Chapter 8. Large Type, Kid Mode & Accessibility

If you were told that the iPhone was one of the easiest phones in the world for a disabled person to use, you might spew your coffee. The thing has almost no physical keys! How would a blind person use it? It’s a phone that rings! How would a deaf person use it?

But it’s true. Apple has gone to incredible lengths to make the iPhone usable for people with vision, hearing, or other physical impairments. As a handy side effect, these features also can be fantastically useful to people whose only impairment is being under 10 or over 40.

If you’re deaf, you can have the LED flash to get your attention. If you’re blind, you can turn the screen off and operate everything—read your email, surf the web, adjust settings, run apps—by letting the phone speak what you’re touching. It’s pretty amazing (and it doubles the battery life).

You can also magnify the screen, reverse black for white (for better-contrast reading), set up custom vibrations for each person who might call you, and convert stereo music to mono (great if you’re deaf in one ear).

The kiosk mode is great for kids; it prevents them from exiting whatever app they’re using. And if you have aging eyes, you might find the Large Text option handy. You may also be interested in using the LED flash, custom vibrations, and zooming.

Here’s a rundown of the accessibility options in iOS 10. To turn on any of the features described here, open SettingsGeneralAccessibility. (And don’t forget about Siri, described in Chapter 6. She may be the best friend a blind person’s phone ever had.)


You can turn many of the iPhone’s accessibility features on and off with a triple-click of the Home button. See Accessibility Shortcut for details.


VoiceOver is a screen reader—software that makes the iPhone speak everything you touch. It’s a fairly important feature if you’re blind.

On the VoiceOver settings pane, tap the on/off switch to turn VoiceOver on. Because VoiceOver radically changes the way you control your phone, you get a warning to confirm that you know what you’re doing. If you proceed, you hear a female voice begin reading the names of the controls she sees on the screen. You can adjust the Speaking Rate of the synthesized voice.

There’s a lot to learn in VoiceOver mode, and practice makes perfect, but here’s the overview:

There are all kinds of other special gestures in VoiceOver. Make the voice stop speaking with a two-finger tap; read everything, in sequence, from the top of the screen with a two-finger upward flick; scroll one page at a time with a three-finger flick up or down; go to the next or previous screen (Home, Stocks, and so on) with a three-finger flick left or right; and more.

Or try turning on Screen Curtain with a three-finger triple-tap; it blacks out the screen, giving you visual privacy as well as a heck of a battery boost. (Repeat to turn the screen back on.)

On the VoiceOver settings screen, you’ll find a wealth of options for using the iPhone sightlessly. For example:

VoiceOver and Braille input take practice and involve learning a lot of new techniques. If you need these features to use your iPhone, then visit the more complete guide at

Or spend a few minutes (or weeks) at, a website dedicated to helping the blind use Apple gear.


Compared with a computer, an iPhone’s screen is pretty tiny. Every now and then, you might need a little help reading small text or inspecting those tiny graphics.

The Zoom command is just the ticket; it lets you magnify the screen whenever it’s convenient, up to 500 percent. Of course, at that point, the screen image is too big to fit the physical glass of the iPhone, so you need a way to scroll around on your virtual jumbo screen.

To begin, you have to turn on the master Zoom switch in SettingsGeneralAccessibility. Immediately, this magnifying lens appears:

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Scroll down and look at the Zoom Region control. If it’s set to Window Zoom, then zooming produces this movable rectangular magnifying lens. If it’s set to Full Screen Zoom, then zooming magnifies the entire screen. (And that, as many Apple Genius Bar employees can tell you, freaks out a lot of people who don’t know what’s happened.)

Now then. Next time you need to magnify things, do this:

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That’s the big-picture description of Zoom. But back in SettingsGeneralAccessibilityZoom, a few more controls await:

Oh man, this is great: In iOS 10, you can triple-click the Home button to turn the iPhone into the world’s best electronic magnifying glass. It’s perfect for dim restaurants, tiny type on pill bottles, and theater programs.

