Drag and Drop

Desktop applications have long offered drag-and-drop, both within and between applications. Android has supported this for quite some time, but you could only drag and drop within a single activity. As a result, this was not especially popular.

However, starting in Android 7.0, you can drag and drop between applications, so long as their windows are visible in a multi-window environment. Not only does this make drag-and-drop more compelling in general, but in a freeform multi-window environment, users will expect Android apps to behave like their desktop counterparts. Hence, users will expect drag-and-drop capabilities where it makes sense.

In this chapter, we will explore Android’s drag-and-drop facility, including how to perform it between separate applications.


Understanding this chapter requires that you have read the core chapters of this book, as well as the chapter on the clipboard.

One example uses RecyclerView, so reviewing that chapter is a good idea. Similarly, one sample uses StreamProvider, so you may wish to read the section on it as well.

The Scope of Drag and Drop

Since the term “drag-and-drop” means different things to different people – including different developers used to different platforms — it will help if we understand exactly what Android’s definition of “drag-and-drop” is.

What Are We Dragging and Dropping?

In Android, the focus is on dragging and dropping content, meaning some information identified by a Uri and an associated MIME type. We are using the drag-and-drop process to select some piece of content and inform something else about that content. Specifically, the content that we are dragging and dropping is represented by a ClipData object, the same as we could use with the clipboard.

Technically, the ClipData does not have to represent content. The clipboard supports plain text ClipData items, and nothing is stopping you from using drag and drop for plain text as a result. When dragging and dropping between apps, this may cause some compatibility issues, though the drag-and-drop framework takes steps to help deal with this. Within an app, options like plain text allow you to “cheat” to an extent, allowing drag-and-drop to support anything you want, so long as you can identify the specific “anything you want” by a string ID or key.

From the user’s standpoint, the user is dragging some visual representation of this content. That can be whatever bitmap you want, and you will have a few options for specifying what this bitmap is. This bitmap is referred to as the “shadow”.

Where Are We Dragging From?

You will need to provide some UI that triggers a drag-and-drop operation, not only allowing the user to say “let’s drag this somewhere” but also “here is what ‘this’ I want to drag”.

A typical trigger for this is a long-click. So, for example, a long-click on a list row might trigger a drag-and-drop of the content identified by that row.

Usually, the trigger is tied to some view, as drag-and-drop intrinsically is a visual operation. Techncially, this is not required, if you can find some other approach that users will understand and appreciate.

Where Are We Dropping To?

You will need to identify possible drop targets, in the form of views. A view can be registered as a potential drop target, then stipulate whether it is a candidate for a specific drag-and-drop operation when that operation begins. For example, if you have two lists, and you want the user to drag items between the lists, both are potential drop targets. However, you might elect to say that the user cannot drag from a list back into that same list, so if the content being dragged originated from the list, that list is not a candidate for that specific drag-and-drop operation.

The Pieces of Drag-and-Drop

As noted above, what we are really dragging and dropping is a ClipData, which can represent whatever we want, so long as the recipient of that ClipData knows how to work with whatever the provider of that ClipData put in it.

However, there are a few other pieces to the drag-and-drop process.

The Drag Shadow

The drag shadow is the visual representation of what the user is dragging and dropping. Programmatically, the shadow is defined as an instance of View.DragShadowBuilder (which, despite the name, does not implement a builder-style API).

You have two main choices for creating this shadow: use a View, or use a Canvas.

…From a View

You can create a View.DragShadowBuilder via the constructor that takes a View as a parameter. This tells View.DragShadowBuilder that the drag shadow should be a translucent copy of whatever the View is showing at the time we start the drag-and-drop operation.

This is very easy to implement, and it works well if you have a View that makes for a likely visual representation of what is being dragged and dropped.

On the other hand, it will not handle all scenarios. Suppose that you want to allow the user to drag from a list. Furthermore, suppose that you want the user to be able to multi-select items in the list and drag the entire selection. Now you no longer have a single View that you can use as the basis for the drag shadow.

Also, keep the drag shadow relatively small. It needs to be big enough that the user can see it despite a finger potentially being in the way. However, it also needs to be small enough to make it clear where the user is dropping it. This is another reason why the multi-select list scenario does not work well with creating a View.DragShadowBuilder from a View — even if you chose the ListView or RecyclerView as being the View from which to create the drag shadow, odds are that the list will be far too large.

…From a Canvas

For cases where using a View as the basis of your drag shadow will not work, you can create your own subclass of View.DragShadowBuilder and define the drag shadow however you want.

To do this, you will override two methods. One is onProvideShadowMetrics(), where you fill in a pair of Point objects. The first represents the size of the drag shadow in pixels. The other represents the point within the drag shadow where the touch point will be — in other words, where is the drag shadow with respect to where the finger is touching the screen.

The other method is onDragShadow(), where you are given an appropriately-sized Canvas and you can draw whatever you want into that Canvas to serve as the drag shadow. For example, you might draw a Bitmap in onDragShadow() using the dimensions of the Bitmap and its center point in onProvideShadowMetrics().

