

A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.


Ford speech to, 201, 202, 204

and Solzhenitsyn visit, 184

Agnew, Spiro T., 5, 13–14, 33, 44–45, 72, 77–78, 79, 81

Albert, Carl, 90, 155

American Legion: Ford speech to, 231–32

Anderson, Jack, 87, 121

arms limitations agreement

Soviet-U.S., 40, 58, 101, 102, 103, 104, 120, 188–93

See also Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty


and attempts on Ford, 195, 198–209

congressional hearings about, 205–7

Ford views about, 208

public reactions to, 3–4, 208–9

Secret Service prevention of, 207

and security changes, 208–9

Associated Press, 91, 95, 251

AZORIAN project, 108–11, 118–23

Backfire bombers, 189, 190

Baker, Howard, 127, 250

Becker, Benton L., 36–39, 42, 45, 46

Berger, Warren, 271

Biden, Joe, 163

Brezhnev, Leonid, 100–104, 120, 182, 183, 187, 191, 234, 264

Broder, David, 127

Brokaw, Tom, 177, 233

Brown, Jerry, 198, 200

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 190

Buchanan, Pat, 24

Buchen, Phil, 22, 36–37, 40, 42, 54, 113, 119, 122, 183

Buckley, Jim, 250

Bundy, McGeorge, 153

Burch, Dean, 126, 257, 262

Burdick v. United States (1915), 46

Burger, Warren, 10

Burns, Arthur, 65

Bush, George H.W., 80, 138, 214, 223, 250, 262

Bush, George W., 268

Butterfield, Alexander, 5, 25

Butterfield, Fox, 95

Butz, Earl, 33

Byrd, Robert, 90, 163

Cabinet, Ford

and coordination of foreign affairs personnel, 178

elections of 1976 and, 245, 255–56

Ford’s first meeting with, 30–33

and Ford’s views about Nixon, 31

and Nixon pardon, 32, 41

offers to Reagan of position in, 125, 135–57, 227, 228–29

and portraits in Cabinet Room, 30

and selection of Ford’s VP, 32

USS Gerald R. Ford christening and, 267

See also specific person

Cabinet, Nixon, 30–31, 32, 51

Callaway, Bo, 220–21

Cambodia: and Mayaguez crisis, 167–77

Cannon, Lou, 7

Captive Nations Week, 260

Carter, Jimmy

elections of 1976 and, 245–46, 247, 252, 254–63, 273

elections of 1980 and, 180

and Ford-Carter transition, 264

and foreign affairs, 180, 236, 256

and Nixon pardon, 44

Playboy interview of, 261–62

Castro, Fidel, 115, 122–23

Cavaney, Red, 202–3

Chazhma (Soviet ship), 110

Cheney, Dick

appointed Ford Chief of Staff, 224

and Bush (George W.) administration, 268

elections of 1976 and, 221, 235, 242, 243, 251, 256–57, 261, 262

and “Halloween Massacre,” 213, 218, 221, 222–23, 224

resignation of, 213, 222

and Rockefeller, 218

and Rumsfeld-Cheney memo, 213, 222–23

Rumsfeld relationship with, 52

and Solzhenitsyn visit, 183–84

and USS Gerald R. Ford christening, 267

WIN campaign and, 74

Chicago Daily News, 19

Chicago Tribune, 249


elections of 1976 and, 235

Korean War and, 99

and Nixon, 92, 229–30

normalizing of U.S. relations with, 12

and Vietnam War, 154, 155

The Christian Science Monitor, 182

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)

allegations against, 111–17

congressional investigation of, 123

and coordination of foreign affairs personnel, 178

criticisms of, 111–17, 223

and Glomar Explorer, 107–8, 109, 111, 118–23

“Halloween Massacre” and, 223

and intermediary for national security issues, 150

Kennedy assassination and, 122–23

Rockefeller Commission on, 116–17, 122

and Vietnam War, 115

and Watergate, 5–6, 112

Citizens’ Action Committee to Fight Inflation, 67

Civil Rights Act, 271

coat, Ford’s: as gift to Brezhnev, 104

Colby, Bill

and allegations against CIA, 111–12, 114–15

Ford meeting with, 114–15

and Glomar Explorer, 118, 120, 121

“Halloween Massacre” and, 223

and Mayaguez crisis, 170, 172, 174

Cold War

and challenges facing Ford, 8

and Ford Doctrine, 180–81

Ford leadership and, 273

and Ford visit to Japan and Korea, 89, 99

and Glomar Explorer, 108, 109, 123

Helsinki Accords and, 188

and Japan-U.S. relations, 105

Commerce Department, U.S.: and Reagan job offer, 125, 134–37

Conference on Security and Cooperation (CSCE), 120, 187. See also Helsinki Accords

Congress, U.S.

