
The Top Ten German Phrases You Should Know


CHAPTER 1 Introduction to German

Reading German






CHAPTER 2 German Grammar Basics

Names and Nouns

The Art of Articles


Verbs Perform the Action for You

Endings Make the Difference



Know Your Pronouns

Being Negative

Asking Questions

CHAPTER 3 Essential German

Survival German

Language Basics

Being Polite

It’s Time to Count

What Time is It?

The Calendar

CHAPTER 4 Meeting People



The Verb Haben

Nationalities and Languages

The Verb Sein

Family Members

CHAPTER 5 Airports and Hotels

Using Ich Möchte

Verbs That Move You

Airport and Flight Vocabulary

Baggage Claim, Immigration, and Customs

At the Hotel

CHAPTER 6 Taking in the Town

Asking for Directions

Places to Go

Types of Transportation

Renting a Car

Car and Driver

Useful Driving Verbs

CHAPTER 7 Time for Dinner

Eating Out

What’s on the Menu?


Dishes and Silverware

Ordering a Meal

Dietary Restrictions

CHAPTER 8 Shopping and Services

Stores and Businesses

Laundromat and Dry Cleaner

Hair Salon or Barbershop

Clothing and Jewelry

Colors and Sizes

CHAPTER 9 Activities and Entertainment

Verbs When You’re a Participant

Verbs When You’re a Spectator

Sports and Games


Movies and Television

Going to the Theater

CHAPTER 10 German for Business

Jobs and Professions

German in the Workplace

On the Phone

Office Supplies and Equipment

Banking and Changing Money

In School

CHAPTER 11 German Medical Phrases

Common Ailments

Parts of the Body

Going to the Doctor

Going to the Dentist

Going to the Pharmacy

Emergencies and Disasters

CHAPTER 12 In Your Community

At the Market

Quantities, Weights, and Measures

At the Bakery

At the Post Office

Computers and Cybercafés

CHAPTER 13 Miscellaneous German

Weather Words

Descriptive Data

Personality Traits

Mood Management

The Language of Romance

CHAPTER 14 Common German Expressions

Espressions with Es Gibt

Expressions with Machen

Expressions with Gehen

Expressions with Lassen

Expressions with Tun

The Modal Auxiliaries

Special Phrases and Word Order


APPENDIX A German-English Dictionary

APPENDIX B English-German Dictionary