Procrastination: An Ongoing Challenge that You Can Meet
Self-Mastery: A Prime Solution to Procrastination
chapter 1: Procrastination’s Web
Getting Off Procrastination’s Web
Experimenting with a Procrastination Log
Record, Plan, Assess: Three Steps to Breaking a Procrastination Habit
chapter 2: Eight Actions to Combat Procrastination
Four Positive Actions: The Language of Choice, Commitment, Challenge, and Change
Three Behavioral Action Strategies
chapter 3: How to Stop Dodging Discomfort
The Amphibian Way: Procrastination by Default
PURRRRS: A Tool for Short-Circuiting Procrastination
Benefit Analysis: A Tool for Choosing Action over Procrastination
chapter 4: Pitting Reason Against Procrastination Thinking
Harnessing the Spirit of Reason
Challenging the Contradictions in Procrastination Thinking, Feelings, and Behaviors
Contingency Mañana Thinking and Procrastination
chapter 5: Getting Beyond Procrastination Obstacles
Setting the Groundwork for Success
Following Through Without Stopping Midstream
Don’t Let Test Anxiety Get the Best of You
chapter 6: Combatting Procrastination with Wisdom
Taking a Fantasy Journey with the Spirit of Wisdom
chapter 7: Using Your Executive Skills Effectively
chapter 8: Reducing Stress and Optimizing Performances
The Ready, Relax, Set, Go Technique
chapter 9: Simplifying Your Decisions
Emotions in Decision Making: The Horse and the Rider
When Horse and Rider Are in Conflict
Experiment: Put Yourself in Charge
chapter 10: Using Time Effectively
Boosting Productive Actions with Time Estimation and Planning
The Easy-to-Difficult Sequencing Experiment
chapter 11: Building on Your Gains
Exercising Your Positive Values
Developing Career Choice Confidence
chapter 12: Twelve Things to Know Before College
4. Diary of a Successful Student
6. Strike Out Your Procrastination Heavy Hitter
8. Pit Conscientiousness Against Procrastination
9. Treat Procrastination with Compassion