Chapter 6. Siri Voice Command

Siri, the iPhone’s famous voice-recognition technology, is actually two features. First, there’s dictation, where the phone types out everything you say. It’s described in Chapter 4.

Second, there’s Siri the voice-controlled minion. You can say, “Wake me up at 7:45 a.m.,” or “What’s Chris’s work number?” or “How do I get to the airport?” or “What’s the weather going to be like in San Francisco this weekend?”

You can also ask questions about movies, sports, and restaurants. Siri displays a beautifully formatted response and speaks in a calm voice.

You can even ask her, “What song is that?” or “Name that tune.” She’ll identify whatever song is playing in the background, just as the popular Shazam app does. It’s creepy/amazing.

You can operate her hands-free, too. Instead of pressing the Home button to get her attention, you just say, “Hey Siri.” (The 6s and 7 models can respond even when running on battery power.)

Until iOS 10, only Apple decided what Siri could understand. Now, though, the creators of certain apps can teach Siri new vocabulary, too. For example, you can now say, “Send Nicki a message with WeChat,” “Pay Dad 20 dollars with Square Cash,” and “Book a ride with Lyft” or “Order me an Uber.”


The kinds of apps Apple permits to tap into Siri are in these six categories: audio or video calls, messages, payments, photo searching, booking rides, and starting workouts. Notably absent: music apps. You still can’t say, “Play some Dave Brubeck on Spotify,” for example. Apple Music is the only music service Siri understands.

In 2010, Apple bought Siri, a company that made a voice-control app (no longer available) for the iPhone. Apple cleaned it up, beefed it up, integrated it with the iPhone’s software, and wound up with Siri, your virtual servant.

Siri is a crisply accurate, astonishingly understanding, uncomplaining, voice-commanded servant. No special syntax is required; you don’t even have to hold the phone to your head.

Most speech-recognition systems work only if you issue certain limited commands with predictable syntax, like “Call 445-2340” or “Open Microsoft Word.” But Siri is different. She’s been programmed to respond to casual speech, normal speech. It doesn’t matter if you say, “What’s the weather going to be like in Tucson this weekend?” or “Give me the Tucson weather for this weekend” or “Will I need an umbrella in Tucson?” Siri understands almost any variation.

And she understands regular, everyday speaking. You don’t have to separate your words or talk weirdly; you just speak normally.

It’s not Star Trek. You can’t ask Siri to clean your gutters or to teach you French. (Well, you can ask.)

But, as you’ll soon discover, the number of things Siri can do for you is impressive. Furthermore, Apple continues to add to Siri’s intelligence through software updates.

To get Siri’s attention, you have three choices:

Now Siri is listening. Ask your question or say your command. You don’t have to hold the phone up to your mouth; Siri works perfectly well at arm’s length, on your desk in front of you, or on the car seat beside you.

When you’re finished speaking, be quiet for a moment (or, if you’ve been pressing the Home button, release it). About a second after you stop speaking, Siri connects with her master brain online and processes your request. After a moment, she presents (and speaks) an attractively formatted response.

To rephrase your question or cancel or start over, tap the screen to interrupt Siri’s work. (You can also cancel by saying “Cancel” or just by pressing the Home button.) Tap the microphone icon to trigger your new attempt.

And when you’re completely finished talking to Siri, you can either press the Home button, hold down your earbuds clicker, or say something like “Goodbye,” “See you later,” or “Adios.” You’re taken back to whatever app you were using before.

Siri can also accept spoken commands without your touching the phone. It’s an ideal feature for use in the car, when your hands and eyes should be focused on driving. (Of course, the safest arrangement is not to interact with your phone at all when you’re driving.)

The phone won’t respond to “Hey Siri” unless you’ve set it up like this:

At that point, you’re good to go. Anytime you want to ask Siri something, just say, “Hey Siri”; at the sound of the double-beep, say your thing.

Just remember that most iPhone models don’t respond to “Hey Siri” except when they’re plugged in and charging. (Having to listen constantly for the “Hey Siri” command is exhausting for your iPhone; it uses a lot of power. This requirement ensures that it won’t drain your battery.) The exceptions: the iPhone 6s and 7 models, which can listen for you even on battery power.

