Academic censorship, 103–4
Adorno, Theodor, 105
Advisory Panel on Special Operations (Department of Defense), 109
Agitation, 11
Agriculture, Department of, 26, 53
Aguinaldo, Emilio, 75
Air Force, 53, 54, 56, 61, 67, 100, 125, 131; Crawford and Biderman’s study for, 95–98; diffusion studies, 113 (see also Project Revere); and Harvard’s Russian Research Center, 59, 60, 87; The Reds Take a City study, 163–64
Airborne Reconnaissance Units, 37
Allport, Gordon, 80
Almond, Gabriel, 101
Alumni networks, 27–30, 57–60. See also individual agencies
Ambition, professional, sociologists’, 97
“America House” cultural centers, 38
American Association for Public Opinion Research, 65–67, 88–89, 98–99, 105
“American Bourgeois Philosophy and Sociology in the Service of Imperialism,” 102
American Institute of Public Opinion, 49
American Journal of Sociology, 50–51, 53, 65
American Sociological Association, 50, 97, 103
American Sociological Review, 50
American Sociological Society. See American Sociological Association
American Soldier project, 51, 59, 60, 96, 111–12
Anti-sabotage, 40
Appeals of Communism (Almond et al.), 101
Aptheker, Herbert, 103
Are We Hitting the Target? (Bigman), 73, 74
Armed forces: democratization in, 96; morale and training programs, Public Opinion Quarterly articles on, 43; Public Opinion Quarterly authors’ and editors’ ties to, 48–51; sponsors diffusion research, 75–79. See also Air Force; Army; Navy, U.S., Office of Naval Research
Army, 53; Air Corps (see Air Force); Chemical Corps, 55; Civil Affairs Division, 35; declassified records on psychological warfare, 125; defines psychological warfare, 11–12; Division of Morale Research Branch, 26, 27–28, 29, 34, 35, 58, 60; Psychological Warfare Division, 25, 26, 27, 29, 35; scientific advisory panel, 61; Special Forces, 84, 132
Arthur, Brian, 107
Asymmetrical relationships, perceived, between sociologists and armed forces, 97
Atomic physics, economics of, 115
Atomic war, threat of, 54, 55, 87; posed by U.S., 7
Atrocity accounts, false, 96
Audience: elite versus mass, 73; passive, 92
Autonomy, sociologists, perceived, 97
Barenblatt, Lloyd, 106
Barrett, Edward, 26, 28–29, 38, 131
Barton, Allen, 128
Bauer, Raymond, 59, 83, 87, 93, 131
Beals, Ralph, 128
Becker, Howard, 27
Bell, Daniel, 101
Bennett, John W., 36
Berelson, Bernard, 74, 89, 102, 128
Biderman, Albert, 51, 72, 95–98, 127, 128, 129, 131
Bigman, Stanley, 73–74, 114, 131
Blum, William, 74
Blumler, Jay, 128
Bogart, Leo, 88
Bolshevik revolution of 1917, 16
Bonilla, Frank, 83
Boorstin, Daniel, 102–3
Bowers, Raymond, 57
Brazil, CIA intervention in, 81
Broadcasting, 126; to eastern Europe, 6–7, 35, 64–65. See also Radio Free Europe; Voice of America
Brosin, Henry, 57
Bruner, Jerome, 82
Bureau of Applied Social Research (Columbia University), 4, 53, 55–57, 64, 69, 70, 72, 73, 114, 131
Bureau of Social Science Research (BASR), 4, 51, 53, 69, 70, 72–75, 88, 112, 127, 131–32
Cambodia, 84
Campbell, Angus, 54
Cantril, (Albert) Hadley, 4, 20, 22, 26, 49, 50, 61, 80–81, 93, 130
Carey, James, 129
Carnegie Corporation, 58, 59–60, 102, 112
Carnegie Foundation, 9
Carroll, Wallace, 82
Casey, Ralph, 43
Cater, Douglas, 27
Catton, William, 75
Censorship: academic, 103–4; postal, 36
Center for International Studies (CENIS) (MIT), 4, 53–54, 81–84, 89–90, 113, 114, 131
Center for National Security Studies, 125
Center for Russian Research (Harvard University), 59, 60, 82, 87, 131
Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA
Central Intelligence Group (CIG), 34, 37. See also CIA
Chaffee, Steven, 6, 107, 108, 113, 128
Chapman, Dwight, 57–58
Chemical Corps, U.S. Army, 55
Chicago, University of, Waples’ newspaper and reading studies at, 22
Christianity, evangelical propaganda and, 44
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 4, 9, 50, 53, 53, 72, 75, 100; documents on psychological warfare, 125–26; established, 34, 37; funding of publications, 100–101, 126; funds communication theorists, 79–93; and Harvard’s Russian Research Center, 59, 60; Office of Policy Coordination, 39–41, 45; in the Philippines, 74–75; Public Opinion Quarterly’s ties to, 43, 48–51; radio broadcasts, 6–7 (see also Radio Free Europe; Voice of America)
Civil Affairs Division, U.S. Army, 35
Civil Defense Administration, Federal, 52
Civil wars, 98
Clausen, John A., 27, 111, 115
Cold war, 7, 10, 34, 39, 102; U.S. and Soviet “official” version of, 124
Columbia University purges alleged Marxists, 103. See also Bureau of Applied Social Research
Commando raids, 24
Commercial advertising, 44
Commercial application of communication theory, 19–20, 44. See also Advertising
Committee on Human Resources, Department of Defense, 57–59
Commodities, 20
Communication, social order maintained through, 17–19
Communication in Africa (Doob), 87
Communication theory and research, 3, 115; commercial applications, 5, 19–20; content analysis, 22, 88, 112; and development theory, 84–85, 90, 110, 113; diffusion studies, 75–79, 110, 112; early, 8–9, 16–18; institutional histories, 131–32; “limited effects,” 129; literature, 127–29; methods and dominant ideology, 107–15; Nazi, 21–22; opinion leaders, 71, 73, 114; personal influence model, 73–74; personalities, bibliography on, 129–31; and psychological warfare literature, 125–27; reference groups, 71, 111, 113, 129; sociopolitical context, bibliography of, 123–25; “two-step,” 79, 111, 113, 129
Communist Party, Italy, 47–48
“Comparative Study of Communications and Opinion Formation, The” (Glock), 69–70
Conant, James B., 60
“Confidential” classification, 38
Congo, the (Zaire), 98
Congress for Cultural Freedom, 82, 100
Consumer democracy, 20–21
“Contemporary American Bourgeois Sociology in the Service of Expansion,” 102
“Contributions of Public Opinion Research to Psychological Warfare” (AAOPR session), 66
Converse, Jean, 54, 96, 127, 128, 131
Corson, William, 40–41
Cottrell, Leonard, 28, 59, 61, 85, 89–90, 98, 131
Counterinsurgency, 11, 74, 84–85
Counts, George, 48
Crawford, Elizabeth, 51, 72, 95–98, 127, 128, 129
Creel, George, 15
Crisis management, 95
Cuadernos (periodical), 100
Czechoslovakia, 64
Czitrom, Daniel, 128
Damle, Y. B., 83
Daugherty, William, 131
Davis, Elmer, 26
Davison, W. Phillips, 27, 66, 85, 86, 88, 91–93, 105, 131
Defectors and refugees from Soviet Union, studies of, 54, 59, 100
Defense, Department of, 4, 6, 9, 52, 57–59, 125, 131
Defense Science Board, 109
DeFleur, Melvin, 75, 76, 100, 113, 128
Demobilization, after World War II, 35, 36
Democratization, within armed forces, 96
Demolition, 40
Deniability, 39
Dennis, Everette, 128
Denver, University of, 27
Deutsche Lebensgebiete, 21
Development theory, 84–85, 90, 110, 113
Diffusion research, 75–79, 110, 112
