1 Benton et al., 2005.
2 Howard, 1964.
3 Delacour & Mayr, 1945; Johnsgard, 1978.
4 Livezey, 1986, 1997.
5 Amman, 1937
1 Armstrong, 1958, p. 225.
2 Heron-Allen, 1928.
3 O’Meara, 1982.
4 Vincent of Beauvais. Speculum Naturae. Book xvii, p. 40.
5 Armstrong, 1958, pp. 225–6.
6 Gerard, 1633, pp. 1587–9.
7 Hyde, D. (1940). The Children of Lir. Talbot Press, Dublin. pp 37-8.
8 Ó hógáin, D. (1990). Myth, Legend and Romance. Ryan Publishing, London. p. 272.
9 Payne-Gallwey, 1886.
10 Whitaker, 1918.
11 Cook, 1960.
12 Fox, 1986.
13 Ucko & Dimbleby, 1969.
14 Wood-Gush, 1985.
15 Hansen, 2002.
16 Kear, 1990.
17 Ashton & Ashton, 1999.
18 Delacour, 1964.
19 Kear, 1990, pp. 27-8.
20 Moubray, 1854.
21 Kear, 1990.
22 Darwin, C. (1883). The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, 2nd edn. Appleton & Co, New York. Vol. 2, pp. 295-6.
23 Palmer, 1976, Vol. 3, p. 279.
1 Dudley et al., 2006; Irish Rare Birds Committee, 2006. In addition to the 53 species in the published version of the British List, this chapter includes hooded merganser (already on the Irish List, and added to the British List in June 2008), lesser Canada goose and muscovy duck (both under review).
2 Austin et al., 2008.
3 Crowe, 2005.
4 Kershaw & Cranswick, 2003; Crowe et al., 2008.
5 Scott & Rose, 1996; Hagemeijer & Blair, 1997; Madsen et al., 1999; BirdLife International, 2004; Delany & Scott, 2006.
6 US Fish and Wildlife Service, 2008.
7 Wernham et al., 2002.
8 Fisher, 1966; Holloway, 1996; Gibbons et al., 1993.
9 Ussher & Warren, 1900.
10 Tyrberg, 1998, with updates at web.telia.com/~u11502098/pleistocene.html; Stelfox, 1938.
11 Cramp & Simmons, 1977; Boyd, 1962.
12 Hillis, 2005, 2005, 2007.
13 Gill & Wright, 2006; British Ornithologists’ Union Records Committee, 2007.
14 Ticehurst, 1957.
15 Van der Molen, J., Van Dijck, B. (1999). Holocene tidal and wave-driven sand transport in the southern North Sea and the evolution of the Dutch coast. The non-steady state of the inner shelf and shoreline, Hawaii, 9–12 November 1999. IGCP Project 437.
16 Esselink & Beekman, 1991.
17 Northcote, E. M. (1981). Size differences between limb bones of recent and subfossil mute swans, Cygnus olor. Journal of Archaeological Science. 8, 89-98.
18 Whitmore, 1974.
19 Ticehurst, 1957.
20 Ticehurst, 1957.
21 Thompson, 1851.
22 Scharff et al., (1918). The exploration of Castlepook Cave, County Cork. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 35 (B), 3, 68.