Once you’ve summoned the Magnifier, you can zoom in, turn on the flashlight, or tweak the contrast.

To set this up, open SettingsGeneralAccessibilityMagnifier. Turn on Magnifier. Turn on Auto-Brightness, too; it’ll help the picture look best.

Then, next time you need a magnifying glass, triple-click the Home button. Instantly, the top part of the screen becomes a zoomed-in view of whatever is in front of the camera.

At this point, you gain a wealth of options for making that image even clearer (next page, left):

The Filters screen offers even more tools for making things clear:

To exit the Filters screen, tap again; to exit the Magnifier, press the Home button.

This item, and some of the features in it, are new in iOS 10. They affect the color schemes of the entire screen, in hopes of making it easier for you to see.

Your phone can read to you aloud: an email message, a web page, a text message—anything. Your choices here go like this:

How to De-Sparsify iOS 10’s Design

When Apple introduced the sparse, clean design of iOS 7 (which carries over into iOS 10), thousands blogged out in dismay: “It’s too lightweight! The fonts are too spindly! The background is too bright! There aren’t rectangles around buttons—we don’t know what’s a button and what’s not! The Control Center is transparent—we can’t read it! You moved our cheese—we hate this!”

Well, Apple may not agree with you about the super-lightweight design. But at least it has given you options to change it. You can make the type bigger and bolder, the colors heavier, the background dimmer. You can restore outlines around buttons. And so much more.

All of these options await in SettingsGeneralAccessibility.

Larger Text

This option is the central control panel for iOS’s Dynamic Type feature. It’s a game-changer if you, a person with several decades of life experience, often find type on the screen too small.

Using the slider, you can choose a larger type size for all text the iPhone displays in apps like Mail, iBooks, Messages, and so on. This slider doesn’t affect all the world’s other apps—at least until their software companies update them to make them Dynamic Type–compatible. That day, when it comes, will be glorious. One slider to scale them all.

Suppose your physical skills are limited to very simple gestures: puffing on an air pipe, pressing a foot switch, blinking an eye, or turning the head, for example. A hardware accessory called a switch lets you operate certain gadgets this way.

When you turn on Switch Control, the iPhone warns you that things are about to get very different. Tap OK.

Now the phone sequentially highlights one object on the screen after another; you’re supposed to puff, tap, or blink at the right moment to say, “Yes, this one.”

If you don’t have a physical switch apparatus, you can use one nature gave you: your head. The iPhone’s camera can detect when you turn your head left or right and can trigger various functions accordingly.

If you’d like to try it out, open SettingsGeneralAccessibilitySwitch Control. Tap SwitchesAdd New SwitchCameraLeft Head Movement.

On this screen, you choose what a left head-turn will mean to your phone. The most obvious option is Select Item, which you could use in conjunction with the sequential highlighting of controls on the screen. But you can also make it mean “Press the Home button,” “Activate Siri,” “Adjust the volume,” and so on.

Once you’ve made your selection, repeat that business for Right Head Movement.

When you return to the Switch Control screen, turn on Switch Control. Now your phone is watching you; whenever you turn your head left or right, it activates the control you set up. Pretty wild.

The controls here let you specify how fast the sequential highlighting proceeds, whether or not it pauses on the screen’s first item, how many times the highlighting cycles through each screenful, and so on.

To turn off Switch Control, tap the on/off switch again. Or, if you’re using some other app, triple-press the Home button to open the Accessibility shortcut panel. If you had the foresight to add Switch Control to its options (Accessibility Shortcut), then one tap does the trick.

Switch Control is a broad (and specialized) feature. To read more about it, open the Accessibility chapter of Apple’s iPhone User Guide:


If you can’t hold the phone, you might have trouble shaking it (a shortcut for “Undo”); if you can’t move your fingers, just adjusting the volume might be a challenge.

