1. Map of Macedonia 4
2. The Via Egnatia 5
3. The Roman Forum 6
4. The Crenides River 9
5. Paul in Prison 36
6. The Death of Socrates 37
7. Christ Pantocrator 74
8. A Libation Cup 80
9. Paul’s Encounter on the Road to Damascus 101
10. Greek Runners 112
11. Mosaic Honoring the “Apostle Onesimus” 159
12. Map Showing the Cities of Ephesus and Colossae 160
13. Map Showing the Cities of Rome and Colossae 161
14. “Rhetorical Squeeze” of Philemon 1 and 25 193
1. Interpretive Possibilities for the First Clause of Philemon 6 171