23 Smith, C. (1750). Ancient and Present State of the County and City of Cork. A. Reilly for the author, Dublin.
24 O’Donoghue et al., 1992.
25 Ogilvie, 1972.
26 Minton, 1971.
27 Coleman et al., 2002.
28 Ward et al., 2004.
29 Ogilvie, 1972; Ruger et al., 1986.
30 Sheppard, 1993.
31 Kershaw & Cranswick, 2003.
32 Sangster et al., 1997; Association of European Records and Rarities Committees, 2003.
33 Evans & Sladen, 1980.
34 Beekman, 1997.
35 Dirksen & Beekman, 1991.
36 Beekman, 1997.
37 Beekman, 1997; Ogilvie, 1969.
38 Worden, J. (2006) Goose News 5, 8-10.
39 Sheppard, 1993.
40 Newth, J. & Rees, E. (2008) Goose News 7, 11.
41 Colhoun et al., 2000.
42 Laubek, 1995.
43 Hawkins, 1986.
44 Syroechkovsky et al., 2002.
45 Bart et al., 1991.
46 Evans, 1979.
47 Nichols et al., 1992.
48 Evans, 1979.
49 Boyd & Eltringham, 1962.
50 Cranswick et al., 2002.
51 GarÐarsson, 1991; Laubek, 1998; Crowe, 2005.
52 Pennycuick et al., 1996.
53 Brazil, 2003.
54 Hutchinson, 1989.
55 Brazil, 2003.
56 Haapanen, 1991; Rees et al., 1991.
57 Brazil, 2003.
58 Haapanen et al., 1973a, 1973b; Haapanen, 1991; Rees et al., 1991.
59 Haapanen, 1991.
60 Einarsson, 1996, quoted in Brazil,2003.
61 M. A. Ogilvie, quoted in Cramp & Simmons, 1977.
62 Association of European Records and Rarities Committees, 2003.
63 Ogilvie, 1978.
64 Allen, L. (2006) Goose News 5, 13; Hearn, R. (2007) Goose News 6, 15-16; Reed, J. (2008) Goose News 7,14.
65 Parslow-Otsu & Kjeldsen, 1992.
66 Worden, J. (2006) Goose News 5, 8–10; Hearn, R. (2007) Goose News 6, 15-16; Reed, J. (2008) Goose News 7, 14/
67 Eriksson & Henricsson, 1990.
68 Madsen et al., 1999.
69 Tveit, 1984.
70 Madsen et al., 1999.
71 Boertmann, 1994.
72 Madsen et al., 1999/
73 Mitchell, 2008.
74 Scott & Fisher, 1953.
75 Fox et al., 1989.
76 Bell et al.,1995.
77 Pettifor & Rowcliffe, 1995.
78 Boertmann & Glahder, 1999.
79 Cabot et al., 1988.
80 Boertmann & Glahder, 1999.
81 Madsen & Mortensen, 1987.
82 Madsen et al., 1999.
83 Owen, 1976.
84 Shimmings, 2003.
85 Dalgety & Scott, 1948.
86 Fox & Stroud, 2002.
87 Fox & Francis, 2003, 2004.
88 Fox, 2002.
89 M. Fredriksen & A. D. Fox, quoted in Fox & Stroud, 2002.
90 Kehoe, C. 2006. Racial identification and assessment in Britain: a report from the RIACT subcommittee. British Birds 99, 619-45.
91 Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club (1901) 12, 80-1.
92 www3.hi.is/~yannk/photos75- 00.html.Accessed 30 November 2008.
