prevent the transmission of this pathogen.
2. Correct answer: D. The experiment is designed to show the effectiveness of the measles vaccine.
3. Correct answer: 97%. There were 3 people out of 100 measles patients who had received two doses of vaccine, so in 3% of the sample population the vaccine did not prevent the disease. If the sample is representative, then for the other 97% of the population, two doses would be effective.
4. Correct answer: B. In both experiments, one dose of vaccine proved a high degree of protection and in both experiments two doses provided even more protection.
Practice: Life Science
1. Correct answer: D. Photosynthesis is the process of using the energy in sunlight to make food. A heterotroph must consume other organisms for food because it cannot perform photosynthesis to make food.
2. Correct answers: selection pressure, natural selection, adaptation, and speciation. The environment exerts selection pressure on the finches by providing a limited food supply. Natural selection favors the finches with the best beaks for obtaining food (insects). Narrow beaks become an adaptation of the island finches when no more broad-beaked finches exist. Speciation occurs when the island finches become their own species.
3. Correct answer: B. Dark fur can be produced by the allele combinations FF or Ff. Red eyes can only be produced by the allele combination ee. This means that a guinea pig with dark fur and red eyes can only be produced in two ways: FF with ee, or Ff with ee.
4. Correct answer: A. According to the cell theory, all living things are composed of cells. Viruses do not have cells, so most scientists consider them to be nonliving.
5. Correct answer: ribosome. The ribosomes are the sites where proteins are made within a cell.
6. Correct answer: A. Many diseases can be prevented with simple sanitation methods such as handwashing. Immunizations provide resistance to many other types of pathogenic diseases.
7. Correct answer: D. An anemic person is deficient in iron, a type of mineral. Anemia is a disorder that affects red blood cells, part of the circulatory system.
8. Correct answer: B. Intestinal bacteria that live in human digestive systems are an example of a type of symbiotic relationship called mutualism. The bacteria receive a habitat and food source while humans benefit from the synthesis of essential nutrients.
9. Correct answer: The tomato seedling is the producer and should be listed first. The correct order for the food chain is as follows: Tomato seedling (Producer) → Cricket (Primary consumer) → Wolf spider (Secondary consumer) → Sparrow (Tertiary consumer) → Falcon (Quaternary consumer)
10. Correct answer: D. The number of juvenile female deer in the herd would not affect the size of the deer population because they are already accounted for. Additionally, juvenile, or immature, deer are not breeding and reproducing, and thus adding to the population size.
Exercise 1: Structures of Matter
1. Correct answer: The box on the left should be labeled Element. The box on the right should be labeled Compound. Elements can be both single atoms or molecules of the same atom. Compounds are molecules made up of two or more elements that have been chemically bonded.
2. Correct answer: B. The atomic number, shown in the bottom left corner, represents the number of protons in an atom’s nucleus. The carbon atom has 6 protons.
Exercise 2: Physical and Chemical Properties
1. Correct answer: 4 kg/mL. Density is calculated by dividing the mass by the volume. Thus 120 is divided by 30, yielding 4.
2. Correct answer: C. Mercury, a metal, is in a liquid state at room temperature.
3. Correct answer: B. When a liquid cools and enters a solid state, the particles become fixed and packed into dense patterns, resulting in a change of state called solidification.
Exercise 3: Chemical Formulas and Equations
1. Correct answer: D. The interaction between the reactants iron oxide and carbon monoxide is shown with a plus sign. The arrow indicates that the reaction has taken place and the products, iron and carbon dioxide, are written on the right side.
2. Correct answer: B. The iron atoms are balanced by writing a coefficient of 2 in front of iron. A coefficient of 3 for carbon dioxide and for carbon monoxide balances the carbon and oxygen atoms.
3. Correct answer: C. The equation is a replacement reaction because the iron in iron oxide is displaced.
Exercise 4: Solutions and Solubility
1. Correct answer: A. Water is a single substance rather than a homogenous mixture of substances. It is commonly the solvent in solutions.