This feature is Apple’s accessibility team at its most creative. When you turn AssistiveTouch on, you get a new, glowing white circle in a corner of the screen (below at top).

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You can drag this magic white ball anywhere on the edges of the screen; it remains onscreen all the time.

When you tap it, the white ball expands into the special palette shown above. It’s offering six ways to trigger motions and gestures on the iPhone screen without requiring hand or multiple-finger movement. All you have to be able to do is tap with a single finger—or even a stylus held in your teeth or foot.

You can add more buttons to this main menu, or switch around which buttons appear here. To do that, open SettingsGeneralAccessibilityAssistive TouchCustomize Top Level Menu.

Meanwhile, here are the starter six icons:

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These options are intended to accommodate people who find it difficult to trigger precise taps on the touchscreen. For example:

The 3D Touch option (Notifications While You’re Working) may be the hot feature of the iPhone 6s and 7 families. But it may also drive you crazy.

Here you can turn the feature off, or just adjust the threshold of pressure (Light, Medium, Firm) required to trigger a “3D touch.” (Apple even gives you a sample photo thumbnail to practice on, right on this screen, so you can gauge which degree of pressure you like best.)


The first option here controls whether or not the onscreen keyboard’s keys turn into CAPITALS when the Shift key is pressed; see Tip.

The others control what happens when you’ve hooked up a physical keyboard to your iPhone—a Bluetooth keyboard, for example:

In most of Apple’s apps, you can undo your most recent typing or editing by giving the iPhone a quick shake. (You’re always asked to confirm.) This is the On/Off switch for that feature—handy if you find yourself triggering Undo accidentally.

Here’s a master Off switch for all vibrations the phone makes. Alarms, notifications, confirmations—all of it.

As Apple’s lawyers cheerfully point out on this screen, turning off vibrations also means you won’t get buzzy notifications of “earthquake, tsunami, and other emergency alerts.” Goodness!

When a call comes in, where do you want it to go? To your headset? Directly to the speakerphone? Or the usual (headset unless there’s no headset)? Here’s where you make a choice that sticks, so you don’t have to make it each time a call rings.

If you have motor-control problems of any kind, you might welcome this enhancement. It’s an option to widen the time window for registering a double-press or triple-press of the Home button. If you choose Slow or Slowest, the phone accepts double- and triple-presses spaced far and even farther apart, rather than interpreting them as individual presses a few seconds apart.

This screen also lets you turn off the new Rest Finger to Open feature, which saves you a click when you’re unlocking the phone (Home Button).


Reachability is the feature described in Two Touches: Reachability, the one that brings the top half of the screen downward when you double-touch (not fully press) the Home button. It’s designed to let you reach things on the top of the screen while holding one of the larger iPhones with only one hand. If you find yourself triggering this feature accidentally, you’ll be happy to know that this Off switch awaits.

Hearing Assistance

The next options in SettingsGeneralAccessibility are all dedicated to helping people with hearing loss.

Hearing Aids

A cellphone is bristling with wireless transmitters, which can cause interference and static if you wear a hearing aid. But the iPhone offers a few solutions.

First, try holding the phone up to your ear normally when you’re on a call. If the results aren’t good, see if you can switch your hearing aid from M mode (acoustic coupling) to T mode (telecoil). If so, turn on Hearing Aid mode (iPhone 5 and later), which makes it work better with T-mode hearing aids.

This settings panel also lets you “pair” your phone with a Bluetooth hearing aid. These wireless hearing aids offer excellent sound but eat hungrily through battery charges.

Hearing aids bearing the “Made for iPhone” logo work especially well—they sound great and don’t drain the battery.


A TTY is a teletype or text telephone. It’s a machine that lets deaf people make phone calls by typing instead of speaking.