and CIA/intelligence community, 114, 115, 116, 123

and Defense budget, 237

and economy, 61–62, 64–65, 67–68, 73–74

elections of 1974 and, 72

Ford relationship with, 177

Ford speeches before, 61–62, 64–65, 67–68, 73–74, 147, 164–65

Ford testifying before, 58

and foreign affairs, 119, 164–65, 172, 177, 190, 232, 238, 257, 260

and Glomar Explorer, 119

hearings about presidential assassinations in, 205–7

and Nixon pardon, 43, 44, 47–48

and Panama Canal, 238

presidential succession and, 80

and Rockefeller as VP, 85–86

and Rockefeller energy proposal, 219

SALT and, 190

and selection of VP, 80

Solzhenitsyn visit and, 185

and Soviet-U.S. relations, 232

and Vietnam War, 141, 146–49, 153, 154, 155–58, 159, 163–64

and War Powers Act, 177

See also specific person or committee

Connally, John, 13–14, 56, 81, 207–8, 221, 224, 249

Connecticut: Ford car accident in, 210–11


elections of 1976 and, 220, 221, 232, 248, 249

emergence of Republican, 127

and Ford (Betty), 196

Kissinger and, 232

Nixon and, 232

and Panama Canal, 238

Reagan and, 127, 128, 130, 132, 133, 180, 220, 232

Rockefeller and, 84–85, 217, 220, 221

and Soviet-U.S. relations, 232

Cost of Living Council, 60

Council of Economic Advisors, 60, 62

cruise missiles, 189–90

Cuba, 191–92

Cuban Missile Crisis, 116, 118

Cyprus, 21, 40

Defense Department, U.S.

budget for, 167, 237

and coordination of foreign affairs personnel, 174, 178

elections of 1976 and, 234, 237, 256, 257

and “Halloween Massacre,” 217, 223–24

and Kissinger-Rumsfeld relationship, 224, 262

and Mayaguez crisis, 174, 177

Rumsfeld as Bush Secretary of, 268

Rumsfeld as Ford Secretary of, 224, 234, 237

and SALT, 190, 235, 256

and Schlesinger-Ford relationship, 152

and Schlesinger-Kissinger relationship, 217

Democratic Party

elections of 1974 and, 72

and Rockefeller as VP, 85

See also specific person

Dent, Fred, 134

Detroit News, 26, 50

Dillon, C. Douglas, 116

Dobrynin, Anatoly, 100, 191

Dole, Bob, 252

domestic affairs, 215, 216, 217–18, 255

Duong Van Minh, 161

Eagleburger, Lawrence, 151, 241

East Asia trip

Ford trip to, 89–106

and media, 92, 93, 95–96, 102, 104, 105

See also specific nation

Economic Stabilization Project, 52, 144


and challenges facing Ford, 58, 141

and Congress, 61–62, 64–65, 67–68, 73–74

elections of 1974 and, 70–72

elections of 1976 and, 241–42, 263

and Ford accomplishments, 222, 273

and Ford approval rating, 178, 216

and Ford foreign trips, 90, 92

Ford speeches about, 61–62, 63–68, 73–74

Laffer views about, 74–75

and media, 64, 68–69, 74, 75

in mid-1970s, 5, 8, 59–72

“Misery Index” for, 60

in 1980s, 75

and stagflation, 60, 70, 73

“summit conference” about, 62, 63

and taxes, 74, 75

and volunteerism, 64, 66–67, 69, 70

and VP responsibilities, 77

WIN program and, 63–65, 66–69, 74, 77

See also employment; inflation; specific person

Ehrlichman, John, 6, 28, 29, 113

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 30, 51, 82, 97, 132, 153, 163–64, 180

elections of 1960, 82

elections of 1964, 82, 128

elections of 1968, 78–79, 136, 138

elections of 1972, 1, 31, 84, 129, 137, 138, 149

elections of 1974, 70–72, 141

elections of 1976

Carter-Ford campaign during, 254–63

Carter-Ford debates during, 256, 257, 258–61, 262

comparison between Ford and Reagan in, 226, 227, 236–38

Ford acceptance of nomination for, 252–53

Ford announcement of candidacy for, 224, 227

Ford as possible candidate for, 126, 127–29, 130, 133, 137, 138

Ford campaign organization for, 127–29, 138, 178, 220–21, 254

and Ford choice for VP, 217–22, 236, 249–50, 252

Ford concession speech for, 263

and Ford job offers to Reagan, 125–27, 134–37, 227, 228–29

Ford objectives/strategy for, 221, 227–28, 245–46

and Ford personality/style, 137, 273

and media, 130, 225–26, 227, 228–29, 235, 241, 247, 248, 251, 258, 259, 261

Reagan announcement of entry into, 224, 227

and Reagan choice for VP, 248, 249

Reagan-Ford primary campaign for, 225–43

and Reagan pre-primary activities, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130–31, 132–34, 137–38, 141, 220, 221, 223

and Republican National Convention, 243, 246–54

Republican primaries for, 225–43, 273

results of, 263–65, 273

and Rockefeller as VP, 81, 85, 127, 130, 132, 138, 217, 220–22, 223, 231

Rumsfeld and, 234, 273

See also specific person or issue

elections of 1980, 180

elevator accident, Ford’s, 202

Ellsworth, Bob, 224

energy, 77, 202, 217–19

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 196

Evening Star (Washington), 107–8

Far East trip, Ford’s, 89–106. See also specific nation

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 5–6, 78, 80, 112

Ford, Betty

accomplishments of, 272

and attempted assassinations of Ford, 204

and Ford concession speech, 263

Ford relationship with, 62, 271

health of, 62, 143–44

and Nixon resignation, 10

and organization of White House staff, 52–53

personality/style of, 196–97, 204, 246, 271–72

and Reagan-Ford Palm Springs meeting, 137

and Republican National Convention (1976), 246, 250

and San Francisco trip, 204

on 60 Minutes, 196

Ford, Gerald R.

as “accidental President,” 270

accomplishments/successes of, 75, 216, 222, 257, 267–68, 269–71

as Agnew replacement, 13–14, 56

approval ratings for, 34, 47, 178, 216–17

challenges facing, 58, 141, 214, 222, 267

Christian faith of, 10, 43, 201

as family man, 272

image/reputation of, 93, 95, 102, 153, 154

leadership of, 168, 273

Mayaguez crisis as turning point for, 178

memoir of, 9, 19, 68, 96, 164, 168, 185, 233, 264

mortality of, 196, 198–205

Nixon compared with, 23–24, 51, 102, 104

Nixon relationship with, 31–32, 40–41, 43, 48, 129–30

and Nixon resignation, 3, 8, 10–11

personal and professional background of, 13, 30, 89, 144–45, 231, 269, 270

philosophy of life and politics of, 264–65

post-presidential life of, 268–69

Rumsfeld post-presidential visit with, 268–69

Rumsfeld relationship with, 21–22, 48–49, 239, 242, 268–69

support for, 34, 272

swearing in of, 5, 10, 15, 18, 19–20, 22, 33, 271

underestimation/weakness of, 10, 12, 14

views about presidency of, 141–42, 252–53, 271

See also specific person or topic

Ford, Jack (son), 264–65, 267, 272

Ford, Mike (son), 267, 272

Ford, Steve (son), 267, 272

Ford, Susan (daughter), 267, 272

Ford Doctrine, 180–81

foreign affairs

and bipartisanship, 128

and challenges facing Ford, 58

and Congress, 119, 164–65, 172, 177, 190, 232, 238, 257, 260

coordination among personnel involved in, 174, 178

elections of 1976 and, 146–47, 230–33, 234–35, 236–38, 241, 246, 251–52, 255, 256, 257–61, 263

and Ford approval rating, 216

and Ford as world leader, 179

and Ford Doctrine, 180–81

and Ford East Asia trip, 89–106

Ford personality/style and, 92–93, 96–97, 102, 105–6, 238

and Kissinger-Ford relationship, 12, 268

and Nixon, 12, 147, 179–80, 232

U.S. role in, 180–81

White House staff tensions and, 27

See also specific person, nation or topic

Frankel, Max, 258, 259

Franklin National Bank: collapse of, 63

French acrobat stunt, 14–15

Friedersdorf, Max, 176

Friedman, Milton, 160

Fromme, Lynette Alice “Squeaky,” 198–200, 201, 202, 206–7

full disclosure: Ford views about, 119

Future Farmers of America (FFA): Ford speech to, 64

Gaddis, John Lewis, 188

Gannon, Frank, 153

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 94

General Services Administration (GSA), 55

Georgine, Bob, 202

Gergen, David, 254

“give me hell”: Ford instruction about, 24

Glomar Explorer (Soviet submarine), 107–11, 118–23

Glomar Marine Development Company, 108–9

Goldberg, Arthur, 85

Goldwater, Barry, 1–2, 79, 82, 128, 132, 205–6

Goldwin, Robert “Bob,” 29, 31, 66

Goodell, Leona, 21

Graham, Billy, 79

Grant, Cary, 246

Greek emigrant story, 19

Greenspan, Alan, 62, 65, 197

Gromyko, Andrei, 100, 191

Haig, Alexander

as Ford Chief of Staff, 27, 28

Ford relationship with, 28, 56

Hartmann relationship with, 50, 56

and locked safe, 53–54

as Nixon Chief of Staff, 12, 37, 55–56

and Nixon-Ford transition, 28

and Nixon pardon, 35, 37, 42, 46, 47, 50, 55–57

personal and professional background of, 27–28

Rumsfeld as replacement for, 49–52, 53–54

Rumsfeld conversation with, 56–57

and selection of Ford VP, 32

and Watergate, 12, 50

“Hail to the Chief”: Ford views about, 23–24

Haldeman, H. R. “Bob,” 6, 27, 28, 29, 31, 51, 53–54, 113

“Halloween Massacre,” 213–24

Harlow, Bryce, 13, 217

Hartford, Connecticut: car accident in, 210–11

Hartmann, Robert “Bob”

