The NOOK Tablet comes with a number of built-in apps, including for Netflix, Pandora, Hulu Plus (Chapter 8), Contacts (Chapter 15), playing music, viewing pictures and videos (Chapter 10), and more. For the full rundown on those apps, check out the chapters where they’re covered. The following pages tell you about three other notable apps built into the NOOK Tablet.
Depending on when you bought your NOOK Color, it may not come with Netflix or Hulu Plus on it, and may not be able to run Hulu Plus. See the tip in Tip for more info on how you can get these apps onto your NOOK Color.
Crossword. You have a NOOK Tablet, so no doubt you’re a book lover. There’s a good chance that you’re a crossword lover as well, so try out this app. Fight the urge to tap the Hint button—that’s cheating!
Sudoku. With your NOOK Tablet, a good Sudoku puzzle is always within easy reach. You can choose from several levels of play, and there’s even a timer to track how long it takes to do a puzzle, so you can watch your skills improve. For help as you learn the game, there are Undo and Redo buttons and also a Hint button that you can use as a last resort.
Chess. Want to play chess but don’t have a partner nearby? You’ve got one on your NOOK Tablet. To play, drag a piece to the spot where you want to move it. It’s a nice app for a quick chess game, but it doesn’t let you play online against others, and doesn’t include extras like changing the difficulty level.