
Foreword by Barre Toelken


Coyote Keeps His Name (Okanagon)

Coyote Creates the Earth (Crow)

Coyote Makes the Human Beings (Nez Perce)

The Creation of the Shoshone (Shoshone)

How Coyote Brought Fire to the People (Karok)

Coyote Places the Stars (Wasco)

White Crow Hides the Animals (Kiowa)

Coyote Steals Tobacco from Crow (Jicarilla Apache)

Coyote Brings a Girl Back to Life (Quinault)

Prairie Falcon Loses (Yokuts)

The Medicines (Menomini)

The Bungling Host (Okanagon)

Coyote and the Bear Women (Arapaho)

Coyote’s Son (Naskapi)

Coyote and Buffalo (Colville)

Rattlesnake Fools with Coyote (Sia)

The Borrowed Feathers (Laguna)

The Wood-cutting Ducks (Pima)

Coyote and Sandhill Crane (Jicarilla Apache)

The Tree Holders (Menomini)

Always-Living-at-the-Coast (Kwakiutl)

Coyote and the Fire-leggings (Blackfoot)

The Eye-juggler (Cheyenne)

Coyote Marries a Man (Plains Cree)

Coyote’s Member Keeps Talking (Crow)

The Dancing Bulrushes (Plains Ojibwa)

The Deceived Blind Men (Menomini)

The Berries in the Stream (Blackfoot)

Coyote Builds a Canoe (Tsimshian)

Coyote and His Anus (Nez Perce)

Coyote and Spider (Southern Ute)

Coyote and Beaver Exchange Wives (Cochiti)

Coyote and Never Grows Bigger (Wichita)

Coyote Shows How He Can Lie (Jicarilla Apache)

Coyote Cuts His Hair (Arapaho)

Coyote and Skunk Kill Game (Navajo)

Fisher Teaches Coyote to Make Music (Mississaga)

The Offended Rolling Stone (Pawnee)

Coyote Takes Himself Apart (Takelma)

Coyote Loses Some Blood (Pawnee)

Coyote and Mosquito (Jicarilla Apache)

Possum Loses His Hair (Cherokee)

The Dead Whale (Tsimshian)

Coyote and Mouse (Crow)

The Sharpened Leg (Cheyenne)

Coyote and Wolverine (Chilcotin)

Coyote and the Bad-medicine Woman (Huron)

Coyote and Rabbit (Jicarilla Apache)

Whirlwind Woman (Arapaho)

Coyote Imitates Mountain Lion (Jicarilla Apache)

Coyote and His Knee (Wichita)

Coyote Marries His Daughter (Piegan)

Coyote, Wren and Grouse (Pend d’Oreille)

Fox Loses His Tail (Crow)

Coyote Visits the Land of the Dead (Nez Perce)

Coyote Gets His Head Stuck in an Elk Skull (Gros Ventre)

Coyote and the Mouse Girls (Koryak)

Coyote Avenges His Death (Nez Perce)

The Hoodwinked Dancers (Beaver)

Coyote Swallows Horned Toad (Navajo)

Coyote Visits the Women (Assiniboine)

Coyote Gambles (Kalapuya)

Woodpecker Feeds Coyote (Fox)

Coyote and the Mallard Ducks (Nez Perce)

Coyote Steals Otter’s Coat (Cherokee)

Coyote and Buzzard (Kickapoo)

Coyote Takes Water from the Frog People (Kalapuya)

Coyote Finishes His Work (Nez Perce)

Bibliographic Note

A Biography of Barry Lopez