93 Swann et al., 2005.
94 Boland & Crowe, 2008.
95 Icelandic Wildlife Institute, quoted in Cranswick et al., 2005.
96 Mitchell, 2008.
97 Madsen et al., 1999; Meek, E. (2008), Goose News 7, 6-7.
98 Jensen, 2006.
99 Rehfisch et al., 2002.
100 Merne, 1986.
101 Cranswick et al., 2005; Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust press release,25 August 2004.
102 Dudley, 2005.
103 Banks et al., 2005.
104 Paxinos et al., 2002.
105 Buffon, 1754.
106 Madsen et al., 1999.
107 Rehfisch et al., 2002.
108 Thomas, 1977.
109 S. Dudley, personal communication; P. Milne, personal communication.
110 Dudley, 2005.
111 Percival, 1992.
112 Ebbing et al., 1991.
113 Owen & Black, 1991.
114 Slatkin, 1987.
115 Black et al., 2007.
116 A. Walsh,personal communication.
117 Griffin, L. (2008). Goose News 7,17.
118 Boyd, 1961.
119 Owen et al., 1987.
120 Black et al., 2007.
121 Dudley, 2005.
122 Ebbing, 2004.
123 Clausen et al., 1998; Uspenski & Tomkovich, 1987; Hort, 1995.
124 Clausen & Bustnes, 1998.
125 Boyd, 1962; Madsen et al., 1999.
126 Hall, C. & Colhoun, K. (2008). Goose News 7, 18-19.
127 Cabot, 1965–75; Ó Bríain, 1989.
128 Clausen, 2007.
129 Garner & Millington, 2001.
130 Maltby-Prevett et al., 1975.
131 Shields, 1990.
132 McDowell, 2002.
133 Martin, 2002.
134 Madsen et al., 1999.
135 Black & Madsen, 1993.
136 Perkov, 2006.
137 Madsen et al., 1999.
138 Ray, 1678.
139 Lever, 1977.
140 Sutherland & Allport, 1991.
141 Kershaw & Cranswick, 2003; Banks et al., 2008.
142 Deane, 1954.
143 Thompson, 1851.
144 Deane, 1954.
145 Musgrove et al. 2007; Hagemeijer & Blair, 1997.
146 Dudley, 2005.
147 Delany et al., 2001.
148 A. Musgrove,personal communication.
149 Owen et al., 1986.
150 A. Musgrove, personal communication.
151 Anders et al., in press.
152 Patterson et al., 1974.
153 Kear, 1990.
154 S. Dudley, personal communication.
155 Dudley, 2005.
156 Savage, 1952.
157 Mathers, 1996.
158 P. Milne, personal communication; P. Smiddy, personal communication.
159 Lever, 1977.
160 Davies & Baggott, 1989.
161 Gibbons et al., 1993.
162 Harradine, 1985.
163 A. Musgrove, personal communication.
164 Hildén, 1964.
165 Bell & Mitchell, 1966.
166 Banks et al., 2006.
167 Koskimies, 1993.
168 Gilissen et al., 2002.
169 Martin, 1993.
170 Fox, 1988.
171 Dudley, 2005.
172 Lynas et al., 2007; Hillis, 2007.
173 Serie & Swanson, 1976.
174 Afton & Paulus, 1992.
175 Duncan, 1986.
176 Szymczak & Rexstad, 1991.
177 Cabot, 2004.
178 Ogilvie, 1983a.
179 Hildén, 1964.
180 Tamisier, 1971.
181 Owen et al., 1986.
182 A. Musgrove, personal communication.
183 McKinney et al., 1990.
184 Harradine, 1985.
185 O. J. Merne, quoted in Hutchinson, 1987.
186 Todd, 1997.
187 Thompson, 1851.
188 Davidson, 1987.
189 Hill, 1984a.
190 Hill, 1984b.
191 Kear, 1961.
192 Phillips & Wright, 1993.
193 Evarts & Williams, 1987.
194 Austin & Miller, 1995.
195 GarÐarsson, 1975.