Thanks to “Hey Siri,” you now have a front-seat conversationalist, a little software friend who’s always happy to listen to what you have to say—and whose knowledge of the world, news, sports, and history can help make those cross-country drives a little less dull.

Siri comes with two different cheat sheets to help you learn her capabilities. To produce either one, hold down the Home button to make Siri’s “What can I help you with?” screen appear. Then:

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Here are the general categories of things you can say to Siri:

It’s a big deal: In iOS 10, Apple has finally permitted Siri to control apps from other companies. Once you find out what these commands are, they can accelerate other apps just as much as Siri already accelerates Apple’s.

Here are a few examples:

To see a list of all your apps that understand Siri commands, open SettingsSiriApp Support. There they are: All the Siri-compatible apps, with on-off switches.

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You may never find the end of the things Siri understands, or the ways that she can help you. If her repertoire seems intimidating at first, start simple—use her to open apps, dial by voice, send text messages, and set alarms. You can build up your bag of tricks as your confidence grows.

Siri’s understanding of casual spoken commands is so impressive that you might sometimes think she’s almost human. And that, of course, is exactly what Apple wants.

You can say all kinds of off-kilter things to Siri. After you’ve encountered a few of her answers, you won’t be surprised to find out that Apple actually employs a comedy-writing team exclusively for Siri-humor purposes.

For example, if you ask her, “What is the meaning of life?” she responds with one of more than a dozen different answers. She might say, “I can’t answer that now, but give me some time to write a very long play in which nothing happens.” Or “It’s nothing Nietzsche couldn’t teach ya.” Or: “All evidence to date suggests it’s chocolate.”

Siri is full of such comebacks, and there are whole websites dedicated to her snark. Here are a few examples. (This list won’t ruin the fun, because Siri actually has several different comebacks to most of these questions.)

You: “Who’s your daddy?” Siri: “You are. Can we get back to work now?”

You: “Open the pod bay doors, Hal.” Siri: “I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t do that.” (Then: “Are you happy now?”)

You: “Knock knock.” Siri: “Knock knock. Who’s there? Joshua. Joshua who? Joshua, I don’t do knock-knock jokes.”

You: “What are you wearing?” Siri: “You have the wrong personal assistant, Carl.”

You: “Who’s the boss?” Siri: (Presents the vital statistics of Bruce Springsteen.)

You: “Beam me up, Siri!” Siri: “Please remove your belt, shoes, and jacket, and empty your pockets.”

You: “Show me the money.” Siri: “I’ve found 23 ATMs that are fairly close to you...”

You, in the evening: “Good morning, Siri.” Siri: “Good morning? It’s 9:24 p.m.!”

You: “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” Siri: “42 cords of wood, to be exact. Everyone knows that.”

You: “Guess what.” Siri: “You won the lottery?”

You: “Talk dirty to me.” Siri: “Humus. Compost. Pumice. Silt. Gravel.”

You: “Why did the chicken cross the road?” Siri: “I am not perspicacious about the peregrinations of poultry.”

You: “Do you have a religion?” Siri: “My policy is the separation of spirit and silicon.”

You: “Klaatu barada nikto.” Siri: “OK, I’ll pass the message on to Gort.” (You kind of have to know The Day the Earth Stood Still to get it.)

Here are a few other things to say to Siri when you get bored:

With a little setup, you can extend Siri’s powers in some intriguing ways.

Siri easily understands common names—but if someone in your family, work, or social circle has an unusual name, you may quickly become frustrated. After all, you can’t text, call, email, or get directions to someone’s house unless Siri understands the person’s name when you say it.

One workaround is to use a relationship, as described in the previous section. That way, you can say, “Call my brother” instead of “Call Ilyich” (or whatever). Another is to use Siri’s pronunciation-learning feature. It kicks in in several different situations:

In each case, with tremendous courtesy, Siri walks you through the process of teaching her the correct pronunciation. She offers you up to three buttons; each triggers a different pronunciation. Tap Select next to the correct one (or tap Tell Siri again if none of the three is correct).

By the end of the process, Siri knows two things: how to say that person’s name aloud, and how to recognize that name when you say it.

In SettingsSiri, you can fiddle with several Siri settings: