
agricultural troughs, 4647

alfalfa pellets or meal, 33, 74

allium family, 198199

alpine strawberries, 211

Ample Harvest, 129

angelica, 99

anise hyssop, 110


cover crops, 147149

edible, 46

herbs and flowers, 108111

space needs for, 43

aphids, 91, 92, 98, 179, 201

apple trees, 97, 142

April plan, 84

arbors, 86, 196

arugula, 76, 119, 139, 149, 172

artichokes, 77, 171

Asian greens, 119, 173

asparagus, 69, 77, 174

Atkinson, Greg, 8

August plan, 126

Austrian field peas, 50, 148

average frost dates, 19, 21

Bacillus thuringiensis, 97, 179

bamboo pole, 86, 87

bare root plants, 63, 64, 6869, 74

basil, 108, 121, 122

bay (herb), 109

beans, 84, 87, 95, 97, 99, 100, 106, 119, 126, 128, 129. See also fava beans

dry and collect method, 139

growing and harvesting, 175176

as nitrogen fixers, 149

pests, 90

varieties, 176

bean blossoms, 112

bee balm, 110

beer, as pest control, 91

bees, 99, 147

beets and beet greens, 57, 112, 129, 157, 177

begonias, 108, 110

berries, 77, 9798, 108

cane, 68

storing, 129

bitter greens, 217

blight, 103

blood meal, 33, 34, 74

blueberries, 142, 178

bolting, 139, 210

bone meal, 32, 143, 145, 154, 162

borage, 111

brassica family, 58, 112, 157, 179, 181, 184, 193

broccoli, 106, 121, 122, 136, 137, 138, 139, 156, 157, 179

broccoli raab, 206

Brussels sprouts, 156, 180

bubble wrap, 67, 80

buckwheat, 147

bugs. See also insects

good, 99, 100

soap to kill, 113

burlap covering, 121, 156, 157, 158, 159

butterflies, 99

cabbage, 57, 76, 157, 181

cabbage family, 49, 90, 129, 144, 179

cabbage root fly, 179

cabbageworms, 91, 179, 181

calendula, 108, 111

Cape gooseberries, 217

carrot, 100, 129, 182183

carrot rust fly, 183

catch crops, 49

caterpillars, 91, 92

cauliflower, 184

celery and celeriac, 217

chamomile, 99, 102, 109

chard, 57, 76, 126, 129, 136, 157, 185

Charentais melons, 58

cherry trees, 97

chervil, 108, 109, 139

chickweed, 78

chives, 57, 108, 109, 119, 139, 198

chokeberry, 97

chrysanthemum, 111

cilantro, 109, 139

cisterns, 30

clay soils, 28, 30, 76, 122, 150

climate zones, 2021

clover, crimson, 50, 146, 148

cold frames and cloches, 63, 67, 80, 128, 136, 214

cool-season crops, 119, 135, 136137, 146, 148, 154

comfrey, 78, 84, 117, 134

community gardens, 48, 66, 129

companion planting, 99100

compost, 28, 34, 37, 38, 39, 46, 47, 76, 77, 84, 121, 143, 154

bins, 150151

cover crops as, 146

homemade, 142, 149150

in lasagna garden, 159

cone flowers, 99

conservation, 39


for starting seeds, 7980

for trees and shrubs, 97

gardening in, 46, 106, 136

cool-season/cool-weather plants, 9, 47, 76, 85, 120, 143, 172, 179, 184, 196

copper tape or banding, 92

coriander, 99, 109

corn, 17, 26, 58, 76, 99, 100, 119, 142, 186187

cottonseed meal, 32

cover crops, 63, 95, 142, 145149, 154

crimson clover, 50, 148

crop rotation, 4950, 56


continuously bearing, 57

overwintering, 56, 64

secondary, 112113

chrysanthemum, 111

cucumbers, 87, 89, 98, 117, 120, 126, 128, 140, 188

curing harvested vegetables, 126

currant shrub, 98

cutworms, 89, 91, 95, 98

daylight, 25, 137. See also sun

daylily, 111

December plan, 162

deer, soap to repel, 113

dianthus, 108

dill, 99, 139

direct sow. See sowing

disease. See pest and disease management

DIY soil composition, 27, 32, 138

dormancy, 121

drainage/drainage holes, 108, 136

drip systems, 32, 76, 123

dry season, 32

early-season preparation, 63

earwigs, 91

edible flowers. See flowers, edible

eggplants, 17, 80, 84, 86, 90, 126, 128, 189

elderberry, 97

El Niño system, 21

erosion control, 147, 148

fall crops/garden, 17, 117, 119, 121, 127, 128, 133, 135, 136137, 143, 157

fava beans, 112, 146, 149, 190

feather meal, 33

February plan, 63

fencing/fences, 86, 97

fennel, 99, 109

fertilizer, organic, 3234, 39, 47, 102

fig plants, 98

fish meal, 3334, 74

flea beetle, 173, 179, 204, 205

Florence fennel, 217

flowers, edible, 108, 110111, 112113

fluorescent shop fixtures, 79

foothills growing region, 18, 19, 20

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 39

frost/freezing in Pacific Northwest, 19, 156, 157

fruit trees, 97, 9899, 128, 150. See also plants, fruiting

dwarf, 77

grafted, 69

storing, 129

fungal diseases, 86, 88, 8990, 103, 123

fungicides, 114

furrows, 37


container, 46

design, 4446

exchange 66

gifts, 163

plentiful, 5758

preparation, 51

supports/structures, 84, 8687

weather-smart, 76

winter, 157158

year-around, 157

garden gold, 149150

garden journal/records, 22, 5051

garlic, 74, 112, 126, 138, 154, 191192

germination and germination time, 67, 121, 146

gooseberry, 98

gourds, ornamental, 216

grape vines, 98

ground cherries, 217

groundcovers, 77, 98, 146, 149, 211

growing regions, 1820

growing seasons, 19, 26

grow lights, 79

grubs, 92

“guerilla gardeners,” 48

hairy vetch, 50, 146, 148

hardening off, 81

harvest chart, 168170


in January, 56

in February, 64

in March, 75

in April, 85

in May, 96

in June, 107

in July, 118

in August, 127, 128129

in September, 135

in October, 144

in November, 155

in December 162

hearty greens, 57

heat-loving plants, 47, 70, 76, 80, 126, 128, 189. See also warm-season crops

heat units, 26

hedge, flowering, 98

herbs, 106, 108

annual, 108110

harvesting, 128

Mediterranean, 45, 76

perennial, 108110

shade-tolerant, 119

tender, 59

Herb d’Provence blend, 111

hoop houses, 63, 67, 7071, 95, 128, 202, 214

horsetail, 78. 84

horticultural fleece, 56, 92, 95, 121, 186

hoses, 31, 32

huckleberry, evergreen, 98

hummingbirds, 99, 110

humus, 26


plants, soap to clean up, 113114

seedlings, 74, 84, 95

starting fall crops, 117

infrared transmitting (IRT) plastics, 67


beneficial, 89, 9899, 148

and insecticides, 92

pest traps, organic, 90

insect spray, organic, 90, 92

intercrop, 137

Integrated Pest Management (IPM), 9192

irrigation, 32, 116, 122123

January plan, 56

July plan, 117

June plan, 106

kale, 17, 49, 57, 74, 76, 119, 122, 126, 136, 137, 157, 193

kelp, 34, 74

kiwi vine, 98

kohlrabi, 194

ladybugs, 99

La Niña system, 21

“lasagna gardening,” 153, 154, 159

lavender, 108, 111

leaf miners, 177, 185

leeks, 157, 195, 198

legumes, 33, 50, 146, 148, 190, 201. See also beans

lemon balm, 109

lemon verbena, 109

lettuce, 59, 76, 119, 120, 122, 129, 139, 196197

light. See sun

lime, 35, 134, 143, 145, 162

lopping shears, 66

lures, 91

mache, 149, 197

maggots, cabbage, 92, 182

manure, 28, 46

March plan and weather, 74, 7677

marigold, 111

maritime climate, 17

maritime growing region, 18, 19, 20

marjoram, 109110

May plan, 95

Mediterranean herbs, 45, 76, 108

melons, 58, 87, 98, 129, 140, 217

microclimates, 2122

microgreens, 56, 5960

mint, 108, 110

moths, 99

mulch, 34, 39, 67, 106, 123, 128, 134, 143, 154

Christmas tree branches as, 162

with compost, 151

for earthworms, 159

fluffy, 145

for winter, 156

mustard, 76, 139, 149

nasturtiums, 87, 108, 111

netting, 92, 178, 186

nettles, 84

nitrogen, 32, 49, 50, 78, 110, 146, 148, 149, 190

November plan, 154

N-P-K analysis, 32, 78

nursery bed and starts, 75, 117, 121

oats, 147

October plan, 143

onions, 57, 126, 138, 198199

oregano, 109110


cover crops as, 146, 147

material and fertilizers, 28, 3234, 39, 47, 102

mulch, 123

pest control, 89, 90

vegetable starts, 43

ornamental gardening, 44, 120121

overwintering/overwintered plants, 56, 69, 120, 133, 135, 138, 143, 157, 163, 177, 198