196 Ogilvie & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel, 2000.
197 McDowell, 2002.
198 Hildén, 1964.
199 Duncan, 1986.
200 Reinecker, 1987; Hestbeck, 1993.
201 Todd, 1997.
202 Martin, 1993.
203 Fokin et al., 2000.
204 BirdLife International/European Bird Census Council, 2000.
205 Martin, 1993, p. 94.
206 Delacour & Scott, 1956, vol. 2, p. 167.
207 Stone et al., 1997.
208 Lynas et al., 2007.
209 Ruttledge, 1980.
210 McDowell, 2002.
211 Fokin et al., 2000.
212 Martin, 1993.
213 A. Musgrove,personal communication.
214 Martin, 1993.
215 Monval & Pirot, 1989.
216 Koskimies, 1993.
217 Hildén, 1964.
218 Newton, I., in Cramp & Simmons,1977.
219 Wainright, 1967.
220 Vickery & Nudds, 1984.
221 DuBowy, 1988.
222 Dudley, 2005.
223 Delacour & Scott, 1956, vol. 3, p. 60.
224 Maclean et al., 2005.
225 Delacour & Scott, 1956, vol. 3, p. 65.
226 Lack, 1986.
227 Delany et al., 2001.
228 Maclean et al., 2007.
229 Hildén, 1964; Havlín, 1966; Hill, 1982.
230 Hildén, 1964.
231 Owen et al., 1986, p. 432.
232 Martin, 1993.
233 Hildén, 1964.
234 Bengtson, 1972a.
235 Delacour & Scott, 1956, vol. 3, p. 84.
236 Johnsgard, 1978, p. 313.
237 Livezey, 1995.
238 Tiedermann & Noer, 1998.
239 Goudie et al., 2000; Garner & Farrelly, 2005.
240 Garner & Farrelly, 2005.
241 Kelly, P.A. 2003. Posting dated 13/10/03 on IBN-L@Listerv.heanet.ie. Accessed 14 October 2003.
242 Carter, 1995.
243 Murray & Cabot, 2002.
244 Hutchinson, 1989.
245 Parker & Holm, 1990.
246 Hildén, 1964.
247 Milne, 1965.
248 Coulson, 1984.
249 Boertmann, 1994.
250 BirdLife International, 2004.
251 BirdLife International, 2004.
252 Martin, 1993.
253 Thomas & Robert, 2002; GarÐarsson & pórarinsson, 2003.
254 F. Cooke and students, per H. Boyd, personal communication.
255 A. GarÐarsson, quoted in Scott & Rose, 1996.
256 Bengtson, 1972b.
257 GarÐarsson & Einarsson, in press.
258 Robertson et al., 2000.
259 Gains & Fitzner, 1987.
260 Tucker, B. W., in Witherby et al., 1938-42, vol. III, p. 319.
261 Koskimies, 1993; Boertmann, 1994.
262 Kirby et al., 1993.
263 S. Pihl, quoted in Scott & Rose, 1996.
264 Author estimate, 2008; Crowe, 2005.
265 Garner & Farrelly, 2005.
266 Petersen & Ellarson, 1979; Leafloor et al., 1996.
267 Bengtson, 1972a.
268 Alison, 1975.
269 Boyd, 1996.
270 Pehrsson, 1986.
271 Sharrock, 1973.
272 Kirby et al., 1993; Cranswick, 2003.
273 Hutchinson, 1989.
274 McDowell, 2002.
275 Tierney et al., 2000.
276 Underhill et al., 1998.
277 A. Musgrove, personal communication.
278 Bengtson, 1972a.
279 Bianki, 1992.
280 Sea Duck Joint Venture Management Board, 2001. Sea Duck Joint Venture Strategic Plan: 2001-2006. Quoted in Delany & Scott, 2006.
281 Sangster et al., 2005.
282 Atkinson-Willes, 1963, p. 295.
283 Sea Duck Joint Venture, 2004.
284 Robert et al., 2000; Ingadóttir, 2000; Delany et al., 2006.
285 Delacour & Scott, 1956, vol. 3, p. 186.
286 www.cvlbirding.co.uk/log book/2008june.html; A Musgrove, personal communication.
287 Eadie et al., 1995.
288 Ludwichowski et al., 2002; Milonoff et al., 2002; Eadie et al., 1995.
289 Delany et al., 2001.
290 P. Olney, in Kear, 2005, p. 743.
291 British Birds 2003, 96, 606; British Birds 2007, 100, 752.
292 O. Crowe, personal communication.
293 Lack, 1986.
294 Ingadóttir, 2000.
295 Atkinson & Hewitt, 1978; Miller, 1996.
296 Dove, 1956.
297 McDowell, 2002.
298 Bengtson, 1972a.
299 Hildén, 1964.
300 Delany et al., 2001.
301 Ingadóttir, 2000.
302 Mills, 1962.
303 Martin, 1993, p. 168.
304 Crick et al., 2004.
305 Tyler, 1985.
306 A. Musgrove, personal communication.
307 Eriksson & Nittylä, 1985.
308 Linkola, 1962.
309 Kirby et al., 1995.
310 Little & Furness, 1985.
311 DEFRA, 2007.
312 Lever, 1987.
313 Delacour & Scott, 1956, vol. 3, p. 231.
314 Owen et al., 1986, p. 462.
315 Culbert & Furphy, 1978; Wells & Smiddy, 1995; Allen et al., 2006.
316 Owen et al., 1986.
317 Muñoz-Fuentes et al., 2006.
318 DEFRA, 2007.
319 Hess, 2007.
320 A. Green, in Scott & Rose, 1996.
321 Green & Baz, 2001.
322 DEFRA, 2007.
323 DEFRA, 2007.
1 Boyd, 1953.
2 Rees, 1987.
3 Swann & Brockway, 2007.
4 Fox et al., 1994.
5 Warren et al., 1992.
6 Rees et al., 1996.
7 Black et al., 1996.
8 Johnsgard, 1968.
9 Johnsgard, 1968.
10 Dane et al., 1959.
11 Alison, 1975.
12 Black & Owen, 1988.
13 Rees, 2006.
1 Gause, 1934.
2 Lüttschwager, 1955.
3 Owen & Cadbury, 1975.
4 Kristiansen et al., 2000.
5 Prins et al., 1980.
6 Fox & Kahlert, 2003.
7 Owen, 1980, p. 145.
8 Owen & Black, 1990.
9 Buchsbaum et al., 1986; Sedinger et al., 1989, 1995; Prop & Vulink, 1992.
10 Sincock, 1962.
11 Mathiasson, 1973.
12 Owen, 1972.
13 B. West, 1972. Observations on the resting metabolic rate of barnacle geese and their daily energy flux during winter. Unpublished report, Dublin.
14 Pennycuick et al., 1999.
15 Pennycuick et al., 1996.
1 Austin et al., 2008.
2 Owen & Norderhaug, 1977.
3 Boyd, 1958.
4 Fox & Stroud, 2002.
5 Fox, 2005.
6 Ganter & Cooke, 1996; Fox & Madsen, 1981.
7 Ankney & MacInnes, 1978.
8 Owen, 1980, p. 164.
9 Madsen et al., 1989.
10 Owen, 1980, p. 172; L. Griffin, personal communication.
11 Owen, 1980, pp. 172-3.
12 Summers & Underhill, 1987.
13 Campuysen et al., 2002.
14 van den Berk et al., 2001.
15 Owen & Black, 1989a.
16 Petrides & Bryant, 1951.
17 Independent newspaper, 15 August 2006.
18 Ogilvie, 1967.
19 Menu et al., 2002.
20 Coleman & Minton, 1980.
21 Boyd, 1976.
22 Owen, 1982.
23 Pain, 1992.
24 Sears & Hunt, 1991.
25 The Environmental Protection (Restriction of Use of Lead Shot) (England) Regulations (SI No. 2170).
26 O’Halloran et al., 1991.
27 Crick et al., 2004.
28 Ogilvie, 1981; Ruger et al., 1986.
29 Sheppard, 1993; Rose et al., 2002.
30 Gibbons et al., 1993; O. Crowe, personal communication.
31 Kershaw & Cranswick, 2003.
32 O. Crowe, personal communication.
33 Crowe, 2005; O. Crowe, personal communication.
34 Wernham et al., 2002.
35 Ogilvie, 1967.
36 Wernham et al., 2002.
37 O’Halloran et al., 1995.
38 Hutchinson, 1989.
39 Perrins & Reynolds, 1967.
40 McCleery et al., 2002.
41 Minton, 1968.
42 Minton, 1968.
43 Collins, 1991.
44 McCleery et al., 2002.
45 Lack, 1967.
46 Perrins & Reynolds, 1967.
47 Plot, 1686.
48 Kear, 1972; Latzel & Scherner, 1985; Weiloch & Czapulak, 1991.
49 Kear, 1972.
50 Jenni & Winkler, 1994.
51 Mathiasson, 1973.
52 Coleman et al., 2002.
53 Bacon & Perrins, 1991.
54 McCleery et al., 2002.
55 McCleery et al., 2002.
56 Walsh & Crowe, 2008.
57 Austin et al., 2008.
58 Boyd, 1961.
59 Trinder et al., 2004.
60 Pollard et al., 1987; Trinder et al., 2004.
61 Dennis & Taper, 1994.
62 Fox & Gitay, 1991.
63 Cabot & West, 1973.
64 Owen & Black, 1989a.
65 Cabot et al., 1984.
66 Cabot et al., 1987.
67 Ogilvie, 1978.
68 Kondla, 1973.
69 Cabot, D., et al. 1984. op cit.
70 Cabot et al., 1984, 1987.
71 Lessells et al., 1979.
72 Harvey, 1971.
73 Fox et al., 1998.
74 Born, E. W. (1983). Catch and distribution of marine mammals and seabirds in the Scoresby Sund area (East Greenland), Danbiu Aps (in Danish with English summary).
75 www.ust.is/Veidistjornun/ Almennt/Veiditolur. Barnacle goose is helsingi in Icelandic.
76 Madsen et al., 1999.
77 Ogilvie, 1983b; D. Cabot, unpublished data from Inishkea Islands, Co. Mayo.
78 Goodhart & Wright, 1958; Marris & Ogilvie, 1962; Hall & Waddington, 1966; Ferns & Green, 1975.
79 Owen & Black, 1989b.
80 Pettifor et al., 1996.
81 Percival, 1992.
82 Cabot & West, 1983; survival figure subsequently updated to 2003.
83 D. Cabot, unpublished data.
84 Walley, 2008.
85 Austin et al., 2008.
86 Hill, 1984c.
87 Robinson et al., 2002.
88 Street, 1978.
89 Hill, 1984c.
90 Ogilvie, 1964.
91 Boyd & King, 1964.
92 Hill, 1982.
93 Tuite & Owen, 1984.
94 Hill, 1984c.
95 Boyd, 1962.
96 Boyd & King, 1960.
97 Hohn, 1948.
98 Austin et al., 2008.
99 Hill, 1984c.
100 Matthews, 1965.
101 Cabot, 1977.
102 Wernham et al., 2002.
1 Roomen & Madsen, 1992.
2 www.unep-aewa.org. Accessed 26 December 2008.
3 Atkinson & Hewitt, 1978.
4 Eaton et al., 2008.
5 Eaton et al., 2008., Lynas et al., 2007.
6 Eaton et al., 2008.
7 Gregory et al., 2002.
8 Lynas et al., 2007.
9 uk bap website. www.ukbap.org.uk. Accessed 26 December 2008.
10 www.npws.ie/en/Biodiversity/ Ireland/NationalBiodiversityPlan. Accessed 26 December 2008.
11 Species Action Plan: common scoter. www.ukbap.org.uk/UKPlans.aspxPId=444. Accessed 26 December 2008.
12 Eaton et al., 2008.
13 www.wwt.org.uk/downloads/ 446/common_scoter_bap.html. Accessed 26 December 2008.
14 R. Hearn, in Eaton et al., 2008.
15 www.npws.ie/en/ProtectedSites/ SpecialProtectionAreasSPAs. Accessed 26 December 2008.
16 www.natura.org. Accessed 26 December 2008.
17 www.jncc.gov.uk/page-1364. Accessed 26 December 2008.
18 www.cms.int/about/intro.htm. Accessed 26 December 2008.
19 www.unep-aewa.org/about/intro-duction.htm. Accessed 26 December 2008.
20 www.ramsar.org. Accessed 26 December 2008.