Map of Significant Towns & Landmarks


The Dead of Winter

Chapter One

Gruß vom Krampus, the Dark Companion

From Alps to Internet

The Krampus Arrives in America

American Misconceptions


The Krampus By Any Other Name

Knecht Ruprecht

The Christkind and the Weihnachtsmann

Père Fouettard, Hans Trapp, and Schmutzli

Zwarte Piet

Frightful Stories for Better Children

Roots of the Kinderschreckfigur

Chapter Two

The Devil at the Door

Meeting the Krampus

The Rempler

Gastein and the Krampus

Where the Krampus Runs

The Run Versus the House Visit

Traditional Figures of the Krampus Troupe

The House Visit

Troupe Life

Suiting Up


That Furry Suit

Switches, Bells, Basket, and Chain

Modern Trends in Mask and Costume

Chapter Three

The Beast Pursues His Game

A Cruel Sport

The Prey

Injuries and Aggression

Under the Influence

Show and Spectacle

“True to the Good Old Ways”

Women and the Tradition

Krampus Unchained

Rite of Passage

Regional Variations

Chapter Four

The Church Breeds a Monster

A Not-So-Jolly St. Nicholas

Unseemly Holy Legends

The Devil in Medieval Christmas Plays

King Herod, Earthly Devil

The Devil’s Stagecraft

Nicholas in Paradise Plays

Jesuit Pedagogy and Nicholas

Nicholas Meets the Perchten

Nicholas Play or Nicholas Parade?

St. Nicholas Gets Rowdy

Strange Company for a Saint

Carnival Influences

Early Tyrolean Diffusion

Scenes from a Nicholas Play

Existing Nicholas Plays and Parades

The Boy Bishops

The Feast of Fools

The Old Ways: Kalends and Saturnalia

Chapter Five

Frau Perchta, Witches, and Ghosts

Witch and Goddess, Benevolent Monster

Who Are the Perchten?

Perchta and Epiphany

Celtic or Germanic Goddesses?

From Perchta to Perchten

Domestic Oversight and Female Perchten

The Belly Slitter and Her Dreadful Way

A Mother Goose Tale

Foods for Perchta

Perchta and the Heimchen


Frau Holle Tales

Frau Holle Country

Enchantress in the Mountain

Holda Becomes a Witch

Herodias, Perchta, and a Hissing Head

Loyal Eckhart, Ghosts, a Jug of Beer

The Inexhaustible Sacrifice

Magic in the Venusberg

Witchcraft Born in the Alps

Witch Hunting and Hauntings in Tyrol

Witch Fires

La Befana

Perchta by Any Other Name

Ghostly Company

Chapter Six

The Haunted Season

Unholy Nights

Companies of Ghosts

Wuotan and the Wild Hunt

The Night Folk

Wild Hunters

The Wild Hunter Türst

The Twelve Nights, the Rauhnächte

Rauhnacht Superstitions

Ausräuchern (Censing)

Knocking Nights

The Glöcklern

Pelzmärtel, the St. Martin Monster

Release the Wolves!

Winter Comes Early

Halloween Leans Toward Christmas

A Dark St. Lucy

Bloody Thomas

Bavarian Forest Rauhnacht Celebrations

The World of the Krampus

Chapter Seven

The Perchten

A Parade in Gastein

Finding a Pagan Percht

The Habergeiß

A Spirit of the Fields

Cave of the Habergeiß

Goats Everywhere

A Scandinavian Connection

Origins of the Habergeiß

Disciplined by a Goat

Magic Rite or Playful Celebration?

The Wild Hunt of Untersberg

The Kirchseeon Perchtenlauf

The Pinzgau Tresterer

Perchten in the Tyrolean Unterland

The Gastein Perchtenlauf

Schiachperchten, Witches, and Perchta

Chapter Eight

Pagan Roots and Final Questions

Too Bright to See

A Devil’s Cross

The Beautiful Ones Arrive

The Swiss Version

How Perchta Grew a Second Face

Influences from Venice

Between Carnival Amusements and Folk Ritual

Where Perchta Lived On

Healthy Skepticism

Lucky Strikes

“Life Switches” and “Smacking Easter”

Battles in the Clouds

A Swiss Connection?

Flying Leaps

The Monsters Between the Years


Why the Krampus Must Come