Technically, you can combine the two approaches. You create the View.DragShadowBuilder using a View but then override one or both of the aforementioned View.DragShadowBuilder methods to alter the default behavior a bit. For example, by default, the touch point will be the center of the View, but you might want the touch point to be offset towards one corner — you could handle this by overriding onProvideShadowMetrics(), chaining to the superclass, then updating the second Point object as you see fit.

The Drag Event Listener

To react to drag events in a drop target View, you can call setOnDragListener(), supplying an implementation of View.OnDragListener. This interface has a single method, onDrag(), that you will need to implement.

The sample apps in this chapter implement View.OnDragListener on the activity that has the drop targets. Typically, you will implement View.OnDragListener on whatever object in your UI handles events raised by the widgets (e.g., a controller or presenter).

The Drag Events

onDrag() of your View.OnDragListener is passed two objects: the View that you called setOnDragListener() on, and a DragEvent representing what is happening with respect to the drag-and-drop process.

The DragEvent contains an action int value, representing what the state change is in the drag-and-drop operation. Depending on the action, other aspects of the DragEvent may be available to you as well.


When the user begins a drag-and-drop operation, and your window is visible (e.g., the user started the drag-and-drop within your own activity), you will receive a DragEvent whose action is ACTION_DRAG_STARTED.

Your primary job is to return true from onDrag() if you wish to be considered a drop target for this drag-and-drop operation. Prior to Android 7.0, you might always return true, since you are certain to be in control over both the drag and the drop. Starting with Android 7.0, you might conditionally return true, if the drag-and-drop operation looks like it might be one that you can handle. Unfortunately, your primary means of determining this is via getClipDescription() on the DragEvent, which gives you a ClipDescription describing the ClipData that is the content. This does not give you much to go on, as we will see in upcoming samples.

If you are a valid drop target, you might also consider adjusting the look and feel of this View to indicate to the user that this is a valid drop target. Android does not do anything on its own for this. You might tint the View, or add an outline, or something, to help clue the user in that dropping over your View might have a positive result.

If you return true, you will be notified about the progress of the drag-and-drop event through the other event actions listed below. If you return false, you are indicating that this drag-and-drop operation does not concern you, and you will not be given any further DragEvents for it.


You will receive a DragEvent with this action once it is possible for the user to drop in your View. This will come when the drag shadow enters the bounding box of the View (not necessarily only where pixels are drawn for the view).

If you are still interested in this drag-and-drop operation, you should:

If precise placement within the widget is important for the drag-and-drop operation (e.g., you wish to highlight some specific cell in a grid), you can call getX() and getY() on the DragEvent to try to determine where the drop point is. Unfortunately, it is not documented whether getX() and getY() are relative to your widget, the screen, or something else.


If you return true from the ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED DragEvent, you may receive additional DragEvents with ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION actions, indicating that the user has moved within the bounding box of your widget. If you are using getX() and getY() to deal with the highlighting, these values will have changed, and so you will want to update the highlighting to match.


If you return true from the ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED DragEvent, you may receive a DragEvent for ACTION_DRAG_EXITED. This indicates that the user dragged the item outside of your widget without dropping it. Any state changes to your widget, such as a highlight, that you applied in ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED or ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION should be reverted. However, the drag-and-drop operation is still proceeding, so any highlight you use for that (e.g., in ACTION_DRAG_STARTED) should still be used.


Of course, the fun action is ACTION_DROP, which means that the user dropped the content over this widget as the drop target. You can call getClipData() to get at the ClipData for this content, along with final getX() and getY() values.

If you return true in onDrag(), this indicates that you handled the drop request.

However, you may not be able to handle the drop request. For example, suppose you are looking to have a Uri pointing to a video be dropped into your app. All you can determine from the ClipDescription, in your ACTION_DRAG_STARTED processing, is that the ClipData has a Uri. So, you have to return true from onDrag() in your ACTION_DRAG_STARTED logic. But, then, in ACTION_DROP processing, when you get the real Uri, you find out that it has a different MIME type (e.g., text/html, instead of video/*). You will need to return false from onDrag() in your ACTION_DROP logic. Unfortunately, what happens from this point forward is undocumented.


If you returned true from the ACTION_DRAG_STARTED DragEvent, you should receive a DragEvent when the drag-and-drop operation is over, with ACTION_DRAG_ENDED as the action. Any state change you made to your widget in ACTION_DRAG_STARTED should be reverted here. If it matters to you whether the user did a valid drop or not, call getResult() on the DragEvent to find out .

Drag-and-Drop, within an Activity

The classic drag-and-drop scenario, prior to Android 7.0, was to drag-and-drop between widgets in a single activity.

The DragDrop/Simple sample project demonstrates this scenario. It is based on the RecyclerView/VideoList sample app from the chapter on RecyclerView.