Diplomacy, as psychological operation, 11
Division of Program Surveys (Department of Agriculture), 26
Document forgery, 12
Documentary films, as propaganda, 35
Dodd, Stuart, 76, 100, 110, 113
Dollard, John, 60
Dominican Republic, 81
Double agents, 40
Drugs, mind-altering, 126
Dulles, John Foster, 81
Durkheim, Émile, 128
Dyer, Murray, 131
Eastern Europe: broadcasting to, 6–7, 35, 64–65 (see also Radio Free Europe; Voice of America); leafletting of, 79; vulnerability to psychological warfare studied by BSSR, 72
Eastman, Max, 67
Eckstein, Harry, 131
Effects research, 111
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 75
Eisenhower Presidential Library, 125
El Salvador, 115
Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, 103
Encounter (periodical), 100
Espionage, 12
Europe, psychological warfare by U.S. allies in, 131. See also Eastern Europe; Western
Europe Evacuation, 40
Evangelical Christian propaganda, 44
Exchange programs, scholarly, 38
Experiments in Mass Communications (Hovland), 58
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 9, 103, 104
Federal Reserve Board, 54
Feedback, positive, 109–10
Fegiz, P. Luzzato, 47
Field, Harry H., 95
Fink, Ray, 72
Ford Foundation, 9, 28, 82, 102
Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 80
“Foreign Information Measures,” 39. See also Psychological warfare
Forgery of enemy documents, 12
Forum (periodical), 100
Four Working Papers on Propaganda Theory (Schramm), 109
Free, Lloyd A., 49, 50, 81, 93, 130, 131
Free Europe Fund, 50
Freedom of Information Act, 12, 36, 125
Fund for Social Analysis, 103
Fund for Social Research, 103
Fund for the Republic study, Lazarsfeld’s, 103–4
“Future of Psychological Warfare, The” (Speier), 44, 45–46
Gardner, John, 59
Gary, Brett, 22
Gendzier, Irene, 128
Genocide, and mass communication, 20, 22
George, Alexander, 131
Glock, Charles, 56, 69–70, 71–72, 73
Goebbels, Paul Josef, 21
Goldhamer, Herbert, 51
Gottschalk, Louis, 72
Guerilla warfare, 7, 11, 12, 15, 24, 40
Gurfein, Murray, 27
Hagan, Everett, 113
Hardt, Hanno, 128
Harvard University, 88; Laboratory of Social Relations, 99; purges alleged Marxists, 103; Russian Research Center, 59, 60, 82, 87, 131
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of, 53
Hidden Persuaders, The (Packard), 106
Hill, Richard, 75
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe, 37
Hitler-Stalin pact of 1939, 67
Hoehn, Reinhard, 22
Holt, Robert, 131
Horowitz, Irving Louis, 128
House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), 102, 103
Houston, Lawrence, 37
Hovland, Carl, 28, 58, 59, 88, 96, 111–12
How the Soviet System Works (Kluckhohn et al.), 87
Huk guerillas, Philippines, 7
Human Ecology Fund, 72
Human Relations and Morale panel, Committee on Human Resources, 58–59
Hunter, Walter, 57
India, 81
Inkeles, Alex, 27, 59, 87, 93, 131
Inquiry, The (intelligence agency), 16
Institute for International Social Research, 4, 61, 130
Institute for Social Research (University of Michigan), 53, 54, 115, 131
Institute of Human Relations (Yale University), 27
Insulation of social science research, 96, 97, 106
Insurrection, 11
Interior, Department of the, 52
International Communication and Political Opinion (Smith & Smith), 86–87
International Communications Research issue of Public Opinion Quarterly, 67, 91, 100
International Propaganda and Psychological Warfare (Smith & Smith), 86–87