Ford relationship with, 62, 65

as Ford speechwriter, 19, 26, 65–66

Haig relationship with, 50, 56

and Kissinger, 197

Nessen relationship with, 65–66

and Nixon pardon, 42

and Reagan shadow, 130–31

Solzhenitsyn visit and, 182

and structure and organization for White House staff, 69

and WIN Program, 66, 67, 68

Heffner, Richard, 148

Helms, Jesse A., 84, 181–82, 236

Helms, Richard, 111, 115

Helsinki Accords, 120, 185, 186, 187–88, 233, 234, 258

Hersh, Seymour, 121

Hirohito (Emperor of Japan), 89, 93, 94, 96

House Appropriations Committee, 61, 223

Hughes, Howard, 109, 118, 122

human rights, 99, 181, 185, 188–89, 191, 233

Humphrey, Hubert, 206, 255

Hungary: Soviet invasion of, 163–64

inflatable elephant incident, 246–47

inflation, 5, 59–64, 67, 69, 70, 73, 75, 273

intelligence community, 141, 174, 197, 223. See also CIA; FBI; National Security Council

Israel, 181

Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 156–57


Ford visit to, 89–97, 105

Ford wardrobe malfunction in, 92–93

media coverage in, 92, 93, 95–96

Nixon visit to, 92

Javits, Jacob, 158, 163

Jaworski, Leon, 27, 39, 40, 44

Johnson, Lyndon B. “LBJ”

and Asian foreign policy, 147

bowing out of, 224

and Glomar Explorer, 108

and Vietnam War, 4, 153

“war on poverty” of, 64

and Warren Commission, 122

Joint Economic Committee (U.S. Congress), 61–62

Justice Department, U.S., 112, 113, 115

K-129 (Soviet submarine). See Glomar Explorer

Keiser, Richard, 195

Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 44

Kennedy, John F. “JFK”

assassination of, 3–4, 6, 13, 26, 122–23, 196, 198–99

LBJ relationship with, 83

“thousand days” of, 272–73

and Vietnam War, 153

and Warren Commission, 122

Kennedy, Robert F., 4, 122

Kennerly, David Hume, 44, 54, 94–95, 152, 154, 202

Khmer Rouge, 149, 158, 169, 172, 173, 176, 177

Khrushchev, Nikita, 100, 258

King, Martin Luther Jr., 4

Kirkland, Lane, 116

Kissinger, Henry

elections of 1976 and, 231, 236, 237–38, 239–40, 241, 246, 251–52

and Ford foreign trips, 96, 99, 101–2, 103, 182

Ford relationship with, 9–10, 11–12, 152, 162, 181, 217, 231, 268

and Glomar Explorer, 108, 119, 120, 121

and “Halloween Massacre,” 215, 217, 223, 224

and Hartmann, 197

Helms criticism of, 181–82

and Helsinki Accords, 187

and Mayaguez crisis, 170–71, 174, 175, 176

and media, 150, 151, 160–61, 197

named Ford National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, 11–12, 27

“neither confirm or deny” approach of, 120, 121

personal and professional background of, 8–9

and Reagan, 225, 231, 236, 237–38, 239, 240, 241, 251

reputation of, 8, 12

“resignations” of, 152, 225, 240, 251–52, 262

responsibilities of, 83–84, 150

and Rockefeller, 9, 83–84, 217

and Rumsfeld, 224, 262

and SALT, 182, 189–90, 191–92, 235, 256

and Schlesinger, 152, 161–63, 217

secret agreements of, 251

and Solzhenitsyn visit, 182, 184, 186

and Soviet-U.S. relations, 101–2, 103, 109, 133, 182, 184, 191–92, 232, 239–40

and USS Gerald R. Ford christening, 267, 268

See also specific topic

Kissinger, Henry—and Nixon

and NATO visit, 7

and Nixon-Ford transition, 24–25, 28

and Nixon post-presidency activities, 130

and Nixon resignation, 9–10

as Nixon Secretary of State, 9

and Nixon White House culture, 28

and pardon, 42, 47

relationship between, 7, 8, 9–10, 12–13, 29

Korean War, 62, 97, 98, 99

Korologos, Tom, 250, 251, 252

Laffer, Arthur, 74–75

Laird, Melvin “Mel,” 13, 46, 177, 185, 196, 250

Lemnitzer, Lyman, 116

Liberty (dog): as gift to Ford, 54

locked safe: in White House, 53–54

Lord, Winston, 151

Los Angeles Times, 26, 74, 107, 118

Lukash, Francis, 202

Mahon, George, 223

Mansfield, Mike, 61

Marsh, Jack, 22, 26–27, 28, 42, 113, 114, 120, 122, 130, 176, 182

Martin, Graham, 155, 156, 161

MATADOR operation, 118

Mayaguez (ship) crisis, 167–77, 178, 179

McCloskey, Pete, 149

McCracken, Paul, 65

McGovern, George, 206


and attempted assassinations/threats of Ford, 200–201, 203, 205, 206–7

CIA wiretapping of, 112

and Congress-Ford relationship, 177

and Ford as world leader, 179

Ford relations with, 33, 40, 117, 118, 150–51, 159–60, 227

and “neither confirm or deny” approach, 120–21

and Nixon, 6, 19, 33, 34, 197

and Nixon’s post-presidential staff, 54–55

Rumsfeld and, 118

See also specific person, topic, or organization

Meese, Ed, 248

Meet the Press (NBC-TV), 136

Merchant, Jack, 204

Mexico: Ford trip to, 90


1976 primary elections in, 243

See also University of Michigan

Miller, George, 158

Miller, Herbert J., 36–37

Mitchell, John, 113

Moore, Sara Jane, 203–5, 206

Morton, Rogers, 22

Moyers, Bill, 83

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 147, 250

Murtha, John, 149

Mutual Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR), 152

National Review, 84

national security

leaks concerning, 112–13

See also National Security Council; specific person or topic

National Security Council (NSC)

and coordination of foreign affairs personnel, 178

elections of 1976 and, 235

and Glomar Explorer, 111, 120

inaccurate information from, 151

Kissinger role in, 150, 151–52

and Mayaguez crisis, 169, 171, 172–73, 174, 175, 177

and media, 150–51

and Nixon administration, 27–28, 150, 151–52

responsibilities of, 150

and Rockefeller-Kissinger relationship, 217

SALT and, 239

and Solzhenitsyn visit, 182–83

and Southeast Asia, 144

and Vietnam War, 142, 150, 152–53, 157

See also specific person

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

Nixon visit to, 7

Rumsfeld as ambassador to, 7, 20–22, 42, 47, 49

Navy, U.S., 86, 108, 170

NBC: Ford-Brokaw interview on, 233

“neither confirm or deny” approach, 120–21

Nessen, Ron

and attempted assassination of Ford, 205

and economy, 64, 68–69, 75

Ford speeches and, 160, 161

Ford trips and, 93, 102, 103, 104, 202

and inaccurate information, 151

and Kissinger role in Ford speeches, 160

and Mayaguez crisis, 172, 176

Rockefeller Commission and, 117

and Solzhenitsyn visit, 185

and Vietnam War, 157, 160, 161

and WIN Program, 66, 67

New Hampshire: 1976 primary in, 225–26, 227, 228, 230, 233–34

New York Times

and Agnew resignation, 45

and CIA allegations, 111–12, 113–15, 117

elections of 1976 and, 130, 228–29

and Ford East Asia trip, 95–96, 102, 105

Ford meeting with editors from, 117, 146

and Ford offers to Reagan, 228–29

and Glomar Explorer story, 121

Nixon stories in, 34, 44, 55, 229–30

and Republican Party divisions, 134, 136

and Rockefeller as VP, 85

and Solzhenitsyn visit, 185

and Soviet-U.S. relations, 112, 232, 258–59

and threats/attempted assassinations of Ford, 206–7

Vietnam War stories in, 146, 159

and WIN Program, 68

Newsweek, 84, 183, 262

Nguyen Van Thieu, 146, 150, 159

Nixon, Donald, 55

Nixon, Patricia, 41

Nixon, Richard M.

atonement/contrition of, 7–8, 36–39

attempted assassination of, 4

“Enemies List” of, 6

Ford compared with, 23–24, 51, 102, 104

Ford relationship with, 11, 31–32, 40–41, 43, 48, 129–30

Ford views about, 230

health of, 2, 38, 41, 43, 48, 55, 56, 129–30, 196

impeachment of, 1–2, 13

post-presidential staff of, 54–55

resignation of, 1–3, 7–8, 9–11, 20, 110

See also specific person or topic

Nordheimer, Jon, 228

North Atlantic Treaty Organization. See NATO

North Carolina: Republican 1976 primary in, 236–39

North Korea, 99, 170

NSC. See National Security Council

O’Donnell, Terry, 202

Office of Economic Opportunity, 52, 87, 144

O’Neill, Thomas “Tip,” 44, 47

Operation Babylift, 156

Operation “New Life,” 156

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 122, 207

Packard, David, 196

Palm Springs, California: Ford-Reagan meeting in, 137

Panama Canal, 237–38, 241

Parade magazine, 121

pardon, Nixon

as admission of guilt, 46

Becker negotiations concerning, 36–39

Burdick v. United States and, 46

as challenge facing Ford, 141

elections of 1976 and, 129, 230, 264

Ford consideration of, 32, 35, 36–39

Ford decision to, 42–44

Ford justification for, 55, 56

and media, 42, 46, 47, 55, 56, 118

Nixon acceptance of, 45–46

and Nixon contrition, 36–39, 44, 45–46

and prosecution of Nixon, 39–41

reactions to, 41, 43–44, 46–48, 55–57

Rumsfeld and, 35, 47, 48, 56–57

and terHorst resignation, 42

Paris Peace Accords, 145, 153

Park Chung-hee, 97, 98, 99, 181

Pennsylvania: 1976 primary elections in, 242–43

Peoria, Illinois: Ford détente statements in, 236

Percy, Charles, 79, 133–34

Pike, Otis, 123

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 247

Playboy magazine: Carter interview with, 261–62

political adversaries

Ford personality/style with, 11

See also specific person

Powers, Gary, 120


and Ford as “accidental President,” 270

Ford views about, 141–42, 252–53, 271

and incapacity of President, 196

protection of, 195–96

Press Office, White House, 65–66. See also specific person

Reagan, Michael, 238–39

Reagan, Nancy, 137, 250, 253

Reagan, Ronald

ambitions of, 126–27, 136, 197

“American First” vision of, 238

and CIA allegations, 116

conservatives and, 127, 128, 130, 132, 133, 180, 220, 232

and economy, 241–42

elections of 1980 and, 180

Ford job offers for, 125–27, 134–37, 227, 228–29

Ford Oval Office visit with, 125

and foreign affairs, 180, 230–31, 236–38, 241, 251–52

and Kissinger, 225, 231, 236, 237–38, 239, 240, 241, 251

media and, 136, 225–26, 228, 248

and Nixon, 7, 131, 132, 136

and Nixon vice presidency, 78

Palm Springs meeting between Ford and, 137

personal and professional background of, 131–32

and Republican Party, 127, 132, 133–34, 136

and Rockefeller, 116, 130, 132, 138, 231

and Rumsfeld Defense budget, 237

Rumsfeld meetings with, 127, 134–37, 227

Rumsfeld views about, 137–38

and Solzhenitsyn visit, 186–87

Reagan, Ronald—elections of 1976 and

announces candidacy, 224, 227

and choice for VP, 248, 249

defeat of, 253

Ford compared with, 226, 227, 236–38

Ford relations with, 252, 253–54

Ford support for, 242

as Ford supporter, 126

and Republican National Convention, 243, 246–54

and Republican primaries, 225–43, 263

Reischauer, Edwin O., 98–99


elections of 1976 and, 254–55

and Ford, 10, 43, 201

Republican National Convention (Kansas City, 1976), 243, 246–54

Republican National Leadership Conference (1975), 133–34, 136

Republican Party

conservative movement in, 127, 196

divide within, 127, 133–34, 136, 193

elections of 1974 and, 71–72

and Ford, 178

and Ford overtures to Reagan, 229

1976 primary elections of, 225–43

and Nixon pardon, 41, 42, 48

and Reagan-Ford relationship, 253–54

and selection of Ford VP, 32

and selection of Rockefeller as VP, 79, 84–85

unification of, 252, 253–54

See also specific person

Rhodes, John, 1, 206

Rockefeller, Nelson

and attempted assassinations of Ford, 207, 209

briefings for, 209

confirmation as VP of, 90

and Connally story, 207–8

conservatives and, 84–85, 217, 220, 221

and domestic affairs, 217–18

elections of 1968 and, 78, 79, 138

elections of 1976 and, 81, 85, 127, 130, 132, 138, 217, 220–22, 223, 231, 248, 250–51

Ford relationship with, 83, 86, 217, 220, 221

“Halloween Massacre” and, 215, 217–22, 223

influence of, 217

and Kissinger, 9, 83–84, 217

and Mayaguez crisis, 170, 172–73, 175

and national security, 83–84

and Nixon vice presidency, 78, 79, 81, 84

personal and professional background of, 81–82

personality/style of, 82–83, 207, 218

policy proposals of, 197, 202, 217–19

and Reagan, 116, 130, 132, 138, 231

at Republican National Convention (1976), 250–51

and Rumsfeld, 86–87, 218

selection as VP of, 77–87

staff relations with, 197, 217–20

VP nomination of, 14

VP responsibilities of, 83–84, 86, 217–18

and World Trade Center, 14

Rockefeller Commission, 116–17, 121–22, 123

Roosevelt, Franklin D. “FDR,” 23–24, 30, 82, 132

Roosevelt, Theodore “Teddy,” 18, 237, 246

Rosenthal, A.M., 117

Rove, Karl, 128

Rumsfeld, Donald

appointed as Ford Chief of Staff, 49–52, 66

Ford gift to, 264

Ford relationship with, 21–22, 48–49, 239, 242, 268–69

as NATO ambassador, 7, 20–22, 42

and Nixon pardon, 42

professional background of, 21, 52, 60, 87, 144

resignation as Chief of Staff of, 213, 222

responsibilities of, 53–54, 183, 207

role in Ford administration of, 143

role in Nixon administration of, 52

and Rumsfeld-Cheney memoir, 213, 222–23

and staff for Ford White House, 25–26

See also specific person or topic

Rumsfeld, Joyce (wife), 20–21, 53, 259, 262, 263, 264, 268

Sacramento, California: attempted assassination of Ford in, 198–201, 205

Safer, Morley, 196

Safire, William, 78

Salamites, James, 210–11

Salinger, Pierre, 150

San Francisco, California: attempted assassination of Ford in, 201–5

Sargent, Daniel, 188

Saudi Arabia, 186

Sawyer, Diane, 55

Schlesinger, James “Jim”

