Glossary and Acronyms

Abwehr German military secret service, meaning ‘defence’ in German.
30AU 30 Assault Unit Royal Marines, also known as 30 Commando.
BNI British Naval Intelligence.
‘C’ Head of British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) MI6.
CIA Central Intelligence Agency, replaced OSS, USA.
DEV División Española de Voluntarios, Blue Division.
DNI Director of Naval Intelligence, British.
Enigma German code machine system.
Estado Novo ‘New State’ Portuguese right-wing political party.
FET Falange Española Tradicionalista, Fascist party of Spain.
FO Foreign Office, British.
GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters, Bletchley Park.
Gestapo Geheime Staatspolizei, German secret state police.
GRU Soviet military intelligence JIC Joint Intelligence Committee, British.
KO Kriegs-Organisation stations Abwehr.
KTB German National defence branch.
MoI Ministry of Information, British.
MI5 Military Intelligence section 5. British counter-intelligence service.
MI6 Military Intelligence section 6. British espionage service, often known as SIS.
17M Signals section NID.
MEW Ministry Economic Warfare, British.
NID Naval Intelligence Division, British.
NKGB The People’s Commissariat for State Security, Russian 1941–46.
NKVD Narodnyi Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del, Soviet secret police.
NSA National Security Agency, USA.
OKW Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, German Armed Forces High Command.
OSS Office of Strategic Services, replaced by CIA, USA.
PVDE Portuguese Secret Police.
RM Royal Marines.
RNVR Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve.
RSHA Reichssicherheitshauptamt, supreme state security department. Set up in 1939 to supervise the Gestapo and SD.
Section D SIS sabotage section.
SD Sicherheitsdienst, secret service branch of the SS.
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe.
SIPO Sicherheitspolizei, security police of the Gestapo and SD.
SIS Secret Intelligence Service, British, also known as MI6.
SMERSH ‘Death to Spies’, counter-intelligence service of the Red Army.
SOE Special Operations Executive, British originally Section D of SIS.
SS Schutzstaffel, or protection squad. The original title for Hitler’s bodyguard.
SO2 Sabotage Section SOE (Naval).
Station X GC & CS, Bletchley Park.
Ultra Ultra decoded encrypted Axis radio communications classified ‘Ultra Secret.’
W/T Wireless Telegraph.
WTA War Trade Agreement.