The Landscape Layout

On smaller screens, we just have the RecyclerView as before. However, on larger screens (e.g., 9" tablets in landscape), we put a VideoView and an ImageView alongside the RecyclerView:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

  <android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView android:id="@+id/video_list"
    android:layout_weight="1" />



        android:layout_gravity="center" />


        android:scaleType="centerInside" />
(from DragDrop/Simple/app/src/main/res/layout-w800dp/main.xml)

The idea is that the user will be able to drag from the RecyclerView into the other two widgets, which will play the video or show a larger rendition of the thumbnail, respectively.

The VideoView and the ImageView are each wrapped in a FrameLayout. Mostly, that is to give us a place to render a border around the widgets, indicating that they are drop targets. We have a pair of <shape> drawables for this. One is a red dashed line indicating a potential drop target:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:color="#ff0000" >
(from DragDrop/Simple/app/src/main/res/drawable-nodpi/droppable.xml)

The other is a solid green line indicating a “live” drop target, used to indicate that dropping the content here should work:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:color="#2e7d32" >
(from DragDrop/Simple/app/src/main/res/drawable-nodpi/drop.xml)

Registering as Drop Targets

This version of the sample app eschews the RecyclerViewActivity used in the RecyclerView/VideoList sample app. Instead, MainActivity manages all of its widgets directly, including the RecyclerView.

In onCreate(), after inflating the layout, we attempt to retrieve the VideoView and ImageView. If we find them, we call setOnDragListener(), supplying our MainActivity instance itself as the OnDragListener implementation:


    if (player!=null) {


    if (thumbnailLarge!=null) {

(from DragDrop/Simple/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

We will examine the onDrag() method that OnDragListener requires shortly.

Starting to Drag

This app supports a long-click on a row in our RecyclerView to enter drag-and-drop mode, as we call setOnLongClickListener() on the row itself, in RowController (our RecyclerView.ViewHolder for our list rows):

  RowController(View row) {



(from DragDrop/Simple/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/RowController.java)

In onLongClick(), we:

  public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
    ClipData clip=ClipData.newRawUri(title.getText(), videoUri);
    View.DragShadowBuilder shadow=new View.DragShadowBuilder(thumbnail);

    itemView.startDrag(clip, shadow, Boolean.TRUE, 0);


(from DragDrop/Simple/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/RowController.java)

Besides the ClipData and View.DragShadowBuilder, startDrag() takes two other parameters:

For the local state, we are using Boolean.TRUE. That is a fairly arbitrary choice, but it is a good idea to pass a non-null value here, for reasons that we will get into later in this chapter.

Reacting to Drag Events

Our onDrag() method in MainActivity will handle all of the events related to our registered drop targets:

  public boolean onDrag(View v, DragEvent event) {
    boolean result=true;

    switch (event.getAction()) {
      case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED:
        if (event.getLocalState()==null) {
        else {
          applyDropHint(v, R.drawable.droppable);

      case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED:
        applyDropHint(v, R.drawable.drop);

      case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_EXITED:
        applyDropHint(v, R.drawable.droppable);

      case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED:
        applyDropHint(v, -1);

      case DragEvent.ACTION_DROP:
        ClipData.Item clip=event.getClipData().getItemAt(0);
        Uri videoUri=clip.getUri();

        if (v==player) {
        else {



(from DragDrop/Simple/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

For most of the actions, we apply (or remove) a drawable from the FrameLayout containers wrapping our VideoView and ImageView widgets, via an applyDropHint() utility method:

  private void applyDropHint(View v, int drawableId) {
    View parent=(View)v.getParent();

    if (drawableId>-1) {
    else {

(from DragDrop/Simple/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

Here, we use -1 as the “ID” of a resource meaning to remove any previous background.

In onDrag(), we ignore ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION events, as we are not using getX() and getY() and so do not care if those values change.

However, we do handle two actions a bit differently:

The Result

If you run the sample app on a large-enough device with a roster of videos, you will get the list of videos on one side, and the empty VideoView and ImageView on the other side:

Simple Drag-and-Drop Demo, As Initially Launched
Figure 717: Simple Drag-and-Drop Demo, As Initially Launched

Once the user long-taps on a list row, a shadow based on the thumbnail appears under the user’s finger, and the two drop targets show their red dashed outlines:

Simple Drag-and-Drop Demo, After Drag Started
Figure 718: Simple Drag-and-Drop Demo, After Drag Started

If the user drags the drop shadow over one of the drop targets, it gets the ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED event and changes its outline to the green solid line:

Simple Drag-and-Drop Demo, After Drag Enters Drop Target
Figure 719: Simple Drag-and-Drop Demo, After Drag Enters Drop Target

Finally, if the user drops the item in one of the drop targets, it receives the ACTION_DROP event and can actually use the content:

Simple Drag-and-Drop Demo, After Drop
Figure 720: Simple Drag-and-Drop Demo, After Drop

Note that both widgets no longer show an outline, as they each received ACTION_DROP_ENDED, where they removed their outlines.

Drag-and-Drop, Between Apps

Android 7.0’s multi-window capability ushers in a new era for drag-and-drop, where users drag-and-drop between apps. In theory, very little has to change to support drag-and-drop between apps.