and coordination of foreign policy personnel, 178

Ford relationship with, 152, 162, 213–14, 217

and Glomar Explorer, 119

“Halloween Massacre” and, 217, 223–24

and Kissinger, 152, 161–62, 217

and Mayaguez crisis, 167, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177

resignation of, 224

and SALT, 189

and Vietnam War, 145, 148, 155–56, 161–63

Scowcroft, Brent

and Angola-Cuba affair, 191

elections of 1976 and, 239–40, 242, 251, 261

and Glomar Explorer, 120

“Halloween Massacre” and, 223

and Mayaguez crisis, 167, 171, 172, 176, 177

National Security Advisor appointment of, 223

and Rockefeller Commission, 122

and SALT, 192

Solzhenitsyn visit and, 184

Scranton, Bill, 22

Sears, John, 226

Secret Service

and attempted assassinations of Ford, 198, 200, 201–2, 204, 205

congressional hearings about, 205–6

and Connecticut car accident, 210

and Ford trip to Japan, 91

prevention of assassination attempts by, 207

and security changes, 209

and threats against Ford, 206

Seidman, Bill, 65

Selective Service Act, 145

Senate Appropriations Committee, 55

Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 149, 158, 177

Simon, Bill, 65, 206

Sipple, Oliver, 203–4

60 Minutes (CBS-TV), 196

smoking gun tape, 5

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 181–87, 251

Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 151

South Korea: Ford trip to, 89–90, 97–99

Southeast Asia, U.S. allies in, 169

Soviet Union

arms limitations agreement with, 40, 58, 101, 102, 103, 104, 112, 120, 189–93, 256

and challenges facing Ford, 58

détente toward, 12, 109, 133, 183, 184, 186, 190–91, 230–33, 236, 237, 251, 252

and Eastern Europe, 258–61

elections of 1976 and, 230–33, 234, 236, 239–40, 251, 252, 256, 257, 258–61, 263

and Ford accomplishments, 75, 257

and Ford Doctrine, 181

and Ford personality/style, 271

Ford trip to, 89–90, 99–104, 182

invasion of Hungary by, 163–64

military buildup in, 239–40, 257

and Nixon, 101, 109, 133, 184, 231, 232

and Solzhenitsyn, 181–87

and Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 109

and Ukraine, 181

See also Glomar Explorer; Helsinki Accords;

Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT); specific person

spacecraft, Apollo and Soyuz, 182

Sparkman, John, 177

speeches, Ford

and first speech to nation, 31–32

and Ford as congressman, 66

Kissinger role in, 159–61

and Nixon resignation, 11–12

State of the Union, 73–74, 75

writing/vetting of, 19, 26, 64–66, 160, 216

See also specific organization or topic

Spencer, Stu, 248, 251

“spokes of a wheel” approach, 29–30, 49, 51, 184, 215

State Department, U.S.

elections of 1976 and, 235, 241

and Ford Doctrine, 181

former Nixon appointees in, 151

and Kissinger-Rumsfeld relationship, 262

and Mayaguez crisis, 177

and Rumsfeld-Kissinger relationship, 224

SALT and, 235

and Soviet-U.S. relations, 182

Stevens, John Paul, 197

Stoessel, Walter, 234

Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)

