List of Illustrations

1. ‘The Empire Needs Men!’

2. Marshal Lyautey hosts the visit of the Duke and Duchess of York to the Paris Colonial Exhibition

3. Palestine riots, January 1936

4. Marshal Pétain as saviour

5. Post-partition violence in Calcutta, January 1949

6. Palestine map prepared for the Peel Commission in 1937

7. British recruitment poster for the Palestine Police

8. Malaya, July 1948 interrogation

9. 1954 Vietnamese youth rally in Hanoi

10. President Nasser announces the nationalization of the Suez Canal, Cairo, July 1956

11. Post-war French recruitment for the Troupes Coloniales

12. Mau Mau detainees, Operation Anvil

13. Macmillan’s Wind of Change speech as depicted by the Daily Herald, 4 February 1960

14. ‘Don’t be blind!’ French Army psychological warfare bureau propaganda

15. 1957 Algiers government booklet, Mélouza et Wagram accusent

16. Algerian First World War veterans parade through Algiers, 11 November 1957

17. Victory! Algiers casbah reopens, 22 March 1962

18. Returnees to Algeria, Paris Orly Airport, July 1962

19. Paris monument to Algerian War dead