However, there are challenges, the biggest one being permissions. The app with the drop target needs permission to work with whatever content is represented in the drag-and-drop operation. If that content is simply some plain text or something else that can be stuffed into a ClipData, permissions are part of drag-and-drop processing, as only the drop target selected by the user gets the ACTION_DROP event and can access that ClipData.

However, if the ClipData contains one or more Uri values, the app with the drop target needs access to that underlying content, just as it needs it for the clipboard or any other situation where a Uri is passed between apps.

The DragDrop/Permissions sample project demonstrates dragging and dropping between apps. This project has two app modules: drag and drop. As you might imagine, drag contains an activity that allows the user to drag something (in this case, an image), while drop contains an activity that accepts an image Uri and displays it.

Because cross-app drag-and-drop requires Android 7.0, both modules are set up with 7.0-compatible build settings in build.gradle — we will see the drag/build.gradle file shortly.

The Drag App

The drag app has a very simple UI: a single ImageView, set to fill the available space:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ImageView android:id="@+id/asset"
  android:scaleType="fitCenter" />
(from DragDrop/Permissions/drag/src/main/res/layout/main.xml)

The idea is that the user will long-click the ImageView to start the drag-and-drop operation. Hence, this is reminiscent of the DragDrop/Simple app, just with a single image, rather than one per row in a list.

The Custom Shadow

One problem with using the ImageView as the way to start the drag-and-drop operation comes with the drag shadow. In DragDrop/Simple, we used the image as the drag shadow. This worked well, because the image was a thumbnail, which usually is a good size for a drag shadow. In the drag app in DragDrop/Permissions, though, the ImageView is huge, far too large to use as the drag shadow. As a result, we cannot use the ImageView directly as before, but instead need to create a custom View.DragShadowBuilder subclass, named ThumbDragShadow:

  private class ThumbDragShadow extends View.DragShadowBuilder {
    public void onProvideShadowMetrics(Point shadowSize,
                                       Point shadowTouchPoint) {
      shadowSize.set(iv.getWidth()/8, iv.getHeight()/8);
      shadowTouchPoint.set(shadowSize.x/2, shadowSize.y/2);

    public void onDrawShadow(Canvas canvas) {

(from DragDrop/Permissions/drag/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

This is a nested class inside MainActivity, and so it has access to the fields of MainActivity, such as our ImageView, named iv.

In onProvideShadowMetrics(), we set the size of the shadow to be 1/8th of the size of the ImageView. This is a sloppy approach and may wind up with too small of an image on smaller-screen devices. However, it does keep the aspect ratio of the ImageView. In addition, we set the touch point to be in the middle of the image — based on some Google sample code, it appears that this is a reasonable algorithm.

In onDrawShadow(), we need to draw something on the supplied Canvas that represents the drag shadow. In this case, we ask the ImageView to draw itself into that Canvas. This results in a cropped image, as the ImageView is much larger than our Canvas, which is sized based on the Point values we populated in onProvideShadowMetrics(). A better implementation would work with a Bitmap and scale it so the entire image would be seen in the drag shadow; this approach is used here for simplicity.

The StreamProvider

The image itself is stored in assets/. The photo is of One World Trade Center (a.k.a., “Freedom Tower”) in New York City.

The reason for storing it in assets/ is that not only do we need the image, but we need to provide other apps with access to the image. In this app, we will handle that using StreamProvider, from the author’s CWAC-Provider library, as described in one of the chapters on the ContentProvider component.

To that end, we include the cwac-provider artifact in our drag/build.gradle file:

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'

dependencies {
    compile 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:24.0.0'
    compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:24.0.0'
    compile 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2'

android {
    compileSdkVersion 24
    buildToolsVersion "24.0.0"

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.commonsware.android.dragdrop.drag"
        minSdkVersion 24
        targetSdkVersion 24

    aaptOptions {
        noCompress 'jpg'

repositories {
    maven {
        url "https://s3.amazonaws.com/repo.commonsware.com"

dependencies {
    compile 'com.commonsware.cwac:provider:0.4.0'

(from DragDrop/Permissions/drag/build.gradle)

Also note that we take steps to ensure that the build tools do not try to compress the JPEG further, by excluding jpg files from aapt compression via noCompress in aaptOptions

The manifest contains a <provider> element for our StreamProvider:


(from DragDrop/Permissions/drag/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml)

That sets up the authority string to be the application ID with .provider appended. It also points StreamProvider to some XML metadata in res/xml/provider.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <asset name="assets" />

(from DragDrop/Permissions/drag/src/main/res/xml/provider.xml)

Here, we say that we are willing to serve anything from assets/.

The Drag Request

In onCreate(), we use Picasso to load the image out of assets/ and display it. However, we also register a Callback to find out when that has been completed:

  public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {


      .into(iv, new Callback() {
        public void onSuccess() {

        public void onError() {
          // TODO

(from DragDrop/Permissions/drag/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

We only call setOnLongClickListener() once the image has been loaded successfully, as until then, the user would not know what she is dragging and dropping.