2. Correct answer: C. The smaller the number on the pH scale, the stronger the acid. Therefore, lemon juice with a pH of 1.5 is a strong acid.
3. Correct answer: (counterclockwise starting from the left) Unsaturated, Saturated, Supersaturated. The unsaturated solution indicates that more solute can be dissolved, while the saturated illustration shows that nothing else can be dissolved. The supersaturated solution demonstrates crystallization.
Exercise 1: Types of Energy
1. Correct answer: radiant. Placing the seedlings in different locations within the greenhouse affects the amount of direct sunlight the plants receive. Sunlight is a form of radiant energy.
2. Correct answer: B. A strength of her experimental design is that she keeps everything constant except for the one variable she is testing: the location of the plants.
3. Correct answers:
4. Correct answers: a) Chemical to Mechanical and b) Electrical to Thermal. The chemical energy stored in gasoline is converted to mechanical energy when the car moves. The electrical energy traveling through a power cord is converted to thermal energy when the stove is used to cook food.
Exercise 2: Waves
1. Correct answer is shown in the following diagram. Wavelength is measured between two corresponding parts of a wave. Because the dot is placed on the x-axis where the wave is sloping upward, the X should be placed in the next location where the wave crosses the x-axis as it slopes upward. The distance between the dot and the X indicates one wavelength.
2. Correct answer: A. The frequency of the wave shown is 3 gHz, much less than the frequency of visible light. Radio waves have a lower frequency than visible light waves.
3. Correct answer: D. Water can be boiled in a microwave oven, which uses microwaves. Microwaves are effective at heating water and food and are relatively safe with reasonable exposure.
Exercise 3: Heat
1. Correct answer: C. Heat is transferred as the result of direct contact between the coffee and the mug. This is an example of conduction.
2. Correct answer: D. Energy is transferred from the high temperature substance (coffee) to the low temperature substance (mug). Energy is transferred in the form of heat. As more energy transfers from coffee to mug, the mug’s temperature increases.
Exercise 4: Energy in Reactions
1. Correct answer: energy. Endothermic reactions, like photosynthesis, must absorb energy from the environment. Because energy is absorbed, the products of an endothermic reaction contain more energy than the original reactants.
2. Correct answer: exothermic. Exothermic reactions, like respiration, release energy into the environment. In the case of respiration, the environment is the cell where the reaction takes place.
Exercise 5: Sources of Energy
1. Correct answer: fossil fuels. According to the graph, petroleum, natural gas, and coal make up a combined 83 percent of the United States’ sources of energy in 2010. These energy sources are all considered fossil fuels.
2. Correct answer: B. Renewable energy is the least used type of energy.
Exercise 1: Motion
1. Correct answer: 1. The distance traveled is 10 miles in 10 minutes. Using the speed equation v = d / t, 10 miles divided by 10 minutes is 1 mile per minute.
2. Correct answer: C. The straight line on the graph shows that the object was moving at the same speed for the entire 10 minutes. This means that the object had no acceleration.
3. Correct answer: D. For the tennis ball, 60 g × 20 m/s = 1200 g m/s. For the basketball, 600 g × 2 m/s = 1200 g m/s. The tennis ball has a small mass but travels quickly, while the basketball has a large mass and travels slowly.
Exercise 2: Force
1. Correct answers: Lift and Gravity. If the forces of lift and gravity are balanced, the plane will not accelerate up or downward.
2. Correct answer: C. Newton’s second law of motion, or F = m × a, can be used to determine how much thrust is required to achieve a certain acceleration. Multiplying the plane’s mass by the desired acceleration will give the required force (thrust).
Exercise 3: Work and Machines
1. Correct answers: a) inclined plane, b) screw, c) lever, and d) wheel and axle. A slide is a ramp and a lid screws onto a jar. Applying force to one end of a hammer applies an output force at the hammer’s other end. On a paint roller, the roller itself is a wheel and the handle provides the axle.