International Public Opinion Research, 100
Isaacs, Harold, 83
“Italian Public Opinion” (Fegiz), 47
Italy, 47–48, 69, 81, 112, 126
Janowitz, Morris, 27, 97, 114, 131
Japan, U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, 58
Jefferson School of Social Science, 103, 104
John Paul II, Pope, 116
Josephs, Devereaux, 60
Katz, James Everett, 128
Kaufman, Helen, 88
Keller, Suzanne, 83
Kennan, George, 40
Keppel, Frank, 60
Kluckhohn, Clyde, 26, 60, 87, 131
Knorr, Klaus, 131
Knowledge, sociology of, 4–5
Kohler, Foy, 67
Krishnamurthy, Sriramesh, 127
Kumata, Hideya, 131
Labor Department, 52
Labor rebellions, post-World War I, 16
Laboratory of Social Relations (Harvard), 99
Lambert, Gerard, 49
Lansdale, Edward, 74
Langer, Walter, 27
Lanier, Lyle, 58
Larsen, Otto, 75
Lasky, Melvin, anti-neutralism of, 101
Lasswell, Harold, 13, 15, 16, 22–23, 29, 43, 50, 59, 85, 86, 105; on communication and social order, 17–19, 21; heads War Communications Division, 26, 27; at Library of Congress, 22, 88; Propaganda Technique in the World War, 16, 130; serves on Ford Foundation granting committee, 82
Latent distance scales, 100
Latin America, 81
Lazarsfeld, Paul, 4, 19–20, 22, 26, 28, 50, 55–56, 67, 73, 74, 82, 113, 114, 128, 131; on commercial communications research, 5, 62; Fund for the Republic study, 103–4; Personal Influence, 73, 74
Leaks, 38
Lee, Alfred McClung, 48
Leighton, Alexander, 26, 58, 60, 131
Leiserson, Avery, 105–6
Leites, Nathan, 26–27, 88, 131
Lerner, Daniel, 10, 27, 64, 66, 70–71, 83–84, 85, 86, 100, 101, 105, 110, 113, 130
Lewin, Elsbeth, 101
Library of Congress, 22, 26, 88, 128
Likert, Rensis, 26, 50, 54, 59, 96, 112
“Limited effects” theory, 129
Lippmann, Walter, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21, 84
Lowenthal, Leo, 51, 66, 67, 68–69, 71, 91, 131
LSD, experimental use of, 126
Lyons, Gene, 128
Maccoby, Nathan, 27–28
MacMillan, John, 66
Magazines, control of, 36
Magruder, John, 32
Magsaysay, Raymond, 74
Maine, Henry, 128
Manpower panel, Committee on Human Resources, 58
Mao Zedong, 7
Marder, Eric, 100
Marquis, Donald, 57
Marshall, John, 22–23
Martial law, proposed for United States, 46
Marxism, 35
Marxists: alleged, purged from universities, 103; reformed, 67–68; thought to be deranged, 101
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See MIT
Mauldin, W. Parker, 28
McCarthyism, 10, 65, 94, 102–4
McCartney, James, 128
McLaurin, Ronald, 127
McLeod, Jack, 128
McPeak, William, 28
McPhee, William, 74
McQuail, Denis, 64
Mead, Margaret, 131
Menninger, William C., 57
Merton, Robert, 5, 28, 62, 114
Michigan, University of: Institute for Social Research, 53, 54, 131; Survey Research Center, 54
Middle East: economic development in, 83; psychological operations targeting, 69; Voice of America survey in, 56, 64, 83
Millikan, Max, 82
Mills, C. Wright, 105
Mind-altering drugs, 126
MIT: Center for International Studies (CENIS), 4, 53–54, 81–84, 89–90, 113, 114, 131; purges alleged
Marxists, 103
“Modernization,” 83
Monat, Der (periodical), 100
Morale, armed forces, and training programs, Public Opinion Quarterly articles on, 43
Morale, civilian: and bombing, 96; World War II German and U.S., Public Opinion Quarterly articles on, 43
Mossadegh, Mohammed, 70
Motivations, social scientists’, for psychological warfare work, 110–11; negative, 102–6; positive, 98–102
Murder, 11; of double agents, 40
National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, 53
National Archives, 125
National Committee for a Free Europe, 50
National Opinion Research Center (NORC), 4, 26, 27, 54–55, 95, 131
National Science Foundation, 52, 53
National Security Act of 1947 37
National Security Archive, 125
National Security Council, 13, 37–40, 45, 46, 48, 64, 75, 109, 125
Navy, U.S., Office of Naval Research, 53, 54, 56, 66
Near East. See Middle East
Networks, “old boy/girl,” 27–30, 57–60. See also individual agencies
Neutralism, campaign against, 100
New School for Social Research, 45
Newsreels, 35
Nicaragua, 115
Nigeria, CIA intervention in, 81
Noelle, Neumann, Elisabeth, 22
NSC 10/2, 39–41
Nuclear threat, 54, 55, 87; posed by U.S., 7
Ober Anti-Communist Act, 103
Occupied Areas Division, State Department, 49
O’Connell, Charles, 60
Odbert, Henry, 58
Office for Special Projects (CIA), 39. See also Office of Policy Coordination
Office of Intelligence and Research (State Department), 52
Office of International Information, 64
Office of Naval Research, 53, 54, 56, 66
Office of Policy Coordination (CIA), 39–41, 45
Office of Public Opinion Research (Princeton University), 49, 80
Office of Radio Research (Columbia University), 22
Office of Strategic Services. See OSS
Office of the Coordinator of Information, 24
Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, 80–81
Office of War Information. See OWI
Ohlendorf, Otto, 21–22
Old boy/girl networks, 27–30, 57–60. See also individual agencies
“On the Effects of Communication” (Davison), 91–93
“Opinion and Communications Research in National Defense” (AAOPR session), 66–67
Opinion polls, 21, 43, 53, 54, 111; techniques for, 36, 43, 73
Oppenheim, Felix, 47
Order, social, and mass communication, 17–19
Orlansky, Jesse, 131
Osborn, Frederick, 60
OSS (Office of Strategic Services), 24, 25–26, 27, 32–33, 37, 68
OWI (Office of War Information), 24, 26, 28–29, 34, 43, 55, 81
Øyen, Ørjar, 79
Packard, Vance, 106
Paddock, Alfred, 24
Paley, William S., 27
Panama, 115
Paramilitary operations, 37
Passin, Herbert, 36
Passing of Traditional Society, The (Lerner), 10, 84, 113
Patterson, Robert, 37
Pauker, Guy, 113
People Don’t Know, The (Seldes), reviewed in Public Opinion Quarterly, 105–6
People’s Research Corporation, 95
Personal Influence (Katz & Lazarsfeld), 73, 74, 114
Personal influence model, 73–74
Personnel and Training panel, Committee on Human Resources, 58
Peterson, Neal, 127
Phantom Public, The (Lippmann), 16
Philippines, 7, 73–75, 81, 115
Poland, CIA, 81
“Political Extremists in Iran” (Ringer & Sills), 57, 70
“Political warfare,” 11
Polling, 21, 43, 53, 54, 111; techniques, 36, 43, 73
Pool, Ithiel de Sola, 4, 8, 27, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 91, 98, 112, 113, 128, 131
Poole, DeWitt, 25–26, 42, 50, 51, 131
Population Council, 28
Positive feedback, 109–10
Postal censorship, 36
Postcards, 43
Preuves (periodical), 100
Princeton Listening Center, 80
Princeton Radio Project, 80
Princeton University: Institute for International Social Research, 4, 61, 130; Office of Public Opinion Research, 22, 49, 80; Public Opinion Quarterly founded at, 22
Process and Effects of Mass Communication, The (Schramm), 71, 108
Program Surveys operation, World War II, 54
Project Camelot, 85
Project Revere, 75, 79, 100, 111, 118–22
Propaganda, 11, 15, 40, 43–44, 45, 83, 115; black, 12–13, 24–25, 34, 84; gray, 12, 13, 36; white (overt), 12, 24, 38, 84
Propaganda, Communication and Public Opinion (Smith et al.), reviewed in Public Opinion Quarterly, 43
Propaganda Technique in the World War (Lasswell), 16, 130
“Prospects of Italian Democracy, The” (Oppenheim), 47
Psychological operations, 31, 34; covert, 38; and the Korean War, 63–64, 65
Psychological Strategy Board, Truman’s, 75
Psychological warfare, 3, 8; compared with propaganda, 43–44; contractual ties to Public Opinion Quarterly board, 43; definitions of, 11–13, 43–44, 115; literature on, 125–27; Public Opinion Quarterly articles about, 43; redefined after World War II, 31–41; research in, as patriotism, 98–102; researchers, bibliography on, 129–31; sociopolitical context, bibliography of, 123–25; Soviet, 7; vulnerability studies, BSSR’s, 72; in World War II, 23–30
Psychological Warfare Division (U.S. Army), 25, 26, 27, 29, 35
Psychology of Radio, The (Cantril & Allport), 80
Psychophysiology panel, Committee on Human Resources, 58
Public Opinion (Lippmann), 16, 17
Public Opinion and Propaganda (Doob), 87
Public Opinion Quarterly, 13, 53, 57, 126; authors’ and editors’ ties to CIA, armed forces, and State Department, 48–51; CENIS issues, 83, 91; CIA, armed forces and State Department ties to, 42–43; content and editorial line, during Korean War, 65, 67, 69–72; explicit psychological warfare articles, 43–46; founded, 22, 25, 42; on image advertising, 114; International Communications Research issue, 67, 91, 100; in McCarthy era, 104; Project Revere reports, 76, 79; publishes Stouffer group, 99–100; Reds Take a City, The, findings in, 63; suppresses alternative paradigms, 101, 105–6; and U.S. government “internationalists,” 46–48
Public Opinion Research Project (Princeton University), 22, 49, 80
Puerto Rico, “change-prone” individuals in, 83
Radio broadcasts into Eastern Europe, 6–7, 35, 64–65. See also Radio Free Europe; Voice of America
Radio Free Europe, 50, 88–89, 109, 126, 131, 132
Radio Liberation, 109
Radio Liberty, 126
RAND Corporation, 51, 53, 58, 66, 82, 86, 91, 127, 131
Reds Take a City, The (Schramm, Riley, & Williams), 63–64
Reece, Carroll, 102
Reference groups, 71, 111, 113, 129
“Regional Attitudes on International Cooperation” (Williams), 49
Reich, Das (journal), 22
“Relay points,” social, 114. See also Opinion leaders
Research Branch, Division of Moral, U.S. Army, 26, 27–28, 29, 34, 35, 58, 60
RIAS radio, 35
Riley, John W., 27, 63, 85, 89–90, 131
Rockefeller, Nelson, 61, 75, 81
Rockefeller Foundation, 13, 22–23, 28, 55, 60–61, 81, 102
Rogers, Everett, 128
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 24
Roper, Elmo, 26
Russell Sage Foundation, 60, 61
Russian Research Center (Harvard University), 59, 60, 82, 87, 131
Rutgers University, 88
Sabotage, 11, 12, 24, 37, 40, 45
Saipan, military intelligence-gathering on, 43
Scholarly exchange programs, 38
Schramm, Wilbur, 26, 54, 71, 84, 85, 86, 98, 107–09, 112, 113, 115, 128, 130–31; The Reds Take a City, 63–64
Science of Human Communication, the (Schramm), 109
Seldes, George, 105–6
Selective attention, and social science research, 96
Shaw, John G., 75
Slesinger, Donald, 23
Smith, Bruce Lannes, 43, 86, 114
Smith, Chitra M., 86, 127, 131
Smith, Joseph B., 74
Smith, Myron, Jr., 127
Smith-Mundt Act, 64
Social order, and mass communication, 18–19
“Social relay points,” 114. See also Opinion leaders
Social Science Research Council, 28, 61, 102
Sociofile data base, 127
Sociology of knowledge, 4–5
Sociometry, 57
South Vietnam, 72. See also Vietnam
Soviet Union, 7, 43, 68, 81, 83, 112, 115, 126, 131; surveys of refugees and defectors from, 54, 59, 100
“Soviet Version of American History, The” (Counts), reviewed in Public Opinion Quarterly, 48
Special Operations Research Office, 84
Special Studies and Evaluation Subcommittee of SANACC, 37
Speier, Hans, 26, 44, 45–46, 49, 51, 58, 82, 91, 114, 131
Spencer, Lyle, 28
Sputnik launch, 53
Stanford University, 27
State Department, 4, 36, 45, 52, 55, 70, 125; and Public Opinion Quarterly, 42–43, 48–51
State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee (SANACC), 37
Stephan, Frederick, 57
Stouffer, Samuel, 57, 99–100, 102, 112, 114, 128, 131; American Soldier project, 51, 59, 60, 96, 111–12; and the Research Branch, 26, 27–28, 29, 34, 35, 58, 60
Strategic bombing surveys, 58, 79, 96
Strategic hamlets, 84
Streibel, Gary, 89
Stycos, Joseph, 66
Subversion, 12, 24, 40, 45, 46
Sun Tzu, 15
Survey Research Center (University of Michigan). See Institute for Social Research
Survey Research in the United States (Converse), 54
“Target capture,” 12
Tennessee Valley Authority, 53
Terror, 15
Think tanks, 97
Third World: “modernization,” 83; nationalism, 68
Time and Life, BASR’s readership surveys for, 55
Tonnies, Ferdinand, 128
“Top secret” classification, 38
Treasury Department, 26
Truman Presidential Library, 125
“Two-step” communications theory, 79, 111, 113, 129
Ukraine, 112
United States Information Service (USIS), 64. See also USIA
United States International Information and Educational Exchange Project, 73
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) purges alleged Marxists, 103
University of Maryland, 131
U.S. Army’s Limited-War Mission and Social Science Research, The, 84
“U.S. Psychological Warfare Policy” (McGranahan), 45–5
USIA (U.S. Information Agency), 9, 52, 53, 64, 72, 73, 74, 81, 85, 93; Bigman’s studies for, 114; Schramm’s studies for, 109, 131
U.S.S.R., See Soviet Union
Vandenberg, Hoyt, 34
Vietnam, 7, 74, 84. See also South Vietnam
Voice of America (VOA), 12, 35, 38, 51, 56, 57, 64–69, 71, 83, 88, 102, 109
Voicelessness, subverted to consumerism, 20
Voting (Berelson, Lazarsfeld, & McPhee), 74
Walsh, Warren, 47
Waples, Douglas, 22
War Communications Division (Library of Congress), 26, 27
War Department, U.S.: Psychologic Branch, 25; psychological warfare and propaganda in World War I, 16. See also Defense, Department of
Warfare: civil, 98; clandestine or convert, 12, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40; economic, 40; limited, 90; undeclared, 31. See also Psychological warfare
Watergate investigation, congressional, 37
Western Europe, radio broadcasting to and surveys of, 64
White, Ralph K., 131
Wiggins, Lee, 56
Williams, Appleman, 103
Williams, Frederick W., 36, 49, 63
Willits, Joseph, 23
Wilson, Woodrow, 15–16
World War I, psychological warfare in, 15–16
Worldviews, seduction of rival, 20. See also Weltanschauungskrieg
Wriggins, Howard, 101
Wyman, W. G., 34–35
Yale University Institute of Human Relations, 27
Young, Donald, 28
Young, William R., 131
Yugoslavia, occupied, 37
Zaire. See Congo, the
Zimmerman, Claire, 83