Previous versions of iOS worked with TTY equipment—but in iOS 10, there’s a built-in software TTY that requires no hardware to haul around. It resembles a chat app, and it works like this: When you place a phone call (using the standard Phone app), the iPhone gives you a choice of what kind of call you want to place:

For more on using TTY on the iPhone, visit

LED Flash for Alerts

If you’re deaf, you know when the phone is ringing—because it vibrates, of course. But what if it’s sitting on the desk, or it’s over there charging? This option lets you know when you’re getting a call, text, or notification by blinking the flash on the back of the phone—the very bright LED light.

Mono Audio

If you’re deaf in one ear, then listening to any music that’s a stereo mix can be frustrating; you might be missing half the orchestration or the vocals. When you turn on the Mono Audio option in SettingsGeneralAccessibility, the iPhone mixes everything down so that the left and right channels contain the same monaural playback. Now you can hear the entire mix in one ear.

These options govern Internet videos that you play in the iPhone’s Videos app (primarily those from Apple’s own iTunes Store.)

It’s amazing how quickly even tiny tots can master the iPhone—and how easily they can muck things up with accidental taps.

Guided Access solves that problem rather tidily. It’s kiosk mode. That is, you can lock the phone into one app; the victim cannot switch out of it. You can even specify which features of that app are permitted. Never again will you find your Home screen icons accidentally rearranged or text messages accidentally deleted.

Guided Access is also great for helping out people with motor-control difficulties—or teenagers with self-control difficulties.

To turn on Guided Access, open SettingsGeneralAccessibilityGuided Access; turn the switch On.

Now a Passcode Settings button appears. Here’s where you protect Guided Access so the little scamp can’t shut it off—at least not without a six-digit passcode (Set Guided Access Passcode) or your fingerprint.

You can also set a time limit for your kid’s Guided Access. Tap Time Limit to set up an alarm or a spoken warning when time is running out.

Finally, the moment of truth arrives: Your kid is screaming for your phone.

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Open whatever app you’ll want to lock in place. Press the Home button three times fast. The Guided Access screen appears. At this point, you can proceed in any of three ways:

Later, when you get the phone back and you want to use it normally, triple-press the Home button again; enter your passcode or offer your fingerprint. At this point, you can tap Options to change them, Resume to go back into kiosk mode, or End to return to the iPhone as you know it.

The Accessibility settings offer one of the greatest shortcuts of all time: the ability to dim your screen, instantly, with a triple-click on the Home button. You don’t have to open the Control Center, visit Settings, or fuss with a slider; it’s instantaneous. This trick is Apple’s gift to people who go to movies, plays, nighttime drives, or anywhere else where full screen brightness isn’t appropriate, pleasant, or comfortable—and digging around in the Control Center or Settings takes too much time.

It’s a bunch of steps to set up, but you have to take them only once. After that, the magic is yours whenever you want it.

Ready? Here’s the setup.

At this point, you can press the Home button to get out of Settings.

From now on, whenever you triple-click the Home button, you turn on a gray filter that cuts the brightness of the screen by 30 percent. (Feel free to fine-tune the dimness of your new Insta-Dim setting at that point, using the Control Center; see Control Center.) It doesn’t save you any battery power, since the screen doesn’t think it’s putting out any less light. But it does give you instant darkening when you need it in a hurry—like when a potentially important text comes in while you’re in the movie theater.

Triple-click again to restore the original brightness, and be glad.

Accessibility Shortcut

Burrowing all the way into the SettingsGeneralAccessibility screen is quite a slog when all you want to do is flip some feature on or off. Therefore, you get this handy shortcut: a fast triple-press of the Home button.

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That action produces a little menu, in whatever app you’re using, with on/off switches for the iPhone’s various accessibility features.

It’s up to you, however, to indicate which ones you want on that menu. That’s why you’re on this screen—to turn on the features you want to appear on the triple-press menu. Your options are Magnifier, VoiceOver, Invert Colors, Color Filters, Reduce White Point, Zoom, Switch Control, and AssistiveTouch.