2. Correct answer: double. A simple machine does not change the amount of work done. If a simple machine decreases the amount of input force, it must also increase the distance used proportionally.
Practice: Physical Science
1. Correct answer: 2Al + Fe2O3 → Al2O3 + 2Fe. To balance the two atoms of aluminum on the product side, a coefficient of 2 must be added to aluminum on the reactant side. The same process occurs for iron, adding a coefficient of 2 on the product to balance the 2 iron atoms on the reactant side of the equation.
2. Correct answer: B. The thermite reaction is exothermic because it releases energy into the environment. The burst of high temperature produced by the reaction releases energy in the form of heat.
3. Correct answer: C. Most metals, with the exception of mercury, are in a solid state at room temperature. Metals are also generally strong and malleable, have high melting and boiling points, and form positive ions.
4. Correct answer: C. The amount of water used is a control in the experiment. Changing the amount from 2 mL to 4 mL indicates a source of error in the experimental design by introducing another variable that will introduce inconclusive data.
5. Correct answer: D. The experiment should be designed with a constant amount of water so that it does not affect the outcome of the experiment. Therefore, there should be 2 milliliters of water in Experiment 3, just as there are in each of the others.
6. Correct answer: B. A boiling liquid is an example of convection. Heat is transferred throughout the mixture as the warm, less dense liquid at the bottom rises toward the top and the cold, more dense liquid sinks to the bottom.
7. Correct answer: A. Gamma rays have the highest frequency of all electromagnetic radiation, allowing them to transfer the most energy. The more energy a wave transports, the more harmful exposure to the wave can be.
8. Correct answer: A. An object’s momentum is the product of its mass and velocity. The velocity of the truck is given. To calculate the truck’s momentum, its mass must also be known.
9. Correct answer: C. To test the effect of flooring type on car motion, all other variables that could affect the toy cars’ motion should be kept constant. This means that the cars should have equal mass and should be allowed to roll down the ramp. The distance traveled by all cars should be recorded.
10. Correct answer: A. Work is done when applying a force to an object results in the object moving a distance. Although a force is applied to the faucet, the handle is stuck and does not move. This means that no work is done on the faucet.
Exercise 1: The Age of Earth
1. Correct answer: D. Fossils found within the same sedimentary rock layer are considered to have the same relative age. When the sediment becomes compressed into rock, the fossil remains of organisms that died around the same time are preserved within the rock.
2. Correct answer: 50. After one half-life, half of the original carbon-14 atoms, or 50 total, would still exist. The other half would have changed into another element.
Exercise 2: The Solar System
1. Correct answers: terrestrial and rocky. Earth is one of the four inner planets that are closest to the sun. Earth’s location in the solar system and its solid, rocky surface identify it as one of the terrestrial planets.
2. Correct answer: A. Earth takes 24 hours to complete one rotation on its axis. At any given time, half of Earth is in darkness (night) and half is in sunlight (day). The part of Earth that is in day or night changes as Earth rotates.
Exercise 3: The Universe
1. Correct answer: B. Scientists believe that the universe formed as the result of a giant explosion termed the Big Bang.
2. Correct answer: D. A supergiant star can die in a giant explosion called a supernova. The explosion can result in the creation of a black hole.
Exercise 1: The Structure of Earth
1. Correct answer: C. Fold mountains happen when the collision of two plates squeezes the two plates together. The layers of rock are slowly pushed toward each other.
2. The correct answers, from top to bottom, are Crust, Mantle, Outer core, Inner core. The crust is the surface of the Earth, and the mantle is located just below. The inner core is the center of the Earth’s interior and is ringed by the outer core.
Exercise 2: Earth’s Atmosphere
1. Correct answer: D. Chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, are a type of chlorine compound that degrades the ozone layer by breaking down ozone into oxygen atoms.
2. The correct answers from top to bottom are Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere. The ionosphere extends from 50 to 600 km; thus it would cover the section at 80 km. Below that, the atmospheric layers in descending order are mesosphere, stratosphere, and troposphere.
Exercise 3: Weathering and Erosion
1. Correct answer: C. A low pressure system is caused when warm air from equatorial regions rises higher into the atmosphere and then extends toward the north and south poles.
2. Correct answer: B. Oxidation occurs when rock is chemically altered by the interaction between iron and oxygen. It is more commonly referred to as rusting.
Exercise 4: The Oceans
1. Correct answer: A. For every 1000 grams of seawater, there are approximately 35 grams of dissolved salts, resulting in a salinity of 3.5 percent.
2. Correct answers: equator and poles. Currents near the surface move heat from the equator to the north and south poles, and back toward the equator.
Exercise 1: Cycles in Nature
1. Correct answer: D. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria produce nitrates from organic nitrogen compounds, and denitrifying bacteria return nitrogen to the atmosphere by converting nitrates to nitrogen gas.
2. Correct answers: a) Condensation, b) Precipitation, c) Evaporation. Water vapor condensation in clouds leads to precipitation, and water is returned to the land or sea. The sun’s heat provides the energy for evaporation, and the water from Earth’s surface is returned to the atmosphere.
Exercise 2: Natural Hazards
1. Correct answer: A. In general, in less-developed countries, the poverty level is higher than in more highly developed countries. Also, population density, meaning the number of people in a given area, increases vulnerability to disaster.
2. Correct answer: B. The chance that an earthquake might occur that has the severity to cause the deaths of over 1000 people is 0.001, or 0.1 percent.
Exercise 3: Natural Resources
1. Correct answer: C. Forests are considered a sustainable resource because they require proper management to be sustained and stay viable.
2. Correct answer: D. Though they are naturally occurring, coal and oil took millions of years to form, making them a finite resource.
Practice: Earth and Space Science
1. Correct answer: layer C. In the diagram, layer C is below layer D, but above the dike. This means that the age of layer C must be between that of layer D (80 million years) and that of the dike (85 million years).
2. Correct answer: B. Asteroids are composed of rock, and comets are composed of frozen gas and dust. Identifying the composition of the object will tell scientists what type of object it is.
3. Correct answer: D. The sun produces light and heat. This means it is actively converting hydrogen to helium, which is a characteristic of main sequence stars.
4. Correct answer: D. The stratosphere is characterized by temperatures that increase with height because ozone in this layer absorbs UV radiation. In the thermosphere, temperature increases with height because of a steady influx of solar energy.
5. Correct answer: A. Winds that blow from a single direction over a specific area of Earth are called prevailing winds. Areas where prevailing winds meet are referred to as convergence zones.
6. Correct answer: A. Microscopic, symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae live in the bodies of coral animals and provide them with food produced by photosynthesis.
7. Correct answer: B. A company concerned about the environment would select a renewable and sustainable energy source such as wind power.
8. The correct response contains:
• A clear and well-developed explanation of the strengths in a plan to educate about building codes and emergency preparedness
• A clear and well-developed explanation of the weaknesses in a plan to educate about building codes and emergency preparedness
• Complete support from the passage
The effects of natural hazards tend to be more severe and long lasting in less economically developed areas. While the need for education on emergency preparedness and building codes is great, the realities of an impoverished population may not allow people to attend the seminars. Even though the seminar is free, people may not be free to attend. Economies dependent on cash crops often require long workdays with no time off. Additionally, a plan to educate people about how to build a home that can structurally survive a natural hazard is unlikely to be successful. In less economically developed countries, government authorities may lack the means to implement and enforce strict building codes. However, if community leaders are able to attend the seminars, the program could see some success if the leaders share what they learned with the rest of the community.