oyster shell flour, 34

pac choi, 76

Pacific Northwest (PNW) climate and regions, 8, 9, 1820

pansy, 111

parsley, 108, 110, 157

parsnips, 129, 200

pea(s), 106, 201

dry and collect method, 139

as nitrogen-fixers, 146, 149

pre-sprouting, 63

sticks, 87

tendrils and growing tips, 112

vertical space for, 97

water requirements, 122

pear trees, 97

peppers, 17, 76, 80, 84, 86, 90, 128, 129, 154, 202

perennials, 77, 97, 178

herbs and flowers, 108111

pergolas, 86

persimmon, 98

pest and disease management, 49, 51, 74, 83, 84, 8788, 8990, 95, 138, 139, 150

pest bait and traps, 91

pesticides, 99

phacelia, 147

phenology, 22

phosphorus, 32, 49, 50

Phytophthora infestans, 103

pillbugs, 91

pineapple sage, 110

Plant a Row for the Hungry, 129


drought-tolerant, 76

fruiting, 67, 97, 140

ground-hugging, 34

hardy, 157

monoecious, 188

ornamental, 44

selecting, 42

staking, 86

thinning, 38, 138

trained and trellised, 87

ventilation, 67

plant chart, 168170

planting. See also sowing

hills, 38

wish list, 56

plastic sheeting covers, 67, 7071, 84

plum trees, 97

poison oak/poison ivy, 114

pollination/pollinators, 67, 89, 100, 108, 117, 126, 147, 186, 188, 202

bats as, 99

potassium, 32, 49, 50, 78

potatoes, 203204

chitting, 63, 68

curing, 126

planting, 74, 85, 95

potting mix, 60, 136. See also soil, potting pruners, 66

pruning, winter, 56, 63

pumpkins, 87, 98, 142, 213, 216

quick-start seeding, 6768

quince, 98

radishes, 89, 119, 122, 129, 205

rain, harvesting, and rain barrel, 2930

raised beds, 44, 4546, 97, 136, 146

rakes, 66, 146

rapini, 206

raspberries, 128, 142, 207208

recycling/recycled goods, 39, 45, 66, 80, 87

Reemay, 92, 121

Reichl, Ruth, 8

rhubarb, 77, 209

ripeness, recognizing, 130131

rivers and valleys growing region, 18, 19, 20

rock phosphate, 34, 143, 145, 154, 162

romaine lettuce, 197

root plans using potassium, 50

rosemary, 108, 110

roses, 98, 111

rust fly, 182, 183

rutabagas, 217

rye, cereal, 148

sage, 108, 109

salad greens, 42, 47, 119, 129, 133, 136, 149, 196197

sandy and rocky soils, 28, 30, 122

savory, 108

scallions, 57, 119, 198

seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 163

season extenders, 67

seaweed, 34

secondary crops, 112113

seedbeds, 66

seeds, 3538

catalogs, 35, 56, 58

costs, 35

dry and collect, 139, 143

germination rate, 59

harvesting, 139

hybrids, 139

leftover, 67

packets, 36, 79, 80

saving, 139, 140

sowing, 3638

starting indoors, 63, 7980, 84, 117

storing, 138, 139

trays, 79, 80

seed life of various plants, 5859

seedlings, 38, 7980, 81, 114, 121

September plan, 134

serviceberry, 98

shade and shade-tolerant plants, 25, 119, 121

shallots, 126, 198, 199, 217

shopping online, 66

shovels, 65

shrubs, 9798, 128, 178

slugs, 81, 84, 89, 95, 138, 174, 179, 212, 214

bait, organic, 90, 91

deterrents, 92

soap to repel, 113

small-space gardening, 47, 49

snails, and deterrents, 90, 91, 92, 113, 214

“snow events,” 156 “Snowpocalypse,” 21

soaker hoses, 31, 32

soap, gardening uses for, 113114

soil, 26

amendments, 74, 80, 128, 142, 145

building, 39, 89, 149, 150

composition, 2728

fertility management, 49

pH, 35, 134, 143, 154, 162

potting, 38, 81

pre-heating, 67

preparation, 74, 119

squeeze test, 68

temperatures, 120

tests, 35, 63

thermometers, 3637

types, 28

water-holding capacity, 122

sorrel, 110, 119

southern British Columbia, 9, 19

sowing and planting in January, 56

in February, 64

in March, 75

in April, 85

in May, 96

in June, 106107

in July, 117118

in August, 127

in September, 135

in October, 143

in November, 155

space-hugging crops, 5758

spinach, 57, 119, 129, 136, 138, 139, 157, 210


flowers, 97

garden/plants, 83, 174

sprinklers, 32, 38

squash, 76, 90, 97, 98, 99, 100, 112, 117, 126, 129

flowers, 112113

saving seed from, 140

summer, 213

winter, 216

stakes, wood, 86

stinging nettles, 78

strawberries, 68, 119, 211212

succession planting, 47


dog days, 128

garden, 119

maritime, 17

solstice, 25

summer savory, 110


for edible crops, 43, 46

full and partial, 2526

-loving plants, 119, 172, 177

sunflowers, 99

sweet leaves, 57

Swiss chard. See chard

Symphytum officinale, 78

tarragon, 110

teepees for support, 97, 196

temperatures, changing, 121, 153

terracing/terraces, 45, 122

thrips, 92

thyme, 108, 110

tomatillos, 217

tomatoes, 17, 26, 47, 49, 76, 80, 84, 86, 90, 119, 126, 133, 214215

growing, 101103

harvesting and storing, 128, 129

indoor ripening, 154

intercropping, 137

saving seed from, 140

terms, 103

unripe, 113

tools and toolbox, 6566

transplants/transplanting, 79, 81, 85, 95, 107, 120121, 127, 135

traps, pest, 91

trees, 97

trellises, 8687, 97, 102, 188, 207

trowels, 65, 81

turnips, 217

underplanting 119

urban farms, 129

urushiol oil, 114

USDA hardiness zones, 2021, 22

vertical gardening, 86

vetch, hairy, 50, 146, 148

vines, flowering and fruiting, 44, 86, 97, 98

violets, 111

warm-season crops, 17, 26, 47, 76, 80, 95, 146, 147, 157, 186

water and watering, 2832, 39

management, 122123

perennials, 97

raised beds, 46

in summer, 116117, 126, 128

watering cans, 3132, 38

weather, PNW, 76

weeds/weeding, 38, 7778, 84, 95, 113, 149, 159

weevils, 201

western Oregon, 9, 19, 21

western Washington, 9, 19, 21

white flies, 92

windbreaks, 128, 156157

window boxes, 46

winter garden/crops, 17, 117, 120, 121, 127, 135, 136138, 143, 157158

wintergreen, 98

winter wheat, 58

winter solstice, 2526

wire grid, 86

wish list of edibles, 56, 57

woody plants, 77, 97, 108, 109, 110

worm bins, 164165

yarrow, 99

zucchini, 213