Then, in onLongClick(), we start the drag-and-drop operation:

  public boolean onLongClick(View view) {
    Uri uri=PROVIDER

    ClipData clip=ClipData.newRawUri(getString(R.string.msg_photo), uri);
    View.DragShadowBuilder shadow=new ThumbDragShadow();

    iv.startDragAndDrop(clip, shadow, Boolean.TRUE,


(from DragDrop/Permissions/drag/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

First, we need a Uri pointing to our asset. We build such a Uri from:

  private static final String AUTHORITY=
  private static final Uri PROVIDER=

(from DragDrop/Permissions/drag/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

We then build a ClipData from that Uri, plus a string pulled from a resource. Note that it is unclear where this string is used, though accessibility options is one likely candidate.

The drag shadow is an instance of the ThumbDragShadow shown above.

To start the drag-and-drop operation, we call startDragAndDrop(). This is simply a new name for the startDrag() method. startDrag() is marked as deprecated in Android 7.0, replaced with startDragAndDrop(). However, for older, in-app drag-and-drop, feel free to use startDrag(), as it is your only option for Android 6.0 and older devices.

This time, we pass in some flags:

The Drop App

The drop app is a version of the drop logic from DragDrop/Simple, reduced to just handling the drop in an ImageView. However, it does have a few wrinkles, both related to drag-and-drop (permissions) and related to general Android development (configuration change support).

The Layout

The revised layout is simply the ImageView, wrapped in the FrameLayout for the drop hint drawables:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FrameLayout android:id="@+id/thumbnail_frame"

    android:scaleType="centerInside" />

(from DragDrop/Permissions/drop/src/main/res/layout/main.xml)

In onCreate() and onSaveInstanceState(), we load that layout, get the ImageView, and populate it (via the same showThumbnail() as before) if we have a thumbnailUri from our saved instance state Bundle:

  public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {


    if (icicle!=null) {

      if (imageUri!=null) {

  protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

    outState.putParcelable(STATE_IMAGE_URI, imageUri);

(from DragDrop/Permissions/drop/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

The Drag Event

The onDrag() method is the same as before, except for two events: ACTION_DRAG_STARTED and ACTION_DROP.

We are expecting to get a Uri pointing to an image from the outside app via a drag-and-drop operation. Ideally, we would validate that in ACTION_DRAG_STARTED, returning false if the content is something else:

  public boolean onDrag(View v, DragEvent event) {
    boolean result=true;

    switch (event.getAction()) {
      case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED:
        if (event
          .hasMimeType(ClipDescription.MIMETYPE_TEXT_URILIST)) {
          applyDropHint(v, R.drawable.droppable);
        else {


      case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED:
        applyDropHint(v, R.drawable.drop);

      case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_EXITED:
        applyDropHint(v, R.drawable.droppable);

      case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED:
        applyDropHint(v, -1);

      case DragEvent.ACTION_DROP:

        ClipData.Item clip=event.getClipData().getItemAt(0);



(from DragDrop/Permissions/drop/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

Unfortunately, all we can do is determine that we are getting some Uri. The MIME type in our ClipDescription is not the MIME type of the content underlying our Uri, but rather will be ClipDescription.MIMETYPE_TEXT_URILIST. This is because a ClipData can have several items, each with Uri values. We have no way, given just the ClipDescription to determine if we actually have an image Uri. So, as long as we are getting a Uri value, we assume that the drop might be meaningful and return true.

For ACTION_DROP, we first call requestDragAndDropPermissions(), to grant our app the rights offered to us by whatever app initiated the drag-and-drop operation:

      case DragEvent.ACTION_DROP:

        ClipData.Item clip=event.getClipData().getItemAt(0);


(from DragDrop/Permissions/drop/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

The requestDragAndDropPermissions() method returns a DragAndDropPermissions object. The JavaDocs for this class point out the lifetime of our permissions:

The life cycle of the permissions is bound to the activity used to call requestDragAndDropPermissions(). The permissions are revoked when this activity is destroyed, or when release() is called, whichever occurs first.

However, the user could destroy your activity at any point in time, via a configuration change. As a result, you have three main options here:

  1. Make a local copy of the content as soon as you get the Uri, hopefully before your activity gets destroyed via a configuration change
  2. Opt out of the automatic destroy-and-recreate cycle for configuration changes for any activity that has drop targets, via android:configChanges in the manifest, and deal with all the problems that technique raises
  3. Ignore the issue and hope that the app that started the drag-and-drop operation included DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_PERSISTABLE_URI_PERMISSION in its startDragAndDrop() call

But, after the requestDragAndDropPermissions() call, we grab the first Uri out of the ClipData, store that in the imageUri field, and have showThumbnail() display that image via Picasso. A better approach would examine each possible Uri in the ClipItem for one that represents an image (showing that one), and returning false from onDrag() if no such Uri is found, so the drag-and-drop operation remains active.

The Results

If you run both apps, and have them both visible in a multi-window environment (e.g., split-screen mode on a phone or tablet), you will be able to drag and drop between them:

Cross-App Drag-And-Drop, Showing Both Activities As Initially Launched
Figure 721: Cross-App Drag-And-Drop, Showing Both Activities As Initially Launched

Cross-App Drag-And-Drop, Showing Drag Shadow
Figure 722: Cross-App Drag-And-Drop, Showing Drag Shadow

Cross-App Drag-And-Drop, Showing Result of Drag-and-Drop
Figure 723: Cross-App Drag-And-Drop, Showing Result of Drag-and-Drop

Detecting Cross-App Drag Events

In the DragDrop/Permissions sample, there is nothing in our onDrag() method, or anywhere else, that indicates that we want to allow drag events from third-party apps. That happens by default, and there is no way to stop it. Hence, any app implementing official drag-and-drop support has to support arbitrary apps passing in content. With luck, this too will get changed.

We were given this recipe for detecting cross-app drag-and-drop:

However, this does not work well. The local state is local to a window, not an app or process. As a result, if your app is visible in more than one window — for example, you used FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT to start up another activity in another window — then you will lose the local state even for in-app drag-and-drop across these windows.

In the Simple drag-and-drop sample from earlier, we check to see if the local state is null and reject the drag event if it is. There, we are not expecting to have activities in multiple windows, so all drag-and-drop work should be local. Conversely, we do not check the local state in the Permissions sample, where we specifically want cross-app drag-and-drop.

Intra-App Cross-Window Drag-and-Drop

Drag-and-drop not only works between apps with Android 7.0’s multi-window feature — it also works for two windows within the same app.

The DragDrop/SplitScreen sample project is a clone of the DragDrop/Permissions project. However, both the drag activity (MainActivity) and the drop activity (DropActivity) are in the same app module (app/).

Also, MainActivity now has an action bar with a “launch” item that, when tapped, will bring up the DropActivity in an adjacent window:

  public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    if (item.getItemId()==R.id.launch) {
      startActivity(new Intent(this, DropActivity.class)
        .setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT |
                  Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK |



(from DragDrop/SplitScreen/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

Launching MainActivity, entering multi-window mode, and launching DropActivity gives you those two activities in separate windows, such as in split-screen mode:

Split-Screen Drag Demo, With Both Activities Showing
Figure 724: Split-Screen Drag Demo, With Both Activities Showing

And, as in the cross-app scenario, you can drag from one window into the other:

Split-Screen Drag Demo, Part-Way Through a Drag
Figure 725: Split-Screen Drag Demo, Part-Way Through a Drag

Split-Screen Drag Demo, After Drag-and-Drop
Figure 726: Split-Screen Drag Demo, After Drag-and-Drop

However, as was noted above, the local state data is lost in these cross-window drag-and-drop operations, making them indistinguishable from cross-app drag-and-drop operations.

Pondering Legacy Multi-Window

In principle, cross-app drag-and-drop could work with Samsung’s legacy multi-window support. However, calling startDrag() (the pre-Android 7.0 equivalent of startDragAndDrop()) will not grant permissions to the other app to use the content associated with any Uri. The only way to make this work would be if the content identified by the Uri was readable by all apps, which is not great from a security standpoint.

LG’s legacy multi-window support does not seem to support cross-app drag-and-drop.

Also, Chrome OS does not support cross-app drag-and-drop as of the August 2016 round of developer previews.

Dragging and Dropping Simple Stuff

This chapter focuses on drag-and-drop of content, represented by a Uri. That is not your only option, just as that is not your only option for putting stuff onto, or removing stuff from, the clipboard.

A ClipData object contains one or more ClipData.Item objects. These can be of three main forms:

Outside of specialized cases (e.g., home screens), if you are not using Uri, probably you are using text.

If you are implementing a drop target, and all you know how to do is handle text, you can call coerceToText() on a ClipData.Item object to get the best text representation of whatever it is. For Uri values pointing to text content, coerceToText() will read in the content and return it. For anything else, you get back toString() on the content, more or less.

Multi-Action Drag-and-Drop

The previous section brings up home screens as an example of drag-and-drop. On many Android home screen implementations, if you long-click on an icon in the launcher, you can drag-and-drop that icon into the home screen itself, thereby creating a shortcut. However, in addition to that, many home screens also offer special drop targets tied to specific actions, such as “Uninstall”. If the user drops the icon over the home screen area, a shortcut gets created; if the user drops the icon over a special drop target, the action for that target is performed.

You can do this too.

Mostly, it is a matter of arranging to show those special drop targets only during a drag-and-drop operation, then handling those drops specifically. However, due to the nature of Android’s view hierarchy and the drag-and-drop framework, you need to ensure that you show the special drop target’s view before you start the drag-and-drop operation. Otherwise, the special drop target’s view will never receive ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED or ACTION_DROP events.

We can see how this works in practice in the DragDrop/Action sample project. This is a clone of the DragDrop/Simple app from earlier in this chapter, except that we have added a special “Video Info” drop target.

The Layout

The -w800dp layout is mostly as it was in the original app, except that we have added an info TextView above the RecyclerView:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


      android:visibility="gone" />

      android:layout_height="match_parent" />



        android:layout_gravity="center" />


        android:scaleType="centerInside" />
(from DragDrop/Action/app/src/main/res/layout-w800dp/main.xml)

However, this TextView has a visibility of gone at the outset, so it will not show up for users.

