Front Cover: Richard Maschmeyer / Alamy [Description: Santa Fe Museum of Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA]. Chapter 1: Experience Santa Fe: Sean Pavone/iStockphoto. Chapter 3: The Plaza and Downtown Santa Fe: Swdesertlover/Dreamstime. Chapter 4: The East Side with Canyon Road and Museum Hill: Fotoluminate LLC/Shutterstock. Chapter 5: The Railyard District: csfotoimages/iStockphoto. Chapter 6: Greater Santa Fe: Genevieve Russell/TOURISM Santa Fe. Chapter 7: Day Trips from Santa Fe: Helio San Miguel. Chapter 8: Albuquerque: Kit Leong/Shutterstock. Chapter 9: Taos: CrackerClips/iStockphoto.
*Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders, and we apologize in advance for any accidental errors. We would be happy to apply the corrections in the following edition of this publication.