Recognition (see video: Seizures) |
Seizures may present with clonic or tonic involuntary movements of one or more limbs.
Often difficult to recognize with certainty, as manifestations are often subtle:
- apnea or transient cyanosis, or episodes of oxygen desaturation
- lip smacking
- transient eye rolling, altered consciousness, floppiness.
Causes |
- encephalopathy, birth trauma,
- focal ischemia (arterial/venous)
Subarachnoid or subdural hemorrhage
Parenchymal hemorrhage in preterm infants
Cerebral malformations of the brain, including vascular anomalies |
Hyperammonemia Inborn errors of metabolism |
Meningitis Encephalitis |
Drug withdrawal:
- maternal abuse
- following neonatal narcotic therapy Side-effect of drugs
Pyridoxine dependent
Benign genetic seizure disorders |
Investigations |
Always performed
Blood glucose (immediate at bedside) Blood urea nitrogen (urea) and electrolytes
Calcium and magnesium
Complete blood count
Blood cultures
Lumbar puncture – protein, glucose, gram stain and culture
Blood gases
Cranial ultrasound to identify hemorrhage or parietal infarcts or cerebral malformation or abnormalities (may miss subarachnoid hemorrhage) |
Multichannel EEG (Fig. 58.1) or aEEG (amplitude integrated EEG), preferably with video observation (See Fig. 14.4 for seizures on aEEG and Chapter 80 on aEEG.)
To be considered
CT to identify hemorrhage, traumatic injury MRI to identify ischemia, malformations
Metabolic screen – plasma for ammonia, amino acids, lactate; urine for amino acids and organic acids
Screen for congenital infection
Urine for drug toxicology
Specific biochemical tests in suspected neurometabolic conditions |
Management |
Airway, Breathing, Circulation.
Check for hypoglycemia.
- Administer if seizure is prolonged (more than about 5 minutes) or clusters. Controversy about how aggressively to treat electrical seizures (seizures on EEG or aEEG but no clinical manifestations)
- No drug shown to be superior to others. Those used include phenobarbital (most common first-line drug), phenytoin, levetiracetam, midazolam, clonazepam, lidocaine (lignocaine; with ECG monitoring).
- Acute seizures often respond poorly.
- Use as few anticonvulsants as possible.
- Treat the underlying cause, if possible, e.g. sepsis.
- If unresponsive to treatment, consider therapeutic trial of pyridoxine.
Prognosis |
Depends on cause. Epilepsy in 15–20% and abnormal neurodevelopment in 25%. Poor prognosis – if poor response to initial anticonvulsant treatment, abnormal EEG background and presence of electro-clinical dissociation on EEG.
If caused by acute brain insult, most seizures resolve and anticonvulsant therapy can usually be slowly withdrawn. If maintenance anticonvulsant therapy required – is usually with phenobarbital, clonazepam or sodium valproate. |