Showing and Hiding the Action

onCreate() initializes an info field with the TextView, much as it initializes the fields for the VideoView and ImageView:


    if (player!=null) {


    if (thumbnailLarge!=null) {


    if (info!=null) {

(from DragDrop/Action/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

However, since info is gone, the user cannot drag anything over it. We need to arrange to make it visible.

You might try making it visible in onDrag(), when we get the ACTION_DRAG_STARTED event. After all, this would seem to describe what we want: when the drag begins, show the special drop target as an option for the user. Unfortunately, this does not work: while the user can see the info TextView, that TextView does not get any further onDrag() events.

Instead, we are forced to arrange to make the info view visible before starting the drag-and-drop operation. As a side effect, that requirement means that we cannot use this technique for cross-app drag-and-drop, since we have no idea when some other app starts the drag-and-drop operation.

In fact, it is even a bit awkward to handle in this app, as it is the RowController that initiates the drag-and-drop operation. The RowController knows nothing about the info view, nor should it. Instead, we need to have the RowController let the MainActivity know that a drag-and-drop operation is about to start, so the activity can show the view.

To that end, RowController defines an OnStartDragListener interface. It expects to get such a listener as a constructor parameter, storing it in a field for later use:

class RowController extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder
    implements View.OnClickListener, View.OnLongClickListener {
  interface OnStartDragListener {
    void onStartDrag();

  final private TextView title;
  final private ImageView thumbnail;
  private Uri videoUri=null;
  private String videoMimeType=null;
  final private OnStartDragListener listener;

  RowController(View row, OnStartDragListener listener) {



(from DragDrop/Action/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/RowController.java)

Then, in onLongClick(), if we have a listener, we call onStartDrag() on it, to indicate that we are about to start a drag-and-drop operation:

  public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
    if (listener!=null) {

    ClipData clip=ClipData.newRawUri(title.getText(), videoUri);
    View.DragShadowBuilder shadow=new View.DragShadowBuilder(thumbnail);

    itemView.startDrag(clip, shadow, Boolean.TRUE, 0);


(from DragDrop/Action/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/RowController.java)

The RowController instances are created by the VideoAdapter. Fortunately, VideoAdapter is a nested class inside of MainActivity. So, we implement OnStartDragListener on MainActivity and pass the activity instance to the RowController constructor:

    public RowController onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent,
                                            int viewType) {
      return(new RowController(getLayoutInflater()
        .inflate(R.layout.row, parent, false), MainActivity.this));

(from DragDrop/Action/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

All the onStartDrag() method does is make the info view visible:

  public void onStartDrag() {

(from DragDrop/Action/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

If we make it visible, clearly we need to hide it again at some future point. That would be when the drag-and-drop operation has completed, and it is safe for us to mark info as GONE in our handling of ACTION_DRAG_ENDED in onDrag():

      case DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_ENDED:
        applyDropHint(v, -1);

(from DragDrop/Action/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

Handling Drag Events

We still want to show the drop hint backgrounds, but in this case, we apply them directly to the TextView, rather than going with a wrapping FrameLayout. So, we adjust applyDropHint() to only work with the parent of the view if this is not the info view:

  private void applyDropHint(View v, int drawableId) {
    if (v!=info) {

    if (drawableId>-1) {
    else {

(from DragDrop/Action/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

And, in ACTION_DROP processing, if the user dropped the content over the info view, we simply show a Toast with the text of the Uri:

      case DragEvent.ACTION_DROP:
        ClipData.Item clip=event.getClipData().getItemAt(0);
        Uri videoUri=clip.getUri();

        if (v==player) {
        else if (v==info) {
            .makeText(this, videoUri.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
        else {

(from DragDrop/Action/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/MainActivity.java)

The Result

Now, when you run the app on a sufficiently-wide screen, and you start a drag-and-drop operation, the “Video Info” TextView appears and serves as a drop target:

Drag-And-Drop, Showing Special Drop Target
Figure 727: Drag-And-Drop, Showing Special Drop Target

Nested Drop Targets

You may have a need for nested drop targets, where you are listening for drag events both on some container and on some view inside of that container. For example, if you are using the drag-and-drop APIs to support reordering items in a LinearLayout or RecyclerView, there is a good chance that you will need to have listeners both on that container and on existing items in the container (e.g., to animate them out of the way to allow the user to drop in the newly-vacant spot).

Alas, this is an area that has some undocumented behavior changes in Android 7.0, as Dan Lew uncovered in August 2016.

The DragDrop/Nougat sample project illustrates the old and new behavior, plus some code to get Android 7.0 to behave more like the older versions of Android.

The behavior change is triggered by nested drop targets, which means we need some nesting a layout, such as this one:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FrameLayout android:id="@+id/outer_container"


      android:scaleType="centerInside" />

(from DragDrop/Nougat/app/src/main/res/layout/bug.xml)

Here, we have a FrameLayout holding onto another FrameLayout, which holds onto an ImageView, each with a different background color:

Garish Background Colors
Figure 728: Garish Background Colors

Further, suppose that we are interested in drag events for all three of these, so we call setOnDragListener() for each of them. In the code, we set the background of a drop target to green when we get an ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED event for the target, and we revert to the original background in ACTION_DRAG_EXITED, ACTION_DRAG_ENDED, and ACTION_DROP.