accomplishments of, 232

and Angola, 191

and benefits of détente, 233

blame for, 264

and Defense Department, 189, 235

elections of 1976 and, 193, 235

Ford views about, 190, 264

and Ford visit to Soviet Union, 102

and Kissinger-Schlesinger-Ford relationship, 152

and National Security Council (NSC), 239

negotiations concerning, 182, 189–93, 235, 256

Rumsfeld and, 234

Soviet violations of, 182

and State Department, 235

See also specific person

Summa Corporation, 108, 111

Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock Company, 108–9

Supreme Court, U.S., appointments to, 85, 197

Symington, Stuart, 153

Tanaka, Kakuei, 94

tape recording system, Soviet, 103

tape recording system, White House, 5–6, 23–24, 25, 54, 56

Tax Reduction Act (1975), 75

terHorst, Jerry, 26, 33, 42, 50, 55, 65

Thailand, 169, 172, 175

Theis, Paul, 66

Thomas, Helen, 40, 93, 205

Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 109

Thurmond, Strom, 238

Time magazine, 46–47, 95, 105, 186

A Time to Heal (Ford memoir), 9, 19, 68, 96, 164, 168, 185, 233, 264

Timmons, Bill, 43, 72

Torrijos, Omar, 238

Tower, John, 79

trade issues, 60, 94, 96, 181

transition, Ford-Carter, 264

transition, Nixon-Ford

and challenges facing Ford, 19

Ford personality/style of, 23–24

and Ford-Rumsfeld relationship, 21–22

Ford’s critical decisions during, 17–18

meetings for, 23, 24–25, 30

and Nixon post-presidential staff, 54–55

official team members for, 22–23

role of team for, 24–25, 30

Rumsfeld as chairman of, 22, 23, 80

and Rumsfeld return to U.S., 20–22

and selection of Ford VP, 80

unofficial team for, 22

and White House personnel, 24–26

Treasury Department, U.S., 206

Truman, Harry S., 30, 61, 82, 132, 220

Tulane University: Ford Vietnam speech at, 159, 160–61

Twenty-fifth Amendment, 80

U-2 spy plane, 120

Ukraine, 181

United States

divisions within, 8

national mood of, 3–5

trust in government of, 6, 8, 271

as world leader, 168

University of Michigan

fight song of, 24, 91

U.S. News & World Report, 105

USS Coral Sea (ship), 170, 171, 175–76

USS Gerald R. Ford (ship), 267–68, 269

USS Hancock (ship), 158, 175

USS Holt (ship), 171, 173, 175, 176

USS Monterey (ship), xv, 269, 275

Van Tien Dung, 150

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW): Ford speech to, 145

Vice President

criteria for selection of, 80–81

Ford choice in 1976 for, 249–50, 252

Ford views about, 253

Reagan choice in 1976 for, 248, 249

relationships between President and, 83

responsibilities of, 77–78, 83–84

as running a Cabinet department, 77, 86

and selection of Agnew replacement, 13–14, 56, 78–79, 81, 84

selection of Ford’s, 33, 77–87

and Twenty-fifth Amendment, 80

See also specific person

Vietnam War

American casualties in, 164

amnesty to deserters and draft evaders during, 145

B-52s in, 175

and blame, 4, 153–54

as challenge facing Ford, 141, 142, 144–45

and Congress, 141, 146–49, 153, 154, 155–58, 159, 163–64

elections of 1976 and, 157, 241, 263

end of U.S. involvement in, 161–62, 168

evacuations during, 150, 155–58, 159, 161–63

and fall of Da Nang, 138–39, 142

and Ford accomplishments, 222

and Ford personality/style, 149, 271

Ford speeches about, 145, 147–48, 157–58, 159–61

and Kissinger, 141, 152–53, 156, 157, 161–63

and Korean-U.S. relations, 97

and media, 142, 146, 154, 161–62

and Nixon, 153–54, 157

Operation Babylift during, 156

and Paris Peace Accords, 145, 153

and post-Vietnam foreign policy, 164–65

protests about, 4, 144, 202

refugees from, 155, 156, 159, 163–64

rescue operations during, 154–64

support for, 163

surrender of South Vietnam in, 162

and U.S. allies, 169

U.S. role in, 139

Vladivostok Summit, 101–4, 182, 234

Volpe, John, 79

Waldheim, Kurt, 187

Wall Street Journal, 75

War Powers Act, 155, 172, 177

Warren Commission, 121–22, 123, 198–99

Warsaw Pact, 258, 259

Washington Post, 6, 18, 44, 127, 182

Watergate (1972)

and challenges facing Ford, 267

and CIA, 112

elections of 1974 and, 72

elections of 1976 and, 129, 130, 263

and Ford foreign trips, 90

Nixon contrition about, 36–39, 44, 45–46

and Reagan as Nixon supporter, 7

and staff for Ford White House, 25–26

storage of papers concerning, 36

tape recordings about, 5–6, 25

See also pardon, Nixon; specific person

Werner, Robert, 70

White, Cliff, 128, 137

White House

locked safe in, 53–54

and Nixon-Ford staff transition, 24–26

and Rumsfeld as replacement for Haig, 49–52

size of staff at, 52–53

tape recording system in, 5–6, 23–24, 25

“trappings” of, 52

White House, Ford

access to Oval Office in, 28–30, 51, 215–16

Chief of Staff responsibilities in, 183

deputy system in, 183

ethics/perceptions of, 53

and Ford personality/style, 214–15

“Halloween Massacre” and, 213–24

morale in, 216

Rumsfeld-Cheney memo concerning, 213, 222–23

Rumsfeld named Chief of Staff of, 49–52, 66

structure and organization for, 51, 52–53, 69–70, 213–24

Williams, Brenda, 54

WIN program, 63–65, 66–69, 74, 75, 77

Wisconsin: 1976 primary elections in, 242

Woods, Rosemary, 25, 55

Woodward, Bob, 44

World Trade Center (New York City): Philippe Petit stunt at, 14

Yom Kippur War, 60

Young Americans for Freedom, 84

Ziegler, Ron, 6, 35, 37–38, 55, 56