Figure 1.1 |
The DNA molecule, pictured as a spiral staircase (Ray Loadman) |
Figure 2.1 |
Friedrich Miescher (University of Basel/Jakob Höflinger) |
Figure 3.1 |
Nuclei in cells of the milkweed, drawn by Robert Brown (The Linnean Society) |
Figure 3.2 |
Chromosomes during cell division, drawn by Walther Flemming (Zellsubstanz, 1882) |
Figure 3.3 |
Cell division (Ray Loadman)1 |
Figure 4.1 |
Gregor Mendel and his brothers at the Abbey of St Thomas in Brünn (Prof. Ondrej Dostál, Gregor Mendel Museum, Brno) |
Figure 4.2 |
Diagram of Mendel’s cross-fertilisation studies (Ray Loadman) |
Figure 5.1 |
Thomas Hunt Morgan in the Fly Room at Columbia University, New York (California Institute of Technology Archives) |
Figure 6.1 |
Albrecht Kossel (University Archives Heidelberg) |
Figure 6.2 |
Purine and pyrimidine bases in DNA and RNA (Ray Loadman) |
Figure 7.1 |
Phoebus Levene (Rockefeller University Archives) |
Figure 7.2 |
A ‘tetranucleotide’ structure for DNA, proposed by Levene (Ray Loadman) |
Figure 8.1 |
X-ray crystallography, apparatus and theoretical basis (Ray Loadman) |
Figure 8.2 |
William Bragg and his son Lawrence (Smithsonian Institution Archives) |
Figure 9.1 |
Mutations in the fruit fly, Drosophila, described by T.H. Morgan’s group (Royal Society) |
Figure 9.2 |
Ribose and deoxyribose, the sugars in RNA and DNA (Ray Loadman) |
Figure 10.1 |
William (Bill) Astbury (Special Collections, Leeds University Library) |
Figure 11.1 |
Fred Griffith (Science Photo Library) |
Figure 11.2 |
Griffith’s experiments on the transformation of pneumococci (Ray Loadman) |
Figure 12.1 |
Oswald Avery (Rockefeller University Archives) |
Figure 13.1 |
The ‘pile of pennies’ structure proposed for DNA by Bill Astbury (Ray Loadman) |
Figure 14.1 |
Nikolai Vavilov, Russian geneticist and botanist (Science Photo Library) |
Figure 15.1 |
John Randall (Royal Society/Godfrey Argent) |
Figure 15.2 |
Maurice Wilkins (Archive Bocher/Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings) |
Figure 17.1 |
Prisoner No. 7002: Nikolai Vavilov (N. I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry) |
Figure 18.1 |
Alfred Mirsky and Gulland Masson (Cold Spring Harbor Archives) |
Figure 18.2 |
Erwin Chargaff (Science Photo Library) |
Figure 18.3 |
Chargaff’s Rules (Ray Loadman) |
Figure 19.1 |
Linus Pauling (California Institute of Technology Archives) |
Figure 19.2 |
Molecular structures for DNA proposed by Michael Creeth and Sven Furberg (University of London/Sven Furberg Estate) |
Figure 20.1 |
Ray Gosling’s X-ray photograph of ‘crystalline’ DNA (Nobel Foundation) |
Figure 20.2 |
Francis Crick (Hans Boye/MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology) |
Figure 20.3 |
Rosalind Franklin (Elliott & Fry/National Portrait Gallery) |
Figure 21.1 |
B299: X-ray photograph of DNA, taken by Elwyn Beighton (Special Collections, Leeds Unversity Library) |
Figure 22.1 |
James D. Watson (Hans Boye/MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology) |
Figure 24.1 |
The B form of DNA: Photograph 51 and the X-ray diffraction pattern of squid sperm (King’s College Archives and Nobel Foundation) |
Figure 24.2 |
Hydrogen bonding linking adenine with thymine and cytosine with guanine, to bridge the two helical strands of DNA (The Double Helix, 1968) |
Figure 24.3 |
Jim Watson and Francis Crick with their model of the double helix (Science Photo Library) |
Figure 24.4 |
Schematic drawing of the double helix (The Double Helix, 1968) |
Figure 25.1 |
Mechanism of duplication of the two strands of DNA (The Double Helix, 1968) |
Figure 25.2 |
The double helix, refined by Maurice Wilkins (Nobel Foundation) |
Figure 25.3 |
Francis Crick, Jim Watson and Maurice Wilkins with the other Nobel laureates, 1962 (Science Photo Library) |
Figure 26.1 |
Colin MacCleod and Maclyn McCarty at the inauguration of the Avery Memorial Gateway, Rockefeller University (Rockefeller University Archives) |