The Behavior Prior to Android 7.0

On Android 6.0 and earlier, drag events are inclusive. In other words, if the user has dragged an item into the inner FrameLayout, this is also considered to be inside the outer FrameLayout. From an event standpoint, the outer FrameLayout only gets an ACTION_DRAG_EXITED event when the dragged item leaves its outer boundaries.

So, as the user drags an item into our nested drop targets, outer targets remain green, even as the item enters inner targets:

Dragging Over Outer Drop Target on Android 6.0
Figure 729: Dragging Over Outer Drop Target on Android 6.0

Dragging Over Inner Drop Target on Android 6.0
Figure 730: Dragging Over Inner Drop Target on Android 6.0

Dragging Over ImageView Drop Target on Android 6.0
Figure 731: Dragging Over ImageView Drop Target on Android 6.0

Android 7.0 Behavior

However, on Android 7.0, drag events are exclusive. If the user drags an item into the inner FrameLayout, the item will exit the outer FrameLayout from a drag-and-drop perspective. So, as the user drags the item towards the inner-most drop target, the user exits the outer drop targets, and we restore the backgrounds along the way:

Dragging Over Outer Drop Target on Android 7.0
Figure 732: Dragging Over Outer Drop Target on Android 7.0

Dragging Over Inner Drop Target on Android 7.0
Figure 733: Dragging Over Inner Drop Target on Android 7.0

Dragging Over ImageView Drop Target on Android 7.0
Figure 734: Dragging Over ImageView Drop Target on Android 7.0

Getting Inclusive on Android 7.0

Which approach is “correct” is somewhat immaterial, as we need consistency across Android OS versions.

The sample app offers one workaround for the discrepancy: a DropTarget class that provides inclusive behavior on Android 7.0. Basically, it serves as a composite OnDragListener, forwarding onDrag() calls to widgets as appropriate. This includes forwarding events to parents of widgets, if those parents are part of the DropTarget coverage:

package com.commonsware.android.dragdrop;

import android.os.Build;
import android.view.DragEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewParent;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class DropTarget implements View.OnDragListener {
  private ArrayList<View> views=new ArrayList<>();
  private View.OnDragListener listener;

  public DropTarget on(View... views) {
    for (View v : views) {


  public void to(View.OnDragListener listener) {

  public boolean onDrag(View view, DragEvent dragEvent) {
      return(listener.onDrag(view, dragEvent));

    boolean result=listener.onDrag(view, dragEvent);
    ViewParent parent=view.getParent();

    while (parent!=null && parent instanceof View) {
      View parentView=(View)parent;

      if (views.contains(parentView)) {
        listener.onDrag(parentView, dragEvent);



(from DragDrop/Nougat/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/DropTarget.java)

For each of the views that DropTarget is set to monitor, the DropTarget sets itself up as the OnDragListener. In onDrag(), if we are on a pre-7.0 version of Android, DropTarget just forwards the event along normally. If, however, we are on Android 7.0 or higher, onDrag():

Then, instead of registering the activity as the OnDragListener like this:

  public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {


(from DragDrop/Nougat/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/BugActivity.java)

we can use DropTarget:

  public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {


    new DropTarget()

(from DragDrop/Nougat/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dragdrop/InclusiveActivity.java)

The result is more inclusive behavior. In the case of this sample app, it happens to be sufficient to allow Android 7.0 to behave as does Android 6.0 and earlier. More sophisticated drag-and-drop implementations may need a more sophisticated approach than DropTarget to achieve a similar workaround.

The State of the Bugs

Both bugs filed by Dan Lew have been marked as “FutureRelease”, with a comment on one indicating that the new exclusive behavior would be restricted to apps with a targetSdkVersion of 24 or higher. It is unclear exactly when this change will be released. And, since many apps will have a targetSdkVersion of 24 or higher to avoid warning messages in Android 7.0+ multi-window, the proposed fixes may not help much.

Pondering Standards

Framework-supplied drag-and-drop has not been all that popular to date. As a result, there are no common conventions for how to designate drop targets for the user. Similarly, as of mid-2016, there appears to be no recommendations for this in the Material Design guidelines from Google.

Eventually, the Android development community will start to coalesce around certain patterns, with or without Google’s assistance. Experiment now, but watch for conventions to emerge, then adopt those conventions, where they make sense for your app.

Pondering Accessibility

Drag-and-drop is not particularly accessible. Visually-impaired users may have difficulty discerning where one can drag from and where one can drag to. Motor-impaired users may have difficulty doing the gesture to initiate drag-and-drop or in dragging the shadow to the desired location.

As a result, while drag-and-drop is a worthy feature, ensure that it is not the only option for performing some action. There should be some other way to do that action, and perhaps more than one other way to do that action, such as: