Adoue, Bertrand, 112, 134, 171, 182
Alden, Capt. James, 73
All American City Award, 214
Allen, Augustus C., 42
Allen, John M., 44
Allen, W. Y., 159
Altgelt, Emma, 105
Amateis, Louis, 106
American National Insurance Company (ANICO), 171, 172, 191
Apffel Park, 208
Architecture: and N. J. Clayton, 63–65; and fire (1885), 101–102; and iron front buildings, 69; and stilts, 28
Armstrong, T. D., 214
Ashton Villa (James M. Brown House), 198–199
Association of Concerned Taxpayers (ACT), 214–215
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, 52, 127, 144–145, 189; building preserved, 199; and strike, 111–112; and water well, 103
“Auia,” 5
Aury, Louis, 34
Austin, Stephen F., 6
Austin, Valery, 137
Austin, William T., 137
Babb, Stanley E., 38
Backenstoe, Kid, 160
Baker, Charles, 74
Balinese Room, 174–175, 176; and gambling raids, 178, 186–187; reopened, 197
Ball, George, 92
Ballinger, William P. H., 75, 81–82
Barr, Amelia, 95
Barton, Clara, 133
Bathing Girl Review, 181
Baylor, George W., 22
Beaches: and automobiles, 206; and bathhouses, 63–64; and bathing suits, 62, 180–181; and crime, 208–209; and drownings, 207–208; and festivals, 180–182; and groins, 205–206; and lifeguards, 207–208; and loss of sand, 16, 29, 149, 205–206; and Pleasure Pier, 190; and pollution, 204–205; and sand dunes, 16; sounds of, 17; and surfboards, 206–207; and tar, 15; and tourism, 17–18, 44, 61–65; unstable nature of, 6, 18, 149, 205–206. See also Crime; Marine life; Wildlife
Beauregard, Pierre G. T., 100
Benson, John, 21
Bergen, Edgar, 176
Bernhardt, Sarah, 107
Bertolino, Charles, Sr., 207
Bettison’s Fishing Pier, 145
Biaggne, Frank L., 177, 178, 184, 212
Bishop’s Palace (Gresham House), 65
Blacks: and boxing, 116–118; and churches, 90; and civil rights, 87; and Freedmen’s Bureau, 88; and “Juneteenth Day,” 85; and lynchings, 91; as police officers, 82; and public housing, 182–183; and riots, 24, 153–154; and schools, 89–90; and segregation, 89–90, 182–183, 210–214; and slavery, 35, 84–86, 88; in sports, 116–118, 212; and unions, 111–112
Blagden, John D., 124
Block, Hyman, 171
Bolivar Peninsula, 8, 13, 39, 122, 154, 187, 189
Booth, Edwin, 107
Borden, Gail, Jr., 49, 57, 71–72, 96; and customshouse, 27
“Bottoms,” 209
Bowie, James, Resin, and John, 35
Bowman, Peter, 197
Bradbury, David, 57
Bridges, 53–55, 127, 144–145, 189
Briggs, Mrs. Frank, 144
Brindley, Anne A., 198
Brink, Peter H., 198
Brown, James M., 198
Brown, Rebecca, 198
Brown, William, 40
Bryan, W. F., 178
Burmah Agate, 204
Burr, David H., 6
Byrne, Christopher E., 65, 157, 158, 181–182
Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Núñez, 31–33
Calandra, Mike, 165
Calder, R. J., 40
Campbell, Glen, 162
Campbell, James and Mrs. James, 36
Campeche Banks, 22
Carancahua Reef, 33
Cartwright, Herbert Y., 165, 178–179, 184
Cary, “Major,” 85
Central Relief Committee (1900), 128–129, 133–135
Chew, Beverly, 35
Choynski, Joe, 118
Churches, 70–71, 90; and blessing of the shrimp boats, 201; and vice, 175, 178
City government: city manager plan, 214; commission plan, 134–137
City Party, 178
Civil War, 73–82; and Battle of Galveston, 76–78
Clampett, George, 213
Clark, Marvin J. “Big Jim,” 160, 161
Clayton, Mary Lorena, 65
Climate, 23–31; and folklore, 123. See also Hurricanes
Clinch, James, 163
Clough, George Roy, 158, 179, 212
Clouser, John H., 211
Cohen, Henry, 65, 128, 170, 211
College of the Mainland, 195
Colombo, LeRoy, 207
Commercial and Agricultural Bank, 45
Commission government, 134–137
Connally, Ben, 212
Cooper, H. S., 171
Corbett, James, 117
Cotton business, 47; and blockade running, 79–81; and compresses, 55; and railroads, 51, 52; and ship loading, 113–114; and shipments, 132
Cotton Jammer’s Association, 114
Crime, 74, 86, 91, 108–111, 161–166, 208–210. See also Gambling; Narcotics; Prohibition; Prostitution
Cuney, Norris Wright, 91–92, 114
Dalehite, Bob, 2
Daniel, Price, 185
Daugherty, Joseph, 86
Davie, John P., 103
Davis, Edmund J., 83
Deep Water Committee, 59–61, 134–136
De la Rosa, Paul, Jr., 209
Depression (1930’s), 182
Devoy, C. S. “Chuck,” 202
“Dickens Evening on the Strand,” 200
Dickenson, Jane, 108
Dickinson, Grady, 213
Dismukes, Jack, 190
Douglas, Mary Walker, 40
Dyer, Cleyborne, 88
Dyer, Mrs. Isadore, 69
Eaton, Benjamin, 70
Economy: and depression (1930’s), 182; and manufacturing, 48–49, 112; in 19th century, 47–49; and oil companies, 48, 151, 189. See also Cotton business; Fishing business; Gambling; Oyster business; Prohibition; Prostitution; Shell business; Shrimp business; Tourism; University of Texas Medical Branch
Edwards, Monroe, 86
Elba, 110
Electricity, 104; and 1900 hurricane, 127
Ellzey, Pee Wee, 164
Evans, John, 60
Evia, José de, 5
Farragut, David G., 75
Faye, Alice, 163
Fellows, George, 71
Fertitta, Anthony J., 187
Fertitta, Frank, 164
First Baptist Church, 70
Fisher, Rhoads, 37
Fishing business, 22–23. See also Mosquito fleet; Oyster business; Shrimp business
Flagship Hotel, 190
Fleschig, Emil Richard, 109–110
Forbes, Henry, 110
Ford, Walter C., 195
Fort Crockett: construction of, 152; and German prisoners, 154; and 1915 hurricane, 147, 148; sale of, 154; and seawall, 140; in World War I, 153–154; in World War II, 154
Fowler, Charles, 58
Fowler, Littleton, 61
Frankovich, Mitchell, 160
Fraser, Matilda Charlotte, 99
Fulton, Robert L., 102
Galveston: becomes city, 42–44; descriptions of, 1–2, 35–36, 40, 44, 55, 105; early maps of, 5–6; early names of, 5
“Galveston” (song), 162
Galveston and Brazos Navigation Company, 57
Galveston and Western Railroad, 53
Galveston Artillery Company, 72, 83, 112
Galveston Athletic Club, 117
Galveston Bay, 8, 11–12, 55–56
Galveston Chamber of Commerce, 49
Galveston Chess and Whist Club, 106
Galveston City Company, 43, 56; and “wharf privileges,” 56
Galveston City Railway Company, 63–64
Galveston Cotton Exchange, 49
Galveston Cotton Mill, 112
Galveston Daily News: beginning of, 69; and blacks, 87, 213; and 1885 fire, 102; and Galveston Wharf Company, 51; and W. C. Jones, 136; and 1900 hurricane, 127; and segregation of schools, 89–90
Galveston Historical Foundation, 198–199
Galveston Historical Society, 106
Galveston, Houston and Henderson Railroad, 50–51
Galveston-Houston Electric Railway, 144–145
Galveston Independent School District, 89–90, 191, 212–213; and employment, 191; and integration, 212–213
Galveston Island: description of, 6, 8; geography of, 6–7; geology of, 10
Galveston Island State Park, 13, 206
Galveston, LaPorte and Houston Railroad, 53
Galveston Lyceum, 106
Galveston Medical College, 98
Galveston Rowing Club, 114
Galveston Wharf Company: beginning of, 56; dissolved, 168–169; and Galveston Daily News, 51, 56; and grain elevators, 49; as monopoly, 56–67; and C. Morgan, 51; and Sealy family, 166
Gálvez, Bernardo de, 5
Gambling, 161–162, 164–166; abolished, 186–187; early, 70; and Maceo family, 176–177, 184–185; raids and, 176–177
Garrison, Homer, 177
Garten Verein, 105–106; restored, 199
Gates, A. J., 42
Geography: and Cabeza de Vaca, 32; and Galveston Bay, 8; maps, 5–6
Germans, 105–106; in World War II, 154. See also Die Union;
Fleschig, Emil Richard; Garten
Verein; Henniker, Charles
Gillespie, George L., 60
Goldbeck, Cora, 126
Goss, O. J. “Windy,” 164
Grade raising, 138–139, 142–143
Grant, Ulysses S., 119
Gray, Millie Richards, 61
Green, Howard, 183
Gregory, Kye, 160
Gresham, D. C., 60
Griffin, “Sin Killer,” 90
Groesbeck, John D., 43
Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad, 52
Haden, W. D., 19
Hall, James and Mary, 88
Hall, Warren D. C., 24, 36, 39
Hanna, Mark, 153
Hansen, Charles W., 146
Harbor, 8, 57–61. See also Galveston Wharf Company; Port
Hardin, William, 42
Harris, Frances K., 214
Harris, Lewis, B., 40
Harrison, Benjamin, 92
Hausinger, Lee, 164
Haviland, James E., 82
Hawkins, Charles, 40
Hays, Anthony, 86
Hebert, Paul O., 74
Hegwood, Henry S., 210
Henniker, Charles, 109
Herrera, José Manuel de, 34
Herzik, Gus, 204
Hill, Charles R., 202
Hispanics, 39, 40, 44, 119, 152, 182–183, 255n.83
Historic preservation, 197–201
Hobby, William P., 167
Holbrook, Ray, 206
Hollywood Dinner Club, 176, 187
House, Thomas W., 78
Houston, Sam, 40, 41, 45, 61, 73
Houston: and Galveston, 11, 47, 48; and quarantine, 97; and rivalry, 51; and ship channel, 28, 150
Howard Association, 96
Howell, C. W., 58
Huddleston, Dave, 19
Hughes, Jonathan, 71
Humboldt, Alexander von, 6
Hunter, Robert H., 23
Huntington, Collis P., 53
Hurford, O. P., 48
Hurricanes, 26–31, 149; 1900, 121–134; 1909, 145–146; 1915, 146–147; 1961 (Carla), 26, 149; 1983 (Alicia), 26, 149
Hutchings, Robert K., 195
International Longshoremen’s Association, 167
International Pageant of Pulchritude, 181
Irvine, R., 80
Islander East, 190
Jack, William H., 42
James, Harry, 162
Jarvis, Howard, 214
Jetties, 58–61; and 1900 hurricane, 127
Jews. See Kempner family; Cohen, Henry
John Sealy Hospital, 191; and 1915 hurricane, 147; and Texas City explosion, 193, 195; and venereal disease clinic, 158
Johnson, Andrew, 82
Johnston, Albert Sidney, 82
Johnston, Walter L., 158
J.O.L.O., 73
Jones, Walter C., 128, 129, 135–137, 151
Junemann, Charles and Mrs. Charles, 109–110
Karankawa Indians: archeology and, 33; and battle with Laffite, 39; and battle with Long, 38; and Cabeza de Vaca, 31; and cannibalism, 33; description of, 32–33
Kelso, Walter, 165
Kempner, Cecile, 174
Kempner, D. W, 171
Kempner, Harris (elder), 169
Kempner, Harris and Eliza, Fund, 171, 192, 198
Kempner, Harris L. (son of Isaac), 175, 213
Kempner, Isaac H. (son of Harris), 169–170; and ANICO, 171; and Balinese Room, 174–175; and city finances, 138–139; as commissioner, 137, 166; death of, 171; and Deep Water Committee, 134–135; and “Galveston Spirit,” 137; and gambling, 185–186; and oil stocks, 151
Kempner, R. Lee (son of Harris), 165
Kempner, Ruth Levy, 187, 213, 214
Kempner, Stanley, 106
Kerr, Gordon E., 204
Kinsolving, George H., 117
Kirchem, Theodore G., 164
Kirwin, James M., 130, 170, 211
Kopperl, Moritz O., 143
Kotton Karnival Kids (KKK), 180
Kugle, William H., 158
Kyle, W. J., 50
Labadie, Nicholas, 93
Labor organizations, 111–114; and dock strike (1920), 167
Lackland, Frank D., 154
Laffite, Jean, 34–37; and hurricane, 27; and Karankawas, 39; and treasure, 37–39
La Harpe, Bénard de, 5
Lamar, Mirabeau B., 37
Lambdin, Griffith D., 213
Lamour, Dorothy, 181
Lange, Herman C., 137
Langtry, Lily, 107
Larsen, Klaus L., 146
Layton, Robert E., 214
Lea, Albert M., 77
Lea, Edward, 77
League of Women Voters, 214
LeBlanc, “Frenchy,” 168
Leonard, Charles H., 82
Levy, E. S., and Company, 188
Lewis, Joe E., 162
Lincoln, Abraham, 73
Lipton Tea Company, 201
Liselle, Peter, 15
Little Susie (railroad), 53
Lobit, J. S., 151
Lockhart, W. B., 89
Lombardo, Guy, 162
Long, Ann, 39
Lowe, Robert, 127
Lubbock, Francis, 74
Lyon, James E., 190
Lyons, Tom, 177
McCarthy, Glenn, 187
McCluskey, “Dave,” 22
Maceo, Rosario (Rose): arrested for murder, 164; and charity, 176; early life of, 161; death of, 184; estate of, 185; opens Hollywood Dinner Club, 162
Maceo, Sam: character of, 175–176; early life of, 161; death of, 184; and Internal Revenue Service, 184–185; and J. Mitchell, 196; and narcotics arrest, 163; opens Hollywood Dinner Club, 162
Maceo, Vic, 165
Maceo family, 174. See also Gambling
McKinley, William, 153
McKinney, Thomas F., 45; and “Charter War,” 44; and founding of city, 42–43
McKinney and Williams Company, 45, 56
McVitie, W. A., 128
Maelling, G. T., 74
Magic Harbor, 189
Magnolia Homes, 183
Magruder, John B., 51, 76–79, 81
Mail service, 70
“Maison Rouge,” 35
Manyhan, Tom, 117
Marine life: “granduquois,” 20; jewfish (junefish), 20, 22; oysters, 18–19; Portuguese men-of-war, 14; rays (devilfish), 20; redfish, 20; red snapper, 22; red tide (algae), 15; sargassum (seaweed), 14–15; sawfish, 20; sharks, 21–23; shells, 14, 61; shrimp, 19; Spanish mackerel, 19–20; tarpon, 19; toredo (shipworm), 14, 53, 54; turtles, 15; whales, 15–16
Massey, James C., 198
Maury, Matthew F., 31
Menard, Michel B., 42; and founding of city, 42–44; and Galveston Wharf Company, 56
Menard, Peter J., 70
Messina, Tony, 163, 165, 166, 177
Mexico: and customshouse, 39; and prisoners at Galveston, 41
Military, 72, 151–152, 153–156
Miller, Celia, 91
Miller, Glenn, 162
Miller, Mary, 90
Mills, Robert, 45
Mina, Xavier, 34
Minor, Farrell D., 135
Minor, Lucian, 134
Miranda, John, 165
Mitchell, Cynthia, 197
Mitchell, Maria, 196
Mitchell, Mike, 196
Moller, George H., 94
Moller, Jens, 139
Moody, Shearn, Jr., 173
Moody, William L., 59, 171–172; and Cotton Carnival, 179–180; and Cotton Exchange, 49; and Deep Water Committee, 59; and 1900 hurricane, 137; yacht of, used, 129
Moody, William L., Jr., 172–173; and ANICO, 171; death of, 184; and Galveston Wharf Company, 168–169; and I. Kempner, 170–171; and Maceos, 174; and oil stocks, 151
Moody, William L., III, 172–173
Moody family, 137–138, 171–174
Moody Foundation, 173; and Ashton Villa, 199; and higher education, 195; and the Strand, 198; and University of Texas Medical Branch, 191
Moore, James W, 96
Moran, Johnny, 24
Moreland, Isaac N., 42
Morgan, Charles, 51–52; and sandbars, 57
Morgan, James, 28
Morgan Line, 29–30, 56. See also Morgan, Charles
Morrison and Fourmy Company, 122
“My Galveston Gal” (song), 162
Mystic Merry Makers (MMM), 180
Narcotics, 207–209; and Sam Maceo, 163
Narváez, Pánfilo de, 31
Nation, Carrie, 159
Nelson, Miss Frankie, 114
Newman, John, 126
New Orleans: and cotton business, 47; and quarantine, 97
Newspapers, 69. See also Die Union; Galveston Daily News
Nichols, Ebenezer, B., 56
Nimmo, Joseph, 58
Noble, Ray, 162
Norman, A. P., 137
Northen, Mary Moody, 173
Nounes, John L. “Johnny Jack,” 160, 164
Oldenberg, William, 101
Oleander Park, 115
Oliver, Alice Williams, 33
Ormond, Mrs. E. W., 113
Ostermeyer, Henry, 126
Ousley, Clarence, 129
Owens, Theodore “Fatty,” 160–161
Pareskivopoulis, Savva and Katina, 196
Parsutte, Maxie, 164
Peete, George W., 29
Peirce, Thomas W., 51
Pelican Island, 6, 44, 86, 195–196
Pepper, Nat, 214
Perry, Henry, 34
Police, 24, 110; and beach, 208; and black officers, 82, 212; and jails, 110–111; and labor unions, 111; and nude swimming, 62; and prostitutes, 108–109, 157, 158; and vagrancy, 87, 108, 109, 209. See also Burns, William J.; Biaggne, Frank L.; Messina, Tony; Texas Rangers; Wilson, Will
Population: growth of, 66–68, 83, 188; and 1900 hurricane, 122; and slaves, 85
Port, 8, 47, 168, 201–202; and effect of jetties, 61. See also Galveston Wharf Company; Harbor
Prohibition, 159–161, 175, 176
Prostitution, 151, 153, 155–158; after Civil War, 91, 108–109; Rabbi Cohen and, 170
Quintero, Paul, 210
Races: and biracial politics, 89; and early mixture of, 44. See also Blacks; Hispanics; Mexico
Ragsdale, Clyde B., 178
Ramsey, Ella Belle, 124
Ransom, Daniel and Ellen, 88
Raynor (prizefighter), 116
Reagan, Ronald, 215
Red Cross: and 1900 hurricane, 133
Reed, Walter, 93
Riley, J. M., 108
Ripley, Daniel, 128
Robert, Henry M.: and beaches, 205; and causeway, 144; and grade raising, 134, 138; and harbor, 60; and seawall, 134, 138; and Texas City, 153
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 207
Rosenberg, Henry, 106; and Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad, 52; and sandbars, 58
Rosenberg Library, 2, 3, 106, 173
Rowzee, Justina, 74
Runge, Julius, 112
Rybka, Walter, 200
Saloons, 25, 153; and vice district, 108
Sams, Kelton, 213
Sands, Benjamin F., 81
San Luis Hotel, 197
Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 40, 41
Santa Fe Railroad. See Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad
Sayers, Joseph D., 135
Schreiber, Edward, 214
Scott, Bill, 21
Screwmen’s Benevolent Association, 113
Sea Isle, 190
Sealy, George, 166; and Galveston Cotton Mill, 112; and Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad, 52; and medical school, 99; and Southern Pacific Railroad, 53
Sealy, George, Jr., 166; death of, 184; and Galveston Corporation, 169; and Phillips murder, 165
Sealy, John, 166; and Central Relief Committee, 128; and Deep Water Committee, 134; and Galveston, Houston and Henderson Railroad, 51; and University of Texas Medical Branch, 98–99, 191
Sealy, John, Jr., 166; and Galvez Hotel, 171
Sealy, Rebecca, 99
Sealy and Smith Foundation, 166–167, 191
Sealy family, 166
Seawall, 138–142; and beach loss, 205; early concerns for, 30
Seeligson, Henry, 59
Seguin, Juan N., 42
Selma, 168
Serio, Sam, 185
Sherman, Sidney, 50
Shrimp business, 19
Simmons, Teri, 213
Singer, Jacob, 177
Smith, Albert E., 129
Smith, Mrs. Ardie, 157
Smith, Jared A., 60
Smith, John Franklin, 74
Smith, Preston, 203
Smith, R. E. “Bob”: and G. Mitchell, 196; and yacht basin, 189
Smith, Thomas “Nicaragua,” 79
“Smokey Row,” 116
Somerville, Albert, 52
Southern Pacific Railroad, 53
Spanish: early explorations of, 31–33; and Laffite, 35; and Mexico, 34; name for Galveston, 5
Splash Day, 180
Sports: baseball, 115–116, 148, 183–184; bicycling, 104, 114, 127; and blacks, 116–118, 212; boating, 114–115; boxing, 116–118; football, 116; Oleander Bowl, 184; Shrimp Bowl, 184; “sporting houses,” 116; surfing, 206–207
Steinmetz, George, 139
Sterett, William G., 127
Stewart, Maco, 43
Stockfleth, Julius, 127
Strand, the: and 1885 fire, 101; and historic preservation, 197, 198
Streets: design of, 43; drainage of, 100; early activities on, 44–45; lighting of, 69, 104; names of, 43; and 1900 hurricane, 126, 132; pavement of, 68, 69, 104; pigs on, 99; sanitation of, 99; sidewalks of, 69, 104
Stringfellow, H. M., 31
Stuart, Ben C., 21
Stull, Virginia, 213
Sullivan, John L., 117
Swartwout, Samuel, 28
Sydnor, John S.: and navigation company, 57; and slave sales, 86
Tacquard, Jacques, 103
Telegraph, 70, 83; and 1900 hurricane, 127, 132
Telephone, 104; and 1900 hurricane, 127, 132
Templeton, Fay, 107
Terry, B. F., 50
Texas City: development of, 152–153; and explosion, 193–195; and fossils, 10; and growth of port, 150–151; and 1915 hurricane, 146, 153; and U.S. Army, 152
Texas Medical College, 98
Texas Revolution, 40–41; statue to, 106
Theron, Benjamin, 73
Thompson, Clark W., 172
Three-legged Willie (Robert M. Williamson), 68
Throckmorton, Peter, 200
Tiki Island, 190
Tourism, 61–65, 179–184, 189, 190, 198–201, 207–208
Treaccar, H. H., 211
Trentham, Marjorie, 199
Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, 70
Truman, Harry S., 185
Tucker, Sophie, 162
Turner Association, 105
Typographical Union, 111
University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), 191–193, 197–199; donations to, 166; and “Old Red,” 65, 98–99; as storm refuge, 193; students of, 191, 192
Ursuline Convent (Academy): destroyed, 65; in 1900 hurricane, 126, 132
U.S. Coast Guard: at Fort Point, 154; and prohibition, 160
U.S. Quarantine Station, 29
U.S.S. South Carolina, 73–74; old shell from, 78
U.S. Weather Service, 29, 123; and hurricane definition, 26
Vandiver, Frank, 1
Voight, O. E. “Dutch,” 159–160; allied with Maceos, 161, 162, 176; car of, used by murderer, 165
Wainwright, Jonathan M., 77, 107
Wallace, H. A., 84
Walton, John H., 44
Water supply, 8, 25, 100–104; and 1900 hurricane, 127, 132
Watson, Nellie, 147
Weather. See Climate; Hurricanes; U.S. Weather Service
Webb, James, 162
Weissmuller, Johnny, 180
Westcott, Leander H., 111
White, Mose, 91
Whorton, Evangeline, 200
Wigley, O. B., 143
Wildlife, 11–12; alligators, 12; ducks, 12–13; migratory flyway, 13; mosquitoes, 16; pelicans, 13–14; rattlesnakes, 12; seagulls, 14
Williams, Isaac G., 82
Williams, Samuel May, 42, 43, 45; and “Charter War,” 44; and Galveston and Brazos Navigation Company, 57; house of, preserved, 198
Williamson, Robert M., 68
Willis, Golda, 147
Wilson, Woodrow, 170
Women’s Health Protective Association, 182
Wood, Leonard, 153